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ジャック・デリダ/ Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) 研究論文(1)

 ジャック・デリダJacques Derrida)研究の2010-2013年に英語で書かれた論文のご案内です。
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  第2集: 2006-2009 ; 第3集: 2001-2005 ?; 第4集: 1991-2000 ?

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H/I] [J/K]  [L] [M] [N/O] [P] [R] [S] [T/U] [V-Z]

  1. Abblitt, Stephen.;
    Duchamp, Debord & Derrida walk into a bar: art, theory & everyday life. In: Encounters: refereed conference papers of the 17th annual AAWP conference, 2012, 9 pp.

  2. Abraham, Frederick D.;
    Brief Comment on Gregory Nixon's Hollows of Experience: DerridaIn: Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, April 2010, Vol. 1, Issue 3, pp. 339-342(4)

  3. Acosta López, María del Rosario.;
    Hegel and Derrida on Forgiveness: The Impossible at the Core of the Political. In: Derrida Today, Vol. 5(2012), no. 1, pp. 55-68(14)

  4. Aliakbari, H. and Abjadian, A.;
    "What is it else?". Love's (Con-)Text in Romeo and Juliet . In: kata 2012, 14(1), pp. 15-22(8)

  5. Alipaz, Daniel.;
    Bergson and Derrida: A Question of Writing Time as Philosophy's Other.
      In: Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy - Revue de la philosophie francaise et de langue francaise, Vol XIX, No 2 (2011), pp 96-120(25)

  6. Alipaz, Daniel.;
    Merleau-Ponty's Bergson: Writing 'Time' as the Intuition of Intuitions. In: Philament Issue 18(2012), pp. 66-83(18)

  7. Andresen, Joshua.;
    Deconstruction, Secularism, and Islam. In: Philosophy Today, 56(2012), no. 4, pp. 375-392(18)

  8. Aristarkhova, Irina.;
    Hosting the animal: the art of Kathy High. In: Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, Vol. 2, 2010, pp. 1-12(12)

  9. Asensi, Manuel.;
    Kristeva and Derrida : Face-to-Face (Who Invented Deconstruction?). In: Cincinnati Romance Review, 35 (Spring 2013): pp. 91-104(14)

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  10. Barad, Karen.;
    Quantum Entanglements and Hauntological Relations of Inheritance: Dis/continuities, SpaceTime Enfoldings, and Justice-to-Come. In: Derrida Today, 3.2 (2010): pp. 240-268(29)

  11. Barbour, Charles.;
    The Secret, the Sovereign, and the Lie: Reading Derrida's Last Seminar.nbsp;In: Societies, 2013, 3, pp. 117-127(11)

  12. Baring, Edward.;
    Liberalism and the Algerian War: The Case of Jacques Derrida.nbsp;In: Critical Inquiry, Vol. 36, No. 2 (Winter 2010), pp. 239-261(23)

  13. Barker, Stephen.;
    Post-scriptum: Pharmacodemocracy. In: Derrida Today, Vol. 5(2012), no. 1, pp. 1-20(20)

  14. Barreto, Jose-Manuel.;
    Rorty and human rights. Contingency, emotions and how to defend human rights telling stories. In: Utrechtlawreview, Vol. 7, Issue. 2(April, 2011), pp. 93-112(20)

  15. Belvis, Cyril.;
    Death, event, and A Deconstruction of Gihapon in Flores ni Maria Ssantisima. In: Kritika Kultura, 20(2013): pp. 27-47(21)

  16. Ben, Joshua & Nichols, David.;
    Following Hegel's Sovereign Beast: An Excursus on the Right of Heroes. In: Societies, 2013, 3(1), pp. 24-42(19)

  17. Bennett, Karen.;
    At the Selvedges of Discourse: Negotiating the "In-Between" in Translation Studies. In: Word and Text: A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics, Vol. II, Issue 2, December / 2012, pp. 43-61(19)

  18. Bennington, Geoffrey.;
    A Moment of Madness: Derrida's Kierkegaard. In: Oxford Literary Review, Vol. 33(2011), no. 1, pp. 103-127(25) ISBN: 2011-07-01

  19. Bennington, Geoffrey.;
    Dust. In: Oxford Literary Review, Vol. 34(2012), no. 1, pp. 25-49(25)

  20. Bennington, Geoffrey.;
    Rigor, or, Stupid Uselessness. In: The Southern Journal of Philosophy. Special Issue: Spindel Supplement: Derrida and the Theologico-Political: From Sovereignty to the Death Penalty, Vol. 50, Issue Supplement s1, September 2012, pp. 20-38(19)

