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Yeats, William Butler(イェイツ・ウィリアム バトラー)研究論文(1)

  唯美主義運動の中心人物。ラファエロ前派のロマン詩から現代詩へ変身。アイルランド人。T.S. エリオットとともに20世紀を代表する詩人。1933年ノーベル文学賞を受賞した。

 Yeats, William Butler(イェイツ)研究の2001年から2012年に刊行された論文を紹介しています。
 ここで紹介する論文は企画商品CD「イギリス文学研究論文撰」の「20世紀前半」の項 Yeats 第1集 2001-2012年刊行論文集に収録しています。





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  1. Albright, Daniel.;
    Yeats and Modernism.  In: Howes, Marjorie (ed. and introd.); Kelly, John (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to W. B. Yeats. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP; 2006. xvi, 242 pp. ISBN: 9780521658867; (pbk.); 9780521650892; (hbk.); pp. 59-76(18)

  2. Allison, Jonathan.;
    W. B. Yeats, Space, and Cultural Nationalism.  In: ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews, 2001 Fall; 14 (4): pp. 55-67(13) ISSN: 0895-769X

  3. Allison, Jonathan.;
    War, Passive Suffering, and the Poet.   In: Sewanee Review. Sewanee: Spring 2006. Vol. 114, no. 2; pp. 207-219(13)

  4. Allison, Jonathon.;
    The Old Moon-Phaser: Yeats, Auden, and MacNeice.  In: South Carolina Review, Vol. 43.1. (2010), pp. 162-174(13)

  5. Allison, Jonathan.;
    Yeats and Politics.  In: Howes, Marjorie (ed. and introd.); Kelly, John (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to W. B. Yeats. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP; 2006. xvi, 242 pp. ISBN: 9780521658867; (pbk.); 9780521650892; (hbk.); pp. 185-205(21)

  6. Andersen, Jacob Buris.;
    Synaesthesia as a Device of Style in the Postromantic Tradition: Paul Verlaine and W. B. Yeats.  In: Thomas Hebsgaard Nielsen (red.)., magister-seminaret Body and Literature. Essays on sensual experience, aesthetic form andbodily/textual identity. d. 28.-29. November 2001 (Institutfor litteraturhistorie, Arhus Universitet). pp. 4-16(13)

  7. Antonielli, Arianna.;
    William Butler Yeats's 'The Symbolic System' of William Blake.  In: Estudios Irlandeses, 2008; 3: pp. 10-28(19) ISSN: 1699-311X

  8. Antonielli, Arianna.:
    William Butler Yeats's Occult Hodos Chameliontos and Its Influence in His Early Poems.  In: Crossroad: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of History, Philosophy, Religion , and Class. Special Issue - 2006 AEN Conference. Vol. V, no. 1, 2010, ISSN: 1833-878X, pp. 4-17(14)

  9. Armstrong, Charles.;
    Ancient Frames: Classical Philosophy in Yeats's A Vision.  In: W. B. Yeats's A Vision. Explications and Contexts. Edited by Neil Mann, Matthew Gibson, and Claire V. Nally. Clemson University, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-9835339-2-4; pp. 90-102(13)

  10. Armstrong, Charles I.;
    "Eater and eaten": W.B. Yeats, Ireland and England.  In: British Politics Review, Vol. 7, No. 1, Winter 2012, pp. 14-15(2)

  11. Arrington, Lauren.;
    'I Sing What Was Lost and Dread What Was Won': W. B. Yeats and the Legacy of Censorship.  In: Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies, 2008 Autumn-Winter; 38 (2): pp. 222-242(21) ISSN: 0021-1427

  12. Atkins, Emily.;
    'Study That Tree': The Iconic Stage in Purgatory and Waiting for Godot.  In: South Carolina Review, 2008 Spring; 40 (2): pp. 66-77 (12)

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  13. Baby Pushpa Sinh.;
    W.B.Yeats's Contribution to the Irish Nationalism and Literary Revival.  In: Journal of Literature, Culture and Media Studies, Vol 2, No 4 (2010), pp. 115-121(7)

  14. Bauer, Mark.;
    Between Lives: James Merrill Reading Yeats's Prose.  In: Contemporary Literature, 2002 Spring; 43 (1): pp. 85-119(35) ISSN: 0010-7484

