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Henry, James(ヘンリー・ジェイムズ)研究 論文

 Henry, James(ヘンリー・ジェイムズ)研究の1991年から2007年に刊行された論文を紹介しています。
 ここで紹介する論文・書評は企画商品CD「アメリカ文学」の「19世紀後半から20世紀初頭:リアリズムと自然主義の作家たち」の項 Henry, James 第1集 1991年以降の刊行論文集に収録しています。なお、これは、N-Online社のシリーズ「アメリカ文学の流れ」を企画・製作してきた当Clubが訂正したものです。




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  1. Álvarez Amorós, José Antonio.;
    Henry James's "organic form" and classical rhetoric.  In: Comparative Literature. Eugene: Winter 1994. Vol. 46, no. 1; p. 40-44(25)

  2. Álvarez Amorós, José Antonio.;
    Relativism and the expression of value judgments in Henry James's "The Next Time".  In: Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Summer 1997. Vol. 34, no. 3; p. 271-287(17)

  3. Anesko, Michael..;
    O O O O that Ja-hamesian Rag / It's so elegant / So intelligent: Tracing Appropriations of the Master's Aura in Modernist Critical Discourse.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2006. Vol. 27, no. 3; p. 264-273(11)

  4. Austin-Smith, Brenda.;
    The Counterfeit Symbol in Henry James's The Golden Bowl.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2004. Vol. 25, no. 1; p. 52-66(15)


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  5. Banta, Martha.;
    "Too Real": Teaching, Reading, Living Henry James.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2004. Vol. 25, no. 1; p. 19-32(14)

  6. Bartel, Kim.;
    Unmoored from "the Shore of the Real": Henry James, Roderick Hudson, and the Advent of the Modern in Nineteenth-Century Painting.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Spring 2005. Vol. 26, no. 2; p. 168-188(21)

  7. Beauchamp, Gorman..;
    Henry James vs. the Robber Barons.  In: The American Scholar. Washington: Spring 2006. Vol. 75, no. 2; p. 100-108(9)

  8. Beidler, Peter G..;
    "With holes of different sizes made in them, to admit of sticks": Phallic Playthings in Henry James's The Turn of the Screw.  In: ANQ. Lexington: Summer 2004. Vol. 17, no. 3; p. 47-52(6)

  9. Bell, Millicent.;
    Sargent and James.  In: Raritan. New Brunswick: Winter 1999. Vol. 18, no. 3; p. 58-84(27)

  10. Berry, Bryan.;
    Henry James and the Heavenly Light.  In: First Things. New York: Nov 2006. p. 34-37(4)

  11. Bloom, Michelle E.;
    Beyond adaptation: A comparative study of Francois Truffaut's La Chambre verte and Henry James's "Rose-Agathe".  In: Literature/Film Quarterly. Salisbury: 2000. Vol. 28, no. 3; p. 180-186(7)

  12. Bollinger, Laurel.;
    The ethics of reading: The struggle for subjectivity in The Portrait of a Lady.  In: Criticism. Detroit: Spring 2002. Vol. 44, no. 2; p. 139-160(22)

  13. Booth, Alison.;
    The Real Right Place of Henry James: Homes and Haunts.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2004. Vol. 25, no. 3; p. 216-227(12)

  14. Boren, Mark Edelman.;
    More than a line: The unmistakable impression of significance and the dashes of Henry James.  In: Philological Quarterly. Iowa City: Summer 1998. Vol. 77, no. 3; p. 329-347(19)

  15. Britzolakis, Christina.;
    Technologies of vision in Henry James's what Maisie knew.  In: Novel. Providence: Summer 2001. Vol. 34, no. 3; p. 369-390(22)

  16. Brown, Bill.;
    A thing about things: The art of decoration in the work of Henry James.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2002. Vol. 23, no. 3; p. 222-232(11)

  17. Bruns, John.;
    Baffling Doom: Dialogue, Laughter, and Comic Perception in Henry James.  In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language. Austin: Spring 2005. Vol. 47, no. 1; p. 1-30(30)

