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Forster, E.M(フォースター)1879-1970 研究論文

  ヴィクトリア時代と現代を結ぶ小説家 Edward Morgan Forster(E.M. フォースター)研究論文を紹介しています。
 ここで紹介する論文・書評は企画商品CD「イギリス文学論文撰」の「20世紀前半の作家研究」の項 Forster Edward Morganに収録しています。リストは追加中です。



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  1. Acheraïou, Amar.;
    David, Adams., "Colonial-odysseys: Epic and Empire in the Modernist Novel." [Review]  In: Conradiana. Lubbock: Fall 2004. Vol. 36, no. 3; p. 262-270(9)

  2. Allen, Glen O.;
    Structure, Symbol, and Theme in Edward Morgan Forster's A Passage to India.   In: PMLA, vol. 70(1955), p. 934-954(21)

  3. Armstrong, Paul B.;
    E. M. Forster's Howards End: The Existential Crisis of the Liberal Imagination.   In: Mosaic vol. 8(1974): p. 183-199(17)

  4. Armstrong, Paul B.;
    The narrator in the closet: The ambiguous narrative voice in Howards End.   In: Modern Fiction Studies. West Lafayette: Summer 2001. Vol. 47, no. 2; p. 306-328(23)

  5. Armstrong, Paul B.;
    Reading India: E. M. Forster and the politics of interpreta.  In: Twentieth Century Literature.Hempstead: Winter 1992. Vol. 38, no. 4; p. 365-385(21)

  6. Austin, Don.;
    The Problem of Continuity in Three Novels of E. M. Forster.   In: Modern Fiction Studies, vol. 7(1961), no. 3, p. 217-228(12)

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  7. Benson, Alice R.;
    Edward Morgan Forster's Dialectic: Howards End.  In: Modern Fiction Studies, vol. 1(1955), p. 17-22(6)

  8. Blodgett, Harriet.;
    From Jacob's room to A Passage to India: A note.   In: ANQ. Lexington: Fall 1999. Vol. 12, no. 4; p. 23-24(2)

  9. Bolling, Douglass.;
    The Distanced Heart: Artistry in E. M. Forster's Maurice.   In: Modern Fiction Studies, Vol.20(1974), no. 2, p. 157-168(12)

  10. Boone, Joseph A.;
    Vacation Cruises; or the Homoerotics of Orientalism.  In: PMLA, vol. 110, no.1(Jan. 1995): p. 89-107(19)

  11. Bredbeck, Gregory W.;
    Missionary positions: Reading the Bible in Forster's "The Life to Come".   In: Journal of Homosexuality. New York: 1997. Vol. 32, no. 3-4; p. 139-161(23) ISSN: 0091-8369

  12. Brown, Tony.;
    Edward Carpenter, Forster and the Evolution of A Room with a View.   In: English Language in Transition(ELT), vol. 30: no. 33 (1987), p. 279-300(22) ISSN: 0013-8339

  13. Brown, Tony.
    E.M. Forster's Parsifal: A Reading of The Longest Journey.  In: Journal of European Studies, vol. 12(1982): p. 30-54(25)

  14. Buck, R A.;
    Forster's Howards End.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Summer 1995. Vol. 53, no 4; p. 221-224(4)

  15. Buck, R A.;
    Reading Forster's style: Face actions and social scripts in Maurice.  In: Style. DeKalb: Spring 1996. Vol. 30, no. 1; p. 69-94(26)

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  16. Cheng, Sinkwan.;
    Crossing desire and drive in A Passage to India: The subversion of the British Colonial Law in the "twilight zone of double vision".  In: Literature and Psychology. Providence: 2001. Vol. 47, no. 3; p. 1-24(24)

  17. Clark, Damion.;
    Marginally Male: Re-centering Effeminate Male Characters in E. M. Forster's a Room with a a View and Howards End. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts Georgia State University. 2005. 51pp.