  15. Beck, Ervin.;
    Rudy Wiebe and W. B. Yeats: Sailing to Danzig and Byzantium.  In: ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature, 2001 Oct; 32 (4): pp. 7-19 (13) ISSN: 0004-1327

  16. Ben-Merre, David.;
    The Brawling of a Sparrow in the Eaves: Vision and Revision in W. B. Yeats.  In: Journal of Modern Literature, 2008 Summer; 31 (4): pp. 71-85(15)

  17. Bertha, Csilla.;
    Interart Representation in the Künstlerdrama. Word, Image, and Music in Contemporary Irish Plays.  In: Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica, 2, 1 (2010), pp. 26-42(17)

  18. Bicknell, Jeanette.;
    Love, Beauty, and Yeats's "Anne Gregory".  In: Philosophy and Literature, Vol. 34, no. 2, October 2010, pp. 348-358(11)

  19. Billigheimer, Rachel V.;
    The Rose of Ireland in the Early Poems of W. B. Yeats: Eternity Is in the Glitter on the Beetle's Wing.  In: Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, 2002 Autumn; 91 (363): pp. 276-283(8) ISSN: 0039-3495

  20. Blyth, Caroline.;
    Language and subjectivity: The darkling thrush and the golden bird.  In: The Critical Quarterly. Oxford: Autumn 2003. Vol. 45, Iss. 3; pp. 76-83(8)

  21. Bornstein,.George.;
    W. B. Yeats's Poetry of Aging.  In: Sewanee Review, 120.1 (2012): pp. 46-61(16)

  22. Bornstein, George.;
    Yeats and Romanticism.  In: Howes, Marjorie (ed. and introd.); Kelly, John (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to W. B. Yeats. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP; 2006. xvi, 242 pp. ISBN: 9780521658867; (pbk.); 9780521650892; (hbk.); pp. 19-35(17)

  23. Borthwick, Stephen M.;
    The Decline of Civilization: W.B. Yeats' and Oswald Spengler's New Historiography of Civilization.  In: Comparative Civilizations Review, Number 64, Spring 2011, pp. 22-37(16)

  24. Bradley, Anthony.;
    Nation, Pedagogy, and Performance: W. B. Yeats's The King's Threshold and the Irish Hunger Strikes.  In: Literature and History, 2009 Autumn; 18 (2): pp. 20-33(14) ISSN: 0306-1973

  25. Brandes, Rand.;
    Mercury in Taurus: W. B. Yeats and Ted Hughes.  In: South Carolina Review, vol. 43.1(2010), pp. 198-210(13)

  26. Brearton, Fran.;
    A New Sword on an Old Anvil: W. B. Yeats, Robert Graves, and the Anglo-Irish Tradition.  In: Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies, 2011 Autumn-Winter; 41 (2): pp. 1-24 (24) ISSN: 0021-1427

  27. Bromwich, David.;
    Destruction and the Theory of Happiness in the Poetry of Yeats and Stevens.  In: Essays in Criticism: A Quarterly Journal of Literary Criticism, 2010 Apr; 60 (2): pp. 105-128 (14) ISSN: 0014-0856

  28. Brown, Richard Danson.;
    Neutrality and Commitment: MacNeice, Yeats, Ireland and the Second World War.  In: Journal of Modern Literature, 2005 Spring; 28 (3): pp. 109-129(11)

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  29. Campbell, Matthew.;
    Yeats in the Coming Times.  In: Essays in Criticism: A Quarterly Journal of Literary Criticism, 2003 Jan; 53 (1): pp. 10-32(13)

  30. Cardin, Bertrand.;
    'Absence Does Not Cast a Shadow': Yeats's Shadowy Presence in McGahern's 'The Wine Breath'.  In: Journal of the Short Story in English, 2009 Autumn; 53: pp. 111-126 (16)

  31. Cardin, Bertrand.;
    Intertextual Re-creation in Jamie O'Neill's At Swim, Two Boys.  In: Estudios Irlandeses, Number 1, 2006, pp. 23-31(9)

  32. Carolyn Burdett.;
    Modernism and Eugenics: Woolf, Eliot, Yeats, and the Culture of Degeneration.  In: Modern Fiction Studies. West Lafayette: Winter 2003. Vol. 49, no. 4; p. 867-868(2)

  33. Cavano, A. Thomas.;
    Elesin, Cuchulain, and the Kingdom: The Culture Hero's Sacrifice.  In: Modern Drama, 2002 Fall; 45 (3): pp. 409-429(21)

