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Anthony, Trollope(トロロープ)1815-1882 研究論文(II)

 ここで紹介する論文は、企画商品CD「イギリス文学論文撰」「ビクトリア時代(前期)」の項 Trollope 第2集 補遺編1941-2010年刊行論文集に収録しています。






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  1. Aitken, David.;
    Anthony Trollope on 'the Genus Girl'.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1974 Mar; 28 (4): pp. 417-434(18)

  2. Alessio, Dominic.;
    A Conservative Utopia? Anthony Trollope's The Fixed Period (1882).  In: Journal of New Zealand Literature, 2004; 22: pp. 73-94 (22)

  3. Amarnick, Steven.;
    Trollope at Fuller Length: Lord Silverbridge and the Manuscript of The Duke's Children.  In: Markwick, Margaret (ed. and introd.); Morse, Deborah Denenholz (ed. and introd.); Gagnier, Regenia (ed.)., The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope's Novels: New Readings for the Twenty-First Century. Surrey, England: Ashgate; 2009. xiv, 259 pp. ISBN: 9780754663898; pp. 193-206 (14)

  4. Amir, Zubair S.;
    'So Delightful a Plot': Lies, Gossip, and the Narration of Social Advancement in The Eustace Diamonds.  In: Victorian Literature and Culture, 2008; 36 (1): pp. 187-204 (18)

  5. ApRoberts, Ruth.;
    Cousin Henry: Trollope's Note from Antiquity.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1969 June; 24 (1): pp. 93-98 (6)

  6. ApRoberts, Ruth.;
    Historicizing Trollope.  In: Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens: Revue du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Victoriennes et Edouardiennes de l'Universite Paul Valery, Montpellier, 2003 Oct; 58: pp. 17-34 (18)

  7. ApRoberts, Ruth.;
    Trollope and the Zeitgeist.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1982 Dec; 37 (3): pp. 259-271 (13)

  8. ApRoberts, Ruth;
    Trollope's Casuistry.  In: Novel: A Forum on Fiction, 1969 Fall; 3 (1): pp. 17-27 (11)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H/I] [J/K] [L] [M] [N/O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [V/W] 

  9. Baker, Joseph E.;
    Trollope's Third Dimension.  In: College English, 1955 Jan; 16 (4): pp. 222-225 (4)

  10. Baumgarten, Murray.;
    Seeing Double: Jews in the Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Charles Dickens, Anthony Trollope, and George Eliot.  In: Cheyette, Bryan (ed.) Between 'Race' and Culture: Representations of 'the Jew' in English and American Literature. Stanford, CA: Stanford UP; 1996. xiv, 222 pp. ISBN: 9780804726351; (hbk.); pp. 44-61(18)

  11. Blair, Frederick G.;
    Trollope on Education: An Unpublished Address.  In: Trollopian, 1947 Mar; 1 (4): pp. 1-9 (9)

  12. Blythe, Helen Lucy.;
    The Rough and the Beautiful in 'Catherine Carmichael': Class and Gender in Trollope's Colonial Aesthetic.  In: Markwick, Margaret (ed. and introd.); Morse, Deborah Denenholz (ed. and introd.); Gagnier, Regenia (ed.)., The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope's Novels: New Readings for the Twenty-First Century. Surrey, England: Ashgate; 2009. xiv, 259 pp. ISBN: 9780754663898; pp. 131-144(14)

  13. Boll, Ernest.;
    The Infusions of Dickens in Trollope.  In: Trollopian, 1946 Sept; 1 (3): pp. 11-24 (14)

  14. Bone, Gavin.;
    The Text of Trollope's Phineas Redux: A Rejoinder.  In: Review of English Studies: A Quarterly Journal of English Literature and the English Language, 1941 Oct; 17 (68): pp. 452-458 (7)

  15. Booth, Bradford A.;
    Trollope and Little Dorrit.  In: Trollopian, 1948 Mar; 2 (4): pp. 237-240 (4)

  16. Booth, Bradford A.;
    Trollope and the Pall Mall Gazette, I.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1949 June; 4 (1): pp. 51-69 (19)

  17. Booth, Bradford A.;
    Trollope and the Pall Mall Gazette, II.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1949 Sept; 4 (2): pp. 137-158 (22)

  18. Booth, Bradford A.;
    Trollope and the Royal Literary Fund.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1952 Dec; 7 (3): pp. 208-216 (9)

  19. Booth, Bradford A.;
    Trollope in California.  In: Huntington Library Quarterly, 1939; 3: pp. 117-124 (8)

  20. Booth, Bradford A.;
    Trollope on Froude's Caesar.  In: Trollopian, 1946 Mar; 1 (2): pp. 33-47 (15)

  21. Booth, Bradford A.;
    Trollope on Scott: Some Unpublished Notes.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1950 Dec; 5 (3): pp. 223-230 (8)

