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ギャスケル(Elizabeth, Gaskell)/1810-1865/ 研究論文

  ヴィクトリア朝前期の女性作家。処女作は『メアリー・バートン』(Mary Barton)

 Elizabeth, Gaskell(エリザベス・ギャスケル)研究の2001年から2015年までに刊行された論文を紹介しています。
 ここで紹介する論文は、企画商品CD「イギリス文学論文撰」の「ヴィクトリア時代(前期)」の項 Gaskell, Elizabeth 第1集に収録しています。

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  1. Adams, Maeve E.;
    The Amazon Warrior Woman and the De/construction of Gendered Imperial Authority in Nineteenth-Century Colonial Literature. In: Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies, issue 4, no. 1 (Spring 2010), 16 pp.

  2. Al-Haj, Ali Albashir Mohammed.;
    A Study of Women's Labor in Elizabeth Gaskell's Mary BartonIn: Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 4, No. 6, June 2014, pp. 1132-1137(6)

  3. Alexander, Lynn M.;
    Laboring Fathers: Parenthood, Class and Gender. In: Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies 4.3 (2008): 15 pp. [Mary Barton, North and South]

  4. Ameera.V.U.;
    The 'Condition of England Novels' and Victorian Women Novelists. In: The Criterion: An International Journal in English, Issue 12, February 2013, pp. 1-9(9)

  5. Andres, Sophia.;
    Elizabeth Gaskell's Re-Presentation of Pre-Raphaelite Gendered Boundaries. In: Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, vol. 11(2002), pp. 39-61(23)

  6. Antinucci, Raffaella.;
    Filming Gaskell's shorter fiction. In: Elizabeth Gaskell and the Art of the Short Story (ed. by F. Marroni), Peter Lang(2011), ISBN 978-3-0343-0678-2; pp. 155-168(14)

  7. Antinucci, Raffaella.;
    North and South-, an Industrial Version of the Victorian Gentleman. In: Sandro Jung (ed.) Elizabeth Gaskell, Victorian Culture, and the Art o f Fiction: Original Essays for the Bicentenary. Academia Press, 2010. pp. 131-141(11)

  8. Avarvarei, Simona Catrinel.;
    (Dis)covering/(De)constructing Identity in. Elizabeth Gaskell's North and SouthIn: Proceedings of the Second. International Conference on Globalization, Intercultural Dialogue and. National Identity, May 29-30. Mures, Romania: Archipelag P, 2015. pp. 782-790(9)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H/I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N-P] [R] [S] [T&V] [W-Z]

  9. Baker, William,;
    What a certainty of instinctive faith I have in heaven, and in the Mama's living on': Unpublished Letters of Mrs. Gaskell and Unpublished Gaskell Family Letters. In: VIJ: Victorians Institute Journal. Vol. 29(2001), p. 185-208(24)

  10. Barchas, Janine.;
    Mrs. Gaskell's North and Souh: Austen's Early Legacy. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 53-66(14)

  11. Bark, Debbie.;
    Manchester and Early Victorian Literary Culture. In: Literature Compass 8 (2011): pp. 404-414(11) [Biography, Mary Barton, North and South]

  12. Benton, Michael.;
    The Aesthetics of Biography - And What It Teaches. In: Journal of Aesthetic Education. 49.1 (2015): 1-19(19) [Life of Charlotte Brönte]

  13. Benton, Michael.;
    Literary Biography: The Cinderella of Literary Studies. In: Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (2005): pp. 44-57(14) [Life of Charlotte Brönte]

  14. Benton, Michael.;
    Literary Biomythography. In: Auto/Biography 13 (2005): pp. 206-226(21) [Life of Charlotte Brönte]

  15. Benton, Michael.;
    Towards a Poetics of Literary Biography. In: Journal of Aesthetic Education 45 (2011) pp. 67-87(21)[Life of Charlotte Brönte]