  21. Berger, Anne E. and Segarra, Marta.;
    Thoughtprints. In: Demenageries Thinking (of) Animals after Derrida. Edited by Anne Emmanuelle Berger and Marta Segarra. / Critical Studies. Vol. 35 / Rodopi, 2011. ISBN: 978-90-420-3350-4; pp. 3-22(20)

  22. Birchall, Clare.;
    Transparency, Interrupted. Secrets of the Left. In: Theory, Culture & Society 2011, Vol. 0(0): pp. 1-25(25)

  23. Bitan, Shachaf.;
    Winnicott and Derrida: Development of logic-of-play. In: The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 93, Issue 1, February 2012, pp. 29-51(23)

  24. Bohrer, Ashley J.;
    No (Wo)Man is an Island: Sexual Difference in Derrida and Beyond. In: Kritike, vol. 7, no. 1, June 2013, pp. 36-46(11)

  25. Bornedal P.;
    Derrida's Paralogism of Writing: A Critique of Deconstructionist Reasoning. Paper, Chicago, US, 2013. 8 pp.

  26. Botz-Bornstein, Thorsten.;
    Speech, Writing, and Play in Gadamer and DerridaIn: Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, vol. 9, no. 1, 2013 , pp. 249-264(16)

  27. Broadfoot, Keith.;
    Drawing as outside art history: a response to drawing now. In: Drawing and Visualisation Research, 2011, 7 pp.

  28. Brun, Cathrine.;
    Hospitality: Becoming 'IDPs' and 'Hosts' in Protracted Displacement. In: Journal of Refugee Studies, Vol. 23(2010), No. 3, pp. 337-355(19)

  29. Burt, Richard.;
    Shelf-Life: Biopolitics, the New Media Archive, and 'Paperless' Persons. In: New Formations, Number 78, Summer 2013 , pp. 22-45(24)

  30. Byrne, Eleanor.;
    Trick Questions: Cosmopolitan Hospitality. In: Open Arts Journal, no. 1, Summer 2013, pp. 68-77(10)

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  31. Caputo, John D.;
    The Return of Anti-Religion: From Radical Atheism to Radical Theology. In: Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, vol. 11 no. 2 (Spring 2011): pp. 32-125(93)

  32. Cassatella, Andrea.;
    Beyond Indivisible Unconditionality: Sovereignty in the Thought of Jacques DerridaIn: CPSA 2013 Annual Conference. Canadian Political Science Association June 4-6, 2013 University of Victoria. 16 pp.

  33. Casten, J.D.;
    Derrida. The Subject of Deconstruction. In: Cybernetic Revelation: Deconstructing Artificial Intelligence. Post Egoism Media, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-9854802-0-2; pp. 465-487(23)

  34. Cavanag, Connor.;
    The Eichmann Aporia: Derrida and Transitional Jurisprudence After Nuremberg. In: Sophia: Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy, vol. 14(2011), pp. 1-16(16)

  35. Chang, Huang-kun.;
    Hospitality Ethics and Education: J. Derrida's Perspective. In: Bulletin of Educational Research, March, 2010, Vol. 56 No. 1 pp. 1-29(29)

  36. Cheng, Chung-Ying.;
    Deconstruction and Differance: Onto-Return and Emergence in A Daoist Interpretation of Derrida.  In: Journal of Chinese Philosophy. Special Issue: European and Chinese Philosophy: Origins and Intersections, Vol. 39, Issue Supplement S1, December 2012, pp. 31-50(20)

  37. Chenoweth, Katie.;
    The Force of a Law: Derrida, Montaigne, and the Edict of Villers-Cotterets (1539). In: The Comparatist, 36(2012), pp. 67-85(19)

  38. Chin-Yi, Chung.;
    Derrida's Deconstruction of Jean-Luc Nancy. In: The Criterion: An International Journal in English ISSN 0976-8165 Vol. II. Issue. I, April 2011, pp. 1-6(6)

  39. Chin-Yi, Chung.;
    Derrida's intervention in phenomenology. In: BARNOLIPI - An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. I, Issue III. October 2011. ISSN 2249-2666. 26 pp.