  34. Cervo, Nathan A.;
    Yeats's 'The Second Coming'.  In: Explicator, 2001 Winter; 59 (2): pp. 93-95(3)

  35. Chang, T. C. H.;
    "Can Women Speak?: Gender Construction/ Deconstruction in Twentieth Century Irish Literature." Paper presented at the 13th Annual English and American Literature Association Conference, Tung Hai University, 2005. pp. 196-215(20)

  36. Chapman, Wayne K.:
    Introduction.  In: South Carolina Review, Volume 42, Number 3, Summer 2010, pp. xii-xviii(7)

  37. Chapman, Wayne K.;
    "Metaphors for Poetry": Concerning the Poems of A Vision and Certain Plays for Dancers.  In: W. B. Yeats's A Vision. Explications and Contexts. Edited by Neil Mann, Matthew Gibson, and Claire V. Nally. Clemson University, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-9835339-2-4; pp. 217-251(35)

  38. Clark, T.J.;
    Modernism, Postmodernism, and Steam.  In: October 100, Spring 2002, pp. 154-174(21)

  39. Constantinescu, Ligia Doina.;
    The 'Power' of Dialogism and of 'Troping'. Case Studies: W. B. Yeats' Easter 1916 and J. Joyce's The Dead.  In: Acta Iassy en Sia Coparationis, 5/2007. Centru Şi Periferie - Center and Periphery - Centre et Peripherie. pp. 75-83(9)

  40. Corcoran, Neil.;
    The Same Again?: Repetition and Refrain in Louis MacNeice.  In: Cambridge Quarterly, 2009; 38 (3): pp. 214-224(11)

  41. Coughlan, David.;
    The Sewers, the City, The Tower: Pynchon's V., Fausto's Confessions, and Yeats's A Vision.  In: Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 2008 Fall; 50 (1): pp. 35-50 (16) ISSN: 0011-1619

  42. Cullingford, Elizabeth Butler.;
    Yeats and Gender.  In: Howes, Marjorie (ed. and introd.); Kelly, John (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to W. B. Yeats. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP; 2006. xvi, 242 pp. ISBN: 9780521658867; (pbk.); 9780521650892; (hbk.); pp. 167-184(18)

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  43. Dampier, Graham A.;
    "The Spiritual Intellect's Great Work": A Discussion of the Principles and A Vision's Account of Death.  In: W. B. Yeats's A Vision. Explications and Contexts. Edited by Neil Mann, Matthew Gibson, and Claire V. Nally. Clemson University, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-9835339-2-4; pp. 55-89(35)

  44. Daruwala, Maneck H.;
    Yeats and the Mask of Deirdre: 'That Love Is All We Need'.  In: Colby Quarterly, 2001 Sept; 37 (3): pp. 247-266(20) ISSN: 1050-5873

  45. DeForrest, Matthew.;
    W. B. Yeats's A Vision: "Dove or Swan".  In: W. B. Yeats's A Vision. Explications and Contexts. Edited by Neil Mann, Matthew Gibson, and Claire V. Nally. Clemson University, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-9835339-2-4; pp. 136-158(23)

  46. Denisoff, Dennis.;
    The Dissipating Nature of Decadent Paganism from Pater to Yeats.  In: Modernism/Modernity, 2008 Sept; 15 (3): pp. 431-446(16) ISSN: 1071-6068

  47. Dillon, Brian.;
    Yeats's 'Helen Poems' and the Conundrums of Biographically-Based Criticism.  In: Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture, 2001 Spring-Summer; 34 (1-2): pp. 63-80 (18)

  48. Dirst, Shelley Sharp.;
    From the Hour-Glass to At the Hawk's Well: Revisions Toward An Idealized Theater.  In: South Carolina Review; Spring 2004, Vol. 36 Issue 2, pp. 120-134(15)

  49. Doggett, Rob.;
    Aristocratic Patronage and the Commercial Logic of Yeats's Responsibilities.  In: Journal of Modern Literature, 2010 Fall; 34 (1): pp. 1-18 (18)

  50. Doggett, Rob.;
    Introduction.  In: Deep-Rooted Things: Empire and Nation in the Poetry and Drama of William Butler Yeats. By Rob Doggett. University of Notre Dame Pr, 2006. ISBN-10: 0-268-02583-5; pp. 1-11(11)

