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Shakespeare's Hamlet 研究論文(1) : 2006-2011

 ここで紹介する論文・書評は企画商品CD「イギリス文学論文撰」の「シェイクスピアの作品研究論文」の項 Hamlet (1): 2006-2011年刊行論文集に収録しています。

  Hamlet (2):2001-2005




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  1. Andrea, Bernadette.;
    Dialogism between East and West: Halide Edib's Masks or Souls?  In: Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies, 2006, Fall-Winter; 6 (2): pp. 5-21 (15)

  2. Barker, Roberta.;
    Conclusion: Cultural Drag; or, Hamlet and Ophelia Redux.  In: Early modern tragedy, gender and performance, 1984-2000: the destined livery. By Roberta Barker. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. ISBN: 140399479X (alk. paper); pp. 191-200(10)

  3. Barker, Roberta.;
    What We Are, But Not What We May Be: The Feminist Ophelia and the (Re)production of Gender.  In: Early modern tragedy, gender and performance, 1984-2000: the destined livery. By Roberta Barker. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. ISBN: 140399479X (alk. paper); pp. 29-54(26)

  4. Barker, Simon.;
    Like a Soldier to the Stage: Field Commander Hamlet and the ends of tragedy. University of Gloucestershire Inaugural Lecture, No 4 The Cyder Press, 2009 ISBN 978-1-86174-197-4; 36 pp.

  5. Barzilai, Shuli.;
    'Tell My Story': Remembrance and Revenge in Atwood's Oryx and Crake and Shakespeare's Hamlet.  In: Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 2008 Fall; 50 (1): pp. 87-110 (24)

  6. Bayer, Mark.;
    Khaki Hamlets: Shakespeare, Joyce, and the Agency of Literary Texts.  In: Borrowers and Lenders: the Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation, 5.1(2010): pp. 1-24(24)

  7. Belsey, Catherine.;
    Shakespeare's Sad Tale for Winter: Hamlet and the Tradition of Fireside Ghost Stories.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2010 Spring; 61 (1): pp. 1-27(27)

  8. Bosman, Nston.;
    Shakespeare and globalization.  In: The new Cambridge companion to Shakespeare. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2010, ISBN: 978-0-521-88632-1; pp. 285-302(16)

  9. Bray, Peter.;
    Men, Loss and Spiritual Emergency: Shakespeare, the Death of Hamlet and the Making of Hamlet.  In: Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2008. pp. 95-115(21)

  10. Burnett, Mark Thornton.;
    Applying the Paradigm: Shakespeare and World Cinema.  In: Shakespeare Studies, 2010; 38: pp. 114-122(9) ISSN: 0582-9399

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  11. Callens, Johan.;
    The Wooster Group's Hamlet, According to the True, Original Copies.  In: Theatre Journal, 2009 Dec; 61 (4): pp. 539-561(23)

  12. Callens, Johan.;
    Will He or Won't He: Shakespeare's Stage Presence in the Media Age.  In: Gramma /Γρ?μμα: Journal of Theory and Criticism, vol.17(2009), pp.249-264(16)

  13. Cardullo, Robert J.;
    The Delay of Polonius in Shakespeare's Hamlet.  In: Neophilologus, June 22, 2011, pp. 1-9(9)

  14. Carroll, Joseph.;
    An Evolutionary Paradigm for Literary Study.  In: Style: Volume 42, Nos. 2 & 3, Summer/Fall 2008, pp. 103-135(33)

  15. Carroll, Joseph.;
    Intentional Meaning in Hamlet: An Evolutionary Perspective.  In: Style. DeKalb: Spring 2010. Vol. 44, no. 1/2; pp. 230-260 (31)

  16. Cartmell, Deborah.;
    Franco Zeffirelli and Shakespeare.  In: Jackson, Russell (ed. and introd.) The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Film. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP; 2007. xii, 349 pp. ISBN: 9780521685016; (pbk.); 9780521866002; (hbk.); pp. 216-225(10)

  17. Caruso, Carl.;
    Sacred Pearls in the machinery of Hamlet.  In: The Oxfordian, Vol. X(2007), pp. 85-110(26)

  18. Chapman, Alison A.;
    Ophelia's 'Old Lauds': Madness and Hagiography in Hamlet.  In: Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England: An Annual Gathering of Research, Criticism and Reviews, 2007; 20: pp. 111-135(25)

  19. Chen, Yi-Chi.;
    Pregnant with Madness-Ophelia's Struggle and Madness in Hamlet.  In: Intergrams 11.2(2011): pp. 1-21(21)

  20. Chesney, Duncan McColl;
    Shakespeare, Faulkner, and the Expression of the Tragic.  In: College Literature, 2009 Summer; 36 (3): pp. 137-164(28)

  21. Clarke, Frank.;
    Hamlet=Star Wars: Exploring the Amalgam-Protagonist.  In: Saga Journal, Vol. 2, no. 5, May 2006, pp.1-5(6)

  22. Clary, Frank Nicholas.;
    Maclise and Macready: Collaborating Illustrators of Hamlet.  In: Shakespeare Bullet  In: A Journal of Performance Criticism and Scholarship, 2007 Spring; 25 (1): pp. 33-59 (27) ISSN: 0748-2558

  23. Clere, Sarah.;
    Faulkner's Appropriation of 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' in The Hamlet.  In: Mississippi Quarterly: The Journal of Southern Cultures, 2009 Summer-Fall; 62 (3-4): pp. 443-456 (14) ISSN: 0026-637X

