Henry, James(ヘンリー・ジェイムズ)研究 論文
Henry, James(ヘンリー・ジェイムズ)研究の2010年から2015年に刊行された論文を紹介しています。
ここで紹介する論文・書評は企画商品CD「アメリカ文学」の「19世紀後半から20世紀初頭:リアリズムと自然主義の作家たち」の項 Henry, James 第1集 2010-2015年の刊行論文集に収録しています。
- Ahlberg, Sofia.;
Scenes of Instruction: Representations of the American Girl in European Twentieth-Century Literature. In: Journal of Modern Literature (Foundation for Modern Literature, Bloomington, IN) (33:3) [Spring 2010], pp. 64-77(14) - Allen, Brooke.;
Adapting the Classic. In: Hudson Review (66:4) [Winter 2014], pp. 694-700(7) - Alworth, David J.;
Henry James, Fredric Jameson, and the Social Art of Sculpture. In: Henry James Review, (36:3), 2015, pp. 212-225 (14) - Anesko, Michael.;
My Fair Henry?! In: Henry James Review, (33:1), 2012, pp. 68-84 (17) - Anesko, Michael.;
Textual Monuments/Crumbling Idols; or, What We Never Knew about Henry James (and Never Thought to Ask). In: Henry James Review, (34:2), 2013, pp. 183-196(14) - Anker, Richard.;
The Genealogy of Duplicity in Henry James. Centre de Recherches sur les Litteratures et la Sociopoetique (CELIS). Universite Blaise Pascal. halshs-00684645, version 1 - 2 Apr 2012. 10 pp. - Arac, Jonathan.;>br>
The Age of the Novel, the Age of Empire: Howells, Twain, James around 1900. Yearbook of English Studies, 2011; 41 (2): pp. 94-105 (12)
- Arac, Jonathan.;
Henry James and Edward Said: Problems of Value in a Secular World. In: Henry James Review, (33:3), 2012, pp. 233-238(6). (In special issue: "Papers from the 'Transforming Henry James' Conference, Rome, 2011." ) . - Arata, Stephen.;
Decadent Form. In: ELH, (81:3), 2014, pp. 1007-1027(21) - Attridge, John.;
'Human Expertness': Professionalism, Training, and the Prefaces to the New York Edition. In: Henry James Review, (32:1), 2011, pp. 29-44 (16) - Attridge, John.;
The Lesson of the Master: Learning and Cognition in What Maisie Knew. In: Sydney Studies in English, (37:), 2011, pp. 22-46 (25) - Austin-Smith, Brenda.;
Review Essay: Composing America. In: Henry James Review, (35:2), 2014, pp. 191-198(8)
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- Baker, Jayson.;
The Globalization of "American City": Whiteness, Multiculturalism, and Empire in James Ivory's The Golden Bowl. In: Studies in the Humanities (42:1/2) [Dec 2015], pp. 1-20(20) - Baker, Jayson.;
There's No Space Like Home: Anglo American Displacement in Washington Square. In: Adaptation: The Journal of Literature on Screen Studies, (7:1), 2014, pp. 1-13(13) - Barnes, Ashley C.;
Fanny and Bob Forever: The Collage Aesthetic and the Love Story in The Golden Bowl. In: Henry James Review, (35:2), 2014, pp. 95-115(21) - Bateman, Benjamin.;
The Beast to Come: Henry James and the Writing of Queer Messianism. In: Henry James Review, (34:1), 2013, pp. 83-97(15) - Bateman, Benjamin.;
Species Performance, or, Henry James's Beastly Sense. In: MFS: Modern Fiction Studies, (60:3), 2014, pp. 464-483(20). (In special issue: "Animal Worlds in Modern Fiction".) - Bawer, Bruce.;
A sufferable snob. In: The New Criterion (33:10) Jun 2015, 8 pp. - Bellonby, Diana.;
The Surrogate-Author Function in The Portrait of a Lady: A Theory of Influence. In: Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts, (55:2), 2013, pp. 203-231(29) - Berger, Charles.;
Reading the Alien in American Scenes: Henry James and Wallace Stevens. In: Wallace Stevens Journal: A Publication of the Wallace Stevens Society, 2010 Spring; 34 (1): pp. 15-36 (22) - Beringer, Alex.;
The Pleasures of Conspiracy in Henry James' The Princess Casamassima. In: Studies in American Fiction, Spring 2012, Vol. 39, Issue 1, pp. 23-42(20) - Bersani, Leo.;
Re-perusal, Registered. In: Henry James Review, (32:3), 2011, pp. 274-280(7). (In special issue on Henry James and Leo Bersani.) . - Blackford, Holly Virginia.;
Raw Shok and Modern Method: Child Consciousness in Flowers for Algernon and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. In: Children's Literature Association Quarterly, (38:3), 2013, pp. 284-303(20). (In: "Special Issue on Disability and Children's Literature.".) . - Blacklock, Mark.;
The Higher Spaces of the Late Nineteenth-Century Novel. In: 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century , (17:), 2013, 46 paragraphs. (In special issue: "Space.") . - Blackwood, Sarah.;
Isabel Archer's Body. In: Henry James Review, (31:3), 2010, pp. 271-279(9). (In special issue: "The Women." .) . - Bollinger, Laurel Anne.;
'Poor Isabel, Who Had Never Been Able to Understand Unitarianism!': Denominational Identity and Moral Character in Henry James's The Portrait of a Lady. In: Henry James Review, (32:2), 2011, pp. 160-177 (18) - Boyce, Kristin.;
Literature, Logic and the Liberating Eord: The Elucidation of Confusion in Henry James. In: Journal of Philosophical Research, Vol. 35 (2010), pp. 43-88(46) - Boyce, Kristin.;
What Does James Show His Readers in The Wings of the Dove? In: Henry James Review, (35:1), 2014, pp. 1-11(11) - Boyd, Alisa.;
'Something vibrates back': Whistler and Henry James. In: Erma Hermens, Joanna Meacock and Grischka Petri (eds.),CONNECTING WHISTLER: Essays in Honour of Margaret F. MacDonald, Glasgow, 2010, pp. 63-68(6) - Bradbury, Nicola.;>br>
'Like a New Edition of an Old Book': Textual Variation in The Ambassadors. In: Review of English Studies, (65:268), 2014, pp. 137-151(15)
- Brewis, Oliver.;
Interest and Aesthetic Judgment in Henry James's Late Novels. In: Henry James Review, (33:2), 2012, pp. 95-109(15) - Brown, Angus.;
Wait for It: The Pleasures of Jamesian Style in The Wings of the Dove and Italian Hours. In: Henry James Review, (35:1), 2014, pp. 60-67(8) - Brown, Catherine.:
Henry James and Ivan Turgenev: cosmopolitanism and croquet. In: Literary Imagination (15:1) 2013, pp. 109-123(15) - Buelens, Gert.;
Always a Potent and an Impotent Romantic: Stylistic Enactments of Desire in Henry James's The Ambassadors and Wallace Stevens' 'Anecdote of the Jar'. In: Wallace Stevens Journal: A Publication of the Wallace Stevens Society, 2010 Spring; 34 (1): pp. 37-63(27) - Buelens, Gert.;
Non-Readings and Misreadings of 'The Jamesian Lie'. In: Henry James Review, (32:3), 2011, pp. 259-265(7). (In special issue on Henry James and Leo Bersani.) . - Burke, Mary.;
The Marriage Plot and the Plot Against the Union: Irish Home Rule and Henry James's "The Modern Warning''. In: Irish Studies Review, 23:2(2015), pp. 184-193(10) - Burrows, Stuart.;
The Subject of Style. In: Henry James Review, (35:3), 2014, pp. 201-208(8). (In special issue: "Reading James.") . - Byttebier, Stephanie.;
'None of the Effect of an Invalid': The Trials of Empathy in Henry James's The Wings of the Dove. In: Henry James Review, (35:2), 2014, pp. 157-174 (18)
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- Campbell, Charles.;
Henry James as Critic:From the Pictorial to the Formal. In: Jordan Journal of the Arts, Vol.5 No.1, 2012, pp. 107-114(8) - Campbell, Kate.;
Modernism and ... with Henry James.[ Review Essays]. In: Henry James Review, (33:3), 2012, pp. 277-284(8) - Campbell, Sarah.;
Saying 'Nothing' and Meaning 'Everything' in The Golden Bowl. In: Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory, 2011 Summer; 67 (2): pp. 101-125(25) - Cardoso de Lima, Joao.;
Adventitious Style in The Portrait of a Lady. In: Henry James Review, (35:3), 2014, pp. 278-284(7). (In special issue: "Reading James.".) . - Carroll, Joseph.;
Screw-Turn-izing the Governess's Touching Story: Pedophilia in Henry James's The Turn of the Screw. In: Sigma Tau Delta Review, (12:), 2015, pp. 16-29(14) - Caserio, Robert L.;
