Jane, Austen(ジェイン・オースティン)1775-1817 研究論文 IV
Jane, Austen(ジェイン・オースティン)研究の1991年から1999年に刊行された論文を紹介しています。
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Open Access Articles: こちら(To here)
- Alexander, Christine.;
The Prospect of Blaise: Landscape and Perception in Northanger Abbey. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 17-31(15) - Allen, Ward, David.;
Austen's Pride and Prejudice. In: The Explicator. Washington: Fall 1992. Vol. 51, no. 1; p. 18-19(2) - Alleva, Richard.;
Emma can read, too: 'Sense and Sensibility'. In: Commonweal. New York: Mar 8, 1996. Vol. 123, no. 5; p. 15-17(3) - Armstrong, Nancy.;
Captivity and cultural capital in the English novel. In: Novel. Providence: Summer 1998. Vol. 31, no. 3; p. 373-398(26) - Auerbach, Emily.;
'A Barkeeper entering the kingdom of heaven': Did Mark Twain really hate Jane Austen? In: The Virginia Quarterly Review. Charlottesville: Winter 1999. Vol. 75, no. 1; p. 109-120(12) - Auerbach, Emily.;
Jane Austen, Fanny Price and the Courage to Write. In: Persuasion, no. 17(1995), pp. 152-156(5) - Auerbach, Nina.;
Waiting Together: Pride and Prejudice. In: Austen, Jane., Pride and prejudice: an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews, essays in criticism/ edited by Dobald Gray. 2nd ed, 1993. pp. 336-348(13) - Austen-Leigh, Joan.;
Jane Austen: The French Connection. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 106-118(13) - Austen-Leigh, Joan.;
Jane Austen's Favourite Nephew. In: Persuasion, no. 18(1996), pp. 144-153(10) - Austen-Leigh, Joan.;
Two Queries Concerning Emma: Did Jane Austen Forget Mr. Knightley? Who Wrote Frank Churchill's "handsome letter" ? In: Persuasion, no. 18(1996), pp. 54-57(4) - Axelrad, Arthur M.;
No "Shiney" Rocks at Sanditon; or, R. W. Chapman's Generous Courtesy Saves the Day. In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 23-25(3)
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- Bander, Elaine.;
Emma and the Pique of Perfection. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 155-162(8) - Bander, Elaine.;
The Other Play in Mansfield Park: Shakespeare's Henry VIII. In: Persuasion, no. 17(1995), pp. 111-120(10) - Bander, Elaine.;
Sanditon, Northanger Abbey, and Camilla: Back to the Future? In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 195-204(10) - Bate, Jonathan.;
Culture and Environment: From Austen to Hardy. In: New Literary History. Baltimore: Summer 1999. Vol. 30, no. 3; pp. 541-560(20) - Bell, David.;
Here & There & Every Where: Is Sidney Parker the Intended Hero of Sanditon? In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 160-166(7) - Bell, Karen.;
The Stratford season. In: Performing Arts & Entertainment in Canada. Toronto: Aug 1999. Vol. 32, no. 3; p. 22-23(2) - Benson, Mary Margaret.;
Parasols & Gloves & Broches & Circulating Libraries. In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 205-210(6) - Benson, Robert.;
Jane Goes to Sanditon: An Eighteenth Century Lady in a Nineteenth Century Landscape. In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 211-218(8) - Bishop, Bernardine.;
Processes of love and separation in Jane Austen's mature work. In: British Journal of Psychotherapy, vol. 15, no. 1, 09/1998, pp. 80-89(10) - Bowden, Martha F.;
What Does Lady Bertram Do? In: English Language Notes. Boulder: Dec 1992. Vol. 30, no. 2; p. 30-33(4) - Boyd, Brian.;
Jane, Meet Charles: Literature, Evolution, and Human Nature. In: Philosophy and Literature 22 (1998): pp. 1-30(30) - Breihan, John and Caplan, Clive.;
Jane Austen and the Militia. In: Persuasion, No. 14, December 16, 1992, pp. 16-26(11) - Bristow, Catherine.;
Unlocking the Rape: An Analysis of Austen's Use of Pope's Symbolism in Sense and Sensibility. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 31-37(7) - Brodey, Inger Sigrun.;
Adventures of a Female Werther: Jane Austen's Revision of Sensibility. In: Philosophy and Literature 23 (1999): pp. 110-126(17) - Brodey, Inger S. B.;
Papas and Ha-has: Rebellion, Authority, and Landscaping in Mansfield Park. In: Persuasion, no. 17(1995), pp. 90-96(7) - Brodey, Inger Sigrun.;
Resorting and Consorting with Strangers: Jane Austen's Multiculturalism. In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 130-143(14) - Brodie, Laura Fairchild.;
Jane Austen and the Common Reader: 'Opinions of Mansfield Park,' 'Opinions of Emma,' and the Janeite Phenomenon. In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language, Vol. 37, No. 1, Aesthetic Histories (SPRING 1995), pp. 54-71(18) - Brodie, Laura Fairchild.;