  22. Booth, Bradford A.;
    Trollope, Reade, and Shilly-Shally, I.  In: Trollopian, 1947 Mar; 1 (4): pp. 45-54 (10)

  23. Booth, Bradford A.;
    Trollope, Reade, and Shilly-Shally, II.  In: Trollopian, 1947 June; 2 (1): pp. 43-51 (9)

  24. Bourne Taylor, Jenny.;
    Bastards to the Time: Legitimacy as Legal Fiction in Trollope's Novels of the 1870s.  In: Markwick, Margaret (ed. and introd.); Morse, Deborah Denenholz (ed. and introd.); Gagnier, Regenia (ed.)., The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope's Novels: New Readings for the Twenty-First Century. Surrey, England: Ashgate; 2009. xiv, 259 pp. ISBN: 9780754663898; pp. 45-59(15)

  25. Box, H. Oldfield.;
    Trollope on the Radio.  In: Trollopian, 1946 Mar; 1 (2): pp. 23-25 (3)

  26. Bredesen, Dagni.;
    'What's a Woman to Do?': Managing Money and Manipulating Fictions in Trollope's Can You Forgive Her? and The Eustace Diamonds.   In: Victorian Review: The Journal of the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada and the Victorian Studies Association of Ontario, 2005; 31 (2): pp. 99-122 (14)

  27. Burke, Richard C.;
    Accommodation and Transcendence: Last Wills in Trollope's Novels.  In: Dickens Studies Annual: Essays on Victorian Fiction, 1986; 15: pp. 291-307 (17)

  28. Bury, Laurent.;
    Trollopian Gothic.  In: Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens: Revue du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Victoriennes et Edouardiennes de l'Universite Paul Valery, Montpellier, 2003 Oct; 58: pp. 35-45 (11)

  29. Byrde, Margaretta.;
    Anthony Trollope.  In: The Sewanee Review, Vol. 30, No. 3 (Jul., 1922), pp. 324-335(12)

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  30. Cadbury, William.;
    The Uses of the Village: Form and Theme in Trollope's The Vicar of Bullhampton.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1963 Sept; 18 (2): pp. 151-163 (13)

  31. Chaloner, W. H.;
    Mrs. Trollope and the Early Factory System.  In: Victorian Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Dec., 1960), pp. 159-166(8)

  32. Chapman, R. W.;
    The Text of Trollope's Autobiography.  In: Review of English Studies: A Quarterly Journal of English Literature and the English Language, 1941 Jan; 17 (65): pp. 90-94 (5)

  33. Chapman, R. W.;
    The Text of Trollope's Ayala's Angel.  In: Modern Philology: A Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern Literature, 1942 Feb; 39 (3): pp. 287-294 (8)

  34. Chapman, R. W.;
    The Text of Trollope's Novels.  In: Review of English Studies: A Quarterly Journal of English Literature and the English Language, 1941 July; 17 (67): pp. 322-331 (10)

  35. Chapman, R. W.;
    The Text of Trollope's Phineas Redux.  In: Review of English Studies: A Quarterly Journal of English Literature and the English Language, 1941 Apr; 17 (66): pp. 184-192 (9)

  36. Coates, J. D.;
    Moral Patterns in The Way We Live Now.  In: Durham University Journal, 1978; 71: pp. 55-65(11)

  37. Colby, Robert A.;
    Trollope as Thackerayan.  In: Dickens Studies Annual: Essays on Victorian Fiction, 1983; 11: pp. 261-277(17)

  38. Cooksey, Thomas L.;
    Anthony Trollope (24 April 1815 - 6 December 1882).  In: Greenfield, John R. (ed. and introd.) British Short-Fiction Writers, 1800-1880. Detroit, MI: Gale; 1996. 402 pp. ISBN: 9780810393547; pp. 315-332(18)

  39. Corbett, Mary Jean.;
    'Two Identities': Gender, Ethnicity, and Phineas Finn.  In: Markwick, Margaret (ed. and introd.); Morse, Deborah Denenholz (ed. and introd.); Gagnier, Regenia (ed.)., The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope's Novels: New Readings for the Twenty-First Century. Surrey, England: Ashgate; 2009. xiv, 259 pp. ISBN: 9780754663898; pp. 117-129(13)

  40. Corsa, Helen S.;
    'The Cross-Grainedness of Men': The Rev. Josiah Crawley - Trollope's Study of a Paraniod Personality.  In: Hartford Studies in Literature, 1973; 5 (1-3): pp. 160-172 (13)

  41. Coyle, William.;
    The Friendship of Anthony Trollope and Richard Henry Dana, Jr.  In: New England Quarterly: A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters, 1952 June; 25 (2): pp. 255-262 (8)