  18. Cowart, David.;
    Where sense verges into spirit: E. M. Forster: 's Alexandria after 75 years.  In: Michigan Quarterly Review. Ann Arbor: Summer 1997. Vol. 36, no. 3; p. 484-493(10) ISSN: 0026-2420

  19. Crisp, Peter.;
    Allegory, Maps, and Modernity: Cognitive Change from Bunyan to Forster.  In: Mosaic : a Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature. Winnipeg: Dec 2003. Vol. 36, no. 4; p. 49-64(16)

  20. Cucullu, Lois.;
    Shepherds in the parlor: Forster's apostles, pagans, and native sons.  In: Novel. Providence: Fall 1998. Vol. 32, no.. 1; p. 19-50(32)

  21. Curr, Matthew.;
    Recuperating E.M. Forster's Maurice.   In: Modern Language Quarterly. Seattle: Mar 2001. Vol. 62, no. 1; p. 53-69(17)

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  22. Da Silva, Stephen.;
    Transvaluing immaturity: Reverse discourses of male homosexuality in E. M. Forster's posthumously published fiction.  In: Criticism. Detroit: Spring 1998. Vol. 40, no.. 2; p. 237-272(36)

  23. Daniel, Born, ;
    Private Gardens, Public Swamps: Howards End and the Revaluation of Liberal Guilt.  In: Novel, vol. 25 (1992): p. 141-159(19)

  24. Dauner, Louise.;
    What Happened in the Gave? Reflections on A Passage to India.  In: Modern Fiction Studies, vol. 7(1961), no. 3, p. 258-270(13)

  25. Davidis, Maria M.;
    Forster's imperial romance: Chivalry, motherhood, and questing in A Passage to India.  In: Journal of Modern Literature. Bloomington: Winter 1999/2000. Vol. 23, no. 2; p. 259-278(19)

  26. Delany, Paul.;
    Islands of Money': Rentier Culture in E. M. Forster's Howards End,  In: ELT, vol. 31, no. :3 (1988), p. 285-96(12)

  27. Doloff, Steven.;
    Forster's Use of Names in A Passage to India.  In: English Language Notes, vol. 28(1991), p. 61-62(2)

  28. Douglas, Doyle, T.;
    Forster's Howards End.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Summer 1994. Vol. 52, no. 4; p. 226-228(3)

  29. Elliott, David W.;
    A Psychological Literary Critique from a Jungian Perspective of E. M. Forster: 's A Passage to India. A thesis presented to the faculty of the Department of English East Tennessee State University. 2005. 116 pp.

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  30. Fillion, Michelle.;
    Edwardian perspectives on nineteenth-century music in E. M. Forster's A Room with a View.   In: Nineteenth Century Music. Berkeley: Fall 2001/2002. Vol. 25, no. 2/3; p. 266-295(30)

  31. Firchow, P. E.;
    Another Centenary: E. M. Forster.  In: Modern Fiction Studies Vol. 25(1979), no. 4, p. 559-562(4)

  32. Fordonski, Krzysztof.;
    The Homoerotic Function of Foreign Settings in the Early Fiction of E. M. Forster.  In: Working Paper Series. HUMBOLDT-UNIVERSITÄT ZU BERLIN Centre for British Studies Grosbritannien-Zentrum. 18 pp.

  33. Frank, Cathrine O.;
    Fictions of Justice: Testamentary Intention and the (Il)legitimate Heir in Trollope's Ralph the Heir and Forster's Howards End.  In: ELT, vol. 47(2003), no. 3, p. 311-330(20)

  34. Gibson, Mary Ellis.;
    Illegitimate Order: Cosmopolitanism and Liberalism in Forster's Howards End.   In: ELT, vol. 28, no. :2 (1985), p. 106-123(18)

  35. Gish, Robert.;
    Mr. Forster and Mrs. Woolf: Aspects of the Novelist as Critic.  In: Virginia Woolf Quarterly, vol. 2(Summer-Fall 1975): p.255-269(15) ISSN: 0090-4546

  36. Goodlad, Lauren M E.;
    Toward a Victorianist's Theory of Androgynous Experiment.  In: Victorian Studies. Bloomington: Winter 2005. Vol. 47, no. 2; p. 215-229(15)

