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George, Orwell(ジョージ・オーウェル/ 1903-1950)研究論文(II)

 George, Orwell(ジョージ・オーウェル)研究の2001-2010年に刊行された論文を紹介しています。
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  1. Akam, Everett Helmut.;
    Orwell's "Smelly Little Orthodoxies": Absolutism and the Crisis of Our Time. The Forum on Public Policy. 2006. 13 pp.

  2. Aceituno, Yolanda Caballero.;
    Homage to Catalonia Revisited: From Vulnerability to Resistance. In: Odisea, no 6, ISSN 1578-3820, 2005, 29-42(14)

  3. Alam, Mohammed Sarwar.;
    Orwell's "Shooting an Elephant": Reflections on Imperialism and Neoimperialism. In: IIUC STUDIES Vol. 3, December 2006, p 55-62(8)

  4. Albrechtslund, Anders.;
    Surveillance and Ethics in Film: Rear Window and The Conversation. In: Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 15 (2), 2008. pp. 129-144(16)

  5. Appleton, Matthew.;
    George W. Bush, the Far Right, 1984, and The Forever War. In: Some Fantastic 1(2): Winter 2005, pp. 7-10(4)

  6. Averill, Roger.;
    Empathy, externality and character in biography: A consideration of the authorized versions of George OrwellIn: Clio. Fort Wayne: Fall 2001. Vol. 31, no. 1; p. 1 -32(32)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H/I] [J/K] [L] [M] [N-P] [R] [S] [T-V] [W&Y]

  7. Bail, Paul.;
    Sexuality as Rebellion in George Orwell's 1984. In: Fisher, Jerilyn and Silber, Ellen S., eds. Women in Literature: Reading Through the Lens of Gender. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2003. p. 215-218(4)

  8. Beard, Rebecca.;
    The Art of Self-Construction : Günter Grass's Use of Camus and Orwell in "Headbirths or The Germans Are Dying Out". In: Comparative critical studies: the journal of the British Comparative Literature Association. - Edinburgh : Edinburgh Univ. Press. - , vol. 1 (2004), no. 3, pp. 323-336(14)

  9. Beauchamp, Gorman.;
    The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor: The Utopian as Sadist. In: Humanita, Vol. XX, Nos. 1 and 2, 2007, pp. 125-151(27)

  10. Beauchamp, Gorman.;
    Of Man's Last Disobedience: Zamiatin's We and Orwell's 1984. In: Bloom's literary themes. Civil disobedience / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom ; volume editor, Blake Hobby. Infobase Publishing. 2010. ISBN 978-1-60413-439-1; pp. 1-20(20) [Formerly; Comparative Literature Studies, 10(1973), pp. 285-301]

  11. Beauchamp, Gorman.;
    Orwell, the Lysenko Affair, and the Politics of Social Construction. In: Partisan Review 68.2 (Spring 2001): pp. 266-278(13)

  12. Berberich, Christine.;
    A Revolutionary in Love with the 1900s: Orwell in Defence of 'Old England'. In: Lázaro, Alberto (ed. and preface)., The Road from George Orwell: His Achievement and Legacy, Bern, Switzerland, Peter Lang, 2001, ISBN: 9783906766799; pp. 33-52(20)

  13. Berga, Miquel.;
    George Orwell in his Centenary Year: A Catalan Perspective.
     The Annual Joan Gili Memorial Lecture. The Anglo-Catalan Society, 2003. 18 pp.

  14. Berga, Miquel.;
    Orwell's Catalonia Revisited: Textual Strategies and the Eyewitness Account. In: Lazaro, Alberto (ed. and preface)., The Road from George Orwell: His Achievement and Legacy, Bern, Switzerland, Peter Lang, 2001, ISBN: 9783906766799; pp. 53-69(17)

  15. Betensky, Carolyn.;
    Princes as Paupers: Pleasure and the Imagination of Powerlessness. In: Cultural Critique, vol. 56, no. 1, Winter 2004, pp. 129-157(29)

  16. Bhabha, Homi K.;
    Doublespeak and the Minority of One. In: George Orwell's 1984. Updated ed. Edited by Harold Bloom, (Bloom's modern critical interpretations)..ISBN 0-7910-9300-X. Chelsea House An imprint of Infobase Publishing, 2007. pp. 179-187(9)

  17. Blackstock, Alan.;
    Beyond The Pale: Women, Cultural Contagation, and Narrative Hysteria in Kipling, Orwell, and Forster. In: Ariel. Calgary: Jan-Apr 2005. Vol. 36, no. 1/2; p. 183-206(24)

  18. Blaire, Erik.;
    Orwell's Warning: The Greatest Amerikan Paradox.
     ISBN# 978-0-578-03893-3; (2009), 100 pp.

  19. Bloom, Harold.;
    Introduction. In: George Orwell's 1984. Updated ed. Edited by Harold Bloom, (Bloom's modern critical interpretations)..ISBN 0-7910-9300-X. Chelsea House An imprint of Infobase Publishing, 2007. pp. 1-7(7)

  20. Bluemel, Kristin.;
    Suburbs are not so bad I think: Stevie Smith's Problem of Place in 1930s and '40s London. In: Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, 3 (Fall 2003), pp. 96-114(19)

  21. Blyum, Arlen.;
    George Orwell in the Soviet Union: A Documentary Chronicle on the Centenary of His Birth. In: Library: The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society, vol. 4, no. 4(2003 Dec.), pp. 402-416(15)

  22. Boland, Tom.;
    Critique as Imitative Rivalry: George Orwell as Political Anthropologist. In: International Political Anthropology Vol. 1 (2008) No. 1, pp. 77-91(15)

  23. Booker, M. Keith.;
    English Dystopian Satire in Context. In: Shaffer, Brian W (ed.)., A Companion to the British and Irish Novel, 19452000, Malden, MA, Blackwell, 2005, ISBN: 9781405113755; pp. 32-44(13)

  24. Bounds, Philip.;
    Orwell and Englishness: The Dialogue with British Marxism. In: Cultural Logic: An Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice (2007), 26 pp. (no pagination)

  25. Bounds, Philip.;
    Orwell and Marxism: The Political and Cultural Thinking of George Orwell.
     I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd, 2009. ISBN 978 1 84511 807 5; 253 pp.