  24. Collinson, L. A.;
    A New Etymology for Hamlet? The Names Amlethus, Amloi and Admlithi.  In: Review of English Studies, November 2011; 62: pp. 675- 694(20)

  25. Cook, Amy.;
    For Hecuba or for Hamlet: Rethinking Emotion and Empathy in the Theatre.  In: Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, 2011 Spring; 25 (2): pp. 71-88(18) ISSN: 0888-3203

  26. Cook, Amy.;
    Interplay: The Method and Potential of a Cognitive Scientific Approach to Theatre.  In: Theatre Journal, 2007 Dec; 59 (4): pp. 579-594 (16)

  27. Cook, Amy.;
    Staging Nothing: Hamlet and Cognitive Science.  In: SubStance: A Review of Theory and Literary Criticism, 2006; 35(2[110]): pp. 83-99 (17)

  28. Cornford, Tom.;
    Find Direction Out: In the Archives of Hamlet.  In: Shakespeare Bulletin, 28.1 (2010): pp. 37-53(17)

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  29. Davies, Anthony.;
    The Shakespeare Films of Laurence Olivier.  In: Jackson, Russell (ed. and introd.) The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Film. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP; 2007. xii, 349 pp. ISBN: 9780521685016; (pbk.); 9780521866002; (hbk.); pp. 167-186(20)

  30. De-yan, Guo.;
    Hamlet's Femininity/LA FEMINITE DE Hamlet.  In: Canadian Social Science. Montreal: Oct 31, 2009. Vol. 5, no. 5; pp. 89-95 (7)

  31. Detobel, Robert.;
    An Accident of Note: Chapman's Hamlet and the Earl of Oxford.  In: Brief Chronicles Vol. II (2010), pp. 78-107(29)

  32. Deutermann, Allison K.;
    'Caviare to the general'?: Taste, Hearing, and Genre in Hamlet.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2011 Summer; 62 (2): pp. 230-255 (26)

  33. Dillon, Janette.;
    Hamlet.  In: The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare's Tragedies. By Janette, Dollon. Cmbridge UP, 2007. ISBN: 978-0-521-85817-5; Chapter 5, pp. 65-76(12)

  34. Domanico, Jess.;
    Sincerity in Soliloquy: The Unraveling of Hamlet's Murderous Identity.  In: Valley Humanities Review Spring 2010, pp. 1-8(8)

  35. Earle, Bo.;
    Byronic Measures: Enacting Lordship in Childe Harold's Pilgrimage and Marino Faliero.  In: ELH, 75.1(2008): pp. 1-26(26)

  36. Elmore, Owen.;
    Apophasis, Aletheia: William Faulkner's The Hamlet.  In: Nebula, 2007 Mar; 4 (1): pp. 71-83(13) ISSN: 1449-7751

  37. Elster J.;
    Interpretation and rational choice.  In: Rationality and Society 21 (2009) , no. 1: pp. 5-33(29)

  38. Engle, Lars.;
    How Is Horatio Just? How Just Is Horatio?  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2011 Summer; 62 (2): pp. 256-262(7) ISSN: 0037-3222

  39. Engler, Balz.;
    Hamlet in the Closet. Paper offered at the Conference ―Diffusion de l'ecrit dans le monde anglophone XVI-XVIIIe siecles / Spreading the Written Word in the English Speaking World, 16th-18th centuries. Strasburg - Weaaerling - Mulhouse, 11-13 June, 2009. 14 pp.

  40. Fayard, Nicole.;
    Daniel Mesguich's Shakespearean Play: Performing the Shakespeare Myth.  In: Theatre Journal, 59.1 (2007): pp. 39-55(17)

  41. Felce, Ian.;
    Riddling Q1: Hamlet's Mill and the Trickster.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2008; 61: pp. 269-280(12)

  42. Fitzgerald, Colleen M.;
    An Optimality Treatment of Syntactic Inversions in English Verse.  In: Language Sciences, 2007 Mar-May; 29 (2-3): pp. 203-217 (15)

  43. Freeman, John C.;
    Interrogating the Soliloquist: Doesit Really go without Saying?  In: Symploke. Lincoln: 2011. Vol. 18, no. 1/2; pp. 131-154 (24)

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  44. Gallagher, Laura.;
    Locations of Motherhood in Shakespeare on Film.  In: E-pisteme, Vol. 2 (2), 2009, pp. 73-90(18)

  45. Garber, Marjorie B.;
    A Tale of Three Hamlets or Repetition and Revenge.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2010 Spring; 61 (1): pp. 28-55(28) ISSN: 0037-3222

  46. Gates, Sarah.;
    Assembling the Ophelia Fragments: Gender, Genre, and Revenge in Hamlet.  In: Explorations in Renaissance Culture, 2008 Winter; 34 (2): pp. 229-247 (19) ISSN: 0098-2474

  47. Gidal, Eric.;
    A gross and barbarous composition: Melancholy, National Character, and the Critical Reception of Hamlet in the Eighteenth Century.  In: Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture, 39.1(2010): pp. 235-261(27)

  48. Gilbert, Sky.;
    A Sparrow Falls: Olivier's Feminine Hamlet.  In: Brief Chronicles: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Authorship Studies, Vol. 1 (2009), pp. 237-252(16)

  49. Glazener, Nancy.;
    Print Culture as an Archive of Dissent: Or, Delia Bacon and the Case of the Missing Hamlet.  In: American Literary History, 19.2 (2007): pp. 329-349(21)