  42. Coyle, William.;
    Trollope and the Bi-Columned Shakespeare.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1951 June; 6 (1): pp. 33-46(14)

  43. Coyle, William.;
    Trollope as Social Anthropologist.  In: College English, 1956 Apr; 17 (7): pp. 392-397 (6)

  44. Cushman, Keith.;
    'So insignificant a person as myself': Trollope and An Autobiography.  In: Prose Studies 1800-1900, 1979; 2: pp. 5-24 (20)

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  45. Daly, Suzanne.;
    Indiscreet Jewels: The Eustace Diamonds.  In: Nineteenth Century Studies, 2005; 19: pp. 69-81(13)

  46. Davidson, J. H.;
    Anthony Trollope and the Colonies.  In: Victorian Studies, Vol. 12, No. 3 (Mar., 1969), pp. 305-330(26)

  47. Denton, Ramona L.;
    'That Cage' of Femininity: Trollope's Lady Laura.  In: South Atlantic Bulletin, 1980 Jan; 45 (1): pp. 1-10 (10)

  48. Donovan, Robert A.;
    Trollope's Prentice Work.  In: Modern Philology: A Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern Literature, 1956 Feb; 53 (3): pp. 179-186 (8)

  49. Durey, Jill Felicity.;
    An Eye for an Eye: Trollope's Warning for Future Relations between England and Ireland.  In: Victorian Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Victorian Studies, 2006; 32 (2): pp. 26-39 (14)

  50. Durey, Jill Felicity.;
    Petticoat Power and Parsons: Anthony Trollope and the Influence of Women in The Church of England and Its Community.   In: Victorian Review: The Journal of the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada and the Victorian Studies Association of Ontario, 1997 Summer; 23 (1): pp. 15-42 (28)

  51. Durey, Jill.;
    The Church, Consanguinity and Trollope.  In: Churchman, v.122, no. 2, Summer 2008, pp. 125-146(22)

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  52. Eastwood, David R.;
    Romantic Elements and Aesthetic Distance in Trollope's Fiction.  In: Studies in Short Fiction, 1981 Fall; 18 (4): pp. 395-405(11)

  53. Edwards, Owen Dudley.;
    Anthony Trollope, the Irish Writer.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1983 June; 38 (1): pp. 1-42 (42)

  54. Edwards, P. D.;
    Trollope Changes His Mind: The Death of Melmotte in The Way We Live Now.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1963 June; 18 (1): pp. 89-91 (3)

  55. Edwards, P. D.;
    Trollope's Working Papers as Evidence of His Contributions to Saint Pauls.  In: Victorian Periodicals Newsletter, 1977; 10: pp. 68-71 (4)

  56. Eileen Cleere.;
    The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope's Novels: New Reading for the Twenty-First Century.  In: Victorian Studies. Bloomington: Spring 2010. Vol. 52, no. 3; p. 506-510 (5)

  57. Epperly, Elizabeth R.;
    Trollope and the Young Austin Dobson.  In: Victorian Periodicals Review, Vol. 19, No. 3 (Fall, 1986), pp. 90-99(10)

  58. Evans, Timothy J.;
    Anthony Trollope.  In: Thesing, William B. (ed. and foreword) Victorian Prose Writers after 1867. Detroit, MI: Gale; 1987. 515 pp. ISBN: 9780810317352; pp. 341-348(8)

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  59. Faulkner, Karen.;
    Anthony Trollope's Apprenticeship.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1983 Sept; 38 (2): pp. 161-188(28)

  60. Fielding, R. J.;
    Trollope and the Saturday Review.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1982 Dec; 37 (3): pp. 430-442(13)

  61. Fox, Arnold B.;
    Aesthetics of the Problem Novel in Trollope's Phineas Finn.  In: Journal of Narrative Technique, 1978; 8: pp. 211-219(9)

  62. Frank, Cathrine O.;
    Fictions of Justice: Testamentary Intention and the (Il)Legitimate Heir in Trollope's Ralph the Heir and Forster's Howards End.  In: English Literature in Transition (1880-1920), 2004; 47 (3): pp. 311-330 (20)

  63. Frank, Cathrine O.;
    Trial Separations: Divorce, Disestablishment, and Home Rule in Phineas Redux.  In: College Literature, 2008 Summer; 35 (3): pp. 30-56 (27)

  64. Frank, Pierce Jones.;
    Anthony Trollope and the Classics.  In: The Classical Weekly, Vol. 37, No. 23 (May 15, 1944), pp. 227-231(5)

  65. Fraser, Russell A.;
    Anthony Trollope's Younger Characters.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1951 Sept; 6 (2): pp. 96-106 (11)

