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ミシェル・フーコー/ Michel Foucault (1926-1984) 研究論文(2)

 ミシェル・フーコーMichel Foucault)研究の2008-2010年に英語で書かれた論文のご案内です。
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  第1集: 2011-2013 ; 第3集: 2005-2007 ?; 第4集: 2001-2004 ?; 第5集: 1996-2000 ?; 第6集: 1991-1995 ?;

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  1. Abélès, Marc.;
    Foucalt and political anthropology. In: International Social Science Journal, Vol. 59, Issue 191, March 2008, pp. 59-68(10)

  2. Aggarwal, Neil Krishan.;
    Foucalt, Forensic Psychiatry, and the First Involuntary Commitment.. In: The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Dec 2010; 38: pp. 594 - 596(3)

  3. Ahl, Helene.;
    Motivation theory as power in disguise. In: Fejes, A., & Nicoll, K. (Eds.)., Foucault and lifelong learning: Governing the subject. London: Routledge. (2008). pp. 151-163(13)

  4. Alessandrini, Anthony C.;
    The Humanism Effect: Fanon, Foucault, and Ethics without Subjects. In: Foucault Studies, no. 7, September 2009, pp. 64-80(17)

  5. Allen, Amy.;
    Discourse, Power and Subjectivation: The Foucault/Habermas Debate Reconsidered. In: The Philosophical Forum, vol. 40 issue 1 March 2009. pp. 1-28(28) ISSN: 0031-806X

  6. Allen, Amy.;
    The Entanglement of Power and Validity: Foucault and Critical Theory. In: Foucault and philosophy/edited by Timothy O'Leary & Christopher Falzon. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010. ISBN 978-1-4051-8960-6; pp. 78-98(21)

  7. Allen, Ansgar.;
    The Foucauldian Peacekeeper: On the Dispersion of Power and the Futility of Change. In: Power and Education 1 (2) 2009, 16 pp.

  8. Allen, Barry.;
    After knowledge and liberty: Foucault and the new pragmatism. In: Foucault's legacy/edited by C. G. Prado. Continuum, 2009. ISBN-10: 1-8470-6595-3; pp. 68-89(22)

  9. Allen, Barry.;
    Foucalt's Theory of Knowledge. In: Foucault and philosophy/edited by Timothy O'Leary & Christopher Falzon. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010. ISBN 978-1-4051-8960-6; pp. 143-161(19)

  10. Ambord, Daniel Whitcomb.;
    Wrong Turns on the Way to the Graveyard: The Death of Man and the Status of the Subject in Foucault Studies. In: Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy, 13 (2009): pp. 53-66(14)

  11. Alderson, Christopher.;
    The Birth of Canadian Border Security/Border Securite. In: A Foucault for the 21st Century:Governmentality, Biopolitics and Disciplinein the New Millennium. Edited by Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2078-4; pp. 203-220(18)

  12. Allweil, Yael & Kallus, Rachel.;
    Public-space heterotopias: heterotopias of masculinity along the Tel Aviv shoreline. In: Heterotopia and the city: public space in a postcivil society/ edited by Michiel Dehaene and Lieven De Cauter Routledge, 2008/ ISBN10: 0-415-42288-4; pp. 191-201(11)

  13. Anderson, Kay & Perrin, Colin.;
    Beyond savagery The Limits of Australian 'Aboriginalism. In: Cultural Studies Review, vol. 14(2008), no. 2, pp. 147-169(23)

  14. Arghire, Cristiana.;
    Ethics and Politics. In: HERMENEIA. Journal of Hermeneutics, Art Theory and Criticism. Nr. 10/2010, pp. 60-65(6)

  15. Armstrong, Aurelia.;
    Beyond Resistance: a response to Žižek's critique of Foucault's subject of freedom. In: Parrhesia, no. 5(2008), pp. 19-31(13)

  16. Armstrong, David.;
    Review Essay: The subject and the social in medicine: an appreciation of Michel FoucaultIn: Sociology of Health & Illness, Vol. 7, Issue 1, 28 JUN 2008, pp. 108-117(10)

  17. Auvinen, Tero.;
    At the Intersection of Sovereignty and Biopolitics: The Di-Polaric Spatializations of Money. In: Foucault Studies, no. 9, September 2010, pp. 5-34(30)

  18. Avelino, Flor & Rotmans, Jan.;
    Power in Transition: An Interdisciplinary Framework to Study Power in Relation to Structural Change. In: European Journal of Social Theory, 2009; 12; pp. 543-569(27)

  19. Ayyash, Mark Muhannad.;
    Edward Said: Writing in Exile. In: Comparative Studies of South Asia Africa and the Middle East, Jan 2010; 30: pp. 107 - 118(12)

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  20. Babich, Babette E.;
    A philosophical shock: Foucault reading Nietzsche, reading Heidegger. In: Foucault's legacy/edited by C. G. Prado. Continuum, 2009. ISBN-10: 1-8470-6595-3; pp. 19-41(23)

  21. Balan, Neil.;
    A Corrective for Cultural Studies: Beyond the Militarization Thesis to the New Military Intelligence. In: TOPIA, 23-24(2010), pp. 144-177(34)

  22. Bălan, Sergiu.;
    M. Foucault's View on Power Relations. In: Cogito 2.2 (Jun 2010): pp. 55-61(7)

  23. Ball, Matthew.:
    Foucalt goes to law school: using Foucault to examine Australian legal education. In: Foucault: 25 years on A conference hosted by the Centre for Post-colonial and Globalisation Studies, Adelaide, 25 June 2009. Proceedings. Edited by Ian Goodwin-Smith. Routledge, 2009. ISBN 978-0-86803-827-8; 9 pp.

  24. Bannister, Matthew.;
    "I'm Set Free . . . ": The VelvetUnderground, 1960s Counterculture,and Michel FoucaultIn: Popular Music and Society, Vol. 33, No. 2, May 2010, pp. 163-178(16)

  25. Barker-Ruchti, Natalie & Tinning, Richard.;
    Foucalt in Leotards: Corporeal Discipline in Women's Artistic Gymnastics. In: Sociology of Sport Journal, 27(2010), pp. 229-250(22)

  26. Barnett, Clive; Clarke, Nick; Cloke, Paul and Malpass, Alice.;
    The elusive subjects of neo-liberalism. In: Cultural Studies, 22(2008). no. 5, pp. 624-653(30)

  27. Bazac, Ana.;
    What means ontology of the human? (Following some remarks of Derrida and, via Habermas, of Foucault). In: Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Seria: Filosofie, Nr. 21(1/2008), pp. 39-48(10)

  28. Bean, Hamilton.;
    Foucalt's Rhetorical Theory and U.S. Intelligence Affairs. In: Poroi, 6, Iss. 2 (2009): pp. 15-32(18)

  29. Beaulieu, Alain & Fillion, Real.;
    Michel Foucault, History of Madness, translated by Jonathan Murphy and Jean Khalfa (London/New York: Routledge, 2006). [Review essays]. In: Foucault Studies, no. 5, January 2008, pp. 74-89(16)

  30. Beaulieu, Alain.;
    Review essays, Michel Foucault, Le Gouvernement de soi et des autres. Cours au College de France 1982-1983 (Paris: Gallimard/Seuil, 2008), ISBN: 978-2020658690 & Michel Foucault, Le Courage de la verite. Le Gouvernement de soi et des autres II. Cours au College de France 1984 (Paris: Gallimard/Seuil, 2009), ISBN: 978-2020658706. In: Foucault Studies, no. 8, February 2010, pp. 136-145(10)

  31. Behi, Kambiz.;
    The "Real" in Resistance: Transgression of Law as Ethical Act. In: Harvard Unbound; 2008, Vol. 4(2008) Issue 1, pp. 30-50(21)