  40. Chin-Yi, Chung.;
    Metaphysics and Representation: Derrida's Views on the Truth in Painting. In: Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, Vol. 2(2010), no. 1, Special Issue, Visual Arts, pp. 65-71(7)

  41. Chin-Yi, Chung.;
    Reflections on Derrida's Metaphysical Phenomenology. In: Luvah: Journal of the Creative Imagination, vol. 1, Spring 2012, 9 pp.

  42. Chin-Yi, Chung.;
    The relation of Deconstruction to Ricoeur and Levinas. In: HUMANICUS .Academic journal of humanities, social sciences and philosophy, issue #4/5, Summer 2010, pp. 5-31(25)

  43. Chin-Yi, Chung.;
    The Relation of Badiou and Žižek to DerridaIn: Luvah: Journal of the Creative Imagination, vol. 4(2013), 7 pp.

  44. Chin-Yi, Chung.;
    The Relation of Merleau-Ponty and Blanchot to DerridaIn: LiBRI. Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation, Vol 1, No 2 (2010), pp. 9-23(15)

  45. Chin-Yi, Chung.;
    The Deconstruction Theory of Derrida and Heidegger - A Study. In: IRWLE, Vol. 6, no. I, January 2010, pp. 1-13(13)

  46. Clark, Timothy.;
    Scale. In: Telemorphosis: Theory in the Era of Climate Change, Vol. 1. Edited by Tom Cohen. Open Humanities Press. 2012. ISBN-13 978-1-60785-237-7; pp. 148-166(19)

  47. Clemens, Justin.;
    The Age of Plastic; or, Catherine Malabou on the Hegelian Futures Market. [ Review Article]. In: Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, Vol 6, No 1 (2010), pp. 153-162(10)

  48. Costache, Adrian.;
    On the Philosophical Styles of the Times: Some Questions Concerning the Meaning of Deconstruction. In: Journal for Communication and Culture, 1, no. 2 (Winter 2011): pp. 20-29(10)

  49. Costello, Peter.;
    Towards a Phenomenology of (In)Security: Husserl, Blanchot, and DerridaIn: The Philosophy of Security in an Insecure World. Proceedings of XXV Varna International Philosophical School June, 01st - 03rd 2008. c Editor - Vesselin Petrov, 2010. c IPhR-BAS, 2010. ISBN 978-954-92549-2-1; pp. 321-334(14)

  50. Crews, Chris.;
    And Say The Bakemono Responded: Animism, Derrida and theQuestion of the Animal in Hayao Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke. In: Journal for Critical Animal Studies, Vol. VIII(2010), Issue 4, pp. 47-77(31)

  51. Cruickshank, Leon.;
    The Case for a Re-evaluation of Deconstruction and Design: Against Derrida, Eisenman and their Choral Works. In: O Triunfo do Desenho. ed. / Eduardo Corte-Real. Lisboa, Portugal : Livros Horizonte, 2010. pp. 353-361(9)

  52. Culbertson, Carolyn.;
    My Language Which Is Not My Own: Heidegger and Derrida's Challenge to Linguistic Determinism. In: The Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Heidegger Circle, Southern Connecticut State University. New Haven, CT May 2-5, 2013. pp. 166-190(25)

  53. Custer, Olivia.;
    Angling for A Stranglehold on the Death Penalty. In: The Southern Journal of Philosophy. Special Issue: Spindel Supplement: Derrida and the Theologico-Political: From Sovereignty to the Death Penalty, Vol. 50, Issue Supplement s1, September 2012, pp. 160-173(14)

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  54. D'Cruz, Carolyn & D'Cruz, Glenn.;
    'Even the Ghost was more than one person': Hauntology and Authenticity in Todd Haynes's I'm Not There. In: Film-Philosophy, 17.1 (2013), pp. 315-330(16)

  55. Dahl, Espen.;
    On morality of speech: Cavell's critique of DerridaIn: Continental Philosophy Review, March 2011, Vol. 44, Issue 1, pp 81-101(21)

  56. Dalferth, I. U.;
    Self-sacrifice. In: International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, December 2010, Vol. 68, Issue 1-3, pp 77-94(18)

  57. Daniel, Karpinski.;
    Aphorisms / Aporias / Appropriations Derrida and Architecture (Case Study Canada) . In: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 3 No. 19; November 2013, pp. 17-20(4)

