Jane, Austen(ジェイン・オースティン)1775-1817 研究論文 II
Jane, Austen(ジェイン・オースティン)研究の2006年から2010年に刊行された論文を紹介しています。
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Open Access Articles: こちら(To here)
- Adamson, Sylvia.;
Working Out the Interest: Williams, Empson and Jane Austen. In: Critical Quarterly, (50:1-2), 2008, pp. 103-119(17) - Anderson, Kathleen; Kidd, Jordan.;
Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. Palmer: The Path to Female Self-Determination in Austen's Sense and Sensibility. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 135-148(14) - Auerbach, Emily.;
The Liveliness of Your Mind: Pride and Prejudice. In: Jane austen's Pride and Prejudice / Harold Bloom, editor. -- Updated ed. Infobase Publishing, 2007. (Bloom's modern critical interpretations). pp. 111-147(36) - Azerêdo, Genilda.;
From Emma to Clueless: Ironic Representations of Jane Austen. In: Ilha do Desterro / Florianopolis, no 51, jul./dez. 2006, pp. 235 - 263(29) - Azerêdo, Genilda.;
Words, images and invention: the power of metafiction in Austen, McEwan and Wright. In: Estudos Anglo-Americanos, vol. 34(2010), pp. 6-22(17) - Baker, William.;
Jane Austen Once More. [Essay-Review]. In: Studies in the Novel 39.3 (2007): pp. 357-367(11) - Bakshi, Kaustav.;
'How Many People's Happiness Were in His Guardianship!' A Postcolonial Reading of the Representation of Fitzwilliam Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. In: Journal of the Department of English (Calcutta, India) 34.1-2 (2007-08): 23 pp. - Bander, Elaine.;
'O Leave Novels': Jane Austen, Sir Charles Grandison, Sir Edward Denham, and Rob Missgiel. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 202-215(14) - Bander, Elaine.;
Reading Mysteries at Bath and Northanger. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 46-59(14). (In special section: "AGM 2010 Portland: Jane Austen and the Abbey: Mystery, Mayhem, and Muslin".) . - Bander, Elaine.;
Revisiting Northanger Abbey at Chawton. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (31:), 2009, pp. 209-221(13) - Barchas, Janine.;
Artistic Names in Austen's Fiction: Cameo Appearances by Prominent Painters. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (31:), 2009, pp. 145-162(18) - Barchas, Janine.;
Hell-Fire Jane: Austen and the Dashwoods of West Wycombe. In: Eighteenth-Century Life, (33:3), 2009, pp. 1-36(36) - Barchas, Janine.;
Mapping Northanger Abbey: Or, Why Austen's Bath of 1803 Resembles Joyce's Dublin of 1904. In: Review of English Studies: The Leading Journal of English Literature and the English Language, (60:245), 2009, pp. 431-459(29) - Barchas, Janine.;
Mrs. Gaskell's North and Souh: Austen's Early Legacy. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 53-66(14) - Barchas, Janine.;
The Real Bluebeard of Bath: A Historical Model for Northanger Abbey. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 115-134(20) (In special section: "AGM 2010 Portland: Jane Austen and the Abbey: Mystery, Mayhem, and Muslin".) . - Barchas, Janine.;
Very Austen: Accounting for the Language of Emma. In: Nineteenth-Century Literature 62.3 (2007): pp. 303-338(26) - Barman, Jean.;
British Columbia in Jane Austen's Time. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 39-53(15) - Barron, Stephanie.;
Suspicious Characters, Red Herrings, and Unreliable Detectives: Elements of Mystery in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 60-67(8). (In special section: "AGM 2010 Portland: Jane Austen and the Abbey: Mystery, Mayhem, and Muslin".) . - Bautz, Annika.;
Early Nineteenth-Century Readers of Jane Austen. In: Literature Compass 4.5 (2007): pp. 1412-1437(26) - Beer, Frances.;
"The three Sisters": A "little bit of Ivory". In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (28:), 2006, pp. 238-250(13) - Bisla, Sundeep.;
Over-doing things with words in 1862: pretense and plain truth in Wilkie Collins's No Name. In: Victorian Literature and Culture (38:1) [Mar 2010], pp.1-19(19) - Bjarnason, Palma.;
'Worth Looking At': Performance Prowess in Emma's Scenes of Dance. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 145-154(10) - Blackwell, Mark.;
Harriet's 'Tooth Amiss' and Transplantation in Emma. In: Modern Philology 103 (2006): pp. 474-497(24) - Bloom, Harold.;
Introduction. In: Jane austen's Pride and Prejudice / Harold Bloom, editor. -- Updated ed. Infobase Publishing, 2007. (Bloom's modern critical interpretations). pp. 1-6(6) - Borbély Julianna.;
Jane Austen Adapted - Recreated Stories: Changes in the Latest Two Adaptations of Sense and Sensibility. In: M. Ferenčik & J. Horváth (Eds.), Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World. Prešov: Filozoficka fakulta Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove. 2009. ISBN 978-80-555-0030-0; pp. 7-13(7) - Bottomer, Phyllis Ferguson.;
A Speech Language Pathologist Journeys to Highbury. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 155-166(12) - Boulukos, George E.;
The Politics of Silence: Mansfield Park and the Amelioration of Slavery. In: Novel: A Forum on Fiction 39.3 (2006): pp. 361-383(23) - Bour, Isabelle.;
Locke, Richardson, and Austen: or, How to Become a Gentleman. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 159-169(11) - Bove, Alexander.;
The 'Unbearable Realism of a Dream': On the Subject of Portraits in Austen and Dickens. In: ELH 74.3 (2007): pp. 655-679(25) - Bray, Joe.;
The 'Dual Voice' of Free Indirect Discourse: A Reading Experiment. In: Language and Literature, 16.1 (2007): pp. 37-52(16). The reader's response to free indirect discourse in Charlotte Smith's Marchmont as compared to Austen's Pride and Prejudice. - Bray, Joe.;