  26. Bowker, Gordon.;
    Orwell and the Biographers. In: Rodden, John (ed. and preface)., The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. Cambridge UP, 2007, ISBN: 9780521675079; pp. 12-27(16 )

  27. Bowker, Gordon.;
    Orwell's Library. In: New England Review. Middlebury: 2005. Vol. 26, no. 1; p. 56-61(6)

  28. Breton, Rob.;
    Crisis? Whose Crisis? George Orwell and Liberal Guilt. In: College Literature, Vol. 29, No. 4, Working-Class Literature (Fall, 2002), pp. 47-66(20)

  29. Brevini, Benedetta.;
    Censorship and Orwell's Legacy: Interview with Jean Seaton. In: Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture c 2010 (University of Westminster, London), Vol. 7(2): pp. 6-11(6)

  30. Broadbent, Ed.;
    Remembering OrwellIn: Queen's Quarterly, vol. 109, no. 4(Winter 2002), pp. 545-549(5)

  31. Brooker, Joseph.;
    Forbidden To Dream Again: Orwell and Nostalgia. In: English, Autumn 2006; 55: pp. 281 - 297(17)

  32. Bulut, Dilek.;
    An Ecocritical Analysis of George Orwell's Coming Up for Air. In: Edebiyat Fakultesi Dergisi/Journal of the Faculty of Letters, vol. 22, no. 1, June 2005, pp. 237-248(12) ISSN: 1301-5745

  33. Burton, Paul.;
    George Orwell and the Classics. In: Classical and Modern Literature, 25/1 (2005): pp. 53-75(23)

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  34. Cain, William E.;
    Orwell's Essays as a Literary Experience. In: Rodden, John (ed. and preface)., The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. Cambridge UP, 2007, ISBN: 9780521675079; pp. 76-86(11 )

  35. Cain, William E.;
    Orwell's Perversity: An Approach to the Collected Essays. In: George Orwell. Updated ed.. Ed by Harold Bloom. (Bloom's modern critical views). ISBN 0-7910-9428-6 (hardcover). Chelsea House. An imprint of Infobase Publishing. 2007. pp. 115-132(18)

  36. Carter, Steven.;
    The Masks of Passion. In: George Orwell's 1984. Updated ed. Edited by Harold Bloom, (Bloom's modern critical interpretations)..ISBN 0-7910-9300-X. Chelsea House An imprint of Infobase Publishing, 2007. pp. 127-135(9)

  37. Chapman, Siobhan.;
    'How Could You Tell How Much of It Was Lies?' The Controversy of Truth in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. In: Journal of Literary Semantics, vol. 38(2009), no. 1, pp. 71-86(16)

  38. Cirelli, Gary.;
    Why Nineteen Eighty-Four Still Matters, Preliminary Thoughts. In: The ECCCS, Issue 1.2(April 2009). 13pp.

  39. Claeys, Gregory.;
    The Origins of Dystopia: Wells, Huxley and OrwellIn: Claeys, Gregory (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Utopian Literature, Cambridge, England, Cambridge UP, 2010, ISBN: 9780521886659; pp. 107-131(25)

  40. Clarke, Ben.:
    'Noble Bodies': Orwell, Miners, and Masculinity. In: English Studies: A Journal of English Language and Literature, vol. 89, no. 4(2008 Aug.), pp. 427-446(20)

  41. Clarke, Ben.:
    Orwell and Englishness. In: The Review of English Studies. Oxford: 2006. Vol. 57, no. 228; p. 83-105(23)

  42. Clarke, Ben.;
    Orwell and the Evolution of Utopian Writing. In: Lázaro, Alberto (ed. and preface)., The Road from George Orwell: His Achievement and Legacy, Bern, Switzerland, Peter Lang, 2001, ISBN: 9783906766799; pp. 225-250(26)

  43. Clune, Michael.;
    Orwell and the Obvious. In: Representations, Aug 2009, Vol. 107, No. 1: p. 30-55(26)

  44. Conant, James.;
    Rorty and Orwell on Truth. In: On Nineteen Eighty-Four: Orwell and Our Future. Edited by Abbott Gleason, Jack Goldsmith, & Martha C. Nussbaum. Princeton Univ Pr, 2005. ISBN-13: 978-0691113616; pp. 86-111(26)

  45. Conquest, Robert.;
    Orwell, Socialism and the Cold War. In: Rodden, John (ed. and preface)., The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. Cambridge UP, 2007, ISBN: 9780521675079; pp. 126-132(7)

  46. Considine, John.;
    The Simpsons: Public Choice in the Tradition of Swift and OrwellIn: Journal of Economic Education, vol. 37, no. 2, Spr 2006, p. 217-228(12)

  47. Costello, David R.;
    'My Kind of Guy': George Orwell and Dwight Macdonald, 1941-49. In: Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 40, No. 1(Jan., 2005), pp. 79-94(16)

  48. Cottrell, Roger.;
    George Orwell and Lindsay Anderson: The impact of the English public school system on their work. In: New Interventions, vol. 13(2010), no. 2, pp. 22-26(5)

  49. Crick, B.;
    Nineteen Eighty-Four: Context and Controversy. In: Rodden, John (ed. and preface)., The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. Cambridge UP, 2007, ISBN: 9780521675079; pp. 146-159(14)

  50. Csaszar, Ivett.;
    Orwell and Women's Issues - a Shadow over the Champion of Decency. In: Eger Journal of English Studies X (2010), pp. 39-56(18)

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  51. Dalvai, Marion.;
    Utopianism Parodied in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four: An Intertextual Reading of the 'Goldstein Treatise'. In: Orbis Litterarum: International Review of Literary Studies, vol. 65(2010), no. 5, pp. 388-407(20)

  52. Davidson, Lawrence.;
    Orwell and Kafka in Israel-Palestine. In: Logos, vol. 3. no. 1. Winter 2004, 17 pp.

  53. Davison, Peter.;
    George Orwell. Letters and Documents to be found in Libraries and Archives in the United Kingdom.
     A Brief Introduction to the Microfilm Edition. with A Guide to the Microfilm Contents. Microform Academic Publishers, 2004. 66 pp.