  37. Gordon, Jan B.;
    The Third Cheer: `Voice' in Forster.  In: Twentieth Century Literature 32.2.3 (1985): p. 315-328(14)

  38. Gordon, Mary.;
    Things That Can't Be Phrased: Forster and Howards End.  In: Salmagundi. Saratoga Springs: Summer 2004. p. 89-103(15)

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  39. Hall, James.;
    Forster's Family Reunions.  In: ELH, vol. 25(1958), p. 60-78(19)

  40. Hall, Mary Katherine.;
    The reification of high culture in Merchant-Ivory's Howards End.  In: Literature/Film Quarterly. Salisbury: 2003. Vol. 31, no. 3; p. 221-226(6)

  41. Harned, Jon.;
    Becoming gay in E. M. Forster's Maurice.  In: Papers on Language and Literature. Edwardsville: Winter 1993. Vol. 29, no. 1; p. 49-66(18) ISSN: 0031-1294

  42. Harrison, Bernard.;
    Forster and Moore.  In: Philosophy and Literature, vol. 12(1988): p. 1-26(26)  ISSN: 0190-0013

  43. Heath, Jeffrey.;
    Kissing and telling: Turning round in A Room with a View.  In: Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Winter 1994. Vol. 40, no. 4; p. 393-433(41)

  44. Hegglund, Jon.;
    Defending the Realm: Domestic Space and Mass Cultural Contamination in Howards End and An Englishman's Home.  In: ELT, v. 40: no. 4 (1997), p. 398-423(26)

  45. Higdon, David Lean;
    Opus 3 or Opus 111 in Forster's A Room with a View?   In: English Language Notes, vol. 28(1991): p. 57-60(4)

  46. Hoffman, Frederick H.;
    Howards End and the Bogey of Progress.  In: Modern Fiction Studies, vol. 7(1961), no. 3, p. 245-257(13)

  47. Hoffman, Michael J; Ann ter Haar.;
    Whose books once influenced mine: The relationship between E. M. Forster's Howards End and Virginia Woolf's The Waves.  In: Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Spring 1999. Vol. 45, no.1; p. 46-64(19)

  48. Hoy II, Pat C.;
    The Narrow, Rich Staircase in Forster's Howards End.  In: Twentieth Century Literature, vol. 31(1985), p. 221-234(15)

  49. Hullbert, Ann.;
    The soul and discretion - Keepers of the Flame: Literary Es.  In: The New Republic. Washington: Aug 22, 1994. Vol. 211, no. 8-9; p. 40-45(6)

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  50. Kathleen, Watson,;
    E. M. Forster.  In: Notes and Queries. London: Dec 1996. Vol. 43, no. 4; p. 490-491(2)

  51. Keeling, Bret L.;
    No trace of presence": Tchaikovsky and the sixth in Forster's Maurice.  In: Mosaic : a Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature. Winnipeg: Mar 2003. Vol. 36, no. 1; p. 85-101(17)

  52. Kieran, Dolin.;
    Freedom, Uncertainty, and Diversity: A Passage to India as a Critique of Imperialist Law.  In: Texas Studies in Language and Literature, vol. 36.no. 3(1994): p. 328-352(25)

  53. Kischuck, John.;
    Forster's A Passage to India.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Spring 1998. Vol. 56, no. 3; p. 142-144(3)

  54. Kress, Nancy.;
    Hark! I see a conversation!   In: Writer's Digest. Cincinnati: Mar 2000. Vol. 80, no. 3; p. 13-16(4)

  55. Kuchta,.Todd.;
    Suburbia, Ressentiment, and the End of Empire in A Passage to India.  In: Novel. Providence: Summer 2003. Vol. 36, no, 3; p. 307-329(23)

  56. Langland,.Elizabeth.;
    Queer Forster.  In: Modern Philology, vol. 98(2000), no. 1, p. 126-129(4)

  57. Levine, June Perry.;
    Two Rooms with a View: An Inquiry into Film Adaptation.  In: Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature vol. 22(1989), no. 3. p: 67-84(18) ISSN: 0027-1276

