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  1. Ahmed, Shameem.;
    Imagining ethnicity : the role of the Montreal Bangladeshi press in ethnic cohesion.  Dissertation, 1997. 318 pp. [McGill University Libraries] [Ethicity; Ethnic]

  2. Alberto, Lourdes.;
    Making racial subjects: Indigeneity and the politics of Chicano/a cultural production.  Dissertation, 2008. 171 pp. [Rice University]

  3. Antecol, Heather.;
    Gender differentials in labor market outcomes.  Dissertation, 1999. 138 pp. [McMaster University (Canada)] [Ethnicity; Gender]

  4. Avery, Derek Reynold.;
    The role of race in organization choice: Are differences Black and White?  Dissertation, 2001. 132 pp. [Rice University]

  5. Bailey, Linda Andrea.;
    Three essays on causes of skill, racial and ethnic labor market differences.  Dissertation,2004. 107 pp. [Michigan State University]

  6. Balsa, Ana Ines.;
    Essays on information and health care disparities.  Dissertation, 2003. 186 pp. [Boston University]

  7. Beman, Alma Theresa.;
    Piagetian Theory Examined Cross-Culturally: A Tri-Ethnic Study of Children's Responses to Piageian Tasks of Conservation and Combinations.  Dissertation, 1972. 117 pp. [Rice University], [Piaget; Psychology; Education]

  8. Besancon, Marie Lynne.;
    "A tedious argument": The economic inequality-political conflict nexus revisited.  Dissertation, 2001. 99 pp. [The Claremont Graduate University]

  9. Brandt, Dorothy M.;
    Differences in goal orientations and competitive attitudes of community college students: An analysis by generation, gender, race/ethnic background, and family life cycle.  Dissertation, 2003. 128 pp. [Capella University]

  10. Bubinas, Kathleen A.;
    An anthropological study of the employment of Asian immigrants in an ethnic enclave economy.  Dissertation, 2001. 233 pp. [The University of Wisconsin]


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  11. Carpenter, Standford Wayne.;
    Imagining identity: Ethnographic investigations into the work of creating images of race, gender, and ethnicity in comic books.  Dissertation,2003, 428 pp. [Rice University]

  12. Chao, Ruth Chu-lien.;
    Counselors' Multicultural Competencies: From Gender and Ethnicity Perspectives.  Dissertation, 2005. 131 pp. [University of Missouri]

  13. Chen, Diane Y.;
    Workplace diversity: Gender and ethnic differences in organizational experiences.  Dissertation, 2002. 74 pp. [San Jose State University]

  14. Chen, Joseph.;
    Chinese identification, acculturation and conspicuous consumption in a multicultural society: A theoretical framework and empirical evidence.  Dissertation, 2003. 218 pp. [University of Guelph (Canada)]

  15. Choi, Joon-Seo Andrew.;
    The impact of ethnic diversity on the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA): A case study of Anheuser-Busch and its sponsorship objectives and strategies.  Dissertation, 2006. 190 pp. [University of Northern Colorado]

  16. Chung, Edward.;
    The company one keeps: Ethnic homogeneity of social ties and intracultural differences in consumer behavior.  Dissertation, 1997. 312 pp. [York University (Canada)]

  17. Clarke-Anderson, Patricia.;
    Minorities' attainability to leadership positions in business settings: A study of self-efficacy and leadership aspirations.  Dissertation, 2004. 143 pp. [University of Phoenix]

  18. Cleveland, Mark.;
    The local, the global, and the Creole: Ethnic identification, acculturation to the global consumer culture, and consumptionscapes.  Dissertation, 2006. 404 pp. [Concordia University (Canada)]

  19. Collins, Donna Misner.;
    Ethnic Identification: The Greek-Americans of Houston, Texas.  Dissertation, 1976. 395 pp. [Rice University]

  20. David, Ria.;
    Rabbi and samurai: Comparing second generation Jewish and Japanese Americans in business.  Dissertation, 1999. 243 pp. [Carnegie Mellon University]

  21. Davis, Rachel Ellen.;
    "Whatever It Means To You": Ethnicity, Language, and the Survey Response in Telephone-Administered Health Surveys of African Americans.  Dissertation, 2008. 135 pp. [University of Michigan]

  22. de la Cruz, Rica Melanie Perez.;
    A comparative study on the role of religious interest groups in the formulation of educational policies in the Philippines and Malaysia.  Dissertation, 1989. 326 pp. [Rice University]

  23. Dittmer, Stephanie.;
    Die Politisierung der ethnischen Differenz : ethnische Mobilisierung und Ethnopolitik in Estland seit der Perestrojka.  Dissertation, 2003. 292 S.[Göttingen, Univ.(Germany)]

  24. Douglas, Anne S.;
    "There's life and then there's school" : school and community as contradictory contexts for Inuit self/knowledge.  Dissertation, 1998. 190 pp. [Montreal, McGill Univ.]