  54. De Coste, Damon Marcel.;
    The Literary Response to the Second World War. In: Shaffer, Brian W (ed.)., A Companion to the British and Irish Novel, 19452000, Malden, MA, Blackwell, 2005, ISBN: 9781405113755; pp. 3-20(18)

  55. de Lange, Adriaan M.;
    Autobiography: An Analysis of 'Shooting an Elephant' In: George Orwell. Updated ed.. Ed by Harold Bloom. (Bloom's modern critical views). ISBN 0-7910-9428-6 (hardcover). Chelsea House. An imprint of Infobase Publishing. 2007. pp. 9-21(13)

  56. Decker, James M.;
    George Orwell's 1984 and Political Ideology. In: George Orwell. Updated ed.. Ed by Harold Bloom. (Bloom's modern critical views). ISBN 0-7910-9428-6 (hardcover). Chelsea House. An imprint of Infobase Publishing. 2007. pp. 133-144(12)

  57. Dickie, Imogen and Rattan, Gurpreet.;
    Sense, Communication, and Rational Engagement. In: dialectica Vol. 64, N° 2 (2010), pp. 131-151(21)

  58. Dickstein, M.;
    Animal Farm: History as Fable. In: Rodden, John (ed. and preface)., The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. Cambridge UP, 2007, ISBN: 9780521675079; pp. 133-145(13)

  59. Dickstein, Morris.;
    Hope against Hope: Orwell's Posthumous Novel. In: American Scholar, vol. 73, no. 2, Spring 2004, pp. 101-112(12)

  60. Dugan, Lawrence.;
    Orwell and Catholicism. In: Modern Age, vol. 48, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 226-240(15)

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  61. Elbarbary, Samir.;
    Language as Theme in Animal Farm. In: George Orwell's Animal Farm. New Edition. Edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom. Infobase Publishing, 2009. ISBN 978-1-60413-582-4; pp. 35-44(10)

  62. Elices, Juan Francisco.;
    The Satiric and Dystopic Legacy of George Orwell in Robert Harris's Fatherland. In: Lázaro, Alberto (ed. and preface)., The Road from George Orwell: His Achievement and Legacy, Bern, Switzerland, Peter Lang, 2001, ISBN: 9783906766799; pp. 199-224(26)

  63. Enright, Michael.;
    Why Orwell Matters. In: Queen's Quarterly, vol. 109, no. 4(Winter 2002), pp. 532-543(12)

  64. Epstein, Richard A.;
    Does Literature Work as Social Science? The Case of George OrwellIn: University of Colorado Law Review, vol. 73(2002), pp. 987-1011(25) [Later: Gleason, Abbott/Goldsmith, Jack/Nussbaum, Martha C., eds. On Nineteen Eighty-Four: Orwell and Our Future. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005. p. 49-69]

  65. Ermida, Isabel.;
    Linguistic mechanisms of power in Nineteen Eighty-Four: Applying politeness theory to Orwell's world. In: Journal of Pragmatics, Vol. 38, Issue 6, June 2006, pp. 842-862(21)

  66. Fairbairns, Zoe.;
    1984 Came and Went. In: Lázaro, Alberto (ed. and preface)., The Road from George Orwell: His Achievement and Legacy, Bern, Switzerland, Peter Lang, 2001, ISBN: 9783906766799; pp. 123-138(16)

  67. Federico, Annette.;
    Making Do: George Orwell's Coming Up for Air. In: George Orwell. Updated ed.. Ed by Harold Bloom. (Bloom's modern critical views). ISBN 0-7910-9428-6 (hardcover). Chelsea House. An imprint of Infobase Publishing. 2007. pp. 181-195(15) [Formerly: Studies in the Novel. Denton: Spring 2005. Vol. 37, no. 1; pp. 50-63]

  68. Fields, Geoffrey.;
    Nights Underground in Darkest London. The Blitz, 1940-1941. In: Cercles 17(2007), pp. 181-217(37)

  69. Firchow, Peter Edgerly.;
    George Orwell's Dystopias: From Animal Farm to Nineteen Eighty-Four. In: George Orwell's Animal Farm. New Edition. Edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom. Infobase Publishing, 2009. ISBN 978-1-60413-582-4; pp. 125-149(25)

  70. Fischer, Judith D.;
    Why George Orwell's Ideas about Language Still Matter for Lawyers. In: Montana Law Review, Vol. 68 [2007], Iss. 1, pp. 129-149(21)

  71. Flewers, Paul.;
    'I Know How But I Don't Know Why': George Orwell's Conception of Totalitarianism. In: Paul Flewers (ed.)., George Orwell: Enigmatic Socialist. Socialist Platform, London, 2005, pp. 63-94(32)

  72. Fowler, Roger.;
    Animal Farm. In: George Orwell's Animal Farm. New Edition. Edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom. Infobase Publishing, 2009. ISBN 978-1-60413-582-4; pp. 59-78(20)

  73. Fowler, Roger.;
    Newspeak and the Language of the Party. In: George Orwell's 1984. Updated ed. Edited by Harold Bloom, (Bloom's modern critical interpretations)..ISBN 0-7910-9300-X. Chelsea House An imprint of Infobase Publishing, 2007. pp. 93-108(16)

  74. Fowler, Roger.;
    Versions of Realism. In: George Orwell. Updated ed.. Ed by Harold Bloom. (Bloom's modern critical views). ISBN 0-7910-9428-6 (hardcover). Chelsea House. An imprint of Infobase Publishing. 2007. pp. 23-48(26)

  75. Freedman, Carl.;
    London as science fiction: A note on some images from Johnson, Blake, Wordsworth, Dickens, and OrwellIn: Extrapolation. Kent: Fall 2002. Vol. 43, no. 3; p. 251-262 (12)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H/I] [J/K] [L] [M] [N-P] [R] [S] [T-V] [W&Y]

  76. Galván, Fernando,;
    The Road to Utopia or On Orwell's Idealism. In: Lázaro, Alberto (ed. and preface)., The Road from George Orwell: His Achievement and Legacy, Bern, Switzerland, Peter Lang, 2001, ISBN: 9783906766799; pp. 15-32(18)

  77. Garcia, Beatriz D.;
    The Retelling of History Through Her Story. In: Lázaro, Alberto (ed. and preface)., The Road from George Orwell: His Achievement and Legacy, Bern, Switzerland, Peter Lang, 2001, ISBN: 9783906766799; pp. 139-156(18)

  78. Gaupseth, Silje.;
    To Narrow the Range of Thought: Language, Power and Satire in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four.
     Thesis. University of Oslo, 2004. 113 pp.

