George, Eliot(ジョージ・エリオット/ 1819-1880/)研究論文補遺
George, Eliot(ジョージ・エリオット)研究論文(I)の補遺として2001-2009年の論文を紹介しています。
ここで紹介する論文・書評は企画商品CD「イギリス文学論文撰」の「ビクトリア時代(前期)」の項 George, Eliot 2補遺集 に収録しています。
Open Access Articles: こちら(To here)?
- Albrecht, Thomas.;
Sympathy and Telepathy: The Problem of Ethics in George Eliot's "The Lifted Veil". In: ELH. Baltimore: Summer 2006. Vol. 73, no. 2; p. 437-463 (27) - Amigoni, David.;
Darwin Below, George Eliot on Top: The Tenuous Holding Ground of Victorian Realism. In: Cambridge Quarterly. Oxford: 2004. Vol. 33, no. 1; p. 81-84(4) - Anderson, Amanda.;
Epistemological Liberalism. [book review forum]. In: Victorian Studies. Bloomington: Summer 2008. Vol. 50, no. 4; p. 658-665(8) [Middlemarch] - Broughton, Trev.;
George Eliot and the British Empire. In: Cambridge Quarterly. Oxford: Dec 2003. Vol. 32, no. 4; p. 381-384(4) - Capuano, Peter J.;
An Objective Aural-Relative in Middlemarch. In: Studies in English Literature, 1500 - 1900. Baltimore: Autumn 2007. Vol. 47, no. 4; p. 921-941(21) - Dekel, Mikhal.;
"Who Taught This Foreign Woman About the Ways and Lives of the Jews?": George Eliot and the Hebrew Renaissance. In: ELH. Baltimore: Winter 2007. Vol. 74, no.4; p. 783-798 (16) - Eliot, George.;
Leaves from a Note-Book. In: New England Review. Middlebury: 2004. Vol. 25, no. 3; pg. 214-225(12) - Faubert, Michelle.:
A Possible Source for George Eliot's Edward Casaubon. In: ANQ. Lexington: Spring 2005. Vol. 18, no. 2; p. 46-52(7) - Federico, Anette R.;
Being torn: the Mill on the Floss. In: Literature Interpretation Theory, v.12, n.4, 2001, pp359-380(22) - Frome, Susan.
The Sage of Unbelief: George Eliot and Unorthodox Choices. In: The Humanist. Washington, DC: Jul/Aug 2006. Vol. 66, no. 4; p. 27-30(4)
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- Gallagher, Catherine.;
George Eliot: Immanent Victorian. In: Representations. Berkeley: Spring 2005. , no. 90; p. 61-74(15) - Galvan, Jill.;
The Narrator as Medium in George Eliot's "The Lifted Veil". In: Victorian Studies. Bloomington: Winter 2006. Vol. 48, no. 2; p. 240 -248(9) - Ganz, Melissa J.;
Binding the Will: George Eliot and the Practice of Promising. In: ELH. Baltimore: Fall 2008. Vol. 75, no. 3; p. 565-602(38) - Garvelink, Lisa Bouma.;
Eliot's DANIEL DERONDA. In: The Explicator. Washington: Fall 2004. Vol. 63, no. 1; p.23-24(2) - Gatens, Moira.;
The Art and Philosophy of George Eliot. In: Philosophy and Literature. Dearborn: Apr 2009. Vol. 33, no. 1; p. 73-90 (18) - Gettelman, Debra.;
Reading Ahead in George Eliot. In: Novel. Providence: Fall 2005. Vol. 39, no. 1; p. 25-47(23) - Green, Laura.;
"I Recognized Myself in Her": Identifying with the Reader in George Eliot's The Mill on the Floss and Simone de Beauvoir's Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter. In: Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature. Tulsa: Spring 2005. Vol. 24, no. 1; p. 57-80(24) - Helminen, Pia.;
The Use of Humour in George Eliot's Middlemarch. Thesis. University of Tampere. Spring, 2009. 65 pp. - Horowitz, Evan.;
George Eliot: The Conservative. In: Victorian Studies. Bloomington: Autumn 2006. Vol. 49, no. 1; p. 7-32 (26)
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- Jones, W Gareth.;
George Eliot's 'Adam Bede' and Tolstoy's Conception of 'Anna Karenina'. In: Modern Language Review. Belfast: 2005. Vol. 100, p. 191-199(9) - Law, Jules.;
Transparency and Epistemology in George Eliot's Daniel Deronda. In: Nineteenth - Century Literature. Berkeley: Sep 2007. Vol. 62, no. 2; p. 250-277 (28) - Lerer, Seth.;
Middlemarch and Julius Charles Hare. In: Neophilologus. Dordrecht: Oct 2003. Vol. 87, no. 4; p. 653-664(12) - Machann, Clinton.;
The Male Villain as Domestic Tyrant in Daniel Deronda: Victorian Masculinities and the Cultural Context of George Eliot's Novel. In: Journal of Men's Studies. Harriman: Spring 2005. Vol. 13, no. 3; p. 327-346(20) - Mack, Michael.;
The Significance of the Insignificant: Daniel Deronda and the Literature of Weimar Classicism. In: Modern Philology. Chicago: May 2008. Vol. 105, no. 4; p. 666-697(32) - Maitzen, Rohan.;
