「エスニシティと教育(Ethnic / Racial Education)研究論文 (1)
2001-2009年の「Ethnic and Racial Education」に関する研究論文の紹介です。
[ 著編者別昇順リスト ]
- Adelore, Omobola; Majaro-Majesty, Henry.;
Literacy Teaching Method and Peace Building in Multi-Ethnic Communities of Nigeria. In: Australian Journal of Adult Learning, vol. 48(2008), no. 1, pp. 162-187(26) - Adler-Baeder, Francesca.; Kerpelman, Jennifer L.; Schramm, David G.; Higginbotham, Brian.; Paulk, Amber.;
The Impact of Relationship Education on Adolescents of Diverse Backgrounds. In: Family Relations. Minneapolis: Jul 2007. Vol. 56, no. 3; pp. 291-303 (13) - Ahmed, Patricia; Feliciano, Cynthia; Emigh, Rebecca Jean.;
Internal and External Ethnic Assessments in Eastern Europe. In: Social Forces, vol. 86, no. 1, Sep 2007, pp. 231-256(26) - Aikens, Nikki L.; Coleman, Cheri P.; Barbarin, Oscar A.;
Ethnic Differences in the Effects of Parental Depression on Preschool Children's Socioemotional Functioning. In: Social Development, vol. 17, no. 1, Feb 2008, pp. 137-160(24) - Aisenberg, Eugene.;
Evidence-Based Practice in Mental Health Care to Ethnic Minority Communities: Has Its Practice Fallen Short of Its Evidence? In: Social Work, vol. 53, no. 4, Oct 2008, pp. 297-306(10) - Alexiadou, Nafsika.;
United in Diversity? The Place of Religion in State Education in Europe and Greece. In: European Educational Research Journal, Vol. 5(2006), no. 1, pp. 71-76(6) - Alon, Sigal.
Overlapping disadvantages and the racial/Ethnic graduation gap among students attending selective institutions. In: Social Science Research. San Diego: Dec 2007. Vol. 36, no. 4; pp. 1475-1499(25) - Altshuler, Sandra J.; Schmautz, Tresa.;
No Hispanic Student Left Behind: The Consequences of "High Stakes" Testing. In: Children & Schools. Washington: Jan 2006. Vol. 28, no. 1; p. 5-14 (10) - Aluede, R.O.A.;
Regional Demands and Contemporary Educational Disparities in Nigeria. In: Journal of Social Science, vol. 13(2006), no. 3, pp. 183-189(7) - Amedahe, Francis K.; Owusu-Banahene, Nana Opoku.;
Sex differences in the forms of aggression among adolescent students in Ghana. In: Research in Education. Manchester: Nov 2007. Vol. 78; pp. 54-64 (11) - Anastas, Jeane W.; Kuerbis, Alexis N.;
Doctoral Education in Social Work: What We Know and What We Need to Know. In: Social Work. New York: Jan 2009. Vol. 54, no. 1; pp. 71-81 (11) - Anderson, Elizabeth.;
Fair Opportunity in Education: A Democratic Equality Perspective. In: Ethics, 117(2007): no. 4, pp. 595-622(28) - Andrews, Jane; Yee, Wan Ching.;
Children's "Funds of Knowledge" and Their Real Life Activities: Two Minority Ethnic Children Learning in Out-of-School Contexts in the UK. In: Educational Review, vol. 58, no. 4, Nov 2006, pp. 435-449(15) - Ann Oh, Su.; van der Stouwe, Marc.;
Education, Diversity, and Inclusion in Burmese Refugee Camps in Thailand. In: Comparative Education Review, 52(2008): no. 4, pp. 589-617(29) - Archer, Louise.;
The Impossibility of Minority Ethnic Educational "Success"? An Examination of the Discourses of Teachers and Pupils in British Secondary Schools. In: European Educational Research Journal, vol. 7(2008), no.1, pp. 89-107(19) - Arnott Margaret & Menter Ian.;
The Same but Different ? Post-devolution Regulation and Control in Education in Scotland and England. In: European Educational Research Journal, vol. 6(2007), no. 3, pp. 250-265(16) - Artiles, Alfredo J.; Kozleski, Elizabeth B.;
Beyond Convictions: Interrogating Culture, History, and Power in Inclusive Education. In: Language Arts. Urbana: Mar 2007. Vol. 84, no. 4; pp. 357-364 (8) - Astiz, M. Fernanda.;
The Challenges of Education for Citizenship: Local, National, and Global Spaces. In: Comparative Education Review, 51(2007): no. 1, pp. 116-124(9) - Atkinson, Richard C.; Pelfrey, Patricia A.;
Opportunity in a Democratic Society: Race and Economic Status in Higher Education1. In: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Philadelphia: Jun 2006. Vol. 150, no. 2; pp. 318-331 (14)