  50. Godwin, Laura Grace.;
    Revenge Backwards, and in Heels: Hamlet and The Revenger's Tragedy, England, Summer 2008.  In: Shakespeare Bulletin, 26.4 (2008): pp. 115-131(17)

  51. Golden, John.;
    Where to Be or Not to Be: The Question of Place in Hamlet.  In: English Journal (High school edition). Urbana: Sep 2009. Vol. 99, no. 1; pp. 58-64 (7)

  52. Grady, Hugh.;
    Hamlet as Mourning-Play: A Benjaminesque Interpretation.  In: Shakespeare Studies. Columbia: 2008. Vol. 36; pp. 135-165 (31)

  53. Gregg, Magin Lasov.;
    Reading Hamlet 3.1.121 as Remembrance of Richard II 5.1.23.  In: ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews, 2009 Fall; 22 (4): pp. 8-13 (6)

  54. Gross, Kenneth.;
    Puppets Dallying: Thoughts on Shakespearean Theatricality.  In: Comparative Drama. Kalamazoo: Fall 2007. Vol. 41, no. 3; pp. 273-296 (24)

  55. Guntner, J. Lawrence.;
    Hamlet, Macbeth, and King Lear on Film.  In: Jackson, Russell (ed. and introd.) The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Film. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP; 2007. xii, 349 pp. ISBN: 9780521685016; (pbk.); 9780521866002; (hbk.); pp. 120-140(21)

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  56. Hailey, R. Carter.;
    The Dating Game: New Evidence for the Dates of Q4 Romeo and Juliet and Q4 Hamlet.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2007 Fall; 58 (3): pp. 367-387 (21)

  57. Halpern, Richard.;
    Eclipse of Action: Hamlet and the Political Economy of Playing.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2008 Winter; 59 (4): pp. 450-482(33) ISSN: 0037-3222

  58. Hamm, Robert B., Jr.;
    Hamlet and Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto.  In: SEL Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 2009 Summer; 49(3): pp. 667-692 (26) ISSN: 0039-3657

  59. Hanson, Elizabeth.;
    Fellow Students: Hamlet, Horatio, and the Early Modern University.   In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2011 Summer; 62 (2): pp. 205-229 (25)

  60. Harkins, Matthew.;
    Making 'Young Hamlet'.  In: SEL Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 2009 Spring; 49 (2): pp. 333-354(22)

  61. Harmer, J. K.;
    Hamlet's Introspection.  In: Essays in Criticism: A Quarterly Journal of Literary Criticism, 2011 Jan; 61(1): pp. 31-53(23)

  62. Hausman, Blake M.;
    Alexie's Nutshell: Mousetraps and Interpenetrations of The Business of Fancydancing and Hamlet.  In: Studies in American Indian Literatures, 22.1 (2010): pp. 76-112(37)

  63. Haverkamp, Anselm.;
    The Ghost of History: Hamlet and the Politics of Paternity.  In: Law and Literature, Vol. 18, No. 2 (Summer 2006), pp. 171-198(28)

  64. Heine, Erik.;
    Controlling and Controlled: Ophelia and the Ghost as Defined by Music in Grigori Kozintsev's Hamlet.  In: Literature Film Quarterly, 2009; 37 (2): pp. 109-123 (15)

  65. Holderness, Graham.;
    'I Cover Your Skull': Death and Desire in Hamlet.  In: Shakespeare Survey. Cambridge: 2007. Vol. 60 pp. 224-237(14)

  66. Holderness, Graham.;
    'Silence Bleeds': Hamlet across Borders: The Shakespearean Adaptations of Sulayman Al-Bassam.  In: European Journal of English Studies, 2008 Apr; 12 (1): pp. 59-77(19)

  67. Hooti, Noorbakhsh.;
    Oscillation between Modernism to Postmodernism in Shakespeare's Hamlet.  In: Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2011; 1 (4): pp. 327-336 (10)

  68. Huang, Alexander.;
    Shakespeare, Performance, and Autobiographical Interventions.  In: Shakespeare Bulletin, 24(2006), no. 2: pp. 31-47(17)

  69. Hunt, Cameron.;
    Homophonic Hamlet: Making Hamlet Ma(i)d.  In: Explicator, 2009 Spring; 67 (3): pp. 209-212(4)

  70. Hunt, Cameron.;
    Jephthah's Daughter's Daughter: Ophelia.  In: ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews, 2009 Fall; 22 (4): pp. 13-16 (4)

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  71. Idrees, Mohammad.;
    Nature and Function of Consciousness in Shakespeare's Play Hamlet.  In: Gomal University Journal of Research, 23, No.2, (2007), pp. 103-108(6)

  72. Im, Yeeyon.;
    The Return of Elizabeth: William Poel's Hamlet and the Dream of Empire.  In: Medieval and Early Modern English Studies, Vol. 16 No. 1 (2008), pp. 202-220(18)

  73. Ionescu, Arleen.;
    Burrowing into Hamlet's Old Mole.  In: BULETINULUniversit??ii Petrol - Gaze din Ploie?ti. Seria Filologie, Vol. LXII, no. 2(2010), pp. 155-162(8)

  74. Jacobsen, Ken.;
    What a Piece of Work is Man: Theatrical Anthropology in Hamlet.  In: Animus, 15 (2011), pp. 47-86(40)

  75. Jensen, Michael P.;
    Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Found: Five Seconds of Laurence Olivier's Film of Hamlet.  In: Borrowers and Lenders: the Journal of. Shakespeare and Appropriation, vol. 6, no.1 (2011). 4 pp.

