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Alfred, Tennyson(アルフレド・テニスン)1809-1892 研究論文

 Alfred, Tennyson(アルフレド・テニスン)研究の1996年から2009年に刊行された論文を紹介しています。
 ここで紹介する論文・書評は企画商品CD「イギリス文学論文撰」の「ビクトリア時代(前期)」の項 Alfred, Tennyson 第1集 1996-2009年刊行論文集に収録しています。




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  1. Ahern, Stephen.;
    Listening to Guinevere: Female Agency and the Politics of Chivalry in Tennyson's Idylls.  In: Studies in Philology, Vol. 101, no. 1, Winter 2004, pp. 88-112(25)

  2. Bailin, Miriam.;
    'Dismal Pleasure': Victorian Sentimentality and the Pathos of the Parvenu.  In: ELH: journal of English literary history, vol. 66(1999), no. 4, pp. 1015-1032(18)

  3. Barton, Anna Jane.;
    Delirious Bulldogs and Nasty Crockery: Tennyson as Nonsense Poet.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 47, no. 1, Spring 2009, pp. 313-330(18)

  4. Barton, Anna Jane.;
    Letters, Scraps of Manuscript, and Printed Poems: The Correspondence of Edward FitzGerald and Alfred Tennyson.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 46, no. 1, Spring 2008, pp. 19-35(17)

  5. Barton, Anna Jane.;
    Nursery Poetics: An Examination of Lyric Representations of the Child in Tennyson's 'The Princess'.   In: Victorian Literature and Culture, 2007, Vol: 35, no. 2, pp. 489-500(12)

  6. Barton, Anna Jane.;
    'What profits me my name?:' The Aesthetic Potential of the Commodified Name in Lancelot and Elaine.  In: Victorian Poetry, 2006, Vol: 44, no. 2, pp. 135-152(18)

  7. Batchelor, John.;
    Alfred Tennyson.  In: The Modern Language Review, vol. 102(2007), no. 2, pp. 491-492(2)

  8. Batchelor, John.;
    Alfred Tennyson: Problems of Biography.  In: The Yearbook of English Studies, vol. 36(2006), no. 2, pp. 78-95(18)

  9. Beidler, Paul.;
    Meditation and mediation, secrets and seizures: Tennyson's In Memoriam as fiction/testimony.  In: Analecta Husserliana, 2004, vol. 82 (374 p.), pp. 65-74(10)

  10. Benardete, Jane.;
    The Princess Casamassima and Tennyson's The Princess.  In: The Henry James Review, Vol. 19, no. 2, Spring 1998, pp. 183-188(6)

  11. Bennett, James R.;
    "Vision" in "The Holy Grail": Tennyson's theistic skepticism.  In: Philological Quarterly. Iowa City: Spring 1996. Vol. 75, no. 2; p. 231-270 (40)

  12. Bevis, Matthew.;
    Tennyson, Ireland, and "The Powers of Speech".  In: Victorian Poetry, 39 (Fall 2001), no. 3, pp. 345-364(20)

  13. Billone, Amy.;
    Elizabeth Barrett's and Alfred Tennyson's Authorial and Formal Links.  In: SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, Vol. 48, no. 4, Autumn 2008, pp. 779-789(11)

  14. Blain, Virginia.;
    Tennyson and the Spinster.  In: Essays in Criticism. Oxford: Jul 1999. Vol. 49, no. 3; p. 219-233 (15)

  15. Blair, Kirstie.;
    In Memoriam XIII and the Corsair.  In: Notes and Queries. London: Mar 2008. Vol. 55, no. 1; p. 34-37 (4)

  16. Bratcher, James T.;
    NOTES: Tennyson's 'Hendecasyllabics', Catullus' 'basiationes', and a Parody of Ezra Pound.  In: Notes and Queries, March 2005; vol. 52: pp. 100 - 101(2)