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- Baer, Judith C.; Schmitz, Mark F.;
Ethnic Differences in Trajectories of Family Cohesion for Mexican American and Non-Hispanic White Adolescents. In: Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 36, no. 4, May 2007, pp. 583-592(10) - Bechelloni, Orsetta.;
Bargaining to win: Feminine dealing with outsiders in a group of settled 'voyageurs'. In: Romani Studies. Cheverly: Dec 2006. Vol. 16, no. 2; pp. 169-190 (22) - Bellmore, Amy D.; Nishina, Adrienne; Witkow, Melissa R.; Graham, Sandra; Juvonen, Jaana.;
The Influence of Classroom Ethnic Composition on Same- and Other-Ethnicity Peer Nominations in Middle School. In: Social Development, vol. 16, no. 4, Nov 2007, pp. 720-740(21) - Benner, Aprile D.; Graham, Sandra.;
Navigating the Transition to Multi-Ethnic Urban High Schools: Changing Ethnic Congruence and Adolescents' School-Related Affect. In: Journal of Research on Adolescence, vol. 17, no. 1, Mar 2007, pp. 207-220(14) - Berhanu, Girma.;
Ethnic Minority Pupils in Swedish Schools: Some Trends in Over-Representation of Minority Pupils in Special Educational Programmes. In: International Journal of Special Education, vol. 23(2008), no. 3, pp. 17-29(13) - Bhatti, Ghazala.;
Ogbu and the debate on educational achievement: an exploration of the links between education, Migration, identity and belonging. In: Intercultural Education, Vol. 17, No. 2, May 2006, pp. 133-146(14) - Biedinger, Nicole.; Becker, Birgit.; Rohling, Inge.;
Early Ethnic Educational Inequality: The Influence of Duration of Preschool Attendance and Social Composition. In: European Sociological Review, April 2008; vol. 24: no. 2, pp. 243 - 256(14) - Blaque, Ellesia A.;
Blaque on Black: Teaching race in America's predominantly white universities. In: Steve Spencer., Reflections on Practice: Teaching 'Race & Ethnicity in Further and Higher Education. (C-SAP monograph, 2006, no. 6), Chapter 6. 21 pp. - Bodovski, Katerina.; Benavot, Aaron.;
Unequal Educational Outcomes among First-Generation Immigrants: the case of youth from the former Soviet Union in Israel. In: Research in Comparative and International Education, Vol. 1, no. 3, 2006, pp. 253-270(18) - Bollmer, Julie; Bethel, James; Garrison-Mogren, Roberta; Brauen, Marsha.;
Using the Risk Ratio to Assess Racial/Ethnic Disproportionality in Special Education at the School-District Level. In: Journal of Special Education, Journal Citation: vol. 41, no. 3, Fall 2007, pp. 186-198(13) - Borrell, Luisa N.; Dallo, Florence J.; White, Kellee.;
Education and Diabetes in a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Population. In: American Journal of Public Health. Washington: Sep 2006. Vol. 96, no. 9; pp. 1637-1642(6) - Borum, Valerie.;
The practice of teaching concepts of 'race' and Ethnicity: An Afro-feminist perspective. In: Steve Spencer., Reflections on Practice: Teaching 'Race & Ethnicity in Further and Higher Education. (C-SAP monograph, 2006, no. 6), Chapter 5. 16 pp. - Boulard, Garry.;
An Ethnic Studies Evolution. In: Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, vol. 23, no. 21, Nov 2006, pp. 30-32(3) - Britto, Piarebello.;
Who Am I? Ethnic Identity Formation of Arab Muslim Children in Contemporary U.S. Society. In: Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, vol. 47, no. 8, August 2008, pp. 853-857(5) - Brown, B. Bradford; Herman, Melissa; Hamm, Jill V.; Heck, Daniel J.;
Ethnicity and Image: Correlates of Crowd Affiliation among Ethnic Minority Youth. In: Child Development, vol. 79, no. 3, May-Jun 2008, pp. 529-546(18) - Brown, Clara Lee.;
Heritage Language and Ethnic Identity: A Case Study of Korean-American College Students. In: International Journal of Multicultural Education, Vol. 11(2009), No. 1, 16 pp. - Brown, Graham K.