  79. Gleason, Abbott and Nussbaum, Martha C.;
    Introduction. In: On Nineteen Eighty-Four: Orwell and Our Future. Edited by Abbott Gleason, Jack Goldsmith, & Martha C. Nussbaum. Princeton Univ Pr, 2005. ISBN-13: 978-0691113616; pp. 1-10(10)

  80. Gottlieb, Erika.;
    The Demonic World of Oceania: The Mystical Adulation of the 'Sacred' Leader. In: George Orwell's 1984. Updated ed. Edited by Harold Bloom, (Bloom's modern critical nterpretations). ISBN 0-7910-9300-X. Chelsea House An imprint of Infobase Publishing, 2007. pp. 51-69(19)

  81. Gottlieb, Erika.;
    George Orwell: A Bibliographic Essay. In: Rodden, John (ed. and preface)., The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. Cambridge UP, 2007, ISBN: 9780521675079; pp. 190-200(11)

  82. Gottleib, Erika.;
    George Orwell's Dystopias: Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. In: Shaffer, Brian W (ed.)., A Companion to the British and Irish Novel, 19452000, Malden, MA, Blackwell, 2005, ISBN: 9781405113755; pp. 241-253(13)

  83. Grono, Ben.;
    The Corruption of Language. In: Cross Sections: The Bruce Hall Academic Journal, IV (2008), pp. 55-68(14)

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  84. Hall, Ian.;
    A `Shallow Piece of Naughtiness': George Orwell on Political Realism. In: Millennium - Journal of International Studies, Apr 2008; 36: p. 191-215(25)

  85. Harel, Naama.;
    The Animal Voice Behind the Animal Fable. In: Journal for Critical Animal Studies, Volume VII, Issue II, 2009 (ISSN1948-352X), pp. 9-21(13)

  86. Harper, John L.;
    In the footsteps of George Orwell: Patrick McCarthy as Italian correspondent for Tribune, 1978-1980. In: Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 14((2009), no. 1, pp. 75-81(7)

  87. Head, Michael.;
    Orwell's 'Nineteen Eighty Four' 20 years on: 'The war on terrorism', 'doublethink' and 'Big Brother'. In: Alternative Law Journal, Vol. 30, no. 5 (Oct. 2005), pp. 208-214(7)

  88. Heck, Richard G.;
    Do Demonstratives Have Senses? In: Philosophers' Imprint, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2002, pp. 1-33(33)

  89. Henderson, M. Todd.;
    Citing Fiction. In: The Green Bag: An Entertaining Journal of Law, vol. 11, no. 2, Winter 2008, pp. 171-185(15)

  90. Hitchens, Christopher.;
    Why Orwell Still Matters. In: Rodden, John (ed. and preface)., The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. Cambridge UP, 2007, ISBN: 9780521675079; pp. 201-207(7)

  91. Horan, Thomas.;
    Revolutions from the Waist Downwards: Desire as Rebellion in Yevgeny Zamyatin's We, George Orwell's 1984, and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. In: Extrapolation 48(2): Summer 2007, p. 314-339(26)

  92. Hosea, Nga Shang'en.;
    The Proles as an Application of Power. In: folio, vol. 4(2005), pp. 1-7(7)

  93. Hubble, Nick.;
    Historical Psychology, Utopian Dreams and Other Fool's Errands. In: Modernist Cultures, Vol. 3(2010), Issue 2, pp. 192-207(16)

  94. Hubble, Nick.;
    Imagined and Imaginary Whales: George Orwell, Benedict Anderson and Salman Rushdie. In: World Literature Written in English, vol. 40, no. 1(2002-2003), pp. 29-41(13)

  95. Ingle, Stephen.;
    Lies, Damned Lies and Literature: George Orwell and 'The Truth'. In: ECPR, April Nicosia 2006: Panel on Truth, Representation and Politics. 27 pp. [Later: British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Volume 9, Number 4, November 2007, pp. 730-746(17)]

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  96. Jack, David.;
    Spectres of Orwell, or, The Impossible Demand of the Subject. In: Colloquy. Text Theory Critique, 17(2009). pp. 62-69(8)

  97. Jadwin, Lisa.;
    Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale (1985): Cultural and Historical Context. In: Critical Insight : The Handmaid's Tale, Editor: J. Brooks Bouson, Loyola University Chicago, 2009. ISBN: 978-1-58765-620-0; pp. 21-41(21)

  98. Julian, Liam.;
    Orwell's Instructive Errors. In: Policy Review. Washington: Jun/Jul 2009. no. 155, p. 47-58(11)

  99. Juneau, Jason Paul.;
    George Orwell: Rejecting the Discourse. In: Ders., Repression and Reduction the Apparachik's Discourse in the Works of Ammianus Marcellinus, Denis Diderot, Victor Serge and George Orwell. Dissertation. Louisiana State University, 2006. pp. 215-317(103)

  100. Karpinski, Eva C.;
    En-trenched Manhood: War and Constructions of Masculinity in George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia. In: Men and Masculinities, Aug 2008; 10: pp. 523-537(15)

  101. Keck, Stephen L.;
    Text and Context: Another Look at Burmese Days. In: SOAS Bulletin of Burma Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring 2005, ISSN 1479-8484, pp. 27-40(16)

  102. Kellner, Douglas.;
    Bushspeak and the Politics of Lying: Presidential Rhetoric in the "War on Terror" In: Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol. 37, no. 4, Date: December 2007, pp. 622-645(24)

  103. Kelly, Casey Ryan.;
    Orwellian Language and the Politics of Tribal Termination (1953-1960). In: Western Journal of Communication Vol. 74, No. 4, July-September 2010, pp. 351-371(21)

  104. Kerr, Douglas.;
    In the Picture: Orwell, India and the BBC. In: Literature & History, Third Series, 13/1, Spring 2004, pp. 43-57(15)

  105. Kerr, Douglas.;
    Orwell's BBC Broadcasts: Colonial Discourse and the Rhetoric of Propaganda. In: Textual Practice, vol. 16, no. 3, 2002 Winter, pp. 473-490(18) ISSN: 0950-236X

  106. Kirschen, Robert M.;
    Modernists and the New Millennium: Twenty-First-Century Perspectives on Orwell, Fitzgerald, and Hemingway.[Review] In: Journal of Modern Literature. Bloomington: Spring 2008. Vol. 31, no. 3; pp. 159-164(6)

  107. Kirschner, Paul.;
    The Dual Purpose of Animal Farm. In: George Orwell. Updated ed.. Ed by Harold Bloom. (Bloom's modern critical views). ISBN 0-7910-9428-6 (hardcover). Chelsea House. An imprint of Infobase Publishing. 2007. pp. 145-179(35) [Formerly: Review of English Studies, 55(222): 2004, p. 759-786]

  108. Kozak, Kathy.;
    George Orwell and Burma. In: ESSAI: Vol. 3(2005), pp. 63-69(7)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H/I] [J/K] [L] [M] [N-P] [R] [S] [T-V] [W&Y]

  109. Lakoff, George.;
    What Orwell Didn't Know About the Brain, the Mind, and Language. In: What Orwell didn't know : propaganda and the new face of American politics / edited by András Szántó ; with an introduction by Orville Schell. New York : PublicAffairs, c2007. ISBN 9781586485603; pp. 67-74(8)