  16. Bergman, Jill.;
    "A Silent Partner Long Enough": Phelps Rewrites Gaskell's North and SouthIn: Studies in American Fiction. Boston: Autumn 2005. Vol. 33,no. 2; p. 147-164 (18)

  17. Billington, Josi and Philip Davis.;
    Realism's Concealed Realities. In: Synthesis e- Journal 3 (Winter, 2011). pp. 22-36(15) [Ruth, Wives and Daughters]

  18. Blair, Emily.;
    The Wrong Side of the Tapestry: Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives and DaughtersIn: Virginia Woolf and the nineteenth-century domestic novel / Emily Blair. - (SUNY series, studies in the long nineteenth century)Includes bibliographical references and index. State University of New York, 2007. ISBN-13: 978-0-7914-7119-7; pp. 71-109(39)

  19. Blair, Emily.;
    'The Wrong Side of the Tapestry': Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives and DaughtersIn: Victorian Literature and Culture, 33(2005), pp. 585-597(15)

  20. Blair, Kristie.;
    Two Unremarked Shakespeare Allusions in Mary BartonIn: Notes and Queries, 49 (2002): pp. 59-61(3)

  21. Boiko, Karen.;
    Reading and (Re)Writing Class: Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives and DaughtersIn: Victorian Literature and Culture, vol. 33(2005), p. 85-106(22)

  22. Brass, Daniel.;
    Defining Pastoral in North and SouthIn: Sydney studies in English, 30(2004), pp. 60-78(19)

  23. Britt, Alison.;
    A Bridge to Understanding Dialect in Elizabeth Gaskell's Mary BartonIn: Humanitas, vol. 4, Spring 2014, pp. pp. 7-15(9)

  24. Burroughs, Robert.;
    The Nautical Melodrama of Mary BartonIn: Victorian Literature and Culture, 44(01): March 2016, pp. 77-95(19)

  25. Buzard, James.;
    Ethnographic and Narrative Frontiers: The Case of Gaskell's Mary BartonIn: Raritan 32 (2012): pp. 118-139(22)

  26. Byrne, Katherine.;
    Such a fine, close weave: Gender, Community and the Body in Cranford (2007). In: Neo-Victorian Studies 2:2 (Winter 2009/2010) pp. 43-64(22)

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  27. Calovini, Susan.;
    Two Parallel Current's: Biography, Fiction and Women's Divided Duties in Elizabeth Gaskell's 'The Life of Charlotto Brönte and North and SouthIn: Tennessee Philological Bulletin, 39(2002), pp. 47-55(9)

  28. Cantor, Paul A.;
    The Poetics of Spontaneous Order: Austrian Economics and Literary Criticism. In: Literature & the Economics of Liberty: Spontneous Order in Culture. Edited by Paul A. Cantor & Stephen Cox. Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2009. ISBN: 978-1- 933550-64-0; pp. 1-97(97)

  29. Caracciolo, Peter L.;
    The Enemy's 'Son of All Destructions': Picasso-esque Refashioning of George Eliot and Elizabeth Gaskell in Wyndham Lewis's Self Condemned and Monstre Gai. In: Journal of Wyndham Lewis Studies 5 (2014): pp. 60-74(15) [North and South]

  30. Chadwick, Ellis H. (Mrs).;
    Mrs Gaskell: Haunts, Homes, and Stories (London: Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, 1910). In: Elizabeth Gaskell. edited by Valeri Sanders; / Lives of Victorian literary figures:3, / Pickering & Chatto, 2005. ISBN: 185196780X; pp. 305-337(34)

  31. Chapple, John.;
    Unitarian dissent. In: The Cambridge Companion to Elizabeth Gaskell. Edited by Jill L. Matus. Cambridge University Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780521846769, pp. 164-177(14)

  32. Chavez, Julia McCord.;
    The Gothic Heart of Victorian Serial Fiction. In: SEL: Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, 50 (2010): pp. 791-810(20) [Cranford]