Society and the Superfluous Female: Jane Austen's Treatment of Widowhood. In: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, vol. 34 (1994), pp. 697-718(22) - Browstein, Rachel M.;
England's Emma. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 224-241(18) - Brownstein, Rachel M.;
Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice. In: The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster. CUP, 1997. p. 32-57(26) - Brownstein, Rachel M.;
Romanticism, a Romance: Jane Austen and Lord Byron, 1813-1815. In: Persuasion No. 16, December 16, 1994, pp. 175-184(10) - Buonomo, Leonardo.;
Jane Austen's Novels: Façade and Character. In: Annali di Ca' Foscari, 35(1996), no. 1-2, pp. 5-27(23) - Burrows, John F.;
Style. In: The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster. CUP, 1997. pp. 170-188(19) - Butler, Marilyn.;
Jane Austen and the War of Ideas: Pride and Prejudice. In: Austen, Jane., Pride and prejudice: an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews, essays in criticism/ edited by Dobald Gray. 2nd ed, 1993. p. 328-336(9) - Butler, Marilyn.;
The purple turban and the flowering aloe tree: Signs of distinction in the early-nineteenth-century novel. In: Modern Language Quarterly. Seattle: Dec 1997. Vol. 58, no. 4; p. 475-495(21) - Byrne, P.;
'We Must Descend a Little': Mansfield Park and the Comic Theatre. In: Women's Writing, 5 (1998): pp. 91-102(12)
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- Cantor, Paul A.;
A Class Act: Persuasion and the Lingering Death of the Aristocracy. In: Philosophy and Literature 23 (1999): pp. 127-137(11) - Caplan, Clive.;
Jane Austen's Banker Brother: Henry Thomas Austen of Austen & Co., 1801-1816. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 69-90(22) - Caplan, Clive.;
Jane Austen's Soldier Brother: The Military Career of Captain Henry Thomas Austen. In: Persuasion, no. 18(1996), pp. 122-143(11) - Casal, Elvira.;
Motherhood and Reality in Northanger Abbey. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 146-153(8) - Cass, Jocelyn Creigh.;
In Defence of George Austen. In: Persuasion No. 16, December 16, 1994, pp. 55-62(8) - Clark, Lorna J.;
A Contemporary's View of Jane Austen. In: Notes and Queries, n.s. 43 (1996): pp. 418-420(3) - Clark, Lorna J.;
Jane Austen and Sarah Harriet Burney. In: Persuasion, no. 17(1995), pp. 16-25(10) - Clarke, David.;
What Smith did at Compton: Landscape Gardening, Humphrey Repton, and Mansfield Park. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 59-67(9) - Clarke, Stephen.;
Abbeys Real and Imagined: Northanger, Fonthill, and Aspects of the Gothic Revival. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 92-105(14) - Clausen, Christopher.;
Jane Austen: Change Her Mind. In: The American Scholar, 68(1992), no. 2, p. 89-99(11) - Cleere, Eileen.;
Reinvesting nieces: Mansfield Park and the economics of endogamy. In: Novel. Providence: Winter 1995. Vol. 28, no. 2; pp. 113-130(18) - Cliff, Kenneth S. & Whitbourn, Frank.;
Mr. Lock: Hatter to Jane Austen's Family. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 71-78(8) - Cohen, Monica F.;
Persuading the Navy home: Austen and married women's professional property. In: Novel. Providence: Spring 1996.Vol. 29, No. 3; p. 346-366(21) - Collins, Irene.;
Displeasing Pictures of Clergymen. In: Persuasion, no. 18(1996), pp. 109-119(11) - Collins, Irene.;
The Rev. Henry Tilney, Rector of Woodston. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 154-164(11) - Copeland, Edward.;
Money. In: The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster. CUP, 1997. pp. 131-148(18) - Copeland, Edward.;
Sanditon and "my Aunt": Jane Austen and the National Debt. In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 117-129(13) - Corley, T A B.;
The earliest non-family life of Jane Austen. In: Notes and Queries. London: Jun 1998. Vol. 45, no. 2; p. 187-188(2) - Corley, T A B.;
Jane Austen's 'Real, Honest, Old-Fashioned Boarding-School': Mrs. La Tournelle and Mrs. Goddard. In: Women's Writing, 5 (1998): pp. 113-130(18) - Croft, Sarah.;
Lady Catherine de Bourgh and Mrs. Elton in the Character of Emma Woodhouse. In: Persuasion, no. 18(1996), pp. 33-41(9) - Crowe, Marian E.;
G.K. Chesterton and the orthodox romance of Pride and Prejudice. In: Renascence. Milwaukee: Spring 1997. Vol. 49, no. 3; p. 209-221(13) - Curry, Jane.;
A New Kind of Pastoral: Anti-Development Satire in Sanditon. In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 167-176(10)
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- Dabundo, Laura.;