  51. Doggett, Rob.;
    Mixing Everything at the Beginning: Telling Stories about Empire in Yeats's On Baile's Strand.  In: Modern Drama, 2002 Winter; 45 (4): pp. 545-566(22)

  52. Doggett, Rob.;
    Mixing Everything Up at the Beginning Telling Stories about Colonization in On Baile's Strand.  In: Deep-Rooted Things: Empire and Nation in the Poetry and Drama of William Butler Yeats. By Rob Doggett. University of Notre Dame Pr, 2006. ISBN-10: 0-268-02583-5; pp. 13-35(23)

  53. Doggett, Rob.;
    Writing Out (of) Chaos: Constructions of History in Yeats's 'Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen' and 'Meditations in Time of Civil War'.  In: Twentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal, 2001 Summer; 47 (2): pp. 137-168 (32)

  54. Donoghue, Denis.;
    Three Presences: Yeats, Eliot, Pound.  In: The Hudson Review. New York: Winter 2010. Vol. 62, Iss. 4; pp. 563-582 (20)

  55. Donoghue, Denis.;
    Yeats, Trying to be Modern.  In: New England Review. Middlebury: 2010/2011. Vol. 31, no. 4; p. 131-144 (14)

  56. Dwan, David.;
    Abstract Hatred: Yeats and the Counter-Revolutionary Paradigm.  In: Literature and History, 2006 Spring; 15 (1): pp. 18-36(19) ISSN: 0306-1973

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  57. Fang, Po.;
    Style as the Man: The Aesthetics of Self-(Re)Construction in Pater, Wilde, and Yeats.  In: Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, 2004 Jan; 30 (1): pp. 169-202 (34)

  58. Ferber, Michael.;
    Yeats's 'The Second Coming'.  In: Explicator, 2008 Summer; 66 (4): pp. 233-235 (3)

  59. Fogarty, Anne.;
    Yeats, Ireland and Modernism.  In: Davis, Alex (ed. and introd.); Jenkins, Lee M. (ed. and introd.) The Cambridge Companion to Modernist Poetry. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP; 2007. xviii, 259 pp. ISBN: 9780521618151; (pbk.); 9780521853057; (hbk.); pp. 126-146(21)

  60. Foley, Jack.;
    Paul de Man and the Cornell Demaniacs: To deManiacs near and far. E-ratio Editions, 2011. [no pagination] 24 pp.

  61. Fordonski, Krzysztof.;
    William Butler Yeats and the Irish Coinage.  In: Numismatics International Bulletin Dallas, Texas, Vol. 39 Nr 4, April 2004, pp. 77-83(7)

  62. Foster, R. F.;
    Yeats at War: Poetic Strategies and Political Reconstruction from the Easter Rising to the Free State: The Prothero Lecture.  In: Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Sixth Series, Vol. 11, (2001), pp. 125-145(21)

  63. Frazier, Adrian.;
    'I No Longer Underrate Him': The Question of Moore's Value.  In: Pierse, Mary (ed. and introd.) George Moore: Artistic Visions and Literary Worlds. Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars; 2006. xvii, 246 pp. ISBN: 9781847180292; pp. 1-11(11)

  64. Frazier, Adrian.;
    Moore's Hail and Yeats's Farewell.  In: New Hibernia Review/Iris Eireannach Nua: A Quarterly Record of Irish Studies, 2002 Winter; 6 (4): pp. 108-119(12) ISSN: 1092-3977

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  65. Gekoski, Rick.;
    Young and Old with W.B. Yeats - W.B. Yeats, The Collected Poems.  In: - Ditto- ., Outside of a Dog. A Bibliomemoir. Constable & Robinson Ltd, 2009. ISBN 978-1-84529-883-8; pp. 79-90(12)

  66. Genung, Michael.;
    Yeats's 'Sailing to Byzantium': The 'Esoteric' Four-Stanza Structure.   In: Orbis Litterarum: International Review of Literary Studies, 2010; 65 (1): pp. 22-56(35) ISSN: 0105-7510

  67. Georganta, Konstantina.;
    A Terrible Fish is Born: Inescapable. Femininity in Sylvia Plath and W.B. Yeats.  In: Mathesis, 19(2010), pp. 113-130(18)

  68. Gibson, M.;
    Magical Romanticism: Yeats's absorption of Romantic writers into fin-de-siecle Movements.  In: I Encontro de Estudos Romanticos. Eduardo & Nogueira, ISBN 978-972-8932-29-9, 2003. pp. 13-24(12)

