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Ernest, Hemingway(ヘミングウェイ)研究 1996-2000年研究論文

 Hemingway, Ernest(ヘミングウェイ)研究の研究論文を紹介しています。
 ここで紹介する論文・書評は企画商品CD「アメリカ文学」の「20世紀(20th Century)第一次世界大戦以後の作家研究」の Hemingway 第3集1996-2000年刊行論文集に収録しています。

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    [A/B] [C/D] [E/G] [H] [J/K] [L] [M] [N] [O/R] [S] [T] [W/Z] [Review]

  1. Adair, William.;
    The Sun Also Rises: The source of A Farewell to Arms.  In: ANQ. Lexington: Fall 1999. Vol. 12, no. 4; p. 25-28 (4)

  2. Adair, William.;
    Hemingway's Sense of an Ending: Repetitious and Pathetic.  In: ANQ. Lexington: Spring 1999. Vol. 12, no. 2; p. 32-34(3)

  3. Aykroyd, Lucas.
    "Homage to Switzerland" as monodrama: A microcosm of Hemingway's autobiograpically inspired fiction.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1997. Vol. 17, no. 1; p. 38-48 (11)

  4. Azevedo, Milton M.;
    Shadows of a literary dialect: For Whom the Bell Tolls in five romance languages.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 2000. Vol. 20, no. 1; p. 30-48 (19)

  5. Barlowe, Jamie.;
    Engendering Hemingway.  In: Novel. Providence: Fall 1996. Vol. 30, no. 1; p. 138-140 (3)

  6. Beegel, Susan F.;
    The Journal in the Jungle: The Hemingway Review and the Contemporary Academy.  In: The Hemingway Review 17.2 (1998): p. 5-17(13)

  7. Berger, Roger A.;
    Cultural studies and its discontents.  In: College Literature. West Chester: Fall 1998. Vol. 25, no. 3; p. 181-189 (9)

  8. Berman, Ron.;
    Protestant, Catholic, Jew: The Sun Also Rises.  In: The Hemingway Review 18.1 (Fall 1998): p. 33-48(16)

  9. Berman, Ronald.;
    Vaudeville Philosophers: `The Killers.'   In: Twentieth Century Literature 45.1 (Spring 1999): p. 79-93 (15)

  10. Bittner, John R.;
    Hemingway Biography on the Silver Screen: The Critical Reception of Richard Attenborough's Film In Love and War.  In: The Hemingway Review 19.2 (Spring 2000): p. 5-22(18)

  11. Bond, Adrian.;
    Being operated on: Hemingway's "The Gambler, the Nun, and the Radio".  In: Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Summer 1997. Vol. 34, no. 3; p. 371-379 (9)

  12. Bond, Adrian.;
    The Way it Wasn't in Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises.  In: Journal of Narrative Technique 28.1 (1998):p. 56-74(19)

  13. Booker, Margaret Moore.
    Tales of Old Nantuckett Grace Hall Hemingway.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Spring 1999. Vol. 18, no. 2; p. 46-54(9)

  14. Bowles, Paul,./ Vetsch, Florian.;
    Desultory Correspondence: An Interview with Paul Bowles on Gertrude Stein.  In: MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 42, no. 3, Fall 1996, pp. 627-645(19)

  15. Bredendick, Nancy.;
    Toros Celebres: Its Meaning in Death in the Afternoon.  In: The Hemingway Review 17.2 (1998): p. 64-77(14)

  16. Brenner, Gerry.
    "Enough of a Bad Gamble:" Correcting the misinformation on Hemingway's Captain James Gamble.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 2000. Vol. 20, no. 1; p. 90-96 (7)

  17. Brogan, Jacqueline Vaught.;
    Feast, Moveable.; 'It's Only Interesting the First Time': or, Hemingway as Kierkegaard.  In: North Dakota Quarterly 64.3 (1997): p. 5-26(22)

  18. Brogan, Jacqueline Vaught.;
    Hemingway's in our time: A Cubist Anatomy.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Spring 1998. Vol. 17, no. 2; p. 31-46 (16)

  19. Buckley, J.F.;
    Echoes of Closeted Desire(s): The Narrator and Character Voices of Jake Barnes.  In: Hemingway Review, Spring2000, Vol. 19, no. 2, p. 73-87(15) (f-009)

  20. Buckley, Ramon.;
    Revolution in Ronda: The facts in Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1997. Vol. 17, no. 1; p. 49-57 (9)

  21. Burwell, Rose Marie.;
    The Hemingway text.  In: Novel. Providence: Winter 1996. Vol. 29, no. 2; p. 259-261(3)

  22. Buske, Morris.;
    Early Hemingway conflicts foreshadow later ones.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1997. Vol. 17, no. 1; p. 80-91 (12)