  76. Johae, Antony.;
    Wole Soyinka's 'Hamlet': The Rotten State of Denmark Revisited.  In: Research in African Literatures, 2007 Winter; 38 (4): pp. 61-69 (9) ISSN: 0034-5210

  77. Jones, Kelly V.;
    Between Nature and Eternity: (Present)ing Absence in Theatrical Representations of Shakespeare as the Ghost of Hamlet.  In: Consciousness, Literature and the Arts, 2007 Dec; 8 (3): [no pagination].

  78. Jurak, Mirko.;
    W. Shakespeare and Slovene Dramatists (III): (1930-2010) .  In: Acta Neophlogica, 44. 1-2 (2011) pp. 3-34(32)

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  79. Kalu, Joy Kristin.;
    Experiencing Expectation: Perceiving the Future in Performance.  In: Theatre Research International. Oxford: Jul 2009. Vol. 34, no. 2; pp. 166-172(7)

  80. Kalyvas, Stathis N. & Kocher, Adam, Matthew.;
    The Dynamics of Violence in Vietnam: An Analysis of the Hamlet Evaluation System (HES).  In: Journal of Peace Research, 2009. pp. 335-355(21)

  81. Kapadia, Parmita.;
    Transnational Shakespeare: Salman Rushdie andIntertextual Appropriation.  In: Borrowers and Lenders: the Journal of. Shakespeare and Appropriation, Vol. III(2008), no. 2, pp. 1-21(21)

  82. Kastan, David Scott.;
    A rarity most beloved: Shakespeare and the Idea of Tragedy.  In: Dutton, Richard (ed.); Howard, Jean E. (ed.)., A Companion to Shakespeare's Works, Volume I: The Tragedies. Malden, MA: Blackwell; 2006. x, 491 pp. ISBN: 9781405136051; pp. 4-22(19)

  83. Kaufman, Peter Iver.;
    Hamlet's Religions.  In: Religions 2011, 2, pp. 427-448(26)

  84. Kazimierczak, Karolina.;
    Adapting Shakespeare for Star Trek and Star Trek for Shakespeare: The Klingon Hamlet and the Spaces of Translation.  In: Studies in Popular Culture, 2010 Spring; 32 (2): pp. 35-55 (21)

  85. Keeping, J.;
    "Oh That This Too, Too Solid Flesh Would Melt ": A Phenomenology of Sadness in Shakespeare's Hamlet.  In: Philosophy Today. Celina: Summer 2008. Vol. 52, no. 2; pp. 116-125 (10)

  86. Keshabyan, Irina.;
    Analysing the Concepts of Vengeance and Hono(u)r in Shakespeare's Hamlet and Sumarokov's Gamlet: A Corpus-based Approach to Literature.  In: International Journal of English Studies. Murcia: 2009. pp. 235-257 (23)

  87. Keyishian, Harry.;
    Shakespeare and Movie Genre: The Case of Hamlet.  In: Jackson, Russell (ed. and introd.) The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Film. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP; 2007. xii, 349 pp. ISBN: 9780521685016; (pbk.); 9780521866002; (hbk.); pp. 72-84(13)

  88. Khoury, Yvette K.;
    'To Be or Not to Be' in 'The Belly of the Whale'; A Reading of Joseph Campbell's 'Modern Hero' Hypothesis in Hamlet on Film.  In: Literature Film Quarterly, 2006; 34 (2): pp. 120-129 (10)

  89. Kliman, Bernice W.;
    At Sea about Hamlet at Sea: A Detective Story.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2011 Summer; 62 (2): pp. 180-204(25)

  90. Kliman, Bernice W.;
    Hamlet Productions Starring Beale, Hawke, and Darling From the Perspective of Performance History.  In: Dutton, Richard (ed.); Howard, Jean E. (ed.)., A Companion to Shakespeare's Works, Volume I: The Tragedies. Malden, MA: Blackwell; 2006. x, 491 pp. ISBN: 9781405136051; pp. 134-157(24)

  91. Kolarov, Viola.;
    On Hamlet's Crypt: EFFI Briest, Asta Nielsen, and Britney Spears.  In: Imaginations, Issue 2-1, 2011, pp. 80-94(15)

  92. Kristine Steenbergh.;
    Emotion, Performance and Gender in Shakespeare's Hamlet.  In: Critical Studies. Amsterdam: 2011. Vol. 34; pp. 93-116 (24)

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  93. Lea, Daniel.;
    Feigning Reason: Hamlet and the Dynamics of Desire in Graham Swift's Ever After.  In: Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 2009 Winter; 50 (2): pp. 155-170(16)

  94. Lehmann, Courtney.;
    "Brothers" before Others: The Once and Future Patriarchy in Hamlet 2.  In: Journal of Narrative Theory : JNT. Ypsilanti: Fall 2011. Vol. 41, no. 3; pp. 421-444 (24)

  95. Lesser, Zachary.; The First Literary Hamlet and the Commonplacing of Professional Plays.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2008 Winter; 59 (4): pp. 371-420 (50)

  96. Levin, Richard.;
    Gertrude's Elusive Libido and Shakespeare's Unreliable Narrators.  In: SEL Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 2008 Spring; 48 (2): pp. 305-326 (22)

  97. Levy, Eric P.;
    The Mimesis of Time in Hamlet.  In: Philological Quarterly, 2007 Fall; 86 (4): pp. 365-392(28)

  98. Lezra, Jacques;
    'Want-Wit' Discipline.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2010 Summer; 61 (2): pp. 240-245(6)

