Virginia, Woolf(ヴァジニア・ウルフ)研究論文
Virginia, Woolf(ヴァジニア・ウルフ)研究の2005年から2010年に刊行された論文を紹介しています。
ここで紹介する論文は企画商品CD「イギリス文学論文撰」の「20世紀前半」の項 Woolf, Virginia 第 2 集2005-2010年刊行論文集に収録しています。
[2011-2014年];[Woolf and The Waves?]; [To the Lighthouse?]
- Abbs, Carolyn.;
Writing the Subject: Virginia Woolf and Clothes. In: COLLOQUY text theory critique, vol. 11 (2006). pp. 209-225(17) - Abravanel, Genevieve.;
Orlando's Othello. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 39-42(4) [ Contents ] - Adolph, Andrea.;
Consumption Asunder: Woolf, Dunmore, and the Mind/Body Split. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 125-129(5) - Adolph, Andrea.;
Luncheon at "The Leaning Tower": Consumption and Class in Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts. In: Women's Studies, Vol. 34, Issue 6, September 2005, pp. 439-459(21) - Aimone, Laura Francesca.;
In the Footsteps of Virginia Woolf: The Hours by Michael Cunningham. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 159-164(6)[ Contents ] - Albini, Theresa K.;
Virginia Woolf's the Waves: A Lyrical 'Sense of Continuity' in a Sea of Dissociation. In: Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, Vol. 8, Issue 3, October 2007, pp. 57-84(28) - Albrinck, Meg.;
Lily the Ethnographer: Discovering Self in To the Lighthouse. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 196-202(7) [ Contents ] - Allen, Judith.;
Conversation as Instigation: Virginia Woolf's Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 25-32(8) [ Contents ] - Allen, Natasha.;
The Critical Silence of the Other: Critique of Fascism in Virginia Woolf's The Waves. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 21-24(4) - Alt, Christina.;
Pests and Pesticides: Exploring the Boundaries of Woolf' Environmentalism. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 93-99(7) [ Contents ] - Alt, Christina.;
Virginia Woolf and the 'Naturalist-Novelist.' In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 65-71(7) - Andrews, Charles.;
Under the Volute: Jacob's Room, Pacifism, and the Church of England. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 64-69(6) - Atilla, Aylin.;
Beywenn the Acts: A Step Beyond the Traditional Historical Novel. In: Brno Studies in English, Vol. 35, no. 1, 2009, pp. 77-85(9) - Ayuso, Mónica G.;
Virginia Woolf and María Luísa Bombal. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 99-103(5)
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- Bahun, Sanja.;
The Burden of the Past, the Dialectics of the Present: Notes on Virginia Woolf's and Walter Benjamin's Philosophies of History. In: Modernist Cultures, vol. 3(2008), no. 2, pp. 100- 115(16) - Balkin, Sarah.;
Regenerating Drama in Stein's Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights and Woolf's Between the Acts. In: Modern Drama, 51:4 (Winter 2008), pp. 433-457(25) - Barrows, Adam.;
The Shortcomings of Timetables': Greenwich, Modernism, and the Limits of Modernity. In: MFS: Modern Fiction Studies, 56.2 (2010): pp. 262-289(28) - Barber, Stephen M.;
States of Emergency, States of Freedom: Woolf, History, and the Novel. In: Novel: A Forum on Fiction, 42.2 (2009): pp. 196-206(11) - Barrett, Michèle.;
Virginia Woolf and Pacifisim. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 37-41(5) [ Contents ] - Beetham, Margaret.;
Thinking Back Through our Mother's Magazines: Feminism's Inheritance from Nineteenth-Century Magazines for Mothers. In: Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies, Issue 6.2 (Summer 2010), 17 pp. - Bell, Vereen M.;
Misreading "Mrs. Dalloway". In: The Sewanee Review, Vol. 114, No. 1 (Winter, 2006), pp. 93-111(9) - Bellamy, Suzanne.;
New World Archives: Scattered Seeds of a New Scholarship. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 143-152(10) [ Contents ] - Bellamy, Suzanne.;
Textual Archeology: An Australian Study of Virginia Woolf in 1942. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 1-7(7) [ Contents ] - Bellamy, Suzanne.;
Textual Archaeology and the Death of the Writer. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 131-138(8) [ Contents ] - Benziman, Galia.;
'Dispersed Are We': Mirroring and National Identity in Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts. In: Journal of Narrative Theory, 36 (2006): pp. 53-71(19) - Berkman, Joyce Avrech.;
Doing the Splits: Outsider/Insider as Women's Historian and Feminist Activist. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 183-186(4) - Besnault-Livita, Anne.;