The Devil and Jane Austen: Elizabeth Bennet's Temptations in the Wilderness. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 53-58(6) - Deresiewicz, William.;
Community and cognition in Pride and Prejudice. In: ELH. Baltimore: Summer 1997. Vol. 64, no. 2; p. 503 -535(33) - Derry, Stephen.;
Emma, the Earthly Paradise, and The History of Nourjahad. In: Notes and Queries, n.s. 43 (1996): pp. 417-4I8(8) - Derry, Stephen.;
Freud, The Gothic, and Coat Symbolism in Northanger Abbey. In: Persuasion, no. 18(1996), pp. 49-53(5) - Derry, Stephen.;
Mansfield Park, Sterne's starling, and Bunyan's man of despair. In: Notes and Queries. London: Sep 1997. Vol. 44, no. 3; pp. 322-323(2) - Derry, Stephen.;
Robert Bage's Barham Downs and Sense and Sensibility. In: Notes and Queries, NS 41 (1994), pp. 325-326(2) - Derry, Stephen.;
Sources of Chapter Two of Sense and Sensibility. In: Persuasion No. 16, December 16, 1994, pp. 25-27(3) - Devereux, Cecily.;
"Much, Much beyond Impropriety": Ludic Subversions and the Limitations of Decorum in "Emma". In: Modern Language Studies, Vol. 25, No. 4 (Autumn, 1995), pp. 37-56(20) - Dillon, Brian.;
Circumventing the Biographical Subject: Jane Austen and the Critics. In: Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature. 1992, 46:4, pp. 213-221(9) - Doody, Margaret Anne.;
A Regency Walking Dress and Other Disguises: Jane Austen and the Big Novel. In: Persuasion No. 16, December 16, 1994, pp. 69-84(16) - Doody, Margaret Anne.;
The short fiction. In: The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster. CUP, 1997. pp. 84-99(16) - Duckworth, Alistair M.;
Jane Austen and the Construction of a Progressive Author -- Desire and Domestic Fiction by Nancy Armstrong / Jane Austen and the State by Mary Evans / Jane Austen by Claudia L. Johnson / and others. In: College English. Urbana: Jan 1991. Vol. 53, no. 1; p. 77-90(14) - Duckworth, Alistair M.;
Pride and Prejudice: The Reconstitution of Society. In: Austen, Jane., Pride and prejudice: an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews, essays in criticism/ edited by Dobald Gray. 2nd ed, 1993. p. 312-324(13) - Duckworth,William C. JR.;
Misreading Jane Austen: Henry James, Women Writers, and the Friendly Narrator. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 96-105(10) - Dussinger, John A.;
Parents Against Children: General Tilney as Gothic Monster. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 165-174(10)
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- Elizabeth, Smith, Amy.;
"Julias and Louisas": Austen's Northanger Abbey and the Sentimental Novel. In: English Language Notes. Boulder: Sep 1992. Vol. 30, no. 1; p. 33-42(10) - Erwin, Jacqueline M.;
Lady Bertram, Mrs. Norris and Mrs. Price: Place and Moral Identity in Mansfield Park. In: Persuasion, no. 17(1995), pp. 144-151(8) - Fergus, Jan.;
Male Whiners in Jane Austen's Novels. In: Persuasion, no. 18(1996), pp. 98-108(11) - Fergus, Jan.;
The professional woman writer. In: The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster. CUP, 1997. pp. 12-31(20) - Fletcher, L.;
Time and Mourning in Persuasion. In: Women's Writing, 5 (1998): pp. 81-90(10) - Flynn, Carol Houlihan.;
The letters. In: The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster. CUP, 1997. pp. 100-114(15) - Ford, Susan Allen.;
Romance, Pedagogy and Power: Jane Austen Re-writes Madame de Genlis. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 172-187(16) - Ford, Susan Allen.;
The Romance of Business and the Business of Romance: The Circulating Library and Novel-Reading in Sanditon. In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 177-186(10) - Fraiman, Susan.;
The Humiliation of Elizabeth Bennet. In: Austen, Jane., Pride and prejudice: an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews, essays in criticism/ edited by Dobald Gray. 2nd ed, 1993. p. 376-384(9) - Fraiman, Susan.;
Jane Austen and Edward Said: Gender, Culture, and Imperialism. In: Critical Inquiry. Chicago: Summer 1995. Vol. 21, no. 4; p. 805-821(17) - Fritzer, Penelope.;
Jane Austen in the high school classroom. In: Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. Newark: Feb 1996. Vol. 39, no. 5; pp. 398-399(2) - Fritzer, Penelope.;
Jane Austen's novels as a guide to social and individual responsibility for high school students. In: Adolescence. Roslyn Heights: Fall 1998. Vol. 33, no. 131; p. 597-600(4) - Frost, Cy.;
"Autocracy and the Matrix of Power: Issues of Propriety and Economics in the Work of Mary Wollstonecraft, Jane Austen, and Harriet Martineau. In: Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature. 1991 Fall, vol. 10: no. 2, p. 253-271(19) - Fulford, Tim.;