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  25. Falkenhayner, Nicole.;
    Identity in Joy Kogawa's Obasan and Sky Lee's Disappearing Moon Cafe : Narrative Strategies in the Re-Negotiation of Self, Ethnicity and Nation.  Dissertation, 2005. 76 pp. [Konstanz, Univ., (Germany)]

  26. Feddes, Allard Rienk.;
    Group membership matters? : effects of direct and extended cross-ethnic friendship on minority and majority children's intergroup attitudes.  Dissertation, 2007. 116 pp. [Jena, Univ., (Germany)]

  27. Freeman, James A. III.;
    An Examinations of the Relationship Between Test Scores, Gender, Ethnicity, Attendance, and Graduation.  Dissertation, 2007. 126 pp. [Ohio State University]

  28. Fuentes-Mayorga, Norma.;
    Gender, racialization and the incorporation to work among Dominican and Mexican women in New York City.  Dissertation, 2005. 216 pp. [Columbia University]

  29. Furtado, Delia.;
    Human capital, intermarriage and the assimilation of immigrants.  Dissertation, 2005. 83 pp. [Brown University]

  30. Gehrke, Jurgen.;
    "Die sehen ja alle gleich aus!" : Einflussfaktoren der unterschiedlichen Wiedererkennensleistung von Gesichtern der eigenen Ethnie und Gesichtern anderer Ethnien (cross-race bias).   Dissertation, [Giesen, University], 2005. 232 S.

  31. Gugerty, Mary Kay.;
    Savings, sanctions, and support: Essays on collective action and community organizations in Kenya.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [Harvard University], 2001, 200 pp.


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  32. Hall, Dionne Griffin.;
    Prediction of African American consumers' intentions to purchase as a function of self-esteem and group identity.   Dissertation, M.A., [University of Louisville], 2001, 70 pp;

  33. Hall, Lorenza Augusta, Jr.;
    Climbing to the top: Informal groundskeeping and ethnic segmentation.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [University of California], Berkeley, 2001, 181 pp.

  34. Hassan, Guliz.;
    An empirical assessment of the configural invariance of the brand personality scale: A comparison involving ethnic groups and brands in Canada.   Dissertation, M.Sc., [Concordia University (Canada)], 2002, 130 pp.

  35. Hello, Evelyn.;
    Educational Attainment and Ethnic Attitudes : How to Explain their Relationship.   Dissertation, [Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen (KUN)]. 2003. 155 pp.

  36. Henderson, Tanya Bender.;
    Attitudes toward cultural diversity, attitudes toward multicultural education and communication effectiveness in early education centers.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [Howard University], 2002, 82 pp.

  37. Helbig, Muriel Kim.;
    To be, or not to be ... German, Russian, or ethnic German: ethnic self-labeling among adolescent ethnic German immigrants.   Dissertation, [Jena, Univ.], 2006. 329 pp.

  38. Hinskton, Tammy S.;
    A study of the effect of music genre and intensity on ethnic menu item selection in a military dining facility.   Dissertation, [University of Nevada], Las Vegas, 2000, 99 pp.

  39. Imilan Ojeda, Walter Alejandro.;
    Urban ethnicity in Santiago de Chile. Mapuche ,migration and urban space.   Dissertation, [Berlin, Techn. Univ.], 2008. 228 pp.


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  40. Jackle, Nicole.;
    Die ethnische Hierarchie in Deutschland und die Legitimierung der Ablehnung und Diskriminierung ethnischer Minoritaten: über den Konsens in den individuellen Vorurteilen von Mitgliedern einer Gesellschaft.   Dissertation,[Marburg, Univ.], 2008. 397 S.