  58. de Vela-Santos, Remedios Regina.;
    Verging on divine: The matter of Benedictine silence and the justification of law and language. In: Journal of Pragmatics 43 (2011) 2337-2359(26)

  59. de Ville, Jacques.;
    Deconstructing the Leviathan: Derrida's The Beast and the Sovereign. In: Societies, 2012, 2(4), pp. 357-371(15)

  60. De Ville, J.;
    Madness and the law: The Derrida/Foucault debate revisited. In: Law and Critique, 21 (2010). pp. 17-37(21)

  61. de Ville, Jacques.;
    On law's origin: Derrida reading Freud, Kafka and Levi-Strauss. In: Utrechtlawreview. Vol. 7, Issue 2 (April) 2011, pp. 77-92(16)

  62. de Ville, J.;
    Rethinking power and law: Foucault's Society must be Defended. In: International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 24 (2011), pp. 211-226(16)

  63. Dervin, Fred & Layne, Heidi.;
    A guide to interculturality for international and exchange students: an example of Hostipitality?  In: Journal of Multicultural Discourses, Vol. 8 (2013), Issue 1, pp. 1-19(19)

  64. Di Palma, Marco Michael.;
    Rousseau and the Reserve of Nature: A Rejoinder to DerridaIn: French Studies, (2013) 67 (3): pp. 307-322(16)

  65. Dickinson, Colby.;
    Canon as an act of creation: Giorgio Agamben and the extended logic of the messianic. In: Bijdragen: International Journal in Philosophy and Theology, 71:2, 2010: pp. 132-158(27)

  66. Drichel, Simone.;
    Towards a "radical acceptance of vulnerability": Postcolonialism and Deconstruction. In: SubStance, #132, Vol. 42, no. 3, 2013, pp. 46-66(21)

  67. Duttmann, Alexander Garcia.;
    A Matter of Life and Death: Spinoza and DerridaIn: Spinoza now / Dimitris Vardoulakis, editor. University of Minnesota, 2011. ISBN 978-0-8166-7281-3; pp. 351-362(12)

  68. Dutoit, Thomas.;
    Kant's Retreat, Hugo's Advance, Freud's Erection; or Derrida's Displacements in his Death Penalty Lectures. In: The Southern Journal of Philosophy. Special Issue: Spindel Supplement: Derrida and the Theologico-Political: From Sovereignty to the Death Penalty, Vol. 50, Issue Supplement s1, September 2012, pp. 107-135(29)

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  69. Elo, Mika.;
    Digital finger: beyond phenomenological figures of touch. In: Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, Vol. 4, 2012, pp. 1-12(12)

  70. Ertel, Emmanuelle.;
    Derrida on Translation and his (Mis)reception in America. In: TRAHIR, Deuxième année, septembre 2011, pp. 1-18(18)

  71. Fassin, Didier.;
    Ethics of Survival: A Democratic Approach to the Politics of Life. In: Humanity, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Fall 2010, pp. 81-95(15)

  72. Ferrer, Carolina.;
    Data Mining the Humanities: The Impact of "French Theory" on Literary Studies. In: International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 2, No. 4, August 2012, pp. 374-377(4)

  73. Fiasse, Gaëlle.;
    Revisiting Jankélévitch's Dichotomy: Between Excusing the Ignorant and Forgiving the Wicked. In: Philosophy Today, Vol. 56, Issue 1, February 2012, pp. 3-15(13)

  74. Filipovic, Zlatan.;
    For a Future to Come: Derrida's Democracy and the Right to Literature. In: Journal of East-West Thought, vol. 3(2013), no. 1, pp. 13-23(11)

  75. Findlay, Cassie.;
    Witness and trace: January 25 graffiti and public art as archive. In: Interface: a journal for and about social movements, Vol. 4 (1): May 2012, pp. 178 - 182(5)

  76. Fiorovanti, David.;
    Badiou versus Derrida: Truth, Sts, and Sophistry. In: The Philosophical Forum, Vol. 43, Issue 1, Spring 2012, pp. 51-64(14)

  77. Fisken, Tim.;
    The Spectral Proletariat: The Politics of Hauntology in The Communist Manifesto. In: Global Discourse, 2(2011): II, pp. 1-15(15)

  78. Frabetti, Federica.;
    Rethinking the Digital Humanities in the Context of Originary Technicity. In: Cultural Machine, vol. 12(2011), pp. 1-22(22)

  79. Fraiman, Susan.;
    Pussy Panic versus Liking Animals: Tracking Gender in Animal Studies. In: Critical Inquiry, Vol. 39, No. 1 (Autumn 2012), pp. 89-115(27)

  80. Frantz, Anaïs.;
    La pudeur et ≪ la question de la femme ≫, Nietzsche dans le texte. In: Sens Public, 2011/3, 14 pp.