  18. Buelens, Gert..;
    Imagining Telegraphic Joy in the Canny Cage of Metaphor, Metonymy, and Performativity.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Spring 2006. Vol. 27, no. 2; p. 126-139(14)

  19. Burrows, Stuart.;
    Stereotyping Henry James.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2002. Vol. 23, no. 3; p. 255-264(10)


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  20. Caroline, Levander.;
    "Much less a book than a state of vision": The visibility of race in Henry James.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2002. Vol. 23, no. 3; p. 265-272(8)

  21. Casteras, Susan.;
    "The prime hours of first--and subsequent--initiations": Henry James on pre-Raphaelite art and artists.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2002. Vol. 23, no. 3; p. 304-317(14)

  22. Chilton, Neil.;
    Conceptions of a Beautiful Crisis: Henry James's Reading of The Tempest.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2005. Vol. 26, no. 3; p. 218-228(11)

  23. Cohen, Philip.;
    The lesson of the master: The New York edition, James Studies, and contemporary textual scholarship.  In: Studies in the Novel. Denton: Spring 1999. Vol. 31, no. 1; p. 98-115(18)

  24. Coulson, Victoria.;
    Sticky Realism: Armchair Hermeneutics in Late James.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Spring 2004. Vol. 25, no. 2; p. 115-126(12)

  25. Coulson, Victoria.;
    Teacups and Love Letters: Constance Fenimore Woolson and Henry James.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2005. Vol. 26, no. 1; p. 82-98(17)

  26. Clymer, Jeffory A.;
    The Market in Male Bodies: Henry James's The American and Late-Nineteenth-Century Boxing.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Spring 2004. Vol. 25, no. 2; p. 127-145(19)


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  27. Dames, Nicholas.;
    The Disease of Temporality; or, Forgetful Reading in James and Lubbock.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2004. Vol. 25, no. 3; p. 246-253(8)

  28. Dames, Nicholas.;
    Wave-Theories and Affective Physiologies: The Cognitive Strain in Victorian Novel Theories.  In: Victorian Studies. Bloomington: Winter 2004. Vol. 46, no. 2; p. 206-216(11)

  29. Davis, Theo.;
    "Out of the medium in which books breathe": The contours of formalism and the golden bowl.  In: Novel. Providence: Summer 2001. Vol. 34, no. 3; p. 411-434(24)

  30. Demoor, Marysa.;
    From Epitaph to Obituary: The Death Politics of T. S. Eliot and Ezra Pound.  In: Biography. Honolulu: Spring 2005. Vol. 28, no. 2; p. 255-276(22)

  31. Desidero, Mark.;
    The art of friction: Henry James's evasion of the pictorial.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2002. Vol. 23, no. 3; p. 273-282(10)

  32. Despotopoulou, Anna.;
    Invisible buildings: Maggie's architectural adventures in The Golden Bowl.  In: Papers on Language and Literature. Edwardsville: Fall 2000. Vol. 36, no. 4; p. 405-433(29)

  33. Dimock, Wai Chee.;
    Pre-national Time: Novel, Epic, Henry James.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2003. Vol. 24, no. 3; p. 215-224(10)

  34. Dreifus, Erika.;
    A Focus on the "Surrounding Scene": Examining Paris in The Ambassadors.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2004. Vol. 25, no. 1; p. 44-51(8)

  35. Duban, James.;
    John Walker and the early Edwardsianism of Henry James, Sr..  In: The New England Quarterly. Brunswick: Jun 2002. Vol. 75, no. 2; p. 276-285(10)

  36. Duquette,.Elizabeth.;
    "A New Claim for The Family Renown": Alice James and The Picturesque.  In: ELH. Baltimore: Fall 2005. Vol. 72, no. 3; p. 717-735(29)

  37. During, Simon.;
    Henry James and Me.  In: MLN. Baltimore: Dec 2003. Vol. 118, no. 5; p. 1278-1294(16)


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  38. Edwards, Justin D.;
    Henry James's "alien" New York: Gender and race in The American Scene.  In: American Studies International. Washington: Feb 1998. Vol. 36, no. 1; p. 66-80(15)