  17. Brunner, Larry.;
    `I Sit as God': Aestheticism and Repentance in Tennyson's `The Palace of Art'.  In: Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature, 2003, Vol: 56, no. 1, pp. 43-54(11)

  18. Buchanan, Lindal.;
    "Doing battle with forgotten ghosts": Carnival, Discourse, and Degradation in Tennyson's The Princess.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 39, no. 4, Winter 2001, pp. 573-595(23)

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  19. Campbell, Matthew.;
    Tennyson's Epic Procrastination.  In: English, Spring 1996; vol. 45: pp. 44- 61(18)

  20. Caws, Mary Ann, and Gerhard Joseph.;
    Naming and Not Naming: Tennyson and Mallarme.  In: Victorian Poetry, 2005, Vol: 43, pp. 1-18(18)

  21. Cecily, Devereux.;
    Canada and the epilogue to The Idylls: "The imperial connection" in 1873.  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Summer 1998. Vol. 36, no. 2; p. 223-245 (23)

  22. Çelikkol, Ayşe.;
    Dionysian Music, Patriotic Sentiment, and Tennyson's Idylls of the King.  In: Victorian Poetry, Fall 2007, Vol: 45, no. 3, pp. 239-256(18)

  23. Cervo, Nathan A.;
    Tennyson's 'Lucretius'.  In: Explicator, 2002, Vol: 60, pp. 136-137(2)

  24. Cervo, Nathan A.;
    Tennyson's 'The Higher Pantheism'  In: Explicator, 2005, Vol: 63, no. 2, pp. 76-78(3)

  25. Cervo, Nathan A.;
    Tennyson's The Vision of Sin.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Summer 1998. Vol. 56, no. 4; p. 190-192 (3)

  26. Chapman, Alison.;
    'A Poet Never Sees a Ghost': Photography and Trance in Tennyson's Enoch Arden and Julia Margaret Cameron's Photography.  In: Victorian Poetry, 2003, Vol: 41, no. 1, pp. 47-71(25)

  27. Christensen, Allan C.;
    Navigating in Perilous Seas of Language: In Memoriam and "The Wreck of the Deutschland".  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 47, no. 2, Summer 2009, pp. 379-401(23)

  28. Clapp-Itnyre, Alisa.;
    Marginalized Musical Interludes: Tennyson's Critique of Conventionality in The Princess.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 38, no. 2, Summer 2000, pp. 227-248(22)

  29. Cuthbertson Guy.;
    The Shakespeare and Tennyson behind Edward Thomass `Parting'.  In: Notes and Queries, June 2004, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 175-178(4)

  30. Demoor, Marysa ;
    "His way is thro' chaos and the bottomless and pathless": The gender of madness in Alfred Tennyson's poetry.  In: Neophilologus, 2002, vol. 86, no2, pp. 325-335(11)

  31. Denecke, Daniel.;
    The Motivation of Tennyson's Reader: Privacy and the Politics of Literary Ambiguity in The Princess.   In: Victorian Studies, Vol. 43, no. 2, Winter 2001, pp. 201-227(27)

  32. Dennis Taylor.;
    Tennyson's Catholic Years: A Point of Contact.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 47, no. 1, Spring 2009, pp. 285-312(28)

  33. Derry, Stephen.;
    Tennyson's 'Mariana' and Larkin's 'The Whitsun Weddings'.  In: Notes and Queries, 1996; 43: pp. 447 - 448(2)

  34. Dickson, Jay Michael.;
    Defining the Sentimentalist in Ulysses.  In: James Joyce Quarterly, Vol. 44, no. 1, Fall 2006, pp. 19-37(19)

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  35. Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning.;
    Mors Viva: Literary Renderings of Life-to-Death Transitions.  In: The Modern Language Review, 1 January 2003, vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 11-26(16)

  36. Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning.;
    NOTES: Tennyson, Wilde and the Anti-Aubade in Dombey and Son.  In: Notes and Queries, March 2008; vol. 55: pp. 38-39(2)