The Source of "Dramatized Consciousness": Richardson, Austen, and Stylistic Influence. In: Jane austen's Pride and Prejudice / Harold Bloom, editor. -- Updated ed. Infobase Publishing, 2007. (Bloom's modern critical interpretations). pp. 75-90(16) - Brewer, Charlotte.;
The Use of Literary Quotations in the Oxford English Dictionary. In: Review of English Studies 61.248 (2010): pp. 93-125(33) - Brideoake, Fiona.;
The Republic of Pemberley: Politeness and Citizenship in Digital Sociability. In: 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, (7:), 2008, (no pagination) 25 pp. - Brooke, Christopher.;
Pride and Prejudice. In: Jane austen's Pride and Prejudice / Harold Bloom, editor. -- Updated ed. Infobase Publishing, 2007. (Bloom's modern critical interpretations). pp. 35-46(12) - Burns, Margie.;
George and Georgiana: Symmetries and Antitheses in Pride and Prejudice. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 227-233(7) - Byrne, Katherine.;
Such a fine, close weave: Gender, Community and the Body in Cranford (2007). In: Neo-Victorian Studies 2:2 (Winter 2009/2010), pp. 43-64(22)
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- Campbell, Narelle.;
An Object of Interest: Observing Elizabeth in Andrew Davies' Pride and Prejudice. In: Adaptation: The Journal of Literature on Screen Studies, (2:2), 2009, pp. 149-160 (12) - Campbell, Shannon E.;
Apples and Apple-Blossom Time (Wherein Jane Austen's Reputation for Meticulous Observation Is Vindicated). In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 89-98(10) - Caracciolo, Peter L;
'The Alice in Wonderland world of Jane Austen and Trollope', its role in the genesis of Wyndham Lewis's The Human Age - and how Empson, I.A. Richards, Kipling, and Mary Webb also became involved. In: Wyndham Lewis Annual (13) [2008], pp. 74-107(34) - Carroll, Joseph, Jonathan Gottschall, John A. Johnson, and Daniel J. Kruger.;
Human Nature in Nineteenth-Century British Novels: Doing the Math. In: Philosophy and Literature, 33.1 (2009): pp. 50-72(23) - Cartmell, Deborah.;
Pride and Prejudice and the adaptation genre. In: Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance Vol. 3(2010), no. 3, pp. 227-243(17) - Cleere, Eileen.;
Homeland Security: Political and Domestic Economy in Hannah More's Coelebs in Search of a Wife. In: ELH 74.1 (2007): pp. 1-25(25) - Cohenour, Gretchen.;
Economic Motivation: Injured Bodies in Austen's Northanger Abbey. In: MP Journal, (2:5), 2009, pp. 14-26(13) - Craig, Sheryl.;
Northanger Abbey: Money in the Bank. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 144-153(10). (In special section: "AGM 2010 Portland: Jane Austen and the Abbey: Mystery, Mayhem, and Muslin".) . - Curry, Mary Jane.;
"Not a Day Went by Without a Solitary Walk": Elizabeth's Pastoral World. In: Jane austen's Pride and Prejudice / Harold Bloom, editor. -- Updated ed. Infobase Publishing, 2007. (Bloom's modern critical interpretations). pp. 47-57(11)
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- Dadlez, Eva M.;
Aesthetics and Humean Aesthetic Norms in the Novels of Jane Austen. In: Journal of Aesthetic Education, (42:1), 2008, pp. 46-62(17) - Dadlez, Eva M.;
Form Affects Content: Reading Jane Austen. In: Philosophy and Literature, (32:2), 2008, pp. 315-329(15) - Davidson, Jenny.;
Austen's Voices. In: Hudson, Nicholas (ed. and introd.), Santesso, Aaron (ed. and introd.), Swift's Travels: Eighteenth-Century British Satire and Its Legacy, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2008. xiii, 304 pp.. pp. 233-250(18) - Despotopoulou, Anna.;
Girls on film: postmodern renderings of Jane Austen and Henry James. In: Yearbook of English Studies (Modern Humanities Research Assn) (36:1) 2006, pp. 115-130(16) - DiPaolo, Marc.;
Emma Adapted: Jane Austen's Heroine from Book to Film. New York: Lang, 2007. 192 pp. - Dooley, Gillian.;
Good versus Evil in Austen's Mansfield Park and Iris Murdoch's A Fairly Honourable Defeat. In: Transnational Literature, (1:2), 2009, [no pagination]. 13 pp. (In special section: "Austen Abroad". ) . - Dow, Gillian.;
Northanger Abbey, French Fiction, and the Affecting History of the Duchess of C***. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 28-45(18). (In special section: "AGM 2010 Portland: Jane Austen and the Abbey: Mystery, Mayhem, and Muslin".) . - Downie, J. A.;
Rehabilitating Sir Thomas Bertram. In: SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, (50:4), 2010, pp. 739-758(20) - Downie, J. A.;
Who Says She's a Bourgeois Writer? Reconsidering the Social and Political Contexts of Jane Austen's Novels. In: Eighteenth-Century Studies, 40 (2006): pp. 69-84(16) - Drum, Alice.;
Pride and Prestige: Jane Austen and the Professions. In: College Literature, (36:3), 2009, pp. 92-115(24)
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- Easton, Celia A.;
'The Probability of Some Negligence': Avoiding the Horror of the Absent Clergyman. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 154-164(11). (In special section: "AGM 2010 Portland: Jane Austen and the Abbey: Mystery, Mayhem, and Muslin".) . - Eddleman, Stephanie M.;
Henry Tilney: Austen's Feminized Hero? In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 68-77(10). (In special section: "AGM 2010 Portland: Jane Austen and the Abbey: Mystery, Mayhem, and Muslin".) . - Elisa, Galgut.;
Reading Minds: Mentalization, Irony and Literary Engagement. In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis 91.4 (2010): pp. 915-935(21). Focuses on the uses of irony and free indirect speech in Jane Austen's Persuasion. - Erkstam,Sara.;