Making Ethnic Citizens: The Politics and Practice of Education in Malaysia. In: International Journal of Educational Development, vol. 27, no. 3, May 2007, pp.318-330(13) - Brown, Susan K.;
Structural Assimilation Revisited: Mexican-Origin Nativity and Cross-Ethnic Primary Ties. In: Social Forces, vol. 85, no. 1, Sep 2006, pp. 75-92(18) - Brown, Susan K. & Hirschman, Charles.;
The End of Affirmative Action in Washington State and Its Impact on the Transition from High School to College. In: Sociology of Education. Albany: Apr 2006. Vol. 79, no. 2; p. 106-130 (25) - Brown, Tiffany L.; Krishnakumar, Ambika.;
Development and Validation of the Adolescent Racial and Ethnic Socialization Scale (ARESS) in African American Families. In: Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 36, no. 8, Nov 2007, pp. 1072-1085(14) - Brown, Tiffany L.; Linver, Miriam R.; Evans, Melanie; DeGennaro, Donna.;
African-American Parents' Racial and Ethnic Socialization and Adolescent Academic Grades: Teasing out the Role of Gender. In: Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 38, no. 2, Feb 2009, pp. 214-227(14) - Brown, Tiffany L.; Stewart, Pearl.; Goldfarb, Katia Paz.;
Can We Please Drop "Chapter3"? The Need to Intertwine Diversity Throughout Course Curriculum. In: Journal of Teaching in Marriage and Family, Vol. 6, 2006, pp. 1-27(27) - Bryan Mckinley Jones Brayboy, Angelina E. Castagno, and Emma Maughan.;
Equality and Justice For All? Examining Race in Education Scholarship. In: Review of Research in Education, 31(2007), pp. 159-194(36) - Burke, Deirdre.;
Learning and teaching about race and Ethnicity: the religious factor!, In: Teaching Race in Social Sciences. Edited by Max Farrar and Malcolm Todd. Sociology, Anthropology, Politics (CSAP), 2006, No. 5, Chapter 6: 14pp. - Byrne, Bridget.;
Not just class: towards an understanding of the whiteness of middle-class schooling choice. In: Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 32(2009), No. 3, pp. 424-441(18)
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- Caraballo, Limarys.;
Interest Convergence in Intergroup Education and Beyond: Rethinking Agendas in Multicultural Education. In: International Journal of Multicultural Education, Vol. 11(2009), No. 1, 15 pp. - Carr, Paul R.:
The "Equity Waltz" in Canada: Whiteness and the informal realities of racism in education. In: Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education, 2008, 3(2), pp. 4-23(20) - Caruthers, Loyce.;
Using Storytelling to Break the Silence That Binds Us to Sameness in Our Schools. In: The Journal of Negro Education. Washington: Fall 2006. Vol. 75, no. 4; pp. 661-675 (15) - Casa-Nova, Maria José; Seabra, Teresa; Mateus, Sandra; Caldeir, Rute.;
Migration and Ethnicity in the curricula of Portuguese public universities: Sociology and Anthropology degrees. In: Dr. Susie Jacobs., Pedagogies of Teaching Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education: British and European Experiences (C-SAP monograph, No. 7, 2006). Chapter 8. 18 pp. - Cavazos-Rehg, Patricia A.; DeLucia-Waack, Janice L.;
Education, Ethnic Identity, and Acculturation as Predictors of Self-Esteem in Latino Adolescents. In: Journal of Counseling and Development : JCD. Alexandria: Winter 2009. Vol. 87, no. 1; pp. 47-54 (8) - Cavenaugh, Brenda S.; Giesen, J. Martin; Steinman, Bernard A.;
Contextual Effects of Race or Ethnicity on Acceptance for Vocational Rehabilitation of Consumers Who Are Legally Blind. In: Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, vol. 100, no. 7, Jul 2006, pp. 425-436(12) - Chang, Esther S.; Chen, Chuansheng; Greenberger, Ellen; Dooley, David; Heckhausen, Jutta.;
What Do They Want in Life?: The Life Goals of a Multi-Ethnic, Multi-Generational Sample of High School Seniors. In: Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 35, no. 3, Jun 2006, pp. 302-313(12) - Channer, Yvonne.;
The personal is professional: peer interaction in racially separate group work. In: Steve Spencer., Reflections on Practice: Teaching 'Race & Ethnicity in Further and Higher Education. (C-SAP monograph, 2006, no. 6). Chapter 9: 16 pp. - Chaudhari, Prema; Pizzolato, Jane Elizabeth.;