  69. Gibson, Matthew.;
    "Timeless and Spaceless"?-Yeats's Search for Models of Interpretation in Post-Enlightenment Philosophy, Contemporary Anthropology and ArtHistory, and the Effects of Thease Theoties on "The Completed Symbol," "The Soul in Judgment" and "The Great Year of the Ancients".  In: W. B. Yeats's A Vision. Explications and Contexts. Edited by Neil Mann, Matthew Gibson, and Claire V. Nally. Clemson University, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-9835339-2-4; pp. 103-135(33)

  70. Gonzalez, M Palacios.;
    How Green was My Valley: The Critique of The Picturesque by Irish and Galician Women Poets.  In: Feminismos, 5, junio 2005, pp. 157-175(19)

  71. Gould, Warwick.;
    Writing the Life of the Text: The Case of W. B. Yeats.  In: Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, 2004; 30: pp. 9-34 (26) ISSN: 1137-6368

  72. Graf, Susan Johnston.;
    An Infant Avatar: The Mature Occultism of W. B. Yeats.  In: New Hibernia Review/Iris Eireannach Nua: A Quarterly Record of Irish Studies, 2005 Winter; 9 (4): pp. 99-112(14) ISSN: 1092-3977

  73. Graham, Colin.;
    Hireling Strangers and the Wandering Throne:Ireland, Scotland and Samuel Ferguson.  In: Estudios Irlandeses, Number 4, 2009, pp. 21-31(11)

  74. Grene, Nicholas.;
    The Abbey: National Theatre or Little Theatre?  In: Journal of Irish Scottish Studies. Vol. 1. No. 1,September 2007, pp. 211-220(10)

  75. Grogan, Jane.;
    Introduction: Misreading Spenser.  In: Exemplary Spenser. Visual and Poetic Pedagogy in The Faerie Queene. By Jane Grogan. Ashgate, July 2009 ISBN: 978-0-7546-6698-1; pp. 1-25(25)

  76. Guralnick, Elissa S.;
    Sound and Song in Poetry: Music as a Form of Explication,  In: English Language Notes, 2009 Spring-Summer; 47 (1): pp. 173-180 (8)

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  77. Haller, Evelyn.;
    Ways to Access thr Landscape, Soundscape, and Lifescape of Ireland in the Poetry of W.B. Yeats.  In: South Carolina Review; vol. 33, no. 2(Spring 2001), pp. 153-163(11)

  78. Hanafin, Patrick.;
    Building in the Imagin(ed)(n)ation: An Essay Inspired by W.B. Yeats' - "Meditations in Time of Civil War''.  In: Liverpoo Law Review, Vol. 23, no. 2 (2001), pp. 223-230(8)

  79. Hansson, Heidi.;
    Literature as Charity: The Case of Yeats Is Dead.  In: Nordic Irish Studies, 2005; 4: pp. 109-118(10) ISSN: 1602-124X

  80. Harmon, William.;
    A Game of Feet.  In: Sewanee Review, 2008 Summer; 116 (3): pp. 467-472 (6)

  81. Harper, Margaret Mills.;
    Nemo: George Yeats and Her Automatic Script.  In: New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation, 2002 Spring; 33 (2): pp. 291-314 (24)

  82. Harper, Margaret Mills.;
    Reflected Voices, Double Visions.  In: W. B. Yeats's A Vision. Explications and Contexts. Edited by Neil Mann, Matthew Gibson, and Claire V. Nally. Clemson University, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-9835339-2-4; pp. 269-290(22)

  83. Harper, Margaret Mills.;
    Yeats and the Occult.  In: Howes, Marjorie (ed. and introd.); Kelly, John (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to W. B. Yeats. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP; 2006. xvi, 242 pp. ISBN: 9780521658867; (pbk.); 9780521650892; (hbk.); pp. 144-166(23)

  84. Hart, Stephen.;
    Paradigms of Peripheral Modernity in Lorca and Yeats.  In: Modern Language Review, 2007 Apr; 102 (2): pp. 410-426(17)

  85. Haskell, Dennis.;
    W. B. Yeats.  In: Kenyon Review, 2001 Spring; 23 (2): pp. 168-175(8)

  86. Haslam, Richard.;
    W. B. Yeats: Snobbery as Mood and Mode.  In: Etudes Irlandaises, 2004 Spring; 29 (1): pp. 55-72(18) ISSN: 0183-973X