  41. James, Aaron Jerome West.;
    Class, race and ethnicity : Chinese Canadian entrepreneurs in Vancouver.   Dissertation, [The University of British Columbia], 1999. 162 pp.

  42. Kaiser, Siegrun.;
    Die Munsee : Migrationsgeschichte und ethnische Identität.   Dissertation, [Frankfurt (Main), Univ.], 2003. 504 S.

  43. Kao, Chi-Lin.;
    A comparison of multi-ethnic images in United States and Taiwanese television commercials.   Dissertation, M.S., [San Jose State University], 2000, 54 pp.

  44. Kassabian, Ani.;
    Reward allocation preferences among Armenian immigrants in the United States: The role of acculturation type and workgroup ethnic composition.   Dissertation, [Alliant International University], San Diego, 2003, 218 pp.

  45. Keller, Delores Ayers.;
    Playing on the margins: Childhood and self-making in twentieth-century ethnic United States fiction.   Dissertation, [Rice University], 2004. 220 pp.

  46. Khan, Murad Ali.;
    Preference analysis for fresh pork by Asian-origin consumers in North America.   Dissertation, M.Sc., [University of Alberta (Canada)], 2001, 79 pp.

  47. Khosla, Deepa.;
    Third Party Intervention in Ethnic Conflicts: A Force for Peace or Spiraling Violence.   Dissertation, [University of Maryland]. 2004. 214 pp.


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  48. Lanfranco, Bruno Antonio,.;
    Characteristics of Hispanic households' demand for meats: A comparison with other ethnic groups utilizing an incomplete system of censored equations.   Dissertation, [University of Georgia], 2001, 160 pp;

  49. Leonard, Ana Sierra.;
    The effects of ethnicity and self-construal on friendship networks: Enabling career success in academia.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [University of Cincinnati], 2003, 113 pp.

  50. Leonard, Shannon T.;
    Multiple choice: Literary racial formations of mixed race Americans of Asian descent.   Dissertation, [Rice University], 2001. 179 pp.

  51. Li, Chieh-Lu;
    A multi-ethnic comparison of service quality and satisfaction in national forest recreation.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [The Pennsylvania State University], 2003, 140 pp.

  52. Lin, Patricia Yuen-Wan.;
    Cultural identity and ethnic representation in arts education : case studies of Taiwanese festivals in Canada.   Dissertation, [The University of British Columbia], May 2000. 229 pp.

  53. Lee, Sung-Gun.;
    Variations in home ownership among Asian ethnic groups in the United States.   Dissertation, [University of Louisville], 1997, 120 pp.

  54. Li, Yahong.;
    Market, capital, and competition: The development of Chinese-language newspapers in Toronto since the 1970s.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [The University of Saskatchewan (Canada)], 1999, 339 pp.

  55. Li, Xin.;
    Three essays on tax compliance, social identities, and fiscal policy.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [University of Michigan], 2006, 143 pp.

  56. Lucken, Markus.;
    Das kognitiv-affektive Kreuzfeuer im Minoritats-Majoritats-Kontext.   Dissertation, [Kiel, Univ.]., 2002. 250 S.

  57. Luddecke, Julian.;
    Ethnische Vorurteile in der Schule: Entwicklung eines Praventionskonzepts im Rahmen interkultureller Pädagogik.   Dissertation, [Duisburg, Essen, Univ.], 2005. 236 S.


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  58. Ma, Sai.;
    A Good Start in Life Revisiting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Outcomes At and After Birth.   Dissertation, [Pardee Rand Graduate School], 2007. 134 pp.

  59. Marton, Mihai-Paul.;
    Ethnic construction and journalistic narrative: a discourse analysis of selected Hungarian and Romanian newspapers in the light of the Hungarian status law.   Dissertation, [Bremen, Univ.], 2007. 292 pp.

  60. Matthew, Mulamootil Ronnie.:
    Model Ethnicity And Product Class Involement: Attitude Of White Americans Toward Advertisements Featuring Asian-indian Models.  Thesis. [University of Missouri-Columbia]. 2007. 56 pp.

  61. McCallister, Leslie Anne.;
    An examination of the impact of ethnicity and ethnic identification on consumer behavior.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [Baylor University], 2001, 94 pp.

  62. McCrady, David G.;
    Living with strangers : the nineteenth-century Sioux and the Canadian-American borderlands.   Dissertation, Winnipeg, [Univ. of Manitoba], 1998. 268 pp.