  58. Lewis, Simon.;
    Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Summer 2001. Vol. 59, no. 4; p. 219-021(3)

  59. Lin, Lidan.;
    The irony of colonial humanism: "A Passage to India" and the politics of posthumanism.  In: Ariel. Calgary: Oct 1997. Vol. 28, no. 4; p. 133-152(21)

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  60. McClintock, Michael W.;
    The problem of stopping at slowyear.  In: Extrapolation. Kent: Winter 1997. Vol. 38, no. 4; p. 304-317(14) ISSN: 0014-5483

  61. McDowell, Frederick P.W.;
    Forster's "Natural Supernaturalism": The Tales.  In: Modern Fiction Studies , vol. 7(1961), no. 3, p. 271-283(13)

  62. Machann, Clinton.;
    Secret Selves: Confession and Same-Sex Desire in Victorian Autobiography.  In: Biography. Honolulu: Winter 1999. Vol. 22, no. 1; p. 129 -131(3)

  63. Magnus, John.;
    Ritual Aspects of E. M. Forster's The Longest Journey.  In: Modern Fiction Studies Vol.13(1967), no. 2, p. 195-210(16)

  64. Majeed, Javed.;
    Bathos, Architecture and Knowing India: E.M. Forster's A Passage to India and Nineteenth-Century British Ethnology and the Romance Quest.  In: The Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 2005, vol. 40: p. 21-36(16)

  65. Marangoly, George, Rosemary.;
    Book reviews -- Allegories of Empire: The Figure of Woman in the Colonial Text by Jenny Sharpe.  In: Victorian Studies. Bloomington: Spring 1995. Vol. 38, no. 3; p. 468-470(3)

  66. Markley, A A.;
    E.M. Forster's reconfigured gaze and the creation of a homoerotic subjectivity.  In: Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Summer 2001. Vol. 47, no. 2; p. 268-293(26)

  67. Marx, John.;
    Modernism and the female imperial gaze.  In: Novel. Providence: Fall 1998. Vol. 32, no. 1; p. 51-75(25 )

  68. Matz, Jesse.;
    Maurice in time.  In: Style. DeKalb: Summer 2000. Vol. 34, no. 2; p. 188-211(24)

  69. May, Brian.;
    Modernism and Other Modes in Forster's 'The Longest Journey.  In: Twentieth Century Literature. Vol. 42(1996). no.2. p. 234-257(24)

  70. May, Brian.;
    Neoliberalism in Rorty and Forster.  In: Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Summer 1993. Vol. 39, no. 2; p. 185-207(23)

  71. Miracky, James J.;
    Pursuing (a) Fantasy: E.M. Forster's Queering of Realism in The Longest Journey1.  In: Journal of Modern Literature. Bloomington: Winter 2003. Vol. 26, no. 2; p. 129-144(16) ISSN: 0022-281X

  72. Missey, James L.;
    Forster's Redemptive Siren.  In: Modern Fiction Studies vol. 10(1964),no. 4, p. 383-385(3)

  73. Monk, Leland.;
    Apropos of Nothing: Chance and Narrative in Forster's 'A Passage to India.   In: Studies in the Novel. Vol. 26(1994). no. 4. p. 392-403(12)

  74. Moran, Jo An Hoeppner.;
    E. M. Forster's A Passage to India: What Really Happened in the Caves.   In: Modern Fiction Studies Vol. 34(1988), no. 4, p. 596-604(9)

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  75. Nelson, Scott R.;
    Narrative Inversion: The Textual Construction of Homosexuality in E. M. Forster's Novels.   In: Style 26 (1992): p. 310-326(17)

  76. Newman, Beth.;
    'The Situation of the Looker-On': Gender, Narration, and Gaze in Wuthering Heights.  In: PMLA, vol. 105(1990): p. 1029-1041(13)

  77. Nigel, Messenger.;
    Imperial journeys, bodily landscapes and sexual anxiety: Adela's visit to the Marabar in A Passage to India.  In: Journal of Commonwealth Literature. St. Giles: 1998. Vol. 33, no. 1; p. 99-110(12) ISSN: 0021-9894