  33. Chialant, Maria Teresa.;
    'Nomadic Subjects: Streetwalkers and Sexual Wanderers in Dickens and GaskellIn: Dickens: The Craft of Fiction and the Challenges of Reading. Edited by Rossana Bonadei - Clotilde de Stasio Carlo Pagetti - Alessandro Vescovi. Proceedings of the Milan Symposium. Gargnano - September 1998, Reprinted ed, 2010, pp. 203-221(19)

  34. Ciobanu, Irina Raluca.;
    The Gothic as Mass Hysteria: the Threat of the Foreign Other in Gaskell's Lois the Witch. In: "Philologica Jassyensia", An X, Nr. 1 (19), 2014, Supliment, pp. 139-148(10)

  35. Clausson, Nils.;
    Dickens's Genera Mixta: What Kind of a Novel Is Hard Times? In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language, (52:2), 2010, pp. 157-180(24)

  36. Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth.;
    'Mrs Gaskell' (1906) in Gathered Leaves from the Prose of Mary E. Coleridge, with a Memoir by Edith Sichel (London: Constable and Company, 1910). In: Elizabeth Gaskell. edited by Valeri Sanders; / Lives of Victorian literary figures:3, / Pickering & Chatto, 2005. ISBN: 185196780X; pp. pp. 239-248(10)

  37. Collins, Amanda J.;
    The Conflicted Duties of the Caretaker in Elizabeth Gaskell's Life o f Charlotte Brönte and Letters. In: Sandro Jung (ed.) Elizabeth Gaskell, Victorian Culture, and the Art o f Fiction: Original Essays for the Bicentenary. Academia Press, 2010. pp. 143-162(20)

  38. Colón, Susan E.;
    Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives and Daughters: Professional and Feminine Ideology. In: Victorians Institute Journal, 35(2007), pp. 7-30(24)

  39. Corbett, Mary Jane.;
    Husband, Wife and Sister: Making and Remaking the Early Victorian Family. In: Victorian Literature and Culture 35 (2007): pp. 1-19(19) [Wives and Daughters]

  40. Coriale, Danielle.;
    Gaskell's Naturalist. In: Nineteenth-Century Literature, 63(2008), pp. 346-375(30)

  41. Cronin, Meoghan.;
    Love, Labor, and Loss: An Interdisciplinary View of Work and Nostalgia in Gaskell's North and SouthIn: IMPACT : The Journal of the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning, Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2012, pp. 19-28(10)

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  42. d'Agnillo, Renzo.;
    Physical and Linguistic Metamorphosis in Gaskell's The Grey Woman. In: Sandro Jung (ed.) Elizabeth Gaskell, Victorian Culture, and the Art o f Fiction: Original Essays for the Bicentenary. Academia Press, 2010. pp. 39-51(13)

  43. D'Albertis, Deirdre.;
    The life and letters of E. C. GaskellIn: The Cambridge Companion to Elizabeth Gaskell. Edited by Jill L. Matus. Cambridge University Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780521846769, pp. 10-26(17)

  44. Daly, Suzanne.;
    Kashmir Shawls in Mid-Victorian Novels. In: Victorian Literature and Culture 30 (2002): pp. 237-255(19) [North and South]

  45. Daly, Suzanne.;
    Spinning Cotton: Domestic and Industrial Novels. In: Victorian Studies 50 (2008): pp. 272-278(7) [Wives and Daughters]

  46. De Moraes Abrahão, Viviane.;
    Corpus Stylistics: Analyzing Elizabeth GaskellIn: JACLR: Journal of Artistic Creation and Literary Research 2.1 (2014), pp. 24-37(14)

  47. Debradant, Mary.;
    Smoke or no Smoke? Questions of Perspective in North and SouthIn: Cahiers Victoriens & Edouardiens 71 (2010): pp. 75-90(16)

  48. Deffenbacher, Kristina.;
    The Psychic Architecture of Urban Domestic Heroins: North and South and Little Dorrit. In: Victorians Institute Journal, 30(2002), p. 123-140(18)