  81. Fratoni, Mark J.;
    What Do I Love When I Love My Patient? Toward an Apophatic Derridean Psychotherapy. In: Janus Head, 12(1), 2011pp. 95-105(11)

  82. Frazer, Elizabeth & Hutchings, Kimberly.;
    Remnants and Revenants: Politics and Violence in the Work of Agamben and DerridaIn: The British Journal of Politics & International Relations, Vol. 13, Issue 2, May 2011, pp. 127-144(18)

  83. Fredericks, Vanessa.;
    Remembering Katyn: Mourning, Memory, and National Identity. In: Memory Connection, Vol. 1(2011), no. 1, pp. 197-210(14)

  84. Fritsch, Matthias.;
    Deconstructive Aporias: Quasi-Transcendental and Normative. In: Continental Philosophy Review, November 2011, Vol. 44, Issue 4, pp 439-468(30)

  85. Fritsch, Matthias.;
    Derrida on the Deayh Penalty. In: The Southern Journal of Philosophy. Special Issue: Spindel Supplement: Derrida and the Theologico-Political: From Sovereignty to the Death Penalty, Vol. 50, Issue Supplement s1, September 2012, pp. 56-73(18)

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  86. Galetti, Dino.;
    Re-thinking What We Think About DerridaIn: Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, vol. 10(2010), no. 2m pp. 1-18(18)

  87. Ganis, Richard.;
    Care as Unqualified Gift: Derrida's (Im)possible Visitation. In: Richard Ganis.,The Politics of Care in Habermas and Derrida.Between Measurability and Immeasurability. Lexington Books, 2011. ISBN 978-0-7391-5009-2; pp. 43-61(19)

  88. Ganis, Richard.;
    Caring for Nature in Habermas and Derrida: Reconciling the Speaking and Nonspeaking Worlds at the Cost of "Re-enchantment"? In: Richard Ganis.,The Politics of Care in Habermas and Derrida.Between Measurability and Immeasurability. Lexington Books, 2011. ISBN 978-0-7391-5009-2; pp. 63-93(31)

  89. Garlick, Steve.; Matthews, Julie.; Carter, Jennifer.;
    Countering Brutality to Wildlife, Relationism and Ethics:Conservation, Welfare and the 'Ecoversity'. In: Animals 2011, 1, pp. 161-175(15)

  90. Garnier, Marie-Dominique.;
    Animal Writes: Derrida's Que Donc and Other Tails. In: Demenageries Thinking (of) Animals after Derrida. Edited by Anne Emmanuelle Berger and Marta Segarra. / Critical Studies. Vol. 35 / Rodopi, 2011. ISBN: 978-90-420-3350-4; pp. 23-40(18)

  91. Gaston, Sean.;
    Derrida and the End of the World. In: New Literary History, Vol. 42, no. 3, Summer 2011, pp. 499-517(19)

  92. Gaston, Sean.;
    The Fables of Pity: Rousseau, Mandeville and the Animal-Fable. In: Derrida Today, Vol. 5(2012), no. 1, pp. 21-38(18)

  93. Glendinning, Simon.;
    'Europe, for example'. In: London School of Economics and Political Science LEQS Paper No. 31/ March 2011, pp. 1-21(21)

  94. Glendinning, Simon.;
    Sentencing DerridaIn: The Modern Law Review, Vol. 74, Issue 2, March 2011, pp. 306-321(16)

  95. Goldasich, Samantha & Liu, Toming Jun.;
    In the Name of the Father: A Lacanian and Derridean Analysis of Kafka's "The Judgment". In: Journal of East-West Thought, Vol. 3, no. 1, March 2013, pp. 25-30(6)

  96. Gratton, Peter.;
    Post-Deconstructive realism. In: Speculations: A Journal of Speculative Realism, IV (2013), pp. 84-90(7)

  97. Greenwalt, Kyle.;
    The Interpretation of Dreams: Ladson-Billings, Freud, and DerridaIn: Interchange, January 2010, Vol. 41, Issue 1, pp 61-80(20)