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  23. Carter, Steven.;
    Hemingway's A Canary for One.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Spring 1997. Vol. 55, no. 3; p. 154-155 (2)

  24. Carter, Steven.;
    Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are alive: A note on Al and Max in Hemingway's "The Killers".  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1997. Vol. 17, no. 1; p. 68-71(4)

  25. Catalano, Susan M.;
    Henpecked to Heroism: Placing Rip Van Winkle and Francis Macomber in the American Renegade Tradition.  In: The Hemingway Review 17.2 (1998): p. 111-117(7)

  26. Clayton, Smith, Claude.;
    Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Summer 1996. Vol. 54, no. 4; p. 236-237 (2)

  27. Clifford, Stephen P.;
    The tyranny of biography: Hemingway's readers and the fascination for papa.  In: College Literature. West Chester: Jun 1997. Vol. 24, no. 2; p. 172-182(11)

  28. Cohen, Milton A.;
    Soldiers' voices in in our time: Hemingway's ventriloquism.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 2000. Vol. 20, no. 1; p. 22-29 (8)

  29. Cook, Dana;
    Meeting Ernest Hemingway: A Miscellany of Fifty First Encounters and Initial Impressions.  In: The Hemingway Review 18.2 (Spring 1999): p. 5-27(13)

  30. Davison, Richard Allan.;
    Bashing Hemingway Off-Broadway: John de Groot's Papa.  In: North Dakota Quarterly 64.3 (1997):p. 27-35(9)

  31. DeFazio, Albert J.;
    Fitzgerald and Hemingway.  In: American Literary Scholarship, 1998, p. 179-194(16)

  32. Defazio, Albert J. III.;
    Biblio-files: Notions from a decade of annotation.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 2000. Vol. 20, no. 1; p. 97-103 (7)

  33. De Fusco, Andrea.;
    Discussing "Macomber" in the undergraduate writing seminar: What we talk about when we talk about Hemingway.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1997. Vol. 17, no. 1; p. 72-79 (8)

  34. Dow, William.;
    Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Summer 1997. Vol. 55, no. 4; p. 224-225 (2)

  35. Dragunoiu, Dana.;
    Hemingway's Debt to Stendahl's Armance in The Sun Also Rises.  In: MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 46, no. 4, Winter 2000, pp. 868-892(25)

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  36. Eby, C. P.;
    Ernest Hemingway and the Mirror of Manhood: Fetishism, Transvestism, Homeovestism, and Perverse Meconnaissance.   In: The arizona quarterly, 1998, Vol. 54, no. 3, p. 27-68(42)

  37. Eby, Carl P.;
    Rabbit Stew and Blowing Dorothy's Bridges: Love, Aggression, and Fetishism in For Whom the Bell Tolls.  In: Twentieth Century Literature, 44.2 (1998): p. 204-18 (15)

  38. Edenfield, Olivia Carr.;
    Doomed biologically: Sex and entrapment in Ernest Hemingway's "Cross-Country Snow".  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 141-148 (8)

  39. Felty, Darren.;
    Spatial confinement in Hemingway's "Cat in the Rain".  In: Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Summer 1997. Vol. 34, no. 3; p. 363-369 (7)

  40. Ferrero, David. J.;
    Nikki Adams and the Limits of Gender Criticism.  In: The Hemingway Review 17.2 (1998): p. 18-30(13)

  41. Fisher, Paula.;
    The marks he made.  In: English Journal (High school edition). Urbana: Apr 1998. Vol. 87, no. 4; p. 52-53 (2)

  42. Folks, Jeffrey J.;
    Communal Responsibility in Ernest J. Gaines's A Lesson Before Dying.   In: Mississippi Quarterly 52.2 (Spring 1999): p. 259-271(13)

  43. Gaillard, Theodore L., Jr.;
    Hemingway's Debt To Cezanne: New Perspectives.  In: Twentieth Century Literature 45.1 (Spring 1999): p. 65-78 (14)

  44. Gaipa, Mark; Scholes, Robert.;
    She "never had a room of her own": Hemingway and the new edition of Kiki's Memoirs.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 106-125 (20)

  45. Gajdusek, Robert E.;
    False Fathers, Doctors, and the Caesarean Dilemma: Metaphor as Structure in Hemingway's in our time.  In: The North Dakota Quarterly 65.3 (1998): p. 53-61(9)

  46. Gajdusek, Robert E.;
    The Mad Sad Bad Misreading of Hemingway's Gender Politics/Aesthetics.  In: North Dakota Quarterly 64.3 (1997): p. 36-47(12)

  47. Gandolfi, Luca.;
    The Outskirts of Literature: Uncovering the Munitions Factory in `A Natural History of the Dead.'  In: The Hemingway Review 19.2 (Spring 2000): p. 105-07(3)