  37. Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning.;
    Tennyson, Wilde and the Anti-Aubade in Dombey and Son.  In: Notes and Queries, March 2008, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 38-39(2)

  38. Eliot, Simon.;
    What Price Poetry? Selling Wordsworth, Tennyson, and Longfellow in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Britain.  In: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. 2006, Vol: 100, no. 4, pp. 425-445(21)

  39. Elliott, Philip L.;
    No friends of roses: Tennyson, Swinburne, and the sad young man.  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Spring 1997. Vol. 35, no. 1; p. 95-98 (4)

  40. Evans, Roger.;
    Tennyson's 'Crossing the Bar': A Family Connection.  In: Notes and Queries, 1999, Vol: 46, pp. 478-479(2)

  41. Felluga, Dino Franco.;
    Tennyson's Idylls, Pure Poetry, and the Market.  In: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, Vol. 37, No. 4, Nineteenth Century (Autumn, 1997), pp. 783-803(21)

  42. Ferry, Anne.;
    Anonymity : The Literary History of a Word.  In: New Literary History, Vol. 33, no. 2, Spring 2002, pp. 193-214(22)

  43. Fischler, Alan.;
    Love in the Garden: 'Maud,' 'Great Expectations,' and W.S. Gilbert's 'Sweethearts.'  In: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900. Vol. 37(1997), no. 4. pp. 763-781(19)

  44. Fisher, Devon.;
    Spurring an Imitative Will: The Canonization of Arthur Hallam.  In: Christianity and Literature, 55.2 (Winter 2006): pp. 221-244(24)

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  45. Garrett Stewart.;
    Introduction: The science of British literature, 1819, 1851, 1882-94.  In: PMLA. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. New York: May 2002. Vol. 117, no. 3; p. 428-432(5)

  46. Gates, Sarah.;
    Poetics, Metaphysics, Genre: The Stanza Form ofIn Memoriam.  In: Victorian Poetry, 1999, Vol: 37, pp. 507-519(13)

  47. Gerhard, Joseph.;
    Commodifying Tennyson: The historical transformation of "brand loyalty".  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Summer 1996. Vol. 34, no. 2; p. 133-147 (15)

  48. Gigante, Denise.;
    Forming Desire: On the EponymousIn MemoriamStanza.  In: Nineteenth - Century Literature(NCL), 1999, Vol: 53, pp. 480-504(25)

  49. Gold, Barri J.;
    The consolation of physics: Tennyson's thermodynamic solution.  In: PMLA. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. New York: May 2002. Vol. 117, no. 3; p. 449-464(16)

  50. Goldberg, Brian.;
    'A Sea Reflecting Love': Tennyson, Shelley, and the Aesthetics of the Image in the Marketplace.  In: Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History, 59 (1998), no. 1, pp. 71-97(27)

  51. Gray, Erik Irving.;
    FitzGerald and the Rubáiyát, In and Out of Time.  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Spring 2008. Vol. 46, no. 1; p. 1-14(14)

  52. Gray, Erik Irving.;
    Forgetting FitzGerald's Rubáiyát.  In: SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, Vol. 41, no. 4, Autumn 2001, pp. 765-783(19)

  53. Gray, Erik Irving.;
    Getting It Wrong in "The Lady of Shalott".  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 47, no. 1, Spring 2009, pp. 45-59(15)

  54. Gray, Erik Irving.;
    "Out of me, out of me!": Andrea, Ulysses, and Victorian revisions of egotistical lyric.  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Winter 1998. Vol. 36, no. 4; p. 417-430 (14)

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  55. Haddad, Emily A.;
    Tennyson, Arnold, and the Wealth of the East.  In: Victorian Literature and Culture, 2004, Vol: 32, no. 2, pp. 373-396(24)

  56. Hair, Donald S.;
    Soul and spirit in In Memoriam.  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Summer 1996. Vol. 34, no. 2; p. 175-192 (18)