  32. Behrent, Michael C.;
    Accidents Happen: François Ewald, the "Antirevolutionary" Foucault, and the Intellectual Politics of the French Welfare State. In: The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 82, No. 3 (September 2010) , pp. 585-624(40)

  33. Behrent, Michael C.;
    Liberalism without Humanism: Michel Foucault and the Free-Market Creed, 1976-1979. In: Modern Intellectual History, vol. 6 issue 3 November 2009. pp. 539-568(30) ISSN: 1479-2443

  34. Behrent, Michael C.;
    A Seventies Thing: On the Limits of Foucault's Neoliberalism Course for Understanding the Present. In: A Foucault for the 21st Century:Governmentality, Biopolitics and Disciplinein the New Millennium. Edited by Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2078-4; pp. 16-29(14)

  35. Belavusau, Uladzislau.;
    Art, Pornography and Foucauldian Reconstruction of comparative law. In: Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, Vol. 17(2010), No. 3, pp. 252-280(29)

  36. Berg, L.D.;
    Discourse Analysis. In: The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Volume 3, R. Kitchin and N. Thrift, eds. Elsevier Publishing, 2009. pp. 215-221(7)

  37. Berglund, Gun.;
    Pathologizing and medicalizing lifelong learning: a deconstruction. In: Fejes, A., & Nicoll, K. (Eds.)., Foucault and lifelong learning: Governing the subject. London: Routledge. (2008). pp. 138-149(12)

  38. Bernasconi, Oriana.;
    Being Decent,BeingAuthentic:The Moral Self in Shifting Discourses of Sexuality acrossThree Generations of Chilean Women. In: Sociology, Volume 44(5): October 2010, pp. 860-875(16)

  39. Bernauer, James.;
    Secular self-sacri! ce: on Michel Foucault's courses at the Collège de France. In: Foucault's legacy/edited by C. G. Prado. Continuum, 2009. ISBN-10: 1-8470-6595-3; pp. 146-160(15)

  40. Beukes, Johann.;
    Hamartia: Foucault And Iran 1978/1979 (1: Introduction and Texts). In: HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies, Vol. 65(2009), No. 1 , pp. 101-115(15)

  41. Beukes, J.;
    Hamartia: Foucault And Iran 1978-1979 (2: Scholarship and significance). In: HTS Theological Studies/Teologiese Studies, Vol 65, No 1 (2009), pp. 116-125(10)

  42. Bevir, Mark.;
    Rethinking Governmentality: Towards Genealogies of Governance. In: European Journal of Social Theory, 2010 13: pp. 423-441(19)

  43. Bevir, Mark.;
    What is Genealogy?. In: Journal of the Philosophy of History, 2(2008), pp. 263-275(13)

  44. Bielskis, Andrius.;
    Power, History and Genealogy: Friedrich Nietzsche and Michel FoucaultIn: Problemos, 75(2009), pp. 73-84(12)

  45. Biesta, Gert.;
    Encountering Foucault in lifelong learning. In: Fejes, A., & Nicoll, K. (Eds.)., Foucault and lifelong learning: Governing the subject. London: Routledge. (2008). pp. 193-205(13)

  46. Biesta, Gert.;
    Toward a New "Logic" of Emancipation: Foucault and Ranciere. In: Philosophy of Education, 2008, pp. 169-177(9)

  47. Bigo, Didier.;
    Security: A Field Left Fallow. In: Foucault on Politics, Security and War. M. Dillon and A. W. Neal. London, Palgrave Macmillan (2008)., pp. 93-114(22)

  48. Binkley, Sam.;
    Introduction. In: A Foucault for the 21st Century:Governmentality, Biopolitics and Disciplinein the New Millennium. Edited by Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2078-4; pp. xi-xix(9)

  49. Binkley, Sam.;
    The Work of Neoliberal Governmentality: Temporality and Ethical Substance in the Tale of Two Dads. In: Foucault Studies, no. 6, February 2009: Neoliberal Governmentality. pp. 60-78(19)

  50. Binkley, Sam; Capetillo-Ponce, Jorge.;
    Foucalt, Marxism, and the Cuban Revolution: Historical and Contemporary Reflections. In: Rethinking Marxism, 20.3 (Jul 2008): pp. 437-451(15)

  51. Binkley, Sam.; Dolan, Paddy.; Ernst, Stefanie.; Wouters, Cas.;
    The Planned and the Unplanned: A Roundtable Discussion on the Legacies of Michel Foucault and Norbert Elias. In: Foucault Studies, no. 8, February 2010, pp. 53-77(25) [0084]

  52. Bishop, Ryan.:
    Keynote: The huntsman's funeral: targeting the sensorium. In: Foucault: 25 years on A conference hosted by the Centre for Post-colonial and Globalisation Studies, Adelaide, 25 June 2009. Proceedings. Edited by Ian Goodwin-Smith. Routledge, 2009. ISBN 978-0-86803-827-8; 10 pp.

  53. Bissonnette, Jean-François.;
    Savoir, pouvoir et inconscient : de la psychanalyse comme dispositif de subjectivation. In: PhaenEx 5, no. 2 (fall/winter 2010) : pp. 28-44(17)

  54. Blanton, Ward.;
    Reappearance of Paul, "Sick"': Foucault's Biopolitics and the Political Significance of Pasolini's Apostle. In: Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, vol. 11 no. 1(Winter 2010): pp. 52-77(26)

  55. Bleeden, David.;
    One Paradigm, Two Potentialities: Freedom, Sovereignty and Foucault in Agamben's Reading of Aristotle's 'δναμι?' (dynamis) In: Foucault Studies, no. 10: November 2010: Foucault and Agamben. pp. 68-84(17)

  56. Blencowe, Claire.;
    Foucalt's and Arendt's 'insider view' of biopolitics: a critique of Agamben. In: History of the Human Sciences, December 2010 vol. 23 no. 5, pp. 113-130(16)

  57. Bliss, Catherine.;
    Genome Sampling and the Biopolitics of Race. In: A Foucault for the 21st Century:Governmentality, Biopolitics and Disciplinein the New Millennium. Edited by Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2078-4; pp. 320-337(18)

  58. Bobrow-Strain, Aaron.;
    White bread bio-politics: purity, health, and the triumph of industrial baking. In: Cultural Geographies, Jan 2008; 15: pp. 19 - 40(22)

  59. Bogdana Koljević.;
    Biopower and government techniques. In: Western Balkans Security Observer, 9-10(2008), pp. 71-78(8)

  60. Bolmain, Thomas.;
    Foucalt lecteur de Husserl : articuler une rencontre. In: Bulletin d'analyse phénoménologique, IV 3, 2008 (Actes 1), pp. 202-238(37)

  61. Bolton, Rodrigo Karmy.;
    Aporias de la Gubernamentalidad. Elementos para una genealogia "teologica" de la Subjetivacion en el pensamiento de Michel Foucault / Aporias of the gubernamentality. Elements for a "teological" genealogy of the subjectivity in Michel Foucault's thought. In: Psicoperspectivas,8.2 (2009): pp. 193-223(31)

  62. Bonnafous-Boucher, Maria.;
    The Concept of Subjectivation: A Central Issue in Governmentalityand Government of the Self. In: A Foucault for the 21st Century:Governmentality, Biopolitics and Disciplinein the New Millennium. Edited by Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2078-4; pp. 72-89(18)

  63. Bos, René ten.;
    Touched by genius: on animal and madmen. In: South African Journal of Philosophy, vol 28(2009), No 4, pp. 433-446(14)