Romanticizing the empire: The naval heroes of Southey, Coleridge, Austen, and Marryat. In: Modern Language Quarterly. Seattle: Jun 1999. Vol. 60, no. 2; p. 161-196(36) - Fullerton, Susannah.;
We shall … call it Waterloo Crescent: Jane Austen's Art of Naming. In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 103-116(14)
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- Gallop, David.;
Jane Austen and the Aristotelian Ethic. In: Philosophy and Literature 23 (1999): pp. 96-109(14) - Galperin, William.;
The Theatre at Mansfield Park: From Classic to Romantic Once More. In: Eighteenth Century Life. 1992 Nov, Vol. 16: no. 3, p. 247-271(25) - Garson, Marjorie
Associationism and the Dialogue in Emma. In: Eighteenth-Century Fiction, vol. 10, no. 1, October 1997, pp. 79-100(22) - Gay, Penny.;
In the Gothic Theatre. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 175-184(10) - Gay, Penny.;
Pictures of perfection?: filming Jane Austen. In: Sydney Studies in English, vol. 23(1997), pp. 41 - 57(17) - Gay, Penny.;
Theatricality and the Theatricals in Mansfield Park. In: Persuasion, no. 17(1995), pp. 121-129(9) - Ghent, Dorothy Van.;
On Pride and Prejudice. In: Austen, Jane., Pride and prejudice: an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews, essays in criticism/ edited by Dobald Gray. 2nd ed, 1993. p. 303-312(10) - Gilson, David.;
Henry Austen's "Memoir of Miss Austen". In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 12-19(8) - Gilson, David.;
Jane Austen and Rhoda. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 21-30(10) - Gilson, David.;
Jane Austen and the Athenaeum Again. In: Persuasions No. 19, December 16, 1997, pp. 20-22(3) - Giotta, Peter C.;
Characterization in Mansfield Park: Tom Bertram and Colman's The Heir at Law. In: The Review of English Studies. Oxford: Nov 1998. Vol. 49, no. 196; p. 466-471(6) - Gordon, Hirsch.;
Shame, Pride and Prejudice: Jane Austen's Psychological Sophistication. In: Mosaic : a Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature. Winnipeg: Winter 1992. Vol. 25, no. 1; p. 63-78(16) - Graham, Kenneth W.;
The Case of the Petulant Patriarch. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 119-134(16) - Graves, David Andrew.;
Computer Analysis of Word Usage in Emma. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 203-211(9) - Greenfield, Susan C.;
Fanny's Misreading and the Misreading of Fanny: Women, Literature, and Interiority in Mansfield Park. In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 36 (1994), pp. 306-327(22) - Grossman, Jonathan H.;
The Labor of the Leisured in Emma: Class, Manners, and Austen. In: Nineteenth - Century Literature. Berkeley: Sep 1999. Vol. 54, no. 2; p. 143-164 (22) - Grundy, Isobel.;
Jane Austen and Literary Tradition. In: The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster. CUP, 1997. p. 189-210(22)
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- Hall, Lynda A.;
Jane Austen's Attractive Rogues: Willoughby, Wickham, and Frank Churchill. In: Persuasion, no. 18(1996), pp. 186-190(5) - Hale, John K.;
In Vain Have I Struggled": Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 34. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 79-82(4) - Hammond, Margaret C.;
Jemima Lucy Lefroy. In: Persuasion, No. 14, December 16, 1992, pp. 57-61(5) - Harris, H R.;
Jane Austen's venture into tragedy. In: Contemporary Review. Cheam: Jun 1998. Vol. 272, no. 1589; p. 314-318(5) - Havely, Cicely Palser.;
Emma: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman. In: English: The Journal of the English Association. 1993 Fall, Vol. 42:no. 174, p. 221-237(17) - Herbert, David.;
Place and Society in Jane Austen's England. In: Geography, Vol. 76, No. 3 (July 1991), pp. 193-208(16) - Heydt-Stevenson, Jill.;
'Unbecoming Conjunctions': Mourning the Loss of Landscape and Love in Persuasion. In: Eighteenth-Century Fiction 8 (1995): pp. 5l-71(21) - Hill, Reginald.;
Jane Austen: A Voyage of Discovery. In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 77-92(6) - Hipchen, Emily.;
My house … turned topsy-turvy": Order and Acting in The Loiterer and Mansfield Park. In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 31-35(5) - Hoberg, Thomas.;
Fanny in Fairyland: Mansfield Park and the Cinderella Legend. In: Persuasion, no. 17(1995), pp. 137-143(7) - Hopkinson, David.;
The Austens and North America 1809-1875. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 53-60(8) - Horwitz, Barbara.;
Women's Education During the Regency: Jane Austen's Quiet Rebellion. In: Persuasion No. 16, December 16, 1994, pp. 135-146(12)