Speech-Acts, Represented Thoughts and Human Intercourse in The Introduction' and Together and Apart. In: Journal of the Short Story in English 50 (2008): 11 pp. - Bettinger, Elfi.;
'The Journey, Not the Arrival, Matters': Virginia Woolf and the Culture of Aging. In: Journal of Aging Humanities and the Arts, Vol. 1, Issue 3-4, October 2007, pp. 177-190(14) - Birrento, Ana Clara.;
Virginia Woolf: Moments of Being. In: Virginia Woolf: Three Centenary Celebrations. Ed. Maria Cândida Zamith and Luísa Flora. Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 2007. pp. 61-72(12) [ Contents ] - Birrer, Doryjane.;
'What Are Novelists For?' Writing and Rewriting Reality from Woolf to McEwan. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 165-170(6) - Blyth, Ian.;
Woolf, Rooks, and Rural England. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 80-85(6) [ Contents ] - Bolchi, Elisa.;
Virginia Woolf within Italian Literary Periodicals Under Fascism. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 70-75(6) [ Contents ] - Boldrini, Lucia.;
Anna Banti and Virginia Woolf: A Grammar of Responsibility. In: Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies, 10(2009.), pp. 135-149(15) - Bond, Trevor James.;
Loves, Languages, and Lives: An Exhibit from the Library of Leonard and Virginia Woolf. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 33-36(4) [ Contents ] - Born, Asmund W.; Frankel, Christian; Thygesen, Niels Thyge.;
The Hours: A Gaze, a Kiss and the Lapse between them. An Eventalization. In: ephemera, vol. 6(2006), no. 2: pp. 121-140(20) - Bourque, Susan C.;
Carolyn Heilbrun: The Last Interview. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 187-192(6) - Brackett, Virginia.;
The Artist/Intellectual as Politician. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 215-220(6) - Bradshaw, David.;
The Socio-Political Vision of the Novels. In: Sellers, Susan (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2010. xxi, 272 pp.. isbn 978-0-521-89694-8; pp. 124-141(18) [ Contents ] - Briggs, Julia.;
'Printing Hope': Virginia Woolf, Hope Mirrlees, and the Iconic Imagery of Paris. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 31-36(6) - Briggs, Julia.;
The Conversation Behind the Conversation: Speaking the Unspeakable in Virginia Woolf. In: Études anglaises, (58:1) Jan-Mar 2005, pp. 6-14(9) - Briggs, Julia.;
The Novels of the 1930s and the Impact of History. In: Sellers, Susan (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2010. xxi, 272 pp.. isbn 978-0-521-89694-8; pp. 70-88(19) - Briggs, Julia.;
Writing by Numbers: An Aspect of Woolf's Revisionary Practice. In: Variants : the Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship (4) 2005, pp. 165-181(17) - Brombert, Victor.;
Virginia Woolf-"Death Is the Enemy". In: The Hudson Review, Vol. 63, No. 3 (Autumn 2010), pp. 429-444(16) - Burian, Cornelia.;
Modernity's Shock and Beauty: Trauma and the Vulnerable Body in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway." In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 70-75(6)
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- Caine, Barbara.;
Bloomsbury Friendship and its Victorian Antecedents. In: Literature and History, 17.1 (2008): pp. 48-61(14) - Caine, Barbara.;
Stefan Collini, Virginia Woolf, and the Question of Intellectuals in Britain. In: Journal of the History of Ideas, 68 (2007): pp. 369-373(5) - Callan, Stephanie.;
Exploring the Confluence of Primitive Ritual and Modern Longing in Between the Acts. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 225-231(7) [ Contents ] - Cao, Xiaoqin.;
The Reception of Woolf in China. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 82-84(3) [ Contents ] - Caracciolo, Marco.;
Leaping into Space: The Two Aesthetics of "To the Lighthouse". In: Poetics Today, Vol. 31, No. 2 (Summer 2010), pp. 251-284(34) - Carson, Benjamin D.;
Darkness Beyond the Lighthouse: Virginia Woolf, Charles Baudelaire, and Literary Modernism. In: Nebula, vol .2(September 2005), no. 3, pp. 18-33(16) - Carr, Helen.;
Virginia Woolf, Empire and Race. In: Sellers, Susan (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2010. xxi, 272 pp.. isbn 978-0-521-89694-8; pp. 197-213(17) [ Contents ] - Carter, Courtney.:
The World with and Without a Self: Between the Acts as a Revision of The Waves. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 29-36(8) [ Contents ] - Caughie, Pamela L.:
Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse. In: Bradshaw, David; Dettmar, Kevin J. H. (eds). A companion to Modernist literature and culture. Oxford; Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2006. pp. xxi, 592. (Blackwell companions to literature and culture, 39.). pp. 486-498(13) - Chan, Evelyn T.;