  78. Noble, R. W.;
    A Passage to India: the Genesis of E. M. Forster's Novel.  In: Encounter, vol. 54( 1980 ): p. 51-61(11)

  79. Olson, Jeane N.;
    E. M. Forster's Prophetic Vision of the Modern Family in Howards End.  In: Texas Studies in Language and Literature, vol. 35(1993): p. 347-362(16)

  80. Olson, Jeane N.;
    The 'Noble Peasant' in E. M. Forster's Fiction.  In: Studies in the Novel, vol. 20( Winter 1988 ): p. 389-403(15). ISSN: 0039-3827

  81. Outka, Elizabeth.;
    Buying Time: Howards End and Commodified Nostalgia.   In: Novel. Providence: Summer 2003. Vol. 36, no. 3; p. 330-350(21)

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  82. Parry,.Benita.;
    Materiality and mystification in A Passage to India.  In: Novel. Providence: Spring 1998. Vol. 31, no. 2; p. 174-194 (21)

  83. Peat, Alexandra.;
    Modern Pilgrimage and the Authority of Space in Forster's A Room with a View and Woolf's The Voyage Out.  In: Mosaic : a Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature. Winnipeg: Dec 2003. Vol. 36, no. 4; p. 139-153(15)

  84. Pecora, Vincent P.;
    One of Us: The Mastery of Joseph Conrad / The Modernist as Pragmatist: E. M. Forster and the Fate of Liberalism.  In: Modern Fiction Studies. West Lafayette: Winter 1997. Vol. 43, no. 4; p. 1017-1024(8)

  85. Perkowitz, Sidney.;
    Connecting with E. M. Forster.  In: The American Prospect. Princeton: May 1996. V. 7, no. 26 p. 86-91(6) ISSN: 1049-7285

  86. Perry, Levine, June.;
    The functions of the narrator's voice in literature and film: Forster and Ivory's Maurice.  In: Literature/Film Quarterly. Salisbury: 1996. Vol. 24, no. 3; p. 309-321(13)

  87. Peter Crisp;
    Allegory, Maps, and Modernity: Cognitive Change from Bunyan to Forster.  In: Mosaic. Vol. 36(2003), no. 4. p. 49-64(16)

  88. Phillips, K J.;
    Hindu Avatars, Moslem Martyrs, and Primitive Dying Gods in E. M. Forster's A Passage to India.   In: Journal of Modern Literature. Philadelphia: Summer 1988. Vol. 15, no. 1; p. 120-140(21) ISSN: 0022-281X

  89. Pinkertot, Mary.;
    Ambigous Connections: Leonard Bast's Role in Howards End.  In: Twentieth-Century Literature, vol. 31(1985), p. 236-246(11)

  90. Poburko, Nicholas.;
    Transitional passages: The metaphysical art of E.M. Forster.  In: Renascence. Milwaukee: Fall 2001. Vol. 54, no. 1; p. 23-47(25)

  91. Procter, Margaret.;
    Possibilities of Completion: The Endings of A Passage to India and Women in Love.   In: ELT, vol. 34(1991), no. :3(1991), p. 261-81(21)

  92. Quentin Bailey.;
    Heroes and homosexuals: Education and empire in E. M. Forster.  In: Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Fall 2002. Vol. 48, no. 3; p. 324-347(24)

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  93. Richard Dellamora,;
    Textual Politics/Sexual Politics.  In:Modern Language Quarterly, vol. 54. no. 1(1993): p. 155-164(10)

  94. Richard Rankin Russell.;
    E.M. Forster's Leonard Bast: A Source for Virginia Woolf's Septimus Smith.  In: English Language Notes. Boulder: Mar 2005. Vol. 42, no. 3; p. 52-67(16)

  95. Robert, Rubens.;
    The English novel in the twentieth century: 12--A hundred years of fiction: 1896 to 1996.  In: Contemporary Review. Cheam: Dec 1996. Vol. 269, no. 1571; p. 291-295(5) ISSN: 0010-7565