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- Jager, Colin.;
Renouncing the Impossible, Wishing for Nothing in Emma. In: Persuasion, no. 17(1995), pp. 40-46(7) - James-Cavan, Kathleen.;
Closure and disclosure: The significance of conversation in Jane Austen's The Watsons. In: Studies in the Novel. Denton: Winter 1997. Vol. 29, no. 4; p. 437-452(16) - James-Cavan, Kathleen.;
Unvarying, warm admiration everywhere: The Truths about Wentworth Barbara K. Seeber. In: Persuasion No. 16, December 16, 1994, pp. 39-47(9) - Johnson, Claudia L.;
Austen Cults and Cultures. In: The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster. CUP, 1997. p. 211-226(16) - Johnson, Claudia L.;
Pride and Prejudice and the Pursuit of Happiness. In: Austen, Jane., Pride and prejudice: an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews, essays in criticism/ edited by Dobald Gray. 2nd ed, 1993. p. 367-376(10) - Johnson, Claudia L.;
The Divine Miss Jane: Jane Austen, Janeites, and the Discipline of Novel Studies. In: boundary 2, vol. 23(1996), no. 3, pp. 143-163(21) - Johnson, Claudia L.;
What Became of Jane Austen? Mansfield Park. In: Persuasion, no. 17(1995), pp. 59-70(12) - Johnston, Freya.;
Public and Private Space in Jane Austen. In: English 46 (1997): pp. 193-212(20) - Justice, George.;
Northanger Abbey as Anti-Courtship Novel. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 185-195(11)
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- Kaplan, Deborah.;
Domesticity at Sea: the Example of Charles and Fanny Austen. In: Persuasion, No. 14, December 16, 1992, pp. 113-121(9) - Kastely, James L.;
Persuasion: Jane Austen's philosophical rhetoric. In: Philosophy and Literature, Vol. 15, no. 1, April 1991, pp. 74-88(15) - Kaufmann, David.;
Law and Propriety, Sense and Sensibility: Austen on the Cusp of Modernity. In: ELH. Baltimore: Summer 1992. Vol. 59, no. 2; p. 385-408(24) - Kelly, Gary.;
Religion and politics. In: The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster. CUP, 1997. pp. 149-169(21) - Kent, Christopher A.;
The Imprudence of Being Prinny. In: Persuasion No. 16, December 16, 1994, pp. 85-94(10) - Kestner, Joseph A.;
Jane Austen: Revolutionizing Masculinities. In: Persuasion No. 16, December 16, 1994, pp. 147-160(14) - Kindred, Sheila J.:
From Puppet to Person: The Development of Catherine's Character in the Bath Chapters of Northanger Abbey. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 196-206(11) - Kirkham, Margaret.;
Edmund Bertram: A Politically Correct Hero? In: Persuasion, no. 17(1995), pp. 71-76(6) - Knox-Shaw, Peter.;
Northanger Abbey and the Liberal Historians. In: Essays in Criticism 49 (1999): no. 4, pp. 319-343(25) - Knox-Shaw, Peter.;
Persuasion, Byron, and the Turkish Tale. In: The Review of English Studies, Vol. 44(1993), no. 173, pp. 47 - 69(20) - Korba, Susan M.;
"Improper and dangerous distinctions": Female relationships and erotic domination in Emma. In: Studies in the Novel. Denton: Summer 1997. Vol. 29, no. 2; p. 139-163(25) - Kuwahara, Kuldip Kaur.;
Jane Austen's Mansfield Park, Property, and the British Empire. In: Persuasion, no. 17(1995), pp. 106-110(5) - Kuwahara, Kuldip Kaur.;
Sanditon, Empire, and the Sea: Circles of Influence, Wheels of Power. In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 144-148(5)
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- Lacour, ClaudiaBrodsky.;
Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Hegel's "Truth in Art": Concept, Reference, and History. In: ELH. Baltimore: Fall 1992. Vol. 59, no. 3; p. 597-623(27) - Lane, Maggie.;
The French Bread at Northanger. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 135-145(11) - Le Faye, Deirdre.;
Jane Austen and the 'Kalendar of Flora': Verses identified. In: Notes and Queries. London: Dec 1999. Vol. 46, no. 4; pp. 450-451(2) - Le Faye, Deirdre ;
Jane Austen's friend Mrs Barrett identified. In: Notes and Queries. London: Dec 1999. Vol. 46, no. 4; p. 451-454(4) - Le Faye, Deirdre.;
Jane Austen's Letters. In: Persuasion, No. 14, December 16, 1992, pp. 76-88(13) - Le Faye, Deirdre.;
Northanger Abbey and Mrs Allen's maxims. In: Notes and Queries. London: Dec 1999. Vol. 46, no. 4; p. 449-450(2) - Le Faye, Deirdre.;
Three missing Jane Austen songs. In: Notes and Queries. London: Dec 1999. Vol. 46, no. 4; p. 454-455(2) - Leclair, Annette M.;
Owning Her Work: Austen, the Artist, and the Audience in Emma. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 115-127(13) - Lee-Rifle, N. M.;
