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Alice, Walker(ウォーカー)研究のFree Articles

 Alice, Walker(ウォーカー)研究に関するOpen Access(オープンアクセス)研究論文、ブックレヴューを紹介します。
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  1. Arthur Edgar E. Smith.
    A Short Digest on Reading and Understanding the Development of African-American Literature. [Words: 8123]    In: Literature, writing, book reviews community, Apr 16, 2008.

  2. Baum, Rob.
    Case study: the color purple on the whiteboard. [Words: 2928]    In: Academic Exchange Quarterly, Mar 22, 2005.

  3. Berger, Rose Marie.
    Eating oranges in the Astrodome: Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Alice Walker talks about Katrina, bubble baths, and the art of remembering. [Interview. Words:1692]    In: Sojourners, Jun 1, 2007.

  4. Brian.
    The Color Purple, A Review of Sofia [Words: 1273]    In: Literature, writing, book reviews community, Mar 15, 2008.

  5. Bunn, Austin.
    Walker, in her own shoes. [Brief Article. Words: 711]    In: The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine), Feb 27, 2001.

  6. Butler, Robert James.
    Alice Walker's vision of the South in 'The Third Life of Grange Copeland.' (Black South Fiction, Art, Culture) [Words: 5430]    In: African American Review, Jun 22, 1993.

  7. Clark, Courtney.
    Alice Walker. [Brief Article. Words: 830]    In: Black Issues Book Review, Sep 1, 2000.

  8. Cutter, Martha J..
    Alice Walker. [Book Review. Words: 1340]    In: African American Review, Dec 22, 1994.

  9. Cutter, Martha J.
    Mythmaking and Metaphor in Black Women's Fiction. [Book Review. Words: 2504]    In: African American Review, Dec 22, 1994

  10. Davis, Bernadette Adams.
    'The Color Purple' in restrospect: twenty years after the debut, the film's beauty never fades. [Words: 1229]    In: Black Issues Book Review, Nov 1, 2005.

  11. Dorie, Turner.
    Alice Walker placing lit papers at Emory [Words: 360]    In: AP News, Dec 18, 2007.

  12. English, Daylanme K.
    Somebody else's foremother: David Haynes and Zora Neale Hurston. [Words: 8990]    In: African American Review, Jun 22, 1999.

  13. Gourdine, Angeletta K.M.
    Postmodern ethnography and the womanist mission: postcolonial sensibilities in 'Possessing the Secret of Joy.' [Words: 4210]    In: African American Review, Jun 22, 1996.

  14. Han, Jaehwan.
    Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas, ed. Deeper Shades of Purple: Womanism in Religion and Society. [Book review. Words: 1164]    In: African American Review, Sep 22, 2007.

  15. Johnson, Maria V.
    "You Just Can't Keep a Good Woman Down": Alice Walker sings the blues. [Words: 9195]    In: African American Review, Jun 22, 1996.

  16. King, Lovalerie.
    Warrior Marks: Female Genital Mutilation and the Sexual Blinding of Women. [Book Review. Words: 1868]    In: African American Review, Sep 22, 1997.

  17. McHenry, Susan.
    The gifts of the grandmother spirit: Alice Walker's seventh novel examines the questing soul. [Words: 570]    In: Black Issues Book Review, May 1, 2004.

  18. Marvin, Thomas F.
    "Preachin' the Blues": Bessie Smith's secular religion and Alice Walker's 'The Color Purple.' [Words: 6491]    In: African American Review, Sep 22, 1994.

  19. Nama, Charles.
    Aesthetic modes in Afro-American fiction: Alice Walker and Ralph Ellison. (Literary Criticism). [Words: 3021]    In: Kola, Sep 22, 2002.

  20. Porter, Evette.
    Absolute Alice: feminist-writer-poet-activist and literary high priestess Alice Walker returns to form with a collection of poems about war, falling bodies, the ancestors, trees and everything holistic here on Earth. [Words: 2861]    In: Black Issues Book Review, Mar 1, 2003.

  21. Reid, E. Shelley.
    Beyond Morrison and Walker: Looking Good and Looking Forward in Contemporary Black Women's Stories. [Words: 9508]    In: African American Review, Jun 22, 2000.

  22. Richards, Mary Margaret.
    Producing a Womanist Text: The Maternal as Signifier in Alice Walker's 'The Color Purple.' [Book Review. Words: 699]    In: African American Review, Sep 22, 1998.

  23. Selzer, Linda.
    Race and domesticity in 'The Color Purple.' [Words: 9713]    In: African American Review, Mar 22, 1995.

  24. Simon, John.
    The color purple. [Movie Review. Words: 1446]    In: National Review, Feb 14, 1986.

  25. Smith, Pamela A.
    Green lap, brown embrace, blue body: the ecospirituality of Alice Walker. [Words: 7012]    In: Cross Currents, Dec 22, 1998.

  26. Tate, Claudia C..
    "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker. [Book Review. Words: 533]    In: African American Review, Jun 22, 1996.

  27. Taylor, Carole Anne.
    Critical Essays on Alice Walker. [Words: 1242]    In: African American Review, Sep 22, 2001.

  28. White, Evelyn C.
    Activism on campuses: interview with Alice Walker. [Interview. Words: 1133]    In: The Black Collegian, Oct 1, 1997.

  29. Whitsitt, Sam.
    In Spite of It All: A Reading of Alice Walker's "Everyday Use". [Critical Essay. Words: 11286]    In: African American Review, Sep 22, 2000.

  30. Woodard, Loretta G.
    Alice Walker. (Reviews). [Book Review. Words: 1107]    In: African American Review, Mar 22, 2003.


  32. Love trumps politics; Two-party couples manage to live peacefully. [Words: 1000]    In: Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA), May 15, 2008.

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