Anti-Social James. In: Henry James Review, (31:1), 2010, pp. 7-13 (7) - Caserio, Robert L.;
Leo Bersani, Terrence Malick's Witt, and Henry James: A Future Past for Astyanax? In: Henry James Review, (32:3), 2011, pp. 204-210(7). (In special issue on Henry James and Leo Bersani.) . - Castellano, Esther Navio.;
Manuscripts of Ashes: Parallel Readings of James's The Aspern Papers and Munoz Molina's Beatus Ille. In: Trans- No 11: Univ. Complutense « Manuscripts of Ashes » HIVER 2011, pp. 1-10(10) - Chirico, Miriam M..;
The Family Reunion: Eliot, James, and the Buried Life: A Response to Edward Lobb. In: Connotations 21.2-3 (2011/2012): pp. 334-345(12) - Claggett, Shalyn.;
Turning the Corner of Interpretation: A Response to Elena Anastasaki. In: Connotations 21.1 (2011/12): pp. 72-85(14) - Clarke, Meaghan.;
The 'Triumph of Perception and Taste': Women, Exhibition Culture, and Henry James. In: Henry James Review, (31:3), 2010, pp. 246-253(8). (In special issue: "The Women.") . - Cobb, Shelley.;
Film Authorship and Adaptation. In: Cartmell, Deborah (ed.), Elliott, Kamilla (foreword), A Companion to Literature, Film, and Adaptation, Oxford, England: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. xiii, 433 pp.(Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture81). pp. 105-121(17) - Coghlan, J. Michelle.;
Aftertastes of Ruin: Uncanny Sites of Memory in Henry James's Paris. In: Henry James Review, (33:3), 2012, pp. 239-246(8). (In special issue: "Papers from the 'Transforming Henry James' Conference, Rome, 2011.".) . - Cohen, Paula Marantz.;
Haunted by Henry James. In: Yale Review, (103:2), 2015, pp. 18-23(6) - Coit, Emily.;
Henry James's Dramas of Cultivation: Liberalism and Democracy in The Bostonians and The Princess Casamassima. In: Henry James Review, (36:2), 2015, pp. 177-198 (22) - Cole, Jean Lee.;
The Hideous Obscure of Henry James. In: American Periodicals: A Journal of History, Criticism, and Bibliography, (20:2), 2010, pp. 190-215(26). (In: "Special Issue: American Periodicals and Visual Culture".) . - Collister, Peter.;
'As an Artist and as a Bachelor': The Sexual Dynamics of 'The Liar'. In: Henry James Review, (34:1), 2013, pp. 64-82 (19) - Collister, Peter.;
Henry James, the "Scenic Idea," and "Nona Vincent". In: Philological Quarterly (Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City) (94:3) Summer 2015, pp. 267-290(24) - Conti, Christopher.;
The Aesthetic Alibi in The End of the Road. In: Modern Fiction Studies (58:1) [Spring 2012], pp. 79-111(33) - Cook, Eleanor.;
Notes Toward a Comparison of Henry James and Wallace Stevens. In: Wallace Stevens Journal: A Publication of the Wallace Stevens Society , (34:1), 2010, pp. 95-99(5). (In "Special Issue: Wallace Stevens and Henry James".) . - Copland, Rachelann Lopp.;
Daisy Miller's Elimination: A Post-Colonial Social Darwinist Theory. In: JACLR: Journal of Artistic Creation and Literary Research 1.2 (2013): pp. 27-39(13) - Coulson, Victoria.;
Who Cares about Charlotte Wentworth? Fancy-Work in Henry James. In: Henry James Review, (31:1), 2010, pp. 21-26(6) - Coyle, John.;
Ford, James and Daudet: The Charming Art of Touching the Truth. In: Lemarchal, Dominique (ed. and introd.), Davison-Pégon, Claire (ed.), Saunders, Max (preface), Ford Madox Ford, France and Provence, Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2011. 297 pp.(International Ford Madox Ford Studies10). pp. 251-258(8) - Cutting, Andrew.;
Interiority, Affordances, and the Possibility of Adapting Henry James's The Turn of the Screw as a Video Game. In: Adaptation, September 2012; 5: pp. 169 - 184(16)
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- Da, Nan Z.;
Lao She, James, and Reading Time. In: Henry James Review, (34:3), 2013, pp. 285-295(11). (In special issue: "Reading James.") . - Davies, David.;
'Haunting and Penetrating the City': The Influence of Emile Zola's L'Assommoir on James's The Princess Casamassima. In: Henry James's Europe: Heritage and Transfer. Edited by Dennis Tredy, Annick Duperray and Adrian Harding. Cambridge Openbook Pub, 2011. pp 20-28(9) - Diamond, Cora.;
Henry James, Moral Philosophers, Moralism. In: Hagberg, Garry L. (ed. and introd.), Jost, Walter (ed. and introd.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Literature, Chichester, England: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. xiv, 552 pp.(Blackwell Companions to Philosophy44). pp. 268-284(17) - Danova, Madeleine.;
"Life after Death": James and Postmodern Biofiction. In: Henry James's Europe: Heritage and Transfer. Edited by Dennis Tredy, Annick Duperray and Adrian Harding. Cambridge Openbook Pub, 2011. pp. pp. 78-85(8) - Davidson, Guy.;
'Almost a Sense of Property': Henry James's The Turn of the Screw, Modernism, and Commodity Culture. In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language, (53:4), 2011, pp. 455-478(24) - Despotopoulou, Anna.;
'No Natural Place Anywhere': Women's Precarious Mobility and Cosmopolitanism in James's Novels. In: Henry James Review, (35:2), 2014, pp. 141-156.(16) - Despotopoulou, Anna.;
Review Essay: Overt Relations: James and Modernism. In: Henry James Review, (35:3), 2014, pp. 307-312(6). (In special issue: "Reading James.") . - Dickstein, Morris.;
The Moment of the Novel and the Rise of Film Culture. In: Raritan: a quarterly review (33:1) [Summer 2013], pp. 86-103(18) - Diebel, Anne.;
'The Dreary Duty': Henry James, The Yellow Book, and Literary Personality. In: Henry James Review, (32:1), 2011, pp. 45-59(15) - Dimock, Wai Chee.;
Weak Theory: Henry James, Colm Tóibín, and W. B. Yeats. In: Critical Inquiry , (39:4), 2013, 732-753(22) - Dinter, Sandra.;
The Mad Child in the Attic: John Harding's Florence & Giles as a Neo-Victorian Reworking of The Turn of the Screw. In: Neo-Victorian Studies, 5:1 (2012), pp. 60-88(29) - Drobot, Irina-Ana.;
The Image of a Corrupt Europe as Dystopia in The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James. In: Romanian Journal of American Studies, no. 2(2014). 7 pp. - Dryden, Edgar.;
The Imp of the Perverse: Metaphor in The Golden Bowl. In: Henry James Review, (31:2), 2010, pp. 111-124(14)
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- Echavarria, Arturo.;
Borges, Henry James and the Europeans. In: MLN, 2010 Dec; 125 (5): pp. 1126-1139(14) - Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning.;
Felix Holt: the Radical and the gusset of cryptic futurity. In: George Eliot Review, (46) [2015], pp. 46-54(9) - Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning.;
Poetic 'Derivatives' in the Prose of The Portrait of a Lady. In: ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews, (23:2), 2010, pp. 131-137(7) - El-Rayess, Miranda.;
The Violence of Representation: James, Sargent and the Suffragette. In: Critical Quarterly, (53:2), 2011, pp. 30-45(16) - Emery-Peck, Jennifer Sorensen.;
'As She Called It': Henry James Makes Free with a Female Telegraphist. In: Henry James Review, (31:3), 2010, pp. 288-296(9). (In special issue: "The Women.") . - Emery-Peck, Jennifer Sorensen.;
'Clearnesses, Clearances': Telegrams and the Formal Economy of The Golden Bowl. In: Studies in the Novel, (44:2), 2012, pp. 164-185(22) - Emre, Merve.;
Jamesian Institutions. In: American Literary History, (27:2), 2015, pp. 226-255(30) - Epstein, Joseph.;
The James Cult. In: The New Criterion (31:2) [Oct 2012], 6 pp. - Evans, Brad.;