Father - Daughter Relationships in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion and Emma. Örebro University, Spring term, 2006. 24pp. - Falk, L.;
A Very Long Shot: Jane Austen and Conan Doyle. In: Baker Street Journal, 60.1 (2010): pp. 19-25(7) - Favret, Mary A.;
Jane Austen at 25: A Life in Numbers. In: English Language Notes, (46:1), 2008, pp. 9-19(11) - Favret, Mary A.;
Jane Austen's Periods. In: Novel: A Forum on Fiction, (42:3), 2009, pp. 373-379(7) (In special issue: "Theories of the Novel Now, Part II.".) . - Fergus, Jan.;
'Rivalry, Treachery between Sisters!' Tensions between Brothers and Sisters in Austen's Novels. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (31:), 2009, pp. 69-88(20) - Fergus, Jan; Steele, Elizabeth Jane.;
'There Is a Great Deal in Novelty': The Pleasures of The Watsons. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 210-223(24) - Fischer-Starcke, Bettina.;
Keywords and Frequent Phrases of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice: A Corpus-Stylistic Analysis. In: International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, (14:4), 2009, pp. 492-523 (32) - Ford, Susan Allen.;
'Exactly What a Brother Should Be'? The Failures of Brotherly Love. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (31:), 2009, pp. 102-114(13) - Ford, Susan Allen.;
'To Be above Vulgar Economy': Thrifty Measures in Jane Austen's Letters. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 216-221(6) - Fowler, Karen Joy.;
What Would Jane Cut? In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 169-173(5) - Fry, Carrol L.;
'The Hunger of the Imagination': Discordia Concors in Emma. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 209-216(8) - Fuller, Miriam Rheingold.;
'Let Me Go, Mr. Thorpe Isabella, Do not Hold Me!': Northanger Abbey and the Domestic Gothic. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 90-104(15). (In special section: "AGM 2010 Portland: Jane Austen and the Abbey: Mystery, Mayhem, and Muslin".) .
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- Galperin, William.;
'Describing What Never Happened': Jane Austen and the History of Missed Opportunities. In: ELH 73 (2006): pp. 355-382(28) - Galperin, William.;
Lady Susan, Individualism, and the (Dys)functional Family. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (31:), 2009, pp. 47-58(12) - Gay, Penny.;
Jane Fairfax and the 'She-tragedies' of the Eighteenth Century. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 121-131(11) - Gemmill, Katie.;
Ventriloquized Opinions of Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, and Emma: Jane Austen's Critical Voice. In: University of Toronto Quarterly: A Canadian Journal of the Humanities, (79:4), 2010, pp. 1115-1122(8) - Geng, Li-Ping.;
The Austens and Student Journalism of the 1780s and 90s. In: Persuasions 31 (2009): pp. 180-190(11) - Gentile, Kathy Justice.;
'A Forward, Bragging, Scheming Race': Comic Masculinity in Northanger Abbey. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 78-89(12). (In special section: "AGM 2010 Portland: Jane Austen and the Abbey: Mystery, Mayhem, and Muslin".) . - Gibson, Pamela Church.;
Jane Austen on Screen-Overlapping Dialogues, Different Takes. In: Adaptation: The Journal of Literature on Screen Studies, (2:2), 2009, pp. 180-190(11) - Goodheart, Eugene.;
Emma: Jane Austen's Errant Heroine. In: Sewanee Review, (116:4), 2008, pp. 589-604(16) - Govender, Dyalan.;
Becoming Jane: Adapting Female Authority. In: Sydney Studies in English, (34:), 2008, pp. 86-108(23) - Graham, Peter W.;
Jane Austen and the Labor of Leisure. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 173-183(11) - Graham, Peter W.;
Falling for the Crawfords: Character, Contingency, and Narrative. In: ELH, (77:4), 2010, pp. 867-891 (25) - Graham-Smith, Sheila.;
The Awful Memorials of an Injured and Ill-Fated Nun: The Source of Catherine Morland's Gothic Fantasy. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (31:), 2009, pp. 199-208(10) - Grandi, Roberta.;
The Passion Translated: Literary and Cinematic Rhetoric in Pride and Prejudice (2005). In: Literature/Film Quarterly, (36:1), 2008, pp. 45-51(7) - Greenfield, Susan C.;;
The Absent-Minded Heroine, or Elizabeth Bennet Has a Thought. In: Eighteenth-Century Studies 39 (2006): no. 3, pp. 337-350(14) - Gregg, Paul.;
Is it Time to Buy Into Jane Austen Mania? In: Antiques & Collecting Magazine. Chicago: Nov 2007. Vol. 112, Iss. 9; pp 20-25(6) - Greiner, Rae.;
The Art of Knowing Your Own Nothingness. In: ELH, (77:4), 2010, pp. 893-914 (22) - Gullette, Margaret Morganroth.:
Annals of caregiving: does Emma Woodhouse's father suffer from 'dementia'? In: Michigan Quarterly Review (48:1) [Winter 2009], pp. 90-99(10)
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- Hafner-Laney, Mary.;
'I Was Tempted by a Pretty Coloured Muslin': Jane Austen and the Art of Being Fashionable. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 135-143(9). (In special section: "AGM 2010 Portland: Jane Austen and the Abbey: Mystery, Mayhem, and Muslin".) . - Halsey, Katie.;
The Blush of Modesty or the Blush of Shame? Reading Jane Austen's Blushes. In: Forum for Modern Language Studies, 42 (2006): pp. 226-238(13) - Hann, Jennie.;
Perverting Pride and Prejudice: Wharton's American Alternative to the Novel of Manners: An Essay on The House of Mirth. In: Edith Wharton Review, (24:1), 2008, pp. 1-6(6) - Harlan, Susan.;
'Talking' and Reading Shakespeare in Jane Austen's Mansfield Park. In: Wordsworth Circle, (39:1-2), 2008, pp. 43-46(4) - Harris, H. S.;