Understanding the Epistemology of Ethnic Identity Development in Multi-Ethnic College Students. In: Journal of College Student Development, vol. 49, no. 5, Sep-Oct 2008, pp. 443-458(16) - Cheadle, Jacob E.;
Educational Investment, Family Context, and Children's Math and Reading Growth from Kindergarten Through the Third Grade. In: Sociology of Education. Albany: Jan 2008. Vol. 81, no. 1; p. 1-31(31) - Chen, Ching-shu.;
Quantitative Reasoning and Problem-Solving Strategy of Children in Different Ethnic Groups. In: US-China Education Review, vol. 6, no. 1, Jan 2009, pp. 12-18(7) - Chen, Minjie.;
Seeking Accurate Cultural Representation: Mahjong, World War II, and Ethnic Chinese in Multicultural Youth Literature. In: Multicultural Education, vol. 16, no. 3, Spr 2009, pp. 2-10(9) - Cheng, Simon; Martin, Leslie; Werum, Regina E.;
Adult Social Capital and Track Placement of Ethnic Groups in Germany. In: American Journal of Education, vol. 114, no. 1, Nov 2007, pp. 41-74(34) - Chizuko Konishi.;
Learning English as a Second Language: A Case Study of a Chinese Girl in an American Preschool. In: Childhood Education. Olney: 2007. Vol. 83, no. 5; pp. 267-272(6) - Clark, Mary Ann.; Breman, Jennifer Crandall.;
School Counselor Inclusion: A Collaborative Model to Provide Academic and Social-Emotional Support in the Classroom Setting. In: Journal of Counseling and Development : JCD. Alexandria: Winter 2009. Vol. 87, no. 1; pp. 6-11(6) - Closson, Rosemary B.; Henry, Wilma J.;
Racial and Ethnic Diversity at HBCUs: What Can Be Learned when Whites Are in the Minority? In: Multicultural Education, vol. 15, no. 4, Sum 2008, pp. 15-19(5) - Cohen, Yinon, Haberfeld, Yitchak and Kristal, Tali;
Ethnicity and mixed Ethnicity: Educational gaps among Israeli-born Jews. In: Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30(2007): no. 5, pp. 896- 917(22) - Colding, Bjørg.;
Ethnicity, gender and vocational education in Denmark. In: International Journal of Manpower. Bradford: 2006. Vol. 27, no. 4; pp. 342-357(16) - Cole, Mike.;
An education for the culture: critical race theory and Marxist perspectives. In: Race(ing) Forward: Transitions in theorising 'race' in education. Edited by Andrew Pilkington, Shirin Housee and Kevin Hylton. Sociology, Anthropology, Politics (CSAP), 2009. 258 pp. pp. 107-126(20) - Coll, Jose E.; Draves, Patrick R.;
An Examination of the Relationship between Optimism and Worldview among University Students. In: College Student Journal. Mobile: Jun 2008. Vol. 42, no. 2; Part A. pp. 395-401(7) - Coloma, Roland Sintos.;
All Immigrants are Mexicans, Only Blacks are Minorities, But Some of Us are Brave Race, Multiculturalism, and Postcolonial Studies in U.S. Education. In: Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, Vol. 24(2008), no. 1, pp. 32-46(15) - Colvin-Burque, Angie.; Zugazaga, Carole B.; Davis-Maye, Denise.;
Can Cultural Competence be Taught? Evaluating the Impact of the Soap Model. In: Journal of Social Work Education. Washington: Spring 2007. Vol. 43, no. 2; pp. 223-241 (19) - Conger, Dylan.; Schwartz, Amy Ellen.; Stiefel, Leanna.;
Immigrant and Native-Born Differences in School Stability and Special Education: Evidence from New York City. In: The International Migration Review. New York: Summer 2007. Vol. 41, no. 2; pp. 403-432 (30) - Cooper, Michelle Asha.;
Dreams Deferred? The Relationship between Early and Later Postsecondary Educational Aspirations among Racial/Ethnic Groups. In: Educational Policy, vol. 23(2009), no. 4, pp. 615-650(36) - Cooper, Paul.;
Supporting Minority Ethnic Children and Adolescents With Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Difficulties in the United Kingdom. In: Preventing School Failure. Washington: Winter 2006. Vol. 50, no. 2; pp. 21-28 (8) - Copenhaver-Johnson, Jeane.;
Talking to Children About Race. The Importance of Inviting Difficult Conversations. In: Childhood Education, vol. 83, no. 1, Fall 2006, pp. 12-22(11) - Cremin, Hilary & Warwick, Paul.;
Multiculturalism is Dead: long live community cohesion? A Case Study of an Educational Methodology to Empower Young People as Global Citizens. In: Research in Comparative and International Education, Vol. 3(2008), no. 1, pp. 36-49(14) - Cremonini, Leon; Westerheijden, Don; Enders, Jürgen.;