  48. Grant, David.;.
    Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants" and the tradition of the American in Europe.  In: Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Summer 1998. Vol. 35, no. 3; p. 267-276 (11)

  49. Grimm, Matthew.;
    Live large, at home. The Myth that was Hemingway Now Furnishes Boomer's Dreams.  In: American Demographics, Jun 2000. Vol. 22, no. 6; p. 66-67(2)

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  50. Hart, Jeffrey.;
    Fitzgerald and Hemingway in 1925-1926.  In: Sewanee Review. Sewanee: Summer 1997. Vol. 105, no. 3; p. 369-381(13)

  51. Hays, Peter L.;
    Hemingway Raids the Library for For Whom the Bell Tolls.  In: The Hemingway Review 18.1 (Fall 1998): p. 98-102(5)

  52. Haytock, Jennifer A.;
    "Hemingway's Soldiers and Their Pregnant Women: Domestic Ritual in World War I.   In: The Hemingway Review 19.2 (Spring 2000): p. 57-72(16) Full Text - PDF (733 K).

  53. Helstern, Linda Lizut.;
    Indians, Woodcraft, and the Construction of White Masculinity: The Boyhood of Nick Adams.  In: The Hemingway Review 20.1 (Fall 2000): p. 61-78(18)

  54. Hemingway, Clarence E.;
    Sudden death that may come to a recently delivered mother.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Spring 1999. Vol. 18, no. 2; p. 43-46(4)

  55. Hemingway, Clarence Edmonds.;
    Letter to the Oak Park Boys" and "Sudden Death That May Come To A Recently Delivered Mother,'  In: The Hemingway Review, 18.2 (Spring 1999): p. 40-45(6)

  56. Hemingway, Valerie.;
    The Garden of Eden Revisited: With Hemingway in Provence in the Summer of '59.  In: The Hemingway Review 18.2(Spring 1999): p. 103-113(11)

  57. Henschel, Sandi.;
    Hemingway and Generation X: Making Yesterday's Literature Relevant to Today's Students.  In: The English Record. 51.1(2000). 48-56(9)

  58. Herzog, Tobey C.
    Tim O'Brien's "True Lies" (?)   In: MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 46, no. 4, Winter 2000, pp. 893-916(24)

  59. Howard, Gerald.;
    . Gracelessness under pressure.  In: The American Scholar. Washington: Autumn 1997. Vol. 66, no. 4; p. 629-632(4)

  60. Hubler, Angela E.;
    Josephine Herbst's The Starched Blue Sky of Spain and Other Memoirs: Literary history "In the wide margin of the century"  In: Papers on Language and Literature. Edwardsville: Winter 1997. Vol. 33, no. 1; p. 71-98 (28)

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  61. Jenks, Tom.;
    The old man and the manuscript.  In: Harper's Magazine. New York: May 1999. Vol. 298, no. 1788; p. 53-60(8)

  62. Josephs, A.;
    How Did Hemingway Write?   In: NDQ. North Dakota quarterly, 1996, Vol. 63, no. 3, p. 50-64(15)

  63. Jungman, Robert and Carole Tabor.;
    `A Generation of Leaves': Homeric Allusion in Chapter Five of Hemingway's in our time.  In: The Hemingway Review 19.2 (Spring 2000): p. 108-112(5)

  64. Junkins, Donald.;
    Hemingway's First Corrida de Toros.  In: North Dakota Quarterly 64.3 (1997): p. 69-81(13)

  65. Junkins, D.;
    "Oh, Give the Bird a Chance": Nature and Vilification in Hemingway's The Torrents of Spring.  In: NDQ. North Dakota quarterly, 1996, Vol. 63, no. 3, p. 65-80(16)

  66. Justice, Hilary K.;
    `Well, well, well': Cross-Gendered Autobiography and the Manuscript of `Hills Like White Elephants.'  In: The Hemingway Review 18.1 (Fall 1998): p. 17-32(16)

  67. Kennedy, J. Gerald.;
    Doing Country: Hemingway's Geographical Imagination.  In: The Southern Review 35.2 (Spring 1999): p. 325-329(5)

  68. Kirkpatrick, Rob.;
    "Letter."   In: The Hemingway Review 17.2 (1998): 145-147(3) [Challenges Darrel Mansell's "Words Lost in In Our Time" 17.1 (1997):5-14.]