  39. Epstein, Joseph.;
    The Master's Ring.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2004. Vol. 25, no. 3; p. 204-215(12)

  40. Flannery, Denis.;
    The Appalling Mrs. Luna: Sibling Love, Queer Attachment, and Henry James's The Bostonians.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2005. Vol. 26, no. 1; p. 1-19(19)

  41. Flannery, Denis.;
    The Powers of Apostrophe and the Boundaries of Mourning: Henry James, Alan Hollinghurst, and Toby Litt.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2005. Vol. 26, no. 3; p. 293-305(13)

  42. Flatley, Jonathan.;
    Reading into Henry James.  In: Criticism. Detroit: Winter 2004. Vol. 46, no. 1; p. 103-123(21)

  43. Foeller-Pituch,.Elzbieta.;
    Henry James's Cosmopolitan Spaces: Rome as Global City.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2003. Vol. 24, no. 3; p. 291-297(7)

  44. Follini, Tamara.;
    James, Dickens, and the Indirections of Influence.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2004. Vol. 25, no. 3; p. 228-238(11)

  45. Foote, Stephanie.;
    Henry James and the Parvenus: Reading Taste in The Spoils of Poynton.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2006. Vol. 27, no. 1; p. 42-60(19)

  46. Furbank, P. N.;
    On the Historical Novel.  In: Raritan. New Brunswick: Winter 2004. Vol. 23, no. 3; p. 94-114(21)


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  47. Gage, Richard P.;
    Portraying the Lady: Technologies of Gender in the Short Stories of Henry James.  In: Studies in the Novel. Denton: Spring 2004. Vol. 36, no. 1; p. 132-135(4)

  48. Giles, Paul.;
    Deterritorialization in The Sacred Fount.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2003. Vol. 24, no. 3; p. 225-232(8)

  49. Goble, Mark.;
    Delirious Henry James: A Small Boy and New York.  In: Modern Fiction Studies. West Lafayette: Summer 2004. Vol. 50, no. 2; p. 351-384(34)

  50. Goldfarb, Clare R..;
    Home Sweet Home: Henry James's Critique of the Cult of Domesticity.  In: The Midwest Quarterly. Pittsburg: Autumn 1991. Vol. 33, no. 1; p. 43-51(9)

  51. Graham, Wendy.;
    Pictures for texts.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2003. Vol. 24, no. 1; p. 1-26(26)

  52. Gregory, Melissa Valiska.;
    From Melodrama to Monologue: Henry James and Domestic Terror.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Spring 2004. Vol. 25, no. 2; p. 146-167(22)

  53. Guerra, Gustavo. ;
    Henry James's paradoxical bowl: The reinstatement of doubt in fin-de siecle America.  In: Style. DeKalb: Spring 1998. Vol. 32, no. 1; p. 60-79(20)

  54. Guerra, Gustavo.;
    Trilling's James: Liberalism and selfhood in "The Princess Casamassima".  In: Papers on Language and Literature. Edwardsville: Fall 1998. Vol. 34, no. 4; p. 388-419(32)


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  55. Haralson, Eric.;
    Rereading Gertrude Stein Rereading Henry James (After a Fashion).  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2004. Vol. 25, no. 3; p. 239-245(7)

  56. Haviland, Beverly.;
    Henry James @ Ground Zero: Remembering the Future.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2004. Vol. 25, no. 3; p. 285-295(11)

  57. Hawkins, Stephanie.;
    Stalking the Biracial Hidden Self in Henry James's The Sense of the Past and "The Jolly Corner".  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2004. Vol. 25, no. 3; p. 276-284(9)

  58. Hays, Peter L.;
    Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises and James's The Ambassadors.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Spring 2001.Vol. 20, no. 2; p. 90-98(9)

  59. Hoeveler, Diane Long.;
    Postgothic fiction: Joyce Carol Oates turns the screw on Henry James.  In: Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Fall 1998. Vol. 35, no. 4; p. 355-372(18)