Darcy and Mrs. Bennet. In: Not Said But Shown. By Harris, H. S. Yorkspace.Library, 2007. pp. 351-376(26) - Harris, H. S.;
Elinor Dashwood and Lucy Steele. In: Not Said But Shown. By Harris, H. S. Yorkspace.Library, 2007. pp. 423-432(10) - Harris, H. S.;
Emma Woodhouse and Jane Fairfax. In: Not Said But Shown. By Harris, H. S. Yorkspace.Library, 2007. pp. 402-426(25) - Harris, H. S.;
Fanny Price and Mary Crawford. In: Not Said But Shown. By Harris, H. S. Yorkspace.Library, 2007. pp. 379-412(34) - Harris, H. S.;
Introductory: Social Ethics and the Morality of Love. In: Not Said But Shown. By Harris, H. S. Yorkspace.Library, 2007. pp. 336-356(21) - Harris, H. S.;
Marianne Dashwood and Charlotte Lucas, (The Christian Ideal of Marriage in Jane Austen) In: Not Said But Shown. By Harris, H. S. Yorkspace.Library, 2007. pp. 432-446(15) - Harris, H. S.;
Shadow and Substance in Persuasion. In: Not Said But Shown. By Harris, H. S. Yorkspace.Library, 2007. pp. 447-465(19) - Harris, Jocelyn.;
Frances Burney's The Wanderer, Janes Austen's Persuasion, and the Cancelled Chapters. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (31:), 2009, pp. 130-144(15) - Harris, Jocelyn.;
Jane Austen. In: Poole, Adrian (ed. and introd.), The Cambridge Companion to English Novelists, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2009. xi, 464 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 98-115(18) - Harris, Jocelyn.;
Jane Austen, Jane Fairfax, and Jane Eyre. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 99-109(11) - Harris, Jocelyn.;
Jane Austen, Samuel Johnson, and the Academy. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 27-37(11) - Harris, Nicola.;
An Eighteenth-Century Letter from Bath to Dorset. In: Thomas Hardy Yearbook, (37:), 2008, pp. 66-76 (11) - Hatavara, Mari.;
Free Indirect Discourse in Early Finnish Novels by Fredrika Runeberg and Zacharias Topelius. In: Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen aikakauslehti Avain, vol. 4(2007), no. 4, pp. 29-47(19) - Hegele, Arden.;
Identifying Jane Austen's 'Boarding-School': A Proposed Author for The Governess; or, the Boarding School Dissected. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (31:), 2009, pp. 175-179(5) - Hessell, Nikki.;
News and Newspapers: Readers of the Daily Press in Jane Austen's Novels. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (31:), 2009, pp. 248-254(7) - Heydt-Stevenson, Jillian.;
The Anxieties and "Felicities of Rapid Motion": Animated Ideology in Pride and Prejudice. In: Jane austen's Pride and Prejudice / Harold Bloom, editor. -- Updated ed. Infobase Publishing, 2007. (Bloom's modern critical interpretations). pp. 169-204(36) - Hinnant, Charles H.;
Jane Austen's 'Wild Imagination': Romance and the Courtship Plot in the Six Canonical Novels. In: Narrative 14 (2006): pp. 294-310(17)
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- Jelínková, Ema.:
Jane Austen and the blissful amnesia in Northanger Abbey. In: Brno Studies in English (32) 2006, pp. 123-128(6) - Johnson, Claudia L.;
Name to Conjure With. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 15-26(12) - Johnston, Freya.;
Jane Austen's Past Lives. In: Cambridge Quarterly, (39:2), 2010, pp. 103-121(19) - Jones, Chris.;
Jane Austen and the Public Sphere. In: Literature Compass 3/3 (2006): pp. 429-443(15) - Jones, Darryl.;
Pride and Prejudice. In: Jane austen's Pride and Prejudice / Harold Bloom, editor. -- Updated ed. Infobase Publishing, 2007. (Bloom's modern critical interpretations). pp. 149-168(20) - Jones, Vivien.;
Post-Feminist Austen. In: Critical Quarterly, (52:4), 2010, pp. 65-82(18) - Jones, Wendy S.;
Emma, Gender, and the Mind-Brain. In: ELH , (75:2), 2008, pp. 315-343(29) - Josefson, Asa.;
Choderlos de Laclos's Les Liaisons Dangereuses and Jane Austen's Lady Susan: The Art of Manipulation. In: Moderna Språk 104.1 (2010): pp. 29-41(13) - Jukić, Tatjana.;
Between Bath and Bosnia: Jane Austen and Croatian Culture. In: The Reception of Jane Austen in Europe, eds. Anthony Mandal and Brian Southam, Continuum: London and New York, 2007, pp. 274-289(16)
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- Kaplan, Laurie.;
'Completely without Sense': Lost in Austen. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 241-253(13) - Kaplan, Laurie.;
Emma and 'the Children in Brunswick Square'. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (31:), 2009, pp. 236-247(12) - Kaplan, Laurie.;
Sense and Sensibility: 3 or 4 Country Families in an Urban Village. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 196-209(14) - Kelly, Helena.;
Mansfield Park Reconsidered: Pheasant, Game Laws, and the Hidden Critique of Slavery. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal , (30:), 2008, pp. 170-180(11) - Kenney, Theresa.;
'And I Am Changed Also': Mr. Knightley's Conversion to Amiability. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 110-120(11) - Kickel, Katherine.;
General Tilney's Timely Approach to the Improvement of the Estate in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey. In: Nineteenth-Century Literature, (63:2), 2008, pp. 145-169 (25) - Kindred, Sheila Johnson.;
The Influence of Naval Captain Charles Austen's North American Experiences on Persuasion and Mansfield Park. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (31:), 2009, pp. 115-129(15) - Kocsis, Ildikó.;
Dissimulation in Jane Austen's Pride nd Prejudice. In: An ERF Retrospective: Papers from the English Reserch Forum 2004-2009. Edited by Attila Dosa and Language Editor Ted Bailey. Miskolc-Egyetemváros, 2010. pp. 147-161(15) - Kreisel, Deanna K.;