  99. Litvin, Margaret.;
    The French Source of the Earliest Surviving Arabic Hamlet.  In: Shakespeare Studies. Columbia: 2011. Vol. 39; pp. 133-151 (19)

  100. Litvin, Margaret.;
    When the Villain Steals the Show: The Character of Claudius in the Post-1975 Arab(ic) Hamlet Adaptations.  In: Journal of Arabic Literature, 2007; 38 (2): 196-219 (24)

  101. Lopez, Jeremy.;
    Shakespeare and Middleton at the RSC and in London, 2008.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2009 Fall; 60 (3): pp. 348-365(18)

  102. Lupton, Julia Reinhard.;
    Hamlet, Prince: Tragedy, Citizenship, and Political Theology.  In: Alternative Shakespeares 3, ed. Diana Henderson (Routledge, 2007), pp. 181-203(23)

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  103. Machado, Amanda.;
    "Twinned Brothers" : the Parallel Personalities of Timon and Hamlet" . Honors Projects Overview. Paper 11(2007). 45 pp.

  104. Maerz, Jessica M.;
    Beyond Epic: Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet and the Meta-Narrative Functions of Classical Hollywood Genre.  In: Literature Film Quarterly, 2011; 39 (2): pp. 128-140(13)

  105. Mallin, Eric S.;
    Out of joint: Memento as Contemporary Hamlet.  In: Journal of Narrative Theory : JNT. Ypsilanti: Fall 2010. Vol. 40, no. 3; pp. 297-337(41)

  106. Marchitello, Howard.;
    Finding Cardenio.  In: ELH. Baltimore: Winter 2007. Vol. 74, no. 4; pp. 957-987 (31)

  107. Mazzio, Carla;
    The History of Air: Hamlet and the Trouble with Instruments.  In: South Central Review: The Journal of the South Central Modern Language Association, 2009 Spring-Summer; 26 (1-2): pp. 153-196 (44)

  108. McCormick, Frank J.;
    Eliot's 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock' and Shakespeare's Hamlet.  In: Explicator, 2004 Fall; 63(1):pp. 43-47(5)

  109. McDonald, Mark A.;
    On Hamlet and the Reformation: 'To Show the Very Age and Body of the Time His Form and Pressure'.  In: Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy, 2007 Summer; 34 (3): pp. 207-274 (68)

  110. McInnis, David.;
    Shakespeare's Hamlet.  In: Explicator, 2007 Winter; 65 (2): pp. 68-71(4)

  111. McKernan, John.;
    It Took a Week to Recite Hamlet's Five Acts.  In: Southern Humanities Review. Auburn: Summer 2010. Vol. 44, Iss. 3; p. 33ff

  112. Menzer, Paul.;
    The Tragedians of the City? Q1 Hamlet and the Settlements of the 1590s.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2006 Summer; 57 (2): pp. 162-182 (21)

  113. Mitchell, Marea.;
    Hamlet and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead: Transformations and Adaptation.  In: Sydney Studies, vol. 33(2007), pp. 39-55(17)

  114. Nardo, Anna K.;
    Stoppard's Space Men: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern on Film.  In: Literature Film Quarterly, 2008; 36 (2): pp. 113-121(9) ISSN: 0090-4260

  115. Neill, Michael.;
    'He That Thou Knowest Thine': Friendship and Service in Hamlet.  In: Dutton, Richard (ed.); Howard, Jean E. (ed.)., A Companion to Shakespeare's Works, Volume I: The Tragedies. Malden, MA: Blackwell; 2006. x, 491 pp. ISBN: 9781405136051; pp. 319-338(20)

  116. Newman, Karen.;
    Two Lines, Three Readers: Hamlet, TLN 1904-5.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2011 Summer; 62 (2): pp. 263-270(8)

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  117. O'Neill, William.;
    Doing and Performing in Hamlet.  In: The Midwest Quarterly. Pittsburg: Winter 2012. Vol. 53, Iss. 2; p. 121-131 (11)

  118. Oakes, Edward T.;
    Hamlet and the Reformation: The Prince of Denmark as 'Young Man Luther'.  In: Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, 2010 Winter; 13 (1): pp. 53-78(26)

  119. Oort, Richard van.;
    Shakespeare and the Idea of the Modern.  In: New Literary History. Baltimore: Spring 2006. Vol. 37, no. 2; pp. 319-339 (21)

  120. Orkin, Martin.;
    Speaking Process.  In: Shakespeare Studies, 2010; 37: pp. 134-157 (24)

  121. Orlich, Ileana Alexandra.;
    The Murder of Gonzago: Reading Shakespeare's Hamlet in Communist Bulgaria.  In: Annals of Ovidius University Constanta - Philology (Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii Ovidius Constanţa. Seria Filologie), issue: 22/2 / 2011, pp. 91-96(6)

  122. Pamela Allen Brown.;
    Women's Work in Early Modern English Literature and Culture/Service and Dependency in Shakespeare's Plays.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly. Washington: Winter 2010. Vol. 61, Iss. 4; pp. 593-598 (6)

  123. Parsons, Scott.;
    The Text's the Thing: Using (Neglected) Issues of Textual Scholarship to Help Students Reimagine Shakespeare.  In: English Journal (High school edition). Urbana: Sep 2009. Vol. 99, Iss. 1; pp. 85-90 (6)

  124. Paster, Gail Kern.;
    The Pith and Marrow of Our Attribute: Dialogue of Skin and Skull in Hamlet and Holbein's The Ambassadors.  In: Textual Practice, 2009 Apr; 23 (2): pp. 247-265 (19)