Relating in Henry James (The Artwork of Networks). In: Henry James Review , (36:1), 2015, pp. 1-23(23) [Formerly: Rowe, John Carlos (ed. and introd.), Henry James Today, Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars, 2014. pp. 7-40.] - Evans, Geraint.;
'Modernity and the technology of communication in Ford Madox Ford's A Call and Henry James's In The Cage. In: International Ford Madox Ford Studies (12) [2013], pp. 159-170(12)
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- Faulkner, Joanne.;
Innocents and Oracles: The Child as a Figure of Knowledge and Critique in the Middle-Class Philosophical Imagination. In: Critical Horizons, 12.3 (2011), pp. 323-346(24) - Fessenbecker, Patrick.;
Freedom, Self-Obligation, and Selfhood in Henry James. In: Nineteenth-Century Literature, Vol. 66, No. 1 (June 2011), pp. 69-95(27) - Finnerty, Páraic.;
Decadent Masculinity in Early James. In: Symbiosis (16:2) [Oct 2012], pp. 147-163(17) - Finnerty, Páraic; Pulham, Patricia.;
Introduction: Decadent Crossings. In: Symbiosis (16:2) [Oct 2012], pp. 141-146(6) - Fisher, Paul.;
'Her Smoking Was the Least of Her Freedoms': Henrietta Reubell, Miss Barrace, and the Queer Milieu of Henry James's Paris. In: Henry James Review , (33:3), 2012, 247-254. (In special issue: "Papers from the 'Transforming Henry James' Conference, Rome, 2011." .) . - Flaherty, Matthew.;
Henry James at the Ethical Turn: Vivification and Ironization in The Ambassadors. In: Nineteenth-Century Literature, (69:3), 2014, pp. 366-393 (28) - Flannery, Denis.;
Irish Strands and the Imperial Eye: Henry James's 'The Modern Warning'. In: Henry James Review, (31:1), 2010, pp. 39-45(7) - Flannery, Denis.;
Judith Butler's Henry James. In: Henry James Review, (32:1), 2011, pp. 12-19(8) - Flood, Jeanette Amestoy.;
Henry James and the Grace to Forgive. In: StAR - St. Austin Review, May/June 2011, pp. 12-15(4) - Fogel, Daniel Mark.;
A Partial Portrait of James Studies: Anesko's Monopolizing the Master. (Review Essay). In: Henry James Review, (35:2), 2014, pp. 175-190(16). (On Anesko, Michael. Monopolizing the Master: Henry James and the Politics of Modern Literary Scholarship. 2012.) . - Follini, Tamara L.;
Speaking Monuments: Henry James, Walt Whitman, and the Civil War Statues of Augustus Saint-Gaudens. In: Journal of American Studies, (48:1), 2014, pp. 25-49(25) - Francescato, Simone.;
A Discordance between the Self and the World: The Collector in Balzac's Cousin Pons and James's 'Adina'. In: Tredy, Dennis (ed, preface, and introd.), Duperray, Annick (ed.), Harding, Adrian (ed. and note), Henry James's Europe: Heritage and Transfer, Cambridge, England: Open Book, 2011. xxiv, 292 pp. pp. 137-145(9) - Francescato, Simone.;
Eccentric Naturalists: Henry James and the Provencal Novelist Alphonse Daudet. In: Davison, Claire (ed.), Laurent, B (ed.), Patey, Caroline (ed. and introd.), Vanfasse, Nathalie (ed.), Provence and the British Imagination, Milan, Italy: Ledizioni, 2013. 234 pp.(Di/segni5). pp. 119-130(12) - Francis, Philip S.
The Haunting Quest for What Is Lost: Aesthetics and Ethics in William and Henry James. In: Philosophy and Literature, (38:1), 2014, pp. 74-89 (16) - Fraser, Gordon.;
The Anxiety of Audience: Economies of Readership in James's Hawthorne. In: Henry James Review, (34:1), 2013, pp. 1-15(15) - Freedman, Jonathan.;
The Ambassadors and the Culture of Optical Illusion. In: Raritan: a quarterly review (34:3) [Winter 2015], pp. 133-157(25) - Freedman, Jonathan.;
Henry James and Early Film. In: Henry James Review, (33:3), 2012, pp. 255-264(10). (In special issue: "Papers from the 'Transforming Henry James' Conference, Rome, 2011.) . - Fruzińska, Justyna.;
The "poisoned cup of experience" or narcissistic disorder in Henry James's "Portrait of a Lady". In: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio FF Philologiae, vol. XXIX(2011), 1, pp. 59-65(7) - Funchion, John.;
Critical Oversights: The Aesthetics and Politics of Reading The Bostonians. In: Henry James Review, (34:3), 2013, pp. 279-284(6). (In special issue: "Reading James." English summary.) .
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- Garratt, Peter.;
Moving Worlds: Fictionality and Illusion after Coleridge. In: Literature Compass, (9:11), 2012, pp. 752-763(12) - Gates, Joanne E.;
Henry James's Dictation Letter to Elizabeth Robins: 'The Suffragette Movement Hot from the Oven'. In: Henry James Review, (31:3), 2010, pp. 254-263(10). (In special issue: "The Women.") . - Gavin, Alice.;
Thinking room and thought streams in Henry and William James. In: Textual Practice, vol. 26, no. 5, October 2012, pp. 871-893(23) - Gencheva, Andrea.;
The Governess as a Gothic Heroine in Henry James' "The Turn of the Screw". In: English Studies at NBU, 2015 Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 72-79(8) - Ghani, Mamuna.;
Henry James and the Pursuit of Consciousness: A Psychostylistic Study of the Beast in the Jungle. In: Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS), Vol. 31, No. 1 (June 2011), pp. 37-50(16) - Gibson, John.;
Representation and the Novel. In: Henry James Review, (34:3), 2013, pp. 220-231(12). (In special issue: "Reading James.".) . - Gibson, Pamela Church; McDonald, Tamar Jeffers.;
Costume and Adaptation. In: Cartmell, Deborah (ed.), Elliott, Kamilla (foreword), A Companion to Literature, Film, and Adaptation, Oxford, England: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. xiii, 433 pp.(Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture81). pp. 295-311(17) - Gibson, Suzie.;
Love's Negative Dialectic in Henry James's The Golden Bowl. In: Philosophy and Literature, (39:1), 2015, pp. 1-14(14) - Ginsburg, Michal Peled.;
The Portrait's Two Faces: James's 'The Special Type' and 'The Tone of Time'. In: Henry James Review, (33:2), 2012, pp. 165-176(12) - Giorcelli, Cristina.;
Beguiling City, Bewitching Landscape, Bewildering People. In: Henry James Review, (33:3), 2012, pp. 216-232(17). (In special issue: "Papers from the 'Transforming Henry James' Conference, Rome, 2011.".) . - Giresunlu, Leman.;
James's Romantic Promises: The Golden Bowl and the Virtual. In: Henry James's Europe: Heritage and Transfer. Edited by Dennis Tredy, Annick Duperray and Adrian Harding. Cambridge Openbook Pub, 2011. pp 38-46(9) - Goldstone, Andrew.;
Servants, Aestheticism, and 'The Dominance of Form'. In: ELH, 2010 Fall; 77 (3): pp. 615-643(29) - Gooder, Jean.;
Henry James and the universities. In: Literary Imagination (15:1) 2013, pp. 2-15(14) - Graham, Wendy.;
James and the Lesser of Two Modernisms. In: Henry James Review, (35:1), 2014, pp. 48-59(12) - Gray, Larry A.;
The Mother as Artist in "Louisa Pallant": Re-casting the International Scene. In: Henry James's Europe: Heritage and Transfer. Edited by Dennis Tredy, Annick Duperray and Adrian Harding. Cambridge Openbook Pub, 2011. pp 29-37(9) - Grimstad, Paul.;
'Conscience of the Atelier': Style in James's Criticism. In: Henry James Review, (35:3), 2014, pp. 218-225(8). (In special issue: "Reading James.") . - Guillain, Aurelie.:
Developing a civilized perspective: transatlantic travellers in the early short fiction of Henry James. In: Journal of the Short Story in English/Les Cahiers de la nouvelle (61) 2013, pp. 21-32(12) - Gunter, Susan E.;
Henry James, Peggy James, and Circulating Desire. In: Henry James Review, (31:3), 2010, pp. 209-217(9). (In special issue: "The Women." ) . - Gutorow, Jacek.;
Toward the Incalculable: A Note on Henry James and Organic Form. In: Henry James Review, (35:3), 2014, pp. 285-294(10). (In special issue: "Reading James." ) .