Where Does the Pleasure Come From? The Marriage Plot and Its Discontents in Jane Austen's Emma. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 217-226(10)
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- Lagoe, Amanda M.;
The Text is Dance, and the Dance is Narrative: A Conversation with Cheryl A. Wilson. In: Studies in the Humanities (36:1) [Jun 2009], pp. 3-12(10) - Lane, Maggie.;
Brothers of the More Famous Jane: The Literary Aspirations, Achievements, and Influence of James and Henry Austen. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal , (31:), 2009, pp. 13-32(20) - Lanfersieck, Lindsey; Looser, Devoney.;
Austen's Sense and Sensibility and Lord Craven. In: Notes and Queries, (56 (254):3), 2009, pp. 376-381(6) - Lank, Edith.;
Family and Scholarly Annotations in Lord Brabourne's Letters: Adventures of an Amateur Academic. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 76-87 (12) - Le Faye, Deirdre.;
The Memoir of Jane Austen and the Cheney Brothers. In: Notes and Queries, (56 (254):3), 2009, pp. 374-376(3) - Lee, Wendy Anne.:
Resituating Regulated Hatred: D. W. Harding's Jane Austen. In: ELH: journal of English literary history (77:4) [Winter 2010], pp. 995-1014(24) - Leech, Geoffrey & Short, Mick.;
Conversation in the novel. In: Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose. Second edition. By Geoffrey Leech & Mick Short. Pearson Education Limited 2007; ISBN: 978-0-582-78409-3; pp. 231-254(24) - Leech, Geoffrey & Short, Mick.;
Discourse and the discourse situation. In: Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose. Second edition. By Geoffrey Leech & Mick Short. Pearson Education Limited 2007; ISBN: 978-0-582-78409-3; pp. 206-230(25) - Leech, Geoffrey & Short, Mick.;
Style, text and frequency. In: Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose. Second edition. By Geoffrey Leech & Mick Short. Pearson Education Limited 2007; ISBN: 978-0-582-78409-3; pp. 34-59(26) - Leffel, John C.;
Jane Austen's Miniature 'Novel': Gender, Politics, and Form in The Beautifull Cassandra. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 184-195(12) - Leffel, John C.;
'Where Woman, Lovely Woman, for Wealth and Grandeur Comes from Far': Representations of the Colonial Marriage Market in Gillray, Topham, Starke, and Austen. In: Class, Monika (ed. and introd.), Robinson, Terry F. (ed. and introd.), Transnational England: Home and Abroad, 1780-1860, Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars, 2009. xiv, 283 pp., pp. 190-213(34) - Lenckos, Elisabeth.;
From Sublime Abbey to Picturesque Parsonage: The Aesthetics of Northanger Abbey and The Mysteries of Udolpho. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 105-114(10). (In special section: "AGM 2010 Portland: Jane Austen and the Abbey: Mystery, Mayhem, and Muslin".) . - Levy, Michelle.;
Austen's Manuscripts and the Publicity of Print. In: ELH, (77:4), 2010, pp. 1015-1040(26) - Lock, Charles.;
Everybody's Dear. In: Essays in Criticism 57.1 (2007): pp. 81-92(12). [Review of Sutherland, Jane Austen's Textual Lives (2005)]. - Lott, Anna.;
Staging a Lesson: The Theatricals and Proper Conduct in Mansfield Park. In: Studies in the Novel 38 (2006): pp. 275-287(13) - Loyd, Kristen R.;
An England Worth Saving: The Domestication of World War II Propaganda in Pride and Prejudice. In: War, Literature, and the Arts: An International Journal of the Humanities, (21:), 2009, pp. 352-359(8) - Lynch, Deidre.;
'Young Ladies Are Delicate Plants': Jane Austen and Greenhouse Romanticism. In: ELH, (77:3), 2010, pp. 689-729(41)
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- Mandal, A. A.;
Making Austen Mad: Benjamin Crosby and the Non-Publication of Susan. In: Review of English Studies 57 (2006): pp. 507-525(19) - Markovits, Stefanie.;
Jane Austen and the Happy Fall. In: SEL: Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, vol. 47. No. 4 (2007): pp. 779-797(19) - Mathews, Peter.;
An Open Invitation, or How to Read the Ethics of Austen's Pride and Prejudice. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 245-254(10) - Maunder, Andrew.;
Making Heritage and History: The 1894 Illustrated Pride and Prejudice. In: Nineteenth Century Studies 20 (2006): pp. 147-170(24) - McAuley, Jenny.;
'A Long Letter upon a Jacket and Petticoat': Reading beneath Some Deletions in the Manuscript of Catharine, or the Bower. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (31:), 2009, pp. 191-198(8) - McCrea, Barry.;
Heterosexual Horror: Dracula, the Closet, and the Marriage-Plot. In: Novel: A Forum on Fiction, (43:2), 2010, pp. 251-270(20) - McDonald, Kelly M.;
Derbyshires Corresponding: Elizabeth Bennet and the Austen Tour of 1833. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 149-158(10) - McDonald, Kelly M.;
Edward Austen's Emma Reads Emma. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 234-239(6) - McMaster, Juliet.;
Emma: The Geography of a Mind. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 26-38(13) - McMaster, Juliet.;
'If You Don't Marry My Sister You Will Mortally Offend Me': Sibling Matchmakers. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (31:), 2009, pp. 89-101(13) - McMaster, Juliet.;
'A Surmise of Such Horror': Catherine Morland's Imagination. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 15-27(13). (In special section: "AGM 2010 Portland: Jane Austen and the Abbey: Mystery, Mayhem, and Muslin".) . - Miall, David S.:
Completing the paradigm: in pursuit of evidence. In: Style (42:2/3) [Summer 2008], pp. 234-238(5) - Miller, Kathleen Ann.;