  69. Knodt, Ellen Andrews.;
    Diving deep: Jake's moment of truth at San Sebastian.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1997. Vol. 17, no. 1; p. 28-37 (10)

  70. Knott, Toni D.;
    One Man Alone: Dimensions of Individuality and Categorization in To Have and Have Not.  In: The Hemingway Review 17.2 (1998): p. 78-87(10)

  71. Kravitz, Bennett.;
    "She loves me, she loves me not:" The short happy symbiotic marriage of Margot and Francis Macomber.  In: Journal of American Culture. Fall 1998. Vol. 21, no. 3; p. 83-87 (5)

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  72. Lamb, Robert Paul.;
    Hemingway and the creation of twentieth-century dialogue.  In: Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Winter 1996. Vol. 42, no. 4; p. 453-480 (28)

  73. Lamb, Robert Paul.;
    Hemingway's critique of anti-semitism: Semiotic confusion in "God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen".  In: Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Winter 1996. Vol. 33, no. 1; p. 25-34 (10)

  74. Landrum, Larry N.;
    The Shattered Modernism of Momaday's House Made of Dawn.  In: MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 42, no. 4, Winter 1996, pp. 763-786(24)

  75. Lepschy, Wolfgang.;
    A MELUS Interview: Ernest J. Gaines.  In: MELUS 24.1 (Spring1999): p. 197-208(12)

  76. Lindsay, Clarence.;
    Risking nothing: American romantics in "Cat in the Rain".  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1997. Vol. 17, no. 1; p. 15-27 (13)

  77. Llosa, Mario Vargas.;
    Column: Extemporaneities.   In: Salmagundi. Saratoga Springs: Fall 2000. p. 42-48 (7)

  78. Lockridge, Ernest.;
    Othello as Key to Hemingway.  In: The Hemingway Review 18.1 (Fall 1998): p. 68-77(10)

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  79. McKenna, John J. / Raabe, David M.;
    Using temperament theory to understand conflict in Hemingway's "Soldier's Home".  In: Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Spring 1997. Vol. 34, no. 2; p. 203-213 (11)

  80. Mandel, Jerome.;
    The Medievalist Impulse in American Literature: Twain, Adams, Fitzgerald, and Hemingway.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1997. Vol. 17, no. 1; p. 97-103 (7)

  81. Mandel, Miriam B.;
    The Birth of Hemingway's Aficion : Madrid and "The First Bullfight I Ever Saw".  In: Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 23, no. 1, Fall 1999, p. 127-142 (18)

  82. Mandel, Miriam B.;
    Configuring there as here: Hemingway's travels and the "See America First" movement.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 92-105 (14)

  83. Mandel, Miriam B.;
    Hemingway Confirms the Importance of the Taurine Baptism: Fictional and Historic Case Studies.  In: Journal of Modern Literature, Volume 23, Number 1, Fall 1999, pp. 145-157(14)

  84. Mansell, Darrel.;
    Words lost in in our time.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1997. Vol. 17, no. 1; p. 5-14 (10)

  85. Meredith, James H.;
    intro. "Hemingway's U.S. Third Army Inspector General Interview During World War II"   In: The Hemingway Review 18.2 (Spring 1999): p. 91-101(11)

  86. Meyer, William E H Jr.;
    Faulkner, Hemingway, et al.: The emersonian test of American authorship.  In: Journal of American Culture. Spring 1998. Vol. 21, no. 1; p. 35-42 (8)

  87. Meyer, William E H Jr.
    Faulkner, Hemingway, et al.: The emersonian test of American authorship.  In: The Mississippi Quarterly. Mississippi State: Summer 1998. Vol. 51, no. 3; p. 557-571(15)

  88. Meyers, Jeffrey.;
    Bogart and Hemingway.  In: The Virginia Quarterly Review. Charlottesville: Summer 1996. Vol. 72, no. 3; p. 446-449 (4)

  89. Meyers, Jeffrey.;
    The Hemingways: An American Tragedy.  In: The Virginia Quarterly Review 75.2 (Spring 1999): p. 267-279 (13)

  90. Miller, Linda Patterson.;
    The Matrix of Hemingway's Pilar Log, 1934-1935.  In: North Dakota Quarterly 64.3 (1997): p. 105-123(19)

  91. Miller, Paul W.;
    Hemingway vs. Stendhal, or papa's last fight with a dead writer.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 126-140 (15)

  92. Moddelmog, D.A.;
    Protecting the Hemingway Myth: Casting Out Forbidden Desires from The Garden of Eden.  In: Prospects, 1996, Vol. 21,p. 89-122(34)

  93. Monteiro, George.;
    Maxwell Perkins's Plan for The First Forty-Eight.  In: The Hemingway Review 18.1 (Fall 1998): p. 92-97(6)

  94. Moreland, Kim.;
    Just the Tip of the Iceberg Theory: Hemingway and Sherwood Anderson's `Loneliness.'   In: The Hemingway Review, 19.2 (Spring 2000): p. 47-56(10)