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- Hadley, Tessa.;
What Maisie Knew: How Teaching Difficult Texts Helps Us Learn About Reading. In: Henry James Review, (33:3), 2012, pp. 272-276(5). (In special issue: "Papers from the 'Transforming Henry James' Conference, Rome, 2011.".) . - Hammond, Meghan Marie.;
English Review, American Specter: The Critical Attitude Crosses the Atlantic. In: Haslam, Sara (ed. and introd.), O'Malley, Seamus (ed.), Saunders, Max (preface), Ford Madox Ford and America, Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2012. 276 pp.(International Ford Madox Ford Studies11). pp. 55-68(14) - Hannah, Daniel.;
Green James? Reading Ecologies. In: Henry James Review, (34:3), 2013, pp. 261-269(9). (In special issue: "Reading James." .) . - Hannah, Daniel.;
Ornamental Pleasure: James and the British Soldier. In: Henry James Review, (31:1), 2010, pp. 32-38 (7) - Hannah, Daniel.;
'Unlyrical, Unmusical, Unrhythmical, Unmanageable': Attending to Henry James's Music. In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language, (57:2), 2015, pp. 129-161(33) - Haseltine, Patricia Louise.;
"Too long in Foreign Parts"? : Reading Henry James in the Asian University. In: The Asian Conference on Literature & Librarianship Official Conference Proceedings 2011 LibrAsia 2011, Osaka, Japan. LibrAsia2011 The Inaugural Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship 2011. pp. 158-169(12) - Haslam, Sara.;
Introduction: 'Dreaming Territory'. In: International Ford Madox Ford Studies (11) [2012], pp. 17-44(28) - Hatten, Charles.;
Review Essay: Henry James and Modernism. In: Henry James Review, (34:2), 2013, pp. 200-205(6) - Hayes, Patrick.:
Not quite letting go: rethinking the 'tragic sense of life' in Roth's first novel. In: Philip Roth Studies (9:2) [Fall 2013], pp. 7-22(16) - Held, Joshua.;
Conscience and Consciousness in The Ambassadors: Epistemology, Focalization, and Narrative Ethics. In: Henry James Review, (34:1), 2013, pp. 33-46 (14) - Helmers, Matthew.;
Possibly Queer Time: Paranoia, Subjectivity, and 'The Beast in the Jungle'. In: Henry James Review, (32:2), 2011, pp. 101-117(7) - Hentea, Marius.;
The Forms and Functions of Back Story in the Novel. In: Narrative, Vol. 18, No. 3 (October 2010), pp. 347-366(20) - Herford, Oliver.;
The Roman Lotus: Digestion and Retrospect. In: Henry James Review, (31:1), 2010, pp. 54-60(7) - Heyns, Michiel.;
Henry James. In: Poole, Adrian (ed. and introd.), The Cambridge Companion to English Novelists, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2010. xi, 464 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 272-289(18) - Hochman, Barbara.;
Reading Historically/Reading Selectively: The Bostonians in the Century, 1885-1886. In: Henry James Review, (34:3), 2013, pp. 270-278(9). (In special issue: "Reading James.".) . - Hoffman, Anne Golomb.;
WRITING SIBLINGS: Alice James and Her Brothers. In: Psychoanalytic Review, 102(1), February 2015, pp. 1-32(32) - Hohendahl, Peter Uwe.;
A Precarious Balance: Adorno and German Classicism. In: Nerary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation, (42:1), 2011, pp. 31-52(22) - Holland, Jocelyn.;
Angeln, Blatt, Constellation: Plural Forms in Nietzsche's Ueber Wahrheit und Lüge im aussermoralischen Sinne. In: MLN, (126:3), 2011, pp. 518-533(16). (In special issue: "Constellations/Konstellationen".) . - Holmgren, Lindsay.;
Knowing Maisie. In: Henry James Review, (36:1), 2015, pp. 64-80(17) - Hoover, David L.;
Modes of Composition in Henry James: Dictation, Style, and What Maisie Knew. In: Henry James Review, (35:3), 2014, pp. 257-277(21). (In special issue: "Reading James." ) . - Horn, Paul.;
'Two Minds with but a Single Thought': W. T. Stead, Henry James, and the Zancig Controversy. In: 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, (16:), 2013, 13 paragraphs. (In special issue: "W. T. Stead: Newspaper Revolutionary.") . 18 pp. - Horne, Philip.;
Henry James and the English Review. In: Harding, Jason (ed. and introd.), Ford Madox Ford, Modernist Magazines and Editing, Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2010. 284 pp.(International Ford Madox Ford Studies9). pp. 25-51(27) - Howarth, John.;
The Portrayal of Feminist Ideals in Henry James's The Bostonians. In: Illuminazioni, (18:), 2011, pp. 78-89 (12) - Hughes, Clair.;
'Sex in the Chapeau'-Accessories to What Maisie Knew. In: Henry James Review, (31:3), 2010, pp. 239-245(7). (In special issue: "The Women." ) . - Hunt, Hannah.;
Eternal City or the Stuff of Nightmares? The Characterisation of Rome in Portrait of a Lady and Middlemarch. In: Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens: Revue du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Victoriennes et Edouardiennes de l'Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier , (75:), 2012, pp. 187-198(12) - Hunter, Thomas Rogers.;
The First Gerrymander?: Patrick Henry, James Madison, James Monroe, and Virginia's 1788 Congressional Districting. In: Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Volume 9, Number 3, Fall 2011, pp. 781-820(40) - Hurley, Nat.:
The Queer Traffic in Literature; or, Reading Anthologically. In: English Studies in Canada (36:1) [Mar 2010], pp. 81-108(28) - Hutchison, Hazel.;
'An Embroidered Veil of Sound': The Word in the Machine in Henry James's In the Cage. In: Henry James Review, (34:2), 2013, pp. 147-162 (16) - Hutchison, Hazel.:
Just literary: Henry James and 'the Law School experiment'. In: Literary Imagination (15:1) 2013, pp. 36-47(12) - Ihara, Rachel.;
'Rather Rude Jolts': Henry James, Serial Novels, and the Art of Fiction. In: Henry James Review, (31:2), 2010, pp. 188-206 (19) - Izzo, Donatella.;
Is There a Beast in This Class? The Pragmatics and Ethics of Dialogic Reading. In: Henry James Review, (34:3), 2013, pp. 249-260(12). (In special issue: "Reading James.".) .
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- Jaffe, Aaron.;
Total Unconscious: Jameson, Conrad, and James. In: Henry James Review, (36:3), 2015, pp. 257-266(10). (In special issue: "Fredric Jameson, Henry James.") . - Jafri, Maha.;
Jamesian Sociability. In: Henry James Review, (32:3), 2011, pp. 218-226(9). (In special issue on Henry James and Leo Bersani.). - James, David.;
Integrity After Metafiction. In: Twentieth-Century Literature, 57.3 & 57.4 Fall/Winter 2011, pp. 492-515(24) - James, Laura.;
Technologies of Desire: Typists, Telegraphists and Their Machines in Bram Stoker's Dracula and Henry James's In the Cage. In: Victorian Network, (4:1), 2012, pp. 91-105(15) - Jimenez Heffernan, Julian.;
The Remains of Hegel: Phenomenality, Litter, Ordure, and the Limits of Theory. In: Textual Practice, (28:1), 2014, pp. 35-56(22) - Johanningsmeier, Charles.;
Henry James and American Public Libraries, 1875-1916. In: Henry James Review, (36:1), 2015, pp. 45-63(19) - Johnson, Kendall.;
Henry James and the China Trade. In: MFS: Modern Fiction Studies, (60:4), 2014, pp. 677-710(34) - Jolly, Roslyn.;
Henry James in Mid-Career: Georgina's Reasons and the Possibilities of Style. In: Style (47:3) 2013, pp. 342-365(24) - Jones, Anna Maria.;
The Victorian Childhood of Manga: Toward a Queer Theory of the Child in Toboso Yana's Kuroshitsuji. In: Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts, (55:1), 2013, pp. 1-41(41) - Jöttkandt, Sigi.;
Splitting the Difference: Aesthetic Relations in Henry James and Leo Bersani. In: The Henry James Review, 32.3 (2011): pp. 235-241(7) - Karlin, Daniel.;
'Our precious quand même': French in the Letters of Henry James. In: Cahiers victoriens et edouardiens (78) Autumn 2013, pp. 2-11(10) - Kemaloğlu, Azer Banu.;
Travelling and Gender: The Portrait of a Lady. In: Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (ILKE). Bahar 2010 vol. 24, pp. 103-120(28) - Korkut-Nayki, Nil.;
Henry James and his Ghosts: Narrative Ambiguity in "The Real Right Thing" and "The Jolly Corner". In: Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi / Journal of Faculty of Letters Cilt/Volume 29 Sayi/Number 1 (Haziran/June 2012), pp. 171-182(12) - Kovacs, Agnes Zsofia.;
Henry James in New York City and Lambert Strether in Paris: The Cultural Aspect of Experience in The American Scene and The Ambassadors. In: Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies , (17:2), 2011, (In special section: "Henry James and His Progeny".) . 13 pp. . - Kovács, Ágnes Zsófia.;
The Master and the Pupil: Henry James and Colm Toibin. In: Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies, (17:2), 2011, pp. 371-377(7). (In special section: "Henry James and His Progeny".) . - Kreitner, Richard.;
Henry James, Photography, and New York City. In: Raritan: a quarterly review (Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, NJ) (35:2) Fall 2015, pp. 123-149(27) - Krumholtz, Matthew.;
Henry James's Straight Talking Style. In: Henry James Review, (35:3), 2014, pp. 232-239(8). (In special issue: "Reading James." ) . - Kusek, Robert.;
