哲学関連:フリージャーナル [I-L]
タイトル(昇順)が [I][J][K][L]で始まる哲学関連の Free Journal の紹介です。全150 誌です。
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[A-D] [E-H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M-P] [Q-T] [U-Z]
- Idee. vol. 1(1986)-
- Ignaziana : Rivista di Ricerca Teologica. Numero 1(2006)-
- Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones. No. 1(1995)-
- In Communion. 1995-
- Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. vol. 1(1993)-
- Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology. vol. 1(2001)-
- Info3. 1998-
- Informal Logic. 2006-
- Intelectu. Revista de Divulgação Filosófica. no. 1(1999)-
- Interlocutor: Sewanee Undergraduate Philosophical Review. vol. 1(1999)-
- International Journal of Baudrillard Studies (IJBS). vol. 1(2004)-
- International Journal of Jaina Studies (Online). vol. 1(2005)-
- International Journal of Philosophical Practice. vol. 1(2005)-
- International Journal of Žižek Studies vol. 1(2007)-
- International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE) (Formerly International Journal of Information Ethics, IJIE). vol. 1(2004)-
- International Yearbook of Aesthetics. vol. 2(1998)-
- Intersticios. Revista sociológica de pensamiento crítico. vol. 1(2007)-
- ISIM Review. no. 1(1998)-
- Israelit des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, Der. 1840-1848.
- Israelitische Volkslehrer, Der. 1851-1860.
[A-D] [E-H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M-P] [Q-T] [U-Z]
- Jahrbuch der Jüdisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft. 1903-1932.
- Janus Head. vol. 1(1998)-
- Japanese Journal of Religious Studies : JJRS. vol. 1(1974)-
- Jewish Studies, an Internet Journal (JSIJ). vol. 1(2002)-
- Journal des Etudes de la Cabale. vol. 1(1997)-
- Journal for Christian Theological Research. vol. 1(1996)-
- Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory. vol. 1(1999)-
- Journal for the Renewal of Religion and Theology (JRRT). vol. 1(2006)-
- Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies. no. 1(2002)-
- Journal of Applied Missiology. vol. 1(1990)-
- Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies. vol. 1(1996/97)-
- Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. vol. 1(1998)-
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR). vol. 1(1993)-
- Journal of Biblical Literature. 2003- 1年経過後のフルテキストまで可読
- Journal of Biblical Studies. Issue. 1(2001)-
- Journal of Buddhist Ethics. vol. 1(1994)-
- Journal of Cognitive Liberties. vol. 1(1999)-
- Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy. vol. 1(2005)-
- Journal of Global Buddhism. vol. 1(2000)-
- Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, The. vol. 1(1996)-
- Journal of Latin American Hermeneutics. no. 1(2004)-
- Journal of Liberal Theology. vol. 1(1999)-
- Journal of Lutheran Ethics. 2003-
- Journal of Markets & Morality. vol. 1(1998)-
- Journal of Medical Ethics. 2003年から部分的に可読
- Journal of Medicine and Philosophy A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine. vol. 23(1998)- 1年経過後のフルテキストが可読
- Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality. vol.1(2007)-
- Journal of Philosophy & Scripture. vol. 1(2004))-
- The Journal of Religion and Film. vol. 1(1997)-
- Journal of Religion and Popular Culture. vol. 1(2002)-
- Journal of Religion & Society. vol. 1(1999)-
- Journal of Religion and Theatre. vol. 1(2002)-
- Journal of Research Practice. vol. 1(2005)-
- Journal of Southern Religion. vol. 1(1998)-
- The Journal of Textual Reasoning. vol. 1(1991)-
- Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society. vol. 1(1998)-
- Jouvert. vol. 1-
- Der Jude. 1768-1772, 1832-1835, 1916-1928.
- Jüdische Arbeits- und Wanderfürsorge. 1927-1929.
- Jüdische Korrespondenz. 1915-1920.
- Jüdische Volksstimme. 1912-1920.
- Jüdische Rundschau. 1902-1938.
- Jüdische Welt-Rundschau. 1939-1940.
- Jüdische Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Leben. 1862-1875.
- Jüdisches Jahrbuch für die Schweiz. 1916-1922.
- Jüdisches Jahrbuch für Sachsen und Adreßbuch der Gemeindebehörden, Organisationen und Vereine. 1931-1932.
- Julfrid. 1897-1899.
- Juvenile missionary magazine. 1844-1854.
[A-D] [E-H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M-P] [Q-T] [U-Z]
- Kainós: Rivista on line di Critica Filosofica. numero 1(2001)-
- Kant e-Prints. vol. 1(2002)-
- KB Journal. vol. 1(2004)-
- Kerux. 1998-
- Kirkjublaðið. 1891-1897.
- Kirkjutíðindi fyrir Ísland. 1878-1880.
- Korrespondenzblatt des Vereins zur Gründung und Erhaltung einer Akademie für die Wissenschaft des Judentums. 1920-1930.
- Die Kreatur. 1927-1930.
- Kritika & Kontext. 1996-
- Kritika & Kontext - Casopis kritického myslenia. 2002- 登録後可読
- Kritike.Org: An on-line Journal of Philosophy. vol. 1(2007)-
- Kritiknetz. 1929-
- Kritisches Journal der Philosophie. 1802-1803.
[A-D] [E-H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M-P] [Q-T] [U-Z]
- L&PS: Logic and Philosophy of Science. vol. 1(2003)-
- Lámpara de Diógenes, La: Revista Semestral de Filosofia . Año 1(2000)-
- Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate. 1834-1837.
- Laval Théologique et Philosophique. vol. 39(1983)-
- Lectio Difficilior: European Journal for Feminist Exegesis. vol. 1(2000)-
- Leitmotiv: Motivi di Estetica e di Filosofia delle Arti. no. 1(2001)-
- Les ateliers de l’éthique. vol. 1-
- Liber Annuus. 1990-
- Límite. 2000-
- LJ Today. 2004-
- Loccumer Pelikan. 1996-
- Logical Studies. vol. 1(1998)- 英語版とロシア語版