  66. Fraser, Russell A.;
    Shooting Niagara in the Novels of Thackeray and Trollope.  In: Modern Language Quarterly, 1958; 19: pp. 141-146 (6)

  67. Fromonot, Jacqueline.;
    On the Right to Tell Lies from Benevolent Motives: Trollope's Contribution to the Debate in Dr Thorne.  In: Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens: Revue du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Victoriennes et Edouardiennes de l'Universite Paul Valery, Montpellier, 2003 Oct; 58: pp. 47-56 (10)

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  68. Gagnier, Regenia.;
    Gender, Liberalism, and Resentment.  In: Markwick, Margaret (ed. and introd.); Morse, Deborah Denenholz (ed. and introd.); Gagnier, Regenia (ed.)., The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope's Novels: New Readings for the Twenty-First Century. Surrey, England: Ashgate; 2009. xiv, 259 pp. ISBN: 9780754663898; pp. 235-248(14)

  69. Ganzel, Carol H.;
    The Times Correspondent and The Warden.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1967 Mar; 21 (4): pp. 325-336 (12)

  70. Glavin, John J.;
    Trollope's 'Most Natural English Girl' .  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1974 Mar; 28 (4): pp. 477-485 (9)

  71. Goldberg, M. A.;
    Trollope's The Warden: A Commentary on the 'Age of Equipoise'.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1963 Mar; 17 (4): pp. 381-390 (10)

  72. Goodlad, Lauren M. E.;
    Anthony Trollope's The Eustace Diamonds and 'the Great Parliamentary Bore'.  In: Markwick, Margaret (ed. and introd.); Morse, Deborah Denenholz (ed. and introd.); Gagnier, Regenia (ed.)., The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope's Novels: New Readings for the Twenty-First Century. Surrey, England: Ashgate; 2009. xiv, 259 pp. ISBN: 9780754663898; pp. 99-116(18)

  73. Goodlad, Lauren M. E.;
    Trollopian 'Foreign Policy': Rootedness and Cosmopolitanism in the Mid-Victorian Global Imaginary.  In: PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 2009 Mar; 124 (2): pp. 437-454 (18)

  74. Goodlad, Lauren M. E.;
    The Trollopian Geopolitical Aesthetic.  In: Literature Compass 7/9 (2010): pp. 867-875(9)

  75. Gragg, Wilson B.;
    Trollope and Carlyle.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1958 Dec; 13 (3): pp. 266-270 (5)

  76. Green, Carleton.;
    Trollope in Hawaii.  In: Trollopian, 1949 Mar; 3 (4): pp. 297-303(7)

  77. Green, Gladys.;
    Trollope on Sidney's Arcadia and Lytton's The Wanderer.  In: Trollopian, 1946 Sept; 1 (3): pp. 45-54(10)

  78. Griffin, Susan M.;
    Revising the Popish Plot: Frances Trollope's "The Abbess and Father Eustace".  In: Victorian Literature and Culture, Vol. 31, No. 1, Victorian Religion (2003), pp. 279-293(15)

  79. Grossman, Richard H.;
    Anthony Trollope's Libraries.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1976 June; 31 (1): pp. 48-64(17)

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  80. Hall, N. John.;
    An Unpublished Trollope Manuscript on a Proposed History of World Literature.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, Vol. 29, No. 2 (Sep., 1974), pp. 206-210(5)

  81. Hall, N. John.;
    Seeing Trollope's An Autobiography through the Press: The Correspondence of William Blackwood and Henry Merivale Trollope.  In: Princeton University Library Chronicle, 1986 Winter; 47 (2): pp. 189-223 (35)

  82. Hall, N. John.;
    Trollope and Carlyle.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1972 Sept; 27 (2): pp. 197-205 (9)

  83. Hall, N. John.;
    Trollope's Commonplace Book, 1835-40.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1976 June; 31 (1): pp. 15-25 (11)

  84. Hall, N. John.;
    Trollope's Letters to Harriet and Mary.  In: Princeton University Library Chronicle, 1981 Autumn; 43 (1): pp. 23-37(15)

  85. Halperin, John.;
    Trollope's Phineas Finn and History.  In: English Studies: A Journal of English Language and Literature, 1978; 59: pp. 121-137(17)

  86. Hamer, Mary.;
    Forty Letters of Anthony Trollope.  In: The Yearbook of English Studies, Vol. 3, (1973), pp. 206-215(10)

  87. Harvey, Geoffrey M.;
    A Parable of Justice: Drama and Rhetoric in Mr. Scarborough's Family.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1982 Dec; 37 (3): pp. 419-429 (11)

  88. Harvey, Geoffrey M.;
    Bulwer-Lytton and the Rhetorical Design of Trollope's Orley Farm.  In: Ariel: A Review of International English Literature, 1975; 6 (1): pp. 68-79 (12)