Martha Nussbaum and the Moral Life of Middlemarch. In: Philosophy and Literature. Dearborn: Apr 2006. Vol. 30, no. 1; p. 190-207(18) - Marshall, Gail.;
Harriet Hosmer and the Classical Inheritance. In: Forum for Modern Language Studies; Apr 2003; 39, 2; p. 202-213(12) - McCormack, Kathleen.;
Bessie Parkes's Summer Sketches: George Eliot as poetic persona. In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Fall 2004. Vol. 42, no. 3; p. 295-311(17) - Millstein, Denise Tischler.;
Byron and "Scriccling Women": Lady Caroline Lamb, The Brontë Sisters, and George Eliot. A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The Department of English. May 2007 209 pp. - Morra, Irene.;
Wilkie Collins, George Eliot, and Italian Opera. In: Essays in Criticism. Oxford: Jul 2007. Vol. 57, no. 3; p. 217-236(20)
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- Newton, K M.;
George Eliot and Racism: How Should One Read "The Modern Hep! Hep! Hep!"?' In: Modern Language Review. Belfast: Jul 2008. Vol. 103 Part 3. p. 654-665(12) - Newton, K M.;
George Eliot and the Bushmen. In: Notes and Queries. London: Mar 2008. Vol. 55, no. 1; p. 45-46(2) - Nixon, Jude V.;
"Goldengrove unleaving": Hopkins' "Spring and Fall," Christina Rossetti's "Mirrors of Life and Death," and the Politics of Inclusion. In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Winter 2005. Vol. 43, no. 4; p. 473-484(13) - Novak, Daniel.;
A Model Jew: "Literary Photographs" and the Jewish Body in Daniel Deronda. In: Representations. Berkeley: Winter 2004. , no. 85; p. 58-97(40) - O'Brien, Monica.;
The Politics of Blood and Soil: Hannah Arendt, George Eliot, and the Jewish Question in Modern Europe. Monica. In: Comparative Literature Studies. University Park: 2007. Vol. 44, no. 1/2; p. 97-117(21) - O'Gorman, Francis.;
Eliot's Middlemarch. In: The Explicator. Washington: Spring 2002. Vol. 60, no. 3; p. 137-138(2) - Palmer, Alan.;
Intermental Thought in the Novel: The Middlemarch Mind. In: Style. DeKalb: Winter 2005. Vol. 39, no. 4; p. 427-439(13) - Picker, John M.;
George Eliot and the Sequel Question. In: New Literary History. Baltimore: Spring 2006. Vol. 37, no. 2; p. 361-388 (28) - Raines, Melissa.;
George Eliot's Grammar of Being. In: Essays in Criticism. Oxford: Jan 2008. Vol. 58, no. 1; p. 43-63(21)
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- Sawyer, Paul.;
Views from Above and Below: George Eliot and Fakir Mohan Senapati. In: Diacritics. Baltimore: Winter 2007. Vol. 37, no. 4; p. 56-77 (21) - Schweers, Ellen H.;
Moral Training for Nature's Egotists: Mentoring Relationships in George Eliot's Fiction. Dissertation. University of North Texas. August 2001. 214 pp. - Shaw, Harry E.;
Memory and History in George Eliot: Transfiguring the Past. [review]. In: Clio. Fort Wayne: Fall 2001. Vol. 31, no. 1; p. 107-111(6) - Siegel, Daniel.;
Preacher's Vigil, Landlord's Watch: Charity by the Clock in Adam Bede. In: Novel. Providence: Fall 2005. Vol. 39, no. 1; p. 48-74(27) - Sperlinger, Tom.;
'The Sensitive Author': George Eliot. In: Cambridge Quarterly. Oxford: 2007. Vol. 36, no. 3; p. 250-272 (23) - Stone,Elizabeth.;
The Last Will and Testament in Literature: Rupture, Rivalry, and Sometimes Rapprochement from Middlemarch to Lemony Snicket. In: Family Process. Oxford: Dec 2008. Vol. 47, no. 4; p. 425-439 (15) - Wakefield, Sarah Rebecca.;
George Eliot's English Water-Nixies and Sad-Eyed Princesses. In: - Ditto- ., Folklore-Naming and Folklore-Narrating in British Women's Fiction, 1750-1880. Dissertation. University of Texas, 2002. 345 pp. Chap. 4. p. 207-265(59) - Willis, Martin.;
Clairvoyance, Economics and Authorship in George Eliot's 'The Lifted Veil.' In: Journal of Victorian Culture 10 (2005): p. 184-209(26) - Wynne, Deborah.;
George Eliot's Middlemarch and Dinah Mulock Craik's A Brave Lady. In: Notes and Queries. London: Jun 2004. Vol. 51, no. 2; p. 160-162(3)
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