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  95. Nakjavani, Erik.;
    Fire in the Lake: A Study in the Psychosomatics of Love in Hemingway's `Summer People.'  In: North Dakota Quarterly 64.3 (1997): p. 124-156(33)

  96. Nanny, Max.;
    Hemingway's Architecture of Prose: Chiastic Patterns and their Narrative Functions.  In: North Dakota Quarterly 64.3 (1997): p. 157-176(20)

  97. Neel, Hildy Coleman.;
    The war monument in "Cat in the Rain": Then and now.   In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Spring 2000. Vol. 19, no. 2; p. 102-104 (3)

  98. Nelson, C. ;
    Milton Wolff, Ernest Hemingway, and Historical Memory: The Spanish Civil War Sixty Years Later.  In: NDQ. North Dakota quarterly, 1996, Vol. 63, no. 3, p. 81-89(9)

  99. Newbury, Michael.;
    Celebrity Watching.  In: American Literary History, Vol. 12, no. 1&2, Spring/Summer 2000, p. 272-283(12)

  100. Nolan, Charles J.;
    Hemingway's "Out of Season": The Importance of Close Reading.  In: Rocky Mountain E-Review of Language and Literature, Vol. 53, no. 2(Fall 1999), p. 45-58(14)

  101. Nolan, Charles J Jr.;
    Hemingway's puzzling pursuit race.  In: Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Fall 1997. Vol. 34, no. 4; p. 481-491 (11)

  102. Nyman, Jopi.;
    The Body Overconsumed: Masculinity and Consumerism in Ernest Hemingway 's Across the River and into the Trees.  In: American Studies in Scandinavia, Vol. 30, 1998, p. 34-46(13)

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  103. O'Rourke, Sean;
    Evan Shipman and Hemingway's Farm.  In: Journal of Modern Literature. Philadelphia: Summer 1997. Vol. 21,no. 1; p. 155-159 (5)

  104. Ott, Mark P.;
    Hemingway's Hawaiian honeymoon.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1997. Vol. 17, no. 1; p. 58-67 (10)

  105. Panda, Ken;
    Report of the Department of Military Affairs, January to July, 1918.  In: The Hemingway Review 18.2 (Spring 1999): p. 73-74(3)

  106. Paul, Steve.;
    On Hemingway and His Influence: Conversations with Writers.  In: The Hemingway Review 18.2 (Spring 1999): p. 115-132(19)

  107. Plotkin, Stephen.;
    News from the Hemingway Collection.  In: The Hemingway Review 18.1 (Fall 1998): p. 130-133(4). [News of the Hemingway Centennial celebration.]

  108. Plotkin, Stephen.;
    News from the Hemingway Collection.   In: The Hemingway Review 17.2(1998): p. 143-44(2)

  109. Plotkin, Stephen.;
    News from the Hemingway Collection.   In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1997. Vol. 17, no. 1; p. 118-119 (2)

  110. Plotkin, Stephen.;
    The True at First Light manuscripts.   In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 60-63 (4)

  111. Raabe,.David M.;
    Hemingway's anatomical metonymies.  In: Journal of Modern Literature. Bloomington: Summer 1999. Vol. 23, no. 1; p. 159-163 (6)

  112. Raeburn, John.;
    Hemingway on Stage: The Fifth Column, Politics, and Biography.  In: The Hemingway Review 18.1 (Fall 1998): p. 5-16(12)

  113. Richardson, Miles.;
    Place, Narrative, and the Writing Self: The Poetics of Being in The Garden of Eden.  In: The Southern Review. Baton Rouge: Spring 1999. Vol. 35, no. 2; p. 330-337 (8)

  114. Robinson, Daniel.;
    "We didn't come here to talk about sunsets, kiddo": "Pauline Snow" and the apprenticeship of Ernest Hemingway.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Spring 2000. Vol. 19, no. 2; p. 88-101 (14)

  115. Rose, Phyllis..;
    The idea of disorder at Key West.  In: The Atlantic Monthly. Boston: May 1996. Vol. 277, no. 5; p. 109-113 (5)

  116. Ryan, Ken.;
    The Contentious Emendation of Hemingway's `A Clean, Well-Lighted Place.'  In: The Hemingway Review 18.1 (1998): p. 78-91(14)

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  117. Sanderson, Richard K.;
    Cold War revisions of Hemingway's Men At War.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 2000. Vol. 20,no. 1; p. 49-60 (12)

  118. Scalzo, Jim Lo.;
    Hemingway's Cuba.   In: U.S. News & World Report. Washington: May 26, 1997. Vol. 122, no. 20; p. 62-65 (4)

  119. Schedler, Christopher.;
    The 'Tribal' legacy of Hemingway's Nick Adams.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 64-78 (15)

  120. Seefeldt, Michael.;
    An evening with Patrick Hemingway.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 8-16 (9)