  98. Gritzner, Karoline.;
    Spirit to Ashes, Performance to Dust: Derrida, Theatre de Complicite, and the Question of a "Holy Theatre. In: Performance and Spirituality, Vol. 2, no. 1 (Spring 2011), pp. 85-110(26)

  99. Guthrie, Bernadette.;
    Invoking Derrida: Authorship, Readership, and the Specter of Presence in Film and Print. In: New Literary History, Vol. 42, No. 3 (SUMMER 2011) , pp. 519-536(18)

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  100. Hagedorn, Ludger.;
    Auto-Immunity or Transcendence: A Phenomenological Re-consideration of Religion with Derrida and Patočka. In: Phenomenology and Religion: New Frontiers. Edited by Jonna Bornemark & Hans Ruin. Södertörn philosophical studies, 8. Södertörn University, 2010. ISSN 978-91-86069-16-2; pp. 131-148(18)

  101. Hägglund, Martin.;
    The Radical Evil of Deconstruction: A Reply to John Caputo. In: Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, vol. 11 no. 2 (Spring 2011): pp. 126-150(25)

  102. Hamilton, Richard Paul.;
    Shame and Philosophy. In: Res Publica, December 2010, Vol. 16, Issue 4, pp 431-439(9)

  103. Hanafin, Patrick.:
    'As Nobody I was Sovereign': Reading Derrida Reading Blanchot. In: Societies 2013, 3, pp. 43-51(9)

  104. Hanson, Jeffrey.;
    A Tale of Two Doublets: Derrida and Kierkegaard. In: Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, vol. 10 no. 3 (Summer 2010): pp. 54-63(10)

  105. Hanson, Jeffrey.;
    Returning (to) the gift of death: violence and history in Derrida and Levinas. In: International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, February 2010, Vol. 67, Issue 1, pp 1-15(15)

  106. Hardes, Jennifer J.;
    Fear, Sovereignty, and the Right to Die. In: Societies, 2013, 3(1), pp. 66-79(14)

  107. Harding, Wendy & Martin, Jacky.;
    Oscar, Derrida's Cat, and Other Knowing Animals. In: Transatlantica, 2(2011), 14 pp.

  108. Harris, Verne.;
    Jacques Derrida meets Nelson Mandela: archival ethics at the endgame. In: Archival Science, March 2011, Vol. 11, Issue 1-2, pp 113-124(12)

  109. Hill, Leslie.;
    Not Half No End: Militantly Melancholic Essays in Memory of Jacques DerridaIn: Textual Practice, Vol. 26, Issue 6, December 2012, pp. 1111-1117(7)

  110. Hobson, Marian.;
    Apparitions of 'Freedom' (the Word). In: Derrida Today, Vol. 5(2012), no. 1, pp. 39-54(16)

  111. Hoel, Aud Sissel.;
    Thinking "difference" differently: Cassirer versus Derrida on symbolic mediation. In: Synthese, March 2011, Vol. 179, Issue 1, pp 75-91(17)

  112. Hogeveen, Bryan & Freistadt, Joshua.;
    Hospitality and the Homeless: Jacques Derrida in the Neoliberal City. In: Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology, January, 2013, Vol. 5(1):39-63(25)

  113. Horner, Robyn.;
    On Hope: Critical Re-readings. In: Australian eJournal of Theology, 15 (2010), no. 1, pp. 1-33(33)

  114. Horner, Robyn.;
    Theology After DerridaIn: Modern Theology, Vol. 29, Issue 3, July 2013, pp. 230-247(18)

  115. Houlahan, Mark.;
    New Directions: The Deconstructing `Tis Pity?: Derrida, Barthes and Ford. In: 'Tis Pity She's A Whore. A critical guide. Ed. by Lisa Hopkins. Continuum, 2010. ISBN: 9781441176219; pp. 136-151(16)

  116. Hughes, Chris.;
    Dialogue Between Fukuyama's Account of the End of History and Derrida's Hauntology. In: Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry, Fall 2012, Vol. 7, No. 18, pp. 13-26(14)

  117. Ionescu, Arleen.;
    Pas-de-noms/ Plus de noms. Derrida and Blanchot. In: Word and Text: A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics, Vol. I, No. 1/2011. pp. 59-69(11)

  118. Isidori, Emanuele.;
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