  63. Meijer, Lonneke de.;
    Ethnicity Effects in Police Officer Selection: Applicant, Assessor, and Selection-Method Factors.   Dissertation, [Erasmus Universiteit] Rotterdam. 2008. 198 pp.

  64. Michaels, Robert Daniel.;
    The structure and spatial morphology of the ethnic commercial enclaves of Little Saigon and Korea town in Orange County, California: A comparative study.   Dissertation, M.A., [California State University], Long Beach, 2000, 195 pp.

  65. Mirfakhraie, Amir Hossein.;
    Curriculum reform and identity politics in Iranian school textbooks : national global representations of "race", ethnicity, social class and gender.   Dissertation, [Vancouver, Univ.], 2008. 349 pp.

  66. Moon, Seung-jun.;
    Immigration, acculturation, and mass media effects: Cultural values and evaluations of Caucasian and Asian advertising models.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [The University of Wisconsin] - Madison, 2004, 250 pp.

  67. Morales, Leo S.;
    Assessing Patient Experiences with Assessing Healthcare in Multi-Cultural Settings.   Dissertation, [Pardee RAND Graduate School (PRGS)]. 2001. 277 pp.

  68. Morrison, Lisa Marie.;
    The Relationship Between Ethnic Rebellion and Democratization.   Dissertation, [Ohio State University]. 2003. 160 pp.

  69. Moscou, Susan.;
    Race and ethnicity in health services research.   Dissertation, [Brandeis University, The Heller School for Social Policy and Management], 2006, 166 pp.


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  70. Negga, Feven.;
    Black immigrants and African Americans in the United States labor market: The effect of demographic variables, human capital skills and structural factors on earnings.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [Howard University], 2006, 123 pp.

  71. Nicholson, Lisa Marie.;
    Racial and Ethnic Disparities: An Examination of Social Control and Contagion Mechanisms Linking Neighborhood Disadvantage and Young Adult Obesity.   Dissertation, [Ohio State University], 2007. 130 pp.

  72. Nikolaidis, Alexandros.;
    Die griechische Community in Deutschland: von transnationaler Migration zu transnationaler Diaspora : eine Studie zum Paradigmenwechsel am Fall der griechischen studentischen Community in Bochum. Textband. + Anhangsband.  Dissertation, [Bochum, Univ.], 2006. 809 S.

  73. Niu, Xinchun.;
    Increasing returns to education in the United States, 1967--1997: An information economy context.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [Stanford University], 2002, 142 pp.

  74. Noviani, Ratna.;
    Identity politics in Indonesian advertising: gender, ethnicity, race, class and nationality in TV advertisements during the New Order and the Post New Order Era.   Dissertation, [Bochum, Univ.], 2009. 229 pp.

  75. Nussbaum, George F.;
    The impact of culturally acquired behavioral norms on workplace communication.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [The University of Oklahoma], 2004, 373 pp.

  76. Orozco, Veronica.;
    Ethnic Identity, Percieved Social Support, Coping Strategies, University Environment, Cultural Congruity, and Resilience of Latina/o College Students.   Dissertation, [Ohio State University]. 2007. 131 pp.

  77. Oswell, Maurice L.;
    A phenomenological inquiry: Managers' perceptions on African-American males capacity to lead.   Dissertation, D.M., [University of Phoenix], 2005, 310 pp.


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  78. Papamichou, Maria.;
    Massenmedien und ethnische Minderheiten in Deutschland unter besonderer Berucksichtigung griechischer Bevolkerungsteile: Partizipationsmoglichkeiten, Probleme und Perspektiven unter sozialpadagogischem Aspekt.   Dissertation, [Köln, Univ.], 2005. 376 S.

  79. Park, Jerry Z.;
    The Ethnic and Religious Identities of Young Asian Americans.   Dissertation, [University of Notre Dame], 2004. 216 pp.

  80. Patcharin Nawichai.;
    Ethnic group livelihood strategies and state integration : Moken and the hill people in negotiation with the state.   Dissertation, [Passau, Univ.], 2008 203 pp.

  81. Pate, Amy.;
    Ethnic Rebellion in Democratic Experiments.   Dissertation, [University of Maryland], 2007. 137 pp.

  82. Patrick, Donna Rae.;
    Language, power, and ethnicity in an arctic Quebec community.   Dissertation, [Toronto, Univ.], 1998. 246 pp.