  89. Harvey, Geoffrey M.;
    Heroes in Barsetshire.  In: Dalhousie Review, 1972; 52: pp. 458-468(11)

  90. Harvey, Geoffrey M.;
    Scene and Form: Trollope as a Dramatic Novelist.  In: SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 1976 Autumn; 16 (4): pp. 631-644 (14)

  91. Harvey, Geoffrey M.;
    Trollope's Debt to the Renaissance Drama.  In: The Yearbook of English Studies, Vol. 9, Theatrical Literature Special Number (1979), pp. 256-269(14)

  92. Haskins, Dayton,S.J.;
    Awakening Moral Conscience: Trollope as Teacher in The Warden.  In: Cithara: Essays in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition, 1973; 13 (1): pp. 42-52 (11)

  93. Heath, Kay.;
    In the Eye of the Beholder: Victorian Age Construction and the Specular Self.  In: Victorian Literature and Culture, 2006; 34 (1): pp. 27-45 (19)

  94. Heineman, Helen.;
    Anthony Trollope: The Compleat Traveller.  In: ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature, 1982 Jan.; 13 (1): pp. 33-50 (18)

  95. Hensley, Nathan K.;
    Mister Trollope, Lady Credit, and The Way We Live Now.  In: Markwick, Margaret (ed. and introd.); Morse, Deborah Denenholz (ed. and introd.); Gagnier, Regenia (ed.)., The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope's Novels: New Readings for the Twenty-First Century. Surrey, England: Ashgate; 2009. xiv, 259 pp. ISBN: 9780754663898; pp. 147-160(14)

  96. Herberlein, Kate Browder.;
    Barbara Pym and Anthony Trollope: Communities of Imaginative Participation.  In: Pacific Coast Philology, 1984 Nov.; 19 (1-2): pp. 95-100 (6)

  97. Herbert, Christopher.;
    Trollope and the Fixity of the Self.  In: PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 1978 Mar; 93 (2): pp. 228-239 (12)

  98. Hertz, Bertha Keveson.;
    Trollope's Racial Bias against Disraeli.  In: Midwest Quarterly: A Journal of Contemporary Thought, 1981 Summer; 22 (4): pp. 374-391 (18)

  99. Hewitt, Margaret.;
    Anthony Trollope: Historian and Sociologist.  In: The British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 14, No. 3 (Sep., 1963), pp. 226-239(14)

  100. Humphreys, Susan L.;
    Order - Method: Trollope Learns to Write.  In: Dickens Studies Annual, 1980; 8: pp. 251-271 (21)

  101. Humphreys, Susan L.;
    Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1978 Sept; 33 (2): pp. 194-214 (21)

  102. Ikeler, A. Abbott.;
    That Peculiar Book: Critics, Common Readers and The Way We Live Now.  In: College Language Association Journal, 1986 Dec.; 30 (2): pp. 219-240 (22)

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  103. Jillson, Frederick F.;
    The 'Professional' Clergyman in Some Novels by Anthony Trollope.  In: Hartford Studies in Literature, 1969; 1: pp. 185-197(13)

  104. Jones, Iva G.;
    Trollope, Carlyle, and Mill on the Negro: An Episode in the History of Ideas.  In: Journal of Negro History, 1967 July; 52 (3): pp. 185-199 (15)

  105. Jumeau, Alain.;
    The Way We Live Now; or, Trollope in Vanity Fair.  In: Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens: Revue du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Victoriennes et Edouardiennes de l'Universite Paul Valery, Montpellier, 2003 Oct; 58: pp. 57-69(13)

  106. Kahn, John E.;
    The Protean Narrator, and the Case of Trollope's Barsetshire Novels.   In: Journal of Narrative Technique, 1980; 10: pp. 77-98(22)

  107. Kelleher, Margaret.;
    Anthony Trollope's Castle Richmond: Famine Narrative and "Horrid Novel"?  In: Irish University Review, 25(2008), no. 2, pp. 242-262(20)

  108. Kendrick, Walter M.;
    The Eustace Diamonds: The Truth of Trollope's Fiction.  In: ELH, 1979 Spring; 46 (1): pp. 136-157(22)

  109. Kenney, Blair G.;
    Trollope's Ideal Statesmen: Plantagenet Palliser and Lord John Russell.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1965 Dec; 20 (3): pp. 281-285 (5)

  110. Kincaid, James R.;
    Barchester Towers and the Nature of Conservative Comedy.  In: ELH, 1970 Dec; 37 (4): pp. 595-612(18)

  111. Kincaid, James R.;
    Bring Back The Trollopian.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1976 June; 31 (1): pp. 1-14 (14)

  112. King, Helen G., ed.;
    Trollope's Letters to the Examiner.  In: Princeton University Library Chronicle, 1965; 26(2): pp. 71-101 (31)

  113. King, Margaret F.;
    The Place of Lucius Mason in Trollope's Studies of Perversity.  In: South Atlantic Bulletin, 1980 Nov; 45 (4): pp. 43-54 (12)

  114. King, Mark.;
    The Hobbledehoy's Choice: Anthony Trollope's AwkwardYoung Men and Their Road to Gentlemanliness. A Dissertation. Louisiana State University. 2005. 206 pp.