Haunted Heroines: The Gothic Imagination and the Female Bildungsromane of Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, and L. M. Montgomery. In: Lion and the Unicorn 34.2 (2010): pp. 125-147(23) - Mitric, Ana.;
Jane Austen and Civility: A Distant Reading. In: Persuasions, 29 (2007): pp. 194-208(15) - Moler, Kenneth L.;
Pride and Prejudice: Jane Austen's 'Patrician Hero'. In: The Hero's Journey. Ed. Harold Bloom and Blake Hobby. New York: Bloom's Literary Criticism, 2009. pp. 183-192(10) [Rpt. of SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900. 7.3 (1967): 491-508] - Monaghan, Davis.;
In Defense of Patricia Rozema's Mansfield Park. In: Persuasions, no.28(2006), pp. 59-64(6) - Monaghan, David.:
Reinventing Fanny Price: Patricia Rozema's thoroughly modern Mansfield Park. In: Mosaic: a journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature (40:3) [Sep 2007], pp. 85-101(17) - Monteiro, Belisa.;
Comic Fantasy in Jane Austen's Juvenilia: Female Roguery and the Charms of Narcissism. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 129-134(6) - Morini, Massimiliano.;
Jane Austen's Narrative Techniques: A Stylistic and Pragmatic Analysis. Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2009. vii, 163 pp.. - Morini, Massimiliano.;
The Poetics of Disengagement: Jane Austen and Echoic Irony. In: Language and Literature: Journal of the Poetics and Linguistics Association , (19:4), 2010, pp. 339-356 (18) - Morini, Massimiliano.;
Who Evaluates Whom and What in Jane Austen's Novels? In: Style 41.4 (2007): pp. 409-433(25) - Moses, Carole.;
Jane Austen and Elizabeth Bennet: the Limits of Irony. In: Jane austen's Pride and Prejudice / Harold Bloom, editor. - Updated ed. Infobase Publishing, 2007. (Bloom's modern critical interpretations). pp. 101-110(10) - Mucignat, Rosa.;
Theatrical Revolutions and Domestic Reforms: Space and Ideology in Goethe's Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre and Austen's Mansfield Park. In: Comparative Critical Studies, (7:1), 2010, pp. 21-40(20) - Mullan, John.;
Sisterly Chat. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (31:), 2009, pp. 59-68(10) - Murphy, Terence Patrick.;
Thought and Speech Presentation in Fiction, With Notes on Film Adaptation. In: Situations Vol. 3 (Winter 2009), pp. 21-49(29) - Murray, Douglas.
Jane Austen's 'passion for taking likenesses': Portraits of the Prince Regent in Emma. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 132-144(13)
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- Nandrea, Lorri G.;
Difference and Repetition in Persuasion. In: Studies in the Novel 39.1 (2007): pp. 48-64(17) - Neill, Edward.;
'What Edward Promises He Will Perform': 'How to Do Things with Words' in Sense and Sensibility. In: Textual Practice 21.1 (2007): pp. 113-134(22) - Nelles, William.;
Omniscience for Atheists, or Jane Austen's Infallible Narrator. In: Narrative 14 (2006), pp. 118-131(14) - Nelson, James Lindemann.;
How Catherine Does Go On: Northanger Abbey and Moral Thought. In: Philosophy and Literature, (34:1), 2010, pp. 188-200(13) - Nolan-Grant, Candace.;
Jane Austen's Speech Acts and Language-Based Societies. In: SEL Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, (49:4), 2009, pp. 863-878(16) - Nowak, Tenille.;
Regina Maria Roche's 'Horrid' Novel: Echoes of Clermont in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 184-193(10) - O'Farrell, Mary Ann.;
Missing Jane Austen: Henry James Considers the Old Maid. In: The Henry James Review. Louisville: Winter 2006. Vol. 27, no. 1; pp. 1-9(9) - Oberman, Rachel Provenzano.;
Fused Voices: Narrated Monologue in Jane Austen's Emma. In: Nineteenth-Century Literature, (64:1), 2009, pp. 1-15(15) - Overman, Leee.;
Darcy and Emma: Austen's Ironic Meditation on Gender. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (31:), 2009, pp. 222-235(14)
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- Park, Suzie.;
Compulsory Narration, Sentimental Interface: Going through the Motions of Emotion. In: The Eighteenth Century 50.2-3 (2009): pp. 165-183(19) . Begins with a discussion of Austen's Sense and Sensibility, then focuses on Charlotte Smith's Emmeline: The Orphan of the Castle. - Parry, Sarah.;
The Pemberley Effect: Austen's Legacy to the Historic House Industry. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 113-122(10) - Potter, Dawn.;
In Defense of Dullness or Why Fanny Price Is My Favorite Austen Heroine. In: Sewanee Review, (116:4), 2008, pp. 611-618(8) - Raff, Sarah.;
Procrastination, melancholia, and the prehistory of Persuasion. In: Persuasions (29) [2007], pp.174-179(6) - Rand, Thomas.;
Emma and Twelfth Night. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 181-186(6) - Ray, Joan Klingel.;
Pride and Prejudice: The Tale Told by Lady Catherine's House. In: Explicator, (67:1), 2008, pp. 66-70(5) - Ray, Joan Klingel.;
The truth about Jane Austen and Tom Lefroy. In: Notes and Queries (53:3) 2006, pp. 311-314(4) - Ray, Joan Klingel.;
Victorians versus Victorians: Understanding 'Dear Aunt Jane'. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 38-52(15) - Reade, Simon.;
First Impressions: Adapting Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice Simon Reade. In: Restoration and 18th Century Theatre Research (24:2) [Winter 2009], pp. 83-87(5) - Robinson, Amy J.;
Margaret Oliphant's Miss Marjoribanks: A Victorian Emma. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 67-75(9) - Robinson, Peter.;
Captain Benwick's Reading. In: Essays in Criticism, 57.2 (2007): pp. 147-170(24) - Robinson, Terry F.;