  64. Bowman, Brett & Hook, Derek.;
    Paedophile as Apartheid Event: Genealogical Lessons for Working with the Apartheid Archive. In: PINS, 2010, 40, pp. 64-82(19)

  65. Boyd, Scott H.:
    How an Autonomic 'Episteme' Can Explain Ethical Contradictions in Cultural Works and Systems of the U.S. In: Culture, Politics, Ethics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Edited by Scott H. Boyd, Ana Cristina Gil & Baldwin Wong. Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2009. ISBN: 978-1-904710-90-5; pp. 1-22(22)

  66. Boyer, Dominic.;
    On the ethics and practice of contemporary social theory: from crisis talk to multiattentional method. In: Dialectical Anthropology, 34(2010) : pp. 305-324(20)

  67. Boyer, M. Christine.;
    The many mirrors of Foucault and their architectural reflections. In: Heterotopia and the city: public space in a postcivil society/ edited by Michiel Dehaene and Lieven De Cauter Routledge, 2008/ ISBN10: 0-415-42288-4; pp. 53-73(21)

  68. Boyle, Philip and Haggerty, Kevin D.;
    Spectacular Security: Mega-Events and the Security Complex. In: International Political Sociology, (2009) 3, pp. 257-274(18)

  69. Bracken, Patrick (Patrick J.); Thomas, Philip.;
    From Szasz to Foucault: On the Role of Critical Psychiatry. In: Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, vol. 17, issue 3, December 08, 2010. pp. 219-228(10) ISSN: 1086-3303

  70. Braidotti, Rosi.;
    In Spite of the Times. The Postsecular Turn in Feminism. In: Theory, Culture & Society, 2008 (SAGE, Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, and Singapore), Vol. 25(6): pp. 1-24(24)

  71. Brich, Cecile.;
    The Groupe d'information sur les prisons: The voice of prisoners? Or Foucault's? In: Foucault Studies, no. 5, January 2008, pp. 26-47(22)

  72. Bridgman, Todd & Stephens, Murdoch.;
    Institutionalizing Critique: A Problem of Critical Management Studies. In: ephemera, vol. 8(2008), no. 3: pp. 258-270(13)

  73. Brown, Chris.;
    Being Educated by Foucault: Power Relations in the Classroom. In: BU Journal of Graduate Studies in Education, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, pp. 12-20(9)

  74. Buonamano, Roberto.;
    The Problem of Subjectivity and the Critique of Human Rights after FoucaultIn: Griffith Law Review, 19.2 (2010): pp. 288-306(19)

  75. Bussolini, Jeffrey.;
    Critical Encounter Between Giorgio Agamben and Michel Foucault: Review of Recent Works of Agamben. In: Foucault Studies, no. 10: November 2010: Foucault and Agamben. pp. 108-143(36)

  76. Bussolini, Jeffrey.;
    Michel Foucault's Influence on the Thought of Giorgio Agamben. In: A Foucault for the 21st Century:Governmentality, Biopolitics and Disciplinein the New Millennium. Edited by Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2078-4; pp. 104-121(18)

  77. Bussolini, Jeffrey.;
    What is a Dispositive? In: Foucault Studies, no. 10: November 2010: Foucault and Agamben. pp. 85-107(23)

  78. Butler, Nick.;
    Critical and Clinical Management Studies. In: ephemera, vol. 8(2008), no. 1: pp. 7-25(19)

  79. Butler, Paul.;
    Forget about Community: Narrative, Ethnographic Writing, and (Alternative) Discourse. In: Open Words. Access and English Studies, vol. 4(2010), no. 2. pp. 23-47(25)

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  80. Calcagno, Antonio.;
    Foucalt and Derrida: The Question of Empowering and Disempowering the Author. In: Human Studies, March 2009, Vol. 32, Issue 1, pp 33-51(19)

  81. Callis, April S.;
    Playing with Butler and Foucault: Bisexuality and Queer Theory. In: Journal of Bisexuality, 9(2009): no. 3/4, pp. 213-233(21)

  82. Caluya, Gilbert.:
    Foucalt and everyday security: lessons from the panopticon. In: Foucault: 25 years on A conference hosted by the Centre for Post-colonial and Globalisation Studies, Adelaide, 25 June 2009. Proceedings. Edited by Ian Goodwin-Smith. Routledge, 2009. ISBN 978-0-86803-827-8; 9 pp.

  83. Caluya, Gilbert.;
    The post-panoptic society? Reassessing Foucault in surveillance studies. In: Social Identities, Vol. 16, No. 5, September 2010, pp. 621-633(13)

  84. Calvert-Mino, Chris.;
    Archeology and Humanism: An Incongruent FoucaultIn: Kritike, vol. 4, no. 1(JUNE 2010), pp. 1-17(17)

  85. Campbell, Elaine.;
    The Emotional Life of Governmental Power. In: Foucault Studies, no. 9, September 2010, pp. 35-53(19)

  86. Cenzatti, Marco.;
    Heterotopias of difference. In: Heterotopia and the city: public space in a postcivil society/ edited by Michiel Dehaene and Lieven De Cauter Routledge, 2008/ ISBN10: 0-415-42288-4; pp. 75-85(11)

  87. Chandler, David.;
    Forget Foucault, Forget Foucault, Forget Foucault…. In: International Political Sociology, Vol. 4, Issue 2, June 2010, pp. 205-207(3)

  88. Chandler, David.;
    Globalising Foucault: Turning Critique into Apologia―A Response to Kiersey and Rosenow. In: Global Society, Vol. 24, No. 2, April, 2010, pp. 135-142(8)

  89. Chandler, David.;
    Review article: Risk and the biopolitics of global insecurity. In: Conflict, Security & Development 10:2 May 2010, pp. 287-297(11)

  90. Chantraine, Gilles.;
    The Post-Disciplinary Prison. In: Carceral Notebooks.Ed. by Bernard E. Harcourt. 4(2008) , pp. 55-75(21)

  91. Charles, Ronald.;
    The Report of 1 Corinthians 5 in Critical Dialogue with FoucaultIn: Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, vol. 11 no. 1 (Winter 2010): pp. 142-158(17)

  92. Chittiphalangsri, Phrae.;
    The Author in Edward Said's Orientalism: The Question of Agency. In: MANUSYA: Journal of Humanities, Special Issue No. 18, 2009, pp. 1-17(17)

  93. Choat, Simon.;
    The History of the Present: Marx Through FoucaultIn: Marx through post-structuralism / Simon Choat. Continuum, 2010. ISBN: HB: 978-0-8264-4275-8; pp. 94-124(31)

  94. Christian, Mark.;
    Priestly Power that Empowers: Michel Foucault, Middle-Tier Levites, and the Sociology of 'Popular Religious Groups' in Israel. In: Perspectives on Hebrew Scripture VI: Comprising the Contents of Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, vol. 9 (ed. E. Ben Zvi; Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2010), pp. 1-81(81)

  95. Christiansen, Steen.;
    Airport Heterotopia: Le Guin's Subversive Places. In: Language and the Scientific Imagination : Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI), 28 July 2 August 2008 at the Language Centre, University of Helsinki, Finland. ISBN 978-952-10-6118-9; pp. 1-13(13)

  96. Christopher, Hunton.;
    Falling for the Insane Artist: A Look at Foucault's Madness and Civilization. In: ESSAI: Vol. 8(2010), pp. 63-66(4)

  97. Chrulew, Matthew.,
    The Pauline Ellipsis in Foucault's Genealogy of Christianity. In: Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, vol. 11 no. 1 (Winter 2010): pp. 1-15(15)

  98. Chrzanowska-Kluczewska, Elzbieta.;
    Tropological space: the imaginary space of figuration. In: Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, 127(2010), pp. 25-37(13)