  60. Horne, Philip.;
    Henry James among the Poets.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2005. Vol. 26, no. 1; p. 68-81(14)

  61. Hsu, Hsuan.;
    Post-American James and the Question of Scale.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2003. Vol. 24, no. 3; p. 233-243(11)

  62. Hutchison, Hazel.;
    James's Spectacles: Distorted Vision in The Ambassadors.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2005. Vol. 26, no. 1; p. 39-51(13)

  63. Johanningsmeier, Charles..;
    How Real American Readers Originally Experienced James's "The Real Thing".  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2006. Vol. 27, no. 1; p. 75-94(25)

  64. Jones, Steven Swann..;
    Folklore in James's fiction: Turning the Screw.  In: Western Folklore. Chico: Winter 2001. Vol. 60, no. 1; p. 1-24(24)

  65. Jottkandt Sigi.;
    Portrait of an Act: Aesthetics and Ethics in The Portrait of a Lady.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2004. Vol. 25, no. 1; p. 67-86(20)


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  66. Kafalenos, Emma.;
    Functions after Propp: Words to talk about how we read narrative.  In: Poetics Today. Durham: Winter 1997. Vol. 18, no. 4; p. 469-494(26)

  67. Kathleen Lawrence.;
    Osmond's Complaint: Gilbert Osmond's Mother and the Cultural Context of James's The Portrait of a Lady.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2005. Vol. 26, no. 1; p. 52-67(16)

  68. Kearns, Michael.;
    Henry James, principled realism, and the practice of critical reading.  In: College English. Urbana: Nov 1994. Vol. 56, no. 7; p. 766-787(22)

  69. Kennedy, J Gerald.;
    Improvised Europeans: American Literary Expatriates and the Siege of London.  In: JEGP. Journal of English and Germanic Philology. Urbana: Oct 2000. Vol. 99, no. 4; p. 604-607(4)

  70. Klein, Marcus.;
    What to Make of Maisie.  In: New England Review. Middlebury: 2006. Vol. 27, no. 4; p. 134-158(25)

  71. Koenigsberger, Kurt M.;
    Alchemy and appreciation: The spoiling of the real in Henry James's The Spoils of Poynton.  In: Studies in the Novel. Denton: Spring 1998. Vol. 30, no. 1; p. 35-49(15)

  72. Kohan, Kevin.;
    The Golden Bowl and the subversion of miraculous forms.  In: Studies in the Novel. Denton: Fall 2000. Vol. 32, no. 3; p. 296-317(22)

  73. Kurnick, David.;
    "Horrible Impossible": Henry James's Awkward Stage.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Spring 2005. Vol. 26, no. 2; p. 109-129(21)

  74. Lewis, Pericles.;
    Christopher Newman's Haircloth Shirt: Worldly Asceticism, Conversion, and Auto-Machia in the American.  In: Studies in the Novel. Denton: Fall 2005. Vol. 37, no. 3; p. 308-328(21)

  75. Lewis, Pericles;
    "The Reality of the Unseen": Shared Fictions and Religious Experience in the Ghost Stories of Henry James.  In: The Arizona Quarterly. Tucson: Summer 2005. Vol. 61, no. 2; p. 33-67(35)


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  76. McCall, Dan.;
    Henry James's Hawthorne.  In: New England Review. Middlebury: Fall 1997. Vol. 18, no. 4; p. 111-118(8)

  77. McFadden.George.;
    On rediscovering Henry James.  In: Triquarterly. Evanston: Winter 2000. p. 243-268(26)

  78. McWhirter, David..;
    Henry James, (Post)Modernist?  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Spring 2004. Vol. 25, no. 2; p. 168-194(27)

  79. Machlan, Elizabeth Boyle.;
    "There Are Plenty of Houses ": Architecture and Genre in the Portait of A Lady.  In: Studies in the Novel. Denton: Winter 2005. Vol. 37, no. 4; p. 394-410(17)