Disseminating the right information to the right audience: cultural determinants in the use (and misuse) of rankings. In: Higher Education, Vol. 55(2008), no. 3, pp. 373-385(13) - Crocetti, Elisabetta; Rubini, Monica; Luyckx, Koen; Meeus, Wim.;
Identity Formation in Early and Middle Adolescents from Various Ethnic Groups: From Three Dimensions to Five Statuses. In: Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 37, no. 8, Sep 2008, pp. 983-996(14) - Culpepper, Steven A.; Davenport, Ernest C.;
Assessing Differential Prediction of College Grades by Race/Ethnicity with a Multilevel Model. In: Journal of Educational Measurement, vol. 46, no. 2, Sum 2009, pp. 220-242(23) - Cumberbatch, Malcolm.;
Eurocentric approaches to the teaching of race and Ethnicity merely serve to reinforce the status quo. In: Steve Spencer., Reflections on Practice: Teaching 'Race & Ethnicity in Further and Higher Education. . (C-SAP monograph, 2006, no. 6), Chapter 7: 20 pp. - Cumberbatch, Malcolm.;
Multiculturalism is an essential part of the antiracist struggle. In: Race(ing) Forward: Transitions in theorising 'race' in education. Edited by Andrew Pilkington, Shirin Housee and Kevin Hylton. Sociology, Anthropology, Politics (CSAP), 2009. 258 pp. pp. 149-166(18)
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- David K.K. C.;
Revisiting Post-Colonial Education Development: Reflections on Some Critical Issues. In: Comparative Education Bulletin. Special Issue: Education and Development in Post-Colonial Societies. No.11(2008), pp. 21-36(16) - Denessen, Eddie; Bakker, Joep; Gierveld, Marieke.;
Multi-Ethnic Schools' Parental Involvement Policies and Practices. In: School Community Journal, vol. 17, no. 2, Fall-Win 2007, pp. 27-44(18) - Dennis, Jessica M.; Calvillo, Evelyn; Gonzalez, Alfredo.;
The Role of Psychosocial Variables in Understanding the Achievement and Retention of Transfer Students at an Ethnically Diverse Urban University. In: Journal of College Student Development, vol. 49, no. 6, Nov-Dec 2008, pp. 535-550(16) - Dhimar, Raj and Ashworth, Peter.;
Ethnic minority students: diversity and the practicalities of assessment regulations. In: Teaching Race in Social Sciences. Edited by Max Farrar and Malcolm Todd. Sociology, Anthropology, Politics (CSAP), 2006, No. 5, Chapter 3: 12pp. - Diane, Reay.;
Psychosocial Aspects of White Middle-Class Identities: Desiring and Defending against the Class and Ethnic 'Other' in Urban Multi-Ethnic Schooling. In: Sociology, Dec 2008. Vol. 42, no. 6; pp. 1072-1088(17) - Ding, Cody; Hall, Alice.;
Gender, Ethnicity, and Grade Differences in Perceptions of School Experiences among Adolescents. In: Studies in Educational Evaluation, vol. 33, no. 2, Jun 2007, pp. 159-174(16) - Driessen, Geert.; Sleegers, Peter.; Smit, Frederik.;
The Transition from Primary to Secondary Education: Meritocracy and Ethnicity. In: European Sociological Review, September 2008; vol. 24: no. 4, pp. 527-542(16) - Edl, Heather M.; Jones, Martin H.; Estell, David B.;
Ethnicity and English Proficiency: Teacher Perceptions of Academic and Interpersonal Competence in European American and Latino Students. In: School Psychology Review, vol. 37(2008), no. 1, pp. 38-45(8) - Efstathiou, Ioannis.;
Enhancing Students' Critical Awareness in a Second Chance School in Greece: Reality or Wishful Thinking? In: Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, vol.7. no.1, June 2009, pp. 382-405(24) - Eitle, Tamela McNulty; Eitle, David James.;
School Commitment and Alcohol Use: The Moderating Role of Race and Ethnicity. In: Education Policy Analysis Archives, vol. 15, no. 22, Dec 2007, pp. 1-20(20) - Ewing, Allison R.; Taylor, Angela R.;
The Role of Child Gender and Ethnicity in Teacher-Child Relationship Quality and Children's Behavioral Adjustment in Preschool. In: Early Childhood Research Quarterly, vol. 24(2009), no. 1, pp. 92-105(14)
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- Faas, Daniel.;