  99. Clark, Zoila.;
    The Bird that Came out of the Cage: A Foucauldian Feminist Approach to Kate Chopin's The Awakening. In: Journal for Cultural Research, Vol. 12, Issue 4, 2008, pp. 335-347(13)

  100. Clarke, Simon.;
    Culture and Identity. In: The SAGE Handbook of Cultural Analysis. ED. by Tony Bennett & John Frow. Sage, 2008. ISBN:9780761942290; pp. 510-529(20)

  101. Clough, Patricia Ticineto & Willse, Craig.;
    Gendered Security/ National Security: Political Branding and Population Racism . In: Social Text 105, Vol. 28, No. 4 ? Winter 2010, pp. 45-63(19)

  102. Collier, Stephen J.;
    Topologies of Power: Foucault's Analysis of Political Government beyond 'Governmentality'. In: Theory, Culture & Society, vol. 26, issue 6, November 2009. pp. 78-108(31) ISSN: 0263-2764

  103. Colson, Dan.;
    The Pedagogisation of Sex, the Sexualisation of Pedagogy: Foucault, Shakespeare, and Adolescent Sexuality. In: 49th Parallel, Vol. 22 (2008, Autumn), pp.48-59(12)

  104. Conley, Tom.;
    The Strategist and the Stratigrapher. In: Afterimages of Gilles Deleuze's Film Philosophy. Ed by D. N. Rodowick. University of Minnesota Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-8166-5007-1; pp. 193-211(19)

  105. Cooter, Roger.;
    The Turn of the Body: History and the Politics of the Corporeal. In: ARBOR Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura, CLXXXVI 743, mayo-junio (2010), pp. 393-405(13) ISSN: 0210-1963

  106. Corva, Dominic.;
    Biopower and the Militarization of the Police Function. In: ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 2009, 8 (2), pp. 161-175(15) [0143]

  107. Cristi, Renato.;
    Nietzsche on Authority and the State. In: Animus, 14 (2010), pp. 3-15(13)

  108. Crome, Keith.;
    The Nihilistic Affirmation of Life Biopower and Biopolitics in the Will to Knowledge. In: Parrhesia, no. 6(2009), pp. 46-61(16)

  109. Crowley, Una & Kitchin, Rob.;
    Producing 'decent girls': governmentality and the moral geographies of sexual conduct in Ireland (1922-1937). In: Gender, Place and Culture, Vol. 15, No. 4, August 2008, pp. 355-372(18)

  110. Crowley-Henry, M. and Weir, D.;
    Power, Control and the Protean Career: A Critical Perspective on Multinational Organizations' Permanent International Assignees. In: Wolfram Cox, J., LeTrent-Jones, T.G., Voronov, M. and Weir, D. (eds.), Critical Management Studies at Work: Negotiating Tensions between Theory and Practice (forthcoming), Cheltenham, Edgar Elgar Publishing Ltd., (2009) ISBN 978-1-84720-400-4; pp. 299-315(17)

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  123. Dennis, Dion.;
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  127. Dillon, Michael.;
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  130. Dilts, Andrew.;
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  133. Djaballah, Marc.;
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  135. Dolan, Paddy.;
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  136. Dolson, Mark S.;
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  137. Donzelot, Jacques.;
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  138. Donzelot, Jacques & Gordon, Colin.;
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  140. Dumez, Hervé & Alain Jeunemaître.;
    Michel Callon, Michel Foucault and the « dispositif »: When economics fails to be performative: A case study. In: Le Libellio d' AEGIS, Vol. 6, n° 4 , Hiver 2010, pp. 27-37(11)

  141. Dunning, Eric.;
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  144. Elden, Syuart.;
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  145. Eleveld, Anja.;
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  146. Evans Adrienne, Riley Sarah and Shankar Avi.;
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  149. Eyssens, Terry.:
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  150. Farshid, Sima.;
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  151. Farshid, Sima & Sokhanvar, Jalal.:
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  152. Falzon, Christopher.;
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  153. Falzon, Christopher & O'Leary, Timothy.;
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  155. Fassin, Didier.;
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  156. Faubion, James D.;
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  159. Finn, S. Margot.;
    Alimentary Ethics in The History of Sexuality and NBC's The Biggest Loser. In: A Foucault for the 21st Century:Governmentality, Biopolitics and Disciplinein the New Millennium. Edited by Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2078-4; pp. 350-364(15)

  160. Fletcher, Robert.;
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  161. Fletcher, Tony.:
    The war against Indigenous Australia/ns: Foucault, racism and social work education. In: Foucault: 25 years on A conference hosted by the Centre for Post-colonial and Globalisation Studies, Adelaide, 25 June 2009. Proceedings. Edited by Ian Goodwin-Smith. Routledge, 2009. ISBN 978-0-86803-827-8; 8 pp.

  162. Flügel, Peter.;
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  163. Fogde, Marinette.;
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  164. Frank, Michael C.;
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  165. Friberg, Matthew.;
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  166. Frost, Tom.;
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  167. Fuggle, Sophie.;
    Excavating Government: Giorgio Agamben's Archaeological Dig. In: Foucault Studies, no. 7, September 2009, pp. 81-98(18)

  168. Fuggle, Sophie.;
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  169. Fuggle, Sophie.;
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  171. Gallagher, Michael.;
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  172. Gane, Mike.;
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  173. Gardner Timothy M, Stansbury Jason, and Hart David.;
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  174. Geroulanos, Stefanos.;
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  175. Ghamari-Tabrizi, Behrooz.;
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  177. Golder, Ben.;
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  178. Golder, Ben.;
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  179. Golder, Ben.:
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  180. Goodwin-Smith, Ian.:
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  181. Gorman Malone, Cora.;
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  183. Grant, John.;
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  184. Grecu, Gim.;
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  185. Gudmand-Hoyer, Marius & Hjorth, Thomas Lopdrup.;
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  186. Gutting, Gary.;
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  189. Han, Sam.;
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  190. Han-Pile, Beatrice.;
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  191. Hanold, Maylon T;
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  192. Hargreaves, Tom.;
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  194. Hart, Matthew & Hansen Jim.;
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  196. Hekman, Susan.;
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  197. Henderson, Angela C., Sandra M. Harmon and Jeffrey Houser.;
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  198. Hengehold, Laura.:
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  199. Hesdorfer, Florian.;
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  201. Heynen, Hilde.;
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  203. Hindess, Barry.:
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  205. Hobbs, Mitchell.;
    On Discourse and Representation: Reflections on Michel Foucault's Contribution to the Study of the Mass Media. Annual Conference of the Australian Sociological Association University of Melbourne December 2008. 15 pp.

  206. Hodge, Steven.:
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  207. Hodgson, Naomi.;
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  208. Hofmeyr, B.;
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  209. Horsell, Chris.:
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  210. Hoy, David Couzens.;
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  211. Hroch, Petra.;
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  212. Hughes, Jason.;
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  213. Hunt, Krista.;
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  214. Huysmans, Jef.;
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  216. Isaiah, Green, Adam.;
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  218. Jansen, I.;
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  219. Jaworski, Katrina.:
    Deliberate taking: the author, agency and suicide. In: Foucault: 25 years on A conference hosted by the Centre for Post-colonial and Globalisation Studies, Adelaide, 25 June 2009. Proceedings. Edited by Ian Goodwin-Smith. Routledge, 2009. ISBN 978-0-86803-827-8; 8 pp.