  96. Roessel, David..;
    Live Orientals and Dead Greeks: Forster's Response to the Chanak Crisis.  In: Twentieth-Century Literature, vol. 36(1990): no. 1 p. 43-60(18)

  97. Roy, Anindyo.;
    Savage pursuits: The shaping of colonial civility in E. M. Forster's "The Life to Come".  In: Boundary 2. Binghampton: Summer 2001. Vol. 28, no. 2; p. 229-258(30)

  98. Roy, Ashish.;
    Framing the Other: History and Literary Verisimilitude in E.M. Forster's 'The Hill of Devi.'.  In: Criticism. Vol. 36(1994). no. 2. p. 265-290(26)

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  99. Schwarz, Daniel R.;
    The Originality of E. M. Forster.  In: Modern Fiction Studies, vol. 29(1983), no. 4, p. 623-642(20)

  100. Seabury, Marcia Bundy.;
    Images of a networked society: E. M. Forster's "The Machine Stops".  In: Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Winter 1997. Vol. 34, no. 1; p. 61-71(11) ISSN: 0039-3789

  101. Shaheen, Mohammad.;
    Forster's Meredith: Meditation and Change.  In: Modern Fiction Studies vol. 29(1983), no. 2, p. 240-245(6)

  102. Shaheen, Mohammad.;
    Forster's salute to Egypt.  In: Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Spring 1993. Vol. 39, no. 1; p. 32-46(15)

  103. Simon, Richard Keller.;
    E. M. Forster's Critique of Laughter and the Comic: The First Three Novels as Dialectic.  In: Twentieth-Century Literature Vol. 31 (1985): p. 199-220(22)

  104. Silvana Caporaletti.;
    The thematization of time in E.M. Forster's "The Eternal Moment" and Joyce's "The Dead"   In: Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Winter 1997. Vol. 43, no. 4; p. 406-419(14)

  105. Sloan, John.;
    E M Forster: Critical Assessments.   In: The Review of English Studies. Oxford: Feb 2000. Vol. 51, no.201; p. 162-163(2)

  106. Stape, J. H.;
    Comparing Mythologies: Forster: 's Maurice and Pater's Marius.   In: ELT, vol. 33(1990), no. 2:2, p. 141-153(13)

  107. Steven, Doloff,;
    Forster's The Road from Colonus.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Summer 1996. Vol. 54, no. 4; p. 229-230(2)

  108. Steven Doloff.;
    More classical roots for Forster's 'The Road from Colonus'.  In: Notes and Queries. London: Jun 1998. Vol. 45, no. 2; p. 233-234(2)

  109. Steven Doloff.;
    Passionate statuary: A look into 'The Classical Annex' of E. M. Forster.  In: Notes and Queries. London: Sep 2000. Vol. 47, no. 3; p. 342-343(2)

  110. Stone, Wilfred.;
    Some Bloomsbury interviews and memories.  In: Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Summer 1997. Vol. 43, no. 2; p. 177-193(19)

  111. Stone, Wilfred.:
    Some interviews with E. M. Forster, 1957-58, 1965.  In: Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Spring 1997. Vol. 43, no. 1; p. 57-74(18)

  112. Storey, Michael L.;
    Forster's The Road from Colonus.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Spring 1991. Vol. 49, no. 3; p. 170-173(4)

  113. Summers, Claude J.;
    The Meaningful Ambiguity of Giotto in A Room with a View.  In: ELT, vol. 30(1987), no. :2, p. 165-176(12)

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  114. Tamera, Dorland.,
    "Contrary to the prevailing current"? Homoeroticism and the voice of maternal law in Forster's "The Other Boat".  In: Style. DeKalb: Fall 1995. Vol. 29, no. 3; p. 474-497(24)

  115. Thomson, George H.;
    Theme and Symbol in Howards End.  In: Modern Fiction Studies, vol. 7(1961), no. 3, p. 229-242(14)

  116. Turner, Henry S.;
    Empires of objects: Accumulation and entropy in E. M. Forster's Howards End.   In: Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Fall 2000. Vol. 46, no. 3; p. 328-345(18)

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