Constructing identities: the ethno-national and nationalistic identities of white and Turkish students in two English secondary schools. In: British Journal of Sociology of Education. Oxford: Jan 2008. Vol. 29, no. 1; p. 37-48(12) - Faas, Daniel.;
From Foreigner Pedagogy to Intercultural Education: an analysis of the German responses to diversity and its impact on schools and students. In: European Educational Research Journal, Vol. 7(2008), no. 1, pp. 108-123(16) - Farrar, Max.;
Thirty years of the changing same: Four lessons in teaching 'race'. In: Steve Spencer., Reflections on Practice: Teaching 'Race & Ethnicity in Further and Higher Education. (C-SAP monograph, 2006, no. 6), Chapter 1. 15 pp. - Fernández, Cecilia.;
The Dimensions of the Right to Education for Inclusion Throughout Life. In: Convergence. Toronto: 2006. Vol. 39, no. 2/3; pp. 109-121 (13) - Ferreira, Aparecida de Jesus.;
What has Race/Ethnicity got to do with EFL teaching?. In: Linguagem & Ensino,vol.10, no.1, ,jan./jun.2007, p.211-233(23) - Fischer, Mary J.;
Settling into Campus Life: Differences by Race/Ethnicity in College Involvement and Outcomes. In: Journal of Higher Education, vol. 78, no. 2, Mar-Apr 2007, pp. 125-161(37) - Flanagan, Constance A.; Syvertsen, Amy K.; Gill, Sukhdeep; Gallay, Leslie S.; Cumsille, Patricio.;
Ethnic Awareness, Prejudice, and Civic Commitments in Four Ethnic Groups of American Adolescents. In: Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 38, no. 4, Apr 2009, pp. 500-518(19) - Fletcher, Anne C.; Bridges, Tracey H.; Hunter, Andrea G.;
Managing Children's Friendships through Interparental Relationships: Roles of Ethnicity and Friendship Context. In: Journal of Marriage and Family, vol. 69, no. 5, Dec 2007, pp. 1135-1149(15) - Flores, Belinda Bustos.; Smith, Howard L.;
Teachers' Characteristics and Attitudinal Beliefs About Linguistic and Cultural Diversity. In: Bilingual Research Journal. Philadelphia: 2007/2008. Vol. 31, no. 1/2; pp. 323-358 (36) - Flores-Crespo, Pedro.;
Ethnicity, Identity and Educational Achievement in Mexico. In: International Journal of Educational Development, vol. 27, no. 3, May 2007, pp. 331-339(9) - Fram, Maryah Stella; Kim, Jinseok.;
Race/Ethnicity and the Start of Child Care: A Multi-Level Analysis of Factors Influencing First Child Care Experiences. In: Early Childhood Research Quarterly, vol. 23(2008), no. 4, pp. 575-590(16) - Fu, Vincent Kang.;
How Many Melting Pots? Intermarriage, Pan Ethnicity, and the Black/Non-Black Divide In the United States. In: Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Calgary: Spring 2007. Vol. 38, no. 2; pp. 215-240 (26) - Fuligni, Andrew J.; Kiang, Lisa; Witkow, Melissa R.; Baldelomar, Oscar.;
Stability and Change in Ethnic Labeling among Adolescents from Asian and Latin American Immigrant Families. In: Child Development, vol. 79, no. 4, Jul-Aug 2008, pp. 944-956(13)
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- Gabriel, John.;
Refugee Community Oral Histories: politics and pedagogy. In: Dr. Susie Jacobs., Pedagogies of Teaching Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education: British and European Experiences (C-SAP monograph, No. 7, 2006). Chapter 5. 13 pp. - Gaine, Chris.;
Race, Ethnicity and Difference versus Imagined Homogeneity within the European Union. In: European Educational Research Journal, vol. 7(2008), no. 1, pp. 23-38(16) - Gardner, Sandra.;
Today's Courts Re-Conceive Race and Ethnicity in College Aid and Admissions. In: Education Digest: Essential Readings Condensed for Quick Review, vol. 72, no. 5, Jan 2007, pp. 58-64(7) - Gavazzi, Stephen M.; Bostic, Jennifer M.; Lim, Ji-Young; Yarcheck, Courtney M.;
Examining the Impact of Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Family Factors on Mental Health Issues in a Sample of Court-Involved Youth. In: Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, vol. 34, no. 3, Jul 2008, pp. 353-368(16) - Gaylord-Harden, Noni K.; Ragsdale, Brian L.; Mandara, Jelani; Richards, Maryse H.; Petersen, Anne C.;
Perceived Support and Internalizing Symptoms in African American Adolescents: Self-Esteem and Ethnic Identity as Mediators. In: Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 36, no. 1, Jan 2007, pp. 77-88(12) - Giacchino-Baker, Rosalie.;