  80. Macksey, Richard.;
    "Sur le bord de la tombe": James and the Shadow of Musset.  In: MLN. Baltimore: Dec 2003. Vol. 118, no. 5; p. 1237-1250(14)

  81. Manfred,.Jahn.;
    Windows of focalization: Deconstructing and reconstructing a narratological concept.  In: Style. DeKalb: Summer 1996. Vol. 30, no. 2; p. 241-267(27)

  82. Margolis, Stacey.;
    Homo-formalism: Analogy in the sacred fount.  In: Novel. Providence: Summer 2001. Vol. 34, no. 3; p. 391-411(21)

  83. Marijane R Davis Wernsman..;
    The Figure in the Carpet of "Honeysuckle Cottage": P. G. Wodehouse and Henry James.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2005. Vol. 26, no. 1; p. 99-104(6)

  84. Markels, Julian.;
    Socialism-anxiety: The Princess Casamassima and its New York critics.  In: College Literature. West Chester: Spring 2000. Vol. 27, no. 2; p. 37-56(20)

  85. Martin, Michael R.;
    Branding Milly Theale: The capital case of The Wings of the Dove.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Spring 2003. Vol. 24, no. 2; p. 103-132(30)

  86. Matheson, Neill.;
    Talking horrors: James, euphemism, and the specter of wilde.  In: American Literature. Durham: Dec 1999. Vol. 71, no. 4; p. 709-750(42)

  87. Meeuwis, Michael.;
    Living the Dream: Benjamin's Arcades Project and The Golden Bowl.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2006. Vol. 27, no. 1; p. 61-74(14)

  88. Meili, Steele.;
    Value and Subjectivity: The Dynamics of the Sentence in James's The Ambassadors.  In: Comparative Literature. Eugene: Spring 1991. Vol. 43, no. 2; p. 113-133(21)

  89. Melissa J Ganz..;
    "A Strange Opposition": The Portrait of a Lady and the Divorce Debates.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Spring 2006. Vol. 27, no. 2; p. 156-174(19)

  90. Melissa, Solomon,.;
    The female world of exorcism and displacement (or, relations between women in Henry James's nineteenth-century The Portrait of a Lady)  In: Studies in the Novel. Denton: Fall 1996. Vol. 28, no. 3; p. 395-412(18)

  91. Mendelssohn, Michele.;
    Homosociality and the Aesthetic in Henry James's Roderick Hudson.  In: Nineteenth - Century Literature. Berkeley: Mar 2003. Vol. 57, no. 4; p. 512-541(30)

  92. Menke, Richard.;
    "Framed and Wired": Teaching "In the Cage" at the Intersection of Literature and Media.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2004. Vol. 25, no. 1; p. 33-43(11)

  93. Meyers, Jeffrey.;
    "Daisy Miller" and the Romantic Poets.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2007. Vol. 28, no. 1; p. 94-100(7)

  94. Michie, Elsie.;
    The Odd Couple: Anthony Trollope and Henry James.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2006. Vol. 27, no. 1; p. 10-23(14)

  95. Mitchell, Lee Clark.;
    Beyond the frame of The Portrait of a Lady.  In: Raritan. New Brunswick: Winter 1998. Vol. 17, no. 3; p. 90-109(20)

  96. Mitchell, Lee Clark.;
    Ethics, Aesthetics, and the Case of Late James.  In: Raritan. New Brunswick: Spring 2003. Vol. 22, no. 4; p. 71-89(19)

  97. Mitchell, Lee Clark.;
    "To suffer like chopped limbs": The Dispossessions of The Spoils of Poynton.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2005. Vol. 26, no. 1; p. 20-38(19)

  98. Monteiro, George.;
    Henry James: History, Narrative, Fiction.  In: JEGP. Journal of English and Germanic Philology. Urbana: Oct 1997. Vol. 96, no. 4; p. 622-625(4)


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  99. Nikolopoulou, Kalliopi.;
    Autospectrography: On Henry James's The Turn of the Screw.  In: Journal of Modern Literature. Bloomington: Fall 2004. Vol. 28, no. 1; p. 1-24(24)