  125. Pastoor, Charles.;
    Metadramatic Performances in Hamlet and The Roman Actor.  In: Philological Review, 2006 Spring; 32 (1): pp. 1-20(20)

  126. Pearce, Brian.;
    Hamlet, the Actor.  In: Shakespeare in Southern Africa: Journal of the Shakespeare Society of Southern Africa, 2007; 19: pp. 63-69 (7)

  127. Perng, Ching-His.;
    Who's the Addressee? Four Types of Shakespearean Soliloquy.  In: Chang Gung Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1:2 (October 2008), pp. 203-222(20)

  128. Petersen, Lene.;
    De-Composition in Popular Elizabethan Playtexts: A Revalidation of the Multiple Versions of Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet.  In: Oral Tradition, 2008 Mar; 23 (1): pp. 118-147(30)

  129. Pieldner, Judit.;
    Representation of Consciousness in Gabor Body's Hamlet.  In: Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica, 2, 1 (2010), pp. 62-71(10)

  130. Pignataro, Margie.;
    Unearthing Hamlet's Fool: A Metatheatrical Excavation of Yorick.  In: Journal of the Wooden O Symposium, 2006; 6: pp. 74-89 (16)

  131. Polatinsky, Stefan & Hook, Derek.;
    On TheGhostly Father: Lacan on Hamlet.  In: Psychoanalytic Review. New York: Jun 2008. Vol. 95, no. 3; pp. 359-385(27)

  132. Poole, Kristen.;
    When Hell Freezes Over: Mount Hecla and Hamlet's Infernal Geography.  In: Shakespeare Studies. Columbia: 2011. Vol. 39; pp. 152-187 (36)

  133. Poole, Ross.;
    Two Ghosts and an Angel: Memory and Forgetting in Hamlet, Beloved, and The Book of Laughter and Forgetting.  In: Constellations. Oxford: Mar 2009. Vol. 16, Iss. 1; 32 pp.

  134. Pupavac, Vanessa.;
    Hamlet's Crisis of Meaning, Mental Wellbeing andMeaninglessness in the War on Terror.   In: Working Paper Series 013 [An earlier version of this paper appeared in the Mental Health Review Journal: Vol. 13 no. 1, March 2008, pp. 14-26]

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  135. Rahman, Muhammad Safiur.;
    'Frailty, Thy Name is Woman' - How Frail are Women in the World of Shakespeare?  In: IIUC Studies. Vol. 3, December 2006, ISSN 1813-7733, pp 31-44(14)

  136. Rainer EMIG,;
    Competing Melancholies: (En-)Gendering Discourses of Selfhood in Early Modern English Literature.  In: E-rea [En ligne], 4.1 | 2006, pp. 59-65(7)

  137. Raphael, Timothy.;
    Mo(u)rning in America: Hamlet, Reagan, and the Rights of Memory.   In: Theatre Journal, 2007 Mar; 59 (1): pp. 1-20(20)

  138. Ravassat, Mireille.;
    "The pangs of dispriz'd love" - On some Discourses of Amorous Melancholy in Shakespeare.  In: E-rea [En ligne], 4.1 | 2006, pp. 51-58(8)

  139. Redmond, Michael J.;
    Introduction: the politics of intertextuality.  In: Shakespeare, Politics, and Italy. Intertextuality on the Jacobean Stage. By Michael J. Redmond. Ashgate, August 2009. ISBN: 978-0-7546-6251-8; chapter 1, pp. 1-27(27)

  140. Regnier, Thomas.;
    The Law in Hamlet: Death, Property, and the Pursuit of Justice.  In: Brief Chronicles: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Authorship Studies, Vol 3 (2011), pp. 109-134(26)

  141. Rieger, Gabriel A.;
    We know what we are, but we know not what we may be: Ophelia, Marianne Faithful and the Power of Performance. Selected Papers of the Ohio Valley Shakespeare Conference, Volume III(2011), pp. 46-57(12)

  142. Robson, Mark.;
    Oedipal Visuality: Freud, Romanticism, Hamlet.  In: Romanticism: The Journal of Romantic Culture and Criticism, 2009; 15 (1): pp. 54-64 (11)

  143. Robson, Mark.;
    The Question: Hamlet's Life After Life.  In: Borrowers and Lenders: the Journal of. Shakespeare and Appropriation, 5. 1(2010), 18 pp.

  144. Rocklin, Edward L.;
    "Stand and Unfold Your Self": New Moves for Exploring Hamlet.  In: English Journal (High school edition). Urbana: Sep 2009. Vol. 99, Iss. 1; pp. 79-84 (6)

  145. Rowland, Susan.;
    Shakespeare and the Jungian Symbol.  In: Jung Journal, 2011 Winter; 5 (1): pp. 30-46(17)

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  146. Salami, Ismail.;
    Lost in the Realm of the Imagination: Hamlet and the Reader.  In: LSCAC 2010 Proceedings, pp. 384-395(12)

  147. Salami, Ismail.;
    The Contradictory Nature of the Ghost in Hamlet.  In: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.2, No.2, May 2011, pp. 40-47(8)

  148. Samolsky, Russell.;
    'The Time Is Out of Joint': Hamlet, Messianism, and the Specter of Apocalypse.  In: English Language Notes, 2008 Spring-Summer; 46 (1): pp. 29-46 (18)

  149. Sansom, Dennis L.;
    Ethics and the Experience of Death: Some Lessons from Sophocles, Shakespeare, and Donne.  In: Journal of Aesthetic Education, 2010 Winter; 44 (4): pp. 18-32(15)