  220. Jorgensen, Kenneth & Boje, David.;
    Genealogies of Becoming -- Antenarrative Inquiry in Organizations. In: Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, Vol 8, No 1 (2009), pp. 32-47(16)

  221. Jose, Jim.:
    Of 'strange synergies' and 'murky ferments': governance discourse and the taming of the Foucault effect. In: Foucault: 25 years on A conference hosted by the Centre for Post-colonial and Globalisation Studies, Adelaide, 25 June 2009. Proceedings. Edited by Ian Goodwin-Smith. Routledge, 2009. ISBN 978-0-86803-827-8; 9 pp.

  222. Josep, Jonathan.;
    What Can Governmentality Do for IR? In: International Political Sociology, Vol. 4, Issue 2, June 2010, pp. 202-205(4)

  223. Juniper, James & Jose, Jim.;
    Foucalt and Spinoza: philosophies of immanence and the decentred political subject. In: History of the Human Sciences, Vol. 21(2008), No. 2, pp. 1-20(20) [0150]

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  224. Karskens, Machiel.;
    Biopower - A Slip of the Polemical Mind. In: A Foucault for the 21st Century:Governmentality, Biopolitics and Disciplinein the New Millennium. Edited by Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2078-4; pp. 122-138(17)

  225. Kearnes, Matthew.:
    The Time of Science: Deliberation and the 'New Governance' of Nanotechnology. In: Forthcoming in: Maasen, S., Kaiser, M., Kurath, M. and Rehmann‐Sutter, C.(eds.)., Governing Future Technologies: Nanotechnology and the Rise of an Assessment Regime, Heidelberg: Springer (Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook Volume 27, 2010, pp 279-301). 25 pp.

  226. Kearney, Mary Celeste.;
    Pink Technology: Mediamaking Gear for Girls. In: Camera Obscura, Jan 2010; 25: pp. 1 - 39(39)

  227. Kelly, M.G.E.;
    International Biopolitics: Foucault, Globalisation and Imperialism. In: Theoria, Vol. 57, Number 123, June 2010 , pp. 1-26(26)

  228. Kempa, Michael.;
    Academic Engagement of International Policing-Reform Assistance: Putting Foucauldian Genealogy to Practical Use. In: Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Vol. 52, no. 3, June/juin 2010, pp. 271-283(13)

  229. Kern, Kathleen.;
    Heterotopia of the theme park street. In: Heterotopia and the city: public space in a postcivil society/ edited by Michiel Dehaene and Lieven De Cauter Routledge, 2008/ ISBN10: 0-415-42288-4; pp. 105-115(11)

  230. Kerry S.:
    Are you a boy or a girl? Foucault and the intersex movement. Paper presented at "Foucault: 25 years on" Conference, Centre for Post-colonial and Globalisation Studies, Adelaide, Australia. (2009). 7 pp.

  231. Khan, Hussain Ahmad.;
    Exteriority of Discourse and Disappearance of Man: Negotiating with Foucault in Constructing Colonial India. In: The Historian: A Research Journal. Vol. 06, No. 2 (July - December 2008), pp. 139-154(16)

  232. Khalip, Jacques.;
    "The Archaeology of Sound": Derek Jarman's Blue and Queer Audiovisuality in the Time of AIDS. In: differences, Jan 2010; 21: pp. 73 - 108(36)

  233. Kingston, Mark.;
    A General Theory of Action: Foucault's transformative project expanded. In: Kingston, Mark.; Building a theory of action from the philosophies of Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault. University of New South Wales. 214 pp. 2009. pp. 129-154(26)

  234. Kingston, Mark.;
    A Limited Theory of Action: Foucault on the transformation of ethical subjectivity. In: Kingston, Mark.; Building a theory of action from the philosophies of Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault. University of New South Wales. 214 pp. 2009. pp. 76- 128(53)

  235. Kingston, Mark.;
    Intimacy and action in FoucaultIn: Kingston, Mark.; Building a theory of action from the philosophies of Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault. University of New South Wales. 214 pp. 2009. pp. 171-194(24)

  236. Kingston, Mark.;
    Subversive Friendships: Foucault on Homosexuality and Social Experimentation. In: Foucault Studies, no. 7, September 2009, pp. 7-17(11)

  237. Kirshner, Lewis.;
    Biopolitics and the Transformation of the Psychiatric Subject. In: A Foucault for the 21st Century:Governmentality, Biopolitics and Disciplinein the New Millennium. Edited by Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2078-4; pp. 92-103(12)

  238. Kirtley, William.;
    The Phantom and Foucault: Paper Faces on Parade. In: National Social Science Proceedings, vol. 44, #2: National Technology and Social Science Conference, 2010, pp. 134 -139(6)

  239. Knight, Graham & Smith, Jackie.;
    The Global Compact and Its Critics: Activism, Power Relations, and Corporate Social Responsibility. In: Discipline and Punishment in Global Politics. llusions of Control. Edited by Janie Leatherman Palgrave, 2008. ISBN 0-230-60584-2; pp. 191-213(23)

  240. Knudsen, Jan Sverre.;
    Children's Improvised Vocalisations: learning, communication and technology of the self. In: Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, Vol. 9, no. 4, 2008, pp. 287-296(10)

  241. Knudtsen, Karlie.;
    Foucalt's Playdough. In: Zetrtikon: VOL 3, Spring 2008, pp. 20-27(8)

  242. Kolenick, Paul.;
    Everybody's Into Environmental Ed, Right? A Foucauldian Perspective. In: Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 13 (1), 2008, pp. 122-133(12)

  243. Kologlugil, Serhat.;
    Michel Foucault's archaeology of knowledge and economic discourse. In: Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Autumn 2010, pp. 1-25(25)

  244. Konik, Adrian and Konik, Inge.;
    Challenging the social sciences through the visual arts: reconsidering Foucault in the light of Field's Little Children (2006). In: South African Journal of Art History, Vol. 25 (2010), no. 2, pp. 43-57(15)

  245. Koopman, Colin.;
    Appropriation and Permission in the History of Philosophy: Response to McQuillan. In: Foucault Studies, no. 9, September 2010, pp. 156-164(9)

  246. Koopman, Colin.;
    Foucalt's Historiographical Expansion: Adding Genealogy to Archaeology. In: Journal of the Philosophy of History, vol. 2 issue 3, September 01, 2008. pp. 338-362(25) ISSN: 1872-261X.

  247. Koopman, Colin.;
    Historical Conditions or Transcendental Conditions: Response to Kevin Thompson's Response. In: Foucault Studies, no. 8, February 2010, pp. 129-135(7)

  248. Koopman, Colin.;
    Historical Critique or Transcendental Critique in Foucault: Two Kantian Lineages. In: Foucault Studies, no. 8, February 2010, pp. 100-121(22)

  249. Koopman, Colin.;
    The History and Critique of Modernity: Dewey with Foucault against Weber. In: Paul Fairfield (ed.), Dewey and Continental Philosophy (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2010), pp. 194-218(25)

  250. Koopman, Colin.;
    Revising Foucault: The history and critique of modernity. In: Philosophy & Social Criticism, vol. 36 issue 5 June 2010. pp. 545-565(21) ISSN: 0191-4537

  251. Koopman, Colin.;
    Two uses of genealogy: Michel Foucault and Bernard Williams. In: Foucault's legacy/edited by C. G. Prado. Continuum, 2009. ISBN-10: 1-8470-6595-3; pp. 90-108(19)

  252. Kopper, Akos.;
    Totalitarianism of the Past Surveillance and Mnemonic Technologies in Individualized forms of Governance.
     For the SGIR 7th Pan-European International Relations Conference: Stockholm, September 9-11, 2010. SECTION 16. Critical Approaches to Security in Europe. pp. 1-18(18)

  253. Kreps, David.;
    Foucalt, Exhibitionism and Voyeurism on Chatroulette.. In: F. Sudweeks, H. Hrachovec and C. Ess (eds). Proceedings Cultural Attitudes Towards Communication and Technology 2010, Murdoch University, Australia, pp. 207-216(10)