  49. Dennis, Abigail.;
    Mobile Narrative, Spatial Mediation, and Gaskell's Urban Rustics in North and SouthIn: MHRA Working Papers in the Humanities, 4 (2009), pp. 43-54(12)

  50. Dewitt, Anne.;
    Moral Uses, Narrative Effects: Natural History in Victorian Periodicals and Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives and DaughtersIn: Victorian Periodicals Review, Vol. 43, No. 1 (SPRING 2010), pp. 1-18(18)

  51. Dharshini, S. Meena Priya.;
    Calm and Bleakness Makes Fallen Women: Special Reference with Gaskell's Lizzie Leigh. In: International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHSS), Vol. 5, Issue 2, Feb - Mar 2016; pp. 175-182(8)

  52. Dobosiewicz, Ilona.;
    Industrial cityscapes in Elizabeth Gaskell's North and SouthIn: GRAAT On-Line issue #9 November 2010, pp. 56-69(14)

  53. Dredge, Sarah.;
    Negotiating 'A Woman's Work': Philanthropy to Social Science in Gaskell's North and SouthIn: Victorian Literature and Culture, Vol. 40, Issue 1, March 2012, pp 83-97(15)

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  54. Elliott, Dorice Williams.;
    Class Act: Servants and Mistresses in the Works of Elizabeth GaskellIn: Sandro Jung (ed.) Elizabeth Gaskell, Victorian Culture, and the Art o f Fiction: Original Essays for the Bicentenary. Academia Press, 2010. pp. 113-129(17)

  55. Ellison, David.;
    Glazed Expression: Mary Barton, Ghosts and Glass. In: Studies in the Novel. Denton: Winter 2004. Vol. 36, no. 4; pp. 484-508(25)

  56. Ellison, David.;
    The Ghost of Injuries Present in Dickens's 'The Signalman'. In: Textual Practice 26 (2012): pp. 649-665(17) [Cranford]

  57. Endersby, Jim.;
    Sympathetic Science: Charles Darwin, Joseph Hooker, and the Passions of Victorian Naturalists. In: Victorian Studies, 51(2009): pp. 299-320(22) [Mary Barton, Wives and Daughters]

  58. Farina, Jonathan.;
    'Dickens's As If': Analogy and Victorian Virtual Reality. In: Victorian Studies 53 (2011): pp. 427-436(10) [Mary Barton]

  59. Fenton-Hathaway, Anna.;
    Gaskell's Detours: How Mary Barton, Ruth, and Cranford Redefined 'Redundancy'. In: Victorian Literature and Culture, 42(2): June 2014, pp. 235-250(16)

  60. Foster, Shirley.;
    Elizabeth Gaskell's shorter pieces. In: The Cambridge Companion to Elizabeth Gaskell. Edited by Jill L. Matus. Cambridge University Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780521846769, pp. 108-130(23)

  61. Frank, Cathrine O.;
    Revolution and Reform in Elizabeth Gaskell's Fiction. In: Law, Culture and the Humanities, vol. 10 no. 3, October 2014, pp. 421-439(19)

  62. Freedgood, Elaine.;
    The Novelist and Her Poor. In: Novel: A Forum on Fiction, 47 (2014): pp. 210-223(14) [Mary Barton]

  63. Freeland, Natalka.;
    The Politics of Dirt in Mary Barton and RuthIn: Studies in English Literature, 1500 - 1900. Baltimore: Autumn 2002. Vol. 42, no. 4; p. 799 -818(20)

  64. Freeland, Natalka.;
    Ruth's Perverse Economies: Women, Hoarding and Expenditure. In: EHL vol. 70(2003), p. 197-221(15)

  65. Frenkel, Deborah.;
    The Literature of Literacy: Sylvia's Lovers and Our M utual Friend. In: Sandro Jung (ed.) Elizabeth Gaskell, Victorian Culture, and the Art o f Fiction: Original Essays for the Bicentenary. Academia Press, 2010. pp. 179-194(16)