The Many Lives of Henry James - Biographers, Critics and Novelists on the Master. In: Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis (6) [2011], pp. 75-91(17)
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- Lamm, Kimberly.;
A Future for Isabel Archer: Jamesian Feminism, Leo Bersani, and Aesthetic Subjectivity. In: Henry James Review, (32:3), 2011, pp. 249-258(10). (In special issue on Henry James and Leo Bersani.) . - Laughlin, Thomas A.;
The Double Life in the Cage: The Queering of the Social in Henry James's Late Short Fiction. In: Henry James Review, (31:2), 2010, pp. 154-168(15) - Lawrence, Kathleen Ann.;
'Call Me Isabel': Reverberations of James's Archetypal Plots in the Lives of His Readers. In: Henry James Review, (33:2), 2012, pp. 177-187(11) - Lawson, Andrew.;
'Perpetual Capital': Roderick Hudson, Aestheticism, and the Problem of Inheritance. In: Henry James Review, (32:2), 2011, pp. 178-191(13) - Layne, Bethany.;
'Henry Would Never Know He Hadn't Written It Himself': The Implications of 'Dictation' for Jamesian Style. In: Henry James Review, (35:3), 2014, pp. 248-256(9). (In special issue: "Reading James.".) . - Layne, Bethany.;
'Simultaneously anticipatory and retrospective': (re)reading Henry James through Colm Toibin's The Master. In: Henry James Review, (35:1), 2014, pp. 87-94(8) - Lemarchal, Dominique.;
Ford's Henry James as A Double Impression. In: International Ford Madox Ford Studies (12) 2013, pp. 65-78(14) - Leuschner, Eric.;
Ambulatory Poetics in Wallace Stevens and Henry James. In: Wallace Stevens Journal: A Publication of the Wallace Stevens Society, (34:1), 2010, pp. 64-76(13). (In "Special Issue: Wallace Stevens and Henry James".) . - Leuschner, Eric.;
The Grande Dame and the Master: Ellen Glasgow and Henry James. In: Ellen Glasgow Journal of Southern Women Writers, (4:), 2011, pp. 23-36(14) - Levin, Yael.;
Masters of Disinterest: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Conrad's Victory but Were Afraid to Ask James. In: Conradiana: A Journal of Joseph Conrad Studies , (45:3), 2013, pp. 1-19(19) - Li-shu Chang Chien.;
Maisie Farange: The Representative Child-figure of Henry James. In: 黄埔學報第六十一期民國一百年/ WHAMPOA - An Interdisciplinary Journal 61(2011), pp. 65-82(18) - Lin, Tzu Yu Allison.;
From Impressionist Paris to Post-Impressionist London: Henry James and Virginia Woolf's 'Painting-in-Writing'. In: Fu Jen Studies: Literature & Linguistics, (44:), 2011, pp. 1-25 (25) - Lo Dico, Mauro.;
The Classicism of Henry James: His Hellenism and Connection to Rome. In: Illuminazioni, (20:), 2012, pp. 3-23(20) - Looby, Christopher.;
John Marcher's Queer Timing. In: Henry James Review, (33:3), 2012, pp. 265-271(7). (In special issue: "Papers from the 'Transforming Henry James' Conference, Rome, 2011.".) . - Lowenstein, Adam Seth.;
"My genius is altogether imitative": Roderick Hudson, Serialization, and the Mimetic Double Bind. In: Revue française d'études américaines, no. 135(2013), pp. 39-50(12) - Lowenstein, Adam Seth.;
'Surprises that Struck the Hour': The Tragic Muse and the Modernizing of the Jamesian Serial. In: Henry James Review, (32:2), 2011, pp. 140-159 (10) - Lupu, Diana-Gabriela.;
Europe and America in Henry James's International Novel. In: Research and Science Today, Nr. 2 (Decembrie 2011), pp. 80-88(9) - Lupu, Diana-Gabriela.;
The Innocent American Girl in Henry James's International Novel. In: Gender Studies, (1:11), 2012, pp. 253-263(11) - Lupu, Diana-Gabriela.;
The Portrait of England in Henry James's International Novels. In: Romanian Journal of English Studies, Volume 9, Issue 1 (Dec 2012), pp. 263-275(13)
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- MacLeod, Glen.;
Wallace Stevens and Henry James: The New York Connection. In: Wallace Stevens Journal: A Publication of the Wallace Stevens Society , (34:1), 2010, pp. 3-14(12). (In "Special Issue: Wallace Stevens and Henry James".) . - Mamoli Zorzi, Rosella.;
Private and Public Subjects in the Correspondence between Henry James and Isabella Stewart Gardner. In: Henry James Review, (31:3), 2010, pp. 232-238(7). (In special issue: "The Women."). - Mao, Weiqiang.;
Give the Screw Another Turn-A Cultural Re-Reading of the Turn of the Screw. In: Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 2010, pp. 44-49(6) - Marshall, Gail.;
Performances in The Portrait of a Lady. In: Henry James Review, (31:3), 2010, pp. 264-270(6). (In special issue: "The Women.") . - Maurice, Alice.;
Fiction, Drama, and the Space Between: Race and Performance in James's The Other House. In: Henry James Review, (36:1), 2015, pp. 81-91(11) - McCollum, Jenn.;
The Romance of Henry James's Female Pedophile. In: MP: An Online Feminist Journal, Summer 2010: Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 39-56(18) - McCombe, John P.;
Henry James, Shakespeare's Biography, and the Question of National Identity in 'The Birthplace' and 'The Introduction to The Tempest'. In: Henry James Review, (31:2), 2010, pp. 169-187(19) - McCracken, Scott.;
The Author as Arsonist: Henry James and the Paris Commune. In: Modernism/Modernity, (21:1), 2014, pp. 71-87(17) - McWhirter, David Bruce.;
Bersani's James. In: Henry James Review, (32:3), 2011, pp. 211-217(7). (In special issue on Henry James and Leo Bersani.) . - Michals, Teresa.;
Henry James and the Invention of Adulthood. In: Novel: A Forum on Fiction, 2011 Summer; 44 (2): pp. 229-248(20) - Miller, Stephen.:
Henry James's America. In: New Criterion (31:10) 2013, pp. 23-27(5) - Mitchell, Lee Clark.;
"Dawdling and Gaping": James's A Small Boy and Others. In: Journal of Modern Literature (39:1) [Fall 2015], pp. 1-18(18) - Moghadam, Davood Mohammadi.;
Deceived American Young Ladies in Europe, a Basic Pattern of Henry James's International Theme. In: Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 2(9), 2012. pp. 8886-8893(8) - Moghadam, Davood Mohammadi.;
A Study on the International Theme, as a Prominent Subject in the Works of Henry James. In: International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Online, Vol. 28(2014), pp 85-94(10) - Moghadam, Davood Mohammadi & Wan Yahyab, Wan Roselezam.;
Depicting the Contrast between America and Europe through Symbolic Characters in The Portrait of a Lady. In: International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences (ILSHS), 2014 | 22 | pp. 15-19(5) - Moghadam, Davood Mohammadi & Wan Yahyab, Wan Roselezam.;
Deceived American Young Ladies in Europe, a Basic Pattern of Henry James's International Theme. In: Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL), Vol.2.Issue.3.;2014, pp. 86-90(5) - Moghadam, Davood Mohammadi & Wan Yahyab, Wan Roselezam.;
Depicting the Contrasts through Symbolic Characters. In: The Journal of International Social Research, Vol. 7, Issue: 34, (01.10.2014). pp. 121-126(6) - Moghadam D. M. & Wan Yahyab W. R.;
European sophisticated Materialism versus American moral Innocence. In: International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities, Volume II, Issue V, September 2014, pp. 471-480(10) - Moghadam D. M. & Wan Yahyab W. R.;
Practicing the International Theme of America versus Europe through Depicting their Cultures, Characters and Settings, in The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James. In: International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences (ILSHS), 22(2014), pp. 8-14(6) - Moghadam D. M.; Wan Yahyab W. R.; Bin Talif, Rosli.;
Who is the Ideal American in The Portrait of a Lady? In: Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL), Vol. 2. Issue.3.; 2014, pp. 312-315(4) - Monteiro, George.;
Henry James, Wallace Stevens, and the Way to Look at Madame Merle. In: Wallace Stevens Journal: A Publication of the Wallace Stevens Society , (34:1), 2010, pp. 77-85(9) . (In "Special Issue: Wallace Stevens and Henry James".) . - Moore, Robbie.;
Henry James, Hotels, and the Invention of Disposable Space. In: Modernist Cultures, 7.2 (2012): pp. 254-278(25) - Moore, Robbie.;
Monster Hotels, Elastic Men, and the Bourgeois Age. In: Henry James Review, (34:2), 2013, pp. 113-129 (17) - Moses, Omri.;
Henry James's Virtual Beast. In: Henry James Review, (32:3), 2011, pp. 266-273(8). (In special issue on Henry James and Leo Bersani.) . - Movaghati, Sina & Comcar, Milad.;
How James Kept the Pace?; A Look into the Organic Unity of Daisy Miller. In: Advances in Language and Literary Studies, ISSN: 2203-4714 Vol. 6 No. 6; December 2015, pp. 39-45(7) - Murphet, Julian.;
Aesthetic Perception and 'the Flaw': Towards a Jamesonian Account of Late James. In: Henry James Review, (36:3), 2015, pp. 226-233(8). (In special issue: "Fredric Jameson, Henry James." ) . - Murphy, Geraldine,;
Publishing Scoundrels: Henry James, Vernon Lee, and 'Lady Tal'. In: Henry James Review, (31:3), 2010, pp. 280-287(8). (In special issue: "The Women." ) .