  57. Hancock, Michael.;
    The Stones in the Sword: Tennyson's Crown Jewels.  In: Victorian Poetry, 2001, Vol: 39, no. 1, pp. 1-24(24)

  58. Harland, Catherine R.;
    Interpretation and rumor in Tennyson's Merlin and Vivien.  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Spring 1997. Vol. 35, no. 1; p. 57-69 (13)

  59. Harmon, William.;
    English versification: Fifteen hundred years of continuity and change.  In: Studies in Philology. Chapel Hill: Winter 1997. Vol. 94, no. 1; pp. 1-37 (37)

  60. Hass, Robert Bernard.;
    The Mutable 'Locus Amoenus' and Consolidation in Tennyson's 'In Memoriam.'.  In: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900. Vol. 38(1998), no. 4, pp. 669-687(19)

  61. Hayward, Helen.;
    Tennyson's endings: In Memoriam and the art of commemoration.  In: English, Spring 1998; vol. 47: pp. 1-15(15)

  62. Helen, Groth.;
    Technological Mediations and the Public Sphere: Roger Fenton's Crimea Exhibition and 'The Charge of the Light Brigade'.  In: Victorian Literature and Culture, 2002, Vol: 30, no. 2, pp. 553-570(18)

  63. Henchman, Anna.;
    'The Globe we groan in': Astronomical Distance and Stellar Decay in In Memoriam.  In: Victorian Poetry, 2003, Vol: 41, no. 1, pp. 29-45(17)

  64. Hill, Marylu.;
    "Shadowing Sense at war with Soul": Julia Margaret Cameron's Photographic Illustrations of Tennyson's Idylls of the King.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 40, no. 4, Winter 2002, pp. 445-462(18)

  65. Hughes, Linda K.;
    A Club of Their Own: The 'Literary Ladies', New Women Writers, and Fin-de-Siècle Authorship.  In: Victorian Literature and Culture 35 (2007): 233-260(28)

  66. Hughes, Linda K.;
    Alfred Tennyson: This Year's Work [2007].  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Fall 2008. Vol. 46, no. 3; p. 366-372(7)

  67. Hughes, Linda K.;
    Alfred Tennyson: This Year's Work [2006].  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Fall 2007. Vol. 45, no. 3; p. 336-342 (7)

  68. Hughes, Linda K.;
    Alfred Tennyson: This Year's Work [2005].  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Fall 2006. Vol. 44, no. 3; p. 381-387(7)

  69. Hughes, Linda K.;
    Alfred Tennyson.  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Autumn 1995/Winter 1996. Vol. 33, no. 3-4; p. 572-600 (29)

  70. Hughes, Linda K.;
    A Guide to the year's work in Victorian poetry: Tennyson.  In: Victorian Poetry, 1999, Vol: 37, no. 3, pp. 420-429(10)

  71. Hughes, John.;
    'Hang there like fruit, my soul': Tennyson's Feminine Imaginings.  In: Victorian Poetry, Summer 2007, Vol: 45, no. 2, pp. 95-115(21)

  72. Inboden, Robin L.;
    The "valour of delicate women": The domestication of politcal relations in Tennyson's laureate poetry.  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Summer 1998. Vol. 36, no. 2; p. 205-221 (17)

  73. Ingrid Ranum.;
    An Adventure in Modern Marriage: Domestic Development in Tennyson's Geraint and Enid and The Marriage of Geraint.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 47, no. 1, Spring 2009, pp. 241-257(17)

  74. Irene Hsiao.;
    Calculating Loss in Tennyson's In Memoriam.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 47, no. 1, Spring 2009, pp. 173-196(24)

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  75. Jackson, Jeffrey E.;
    The Once and Future Sword: Excalibur and the Poetics of Imperial Heroism in Idylls of the King.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 46, no. 2, Summer 2008, pp. 207-229(23)