The Role of Country Dance in the Fiction of Jane Austen. In: Women's Writing 5 (1998): pp. 103-112(10) - Libin, Kathryn L. Shanks.;
"-a very elegant looking instrument-": Musical Symbols and Substance in Films of Jane Austen's Novels. In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 187-194(8) - Looser, Devoney.;
Jane Austen, Feminist Literary Criticism, and a Fourth "R": Reassessment. In: Persuasion No. 16, December 16, 1994, pp. 125-134(10) - Loveridge, Mark.;
Northanger Abbey; Or, Nature and Probability. In: Nineteenth-Century Literature, Vol. 46, No. 1 (Jun., 1991), pp. 1-29(29)
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- Mandal, Anthony.;
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"Dull Elves" and Feminists: A Summary of Feminist Criticism of Jane Austen. In: Persuasion, No. 14, December 16, 1992, pp. 39-45(7) - Marshall, Mary Gaither.;
Jane Austen's Legacy: Anna Lefroy's Manuscript of Sanditon. In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 226-228(3) - Marshall, Mary Gaither.;
Will Mrs. Norris Return to Harass Another Day? Continuations and Adaptations of Mansfield Park. In: Persuasion, no. 17(1995), pp. 157-166(10) - Martin, Ellen E.;
Book Burning in Chaucer and Austen. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 83-90(8) - Martin, Graham.;
Austen and Class. In: Women's Writing 5(1998): pp. 131-144(14) - Maskell, Duke.;
Education, Education, Education: or, What has Jane Austen to teach Tony Blunkett? In: Journal of Philosophy of Education, vol. 33, no. 2(1999), pp. 157 - 174(18) - Mathur, Piyush.;
The Archigenderic Territories: Mansfield Park and A Handful of Dust. In: Women's Writing 5(1998): pp. 71-80(10) - Mcdonald, Irene B.:
Contemporary Biography: Some Problems. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 61-68(8) - McMaster, Juliet.;
Class. In: The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster. CUP, 1997. pp. 115-130(16) - McMaster, Juliet.;
Clothing the Thought in the Word: The Speakers of Northanger Abbey. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 207-221(15) - McMaster, Juliet.;
The Children in Emma. In: Persuasion, No. 14, December 16, 1992, pp. 62-67(6) - McMaster, Juliet.;
The Talkers and Listeners of Mansfield Park. In: Persuasion, no. 17(1995), pp. 77-89(13) - McMaster, Juliet.;
The Watchers of Sanditon. In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 149-159(11) - Medalie, David.;
'Only as the event decides': Contingency in "Persuasion". In: Essays in Criticism. Oxford: Apr 1999. Vol. 49, no. 2; pp. 152-169 (18) - Merrett, Robert James.;
Consuming Modes in Northanger Abbey: Jane Austen's Economic View of Literary Nationalism. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 222-235(14) - Meyer, Rosalind S.;
Mr Knightley's education: Parallels in Emma. In: English Studies. Amsterdam: May 1998. Vol. 79, no. 3; p. 212-223 (12) - Miller, D A.;
Austen's attitude. In: The Yale Journal of Criticism. New Haven: Spring 1995. Vol. 8, no. 1; p. 1-5(5) - Moffat, Wendy.;
Identifying with Emma: Some Problems for the Feminist Reader. In: College English. Urbana: Jan 1991. Vol. 53, no. 1; pp. 45-58(14) - Moody, Ellen.;
A calendar for Sense and Sensibility. In: Philological Quarterly. Iowa City: Summer 1999. Vol. 78, no. 3; p. 301-334(34) - Morgan, Susan.;
Captain Wentworth, British Imperialism and Personal Romance. In: Persuasion, no. 18(1996), pp. 88-97(10) - Morgan, Susan.;
Letter Writing, Cassandra, and the Conventions of Romantic Love. In: Persuasion, No. 14, December 16, 1992, pp. 104-112(9) - Morgan, Susan.;
Perception and Pride and Prejudice. In: Austen, Jane., Pride and prejudice: an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews, essays in criticism/ edited by Dobald Gray. 2nd ed, 1993. p. 351-362(12) - Morrison, Paul.;
Enclosed in Openness: Northanger Abbey and the Domestic Carceral. In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language. Austin: Spring 1991. Vol. 33, no. 1; p. 1-23(23) - Mudrick, Marvin.;
Irony as Discovery in Pride and Prejudice. In: Austen, Jane., Pride and prejudice: an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews, essays in criticism/ edited by Dobald Gray. 2nd ed, 1993. p. 295-303(9) - Murray, Douglas.;
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Jane Austen, Hannah More, and the Novel of Education. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 15-20(6) - Neill, Edward.;
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The secret of Northanger Abbey. In: Essays in Criticism. Oxford: Jan 1997. Vol. 47, no. 1; p. 13-32(20) - Neill, Edward.;