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- Nemerov, Alexander.;
James as Magician: Deception and the Moment of Truth. In: Henry James Review, (34:3), 2013, pp. 213-219(7). (In special issue: "Reading James.".) . - Neves, Larissa Garay.;
Psychological Realism in the Wings of the Dove by Henry James: Point of View and the Characters Kate Croy and Milly Theale. In: Miguillim - Revista Eletronica do Netlli | V.1., N.2., DEZ. 2012, p. 152-169(18) - Nichols, Ben.;
Queer Footing: Pedestrian Politics and the Problem of Queer Difference in The Princess Casamassima. In: Henry James Review, (34:1), 2013, pp. 98-111(14) - Nussbaum, Martha C.;
Perceptive Equilibrium: Literary Theory and Ethical Theory. In: Hagberg, Garry L. (ed. and introd.), Jost, Walter (ed. and introd.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Literature, Chichester, England: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. xiv, 552 pp. (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy44). pp. 241-267(27) - Nutters, Daniel Rosenberg.;
Between the Romance and the Real: Experiencing Jamesian Reading. In: Henry James Review, (35:1), 2014, pp. 12-22(21) - Nutters, Daniel Rosenberg.;
The Abysses in James Studies. [Review Essay] In: Henry James Review, (36:1), 2015, pp. 92-100(9) - Nutters, Daniel Rosenberg.;
"The Whole Conduct of Life": Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry James. In: A Power to Translate the World: New Essays on Emerson and International Culture. By David LaRocca, Ricardo Miguel-Alfonso. Dartmouth College Press, 2016. pp. 202-214(13) - O'Farrell, Mary Ann.;
Henry James's Jolie Laide. In: Henry James Review, (35:3), 2014, pp. 226-231(6). (In special issue: "Reading James.") . - O'Farrell, Mary Ann.;
The Laughter of the Diviners, or Manners and the Sacred. In: Henry James Review, (31:1), 2010, pp. 27-31(5) - O'Hara, Daniel T.;
The Greatest Gift: On the Ecstasy of Reading in 'The Beast in the Jungle'. In: Henry James Review, (34:3), 2013, pp. 245-248(4). (In special issue: "Reading James.".) . - O'Neill, John.;
Dying in a State of Grace: Memory, Duality, and Uncertainty in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace. In: Textual Practice, (27:4), 2013, pp. 651-670 (20) - O'Toole, Sean.;
Queer Properties: Passion and Possession in The Spoils of Poynton. In: Henry James Review, (33:1), 2012, pp. 30-52 (23) - Ohi, Kevin.;
The Beast's Storied End. In: Henry James Review, (33:1), 2012, pp. 1-16.(16) - Oltean, Roxana.;
From Grand Tour to a Space of Detour: Henry James's Europe. In: Henry James Review, (31:1), 2010, pp. 46-53(8) - Onofrei (married Vlad), Paula Andreea.;
Henry James as a Character: Fictionalized and Literary Biography. In: Academia de Studii Economice Bucureşti. Sesiunea Internaţională de Comunicări &Scediltiinţifice Youth on the move. Teaching languages for international study and career-building Bucureşti, 13-14 mai 2011, pp. 183-208(26) - Onofrei, Paula-Andreea.;
Literature and Visual Arts in Henry James'Works. In: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 70, 25 January 2013, pp. 346-357(12) - Ouellette, Marc A.;
"Nobody Here Does Anything For Nothing": Reciprocity and Gender in The Wings of the Dove. In: Consciousness, Literature and the Arts, Vol. 14, no. 1, April 2013, 10 pp.
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- Perkin, J. Russell.;
Imagining Henry: Henry James as a Fictional Character in Colm Toibin's The Master and David Lodge's Author, Author. In: Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 33, no. 2, Winter 2010, pp. 114-130(17) - Perosa, Sergio.;
The Fostered Imagination: Henry James's A Small Boy and Others. In: RSA Journal 11, Mar 2011, pp. 5-28(24) - Peters, Matthew.;
Henry James's Hawthorne. In: Cambridge Quarterly, (42:4), 2013, pp. 305-317(13) - Peters, Matthew.:
'I am slowly taking against the great writer': Isaiah Berlin's reading of Henry James. In: Literary Imagination (15:1) 2013, pp. 65-73(9) - Phipps, Gregory Alan.;
Desire, Death, and Women in the Master-Slave Dialectic: A Comparative Reading of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit and Henry James's The Golden Bowl. In: Philosophy and Literature, (35:2), 2011, pp. 233-250(18) - Phipps, Gregory.;
'Our Habit Saves You': Peircean Subjectivity in 'The Beast in the Jungle'. In: Henry James Review, (34:1), 2013, pp. 47-63 (17) - Phillips, Michelle H.;
The 'Partagé ; Child' and the Emergence of the Modernist Novel in What Maisie Knew. In: Henry James Review, (31:2), 2010, pp. 95-110(16) - Pizer, Donald.;
Patricia Highsmith's "The Talented Mr. Ripley": The Literary Subtext. In: South Carolina Review; Fall2011, Vol. 44 Issue 1, pp. 49-54(6) - Plotz, John.;
Henry James's Rat-tat-tat-ah: Insidious Loss, Disguised Recovery and Semi-Detached Subjects. In: Henry James Review, (34:3), 2013, pp. 232-244(13). (In special issue: "Reading James.".). - Poole, Adrian.;
F. W. Bateson Memorial Lecture: Henry James and Charm. In: Essays in Criticism, Apr 2011; 61: pp. 115 -136(22) - Pooler, Mhairi.;
Father and Son: The Divided Self in James's Notes of a Son and Brother. In: Henry James's Europe: Heritage and Transfer. Edited by Dennis Tredy, Annick Duperray and Adrian Harding. Cambridge Openbook Pub, 2011. pp 48-55(8) - Pooler, Mhairi.;
Reading the Language of Friendship in Henry James's Letters to Edmund Gosse. In: Henry James Review, (35:1), 2014, pp. 76-86(11) - Posnock, Ross.;
'Convert, Convert, Convert': A Note on the Shared Aesthetic Imperative of Henry James and Wallace Stevens. In: Wallace Stevens Journal: A Publication of the Wallace Stevens Society , (34:1), 2010, pp. 100-101(2). (In "Special Issue: Wallace Stevens and Henry James".) . - Potter, Martin.;
Art as State of Mind in Henry James' The Tragic Muse. In: Romanian Journal of English Studies, (8:), 2011, pp. 388-396 (9) - Puckett, Kent.;
Make No Mistake: Getting It Right in The Princess Casamassima. In: Novel: A Forum on Fiction, 2010 Spring; 43 (1): pp. 60-64(5)
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- Rani, Dipika.;
Henry James' The Portrait of A Lady: An Odyssey from Illusion to Reality. In: The Criterion: An International Journal in English, vol. 6, no. 1, February 2015, 4 pp. - Raw, Laurence.;
Henry James on the BBC Third Programme 1946-1970. In: Henry James Review, (32:1), 2011, pp. 87-96(10) - Rawlings, Peter.;
The Painful Production of Verena Tarrant: John Locke and The Bostonians. In: Floyd, Janet (ed. and introd.), Easton, Alison (ed. and introd.), Ellis, R. J. (ed. and introd.), Traub, Lindsey (ed. and introd.), Becoming Visible: Women's Presence in Late Nineteenth-Century America, Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2010. xi, 370 pp.(DQR: Studies in Literature 45). pp. 219-238(20) - Reno, R.R.;
Henry James's Critique of the Beautiful Life. In: Azure, Spring 2010, [2], pp. 37-57(21) - Revely-Calder, Cal.;
The Tender Words of Henry James. In: Cambridge Quarterly, (43:4), 2014, pp. 325-338(14) - Rhoads, Bonita.;
Henry James and the Plunder of Sentiment: Building the House of Modernism from The Spoils of Poynton. In: Henry James Review, (33:2), 2012, pp. 147-164(18) - Richards, Bernard.;
Henry James and the Artistic Conscience. In: Essays in Criticism: A Quarterly Journal of Literary Criticism, (65:2), 2015, pp. 187-205(19) - Richards, Bernard.;
Henry James as a Comic Writer. In: Essays in Criticism: A Quarterly Journal of Literary Criticism , (62:4), 2012, pp. 417-437(21). (In special issue: "A Tribute to Stephen Wall (1931-2010): Editor of Essays in Criticism 1973-2010".) . - Richardson, Joan.;
Wallace Stevens and Henry James: Responses to a Questionnaire by Glen MacLeod. In: Wallace Stevens Journal: A Publication of the Wallace Stevens Society, (34:1), 2010, pp. 86-94(9). (In "Special Issue: Wallace Stevens and Henry James".) . - Riehl, Robin Vella.;
James and the 'No-Comma': Punctuation and Authority in 'Daisy Miller'. In: Henry James Review, (35:1), 2014, pp. 68-75(8) - Riikonen, H. K.;
Tourist Attractions, Stereotypes and Physiognomies in The American. In: Henry James's Europe: Heritage and Transfer. Edited by Dennis Tredy, Annick Duperray and Adrian Harding. Cambridge Openbook Pub, 2011. pp 11-19(9) - Ringuette, Dana.;
'This Matter of Attention and Discrimination': Henry James's Essays on Speech, Manners, and American Women. In: Henry James Review, (31:2), 2010, pp. 125-141(16) - Rivkin, Julie.;
Henry James, C'est Moi: Jamesian Afterlives. In: Henry James Review, (31:1), 2010, pp. 1-6(6) - Rix, Alicia.;
The Lives of Others': Motoring in Henry James's 'The Velvet Glove'. In: Journal of Modern Literature, (36:3), 2013, pp. 31-49(19). (In special issue: "Organisms and Machines.".) . - Robbins, Bruce.;
Many Years Later: Prolepsis in Deep Time. In: Henry James Review, (33:3), 2012, pp. 191-204(14). (In special issue: "Papers from the 'Transforming Henry James' Conference, Rome, 2011.") . - Roberts, Priscilla.;