  254. Kreps, David G.;
    Performing the Discourse of Sexuality Online. In: Foucault, Butler, and Video-sharing on Sexual Social Networking Sites Proceedings of the Fifteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco, California August 6th-9th 2009, pp. 1-8(8)

  255. Krips, Henry.;
    The Politics of the Gaze: Foucault, Lacan and Žižek. In: Culture Unbound, Vol. 2, 2010: pp. 91-102(12)

  256. Kruger Erin, Magnet Shoshana and Van Loon Joost.;
    Biometric Revisions of the 'Body' in Airports and US Welfare Reform. In: Body & Society, Vol. 14(2008), no. 2: pp. 99-121(23)

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  257. Lackey, Michael.;
    Foucalt, Secularization theory, and the theological origins of totalitarianism. In: Foucault's legacy/edited by C. G. Prado. Continuum, 2009. ISBN-10: 1-8470-6595-3; pp. 124-145(22)

  258. Lambevski, Alexander.;
    Foucalt, Gay Subjectivity and the Sociology of Emotions in Queer Studies. In: Sextures, Vol. 1(2009), Issue 1, pp. 103-111(9) [also: Foucault: 25 years on A conference hosted by the Centre for Post-colonial and Globalisation Studies, Adelaide, 25 June 2009. Proceedings. Edited by Ian Goodwin-Smith. Routledge, 2009. ISBN 978-0-86803-827-8; 7 pp.

  259. Lampropoulos, Apostolos.;
    Forgetting, Amnesia, Theory: An Interview with Jean-Michel Rabaté. In: Configurations of Cultural Amnesia. Eds. Apostolos Lampropoulos and Vassiliki Markidou. Synthesis 2 (Fall 2010), pp. 73-81(9)

  260. Landry, Jean-Michel.;
    Confession, Obedience, and Subjectivity: Michel Foucault's Unpublished Lectures On the Government of the Living. In: Telos, 146 (Spring 2009): pp. 111-123(13)

  261. Larsson Joakim, Lofdahl Annica, & Prieto Hector Perez.;
    Rerouting: Discipline, Assessment and Performativity in Contemporary Swedish Educational Discourse. In: Education Inquiry, Vol. 1, No. 3, September 2010, pp.177-195(19)

  262. Lawrence, Thomas B.;
    Power, Institutions and Organizations. In: The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism Royston Greenwood & Christine Oliver & Roy Suddaby & Kerstin Sahlin Sage, 2008. ISBN: 9781412931236; Chapter 6: pp. 170-197(28)

  263. Leatherman, Janie.;
    Challenges to Authority in Global Politics. In: Discipline and Punishment in Global Politics. llusions of Control. Edited by Janie Leatherman Palgrave, 2008. ISBN 0-230-60584-2; pp. 1-25(25)

  264. Leatherman, Janie.;
    Illusions of Control. In: Discipline and Punishment in Global Politics. llusions of Control. Edited by Janie Leatherman Palgrave, 2008. ISBN 0-230-60584-2; pp. 215-232(18)

  265. Lee, Janet.;
    FANY (First Aid Nursing Yeomanry) 'Other Spaces': toward an application of Foucault's heterotopias as alternate spaces of social ordering, In: Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 16 (2009) :6, pp. 647-664(18)

  266. Leighton, Kimberly.;
    Transforming Ethics: A Review of Self-Transformations: Foucault, Ethics, and Normalized Bodies by Cressida J. Heyes. In: Hypatia, vol. 25, no. 1 (Winter, 2010), pp. 217-223(7)

  267. Lemke, Thomas.;
    Beyond Foucault : from biopolitics to the government of life. In: Ulrich Brockling, Susanne Krasmann & Thomas Lemke (eds.), Governmentality: Current Issues and Future Challenges. Routledge (2010), pp. 165-184(20)

  268. Lemke, Thomas.;
    Foucalt's Hypothesis: From the critique of the juridico-discursive concept of power to an analytics of government. In: Parrhesia, no. 9(2010), pp. 31-43(13)

  269. Lemke, Thomas & Baele, Stephane.;
    An interview with Thomas Lemke: Foucault Today. On the theoretical relevance of Foucauldian concepts of "governmentality" and "biopolitics". In: Emulations - Revue de Sciences Sociales, (Mars 2008), pp. 46-51(6)

  270. Levina, Marina.;
    Regulation and Discipline in the Genomic Age: A Considerationof Differences between Genetics and Eugenics. In: A Foucault for the 21st Century:Governmentality, Biopolitics and Disciplinein the New Millennium. Edited by Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2078-4; pp. 308-319(12)

  271. Lewis, Tyson.;
    Discipline-Sovereignty-Education. In: A Foucault for the 21st Century:Governmentality, Biopolitics and Disciplinein the New Millennium. Edited by Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2078-4; pp. 173-185(13)

  272. Lightbody, Brian.;
    Deep Ethical Pluralism in Late FoucaultIn: Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy, 12 (2008): pp. 102-118(17)

  273. Lightbody, Brian.;
    Genealogy and Subjectivity: An Incoherent Foucault (A Response to Calvert-Minor). In: KRITIKE, vol. 4, no. 1(June 2010), pp. 18-27(10)

  274. Lin, Fang-Mei.;
    Women's Organizations and the Changing State/Society Relationship: Resistance, Co-option by the State, or Partnership?. In: Taiwan in Comparative Perspective, Vol. 2, December 2008, pp. 47-64(18)

  275. Liz, Forbat ; Roma, Maguire ; Lisa, McCann ; Nicola, Illingworth ; Nora, Kearney.;
    The use of technology in cancer care: applying Foucault's ideas to explore the changing dynamics of power in health care. In: Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 65 issue 2, February 2009. pp. 306-315(10) ISSN: 0309-2402

  276. Longson, Patrick.;
    How have historians used Foucault's approaches to'Power' ? In: Research Methods & Skills Core Course 1: Historical Methods. University of Birmingham: College of Arts and LawMA Contemporary History January 2010. 14 pp.

  277. Loodin, Henrik.
    The Absurdalities of Mental Illness ? A Narrative Inquiry into Psychiatric Diagnosis. In: Qualitative Sociology Review, Vol. V, Issue 1, April 2009, pp. 98-111(14)

  278. Lorenzini, Daniele.;
    Must We Do What We Say? Truth, Responsibility and the Ordinary in Ancient and Modern Perfectionism. In: European Journal of Pragmatismand American Philosophy, 2010, II, 2 pp. 16-34(19)

  279. Lotringer, Sylvère.;
    Remember FoucaultIn: October, 126, Fall 2008, pp. 3-22(20)

  280. Luna, Wendyl M.;
    Foucalt and Ethical Subjectivity. In: Kritike, vol. 3, no. 2, December 2009, pp. 139-146(8)

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  281. Macfarlane, Kym.;
    Social inclusion policy: Producing justice or retribution? In: Journal of Social Inclusion, 1(2) 2010, pp. 133-150(18)

  282. Malette, Sebastien.;
    Foucalt for the Next Century: Eco-Governmentality. In: A Foucault for the 21st Century:Governmentality, Biopolitics and Disciplinein the New Millennium. Edited by Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2078-4; pp. 221-237(17)

  283. Manning, Danielle.;
    (Re)visioning Heterotopia: The Function of Mirrors and Reflection in Seventeenth-Century Painting. In: SHIFT Queen's Journal of Visual & Material Culture, Issue 1(2008), pp. 1-20(20)

  284. Manokha, Ivan.;
    Foucalt's Concept of Power and the Global Discourse of Human Rights. In: Global Society, 23(2009): no. 4, pp. 429-452(24)

  285. Manzi, Adrian.;
    The Rationality of Human Rights: Between the Legal System and Human Sciences. In: Nomadas. Revista Critica de Ciencias Sociales y Juridicas, 18 (2008.2), 13 pp.