  121. Spanier, Sandra.;
    Hemingway: The 1930s.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1997. Vol. 17, no. 1; p. 92-97 (6)

  122. Stewart, Matthew C.;
    Ernest Hemingway and World War I: Combatting recent psychobiographical reassessments, restoring the war.  In: Papers on Language and Literature. Edwardsville: Spring 2000. Vol. 36, no. 2; p. 198-218 (21)

  123. Stoneback, H. R.;
    Hemingway's Happiest Summer--`The Wildest, Most Beautiful, Wonderful Time Ever Ever': or, The Liberation of France and Hemingway.  In: North Dakota Quarterly 64.3 (1997): p. 184-220(37)

  124. Strychacz, Thomas.;
    "Like plums in a pudding": Food and rhetorical performance in Hemingway's Green Hills of Africa.   In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Spring 2000. Vol. 19, no. 2; p. 23-46 (24)

  125. Svensson, Peggy.;
    Hemingway's code as a stimulus to probing and analyzing literature.   In: English Journal (High school edition). Urbana: Mar 1997. Vol. 86, no. 3; p. 93-94 (2)

  126. Svoboda, Frederic J.;
    Who Was that Black Man?: A Note on Eugene Bullard and The Sun Also Rises.  In: The Hemingway Review 17.2 (1998): 105-110(6)

    [A/B] [C/D] [E/G] [H] [J/K] [L] [M] [N] [O/R] [S] [T] [W/Z] [Review]

  127. Tackach, J.;
    Whose Fix Is It, Anyway?: A Closer Look at Hemingway's `Fifty Grand.'  In: The Hemingway review, 2000, Vol. 19, no. 2, p. 113-117(5)

  128. Tall, Deborah.;
    The Where of Writing: Hemingway's Sense of Place.  In: The Southern Review. Baton Rouge: Spring 1999. Vol. 35, no. 2; p. 338-343 (6)

  129. Tanner, Stephen L.;
    Hemingway's Trout Fishing In Paris: A metaphor for the uses of writing.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 79-92 (14)

  130. Tellefsen, Blythe.;
    Rewriting the self against the National text: Ernest Hemingway's The Garden of Eden.  In: Papers on Language and Literature. Edwardsville: Winter 2000. Vol. 36, no. 1; p. 58-92 (35)

  131. Thurston, Michael.;
    Genre, Gender, and Truth in Death in the Afternoon.  In: The Hemingway Review 17.2 (1998): p. 47-63(17)

  132. Tilton, Margaret A.;
    Garnering an Opinion: A Double Look at Nick's Surrogate Mother and Her Relationship to Dr. Adams in Hemingway's 'Ten Little Indians.'  In: TheHemingway Review 20.1 (Fall 2000): p. 79-89(11)

  133. Traber, Daniel S.;
    Whiteness and the Rejected Other in The Sun Also Rises.  In: Studies in American Fiction 28.2 (2000): p. 235-253(19)

  134. Trout, Steven.;
    "Where do we go from here?": Ernest Hemingway's "Soldier's Home" and American Veterans of World War I.   In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 2000. Vol. 20, no. 1; p. 5-21 (17)

  135. Turner, Frederick.;
    Last Stand on the Big Wood.   In: The Southern Review. Baton Rouge: Spring 1999. Vol. 35, no. 2; p. 344-353 (10)

    [A/B] [C/D] [E/G] [H] [J/K] [L] [M] [N] [O/R] [S] [T] [W/Z] [Review]

  136. Waggoner, Eric.;
    Inside the Current: A Taoist Reading of The Old Man and the Sea.  In: The Hemingway Review 17.2 (1998): p. 88-104(17)

  137. Watson, W.B.;
    Hemingway in Bimini: An Introduction.  In: NDQ. North Dakota quarterly, 1996, Vol. 63, no. 3, p. 130-144(15)

  138. Wheeler, Jennifer;;
    The Hemingway Birthplace: Its Restoration and Interpretation.  In: The Hemingway Review 18.2 (Spring 1999): p. 28-39(12)

  139. Willis, J. H Jr;;
    The censored language of war: Richard Aldington's Death of a Hero and three other war novels of 1929.  In: Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Winter 1999. Vol. 45, no. 4; p. 467-487 (21)

  140. Wyatt, David.;
    Hemingway at Fifty.  In: The Southern Review. Baton Rouge: Summer 1999. Vol. 35, no. 3; p. 595-607 (13)

  141. Zivley, Sherry Lutz.;
    The Conclusions of Azuela's The Underdogs and Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls.  In: The Hemingway Review 17.2 (1998): p. 118-123(6)


    [A/B] [C/D] [E/G] [H] [J/K] [L] [M] [N] [O/R] [S] [T] [W/Z] [Review]