'A Mere Skeleton of History': Reading Relics in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey. In: European Romantic Review 17 (2006): pp. 215-227(13) - Rovira, James.;
Receiving Austen and Scott. In: College Literature, (36:2), 2009, pp. 141-150(10) - Russell, Adam.;
Isabelle de Montolieu reads Anne Elliott's mind: free indirect discourse in La Famille Elliott. In: Persuasions (32) [2010], pp. 232-247(16)
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- Sabor, Peter.;
Brotherly and Sisterly Dedications in Jane Austen's Juvenilia. In: Persuasions 31 (2009): pp. 33-46(14) - Sadoff, Dianne F.;
Marketing Jane Austen at the Megaplex. In: Novel: A Forum on Fiction, (43:1), 2010, pp. 83-92(10). (In special issue: "Theories of the Novel Now, Part III".) . - Samuelian, Kristin Flieger.;
Managing Propriety for the Regency: Jane Austen Reads the Book. In: Studies in Romanticism, (48:2), 2009, pp. 279-297(19) - Schiffman, Robyn L.;
A Concert of Werthers. In: Eighteenth-Century Studies, 43.2 (2010): pp. 207-222(16) - Schonblom, Eric.;
Another Lady's Proposal: 'Sea-Bathing at Sanditon'. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 248-254(7) - Searle, Alison.;
The Moral Imagination: Biblical Imperatives, Narrative, and Hermeneutics in Pride and Prejudice. In: Renascence 59 (2006): pp. 17-32(16) - Shea, Alison.;
"I am a wild beast": Patricia Rozema's Forward Fanny. In: Persuasions, no. 28(2006), pp. 52-58(7) - Simmons, James R., Jr.;
Jack, Steven, and Jane: Austen's Domestic Discord and Patrick O'Brian's The Mauritius Command. In: ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews, (22:4), 2009, pp. 53-58(6) - Singh, Kirpal.;
The Austenisation of Sensibility & the Darcyfication of Jane Austen: A Reflection. In: Transnational Literature, (1:2), 2009, [no pagination]. 4 pp. (In special section: "Austen Abroad".) . - Slothouber, Linda.;
Elegance and Simplicity: Jane Austen and Wedgwood. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (31:), 2009, pp. 163-172(10) - Smith, Johanna M.;
The Oppositional Reader and Pride and Prejudice. In: Jane austen's Pride and Prejudice / Harold Bloom, editor. -- Updated ed. Infobase Publishing, 2007. (Bloom's modern critical interpretations). pp. 59-73(15) - Soni, Vivasvan.;
Committing Freedom: The Cultivation of Judgment in Rousseau's Emile and Austen's Pride and Prejudice. In: Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, (51:3), 2010, 363-387. (In special issue: "The Crisis of Judgment." English summary.) . - Southam, Brian C.;
Jane Austen beside the Seaside: An Introduction. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 167-172(6) - Southam, Brian C.;
Jane Austen's Englishness: Emma as National Tale. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 187-201(15) - Starcke, Bettina.;
The phraseology of Jane Austen's Persuasion: Phraseological units as carriers of meaning. In: ICAME Journal 30(2006): pp. 87-104(18) - Stasio, Michael J., and Kathryn Duncan.;
An Evolutionary Approach to Jane Austen: Prehistoric Preferences in Pride and Prejudice. In: Studies in the Novel 39.2 (2007): pp. 133-146(14) - Steele, Eliazbeth Jane.;
I'll Tell You What about Mansfield Park. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 180-183(4) - Steenkamp, Elzette.;
Janeites for a New Millennium: The Modernisation of Jane Austen on Film. In: Transnational Literature , (1:2), 2009, [no pagination]. 9 pp. (In special section: "Austen Abroad". Electronic publication.) . - Stohr, Karen.;
Practical Wisdom and Moral Imagination in Sense and Sensibility. In: Philosophy & Literature 30 (2006): pp. 378-394(17) - Stove, Judy.;
Instruction With Amusement: Jane Austen's Women of Sense. In: Renascence 60.1 (2007): pp. 3-16(14) - Stovel, Nora Foster.;
From Page to Screen: Dancing to the Altar in Recent Film Adaptations of Jane Austen's Novels. In: Persuasions, 28(2006), pp 185-198(14) - Stovel, Nora Foster.;
'Moral Seriousness with Comic Drama': Austen's Legacy of Life, Love, and Laughter to Carol Shields. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 88-100(13) - Strout, Sarah L.; Fisher, Maryanne L.; Kruger, Daniel J.: Steeleworthy, Lesley-Anne.;
Pride and Prejudice or Children and Creating? Jane Austen's Representation of Female Mating Strategies. In: Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology - ISSN 1933-5377 - Vol. 4(4). 2010, pp. 317-331(15) - Sturrock, June.;
Money, Morals, and Mansfield Park: The West Indies Revisited. In: Persuasions, no. 28(2006), pp. 176-184(9)
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- Tate, Margaret Watkins.;
Resources for Solitude: Proper Self-Sufficiency in Jane Austen. In: Philosophy and Literature, 31.2 (2007): pp. 323-343(21) - Tauchert, Ashley.;
Pride and Prejudice: "Lydia's Gape" . In: Jane austen's Pride and Prejudice / Harold Bloom, editor. -- Updated ed. Infobase Publishing, 2007. (Bloom's modern critical interpretations). pp. 205-226(22) - Tave, Stuart M.;
What Are Men to Rocks and Mountains? Pride and Prejudice. In: Jane austen's Pride and Prejudice / Harold Bloom, editor. -- Updated ed. Infobase Publishing, 2007. (Bloom's modern critical interpretations). pp. 7-33(27) - Tekcan, Rana.;
Notes on a Turkish Edition of Pride and Prejudice: An Editor's Perspective. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 235-240(6) - Thornell, Kristel.;
Film Adaptations of Emma between Agency and Submission. In: Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, (43:3), 2010, pp. 17-33(17) - Todd, Janet.:
The Anxiety of Emma. In: Persuasions (29) [2007], pp. 15-25(11) - Todd, Janet; Bree, Linda.;
Jane Austen's Unfinished Business. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 222-234 (13) - Toner, Anne.;