  76. John, Maynard.:
    Tennyson's Fixations: Psychoanalysis and the Topics of Early Poetry.  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Spring 1996. Vol. 34, no. 1; p. 124-130 (7)

  77. Johnson, Christopher.;
    Speech and Violence in Tennyson's "Maud".  In: Essays in Criticism. Oxford: Jan 1997. Vol. 47, no. 1; p. 33-61 (29)

  78. Joseph, Gerhard.;
    Producing the "far-off interest of tears": Tennyson, Freud, and the economics of mourning.  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Summer 1998. Vol. 36, no. 2; p. 123-133 (11)

  79. Kolb, Jack.;
    Hallam, Tennyson, Homosexuality and the Critics.  In: Philological Quarterly, 79.3 (Summer 2000): pp. 365-396(32)

  80. Kolb, Jack.;
    Laureate envy: T.S. Eliot on Tennyson.  In: ANQ. Lexington: Summer 1998. Vol. 11, no. 3; p. 29-37 (9)

  81. Kooistra, Lorraine Janzen.;
    Poetry in the Victorian Marketplace: The Illustrated Princess as a Christmas Gift Book.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 45, no. 1, Spring 2007, pp. 49-76(28)

  82. Krasner, James.;
    Doubtful Arms and Phantom Limbs: Literary Portrayals of Embodied Grief.  In: PMLA, 119.2 (Mar 2004): pp. 218-232(15)

  83. Kuczynski, Michael P.;
    Translation and Adaptation in Tennyson's Battle of Brunanburh.  In: Philological Quarterly. Iowa City: Fall 2007. Vol. 86, no. 4; p. 415-431 (17)

  84. Ledbetter, Kathryn.;
    "BeGemmed and beAmuletted": Tennyson and those "vapid" gift books.  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Summer 1996. Vol. 34, no. 2; p. 235-245 (11)

  85. Ledbetter, Kathryn.;
    Protesting Success: Tennyson's 'Indecent Exposure' in the Periodicals.  In: Victorian Poetry, 2005, Vol: 43, pp. 53-73(21)

  86. Leighton, Angela.;
    Touching Forms: Tennyson and Aestheticism.  In: Essays in Criticism, Vol: 52(2002), no. 1, pp. 56-75(20)

  87. Linley, Margaret.;
    Conjuring the Spirit: Victorian Poetry, Culture, and Technology.  In: Victorian Poetry, 2004, Vol: 41, no. 4, pp. 536-544(9)

  88. Love, Damian.;
    Hengist's Brood: Tennyson and the Anglo-Saxons.  In: The Review of English Studies. Oxford: Jun 2009. Vol. 60, no. 245; p. 460-474 (15)

  89. Lovelace, Tim.;
    Tennyson's 'The Passing of Arthur'.  In: Explicator, 2002, Vol: 61, pp. 24-25(2)

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  90. Machann, Clinton.;
    Tennyson's King Arthur and the Violence of Manliness.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 38, no. 2, Summer 2000, pp. 199-226(28)

  91. Mallen, Richard D.;
    The 'Crowned Republic' of Tennyson's Idylls of the King.  In: Victorian Poetry, 1999, Vol: 37, no. 3, pp. 275-289(15)

  92. Mansell, Darrel.;
    Displacing Hallam's tomb in Tennyson's In Memoriam.  In: Victorian Poetry, 36, 1 (1998): pp. 97-112(16)

  93. Markley, A A.;
    Barbarous hexameters and dainty meters: Tennyson's uses of classical versification.  In: Studies in Philology. Chapel Hill: Fall 1998. Vol. 95, no. 4; p. 456-486 (31)

  94. Markley, A. A.;
    Finding the Modern Frames in Tennyson's Final Classical Poems.  In: Philological Quarterly. Vol. 78(1999), no. 4. pp. 455-478(24)