  66. Frye, Doris A.;
    'A Patchy Affair': Paternalism in the Old Vic Adaptations of Jane Eyre and Mary BartonIn: The Victorian [Online], 1.1 (2013)

  67. Fusco, Carla.;
    Ruth: an Unusual Prostitute. Elizabeth Gaskell's Speculative Gaze vs. Victorian Masculine Vision of Woman. In: BAS: British and American Studies, vol. 21(2015), pp. 55-60(6)

  68. Fyfe, Paul Camm.;
    Accidents of a Novel Trade: Industrial Catastrophe, Fire Insurance, and Mary BartonIn: Nineteenth-Century Literature, Vol. 65, No. 3 (December 2010), pp. 315-347(33) [ Mary Barton]

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  69. Ganjoo, Pamposh.;
    Struggle of a Fallen Woman: A Study of Elizabeth Gaskell's RuthIn: New Man International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol. 2, no. 8, August 201. pp. 18-22(5)

  70. Gannon, Christiane.;
    The Missionary Novelist: Reading as Conversion in Mary BartonIn: GRAAT On-Line issue #9 November 2010, pp. 88-102(15)

  71. Gaspari, Fabienne.;
    Is this article a lady's petticoat or a bird's cage?: the function of toilette in CranfordIn: GRAAT On-Line issue #9 November 2010, pp. 24-37(14)

  72. Gilbert, Pamela K.;
    The Social Novel's Leaky Bodies. In: Gilbert, Pamela K., The Citizen's Body: Desire, Health, and the Social in Victorian England. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2007. ISBN 978-0-8142-1052-9; pp. 133-153(21) [North and South]

  73. Ginsburg, Michal Peled.;
    Narratives of Survival. In: Novel 42 (2009): pp. 410-416(7) [Cranford]

  74. Goodlad, Lauren M.E.;
    Beyond the Panopticon: Victorian Britain and the Critical Imagination. In: PMLA, vol. 118(2003), p. 539-556(18) [North and South]

  75. Green, Chris.;
    'Masters and Men' - Industrial Conflict in Gaskell's 'Mary Barton'. In: Context, Issue 1. October 2014, pp. 13-21(9)

  76. Gregory Christian.;
    Soft Cloth: Commerce and Contact in Elizabeth's Gaskell's North and SouthIn: Conference Paper D All Things Victorian - University of Portsmouth. (March 19, 2016). 11 pp.

  77. Gregory Vargo.;
    Questions from Workers Who Read: Education and Self-Formation in Chartist Print Culture and Elizabeth Gaskell's Mary BartonIn: Victorian Literature and Culture. 44(01): March 2016, pp. 133-161(29)

  78. Grossman, Jonathan H.;
    Alibis. In: Raritan 24 (2004): pp. 133-150(18) [Mary Barton]

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  79. Hakala, Taryn.;
    A Great Man in Clogs: Performing Authenticity in Victorian Lancashire. In: Victorian Studies, Vol. 52, no. 3, Spring 2010, pp. 387-412(26)

  80. Hamilton, Catherine J.;
    Women Wtiters: Their Works and Ways, 2nd ed series (London: Ward, Lock & Bowden Ltd, 1893). In: Elizabeth Gaskell. edited by Valeri Sanders; / Lives of Victorian literary figures:3, / Pickering & Chatto, 2005. ISBN: 185196780X; pp. 147-172(26)

  81. Hamilton, Susan.;
    Gaskell then and now. In: The Cambridge Companion to Elizabeth Gaskell. Edited by Jill L. Matus. Cambridge University Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780521846769, pp. 178-191(14)

  82. Hamilton, Susan.;
    Ten Years of Gaskell Criticism. In: Dickens Studies Annual, 31(2002): pp. 397-414(18)

  83. Hansson, Heidi.;
    Silencing for a Reason Elizabeth Gaskell's Cousin Phillis. In: Orbis Litterarum, 63(2008), :no. 5, pp. 422-440(19)