Jane Austen, Frances Sheridan, and the Ha-Ha: A New Affiliation for Mansfield Park. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (32:), 2010, pp. 224-231(8) - Tóth, Zsófia Anna.;
"Let me mend your pen, Mr Darcy": Lewd and Aggressive Women in Jane Austen's Fiction. In: Andrew C. Rouse, Gertrud Szamosi and Gabriella Vöö (ed). CrosSections Volume 2: Selected papers in literature and culture from the 9th HUSSE conference. Pécs: Molnár Nyomda és Kiadó, 2010, pp. 185-195(11)
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- Vallasek, Julia.;
The Voice of the Particular. Authorship and Reflections of Reality in Jane Austen's Correspondence. In: Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica, 2, 1 (2010), pp. 72-81(10) - Vallone, Lynne.;
History Girls: Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Historiography and the Case of Mary, Queen of Scots. In: Children's Literature: Annual of The Children's Literature Association and The Modern Language Association Division on Children's Literature , (36:), 2008, pp. 1-23(23) - Villasenor, Alice Marie.;
Edward Austen Knight's Godmersham Library and Jane Austen's Emma. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 79-88(10) - Viveash, Chris.;
James Stanier Clarke and the Firebrand. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 240-244(5) - Wallace, Tara Ghoshal.;
'It Must Be Done in London': The Suburbanization of Highbury. In: Persuasions 29 (2007): pp. 67-78(12) - Warhol, Robyn R.;
Narrative Refusals and Generic Transformation in Austen and James: What Doesn't Happen in Northanger Abbey and The Spoils of Poynton. In: Henry James Review 28.3 (2007): pp. 259-268(10) - Warner, William B.;
Resistance on the Circuit: The Novel in the Age of the Post. In: Novel: A Forum on Fiction, (43:1), 2010, pp. 169-175(7). (In special issue: "Theories of the Novel Now, Part III".) . - Welland, Freydis Jane.;
The History of Jane Austen's Writing Desk. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 125-134(10) - Wells, Juliette.;
Seeking Austen, from Abroad: Lori Smith's Memoir A Walk with Jane Austen (2007). In: Transnational Literature, (1:2), 2009, [no pagination]. 10 pp. (In special section: "Austen Abroad". Electronic publication.) . - Wells, Juliette.;
Shades of Austen in Ian McEwan's Atonement. In: Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, (30:), 2008, pp. 101-112(12) - Wenner, Barbara Britton.:
Exploring the world in Highbury. In: Persuasions (29) [2007], pp. 54-66(13) - Westman, Karin E.;
"Perspective, Memory, and Moral Authority: The Legacy of Jane Austen in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter." In: Children's Literature 35.1 (2007): pp. 145-165(21) - White, Laura Mooneyham.;
Beyond the Romantic Gypsy: Narrative Disruptions and Ironies in Austen's Emma. In: Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature, (44:3), 2008, pp. 305-327(23) - Whitting, Glenice Joy.;
Mainstream or margin? Epistolary writing by contemporary women: The warp, the weft and the loom. In: Margins and Mainstreams: Refereed conference papers of the 14th Annual AAWP Conference, (2009). 9 pp. - Wilkes, Christopher D.;
"The Sociology of Jane Austen: Social, Literary and Political Context" In: Social Jane: The Sociology of Jane Austen. Pre-print. (2009). 35 pp. - Wilson, Cheryl A.;
Bride and Prejudice: A Bollywood Comedy of Manners. In: Literature Film Quarterly 34 (2006): pp. 323-331(9) - Wiltshire, John.;
Exploring Mansfield Park: In the Footsteps of Fanny Price. In: Persuasions, no. 28(2006), pp. 81-100(20) - Winter, Sarah.;
The Novel and Prejudice. In: Novel: A Forum on Fiction, Vol. 43, No. 1, Theories of the Novel Now, Part III (Spring 2010), pp. 176-183(8) - Woloch, Alex.;
The Double Meaning of Character. In: Jane austen's Pride and Prejudice / Harold Bloom, editor. -- Updated ed. Infobase Publishing, 2007. (Bloom's modern critical interpretations). pp. 91-99(9) - Wootton, Sarah.;
The Byronic in Jane Austen's Persuasion and Pride and Prejudice. In: Modern Language Review 102.1 (2007): pp. 26-39(14) - Wright, Erika.;
Prevention as Narrative in Jane Austen's Mansfield Park. In: Studies in the Novel, (42:4), 2010, pp. 377-394(18)
[A/B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N/O] [P/R] [S] [T] [V/W] [X-Z]
- Xu, Runjiang; Li, Yucheng.;
Jane Austen and Imperialism-A Rereading of Pride and Prejudice. In: English Language Teaching, (2:4), 2009, pp. 184-187(4) - Yoder, Edwin M.;
Otelia's Umbrella: Jane Austen and Manners in a Small World. In: Sewanee Review, (116:4), 2008, pp. 605-611(7) - Yu, Xiaoping.;
Character-driven Theme Analysis in Pride and Prejudice. In: Journal of Language Teaching and Research, (1:5), 2010, pp. 678-681(4) - Zhang, Feng.;
A Brief Analysis on the Two Chinese Versions of Pride and Prejudice from the Perspective of Ideology. In: English Language Teaching, (3:3), 2010, pp. 194-197 (4) - Zirker, Angelika.;
'The Road to Happiness': Jane Austen's Mansfield Park. In: Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate, (20:2-3), 2010, pp. 131-154 (24) - Zlotnick, Susan.;
From Involuntary Object to Voluntary Spy: Female Agency, Novels, and the Marketplace in Northanger Abbey. In: Studies in the Novel, (41:3), 2009, pp. 277-292(16) - Zunshine, Lisa.;
Mind Plus: Sociocognitive Pleasures of Jane Austen's Novels. In: Studies in the Literary Imagination, (42:2), 2009, pp. 103-123(21) - Zunshine, Lisa.;
Why Jane Austen Was Different, and Why We May Need Cognitive Science to See It. In: Style 41.3 (2007): pp. 275-299(25)
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