Educating Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam: Policies and Perspectives. In: Kappa Delta Pi Record, vol. 43, no. 4, Sum 2007, pp. 168-173(6) - Giambo, Debra; Gonzales, Maria Elizabeth; Szecsi, Tunde; Thirumurthy, Vidya.;
Beyond Johnny Appleseed: Learning English as a New Language through Ethnically Diverse Literature. In: Childhood Education, vol. 83, no. 2, Win 2006, pp. 104-107(4) - Gillborn, David.;
Burning down the house? Refuting the myths and recognising the promise of critical race theory. In: Race(ing) Forward: Transitions in theorising 'race' in education. Edited by Andrew Pilkington, Shirin Housee and Kevin Hylton. Sociology, Anthropology, Politics (CSAP), 2009. 258 pp. pp. 59-85(27) - Glick, Jennifer E.; Ruf, Stacey D.; White, Michael J.; Goldscheider, Frances K.;
Educational Engagement and Early Family Formation: Differences by Ethnicity and Generation. In: Social Forces, vol. 84, no. 3, Mar 2006, pp. 1391-1415(25) - Goldsmith, Pat António.;
Learning to Understanding Inequality and Diversity: Getting Students Past Ideologies. In: Teaching Sociology. Beverly Hills: Jul 2006. Vol. 34, no. 3; p. 263-277 (15) - Goldsmith, Pat Rubio.;
Schools or Neighborhoods or Both? Race and Ethnic Segregation and Educational Attainment. In: Social Forces, vol. 87, no. 4, Jun 2009, pp. 1913-1941(29) - Goldstone, Brian.;
Dilemmas of Culture in African Schools: Youth, Nationalism, and the Transformation of Knowledge. In: Anthropological Quarterly. Washington: Winter 2006. Vol. 79, no. 1; pp. 159-164(6) - Gomolla, Mechtild.;
Tackling underachievement of learners from Ethnic minorities: A comparison of recent policies of school improvement in Germany, England and Switzerland. In: Current Issues in Comparative Education, Vol. 9(2006), no. 1, pp. 46-59(14) - Grabe, Shelly; Hyde, Janet Shibley.;
Ethnicity and Body Dissatisfaction among Women in the United States: A Meta-Analysis. In: Psychological Bulletin, vol. 132, no. 4, Jul 2006, pp. 622-640(19) - Graham, Anthony; Anderson, Kenneth A.;
"I Have to Be Three Steps Ahead": Academically Gifted African American Male Students in an Urban High School on the Tension between an Ethnic and Academic Identity. In: Urban Review: Issues and Ideas in Public Education, vol. 40, no. 5, Dec 2008, pp. 472-499(28) - Graham, Sandra; Bellmore, Amy; Nishina, Adrienne; Juvonen, Jaana.;
"It Must Be 'Me'": Ethnic Diversity and Attributions for Peer Victimization in Middle School. In: Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 38, no. 4, Apr 2009, pp. 487-499(13) - Grimm, Robert.;
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It's not 'cos I'm black or brown or female: but 'cos I know the stuff of 'race and racism. In: Dr. Susie Jacobs., Pedagogies of Teaching Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education: British and European Experiences (C-SAP monograph, No. 7, 2006). Chapter 3. 15 pp. - Housee, Shirin.;
'Let's talk the race talk': using inclusive and engaging teaching strategies in class. In: Race(ing) Forward: Transitions in theorising 'race' in education. Edited by Andrew Pilkington, Shirin Housee and Kevin Hylton. Sociology, Anthropology, Politics (CSAP), 2009. 258 pp. pp. 127-145(19) - Howell, Brian M.;
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Critical race theory: an extended introduction. In: Race(ing) Forward: Transitions in theorising 'race' in education. Edited by Andrew Pilkington, Shirin Housee and Kevin Hylton. Sociology, Anthropology, Politics (CSAP), 2009. 258 pp. pp. 86-106(21) - Ilett, Darren.;
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Introduction. In: Dr. Susie Jacobs., Pedagogies of Teaching Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education: British and European Experiences (C-SAP monograph, No. 7, 2006). 8 pp. - Jacobs, Susie; Gabriel, John; Housee, Shirin; Ramadani, Sami.;
The Teaching of 'Race' and Ethnicity in UK Higher Education: findings of the Pedagogies Project. In: Dr. Susie Jacobs., Pedagogies of Teaching Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education: British and European Experiences (C-SAP monograph, No. 7, 2006). Chapter 1. 34 pp. - Jacobs, Susie & Tate, Shirley.;