  150. Sarma, Madan M.;
    Translating ShakespeareIntervention and Universals in Translation.  In: trans-kom 1 [1] (2008): pp. 74-87(14)

  151. Saunders, Sam C.;
    Could Shakespeare have Calculated the Odds in Hamlet's Wager?  In:   In: The Oxfordian, Vol. X(2007), pp. 20-34(15)

  152. Schalkwyk, David.;
    Hamlet's Dreams.  In: Social Dynamics, 32:2 (2006): pp. 1-21(21)

  153. Sedinger, Tracey.;
    Theory Terminable and Interminable: On Presentism, Historicism, and the Problem of Hamlet.  In: Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2007 Fall; 19 (3): pp. 455-473(19)

  154. Semler, Liam.;
    A Proximate Prince: The Gooey Business of 'Hamlet' Criticism.  In: Sydney Studies in English, Vol 32 (2006), pp. 97-122(26)

  155. Shapiro, James.;
    "Is that True?" Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare?.  In: Brief Chronicles: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Authorship Studies, Vol II(2010): pp. 211-257(47)

  156. Shiff, Abraham Samuel.;
    Transition From Corabis to Polonius: The Forgotten Pun on a Diplomatic Scandal in a Hamlet Q2 Stage Direction. Submitted to Hamlet Works - Hamletworks.org 05 August 2011, Draft # 9. 69 pp.

  157. Showerman, Earl.;
    Shakespeare's Greater Greek: Macbeth and Aeschylus' Oresteia.  In: Brief Chronicles Vol. III (2011), pp. 37-70(34)

  158. Showerman, Earl.;
    Shakespeare's Many Much Ado's: Alcestis, Hercules, and Love's Labour's Wonne.  In: Brief Chronicles: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Authorship Studies, Vol 1 (2009), pp. 138-177(40)

  159. Sinfield, Alan.;
    From Bradley to Cultural Materialism.  In: Shakespeare Studies. Columbia: 2006. Vol. 34; p. 25-34 (10)

  160. Smith, Emma.;
    "To buy, or not to buy": Hamlet and Consumer Culture.  In: Shakespeare Studies. Columbia: 2011. Vol. 39; pp. 188-208(21)

  161. Smith, Matthew James.;
    Describing the Sense of Confession in Hamlet.  In: The Return of Theory in Early Modern English Studies, vol. 2, eds. Paul Cefalu, Gary Kuchar, and Bryan Reynolds (New York: Palgrave, 2011, forthcoming), 24 pp.

  162. Šofranac, Nataša.;
    Traumatizing Memories and Memorizing Trauma-Hamlet and The Macbeths.  In: Facta Universitatis. Series: Linguistics and Literature Vol. 9, No 1, 2011, pp. 47-52(6)

  163. Sokolyansky, Mark.;
    Grigori Kozintsev's Hamlet and King Lear.  In: Jackson, Russell (ed. and introd.) The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Film. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP; 2007. xii, 349 pp. ISBN: 9780521685016; (pbk.); 9780521866002; (hbk.); pp. 203-215(13)

  164. Sosnowska, Monika.;
    Gendering of the Eye: Representation of Visual Perception in Hamlet .  In: Gender Studies, 2008; 1 (8): pp. 85-94(10)

  165. Stagman, Myron.;
    The Mystery of Hamlet: A Solution. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN: 1-4438-1440-7; 30 pp.

  166. Statement of Facts.;
    Not Drowning, Waiving: Responsibility to Others in the Court of Shakespeare.  In: Law, Culture and the Humanities. London: Feb 2008. Vol. 4, Iss. 1; pp. 20-69 (50)

  167. Staykova, Julia D.;
    On Nicknaming God's Creatures in Hamlet.  In: ANQ. Lexington: Oct-Dec 2010. Vol. 23, Iss. 4; pp. 211-215 (5)

  168. Staykova, Julia D.;
    The Augustinian Soliloquies of an Early Modern Reader: A Stylistic Relation of Shakespeare's Hamlet?  In: Literature and Theology, vol. 23(2009), no: 2, pp. 121-141(21)

  169. Stegner, Paul D.;
    "Try what repentance can": Hamlet, Confession, and the Extraction of Interiority.  In: Shakespeare Studies. Columbia: 2007. Vol. 35; p. 105-129 (25)

  170. Stein, Suzanne;
    Shakespeare's Hamlet.  In: Explicator, 2009 Winter; 67 (2): pp. 117-120 (4)

  171. Steiner, Katie L.;
    The Structure of Shakespearian Revolutions: Witnessing a Paradigm Shift in Pre- Raphaelite and Theatrical Portrayals of Hamlet's Ophelia.  In: Journal of Art History & Museum And Gallery Studies, Vol. XII: 2007-8, 6 pp.