  95. McCarthy, Anne C.;
    "Who knows if he be dead?": Maud, Signification, and the Madhouse Canto.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 47, no. 1, Spring 2009, pp. 221-239(19)

  96. McKinsey, Martin.;
    Ulysses Victorianus and the Other Knowledge of Empire.  In: Ariel. Calgary: Jul/Oct 2004. Vol. 35, no. 3/4; p. 99-113(15)

  97. McSweeney, Kerry.;
    Performing 'The Solitary Reaper' and 'Tears, Idle Tears.'.  In: Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 38:2 (Spring 1996): pp. 281-302(22)

  98. Moore, Dafydd.;
    Tennyson, Malory and the Ossianic Mode: The Poems of Ossian and 'The Death of Arthur.  In: Review of English Studies, 2006, Vol: 57, no. 230, pp. 374-391(18)

  99. Nicholson, Oliver.;
    The Passing of Arthur and Eikon Basilike.  In: Notes and Queries. London: Sep 1997. Vol. 44, no. 3; p. 342-344 (3)

  100. Nohrnberg, James.;
    Eight Reflections of Tennyson's "Ulysses".  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 47, no. 1, Spring 2009, pp. 101-150(50)

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  101. O'Gorman, Francis.;
    Tennyson's 'In Memoriam' and Tangle.  In: ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 17.2 (Spring 2004): pp. 41-42(2)

  102. Olsen, Victoria C. :
    Idylls of real life.   In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Autumn 1995/Winter 1996. Vol. 33, no. 3-4; p. 371-399 (29)

  103. Platizky, Roger S.;
    Tennyson and cholera.  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Winter 1997. Vol. 35, no. 4; p. 533-542 (10)

  104. Patrick, Scott.;
    Tennyson, Lincolnshire and provinciality: The topographical narrative of In Memoriam.  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Spring 1996. Vol. 34, no. 1; p. 39-51 (13)

  105. Peterson, Linda H.;
    Tennyson and the Ladies.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 47, no. 1, Spring 2009, pp. 25-43(19)

  106. Phillips, Catherine.;
    "Charades from the Middle Ages"? Tennyson's Idylls of the King and the Chivalric Code.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 40, no. 3, Fall 2002, pp. 241-253(13)

  107. Platizky, Roger.;
    Elegies in a Different Key: Tennyson's "In Memoriam" and Paul Monette's "Love Alone".  In: Midwest Quarterly, 2002, Vol: 43, no. 4, pp. 346-354(9)

  108. Platizky, Roger S.;
    "Like dull narcotics, numbing pain": Speculations on Tennyson and Opium.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 40, no. 2, Summer 2002, pp. 209-215(7)

  109. Pritchard, William H.;
    Epistolary Tennyson: The Art of Suspension.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 47, no. 1, Spring 2009, pp. 331-347(17)

  110. Purton, Valerie.;
    Tennyson's Balin and Balan as the Reconciliation of the Divided Self: A New Reading of the Final Idylls of the King.  In: Philological Quarterly. Iowa City: Summer 2005. Vol. 84, no. 3; p. 357-376 (20)

    [A/B] [C/D] [E/F] [G] [H/I] [J/L] [M/N] [O/P] [R] [S] [T] [W/Y] [review]

  111. Richard Maxwell.;
    Unnumbered Polypi.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 47, no. 1, Spring 2009, pp. 7-23(17)

  112. Riede, David G.;
    Tennyson's Poetics of Melancholy and the Imperial Imagination.  In: SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, Vol: 40(2000), pp. 659-678(20)

  113. Robert L. Patten.;
    The Contemporaneity of The Last Tournament.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 47, no. 1, Spring 2009, pp. 259-283(25)

  114. Roberts, Adam.;
    Tennyson's 'Ulysses' and 'Lotos Eaters': Sources in Virgil'sAeneid V.  In: Notes and Queries, Date of publication: 1999, Vol: 46, pp. 60-62(3)

  115. Rowlinson, Matthew.;
    The Thing in the Poem: Maud's Hymen.  In: differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, Vol. 12, no. 3, Fall 2001, pp. 128-165(38)

  116. Ruderman, D. B.;
    The Breathing Space of Ballad: Tennyson's Stillborn Poetics.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 47, no. 1, Spring 2009, pp. 151-171(21)

  117. Ruderman, D. B.;
    Breathing Space: Infancy and Aethetics in 19-Century British Poetry and Poetics. A Doctoral dissertation. The University of Michigan, 2008. 264 pp.