'Une Affaire de Coeur': Jane Austen and Kierkegaard. In: Cambridge Quarterly 27 (1998): no. 2, pp. 148-158(11) - Neville-Sington, Pamela.;
Jane Austen and the Trollopes. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 44-49(6) - Nicolson, Nigel.;
Jane Austen's Houses in Fact and Fiction. In: Persuasion, No. 14, December 16, 1992, pp. 89-93(5) - O'Farrell, Mary Ann.;
Austen's Blush. In: Novel. Providence: Winter 1994. Vol. 27, no. 2; p. 125-139(15) - Palmer, Sally B.;
Austen's Mansfield Park. In: The Explicator. Washington: Summer 1998. Vol. 56, no. 4; p. 181-183(3) - Parker, Mark.;
The End of Emma: Drawing the boundaries of class in Austen. In: JEGP. Journal of English and Germanic Philology. Urbana: Jul 1992. Vol. 91, no. 3; p. 344-359(16) - Parrill, A. Sue.;
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A subdued gaiety: The comedy of Mansfield Park. In: Nineteenth - Century Literature. Berkeley: Jun 1993. Vol. 48, no. 1; p. 1-25(25) - Perry, Ruth.;
Austen and Empire: A Thinking Woman's Guide to British Imperialism. In: Persuasion No. 16, December 16, 1994, pp. 95-106(12) - Perry, Ruth.;
The contribution of gender to the evolution of the novel. In: Modern Language Quarterly. Seattle: Dec 1996. Vol. 57, no. 4; p. 633-743 (11) - Pici, Nick.;
A Heroine's Vision Undermined: Expectations, Disillusionment, and Initiation in Northanger Abbey. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 38-43(6) - Pidduck, Julianne.;
Of Windows and Country Walks: Frames of Space and Movement in 1990s Austen Adaptations. In: Screen 39 (1998): pp. 381-400(20) - Pinch, Adela.;
Lost in a Book: Jane Austen's "Persuasion". In: Studies in Romanticism, Vol. 32, No. 1 (Spring, 1993), pp. 97-117(21) - Preus, Nicholas.;
Power Houses and Polite Fiction. In: Persuasion, no. 17(1995), pp. 167-174(8)
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"Entering the World" of Regency Society: the Ballroom Scenes in Northanger Abbey, "The Watsons" and Mansfield Park. In: Persuasion No. 16, December 16, 1994, pp. 115-124(10) - Richards, Christine.;
Belief and Context Determinacy in Interpreting Fiction. In: Diacritics 28 (Summer 1998): pp. 81-93(13) - Rocker, William F.;
Regarding Mr. Spence. In: Persuasion, no. 17(1995), pp. 35-39(5) - Rogers, John E.;
Emma Woodhouse: Betrayed by Place. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 163-171(9) - Rogers, Pat.;
'Caro Sposo': Mrs. Elton, Burneys, Thrales, and Noels. In: Review of English Studies, NS 45 (1994), pp. 70-75(6) - Roy, Porter.;
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Male Novel Reading of the 1790s, Gothic Literature and Northanger Abbey. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 106-112(7) - Sedgwick, Eve.Kosofsky.;
Jane Austen and the Masturbating Girl. In: Critical Inquiry. Chicago: Summer 1991. Vol. 17, no. 4; p. 818-837(20) - Segal, Lore.;
The Uses of Story: Jane Austen on Our Unwillingness to Be Parted from Our Motey ). In: The Antioch Review 54 (1996): no. 2, pp. 133-139(7) - Shields, Carol & Giardini, Anne.;
Martians in Jane Austen. In: Persuasion, no. 18(1996), pp. 191-203(13) - Simons, J.;
Classics and Trash: Reading Austen in the 1990s. In: Women's Writing 5 (1998): pp. 27-40(14) - Simpson, David.;
'No one properly to talk to'. In: The Critical Quarterly. Hull: Summer 1999. Vol. 41, no. 2; p. 30-35(6) - Skinner, John.;
Exploring Space: The Constellations of Mansfield Park. In: Eighteenth-Century Fiction,Vol. 4. No. 2. January 1992, pp. 125-148(24) - Skwire, Daniel D.;
Actuarial Issues in the Novels of Jane Austen. In: North American Actuarial Journal, vol. 1, no. 1(1997), pp. 74-82(9) - Smith, Lesley.;
The Mouse Who Loved Jane Austen (Story). In: Persuasion, No. 14, December 16, 1992, pp. 47-52(6) - Smith, Peter.;
Jane Austen's Persuasion and the Secret Conspiracy. In: The Cambridge Quarterly 24 (1995): pp. 279-303(25) - Smith, Peter.;
Mansfield Park and the World Stage. In: The Cambridge Quarterly, 23 (1994), pp. 203-229(27) - Smith, Peter.;
Politics and Religion in Jane Austen's "Emma". In: The Cambridge Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 3 (1997), pp. 219-241 (23) - Southam, Brian.;
'An Easy Step to Silence': Jane Austen and the Political Context. In: Women's Writing 5 (1998): pp. 7-26(20) - Southam, Brian.;
Sir Charles Grandison and Jane Austen's Men. In: Persuasion, no. 18(1996), pp. 74-87(14) - Southward, David.;
Jane Austen and the Riches of Embarrassment. In: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 36 (1996): pp. 763-784(22) - Starcke, Bettina.;