  83. Plassmann, Vandana Shah.;
    Ethnicity and clothing expenditures of United States households: A structural equations model with latent quality variables.   Dissertation, [Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University], 2000, 164 pp.

  84. Ranu, Koyel.;
    Ethno-racial groups and occupational attainment: Influence of human capital and social capital.   Dissertation, M.A.,[University of Windsor (Canada)], 2005, 119 pp.

  85. Reddy, Deepa Sankaran.;
    As on a darkling plain: Searching out the critique of Hindu ethnicism in modern India.   Dissertation, [Rice University], 2000. 286 pp.

  86. Robinson, Charles Frank, II.;
    Black and white perceptions of interracial sex: The paradox of passion.   Dissertation, [Rice University], 1990. 85 pp.

  87. Rollins, Dahl A.;
    Gender and Ethnicity Referral Bias for ADHD: The School's View.   Dissertation, [Texas A&M University]. 2005. 145 pp.

  88. Ryoo, Hye-Kyung;
    Stereotypes and ordinary interactions: A study of service encounters between Korean immigrant shopkeepers and African American customers.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [The University of Wisconsin] - Madison, 2002, 286 pp.


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  89. Savitri, Laksmi Adriani.;
    Uncover the concealed link : gender & ethnicity-divided local knowledge on the agro-ecosystem of a forest margin ; a case study of Kulawi and Palolo local knowledge in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.   Dissertation, [Kassel, Univ.], 2007. 200 pp.

  90. Shah, Paru Radha.;
    The politics and policy implications of Latino representation in education.   Dissertation, [Rice University], 2006. 202 pp.

  91. Shah, Priti.;
    Coping With Perceived Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in Women of Color in Graduate Education.   Dissertation, [Georgia State University]. 2007. 163 pp.

  92. Shearwood, Perry Alexander.;
    Literacy and social identity in a Nunavut community.   Dissertation, [Toronto, Univ.], 1998. 384 pp.

  93. Smith, Jeri-Elayne Goosby.;
    From black white to shades of gray: Exploring differences in diversity learning and development between black and white graduate students.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [Case Western Reserve University], 2002, 289 pp.

  94. Spivey, Michael.;
    Identity politics of a southern tribe : a critical ethnography.   Dissertation, [Toronto, Ont., York Univ.], 1998. 230 pp.

  95. Stone, Rosalie Angelita Torres.;
    Beyond Hispanic: Decomposing the earnings gap between Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Mexicans.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [The University of Connecticut], 2000, 96 pp.

  96. Trevino, Elizabeth.;
    Emergency department visits and hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions among uninsured Hispanics.   Dissertation, Dr.P.H., [University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth], 2005, 83 pp.

  97. Tu, Michael Chun-ho.;
    Culture and job satisfaction: A comparative analysis between Taiwanese and Filipino caregivers working in Taiwan's long-term care industry.   Dissertation, D.I.B.A., [Nova Southeastern University], 2006, 135 pp.

  98. Turra, Cassio Maldonado.;
    Living and dying at older ages: Essays on the Hispanic mortality paradox and the annuity puzzle in the United States.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [University of Pennsylvania], 2004, 155 pp.


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  99. Van Ziegert, Sylvia.;
    Global spaces of Chinese culture: A transnational comparison of diasporic Chinese communities in the United States and Germany.   Dissertation, [Rice University], 2002. 326 pp.

  100. Warcholik, Wendy Patricia.;
    Ethnic diversity and economic performance in America's metropolitan areas.   Dissertation, [George Mason University], 2002, 86 pp.

  101. Yuengling, A. Renee.;
    Leading across diversity: An exploratory study of the implications of multiculturalism on leadership behaviors in the United States Army.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [Union Institute and University], 2005, 210 pp.

  102. Zonta, Michela Maria.;
    The role of ethnic banks in the residential patterns of Asian Americans: The case of Los Angeles.   Dissertation, Ph.D., [University of California], Los Angeles, 2004, 197 pp.

  103. Zulema,Valdez.;
    What is "ethnic" about ethnic entrepreneurship? The effects of market exchange, reciprocal, and redistributive relationships on self-employment participation and success.   Dissertation, [University of California], Los Angeles, 2002, 208 pp.

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