  286. Mathews, Hans Varghese.;
    Word and Thing: Foucault and Las Meninas:looking again at the inaugural essay of Les Mots Et Les Choses. In: Phalanx 6 11/2010. 25 pp.

  287. Mayes, Christopher.;
    The Violence of Care; An Analysis of Foucault's Pastor. In: Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, vol. 11 no. 1 (Winter 2010): pp. 111-126(16)

  288. Maynard, Steven.;
    Police/Archives. In: Archivaria, The Journal of the Association of Canadian Archivists, 68 (Fall 2009): pp. 159-182(24)

  289. McCormack, Brian.;
    The Problem with Problem Solving. In: Issues in Integrative Studies, No. 27(2009), pp. 17-34(18)

  290. McGunigall-Smith, Sandra.; Draper, Matthew R.; Birmingham, Kayla.; Durtschi, David.;
    A Foucaultian Analysis of "Tripping" on Death Row. In: Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology, 2010, Vol 2(1), pp. 104-136(33)

  291. McGushin, Edward.;
    Arts of Life, Arts of Resistance: Foucault and Hadot on Living Philosophy. In: A Foucault for the 21st Century:Governmentality, Biopolitics and Disciplinein the New Millennium. Edited by Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2078-4; pp. 46-61(16)

  292. McInerney, David.:
    Oriental despotism and the political monsters of Michel Foucault's Les anormaux. In: Foucault: 25 years on A conference hosted by the Centre for Post-colonial and Globalisation Studies, Adelaide, 25 June 2009. Proceedings. Edited by Ian Goodwin-Smith. Routledge, 2009. ISBN 978-0-86803-827-8; 7 pp.

  293. McKeon, Leonie.:
    Learning to speak Mandarin and understanding Chinese culture is different not difficult. In: Foucault: 25 years on A conference hosted by the Centre for Post-colonial and Globalisation Studies, Adelaide, 25 June 2009. Proceedings. Edited by Ian Goodwin-Smith. Routledge, 2009. ISBN 978-0-86803-827-8; 7 pp.

  294. McKinlay, A.; Pezet, E.;
    Accounting for Foucault Original Research. In: Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Vol. 21, Issue 6, August 2010, pp. 486-495(10) ISSN: 1045-2354

  295. McKinlay, Alan; Carter, Chris; Pezet, Eric; Clegg, Stewart.;
    Using Foucault to make strategy. In: Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, vol. 23 issue 8 2010. pp. 1012-1031(20) ISSN: 0951-3574

  296. McLaren, Helen.:
    Using 'Foucault's toolbox': the challenge with feminist post-structuralist analysis. In: Foucault: 25 years on A conference hosted by the Centre for Post-colonial and Globalisation Studies, Adelaide, 25 June 2009. Proceedings. Edited by Ian Goodwin-Smith. Routledge, 2009. ISBN 978-0-86803-827-8; 9 pp.

  297. McLean, Lindsey.;
    Eat Me: Food Advertising and the Construction of Femine Subjectivities in Contemporary American Culture. In: Cultural Landscapes, 1(2) 2008, pp. 3-26(24)

  298. McNay, Lois.;
    Self as Enterprise: Dilemmas of Control and Resistance in Foucault's The Birth of Biopolitics. In: Theory Culture Society, 26(2009); pp. 55-77(23)

  299. McQuillan, Colin.;
    Philosophical Archeology in Kant, Foucault and Agamben. In: Parrhesia, no. 10(2010), pp. 39-49(11)

  300. McQuillan, Colin.;
    Transcendental Philosophy and Critical Philosophy in Kant and Foucault: Response to Colin Koopman. In: Foucault Studies, no. 9, September 2010, pp. 145-155(11)

  301. Mendonça Neto, Octavio Ribeiro de.;
    Invisible College in Interdisciplinary Fiels: Foucault in Accounting Research. In: ASAA - Advances in Scientific and Applied Accounting, v.3(2010), no. 2, pp.165-189(25)

  302. Mertus, Julie & Rawls, Kristin.;
    Crossing the Line: Insights from Foucault on the United States and Torture. In: Discipline and Punishment in Global Politics. llusions of Control. Edited by Janie Leatherman Palgrave, 2008. ISBN 0-230-60584-2; pp. 27-40(14)

  303. Méthot, Pierre‐Olivier.;
    French Epistemology Overseas: Analyzing the influence of Georges Canguilhem in Québec. In: Humana.Mente, Issue 9, April 2009, pp. 39-58(20)

  304. Milchman, Alan & Rosenberg, Alan.;
    Michel Foucault, The Government of Self and Others: Lectures at the College de France 1982-1983, edited by Arnold I. Davidson, translated by Graham Burchell (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), ISBN: 978-1403986665 [Review Essay]. In: Foucault Studies, no. 10: November 2010: Foucault and Agamben. pp. 155-159(5)

  305. Miller, Toby.;
    How the Media Biopoliticized Neoliberalism; or, Foucault Meets Marx.. In: Revista Galaxia, Sao Paulo, n. 20(2010), pp. 22-31(10)

  306. Miller, Toby.;
    Michel Foucault and the Critique of Sport. In: Marxism, Cultural Studies and Sport. Ed. Ben Carrington and Ian McDonald. London: Routledge. 2009, pp. 181-194(14)

  307. Minogue, Craig.;
    The Engaged Specific Intellectual: Resisting Unethical Prison Tourism and the Hubris of the Objectifying Modality of the Universal Intellectual. In: Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, Vol. 18, No. 1&2, 2009, pp. 129-142(14)

  308. Mohr, John W. & Neely, Brooke.;
    Modeling Foucault: Dualities of Power Inistitutional Fields. In: Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Volume 27(2009), pp. 203-255(52)

  309. Muhle, Maria.;
    Aesthetic realism and subjectivation. From Chris Marker to the Medvedkin Groups. In: Revue Appareil - n°4 (2009), 6 pp.

  310. Müller, Martin.;
    Reconsidering the concept of discourse for the field of critical geopolitics: Towards discourse as language and practice. In: Political Geography, 27 (2008). pp. 322-338(17)

  311. Mueller, Samuel F.;
    Peace, War and Modernity in International Relations Theory. In: Transcience Journal, Vol 1, No 1 (2010), pp. 33-46(14)

  312. Murtagh, Madeleine J.;
    A funny thing happened on the way to the journal: a commentary on Foucault's ethics and Stuart Murray's "Care of the self". In: Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine, January 2008, 3:2, 3 pp.

