哲学・宗教学関連:フリージャーナル [M - P]
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[A-D] [E-H] [I-L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q-T] [U-Z]
- Macalester Islam Journal. vol. 1(2006)-
- Magazin für die Philosophie und ihre Geschichte. Bd. 1(1778)-7(1789).
- Magazin für die Wissenschaft des Judentums. 1876-1893.
- Magvetés: A Sárvári Evangélikus Egyh´zközség Kiadv´nya. 2000年から可読。ただし、Zipファイルをダウンロードして解凍が必要。
- Mainzer Monatschrift von geistlichen Sachen. 1784-1790. 啓蒙主義の雑誌です。
- Maqalat wa Barrasiha. 1337-1387. アラビア語フォントが必要になります。
- Marburg Journal of Religion. vol. 1(1996)-
- Marburger Missions Magazin. 2007-
- Mariologisches Jahrbuch. 1(1977), no. 1-
- McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry. Vol. 1(1981)-
- Mathesis Universalis. No. 1(1996)-
- Medical Humanities (MH Online). Top Ten articles from last month. Top Ten articles from 2007 に限りFullText が可読。変動する。
- Medieval Jewish Studies online. vol. 1(2007/08)-
- Medieval Philosophy and Theology. vol. 1(1994)-11(2003).
- Medjugorje Aktuell. 1999-
- Mennonite Life. 1947-
- Menorah Review. no. 59(2003)-
- Mens Sana Monographs. vol. 1(2003)- HTML Text
- Methodos. vol. 1(2001-
- Metodički ogledi. vol. 10, no. 1(2003)-
- Michigan Jewish History. vol. 2(1962)-
- Mil Neuf Cent: Revue d'Histoire Intellectuelle (formerly: Cahiers Georges Sorel). Vol. 1(1983)-18(2000).
- Минарет. No. 1(2004)-
- Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy. vol.1(1997)-
- Мир Божий. 1996-
- Mirandum. 1-5.
- Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos: Sección Hebreo. no. 51(2002)-
- Missio Korrespondenz. 2004-
- Missio-Magazin. 2006-
- Миссионерское обозрение. 2000, no. 9- (1999年以前はZipファイルを解凍する。)
- Monastische Informationen / Vereinigung Benediktinischer Frauenklöster im Deutschen Sprachraum. 2004-
- Mormon Historical Studies. 1989-2004
[A-D] [E-H] [I-L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q-T] [U-Z]
- Nachalath Zewi. 1930-1938.
- Neuroethics. vol. 1(2008)- Springer の雑誌ですが、創刊号の宣伝のためか2008年現在フルテキストがPDFで読める。
- New Englander and Yale Review. vol. 1(1843)-vol. 59(1894).
- New Philosophy, The. 2000-
- Newsletter / Association of Contemporary Church Historians. vol. 7(2001)-
- Newsletter / International Society for Environmental Ethics. vol. 1(1990)-
- Nghiên cú́u Tôn Giá́o. vol. 12, no. 6(2001)-
- Noesis: Revue de Philosophie. 2000-
- Noetica: Journal. vol. 1(1995)-vol. 4(1998).
- Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic. vol. 1(1996)-5(2000)
- Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic. vol. 1(1960)-44(2002) 5年前までのFullTextが可読
[A-D] [E-H] [I-L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q-T] [U-Z]
- Obnovljeni ivot. vol. 49(1994)-
- Occasional Papers in Shaykhi, Babi and Baha'i Studies. vol. 1(1997)-
- Occident, and American Jewish Advocate, The. vol. 1(1843)-vol. 10(1852). 1853年が進行中
- Österreichisch-Ungarische Cantoren-Zeitung. 1881-1897.
- Online Journal of Bahá'í Studies. vol. 1(1988)- バックナンバーは利用できるものが変動します。
- Open Ethics Journal, The. vol. 1(2007)-
- Oracula: Revista Eletrônica do Grupo Oracula de Pesquisas em Apocalíptica Judaica e Cristã. Número 1(2005)-
- Ostium. 2005-
- Other Voices. vol. 1(1997)-
[A-D] [E-H] [I-L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q-T] [U-Z]
- Paideusis. vol. 15(2006)- 登録(無料)すると読めます。
- Palinurus: Engaging Political Philosophy. Issue 1(2006)-
- Pantaneto Forum. Issue. 1(2001)-
- Paraf : PARalelní Akta Filozofie. Issue 1(1985)-
- Parole della Filosofia, Le. 1999-
- Parrhesia. A Journal of Critical Philosophy. Issue.1(2006)-
- Penn Bioethics Journal: PBJ. vol. 1(2005)-
- PentecoStudies: Online Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Pentecostalism and Charismatic Movements. vol. 1(2001)-
- Peregrinations. Current Issue のみ
- Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness. vol. 1(2002)-
- Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith: Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation. vol. 1(1949)-
- Phenomenology & Practice. vol. 1(2007)-
- Philologie im Netz. PhiN. Nr. 1(1997)-
- Philosoph für die Welt, Der. T. 1.2. (1775-1777)
- Philosopher, The. Volume LXXXIV No. 1-
- Philosopher's Annual, The. 2000年あたりから読める記事があるが、リンク切れが多い。
- Philosophical Frontiers: A Journal of Emerging Thought. issue 3(2008)-
- Philosophical Plays. vol. 1, no.1(2008-
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. vol. 50(1757)-vol. 67(1777)
- Philosophie Positive, La : Revue. 1867(T.1)-1883(T. 31)
- Philosophiques. vol.1(1974)- 2年前までのFullTextが可読。
- Philosophische Bibliothek. Bd. 1.1788 - 4.1791.
- Philosophische Studien. Bd. 1(1883)-18(1903).
- Philosophisches Archiv. Bd. 1.2. (1792-1795)
- Philosophisches Magazin. Bd. 1. 1788 - 4. 1792
- Philosophy East and West. 1951-1999
- Philosophy & Public Policy Quarterly. vol. 17(1997)-
- Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal. no. 1(1990)-
- PhiNews. vol. 1(2002)-
- Physics and Philosophy. 2006-
- Plato: Internet Journal of the International Plato Society>. vol. 1(2001)-
- Polish Journal of Philosophy : PJP. vol. 1(2007)-
- Polylog : Forum für interkulturelle Philosophie. isuue 1(2000)-
- Populär-wissenschaftliche Monatsblätter zur Belehrung über das Judenthum für Gebildete aller Confessionen. 1881-1908.
- Portique, Le. Numéro. 1(1998)- ほぼ2年前までのフルテクストが可読。
- Правило Веры. 1998, no. 3-
- Православное слово Сибири. 2006-
- Pravoslavnyj Sankt-Peterburg. 1998, no. 8-
- Православный собеседник. no. 1(2000)-
- Pri ha-Pardes. Bd. 1(2007)-
- Primary Point. vol. 1(1984)-
- The Princeton Seminary Bulletin. vol. 1(1907)-
- Przeglad Prawoslawny. 2002-
- Problemos: Filosofijos Leidinys. Current Yearから約3年前までのフルテキスト(PDF)で読める。
- Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (APS). 約10年過去分から可読(PDF)
- Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for Promoting useful Knowledge. vol. 6から1922までの分が可読。「Year」から1480年からの書籍も読める。いずれも画像ファイル。
- Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. vol. 11-12( 1871-73)
- Profil. 2000-
- Progress in Complexity, Information and Design. vol. 1(2002)-
- Prolegomena: časopis za filozofiju/Prolegomena: Journal of Philosophy. vol. 1, no.1(2002)-