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Margaret Atwood(アトウッド)研究のFree Text Articles

 Margaret, Atwood(マーガレット・アトウッド)研究に関するOpen Access(オープンアクセス)研究論文、ブックレヴューを紹介します。

  1. AFP
    Canadian author Margaret Atwood rejects social campaigner role [Words: 321]   In: AFP American Edition, Date: Oct 22, 2008

  2. Andro, Linklater
    The devil's work.PAYBACK: DEBT AND THE SHADOW SIDE OF WEALTH by Margaret Atwood Bloomsbury, £9.99, pp. 230, ISBN 9780747598497(review) [Words: 656]    In: Spectator, The London. Dec 13, 2008

  3. Beauchesne, Mitt
    Alias Grace.. [ Review] [Words: 238]    In: National Review, Feb 10, 1997

  4. Bendall, Molly
    Morning in the Burned House.. [ Review] [Words: 296]    In: The Antioch Review, Mar 22, 1996

  5. Charlotte Moore
    Weapons and dark places. MORAL DISORDER by Margaret Atwood Bloomsbury,[ Review] [Words: 632]    In: Spectator, The London, Sep 23, 2006

  6. Domville, Eric
    New productions/new roles: the Canadian Opera Company presents the Canadian premiere of The Handmaid's Tale by Poul Ruders and Paul Bentley.. [Words: 1277]    In: Opera Canada, Date: Sep 22, 2004

  7. Everett-Green, Robert.
    Words into music: Novelist Margaret Atwood and the art of the opera librettist..[Interview] [Words: 1697]    In: Opera Canada, Jun 22, 2003

  8. Gallagher, Maggie
    The Robber Bride.. [Book review] [Words: 956]    In: National Review, Feb 7, 1994

  9. Giffin, Michael
    Writing and reading the canons. [Words: 5049]    In: Quadrant, Jun 1, 2007

  10. Howells, Coral Ann
    Wilderness and the Natural Environment: Margaret Atwood's Recycling of a Canadian Theme.. [Book review] [Words: 618]    In: Yearbook of English Studies, Jan 1, 2001

  11. Kruger, Jan-Louis
    Hands as markers of fragmentation. [Words: 8425]    In: Literator, Aug 1, 2005
        **Title Annotation: Margaret Atwood's "The Blind Assassin "**

  12. L.A. LIFE
    ATWOOD'S AMAZING `GRACE' : FAMED MURDER CASE REVISITED..[Words: 1297]    In: Daily News (Los Angeles, CA), Jan 5, 1997

  13. L.A. LIFE
    AUTHOR ATWOOD MAKES HER CASE.. [Review] [Words: 1043]    In: Daily News (Los Angeles, CA), Dec 15, 1996

  14. Levitov, Francine
    Atwood, Margaret. The Penelopiad.. [Book review] [Words: 202]    In: Kliatt, Jan 1, 2007

  15. Littler, William
    Handmaid's Tale..[Opera in Review] [Words: 344]    In: Opera Canada, Jun 22, 2000

  16. Lonie, Bridie
    Karen Armstrong, A Short History of Myth: Margaret Atwood, The Penelopiad: The Myth of Penelope and Odysseus.. [Book Review] [Words: 1556]    In: Junctures: The Journal for Thematic Dialogue, Dec 1, 2006

  17. McCormick, Patrick
    The Book of Ruth.. [Book Review] [Words:2055]    In: U.S. Catholic, May 1, 1997

  18. McCormick, Patrick
    Thrice-told tales.. [Words: 2055]    In: U.S. Catholic, May 1, 1997

  19. McWilliams, Ellen
    The pleasures and dangers of storytelling in Margaret Atwood's The Robber Bride.. [Critical essay] [Words: 1130]    In: Notes on Contemporary Literature, May 1, 2007

  20. Mujica, Barbara
    Alias Grace.. [Book Review] [Words: 1127]    In: Americas (English Edition), Nov 1, 1997

  21. Mujica, Barbara
    The Blind Assassin.. [Book Review] [Words: 984]    In: Americas (English Edition), Jan 1, 2001

  22. Mujica, Barbara
    Of fantastic futures and imagined pasts.. [Book Review] [Words: 2297]    In: Americas (English Edition), Sep 1, 2003

  23. Ormsby, Eric
    Penelope with attitude: a retelling of Homer overshadowed by indignation.. [Book Review] [Words: 1298]    In: Literary Review of Canada, Mar 1, 2006

  24. Schwartz, Amy E
    . The handmaid's tale.. [Book Review] [Words: 723]    In: Washington Monthly, Apr 1, 1986

  25. Simon, John
    The Handmaid's Tale.. [Movie review] [Words: 233]    In: National Review, May 14, 1990

  26. Spencer, Guylaine
    The allure of Atwood's Toronto: long a destination for writers and literary fans, this eclectic city has provided the setting for many popular novels by Canada's leading author.. [Words: 3396]    In: Americas (English Edition), Nov 1, 2005

  27. Stockland, Peter
    The bishop and the strike.. [Words: 1394]    In: Catholic Insight, Jan 1, 2000

  28. Theiss, Nola
    Atwood, Margaret. Moral disorder.. [Audiobook review] [Words: 241]    In: Kliatt, Jan 1, 2007

  29. Alias Grace.. [Book Review] [Words: 1595]    In: LawNow, Dec 1, 2000

  30. Moral Disorder.. [Book review] [Words: 630]    In: Bookmarks, Nov 1, 2006


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