  115. Knelman, Judith.;
    Trollope's Experiments with Anonymity.  In: Victorian Periodicals Review, Vol. 14, No. 1 (Spring, 1981), pp. 21-24(4)

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  116. Lawson, Kate.;
    Abject and Defiled: Signora Neroni's Body and the Question of Domestic Violence in Barchester Towers.  In: Victorian Review: The Journal of the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada and the Victorian Studies Association of Ontario, 1995 Summer; 21 (1): pp. 53-68 (16)

  117. Lee, James W.;
    Trollope's Clerical Concerns: The Low Church Clergymen.  In: Hartford Studies in Literature, 1969; 1: pp. 198-208 (11)

  118. Letwin, Shirley Robin.;
    Trollope on Generations without Gaps.  In: Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1978; 107 (4): pp. 53-70 (18)

  119. Lewis, Monica C.;
    Anthony Trollope and the Voicing of Victorian Fiction.  In: Nineteenth - Century Literature. Berkeley: Sep 2010. Vol. 65, no. 2; p. 141-165 (25)

  120. Lyons, Paul.;
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  121. Markwick, Margaret.;
    Out of the Closet: Homoerotics in Trollope's Novels.  In: Markwick, Margaret (ed. and introd.); Morse, Deborah Denenholz (ed. and introd.); Gagnier, Regenia (ed.)., The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope's Novels: New Readings for the Twenty-First Century. Surrey, England: Ashgate; 2009. xiv, 259 pp. ISBN: 9780754663898; pp. 61-74(14)

  122. Markwick, Margaret.;
    The Diocese as Circus.  In: Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens: Revue du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Victoriennes et Edouardiennes de l'Universite Paul Valery, Montpellier, 2003 Oct; 58: pp. 71-80(10)

  123. Markwick, Margaret & Morse, Deborah Denenholz.;
    Introduction.   In: Markwick, Margaret (ed. and introd.); Morse, Deborah Denenholz (ed. and introd.); Gagnier, Regenia (ed.)., The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope's Novels: New Readings for the Twenty-First Century. Surrey, England: Ashgate; 2009. xiv, 259 pp. ISBN: 9780754663898; pp. 1-9(9)

  124. Maunder, Andrew.;
    'Alone into the Wide, Wide World': Trollope's Miss Mackenzie and the Mid-Victorian Etiquette Manual.  In: Victorian Review: The Journal of the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada and the Victorian Studies Association of Ontario, 2000; 26 (2): pp. 48-74 (27)

  125. Maunder, Andrew.;
    Anthony Trollope and the Visual Language of the Nineteenth-Century Theatre.  In: Etudes Anglaises: Grande-Bretagne, Etats-Unis, 1993 July-Sept; 46 (3): pp. 289-300 (12)

  126. Maunder, Andrew.;
    "Monitoring the Middle-Classes": Intertextuality and Ideology in Trollope's "Framley Parsonage" and the "Cornhill Magazine".  In: Victorian Periodicals Review, Vol. 33, No. 1, Cornhill Magazine II (Spring, 2000), pp. 44-64(21)

  127. Maxwell, J. C.;
    Cockshut on Dr. Wortle's School.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1958 Sept; 13 (2): pp. 153-159 (7)

  128. McCourt, John.;
    An 'I' for an 'E'. An Ireland for England: Trollope's Hiberno-English in An Eye for an Eye.  In: Etudes Irlandaises, 2004 Spring; 29 (1): pp. 7-23(17)

  129. McCourt, John.;
    Domesticating the Other: Phineas Finn, Trollope's Patriotic Irishman.  In: Rivista di Studi Vittoriani, 2001 July; 6 (12): pp. 39-63 (25)

  130. McDermott, Jim.;
    New Womanly Man: Feminized Heroism and the Politics of Compromise in The Warden.  In: VIJ: Victorians Institute Journal, 1999; 27: pp. 71-90 (20)

  131. McIntyre, Clara F.;
    Mrs. Thirkell's Barsetshire.  In: College English, 1956 Apr; 17 (7): pp. 398-401 (4)

  132. McMaster, Juliet.;
    Anthony Trollope.  In: Nadel, Ira B. (ed. and foreword); Fredeman, William E. (ed. and foreword) Victorian Novelists before 1885. Detroit, MI: Thomson Gale; 1983. xi, 387 pp. ISBN: 9780810317017; pp. 293-318(26)