  84. Harner, Christie.;
    Physiognomic Discourse and the Trials of Cross-Class Sympathy in Mary BartonIn: Victorian Literature and Culture, Vol. 43 / Issue 04 / December 2015, pp 705-724(20)

  85. Harris, Margaret.;
    Taking bearings: Elizabeth Gaskell's 'North and South' televised. In: Sydney studies in English, 32(2006), p. 65-82(18)

  86. Harrison, Mary-Catherine.;
    How Narrative Relationships Overcome Empathic Bias: Elizabeth Gaskell's Empathy across Social Difference. In: Poetics Today, 32, no. 2 (2011): pp. 255-288(34)

  87. Hattaway, Meghan Burke.;
    "Such a Strong Wish for Wings": The Life of Charlotte Brönte and Elizabeth Gaskell's Fallen Angels. In: Victorian Literature and Culture, 42(04): December 2014, pp. 671-690(20)

  88. Henry, Nancy.;
    Elizabeth Gaskell and social transformation. In: The Cambridge Companion to Elizabeth Gaskell. Edited by Jill L. Matus. Cambridge University Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780521846769, pp. 148-163(16)

  89. Henson, Louis.;
    Half Believing, Half Incredulous': Elizabeth Gaskell, Superstition and the Victorian Mind. In: Nineteenth-Century Contexts, Vol: 24(2002), no. 3, p. 251-269(19)

  90. Hiltbrunner, Michael.;
    The Grey Woman and Bluebeaard's Bride: Comparisons between Elizabeth Gaskell's short story The Grey Woman and the tale of Bluebeard. In: Opticon1826, Issue 7, Autumn 2009, pp. 1-10(10)

  91. Holmes, Martha Stoddard;
    Victorian Fictions of Interdependency: Gaskell, Craik, and Yonge. In: Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies. Liverpool: Oct 2007. Vol. 1, no. 2; p. 29-41 (13) ["Well at Pen Morpha"]

  92. Hompes, Mat.;
    'Mrs Gaskell', Gentleman's Magazine (August 1895). In: Elizabeth Gaskell. edited by Valeri Sanders; / Lives of Victorian literary figures:3, / Pickering & Chatto, 2005. ISBN: 185196780X; pp. 173-189(17)

  93. Horton, Richard.;
    Mr. Thornton's Experiments: Transformations in Culture and Health. In: Literature and Medicine, 25 (2006): pp. 194-215(22) [North and South]

  94. Hoyt, Veronica.;
    'Sever the Connexion': Nationalising Moments in Elizabeth Gaskell's Lois the Witch, Mary Barton, and Cousin Phillis. In: GRAAT On-Line issue #9 November 2010, pp. 103-118(16)

  95. Huelman, Lisieux.;
    The (feminist) epistemology of the nineteenth-century periodical press: professional men in Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives and DaughtersIn: Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies, ISSUE 5.2 (SUMMER 2009), 17 pp.

  96. Hughes, Linda K.;
    Cousin Phillis, Wives and Daughters, and modernity. In: The Cambridge Companion to Elizabeth Gaskell. Edited by Jill L. Matus. Cambridge University Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780521846769, pp. 90-107(18)

  97. Hunt, Natasha Alvandi.;
    "A Din of Angry Voices" at Home: England's Class Conflict within North and South's Thornton House. In: GRAAT On-Line issue #9 November 2010, pp. 70-87(18)

  98. Ilhem, Mortad-Serir.;
    Rhetorical Use of Literary Dialect in English Literature. In: International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 2013, 2(2): pp. 102-123(22)

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  99. Jackson, Jeffrey E.;
    Elizabeth Gaskell and the Dangerous Edge of Things: Epigraphs in North and South and Victorian Publishing Practices. In: Pacific Coast Philology, Vol. 40, No. 2, Literature and the History of the Book (2005), pp. 56-72(17)

  100. Jaffe, Audrey.;
    Cranford and RuthIn:The Cambridge Companion to Elizabeth Gaskell. Edited by Jill L. Matus. Cambridge University Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780521846769, pp. 46-58(13)

  101. Jenkins, Melissa Shields.;
    'His Crime was a Thing Apart': Elizabeth Gaskell Writes a Father's Life. In: Victorian Institute Journal, 36(2008), p. 245-274(30)

  102. Jewusiak, Jacob.;
    The End of the Novel: Gender and Temporality in Elizabeth Gaskell's CranfordIn: Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies, issue 7.3 (WINTER 2011), 21 pp.