  100. Njegosh, Tatiana Petrovich.;
    "How a man should meet trouble": The Master's Mediterranean Actors as Models of Self-Possession.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2003. Vol. 24, no. 3; p. 298-306(9)

  101. O'Donnell, Heather.;
    "My own funny little lecture boom": Henry James's American performance.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Spring 2003. Vol. 24, Iss. 2; p. 133-145(13)

  102. O'Farrell, Mary Ann.;
    Missing Jane Austen: Henry James Considers the Old Maid.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2006. Vol. 27, no. 1; p. 1-9(9)

  103. O'Gorman, Francis..;
    "Fabulous and illusive": Giorgione and Henry James's "The Aspern Papers" (1888).  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Spring 2006. Vol. 27, no. 2; p. 175-187(13)

  104. Ohi, Kevin.;
    The Author of 'Beltraffio': The Exquisite Boy and Henry James's Equicocal Aetheticism.  In: ELH. Baltimore: Fall 2005. Vol. 72, no. 3; p. 747-767(21)

  105. Ohi, Kevin..;
    "The novel is older, and so are the young": On the Queerness of Style.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Spring 2006. Vol. 27, no. 2; p. 140-155(16)

  106. Olson, Liesl M.;
    "Under the Lids of Jerusalem": The Guised Role of Jewishness in Henry James's the Golden Bowl.  In: Modern Fiction Studies. West Lafayette: Winter 2003. Vol. 49, no. 4; p. 660-686(27)

  107. Oltean, Roxana.;
    "I Longed for a New World": Colonial Hysteria, The American, and Henry James's Paris.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2003. Vol. 24, no. 3; p. 269-280(12)

  108. Otten, Thomas J.;
    The Spoils of Poynton and the properties of touch.  In: American Literature. Durham: Jun 1999. Vol. 71, no. 2; p. 263-290(28)


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  109. Parkes, Adam.;
    Collaborations: Henry James and the poet-critics.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2002. Vol. 23, no. 3; p. 283-283(11)

  110. Parkes, Adam.;
    A sense of justice: Whistler, Ruskin, James, impressionism.  In: Victorian Studies. Bloomington: Summer 1999/2000. Vol. 42, no. 4; p. 593-629(37)

  111. Perosa, Sergio.;
    The Wings of the Dove and the Coldness of Venice.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2003. Vol. 24, no. 3; p. 281-290(10)

  112. Penrice, Amy W..;
    Fractured Symbolism: Der Stechlin and The Golden Bowl.  In: Comparative Literature. Eugene: Fall 1991. Vol. 43, no. 4; p. 346-369(24)

  113. Poole, Adrian.;
    Nanda's Smile: Teaching James and the Sense of Humor.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2004. Vol. 25, no. 1; p. 4-18(15)

  114. Pranger, Burcht.;
    Henry James and Augustine on Still Life.  In: MLN. Baltimore: Dec 2004. Vol. 119, no. 5; p. 979-993(15)

  115. Priest, Ann-Marie.;
    "In the mystic circle": The space of the unspeakable in Henry James's The Scared Fount.  In: Style. DeKalb: Fall 2000. Vol. 34, no. 3; p. 421-444(24)

  116. Priest, Ann-Marie.;
    Risking the Cracks: The mystic self in Henry James's The Golden Bowl.  In: Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Summer 1999. Vol. 45, no. 2; p. 210-235(26)


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  117. Raw, Laurence.;
    Hollywoodizing Henry James: Jack Clayton's The Innocents (1961).  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2004. Vol. 25, no. 1; p. 97-109(13)

  118. Raw, Laurence.;
    Rethinking the costume drama: Agnieszka Holland's Washington Square (1997).  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2003. Vol. 24, no. 1; p. 69-81(13)

  119. Ribbat, Christoph.;
    "Attracted by a Dusky Object": Henry James's "The Patagonia" and Its Atlantic Context.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2007. Vol. 28, no. 1; p. 1-12(12)