The Geopolitics of Literature: the Shifting International Theme in the Works of Henry James. In: The International History Review, vol. 34(2012): no. 1, pp. 89-114(26) - Robinson, Jenefer.;
Emotion and the Understanding of Narrative. In: Hagberg, Garry L. (ed. and introd.), Jost, Walter (ed. and introd.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Literature, Chichester, England: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. xiv, 552 pp.(Blackwell Companions to Philosophy44). pp. 71-92(22) - Robinson, Richard.;
The Modernism of Ian Mcewan's Atonement. In: Modern Fiction Studies (56:3) [Fall 2010], pp. 473-495(23) - Roraback, Erik S.;
A Multiplicity of Folds of an Unconscious 'Crystal' Monad: James, Benjamin, and Blanchot. In: Henry James's Europe: Heritage and Transfer. Edited by Dennis Tredy, Annick Duperray and Adrian Harding. Cambridge Openbook Pub, 2011. pp 68-77(10) - Ross, Shawna.;
Hashtags, Algorithmic Compression, and Henry James's Late Style. In: Henry James Review, (36:1), 2015, pp. 24-44 (21) - Ross, Shawna.;
'This Wild Hunt for Rest': Working at Play in The Ambassadors. In: Journal of Modern Literature, (37:1), 2013, pp. 1-20(20). (In special issue: "Cosmopolitan Modernism, Polylingual Strategies and Cultural Hybridity.".) . - Rowe, John Carlos.;
Literary Adaptations of James in Roth's, Ozick's, and Franzen's Work. In: CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, (16:2), 2014, 9 pages. (In special issue: "History, Memory, and the Making of Character in Roth's Fiction.").
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- Salamensky, S. I.;
'The Man of the Hour': Oscar Wilde, Performance, and Proto-Modernity in Henry James's The Tragic Muse. In: Henry James Review, (32:1), 2011, pp. 60-74(15) - Salter, Sarah.;
Scratching at the Surface: Understanding History through Style in James's Italy. In: Henry James Review, (35:3), 2014, pp. 240-247(8). (In special issue: "Reading James.") . - Savoy, Eric.;
Aspern's Archive. In: Henry James Review, (31:1), 2010, pp. 61-67 (7) - Savoy, Eric.;
Casse toi!-or, the Calling of Leo Bersani. In: Henry James Review, (32:3), 2011, pp. 242-248(7). (In special issue on Henry James and Leo Bersani.) . - Scharnhorst, Gary.;
Julian Hawthorne Interviews Henry James. In: Henry James Review, (32:1), 2011, pp. 20-28(9) - Scheiber, Andrew Joseph.;
The Origin of Texts: 'The Art of Fiction' as Evolutionary Manifesto. In: Henry James Review, (33:1), 2012, pp. 53-67 (15) - Scherzinger, Karen.;
'Wondrous Texture': Henry James's Brocades. In: Journal of Literary Studies/Tydskrif vir Literatuurwetenskap, (31:2), 2015, pp. 1-27(27) - Schilleman, Matthew.;
Typewriter Psyche: Henry James's Mechanical Mind. In: Journal of Modern Literature, (36:3), 2013, pp. 14-30. (In special issue: "Organisms and Machines.".) . - Schwartz, John Pedro.;
'To Help the Nation to Save Its Soul': Museum Purposes in James's The Princess Casamassima. In: Victorian Literature and Culture, (38:1), 2010, pp. 239-254(16) - Scott, Rebekah.:
'Marmoreal darling of the few': Henry James, Max Beerbohm, and the spirit of caricature. In: Literary Imagination (15:1) 2013, pp. 124-144(21) - Scott, Rebekah.;
Spectral Henry James. In: Essays in Criticism: A Quarterly Journal of Literary Criticism, (63:1), 2013, pp. 88-96(9). (On Despotopoulou, Anna; Reed, Kimberly C., eds. Henry James and the Supernatural. 2011.) . - See, Sam,;
Bersani in Love. In: Henry James Review, (32:3), 2011, pp. 195-203(9). (In special issue on Henry James and Leo Bersani.). - Seligson, Judith.;
Visual Intertextuality: Drawing Comparisons in The Wings of the Dove. In: Henry James Review, (31:1), 2010, pp. 68-84 (17) - Semrau, Janusz.;
Between Habits of the Heart and Copulation of Cliches: Some Popular American Stories, Mores and Shibboleths. In: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia (47:2/3) [Jun 2012], pp. 93-114(22) - Sharrad, Paul.;
Turning the Screw Again: The Precocious Colonial Child in Henry James's Story. In: Postcolonial Text, (7:3), 2012, 16 pages. - Silko, Leslie Marmon.;
Delight: An Appreciation of Henry James. In: Henry James Review, (33:3), 2012, pp. 205-215(11). (In special issue: "Papers from the 'Transforming Henry James' Conference, Rome, 2011.") . - Siota, Raúl Valiño.;
The Role of the Governess in The Turn of the Screw. In: Odisea, no 11, ISSN 1578-3820, 2010, pp. 207-221(15) - Smith, David L.;
The Jamesian Oedipus and the Freudian Moses: Image, Word, the Later Style, and The Ambassadors. In: Studies in the Novel, (44:1), 2012, pp. 1-26(26) - Sohier, Jacques.;
Henry James's The Portrait of a Lady: The Figure of the Lady Between Surplus Value and Surplus Enjoyment. In: Miranda [Online], 11 | 2015, 10 pp. - Spunt, Nicola Ivy.;
Pathological Commodification, Contagious Impressions, and Dead Metaphors: Undiagnosing Consumption in The Wings of the Dove. In: Henry James Review, (34:2), 2013, pp. 163-182 (20) - St. Pierre, Scott.;
A Personal Quantity: On Sexuality and Jamesian Style. In: Henry James Review, (33:2), 2012, pp. 110-126(17) - Staes, Toon.:
Rewriting the author: a narrative approach to empathy in Infinite Jest and The Pale King. In: Studies in the Novel (44:4) [Winter 2012], pp. 409-427(19) - Stanley, Kate.;
Henry James's Syntax of Surprise. In: Henry James Review, (34:1), 2013, pp. 16-32 (17) - Steele, Meili.;
The Philosophical Importance of James's Late Style. In: Henry James Review, (35:3), 2014, pp. 209-217(9). (In special issue: "Reading James.".) . - Steensland, Mark.;
The Reversal of Value in The Turn of the Screw. In: Philosophy and Literature, (36:2), 2012, pp. 457-464(8) - Stier, Adam C.;
Henry James's 'The Friends of the Friends' and the Emergence of Social Network Theory. In: LATCH: A Journal for the Study of the Literary Artifact in Theory, Culture, or History, (7:), 2014, pp. 55-95(45) - Storey, Mark.;
Spectacular Distractions: P. T. Barnum and American Modernism. In: Modernism/Modernity , (21:1), 2014, pp. 107-123(17) - Stougaard-Nielsen, Jakob.;
Attention! Henry James and the Distracted Reader. In: Henry James Review, (31:1), 2010, pp. 14-20(7) - Stougaard-Nielsen, Jakob.;
'No absolute privacy': Henry James and the Ethics of Reading Authors' Letters. In: Authorship 1.2 (Spring/Summer 2012). 20 pp. - Strauss, Rebecca.;
Henry James's Social Fabric. In: Henry James Review, (34:2), 2013, pp. 130-146(17) - Stuart, Christopher.;
'A Restorative Reaction': Henry James's 'The Altar of the Dead' and Mourning in the Modern City. In: Henry James Review, (33:2), 2012, pp. 127-146 (20) - Sun, Tony.;
Paradox in The Golden Bowl: Indirectness Directing an Understanding of Marriage. In: Sigma Tau Delta Review, (11:), 2014, pp. 110-118(19)
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- Taghizadeh, Ali.;
A Post-structuralist Reading on Henry James's 'The Figure in the Carpet'. In: Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 2, no. 9, September 2012, pp. 1922-1930(9) - Taghizadeh, Ali.;
A Theory of Literary Realism. In: Theory and Practice in Language Studies, (4:8), 2014, pp. 1628-1635(8) - Taghizadeh, Ali.;
A Theory of Literary Structuralism (in Henry James). In: Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, February 2013, pp. 285-292(8) - Taghizadeh, Ali.;
The Experience of (Cultural) Reality in Henry James's The Ambassadors. In: Theory and Practice in Language Studies, (5:4), 2015, pp. 810-817(8) - Taghizadeh, Ali.;
Metaphorical Signification in Henry James's The Wings of the Dove: A Deconstructive Reading. In: Theory and Practice in Language Studies, (4:6), 2014, pp. 1162-1170(9) - Taghizadeh, Ali,;
Revisionism for Modernizing Experience in The Golden Bowl: A New-historical Perspective. In: Theory and Practice in Language Studies (5:5) [May 2015], pp. 1007-1015(9) - Taghizadeh, Ali.;
Structuralism and Its Aftermath in The Fiction of Henry James. A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Ph.D. in American Studies to the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the Free University of Berlin, Berlin, October 10, 2011. 401 pp. - Tallack, Douglas.;
'One Walked of Course with One's Eyes Greatly Open' (Henry James): London Sights in Alvin Langdon Coburn, Henry James, and Joseph Pennell. In: Textual Practice, 2010 Apr; 24 (2): pp. 197-222 (26) - Tate, Carolyn Elaine.;
Interrogating the Legibility of Queer Female Subjectivity: Rethinking May Bartram's 'Bracketed' Character in 'The Beast in the Jungle'. In: Henry James Review, (33:1), 2012, pp. 17-29 (13) - Thurschwell, Pamela.;
The Typist's Remains: Theodora Bosanquet in Recent Fiction. In: Henry James Review, (32:1), 2011, pp. 1-11(11). (In special section: "More Women.") - Tsang, Philip.;
A Transcription of Impressions: The American Scene and the Jamesian Aesthetics of Lateness. In: Henry James Review, (35:3), 2014, pp. 295-306(10). (In special issue: "Reading James.".) .