  172. Sterrett, Joseph.;
    Confessing Claudius: Sovereignty, Fraternity and Isolation at the Heart of Hamlet.  In: Textual Practice, 2009 Oct; 23(5): pp. 739-762(24)

  173. Stevens, Catherine.;
    'Uncanny Re/flections: Seeing Spectres in Macbeth, Hamlet and Julius Caesar'.  In: Journal of the Northern Renaissance, 3.1 (Autumn 2011), pp. 18-38(21)

  174. Sweetnam, Mark S.;
    Hamlet and the Reformation of the Eucharist.  In: Literature & Theology: An International Journal of Religion, Theory, and Culture, 2007 Mar; 21 (1): pp. 11-28 (18)

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  175. Taylor, Mark.;
    Shakespeare's Hamlet.  In: Explicator, 2006 Fall; 65 (1): pp. 4-7 (4)

  176. Taylor, Patricia R.;
    Criminal Appropriations of Shakespeare in Jasper Fforde's Something Rotten.  In: College Literature, 2010 Fall; 37 (4): pp. 23-41(19)

  177. Teker, Gulsen Sayin.;
    Empowered by Madness: Ophelia in the Films of Kozintsev, Zeffirelli, and Branagh.  In: Literature Film Quarterly, 2006; 34 (2): pp. 113-119 (7) ISSN: 0090-4260

  178. Thompson, Ayanna.;
    Introduction: Popular Shakespeares: Modes, Media, Bodies.  In: Journal of Narrative Theory : JNT. Ypsilanti: Fall 2011. Vol. 41, no. 3; pp. 313-319 (7)

  179. Tien, Yuk Sunny.;
    Interiority, Masks, and The Banquet.  In: Borrowers and Lenders 4.2 (Spring/Summer 2009). 5 pp.

  180. Tomlinson, Gary.;
    "Hamlet" and "Poppea" : musicking Benjamin's "Trauerspiel".  In: The Opera quarterly, vol. 24 (2008), no. 3-4, pp. 152-177(26)

  181. Totaro, Rebecca.;
    Securing Sleep in Hamlet.  In: Studies in English Literature, 1500 - 1900. Baltimore: Spring 2010. Vol. 50, Iss. 2; pp. 407-426 (20)

  182. Tung, Chung-hsuan.;
    The "Strange Eruption" in Hamlet: Shakespeare's Psychoanalytic Vision.  In: Intergrams 8.1 (2007): pp. 1-25(25)

  183. Uffelman, Jonathan.;
    Hamlet Was a Law Student: A "Dramatic" Look at Emotion's Effect on Analogical Reasoning.  In: The Georgetown Law Journal, vol. 96(2008), pp. 1725-1774(50)

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  184. Wainwright, Michael.;
    Veering Toward an Evolutionary. Realignment of Freud's Hamlet.  In: Brief Chronicles Vol. III (2011), pp. 9-35(27)

  185. Wallenfels, Immy.;
    Gertrude as a Character of Intersection in Hamlet.  In: Journal of the Wooden O Symposium, 2006; 6: 90-99. (10) ISSN: 1539-5758

  186. Wang, Lu.;
    Hamlet's Communication Strategies-A Review of Hamlet from Sociolinguistics Approach.  In: Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2011; 1 (6): pp. 694-697 (4)

  187. Wang, Orrin N. C.;
    Ghost Theory.  In: Studies in Romanticism. Boston: Summer 2007. Vol. 46, Iss. 2; pp. 203-225(23)

  188. Warley, Christopher.;
    Specters of Horatio.  In: ELH, 2008 Winter; 75 (4): pp. 1023-1050(28)

  189. Waters, Claire Ruth.;
    Two Lines in Hamlet (Q2).  In: Explicator, 2010 Apr-June; 68 (2): pp. 80-83 (4)

  190. Wehrs, Donald R.;
    Moral Physiology, Ethical Prototypes, and the Denaturing of Sense in Shakespearean Tragedy.  In: College Literature, 2006 Winter; 33 (1): pp. 67-92(26)

  191. Werner, Sarah.;
    Shakespeare Performed: Two Hamlets: Wooster Group and Synetic Theater.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly. Washington: Fall 2008. Vol. 59, no. 3; pp. 323-329 (7)

  192. West, William N.;
    "But this will be a mere confusion": Real and Represented Confusions on the Elizabethan Stage.  In: Theatre Journal. Washington: May 2008. Vol. 60, no. 2; pp. 217-233 (17)

  193. Williamson, Elizabeth.;
    The Uses and Abuses of Prayer Book Properties in Hamlet, Richard III, and Arden of Faversham.  In: English Literary Renaissance, 2009 Spring; 39 (2): pp. 371-395 (25)

  194. Wilson, Richard.;
    Hamlet in Weimar: Gordon Craig and the Nietzsche Archive.  In: Shakespeare Jahrbuch, 2010; 146: pp. 26-48 (23) ISSN: 1430-2527

  195. Wolfson, Susan J.;
    Byron's Ghosting Authority.  In: ELH, 2009 Fall; 76 (3): pp. 763-792 (10)

  196. Woo, Celestine.;
    Sarah Siddons as Hamlet: Three Decades, Five Towns, Absent Breeches, and Rife Critical Confusion.  In: ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews, 2007 Winter; 20 (1): pp. 36-44 (9)

  197. Worthen, W. B.;
    Hamlet at Ground Zero: The Wooster Group and the Archive of Performance.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2008 Fall; 59 (3): pp. 303-322 (20)

  198. Yang, Lingui;
    Cognition and Recognition: Hamlet's Power of Knowledge.  In: Foreign Literature Studies/Wai Guo Wen Xue Yan Jiu, 2006 Feb; 28 (117): pp. 16-23 (8)

  199. Yannakopoulou, Vasso.;
    Norms and Translatorial Habitus in Angelos Vlahos' Greek Translation of Hamlet.  In: Translation and Its Others. Selected Papers of the CETRA Research Seminar in Translation Studies 2007. 2008 edition. 32 pp.

  200. Zacharias, Lawrence S.;
    The Narrative Impulse in Judicial Opinions.  In: Law and Literature. Berkeley: Spring 2011. Vol. 23, no. 1; p. 80-128 (48)

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