  142. Bittner, John R;
    Rev. of Haunted by Waters: Fly Fishing in North America Literature, by Mark Browning.  In: The Hemingway Review 18.1 (Fall 1998): p. 110-113(4)

  143. Brenner, Gerry.;
    Rev. of Reading Desire: In Pursuit of Ernest Hemingway by Debra A. Moddlemog.  In: The Hemingway Review 19.2 (Spring 2000): p. 122-125(4)

  144. Bridgman, Joan.;
    Hemingway: The Final Years.  In: Contemporary Review. Cheam: Mar 2000. Vol. 276, Iss. 1610; p. 163-164 (2)

  145. Brown, John L.;
    The Only Thing That Counts: The Ernest Hemingway / Maxwell Perkins Correspondence, 1925-1947.  In: World Literature Today. Norman: Winter 2000. Vol. 74, no. 1; p. 171-172 (2)

  146. Burwell, Rose Marie.;
    Something's lost and something's gained.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 20-23 (4)

  147. Comley, Nancy R.;
    Rev. of Hemingway: The Post-War Years and the Posthumous Novels, by Rose Marie Burwell.   In: Studies in the Novel, 30.3 (1998): p. 454-456(3)

  148. Comley, Nancy R;;
    Rev. of Kim Moreland, The Medieval Impulse in American Literature: Twain, Adams, Fitzgerald, and Hemingway.   In: ANQ 11.2 (1998):p. 61-64(4)

  149. Davis, Robert Murray.;
    Hemingway: The Final Years.  In: World Literature Today. Norman: Spring 2000. Vol. 74, no. 2; p. 375-376 (2)

  150. Davis, Robert Murray.;
    True at First Light: A Fictional Memoir.  In: World Literature Today. Norman: Spring 2000. Vol. 74, no. 2; p. 364-365 (2)

  151. DeFazio; Albert J. III;
    Rev. of The Only Thing That Counts: The Ernest Hemingway/ Maxwell Perkins Correspondence 1925-1947 ed. by Matthew J. Bruccoli with the assistance of Robert Trogdon.  In: The Hemingway Review 17.2 (1998):129-131(3)

  152. Eby, Carl.;
    The Grief Taboo in American Literature: Loss and Prolonged Adolescence in Twain, Melville, and Hemingway.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1997. Vol. 17, no. 1; p. 103-107 (5)

  153. Eby, Carl.;
    Hemingway's truth and tribal politics.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 24-27 (4)

  154. Fenstermaker, John.;
    Rev. of One Man Alone: Hemingway and To Have and Have Not by Toni D. Knott.  In: The Hemingway Review 19.2 (Spring 2000): p. 128-130(3)

  155. Ferme, Valerio.;
    Frederick Voss, ed. Picturing Hemingway: A Writer in His Time. Washington, D.C., and New Haven: The Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in association with Yale University Press, 1999. 111p. (Review).  In: Rocky Mountain Review, Fall 2000, p.1-2(2)

  156. Fine, Richard.;
    Rev. of Hemingway and His Conspirators, by Leonard Left.  In: The Journal of American History 85.4 (1999):1641-1642 (2)

  157. Fleming, Robert.;
    Africa revisited.   In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 28-30 (3)

  158. Forter, Greg.;
    Rev. of Hemingway's Fetishism: Psychoanalysis and the Mirror of Manhood.   In: The Hemingway Review 18.2 (Spring 1999):p. 133-136(4)

  159. Fruscione, Joseph.;
    Hemingway and His Conspirators: Hollywood, Scribners, and the Making of American Celebrity Culture.  In: American Studies International. Washington: Jun 1999. Vol. 37, no. 2; p. 129-130 (2)

  160. Fruscione, Joseph.;
    Hemingway's Fetishism: Psychoanalysis and the Mirror of Manhood.  In: American Studies International. Washington: Oct 1999. Vol. 37, no. 3; p. 124-125 (2)

  161. Gizzo, Suzanne Del.;
    A lie by noon?.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 35-38 (4)

  162. Gladstein, Mimi R;
    Rev. of Eight Lessons in Love:. A Domestic Violence Reader, ed. by Mark Spilka.  In: The Hemingway Review 18.1 (Fall 1998): p. 107-110(4)

  163. Gajdusek, Robert.;
    One blind man exploring a pretty big elephant.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 31-34 (4)

  164. Grimes, Larry E.;
    Hemingway and the Natural World.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 2000. Vol. 20, no. 1; p. 104-108 (5)

  165. Harper, M. W.;
    Rev. of Remembering Ernest Hemingway ed. by James Plath and Frank Simons.   In: The Hemingway Review 19.2 (Spring 2000): p. 136-137(2)