  110. Lanigan, Richard L.;
    Fabulous Political Semiotic: The Case of George Orwell's Animal Farm. In: Semiotics 2003: Semiotics and National Identity, ed. Rodney Williamson, Leonard G. Sbrocchi, and John Deely Ottawa, Canada: Legas Publishing, 2005, ISBN: 1894508645; pp. 421-435(15)

  111. Lázaro, Alberto.;
    The Censorship of George Orwell's Essays in Spain. In: George Orwell: A Centenary Celebration. Annette Gomis and Susana Onega (eds.), Carl Winter: Heidelberg. 2005. ISBN: 3-8253-1046-9; pp. 121-141(21)

  112. Lázaro, Alberto.;
    George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia: A Politically Incorrect Story. In: Lázaro, Alberto (ed. and preface)., The Road from George Orwell: His Achievement and Legacy, Bern, Switzerland, Peter Lang, 2001, ISBN: 9783906766799; pp. 71-91(21)

  113. Lea, Daniel.;
    Horror Comics and Highbrow Sadism: Televising George Orwell in the 1950s. In: Literature & History, Volume 19, Number 1, March 2010, pp. 65-79(15)

  114. Leab, Daniel.;
    The American Government and the Filming of George Orwell's Animal Farm in the 1950S. In: Media History, vol. 12(2006), no. 2, pp. 133-155(23)

  115. Leab, Daniel J.;
    Animators and Animals: John Halas, Joy Batchelor, and George Orwell's Animal Farm. In: Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 25, no. 2, June 2005, pp. 231-249(19)

  116. Lerner, Laurence.;
    Totalitarianism: A New Story? An Old Story? In: George Orwell's 1984. Updated ed. Edited by Harold Bloom, (Bloom's modern critical interpretations)..ISBN 0-7910-9300-X. Chelsea House An imprint of Infobase Publishing, 2007. pp. 71-81(11)

  117. Letemendia, V.C.;
    Revolution on Animal Farm: Orwell's Neglected Commentary. In: George Orwell's Animal Farm. New Edition. Edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom. Infobase Publishing, 2009. ISBN 978-1-60413-582-4; pp. 45-58(14)

  118. Levenson, Michael.;
    The Fictional Realist: Novels of the 1930s. In: Rodden, John (ed. and preface)., The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. Cambridge UP, 2007, ISBN: 9780521675079; pp. 59-75(17)

  119. Lockhart, Cameron.;
    Simulacrum and Doublethink: Baudrillard, Orwell and The Image. In: On Politics, Vol 2, No 2: Spring 2007, pp. 167-174(8)

  120. Lonoff, Sue.;
    Composing Nineteen Eighty-Four: The Art of Nightmare. In: George Orwell's 1984. Updated ed. Edited by Harold Bloom, (Bloom's modern critical interpretations)..ISBN 0-7910-9300-X. Chelsea House An imprint of Infobase Publishing, 2007. pp. 31-50(20)

  121. Looes, Antonio.;
    'Shooting elephants, pigs, and other animals: Orwell's struggle for political emancipation'. In: Actas do XXI Encontro da APEAA, Viseu, APEAA. 2002, no. 7, pp. 177-182(6)

  122. Lowe, Peter.;
    Englishness in a Time of Crisis: George Orwell, John Betjeman, and the Second World War. In: The Cambridge Quarterly, Vol. 38, No. 3, Special Issue: AFTER MODERNISM (September 2009), pp. 243-263(21)

  123. Lucas, Scott.;
    The Canonisation of St George. In: The Betrayal of Dissent: Beyond Orwell, Hitchens and the New American Century. By Scott Lucas. Pluto Press, 2004. ISBN 0 7453 2197 6; pp. 32-42(11)

  124. Lucas, Scott.;
    Christopher Hitchens: Becoming George. In: The Betrayal of Dissent: Beyond Orwell, Hitchens and the New American Century. By Scott Lucas. Pluto Press, 2004. ISBN 0 7453 2197 6; pp. 43-62(20)

  125. Lucas, Scott.;
    Orwell, Policeman of the 'Left'. In: The Betrayal of Dissent: Beyond Orwell, Hitchens and the New American Century. By Scott Lucas. Pluto Press, 2004. ISBN 0 7453 2197 6; pp. 9-31(23)

  126. Luchini, Pedro Luis.;
    Turning to Orwell to Understand Orwell's Problem: A Sociolinguistic View. In: The Reading Matrix, Vol. 6, No. 1, April 2006, pp. 97-105(9)

  127. Luepnitz, Deborah.;
    Orwell, Winnicott, and Lacan: Notes of a Psychoanalyst from Project H.O.M.E. In: Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, 10(2005), pp. 328-334(7)

  128. Luna, Erik.;
    Criminal Justice and the Public Imagination. In: Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, Vol. 7, no. 1, Fall 2009, pp. 71-147(77)

  129. Luntz, Frank I.;
    Old Words, New Meaning. In: Words That Work: It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear. by Frank I. Luntz. Hachette Books; Reprint edition (August 5, 2008) ISBN-13: 978-1401309299; pp. 49-70(22)

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  130. MacKay, Marina.;
    Catholicism, Character, and the Invention of the Liberal Novel Tradition. In: Twentieth-Century Literature, vol. 48, no. 2, Summer 2002, pp. 215-238(24)

  131. Manne, Robert.;
    George Orwell: A Centenary Tribute [essay]. In: Australian Book Review, Dec. 2003/ Jan. 2004, p. 32-36(5)

  132. Mark, Peter.;
    Imagining Surveillance: Utopian Visions and Surveillance Studies. In: Surveillance & Society 3(2/3): 2005, pp. 222-239(18)

  133. Mars, Gerald.;
    From the enclave to hierarchy - and on to tyranny: the micro-political organisation of a consultant's group. In: Culture and Organization, 14(2008), no. 4, p. 365-378(14)

  134. Martins, Adriana Alves de Paula.;
    Postcolonial readings of suicide in George Orwell and Chinua Achebe. In: Máthesis. No 16 (2007). pp.157-164(8)

  135. McHugh, Susan.;
    Animal Farm's Lessons for Literary (and) Animal Studies. In: Humanimalia: A Journal of Human-Animal Interface Studies, 1(2009), no. 1: pp. 24-39(16)

  136. McHugh, Susan.;
    Real Artificial: Tissue-cultured Meat, Genetically Modified Farm Animals, and Fictions. In: Configurations, 18(2010), pp. 181-197(17)

  137. McIntyre, Kenneth B.;
    Orwell's Despair: Nineteen Eighty-four and the Critique of the Teleocratic State.
     Prepared for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Political Science Association Bowling Green, Kentucky-March 2005. 29 pp.