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  118. Sadenwasser, Tim L.;
    Tennyson's 'Maud,' Canto 3.6.  In: Explicator, 2007, Vol: 65, no. 3, pp. 146-148(3)

  119. Schlicke, Paul.;
    Hazlitt, Horne, and the Spirit of the Age.  In: Studies in English Literature, 1500 - 1900. Baltimore: Autumn 2005. Vol. 45, no. 4; pp. 829-852 (24)

  120. Schwarzbach, F. S.;
    Tennyson on Tennyson: The accurate text of an 1852 letter.  In: English Language Notes. Boulder: Dec 1997. Vol. 35, no. 2; p. 61-63 (3)

  121. Scott Dransfield.;
    The Morbid Meters of Maud .  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 46, no. 3, Fall 2008, pp. 279-297(19)

  122. Shaw, W David.;
    Lyric displacement in the Victorian monologue: Naturalizing the vocative.  In: Nineteenth - Century Literature. Berkeley: Dec 1997. Vol. 52, no. 3; p. 302-325 (24)

  123. Shaw, W. David (William David).;
    Masks of the Unconscious: Bad Faith and Casuistry in the Dramatic Monologue.  In: ELH, Vol. 66, no. 2, Summer 1999, pp. 439-460(22)

  124. Shaw, W. David.;
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  126. Smith, William S.;
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  127. Steen, Gerard J.:
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  132. Tate, Gregory.;
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  135. Timothy Peltason.;
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  136. Tomko, Michael.;
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  137. Turley, Richard Marggraf.;
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  140. Weinfield, Henry.;
    Of happy men that have the power to die: Tennyson's "Tithonus".  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 47, no. 2, Summer 2009, pp. 355-378(24)

  141. Williams, Carolyn.;
    Parody and Poetic Tradition: Gilbert and Sullivan's Patience.  In: Victorian Poetry. Morgantown: Winter 2008. Vol. 46, no. 4; p. 375-403 (29)

  142. Woodworth, Elizabeth.;
    Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Coventry Patmore, and Alfred Tennyson on Napoleon III: The Hero-Poet and Carlylean Heroics.  In: Victorian Poetry, Vol. 44, no. 4, Winter 2006, pp. 543-560(18)

  143. Woolford, John.;
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  144. Wright, Jane.;
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  145. Wright, Jane.;
    Tennyson's The Princess.  In: Explicator, 2002, Vol: 60, pp. 67-68(2)

  146. Wynne, Deborah.;
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  149. Coffmann, Christopher K.;
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  151. Gray, Erik.;
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  152. Harrison, Antony H.;
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  154. Ledbetter, Kathryn.;
    Alfred Tennyson: The Critical Legacy (review).  In: Victorian Studies, Vol. 48, no. 1, Autumn 2005, pp. 192-193(2)

  155. Pearsall, Cornelia D. J.;
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  156. Reynolds, Matthew.;
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  157. Roberts, Adam.;
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  158. Rudy, Jason R.;
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  159. Shaw, W. David (William David).;
    Divining Desire: Tennyson and the Poetics of Transcendence (review).  In: Victorian Studies, Vol. 44, no. 1, Autumn 2001, pp. 101-103(3)

  160. Tucker, Herbert.;
    Review of Seamus Perry, Alfred Tennyson.  In: Nineteenth-Century Literature Jun 2006, Vol. 61, no. 1: pp. 110-113(4)

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