  133. McMaster, Juliet.;
    'The Meaning of Words and the Nature of Things': Trollope's Can You Forgive Her?  In: SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 1974 Autumn; 14 (4): pp. 603-618 (16)

  134. Metz, Nancy A.;
    Ayala's Angel: Trollope's Late Fable of Change and Choice.  In: Dickens Studies Annual: Essays on Victorian Fiction, 1981; 9: pp. 217-232 (16)

  135. Metz, Nancy A.;
    Trollope Studies, 1982-1986.  In: Dickens Studies Annual, 21 (1992): pp. 281-312(32)

  136. Michie, Elsie B.;
    A Woman of Money: Miss Dunstable, Thomas Holloway, and Victorian Commercial Wealth.  In: Markwick, Margaret (ed. and introd.); Morse, Deborah Denenholz (ed. and introd.); Gagnier, Regenia (ed.)., The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope's Novels: New Readings for the Twenty-First Century. Surrey, England: Ashgate; 2009. xiv, 259 pp. ISBN: 9780754663898; pp. 161-175(15)

  137. Miller, J. Hillis.;
    Trollope's Thackeray.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1982 Dec; 37 (3): pp. 350-357 (8)

  138. Milley, Henry J. W.;
    The Eustace Diamonds and The Moonstone.  In: Studies in Philology, 1939; 36: pp. 651-663(13)

  139. Mizener, Arthur.;
    Anthony Trollope: The Palliser Novels.  In: Rathburn, Robert C. (ed.) From Jane Austen to Joseph Conrad: Essays Collected in Memory of James T. Hillhouse. 1958. pp. 160-176(17)

  140. Morse, Deborah Denenholz.;
    'Some Girls Who Come from the Tropics': Gender, Race, and Imperialism in Anthony Trollope's He Knew He Was Right.  In: Markwick, Margaret (ed. and introd.); Morse, Deborah Denenholz (ed. and introd.); Gagnier, Regenia (ed.)., The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope's Novels: New Readings for the Twenty-First Century. Surrey, England: Ashgate; 2009. xiv, 259 pp. ISBN: 9780754663898; pp. 77-98(22)

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  142. Nardin, Jane.;
    Conservative Comedy and the Women of Barchester Towers.  In: Studies in the Novel, 1986 Winter; 18 (4): pp. 381-394 (14)

  143. Nathan, Sabine.;
    Anthony Trollope's Perception of The Way We Live Now.  In: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 1962; 10: pp. 259-278 (20)

  144. Noble, Christopher S.;
    Otherwise Occupied: Masculine Widows in Trollope's Novels.  In: Markwick, Margaret (ed. and introd.); Morse, Deborah Denenholz (ed. and introd.); Gagnier, Regenia (ed.) The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope's Novels: New Readings for the Twenty-First Century. Surrey, England: Ashgate; 2009. xiv, 259 pp. ISBN: 9780754663898; pp. 177-190(14)

  145. O'Mealy, Joseph H.;
    Rewriting Trollope and Yonge: Mrs. Oliphant's Phoebe Junior and the Realism Wars.  In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 1997 Summer; 39 (2): pp. 125-138 (14)

  146. Overton, Bill.;
    Name and Place in Trollope.  In: Literary Onomastics Studies, 1981; 8: pp. 95-116 (24)

  147. Overton, William J.;
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  148. Park, Clara Claiborne.;
    Grease, Balance, and Point of View in the Work of Anthony Trollope.  In: The Hudson Review, Vol. 60, No. 3 (Autumn, 2007), pp. 435-444(10)

  149. Park, Clara Claiborne.;
    Trollope and the Modern Reader.  In: Massachusetts Review: A Quarterly of Literature, the Arts and Public Affairs, 1962; 3: pp. 577-591 (15)

  150. Parks, Edd Winfield.;
    Trollope and the Defense of Exegesis.   In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1953 Mar; 7 (4): pp. 265-271 (7)

  151. Pattison, Robert.;
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  152. Pearson, David.;
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  153. Perez Perez, Miguel Angel.;
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  154. Pickering, Samuel F.,Jr.;
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  155. Picton, Herve.;
    Trollope and Tractarianism.  In: Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens: Revue du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Victoriennes et Edouardiennes de l'Universite Paul Valery, Montpellier, 2003 Oct; 58: pp. 91-104 (14)

  156. Polhemus, Robert M.;
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  157. Pollard, Arthur.;
    Trollope and the Evangelicals.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1982 Dec; 37 (3): pp. 329-339(11)

  158. Polhemus, Robert M.;
    Cousin Henry: Trollope's Note from Underground.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1966 Mar; 20 (4): pp. 385-389(5)