  120. Rivkin, Julie.;
    Writing the Gay '80s with Henry James: David Leavitt's A Place I've Never Been and Alan Hollinghurst's The Line of Beauty.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2005. Vol. 26, no. 3; p. 282-292(11)

  121. Rosenberg, Joseph Elkanah.;
    Tangible Objects: Grasping "The Aspern Papers".  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2006. Vol. 27, no. 3; p. 256-263(8)

  122. Ross, Melanie H.;
    "The Mirror with a Memory": Tracking Consciousness in the Preface to The Golden Bowl.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2005. Vol. 26, no. 3; p. 246-255(10)

  123. Rowe, John Carlos.;
    Henry James and Globalization.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2003. Vol. 24, no. 3; p. 205-214(10)

  124. Rowe, John Carlos..;
    Henry James and the United States.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2006. Vol. 27, no. 3; p. 228-236(9)

  125. Ryan, Susan M.;
    The Bostonians and the Civil War.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2005. Vol. 26, no. 3; p. 265-272(8)


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  126. Saltz, Laura.;
    Henry James's Overexposures.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2004. Vol. 25, no. 3; p. 254-266(13)

  127. Sanner, Kristin.;
    "Wasn't all history full of the destruction of precious things?": Missing Mothers, Feminized Fathers, and the Purchase of Freedom in Henry James's The Portrait of a Lady.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Spring 2005. Vol. 26, no. 2; p. 147-167(21)

  128. Santesso, Aaron.;
    The Birth of the Birthplace: Bread Street and Literary Tourism Before Stratford.  In: ELH. Baltimore: Summer 2004.Vol. 71, no. 2; p. 377-403(27)

  129. Savoy, Eric.;
    Henry James Goes to the Movies.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2004. Vol. 25, no. 3; p. 299-304(6)

  130. Scherzinger, Karen I..;
    "He thinks he's a failure-fancy!": Henry James's "The lesson of the Master".  In: Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Summer 1999. Vol. 36, no. 3; p. 277-291(15)

  131. Scherzinger, Karen.;
    "Lurking ghosts": Metaphor, The Ambassadors, and Henry James's population of the American scene.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Spring 2003. Vol. 24, no. 2; p. 168-179(12)

  132. Schor, Hilary M.;
    Reading Knowledge: Curiosity in The Golden Bowl.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2005. Vol. 26, no. 3; p. 237-245(9)

  133. Shaheen, Aaron..;
    Henry James's southern mode of imagination: Men, women, and the image of the south in The Bostonians.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Spring 2003. Vol. 24, no. 2; p. 180-192(13)

  134. Shaheen, Aaron.;
    "The Social Dusk of that Mysterious Democracy": Race, Sexology, and the New Woman in Henry James's The Bostonians.  In: American Transcendental Quarterly. Kingston: Dec 2005. Vol. 19, no. 4; p. 281-300(20)

  135. Shifrer, Anne.;
    Beleagured Privacies.  In: The Midwest Quarterly. Pittsburg: Spring 1992. Vol. 33, no. 3; p. 322-339(18)

  136. Siegel, Jonah.;
    Speed, desire, and the museum: The Golden Bowl as art romance.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2002. Vol. 23, no. 3; p. 233-245(13)

  137. Simon, Linda.;
    Art and the risks of intimacy.  In: The New England Quarterly. Brunswick: Dec 1999. Vol. 72, no. 4; p. 617-624(8)

  138. Singleton, Jane..;
    Henry James-Aristoteles's Ally, An Exclusive Pact?  In: Philosophy and Literature. Dearborn: Apr 2006. Vol. 30, no. 1; p. 61-78(18)

  139. Slyck, Phyllis Van.;
    Knowledge and representation in The Ambassadors: Strether's discriminating gaze.  In: Criticism. Detroit: Fall 1997. Vol. 39, no. 4; p. 557-579(23)

  140. Smith, George.;
    Fire in heterotopia: Henry James and Barbara Kruger.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2003. Vol. 24, no. 1; p. 83-89(7)