  166. Hitchings, Henry;
    Papa's progress.  In: New Statesman. London: Aug 16, 1999. Vol. 12, no. 568; p. 42-43 (2)

  167. Holloway, David.;
    Hemingway and His Conspirators: Hollywood, Scribners, and the Making of American Celebrity Culture.  In: American Studies International. Washington: Feb 1999. Vol. 37, no. 1; p. 85-86 (2)

  168. Jobst, Jack.;
    Rev. of At The Hemingways: A Family Portrait by Marcelline Hemingway Sanford.   In: The Hemingway Review 19.2 (Spring 2000): p. 133-135(3)

  169. Justice, Hilary K.;
    The lion, the leopard, and the bear.   In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19,no. 1; p. 39-42 (4)

  170. Kennedy, J. Gerald.;
    Rev. of Hemingway: The Final Years by Michael Reynolds.  In: The Hemingway Review 19.2 (Spring 2000): p. 118-122(5)

  171. Levitt, Morton P.;
    General studies -- New Critical Approaches to the Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway edited by Jackson J. Benson.  In: Journal of Modern Literature. Philadelphia: Spring 1996. Vol. 19, no. 3.4; p. 474-475 (2)

  172. Meier, Thoams K.;
    Ernest Hemingway: The Oak Park Legacy.   In: Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Spring 1998. Vol. 35, no. 2; p. 208-209 (2)

  173. Miller, Linda.;
    What's funny about True At First Light?   In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 48-52 (5)

  174. Moddelmog, Debra A.;
    Reading between the lions.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 53-57 (5)

  175. Montgomery, Paul L;
    French Connections: Hemingway and Fitzgerald Abroad.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 149-151 (3)

  176. Moreland, Kim.
    Hemingway: The Postwar Years and the Posthumous Novels / Hemingway: Up in Michigan Perspectives.   In: American Studies International. Washington: Oct 1997. Vol. 35, no. 3; p. 103-105 (3)

  177. Murphy, Charlene.;
    Hemingway's France: Images of the Lost Generation / Michael Palin's Hemingway Adventure / A Hemingway Odyssey: Special Places in His Life.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 2000. Vol. 20, Iss. 1; p. 113-120 (8)

  178. Peterson, Martin L.;
    Rev. of The Hemingway Cookbook, by Craig Boreth.   In: The Hemingway Review 18.2 (1999): p. 140-143(4)

  179. Pinsker, Sanford.;
    General studies -- Blowing the Bridge: Ernest Hemingway and For Whom the Bell Tolls edited by Rena Sanderson.  In: Journal of Modern Literature. Philadelphia: Spring 1996. Vol. 19, no. 3-4; p. 475-476 (2)

  180. Raeburn, John.;.
    Picturing Hemingway: A Writer in His Time.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Spring 2000. Vol. 19, no. 2; p. 131-133 (3)

  181. Reynolds, Michael.;
    Night thoughts.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 58-60 (3)

  182. Svoboda, Frederic.;
    Ernest Hemingway A to Z: The Essential Reference to the Life and Work.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Spring 2000. Vol. 19, no. 2; p. 126-128 (3)

  183. Svoboda, Frederic.;
    Reading The Sun Also Rises: Hemingway's Political Unconscious.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1997. Vol. 17, no. 1; p. 107-109 (3)

  184. Trogdon, Robert W.;
    Rev. of Hemingway and His Conspirators: Hollywood, Scribners, and the Making of American Celebrity Culture by Leonard J Left.   In: The Hemingway Review 17.2 (1998): p. 124-127(4)

  185. Tyler, Lisa.;
    Rev. of Authorial Divinity in the Twentieth Century: Omniscient Narration in Woolf, Hemingway, and Others by Barbara K. Olson.  In: The Hemingway Review 17.2 (1998): p. 127-129(3)

  186. Vondrak, Amy.;
    Rev. of Hemingway: Seven Decades of Criticism, ed. by Linda Wagner-Martin.  In: The Hemingway Review 18.2 (Spring 1999): p. 136-140(5)

  187. Voss, Frederick.;
    "Quite a Little About Painters": Art and Artists in Hemingway's Life and Work.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 1999. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 152-154 (3)

  188. Waldhorn, Arthur.;
    Rev. of New Essays on Hemingway's Short Fiction, ed. by Paul Smith.  In: The Hemingway Review 18.1 (Fall 1998): p. l03 - 107(5)

  189. Werlock, Abby H P.;
    A Historical Guide to Ernest Hemingway.  In: The Hemingway Review. Moscow: Fall 2000. Vol. 20, no. 1; p. 108-113(6)

    [A/B] [C/D] [E/G] [H] [J/K] [L] [M] [N] [O/R] [S] [T] [W/Z] [Review]

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