In conversation. In: Dr. Susie Jacobs., Pedagogies of Teaching Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education: British and European Experiences (C-SAP monograph, No. 7, 2006). Chapter 4. 11 pp. - Jao, Jui-Chang ; Mckeever, Matthew.;
Ethnic inequalities and educational attainment in Taiwan. In: Sociology of education, 2006, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 131-152(22) - Jiménez, Tomás R.;
Mexican Immigrant Replenishment and the Continuing Significance of Ethnicity and Race. In: American Journal of Sociology, 113(2008): no. 6, pp. 1527-1567(41) - Johnson, Dawn R.; Soldner, Mathew; Leonard, Jeannie Brown; Alvarez, Patty; Inkelas, Karen Kurotsuchi; Rowan-Kenyon, Heather; Longerbeam, Susan.;
Examining Sense of Belonging among First-Year Undergraduates from Different Racial/Ethnic Groups. In: Journal of College Student Development, vol. 48, no. 5, Sep-Oct 2007, pp. 525-542(18) - Jones, Matthew D.; Galliher, Renee V.;
Ethnic Identity and Psychosocial Functioning in Navajo Adolescents. In: Journal of Research on Adolescence, vol. 17, no. 4, Dec 2007, p p. 683-696(14) - Keller, Ursula.; Tillman, Kathryn Harker.;
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Changing audiences, changing contexts: reflections on 37 years with students looking at 'race' issues. In: Teaching Race in Social Sciences. Edited by Max Farrar and Malcolm Todd. Sociology, Anthropology, Politics (CSAP), 2006, No. 5, Chapter 1. 19 pp. - Klos, Maureen L.;
Using Cultural Identity to Improve Learning. In: The Educational Forum, Summer 2006. Vol. 70, no. 4; pp. 363-370(8) - Kö:rner, Barbara & Garrard, Diane.;
'Is it wrong to be racist?' Dealing with emotion and discomfort in classroom discussions of 'race' and Ethnicity. In: Steve Spencer., Reflections on Practice: Teaching 'Race & Ethnicity in Further and Higher Education. (C-SAP monograph, 2006, no. 6), Chapter 2: 34 pp. - Krasteva, Anna & Jilev, Elena.;
Teaching Ethnicity and Migration in Bulgarian Universities. In: Dr. Susie Jacobs., Pedagogies of Teaching Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education: British and European Experiences (C-SAP monograph, No. 7, 2006). Chapter 7. 19 pp.
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The Ethnicity of Adolescent Research. In: Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 36, no. 4, May 2007, pp. 375-389(15) - Lewis, Joan D.; DeCamp-Fritson, Stephanie S.; Ramage, Jean C.; McFarland, Max A.; Archwamety, Teara.;
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Racial/Ethnic Group and Socioeconomic Status Variation in Educational and Occupational Expectations from Adolescence to Adulthood. In: Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, vol. 30, no. 4, Jul-Aug 2008, pp. 494-504(11) - Mirza, Heidi Safia.;
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Subjective Well-Being, Poverty and Ethnicity in South Africa: Insights from an Exploratory Analysis. In: Social Indicators Research, vol. 80, no. 2, Jan 2007, pp. 313-341(29) - Neuberger, Benyamin.;
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Breaking the Silence: Sexual Orientation in Social Work Field Education. In: Journal of Social Work Education. Washington: Winter 2009. Vol. 45, no. 1; pp. 7-27 (21) - Ng, Minna; Ciaramitaro, Vivian M.; Anstis, Stuart; Boynton, Geoffrey M.; Fine, Ione.;
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Social cohesion in a diverse society: human rights, nationalism and multiculturalism. In: Race(ing) Forward: Transitions in theorising 'race' in education. Edited by Andrew Pilkington, Shirin Housee and Kevin Hylton. Sociology, Anthropology, Politics (CSAP), 2009. 258 pp. pp. 206-223(18) - Okagaki, Lynn; Helling, Mary Kay; Bingham, Gary E.;
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Introduction. Race(ing) forward: critical race theory and multiculturalism. In: Race(ing) Forward: Transitions in theorising 'race' in education. Edited by Andrew Pilkington, Shirin Housee and Kevin Hylton. Sociology, Anthropology, Politics (CSAP), 2009. 258 pp. pp. 15-23(9) - Pitre, Paul E.;
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