  141. Snediker, Michael.;
    Stasis & Verve: Henry James and the Fictions of Patience.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2006. Vol. 27, no..1; p. 24-43(18)

  142. Sonstegard, Adam.;
    Painting, photography, and fidelity in The Tragic Muse.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2003. Vol. 24, no. 1; p. 27-44(18)

  143. Sonstegard, Adam..;
    "Singularly like a bad illustration": The Appearance of Henry James's "The Real Thing" in the pot-boiler press.  In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language. Austin: Summer 2003. Vol. 45, no. 2; p. 173-200(28)

  144. Storm, William.;
    The "Impossible" Miriam Rooth: Performance, Painting, and Spectatorship in The Tragic Muse.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2007. Vol. 28, no. 1; p. 73-94(22)

  145. Stowe, William W.;
    "Oh, the land's all right!": Landscape in James's American Scene.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2003. Vol. 24, no. 1; p. 45-56(12)


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  146. Teahan, Sheila.;
    My sculptor/my self: A story of reading.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2002. Vol. 23, no. 3; p. 246-254(9)

  147. Thompson, Terry W.;
    "A Sense of Something Lost": The Unlived Jamesian Life in Algernon Blackwood's "The Tryst".  In: Papers on Language and Literature. Edwardsville: Fall 2003. Vol. 39, no. 4; p. 365-374(10)

  148. Tintner, Adeline R.;
    A gay Sacred Fount: The reader as detective.  In: Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Summer 1995. Vol. 41, no. 2; p. 224-240(17)

  149. Tom Nichols.;
    James, Ruskin, and Tintoretto.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2002. Vol. 23, no. 3; p. 294-303(10)

  150. Trask, Michael.;
    The romance of choice and The Wings of the Dove.  In: Novel. Providence: Summer 1999. Vol. 32, no. 3; p. 355-383(29)

  151. Treitel, Ilona.;
    Absence as metaphor in Henry James's "The Author of 'Beltraffio'".  In: Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Spring 1997. Vol. 34, no. 2; p. 171-181(11)

  152. Tucker, Herbert F.;
    James's Browning Inside Out.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2005. Vol. 26, no. 3; p. 210-217(8)


      [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H/J] [K/L] [M] [N/O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [V/Z]

  153. Vacca, V John.;
    The art of memory in James's "The Tone of Time".  In: Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Summer 1998. Vol. 35, no. 3; p. 259-265(7)

  154. Wakana, Maya Higashi.;
    Society in Self, Self in Society: Survival in The Wings of the Dove.  In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language. Austin: Spring 2005. Vol. 47, no. 1; p. 31-60(30)

  155. Warren, Jonathan.;
    Ricordo, Gift, Golden Bowl.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Fall 2004. Vol. 25, no. 3; p. 267-275(9)

  156. Wesley, Marilyn C.;
    The Remembered Future: Neuro-Cognitive Identity in Henry James's The Turn of the Screw.  In: College Literature. West Chester: Spring 2004. Vol. 31, no. 2; p. 80-98(19)

  157. Wexler,.Joyce.;
    Speaking Out: Dialogue and the literary unconscious.  In: Style. DeKalb: Spring 1997. Vol. 31, no. 1; p. 118 -132(16)

  158. Wilson, Sarah.;
    Americanness Becomes Modernism in James's the Ambassadors.  In: Studies in the Novel. Denton: Winter 2004. Vol. 36, no. 4; p. 509-532(24)

  159. Wonham, Henry B.;
    Amerigo's Miraculous Metamorphosis: or, the Logic of Ethnic Caricature in The Golden Bowl.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Spring 2005. Vol. 26, no. 2; p. 130-146(17)

  160. Ziaja-Buchholtz, Miroslawa.;
    Imaging The Europeans: Illustrations to the Polish translation of James's text.  In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2003. Vol. 24, Iss. 1; p. 57-68(12)

  161. Zimring, Rishona.;
    Liberating Henry James.  In: Modern Fiction Studies. West Lafayette: Winter 2003. Vol. 49, no. 4; p. 806-816(11)

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