  138. McLaughlin, Neil.;
    Orwell, the Academy and the Intellectuals. In: Rodden, John (ed. and preface)., The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. Cambridge UP, 2007, ISBN: 9780521675079; pp. 160-178(19)

  139. Metcalf, James A.;
    George Orwell's Animal Farm: a case study in leadership/management for undergraduate nursing students. In: Nurse Education in Practice, Vol. 5, Issue 4, July 2005, pp. 252-254(3)

  140. Meyers, Jeffrey.;
    George Orwell and the Art of Writing. In: Kenyon Review, 27(4): Fall 2005, pp. 92-114(23)

  141. Meyers, Jeffrey.;
    How True to Life Is Biography? Writing Orwell's Biography. In: Partisan Review, vol. 68, no. 1, Winter 2001, pp. 11-56(46)

  142. Meyers, Jeffrey.;
    The Wind in the Willows: A New Source for Animal Farm. In: Salmagundi. Saratoga Springs: Spring 2009. no. 162/163, pp. 200-209 (10)

  143. Meyers, Valerie.;
    Animal Farm: An Allegory of Revolution. In: George Orwell's Animal Farm. New Edition. Edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom. Infobase Publishing, 2009. ISBN 978-1-60413-582-4; pp. 23-34(12)

  144. Miller, Cheryl.;
    Orwell's Burmese Enigma.[Review]  In: Policy Review. Washington: Aug/Sep 2005. no. 132, p. 86-92(7)

  145. Miller, Cheryl.;
    Orwell's example.[Review] In: Policy Review. Washington: Oct/Nov 2002. no. 115, p. 83-87 (5)

  146. Miller, Stephen.;
    Orwell Once More. In: Sewanee Review, 112(4): October/December 2004, p. 595-618(24)

  147. Milligan, Don.;
    Belonging, Exile and George Orwell: Born and bred among the presumed Welsh. In: Don Milligan,, Raymond Williams: Hope and Defeat in the Struggle for Socialism, published by Studies in Anti-Capitalism at www.studiesinanti-capitalism.net 2007. Chapter Seven: pp. 204-241(38)

  148. Milner, Andrew.;
    Archaeologies of the Future: Jameson's Utopia or Orwell's Dystopia? In: Historical Materialism, vol. 17(2009), no. 4, pp. 101-119(9)

  149. Milner, Andrew.;
    Utopia and Science Fiction in Raymond Williams. In: Centre for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies. Monash University Wednesday 5 June 2002. 19 pp. [Later: Science Fiction Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2, Social Science Fiction (Jul.,2003), pp. 199-216]

  150. Moya, Ana.;
    George Orwell's Exploration of Discourses of Power in Burmese Days. In: Lázaro, Alberto (ed. and preface)., The Road from George Orwell: His Achievement and Legacy, Bern, Switzerland, Peter Lang, 2001, ISBN: 9783906766799; pp. 93-104(12)

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  151. Newsinger, John.;
    Orwell, Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust. In: Rodden, John (ed. and preface)., The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. Cambridge UP, 2007, ISBN: 9780521675079; pp. 112-125(14)

  152. Nikolayenko, Olena.;
    Web Cartoons in a Closed Society: "Animal Farm" as an Allegory of Post-Communist Belarus. In: PS, Political Science & Politics, Apr 2007. Vol. 40, no. 2; p. 307-310(4)

  153. Nolan, Martin F.;
    Orwell MEETS NIXON: When and Why 'The Press' Became 'The Media'. In: Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy. John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Fall, 2004, 24 pp. [Later: Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, Apr 2005; 10: p. 69-84]

  154. Orlowski, Paul.;
    Educating in an Era of Orwellian Spin: Critical Media Literacy in the Classroom. In: Canadian Journal of Education, 29, 1 (2006): pp. 176-198(23)

  155. Osborn, Ronald E.;
    Language in Defense of the Indefensible. Lessons from the Village of Ben Suc. In: Anarchy and Apocalypse: Essays on Faith, Violence, and Theodicy. By Ronald E. Osborn. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2010. ISBN 1621890759, 9781621890751; pp. 91-104(14)

  156. Pâlog, Aba-Carina.;
    Intolerable Bodies in George Orwell's Burmese Days. In: B.A.S. British and American Studies, vol. XII, 2006, pp. 65-71(7)

  157. Partington, John S.;
    The Pen as Sword: George Orwell, H.G. Wells and Journalistic Parricide. In: Journal of Contemporary History, Jan 2004; 39: pp. 45-56(12)

  158. Patai, Daphne.;
    Political Fiction and Patriarchal Fantasy. In: George Orwell's Animal Farm. New Edition. Edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom. Infobase Publishing, 2009. ISBN 978-1-60413-582-4; pp. 3-21(19)

  159. Pateman, John.;
    Reading Orwell in Havana (1). In: Information for Social Change Issue 26, Winter 2007/2008, pp. 62-88(27)

  160. Pearce, Robert.;
    Animal Farm: Sixty Years On. In: History Today. London: Aug 2005. Vol. 55, no. 8; p. 47-53(7)

  161. Pearce, Robert.;
    Orwell, Tolstoy, and Animal Farm. In: George Orwell's Animal Farm. New Edition. Edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom. Infobase Publishing, 2009. ISBN 978-1-60413-582-4; pp. 79-85(7)

  162. Phillips, Lawrence.;
    Sex, Violence, and Concrete: The Post-War Dystopian Vision of London in Nineteen Eighty-Four. In: Critical Survey, vol. 20(2008), no. 1, pp. 69-79(11)

  163. Pittock, Malcolm.;
    George OrwellIn: The Cambridge Quarterly, Vol. 39, No. 2 (June 2010), pp. 172-176(5)

  164. Pittock, Malcolm.;
    The Hell of Nineteen Eighty-Four. In: George Orwell's 1984. Updated ed. Edited by Harold Bloom, (Bloom's modern critical interpretations)..ISBN 0-7910-9300-X. Chelsea House An imprint of Infobase Publishing, 2007. pp. 109-125(17)

  165. Place, Troy.;
    Orwell's 1984. In: The Explicator. Washington: Winter 2003. Vol. 61, no. 2; p. 108-110 (3)

  166. Plank, Robert.;
    The Ghostly Bells of London. In: George Orwell's 1984. Updated ed. Edited by Harold Bloom, (Bloom's modern critical interpretations)..ISBN 0-7910-9300-X. Chelsea House An imprint of Infobase Publishing, 2007. pp. 83-92(10)

  167. Pourgiv, F.;
    An Orwellian Case of Otherness: Orwell and the East. In: Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities of Shiraz University, vol. 19, no. 1, Winter 2003, pp. 1-10(10)