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- Van Slyck, Phyllis.;
Isabel Archer's 'Delicious Pain': Charting Lacanian Desire in The Portrait of a Lady. In: American Imago: Psychoanalysis and The Human, (70:4), 2013, pp. 633-661(29) - Vanderlaan, Kim.;
Empire and Allegory in Henry James's The Europeans. In: Journal of American Studies, 2011 Feb; 45 (1): pp. 39-51(13) - Végső, Roland.:
The Secrets of Modernism: Henry James and Conspiracy. In: HJEAS: Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies (16:1/2) 2010, pp. 31-44(14) - Velde, Paul.;
Fear of the sublime. In: Antioch Review (68:2) [Spring 2010], pp. 217-231(15) - Wadsworth, Sarah.;
Henry James Rides Again. In: The Henry James Review, Vol. 31, no. 3, Fall 2010, pp. 218-231(14) - Wadsworth, Sarah.;
Refusing to Write Like Henry James: Women Reforming Realism in Fin-de-Siecle America. In: European Journal of American Studies, 2011; 2: 19 paragraphs. 7 pp. - Walker, Casey M.;
Intimate Cities: The Portrait of a Lady and the Poetics of Metropolitan Space. In: Studies in the Novel, (45:2), 2013, pp. 161-177(17) - Wang, Chun-San.;
The Vision of Excess: Specula(riza)tion in Henry James's The Ambassadors. In: C. S. Wang/ Asian Journal of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 2(2011), no. 1, pp. 67-92(16) - Waters, Isobel.;
"Fond Calculations": The Triumph of James's Mathematical Failure. In: Henry James's Europe: Heritage and Transfer. Edited by Dennis Tredy, Annick Duperray and Adrian Harding. Cambridge Openbook Pub, 2011. pp. 56-66(11) - Wayland-Smith, Ellen.;
'Conductors and Revealers': Henry James's Electric Messengers in The Ambassadors. In: Henry James Review, (32:2), 2011, pp. 118-139 (22) - Wells, Hannah.;
What Henry Gave to William. In: Henry James Review, (35:1), 2014, pp. 34-47(14) - Westbrook, Wayne W.;
Picking Trollope's Pocket, Again: James's Use of Barchester Towers in The Europeans. In: Notes and Queries, (62 (260):3), 2015, pp. 419-424(6) - Wetherbee, Ben.;
Jameson, Burke, and the Virus of Suggestion: Between Ideology and Rhetoric. In: Henry James Review, (36:3), 2015, pp. 280-287(8). (In special issue: "Fredric Jameson, Henry James.") . - White, Heather Cass. & Carson, Luke.;
A Variety of Hero: Marianne Moore's Romance. In: Journal of Modern Literature, 2011 Summer; 34 (4): pp. 63-83(21) - Wichelns, Kathryn.;
Emily Dickinson's Henry James. In: Emily Dickinson Journal, 2011; 20 (1): pp. 78-99(22) - Wichelns, Kathryn.;
The Perversities of Marriage in Henry James's 'Maud-Evelyn'. In: Henry James Review, (32:1), 2011, pp. 75-86(12) - Wiesnfarth, Joseph.;
War and the Arts: James, Wells and Ford. In: Haslam, Sara (ed. and introd.), O'Malley, Seamus (ed.), Saunders, Max (preface), Ford Madox Ford and America, Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2012. 276 pp.(International Ford Madox Ford Studies11). pp. 45-54, 269-270(13) - Williamson, Beata.;
Henry James, Charles Nordhoff, and the Peculiarities of Christian Communes. In: Polish Journal for American Studies Yearbook of the Polish Association for American Studies and the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw, vol. 8(2014), pp. 73-84(12) - Winnett, Susan.;
Jamesian Lying/Jamesian Intimacies. In: Henry James Review, (32:3), 2011, pp. 227-234(8). (In special issue on Henry James and Leo Bersani.) . - Wood, Michael.;
Places of Memory. In: Henry James Review, (35:2), 2014, pp. 116-126(11) - Worley, Sharon.;
Henry James's Emerging Subconscious and the Wandering Transatlantic Tourist: The Search for Artistic Freedom. In: International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS) ISSN 2356-5926 Vol.1, Issue.3, December, 2014, 14 pp. - Wortman, William A.;
A Production of Daisy Miller: A Comedy. In: Henry James Review, (34:2), 2013, pp. 197-199(3) - Wyman-McCarthy, Tim.;
Phenomenology of the Closet: Cultural, Sexual and Textual (Dis)Orientation in Henry James's The Ambassadors. In: Postgraduate English: A Journal and Forum for Postgraduates in English , (27:), 2013, 29 pp. - Wynne, Deborah.;
The New Woman, Portable Property and The Spoils of Poynton. In: Henry James Review, (31:2), 2010, pp. 142-153(12)
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- Xie, Youguang.;
Henry James's Apocalyptic Prophecy: British Empire, Biblical Revelation, and "The Beast in the Jungle". In: Papers on Language & Literature: a quarterly journal for scholars and critics of language and literature (Southern Illinois Univ., Edwardsville) (51:4) Fall 2015, pp. 315-333(19) - Yasar, Yesim Sultan & Memmedova, Beture.;
Platonic Allegory in Henry James's The Portrait of a Lady. In: Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol 2, No 4, May 2013, pp. 283-291(9) - Yebra, José M.;
Neo-Victorian Biofiction and Trauma Poetics in Colm Tóibín's The Master. In: Neo-Victorian Studies 6:1 (2013), pp. 41-74(34) - Yebra, José M.;
New (Un)certainty in Will Self's Dorian: An Imitation and Colm Toibin's The Master. In: Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense, ISSN: 1133-0392, 2012, vol. 20, pp. 75-92(18) - Yoder, Edwin M.;
Sad Rags: Tales of Enchanted Dresses. In: Sewanee Review, (122:3), 2014, pp. 478-483(6). (In special issue: "Fiction and the Truth of Detail." In special section: "The State of Letters".) . - Zacharias, Greg W.;
Liberal London, Home, and Henry James's Letters from the Later 1870s. In: Henry James Review, (35:2), 2014, pp. 127-140(14) - Zacharias, Greg W.;
The Expanding Henry James Archive. (Review-article.). In: Henry James Review, (33:1), 2012, pp. 85-91(7) - Zagarell, Sandra A.;
The Portrait of a Lady: 'No Intention of Deamericanising'. In: Henry James Review, (35:1), 2014, pp. 23-33(11) - Zhang, Dora.:
Naming the indescribable: Woolf, Russell, James, and the limits of description. In: New Literary History (45:1) 2014, pp. 51-70(20)
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