  159. Psomiades, Kathy Alexis.;
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  162. Rodas, Julia Miele.;
    More Than a Civil (War) Friendship: Anthony Trollope and Frank Lawley.  In: Princeton University Library Chronicle, 1998 Autumn; 60 (1): pp. 39-60 (22)

  163. Roellinger, Francis X.;
    E. S. Dallas in Trollope's Autobiography.  In: Modern Language Notes, Vol. 55, No. 6 (Jun., 1940), pp. 422-424(3)

  164. Rogers, Henry N., III.;
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  165. Rosner, Mary.;
    The Two Faces of Cicero: Trollope's Life in the Nineteenth Century.  In: Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1988 Summer-Fall; 18 (3-4): pp. 251-258 (8)

  166. Ross, Ann Marie.;
    Ploughshares Into Swords: The Civil War Landscape of Trollope's North America.  In: Nineteenth-Century Literature, Vol. 45, No. 1 (Jun., 1990), pp. 59-72(14)

  167. Roth, Alan.;
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  169. Saldivar, Ramon.;
    Trollope's The Warden and the Fiction of Realism.  In: Journal of Narrative Technique, 1981 Fall; 11 (3): pp. 166-183(18)

  170. Scheiner, Marion.;
    The Life and Art of Anthony Trollope With Special Emphasis on His Short Stories. Diss. Universitaet Wien, 2008. 235 pp.

  171. Schoubrenner, Brigitte.;
    Rachel Ray: The Story of a Modern Mother/Daughter Relationship.  In: Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens: Revue du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Victoriennes et Edouardiennes de l'Universite Paul Valery, Montpellier, 2003 Oct; 58: pp. 105-116(12)

  172. Seidensticker, Edward.;
    Trollope and Murasaki: Impressions of an Orientalist.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1982 Dec; 37 (3): pp. 464-471 (8)

  173. Shaw, W. David.;
    Moral Drama in Barchester Towers.  In: Nineteenth-Century Literature, 1964; 19 (1): pp. 45-54(10)

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    The Financial Motif in the Barchester Novels.  In: College English, 1948 May; 9 (8): pp. 413-419 (7)

  175. Sibley, Gay.;
    The Spectrum of 'Taste' in Barchester Towers.  In: Studies in the Novel, 1985 Spring; 17 (1): pp. 38-52(15)

  176. Skilton, David.;
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  177. Skinner, E. L.;
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  178. Slakey, Roger L.;
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  179. Slakey, Roger L.;
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  181. Smith, Monika Rydygier.;
    Trollope's Dark Vision: Domestic Violence in The Way We Live Now.  In: Victorian Review: The Journal of the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada and the Victorian Studies Association of Ontario, 1996 Summer; 22 (1): pp. 13-31(19)

  182. Srebrnik, Patricia Thomas.;
    Trollope, James Virtue, and Saint Pauls Magazine.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1982 Dec; 37 (3): pp. 443-463 (21)

  183. Starck, Nigel.;
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  184. Stebbins, Richard Poate.;
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  185. Stevenson, Lionel.;
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  191. Swafford, Kevin R.;
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  194. Taylor, Robert H.;
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  195. Taylor, Robert H.;
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  196. Terry, R. C.;
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  197. Tingay, Lance O.;
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  198. Tingay, Lance O.;
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  199. Tingay, Lance O.;
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  200. Tinker, C. B.;
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  201. Trotter, Jackson.;
    Foxhunting and the English Social Order in Trollope's The American Senator.  In: Studies in the Novel, 1992 Fall; 24 (3): pp. 227-241 (15)

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  205. Vlasopolos, Anca.;
    The Weight of Religion and History: Women Dying of Virtue in Trollope's Later Short Fiction.  In: Markwick, Margaret (ed. and introd.); Morse, Deborah Denenholz (ed. and introd.); Gagnier, Regenia (ed.)., The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope's Novels: New Readings for the Twenty-First Century. Surrey, England: Ashgate; 2009. xiv, 259 pp. ISBN: 9780754663898; pp. 221-233(13)

  206. Wallins, Roger P.;
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  207. Ward, Megan.;
    High Fidelity, High Realism: The Value of Being Real in The Eustace Diamonds.  In: Megan, Ward., Feeling Middle Class: Sensory Perception in Victorial Literature and Culture. Dissertation. The State University of New Jersey, 2008. pp. 97-128(32)

  208. West, William A.;
    The Anonymous Trollope.  In: Ariel: A Review of International English Literature, 1974; 5 (1): pp. 46-64 (19)

  209. White, Gertrude M.;
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  211. Wildman, John Hazard.;
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  212. Wildman, John Hazard.;
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    Trollope Illustrates the Distinction.  In: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 1949 Sept; 4 (2): pp. 101-110 (10)

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