  168. Praseeda Gopinath.;
    An Orphaned Manliness: The Pukka Sahib and the End of Empire in A Passage to India and Burmese Days. In: Studies in the Novel, Vol. 41, no. 2, Summer 2009, pp. 201-223(23)

  169. Pritchard, William H.;
    Orwell Matters. In: Hudson Review, 56(1): Spring 2003, p. 183-190(8)

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  170. Rae, Patricia.;
    Orwell's Heart of Darkness: The Road to Wigan Pier as Modernist Anthropology. In: George Orwell. Updated ed.. Ed by Harold Bloom. (Bloom's modern critical views). ISBN 0-7910-9428-6 (hardcover). Chelsea House. An imprint of Infobase Publishing. 2007. pp. 63-95(33)

  171. Rae, Patricia.;
    Proleptic Elegy and the End of Arcadianism in 1930s Britain. In: Twentieth-Century Literature, 49.2 Summer 2003, pp. 246-275(30)

  172. Ramesh K.;
    Socio-Cultural Matrix in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Fou. In: Journal of Literature, Culture and Media Studies, Vol.-II 4 July-Dec. (Winter) 2010, pp. 71-82(12)

  173. Roberts, Elizabeth.;
    British and American Volunteers and the Politics of Dress and Demeanour in the Spanish Civil War. In: The Limina Editorial Collective, Volume 14, 2008, pp. 59-70(12)

  174. Roberts, John Michael.;
    Roberts Reading Orwell Through Deleuze. In: Deleuze Studies, vol. 4. No. 3 (2010): pp. 356-380(25)

  175. Rodden, John.;
    Appreciating animal farm in the new millennium. In: Modern Age. Wilmington: Winter 2003. Vol. 45, no. 1; pp. 67-76(10)

  176. Rodden, John.;
    Big Rock (Sugar)candy Mountain? How George Orwell Tramped toward Animal Farm. In: Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature, vol. 46, no. 3, Summer 2010, pp. 315-341(27)

  177. Rodden, John.;
    Fellow Contrarians? Christopher Hitchens and George OrwellIn: The Kenyon Review, New Series, Vol. 28, No. 1 (Winter, 2006), pp. 142-165(24)

  178. Rodden, John.;
    How Do Stories Convince Us? Notes Towards A Rhetoric of Narrative. In: College Literature, Winter 2008. Vol. 35, no. 1; p. 148-173(6)

  179. Rodden, John.;
    Lessons from brother OrwellIn: Society, Vol. 42, Issue 6, September 2005, pp 69-73(5)

  180. Rodden, John.;
    On the Ethics of Admiration-- and Detraction. In: Midwest Quarterly. Spring 2005, Vol. 46, no. 3, p. 284-298(15)

  181. Rodden, John.;
    The Orwell century? In: Society, Vol. 40, no. 5 / July, 2003, pp. 62-65(4)

  182. Rodden, John.;
    Orwell for Today's Reader: An Open Letter. In: Rodden, John (ed. and preface)., The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. Cambridge UP, 2007, ISBN: 9780521675079; pp. 179-189(11)

  183. Rodden, John; Rossi, John P.;
    If He Had Lived, or a Counterfactual Life of George OrwellIn: Prose Studies: History, Theory, Criticism, vol. 32 : no. 1, Apr 2010, pp. 1-11(11)

  184. Rodden, John; Rossi. John.;
    The Mysterious (Un)meeting of George Orwell and Ernest Hemingway. In: The Kenyon Review. Gambier: Fall 2009. Vol. 31, no. 4; p. 56-84 (29)

  185. Rodden, John; Rossi, John.;
    A Political Writer. In: Rodden, John (ed. and preface)., The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. Cambridge UP, 2007, ISBN: 9780521675079; pp. 1-11(11)

  186. Rodríguez, Angel Galdón.;
    Starting to Hate the State: The Beginning of the Character's Dissidence in Dystopian Literature and Films. In: International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, N. 3 (2010), pp. 166-173(8)

  187. Rollason, Christopher.;
    Empire, Sense of Place and Cultures in Contact -George Orwell's Burmese Days and Amitav Ghosh's the Glass Palace.
     NOTE: This text was given as a guest contribution to a postgraduate seminar at the University of Manchester, England, in July 2008. 9 pp.

  188. Roney, Stephen K.;
    Postmodernist prose and George OrwellIn: Academic Questions, Vol. 15, no. 2, March, 2002, pp. 13-23(11)

  189. Rooney, Brigid.;
    Narrative viewpoint and the representation of power in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. In: Sydney Studies in English, vol. 28(2002), p. 69-85(17)

  190. Rose, Jonathan.;
    Englands His Englands: Orwell's Britain Between the Wars. In: Rodden, John (ed. and preface)., The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. Cambridge UP, 2007, ISBN: 9780521675079; pp. 28-42(15)

  191. Rosenfeld, Aaron S.;
    The Scanty Plot: Orwell, Pynchon and the Poetics of Paranoia. In: Twentieth Century Literature 50 (4): Winter 2004, pp. 337-367(31)

  192. Rossi, John P.;
    George Orwell's Concept of Patriotism. In: Modern Age. Wilmington: Spring 2001. Vol. 43, no. 2; p. 128-132(5)

  193. Rossi, John.;
    'My Country, Right or Left': Orwell's Patriotism. In: Rodden, John (ed. and preface)., The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. Cambridge UP, 2007, ISBN: 9780521675079; pp. 87-99(13)

  194. Ross, John J.;
    Tuberculosis, Bronchiectasis, and Infertility: What Ailed George Orwell?. In: Clinical Infectious Diseases. Chicago: Dec 1, 2005. Vol. 41, no. 11; p. 1599-1603(5)

  195. Rossi, John P.;
    Two Irascible Englishmen: Mr. Waugh and Mr. OrwellIn: Modern Age. Wilmington: Spring 2005. Vol. 47, no. 2; pp. 148-152(5)

  196. Rubin, Andrew N.;
    Orwell and Empire: Anti-Communism and the Globalization of Literature. In: Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics, 28(2008), pp. 75-101(27) ISSN: 1110-8673

  197. Russell, Elizabeth.;
    Looking Backwards and Forwards from Nineteen Eighty-Four: Women Writing Men's Worlds. In: Lázaro, Alberto (ed. and preface)., The Road from George Orwell: His Achievement and Legacy, Bern, Switzerland, Peter Lang, 2001, ISBN: 9783906766799; pp. 157-178(22)

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  198. Sabin, Margery.;
    The Truths of Experience: Orwell's Nonfiction of the 1930s. In: Rodden, John (ed. and preface)., The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. Cambridge UP, 2007, ISBN: 9780521675079; pp. 43-58(16)

  199. Savage, Robert.;
    Are Rats Comrades? Some Readings of a Question in OrwellIn: Colloquy: Text Theory Critique, vol. 12(2006), pp. 83-90(8)

  200. Scerbo, Edward.;
    Speak Up. In: Mercer Street, 2005, pp. 61-68(8)

  201. Scialabba, George.;
    Facing Orwell's Way. In: Raritan. New Brunswick: Summer 2009. Vol. 29, no. 1; p. 42-53(12)

  202. Schneider, Matthew.;
    A Paean to Power: Resistance to GA and Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. In: Anthropoetics 16, no. 1 (Fall 2010), 7 pp.