  87. Hassett, Joseph M.;
    The Living Beauty: Iseult Gonne.  In: W.B. Yeats and the Muses. By Joseph M. Hassett. Oxford Univ. Pr. 2010. ISBN-13: 9780199582907; Chapter 4; pp. 103-129(27)

  88. Haswell, Janis.;
    Yeats's Vision and the Feminine.  In: W. B. Yeats's A Vision. Explications and Contexts. Edited by Neil Mann, Matthew Gibson, and Claire V. Nally. Clemson University, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-9835339-2-4; pp. 291-306(16)

  89. Heininge, Kathleen A.;
    'Untiring Joys and Sorrows': Yeats and the Sidhe.  In: New Hibernia Review/Iris Eireannach Nua: A Quarterly Record of Irish Studies, 2004 Winter; 8 (4): pp. 101-116 (16) ISSN: 1092-3977

  90. Heller, Michael.;
    Beckmann Variations.  In: New England Review: Middlebury Series, 2007; 28 (3): pp. 143-160(18)

  91. Hennessey, Oliver.;
    Talking with the Dead: Leo Africanus, Esoteric Yeats, and Early Modern Imperialism.  In: ELH, 2004 Winter; 71 (4): pp. 1019-1038(20)

  92. Heuston, Sean.;
    Off with the Fairies: Yeats, Ethnography, and Identifiction.  In: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 1, No. 11 [Special Issue - August 2011]. pp. 172-181(10)

  93. Holdeman, David ed.;
    The Cambridge Introduction to W.B. Yeats (NY Cambridge UP 2006), xii, 148 pp.

  94. Holdridge, Jeff erson.;
    The One Loved Form: Art, Nature, Myth, and Instinct in Irish Literature.  In: South Carolina Review, vol. 43.1(2010), pp. 238-252(15)

  95. Howes, Marjorie.;
    Introduction.  In: Howes, Marjorie (ed. and introd.); Kelly, John (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to W. B. Yeats. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP; 2006. xvi, 242 pp. ISBN: 9780521658867; (pbk.); 9780521650892; (hbk.); pp. 1-18(18)

  96. Howes, Marjorie.;
    Yeats and the Postcolonial.  In: Howes, Marjorie (ed. and introd.); Kelly, John (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to W. B. Yeats. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP; 2006. xvi, 242 pp. ISBN: 9780521658867; (pbk.); 9780521650892; (hbk.); pp. 206-225(20)

  97. Hughes, Eamonn.;
    ' … what's far worse, it'll have two mothers': Rhetoric and Reproduction in Sean O'Casey's Dublin Quartet.  In: Estudios Irlandeses, 2005; Issue 0: pp. 148-155(8)

  98. Hurley, Michael D.;
    How Philosophers Trivialize Art: Bleak House, Oedipus Rex, 'Leda and the Swan'.  In: Philosophy and Literature, 2009 Apr; 33 (1): pp. 107-125 (19)

  99. Hyde, Virginia.;
    D. H. Lawrence, W. B. Yeats, and the Rosa Mundi.  In: South Carolina Review; Vol 35. no. 1(2002), pp. 68-82(14)

  100. Ingelbien, Raphael.;
    From Hardy to Yeats? Larkin's Poetry of Ageing.  In: Essays in Criticism, Jul 2003; 53: pp. 262 - 277(16)

  101. Ingersol, Earl G.;
    Steven Millhauser, a Very Late Modernist.  In: Journal of the Short Story in English, 54, spring 2010, pp. 113-132(20)

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  102. Jelnikar, Ana.;
    W. B. Yeats's (Mis)Reading of Tagore: Interpreting an Alien Culture.  In: University of Toronto Quarterly: A Canadian Journal of the Humanities, 2008 Fall; 77 (4): pp. 1005-1024(20)

  103. Kallaus, Agnieszka.;
    Dance as Reconciliation of Opposites: A Poetic Illustration of Yeats' System of Beliefs.  In: Zeszyty Naukowe Wyzszej Szkoly y Pedagogocznej w Rzeszowie. Seria Filologiczna. Zeszyt 38/2000. Studia Anglica Resoviensia, 1. pp. 71-80(10)

  104. Kallaus, Agnieszka.;
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