  313. Myers, Ben.;
    Theology 2.0: Blogging as Theological Discourse. In: Cultural Encounters, 6:1 (2010), pp. 47-60(14)

  314. Myers, Ella.;
    Resisting Foucauldian Ethics: Associative Politics and the Limits of the Care of the Self. In: Contemporary Political Theory, (2008) 7, pp. 125-146(22)

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  315. Neal, Andrew.W.;
    Goodbye War on Terror? Foucault and Butler on Discourses of Law, War and Exceptionalism. In: Foucault on Politics, Security and War. Edited by Michael Dillon and Andrew W. Neal. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. ISBN: 978-1-4039-9904-7; pp. 43-64(22)

  316. Neal, Andrew W.;
    Michel FoucaultIn: Critical theorists and international relations / edited by Jenny Edkins and Nick Vaughan-Williams. 2009, ISBN 10: 0-415-47466-3 (pbk); pp. 161-170(10)

  317. Nealon, Jeffrey T.;
    Foucalt's Deleuze; or, On the Incorporeality of Transformationin FoucaultIn: A Foucault for the 21st Century:Governmentality, Biopolitics and Disciplinein the New Millennium. Edited by Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2078-4; pp. 139-152(14)

  318. Nicolet Anderson, Valérie.;
    Becoming a Subject: The Case of Michel Foucault and Paul. In: Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, vol. 11 no. 1 (Winter 2010): pp. 127-141(15)

  319. Nichols, Robert.;
    State of the Disciplines. Postcolonial Studies and the Discourse of Foucault: Survey of a Field of Problematization. In: Foucault Studies, no. 9, September 2010, pp. 111-144(34)

  320. Nicoll, Katherine.;
    Discipline and e-learning. In: Fejes, A., & Nicoll, K. (Eds.)., Foucault and lifelong learning: Governing the subject. London: Routledge. (2008). pp. 164-177(14)

  321. Nicoll, Katherine & Fejes, Andreas.;
    Mobilizing Foucault in studies of lifelong learning. In: Fejes, A., & Nicoll, K. (Eds.)., Foucault and lifelong learning: Governing the subject. London: Routledge. (2008). pp. 1-18(18)

  322. Nielsen, Camilla Tuborgh.;
    Women's Magazines & Body Images: An empirical case study of the Danish fashion magazine Costume.
     Exam work. Media and Cultural studies. K3 Malmo Hogskola, Spring 2008. 86 pp.

  323. Nigro, Roberto.;
    Foucalt, Reader and Critic of Marx. In: Critical Companion to Contemporary Marxism. Edited by Jacques Bidet and Stathis Kouvelakis. Brill, 2008. ISBN 978 90 04 14598 6; pp. 647-662(16)

  324. O'Byrne, Patrick & Holmes, Dave.;
    Public Health STI/HIV Surveillance: Exploring the Society of Control. In: Surveillance & Society, 7(2009), no. 1: pp. 58-70(13)

  325. O'Leary, Timothy.;
    Foucalt, Experience, Literature. In: Foucault Studies, no. 5, January 2008, pp. 5-25(21)

  326. O'Leary, Timothy.;
    Foucalt's Concept of Experience. In: Foucault and Fiction: The Experience Book. By Timothy O'Leary. Continuum, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-8264-9595-2; pp. 76-94(19)

  327. O'Leary, Timothy.;
    Foucalt's turn from literature. In: Continental Philosophy Review, March 2008, Vol. 41, Issue 1, pp 89-110(22)

  328. O'Leary, Timothy.;
    Rethinking Experience with FoucaultIn: Foucault and philosophy/edited by Timothy O'Leary & Christopher Falzon. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010. ISBN 978-1-4051-8960-6; pp. 162-184(23)

  329. O'Sullivan, Simon.;
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  330. Ojakangas, Mika.;
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  351. Piro, Joseph M.;
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  353. Posadas, Jeremy D.;
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  366. Read, Jason.;
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  367. Reid, Julian.;
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  375. Roberts, Jack.:
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  378. Rockmore, Tom.;
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  379. Ropars-Wuilleumier, Marie-Claire.;
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  380. Rosenberg, Alan & Milchman, Alan.;
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  382. Ross, Alison.;
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  385. Roudinesco, Elisabeth.;
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  386. Rovatti, Pier Aldo.;
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  387. Rowan, Molly & Shore, Sue.;
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  396. Sazzad, Rehnuma.;
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  400. Scott, Charles E.;
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  406. Seymour, Kate.:
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  407. Shane, D. Grahame.;
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  408. Shani, Giorgio.;
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  411. Siisiainen, lauri.;
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  416. Simons, Maarten & Maschelein, Jan.;
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  419. Sluga, Hans.;
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  420. Smith, Philip.;
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  421. Snoek, Anke.;
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  422. Sohn, Heidi.;
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  423. Solomon, Jon.;
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  424. Souter, James.;
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  427. Springs, Jason A.;
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  428. Stahl, Bernd Carsten.; McBride, Neil.; Elbeltagi, Ibrahim.;
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  429. Staples, William.;
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  431. Stivale, Charles J.;
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  432. Stocker, Barry.;
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  433. Sunley, Johnathan.;
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  440. Taylor, Dianna.;
    Normativity and Normalization.. In: Foucault Studies, no. 7, September 2009, pp. 45-63(19)

  441. Tellmann, Ute.;
    Foucalt and the Invisible Economy. In: Foucault Studies, no. 6, February 2009: Neoliberal Governmentality. pp. 5-24(20)

  442. Terkelsen, Toril B.;
    Transforming subjectivities in psychiatric care. In: Subjectivity, (2009) 27, pp. 195-216(22)

  443. Terranova, Tiziana.;
    Another Life: social cooperation and a-organic life. In: Digithum, no. 12 (May, 2010), pp. 14-19(6)

  444. Thacker, Eugene.;
    The Shadows of Atheology: Epidemics, Power and Life after FoucaultIn: Theory, Culture & Society vol. 26 issue 6 November 2009. pp. 134-152(19) ISSN: 0263-2764

  445. Thacker, Eugene.;
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  446. Thierman, Stephen.;
    Apparatuses of Animality: Foucault Goes to a Slaughterhouse. In: Foucault Studies, no. 9, September 2010, pp. 89-110(22)

  447. Thompson, Kevin.;
    Response to Colin Koopman's "Historical Critique or Transcendental Critique in Foucault: Two Kantian Lineages". In: Foucault Studies, no. 8, February 2010, pp. 122-128(7)

  448. Thorpe, Holly.;
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  449. Thorpe, Holly.;
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  450. Tierney, Thomas F.;
    Michel Foucault, Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the College de France, 1977‐78 Edited by Michel Senellart. Translated by Graham Burchell. (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.). [Review essays]. In: Foucault Studies, no. 5, January 2008, pp. 90-100(11)

  451. Tietäväinen, Antti.; Pyykkönen, Miikka.; Kaisto, Jani.;
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  452. Tiwary, Narendra & Chandra, N.D.R.;
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  453. Topinka, Robert J.;
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  454. Torres, Carlos.;
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  459. Valverde, Mariana.;
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  463. Volbers, Jörg.;
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  465. Voruz, Veronique.;
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  467. Wadiwel, Dinesh & Tedmanson, Deirdre.:
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  468. Walker, Wayland.;
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  469. Weir, Lorna.;
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  470. Weizhi, Danielle Koh.;
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  471. Welch, Michael.;
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  472. West, Kevin.;
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  473. West-Pavlov, Russell.;
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  474. Wilson, Catherine.;
    Beyond State Politics: Subjectivities and Techniques of Government in Contemporary Neoliberal Social Movements. In: A Foucault for the 21st Century:Governmentality, Biopolitics and Disciplinein the New Millennium. Edited by Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2078-4; pp. 30-44(15)

  475. Winslade, John.;
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  476. Wodak, Ruth & Meyer, Michael.;
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  477. Wolin, Richard.;
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  478. Wright, Nathan.;
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  479. Yang, K. Wayne.;
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  480. Yates, Christopher.;
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  481. Yang, Wenxing & Sun, Ying.;
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  482. Zabala, Santiago.;
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  483. Zackrisson, Katarina Sipos & Assarsson, Liselott.;
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  484. Zembylas, Michalinos.;
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  485. Zevnik, Luka.;
    The Consumer Hermeneutics of the Self and Modern Compulsory Happiness. In: A Foucault for the 21st Century:Governmentality, Biopolitics and Disciplinein the New Millennium. Edited by Sam Binkley and Jorge Capetillo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2078-4; pp. 365-377(13)

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