  203. Seshagiri, Urmila.;
    Misogyny and Anti-Imperialism in George Orwell's Burmese Days. In: Lázaro, Alberto (ed. and preface)., The Road from George Orwell: His Achievement and Legacy, Bern, Switzerland, Peter Lang, 2001, ISBN: 9783906766799; pp. 105-119(15)

  204. Sewlall, Harry.;
    George Orwell's Animal Farm: A Metonym for a Dictatorship. In: Literator: Tydskrif vir Besondere en Vergelykende Taal- en Literatuurstudie/Journal of Literary Criticism, Comparative Linguistics and Literary Studies, vol. 23, no. 3, 2002 Nov, pp. 81-96(16) ISSN: 0258-2279

  205. Sharma, Susheel K.;
    Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty Four: A Negative Utopia. In: Studies in Literature in English, VI, ed. Prof. Mohit K.Ray (New Delhi: Atlantic, 2003), pp. 186-196(11)

  206. Shelden, Michael.;
    The World of George Orwell.
     Recorded Books, 2010. ISBN: 978-1-4498-0448-0. 80 pp.

  207. Shuttleworth, Antony.;
    The Real George Orwell: Dis-simulation in Homage to Catalonia and Coming Up for Air. In: George Orwell. Updated ed.. Ed by Harold Bloom. (Bloom's modern critical views). ISBN 0-7910-9428-6 (hardcover). Chelsea House. An imprint of Infobase Publishing. 2007. pp. 97-113(17)

  208. Simmons, Ric.;
    Why 2007 Is Not Like "1984": A Broader Perspective on Technology's Effect on Privacy and Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence. In: The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology [H.W. Wilson - SSA]. Winter 2007. Vol. 97, Iss. 2; pp. 531-568(38)

  209. Slabbert, N.J.;
    Orwell's Ghost: How Teletechnology is Reshaping Civil Society. In: Commlaw Conspectus, Vol. 16(2008), pp. 349-359(11)

  210. Sleeper, Jim.;
    Orwell's 'Smelly Little Orthodoxies'-And Ours. In: Journal of the Historical Society, Vol. 4, Issue 2, June 2004, pp. 141-165(25)

  211. Slemrod, Joel.;
    Old George Orwell Got It Backward: Some Thoughts on Behavioral Tax Economics. In: FinanzArchiv / Public Finance Analysis, Vol. 66, No. 1 (March 2010), pp. 15-33(19)

  212. Snyder, C R.;
    Hope and the Other Strengths: Lessons from Animal Farm. In: Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. New York: Oct 2004. Vol. 23, no. 5; p. 624-627 (4)

  213. Sollers, Philippe.;
    George Orwell: Leftward ALL. In: Queen's Quarterly, vol. 117(2010), no. 1, pp. 34-39(6)

  214. Sorlin, Sandrine.;
    A linguistic approach to David Mitchell's science-fiction stories in "Cloud Atlas". In: Miscelanea: A journal of english and american studies, ISSN 1137-6368, No 37, 2008, pp. 75-89(15)

  215. Stephens, Piers H.G.;
    Nature and Human Liberty: The Golden Country in George Orwell's 1984 and an Alternative Conception of Human Freedom. In: Organization Environment, 17(Mar 2004), pp. 76 - 98(23)

  216. Stewart, Anthony.;
    An Absence of Pampering: The Betrayal of the Rebellion and the End of Decency in Animal Farm. In: George Orwell's Animal Farm. New Edition. Edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom. Infobase Publishing, 2009. ISBN 978-1-60413-582-4; pp. 87-124(38)

  217. Stewart, Anthony.;
    The Heresy of Common Sense: The Prohibition of Decency in Nineteen Eighty-Four. In: George Orwell's 1984. Updated ed. Edited by Harold Bloom, (Bloom's modern critical interpretations)..ISBN 0-7910-9300-X. Chelsea House An imprint of Infobase Publishing, 2007. pp. 137-178(42)

  218. Stillwaggon, James.;
    Inviolable Laws, Impossible to Keep: Orwell on Education, Suffering, and the Loss of Childhood. In: Educational Theory, Vol. 60, no. 1, February 2010, pp. 61-80(20)

  219. Sulica, Lucian.;
    War, Politics, and Voice: The Vocal Fold Paralysis of George OrwellIn: Laryngoscope, 117(2007), no. 2, p. 364-370(7)

  220. Sutherland, Tracy.;
    Speaking My Mind: Orwell Farmed for Education. In: The English Journal, Vol. 95, No. 1 (Sep., 2005), pp. 17-19(3)

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  221. Taubman, Dan.;
    1984 and All That. In: Adults Learning, vol. 18, no. 9, May 2007, pp. 12-13(2)

  222. Tirohl, Blue.;
    'We are the dead…you are the dead.' An examination of sexuality as a weapon of revolt in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. In: Journal of Gender Studies, 9(2001): pp. 55-61(7)

  223. Tyner, James A.;
    Landscape and the mask of self in George Orwell's 'Shooting an elephant'. In: Area, Vol. 37, no. 3, September 2005, pp. 260-267(8)

  224. Tyner, James A.;
    Self and space, resistance and discipline: a Foucauldian reading of George Orwells 1984. In: Social & Cultural Geography, Vol. 5, no. 1, March 2004, pp. 129-149(21)

  225. Utell, Janine.;
    Why We (Still) Read OrwellIn: College Literature, Fall 2006. Vol. 33, no. 4; p. 198-203(6)

  226. van Inwagen, Peter.;
    Was George Orwell a Metaphysical Realist?  In: Philosophia Scientia, 12 (1), 2008, pp. 161-185(25)

  227. Vaninskaya, Anna.;
    It was a silly system: Writers and schools, 1870-1939. In: The Modern Language Review, Vol. 105, No. 4 (October 2010), pp. 952-975(24)

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