  103. Johnson, Bruce.;
    Sites of Sound. In: Oral Tradition, 24/2 (2009): pp. 455-470(16) [Mary Barton]

  104. Joshi, Priti.;
    An Old Dog Enters the Fray; or Reading Hard Times as an Industrial Novel. In: Dickens Studies Annual 44 (2013): pp. 221-241(21) [Mary Barton]

  105. Jung, Sandro.;
    Liminal Femininity in Gaskell's Mary Barton and Wives and DaughtersIn: Sandro Jung (ed.) Elizabeth Gaskell, Victorian Culture, and the Art o f Fiction: Original Essays for the Bicentenary. Academia Press, 2010. pp. 53-69(17)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H/I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N-P] [R] [S] [T&V] [W-Z]

  106. Kalpakli, Fatma.;
    Gaskell's Questioning Of The Victorian Class System In North and SouthIn: The Black Sea Journal of Social Sciences, Year:2 Number: 2 Spring: 2010, pp. 1-15(15)

  107. Kalpakli, Fatma.;
    The Victorian Class Consciousness: As Reflected In Elizabeth Gaskell's CranfordIn: Selcuk Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, 25 (2011): pp. 153-157(5)

  108. Karaduman, Alev.;
    Search for Female Identity in an Urban Environment in Thackery's Vanity Fair and Mrs. Gaskell's CranfordIn: Edebiyat Fakultesi Dergisi/ Journal of Faculty of Letters Cilt/Volume 32 Sayi/Number 2 (Aralik/December 2015), pp. 155-160(6)

  109. Kelly, David.;
    A View of North & South. In: Sydney Studies in English 32 (2006): pp. 83-96(14)

  110. Kennedy, Meegan.;
    The Sentimental Eye in Dickens and GaskellIn: Meegan Kennedy., Revising the clinic : vision and representation in Victorian medical narrative and the novel. The Ohio State University, 2010. ISBN-13: 978-0-8142-1116-8; pp. 87-118(32)

  111. Kiesel, Alyson J.;
    Meaning and Misinterpretation CranfordIn: ELH. Baltimore: Winter 2004. Vol. 71, no. 4; p. 1001-1017(17)

  112. Knežević, Borislav.;
    The Novel as Cultural Geography: Elizabeth Gaskell's North and SouthIn: revue publiee par les Sections romane, italienne et anglaise de la Faculte des Lettres de l'Universite de Zagreb, Vol.56 No.- May 2012. pp. 85-105(21)

  113. Koustinoudi, Anna.;
    Disavowal, Defense and Voyeurism in the Narration of Elizabeth Gaskell's Cousin Phillis. In: College Literature, 35(2008), pp. 70-83(14)

  114. Koustinoudi, Anna.;
    Narrating the Community and the Individual in Elizabeth Gaskell's CranfordIn: Gramma: Journal of Theory and Criticism Vol. 18, The Individual and the Mass: Literary and Cultural Reflections (2010): pp. 67-80(14)

  115. Koustinoudi, Anna.;
    Narrative Voice and Gender in Elizabeth Gaskell's CranfordIn: Gramma Journal of Theory and Criticism, vo. 9(2001), pp. 113-128(16)

  116. Koustinoudi, Anna.;
    The Split Subject of Narration in Elizabeth Gaskell's. First-Person Fiction.
      Doctoral Dissertation submitted to the Department of English Language and Literature,. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 2009. 275 pp.

  117. Kubiesa, Jane M.;
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