The phraseology of Jane Austen's Persuasion: Phraseological units as carriers of meaning. In: ICAME Journal No. 30, pp. 87-104(18) - Stovel, Bruce.;
Further reading. In: The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster. CUP, 1997. pp. 227-243(17) - Stovel, Bruce.;
Northanger Abbey at the Movies. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 236-247(12) - Stovel, Nora Foster.;
Rebelling Against the Regency: Jane Austen and Margaret Drabble. In: Persuasion No. 16, December 16, 1994, pp. 161-174(14) - Sullivan, Zohreh T.;
Theory for the Untheoretical: Rereading and Reteaching Austen, Brontë, and Conrad. In: College English. Urbana: Sep 1991. Vol. 53, no. 5; p. 571-579(9) - Sutherland, Eileen.;
A little sea-bathing would set me up forever: The History and Development of the English Seaside Resorts. In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 60-76(16) - Sutherland, Eileen.;
Tithes and the Rural Clergyman in Jane Austen's England. In: Persuasion No. 16, December 16, 1994, pp. 48-54(7) - Sutherland, Eileen.;
To See Ourselves as Others See Us: Foreign Travellers in England. In: Persuasion, No. 14, December 16, 1992, pp. 27-38(12) - Sutherland, Kathryn.;
Jane Eyre's Literary History: The Case for Mansfield Park. In: ELH. 1992 Summer, 59:2, p. 409-440(32)
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Travels With Penelope. In: Persuasion, No. 14, December 16, 1992, pp. 94-103(10) - Terry, Judith.;
Sir Thomas Bertram's "Business in Antigua". In: Persuasion, no. 17(1995), pp. 97-105(9) - Terry, White. & Moffat, Wendy.;
A Comment on "Identifying with Emma"--Comment/Reply. In: College English. Urbana: Apr 1992. Vol. 54, no. 4; p. 469-473 (5) - Toohey, Elizabeth.;
Emma and the Countryside: Weather and a Place for a Walk. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 44-52(9) - Tracy, Laura.;
Relational Competence: Jane Austen's Persuasion. In: Persuasion, no. 18(1996), pp. 154-158(5) - Tsomondo, Thorell Porter.;
Temporal, Spatial, and Linguistic Configurations and the Geopolitics of Emma. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 188-202(15) - Ty, Eleanor.;
Catherine's Real and Imagined Fears: What Happens to Female Bodies in Gothic Castles. In: Persuasion, no. 20(1998), pp. 248-260(13) - Vick, Robin.;
Errors of Identification in the Indexes to Jane Austen's Letters. In: Notes and Queries, NS 41 (1994), pp. 322-323(2) - Vick, Robin.;
Jane Austen and Lord Howard. In: Notes and Queries, NS 41 (1994), pp. 324-325(2) - Vick, Robin.;
Jane Austen's 'Fly': Brother or Dog? In: Notes and Queries, NS 41 (1994), pp. 323-324(2) - Vick, Robin.;
Jane Austen's Letters: The Date of Numbers 108 and 109. In: Notes and Queries, NS 41 (1994), pp. 321-322(2) - Vick, Robin.;
Some Unexplained References in Jane Austen's Letters. In: Notes and Queries, NS 41 (1994), pp. 318-321(3) - Vivesh, Chris.;
Jane Austen and Timour, the Tartar. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 91-95(5) - Viveash, Chris.;
Jane Austen in Distinguished Company. In: Persuasion, no. 18(1996), pp. 31-34(4) - Viveash, Chris.;
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Lady Morley and the "Baron so Bold". In: Persuasion, No. 14, December 16, 1992, pp. 53-56(4) - Vorachek, Laura.;
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The British Postal Service, Privacy, and Jane Austen's Emma. In: South Atlantic Review 63(Fall 1998): no. 4, pp. 34-47(14) - White, Laura Mooneyham.;
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Structural Layering in Jane Austen's Problem Novels. In: Nineteenth-Century Literature, vol. 46(1992), no. 4, pp. 517 - 544(28) - Wilkes, Joanne.;
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The Hero and the Other Man in Jane Austen's Novels. In: Persuasion, no. 18(1996), pp. 182-185(4) - Wiltshire, John.;
Mansfield Park, Emma, Persuasion. In: The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster. CUP, 1997. p. 58-83(26) - Wiltshire, John.;
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Sickness and Silliness in Sanditon. In: Persuasion, no. 19(1997), pp. 93-102(10) - Wiltshire, John.;
The Hartfield Edition: Jane Austen and Shakespeare. In: Persuasion, no. 21(1999), pp. 212-223(12) - Wingard, Sara.;
Folks That Go A Pleasuring. In: Persuasion, No. 14, December 16, 1992, pp. 122-131(10) - Wolfe, Jesse.;
Jane Austen and the sin of pride. In: Renascence. Milwaukee: Winter 1999. Vol. 51, no. 2; p. 110-131(22) - Wood, James.;
The birth of inwardness. In: The New Republic. Washington: Aug 17-Aug 24, 1998. Vol. 219, no. 7/8; p. 25-28(4) - Wye, Margaret Enright.;
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