Professions, Freedom and Form: Reassessing Woolf's The Years and Three Guineas. In: Review of English Studies, Vol. 61, Issue 251, Sep2010, pp. 591-613(23) - Chapman, Wayne K.;
Last Respects: The Posthumous Editing of Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath. In: The Southcarolina Review, vol. 38, no. 2, (Spring 2006), pp. 65-71(7) - Chapman, Wayne K.;
Notes Chirruping Answer: Language as Music in James Joyce and Virginia Woolf . In: South Carolina Review, Vol. 43(2010), no. 1, pp..213-220(8) - Chen, Fay, and Chung-Hsiung Lai.;
'The Time Is out of Joint': A Derridean Reading of Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway. In: EurAmerica: A Journal of European and American Studies, vol. 37(2007), no. 2, pp. 227-254(28) - Christ, Carol T.;
Woolf and Education. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 2-10(9) [ Contents ] - Christodoulides, Nephie.;
On Not Being Able to Paint: Writing Inhibitions and Self-Editing in Virginia Woolf?s and Sylvia Plath?s Fiction. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 104-110(7) - Clarke, Ben.;
'But the Barrier Is Impassable': Virginia Woolf and Class. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 36-42(7) [ Contents ] - Clarke, Stuart N.;
A Few Cigarettes in Lilian's Ash Tray: Woolf's Revisions to her Essays. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 182-188(7) - Clayton, Susan.;
Britomart Quest Anew, Victorians revive the Elizabethan Faerie Queene as campaigns for women's suffrage intensify. In: Cahiers victoriens et edouardiens (71) [Apr 2010], pp. 323-338(16) - Clements, Elicia.;
Reconfigured Terrain: Aural Architecture in Jacob's Room and The Years. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 71-76(6) [ Contents ] - Clewell, Tammy.;
The Making of a New Virginia Woolf Icon. (Review-article.). In: College Literature (32:3), 2005, pp. 172-181(10) - Clukey, Amy.;
"No country really now": Modernist Cosmopolitanisms and Jean Rhys's Quartet. In: Twentieth Century Literature(Hempstead) , Vol. 56, Iss. 4, Winter 2010, pp. 437-461(25) - Coates, Kimberly Engdahl.;
Queering London: Virginia Woolf and the Politics of Perception. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 64-70(7) - Coates, Kimberly Engdahl.;
Regarding Violence: Virginia Woolf's Three Guineas and Contemporary Feminist Responses to War. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 40-45(6) - Coleman, Lisa L.;
Roots, Woolf, and an Ethics of Desire. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 110-116(7) - Coonradt, Nicole.;
Editing Memory: Virginia Woolf?s Memoir Identity and Her Re-Presentation of the Traumatized Self. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 43-49(7) - Crabtree-Sinnett, Claire.;
Intensities of Consciousness Delusion, Dream, and Delirium in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway and Katherine Anne Porter's Pale Horse, Pale Rider. In: B. A. S.: British and American Studies/Revista de Studii Britanice si Americane 14 (2008): pp. 181-192(12) - Cramer, Patricia Morgne.;
Virginia Woolf and Sexuality. In: Sellers, Susan (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2010. xxi, 272 pp.. isbn 978-0-521-89694-8; pp. 180-196(17) - Crangle, Sara.;
The Time Being: On Woolf and Boredom. In: MFS: Modern Fiction Studies 54.2 (2008): pp. 209-232(24) - Crapoulet, Émilie.;
Beyond the Boundaries of Language: Music in Virginia Woolf's The String Quartet. In: Journal of the Short Story in English, 50 (2008): 10 pp. - Cuddy-Keane, Melba.;
Afterword: Inside and Outside the Covers: Beginnings, Endings, and Woolf's Non-Coercive Ethical Texts. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 172-180(9) - Cuddy-Keane, Melba.;
Virginia Woolf and the Public Sphere. In: Sellers, Susan (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2010. xxi, 272 pp.. isbn 978-0-521-89694-8; pp. 231-249(19) - Cuevas, Isabel Ma Andrés.;
On Holy Boughs and Scred Fools: Virginia Woolf under the Shadow of Jane Harrison. In: Odisea, no 6, ISSN 1578-3820, 2005, pp. 19-28(10) - Czarnecki, Kristin Kommers.;
Filming Feminism: A Room of One's Own on Masterpiece Theater. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 177-182(6)
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- D'Amore, Alice.;
Autobiographical Ruptures: Rhoda's Traumatic Displacement. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 44-49(6) [ Contents ] - D'Erasmo, Stacey.;
Influence: A Practice in Three Wanders. In: New England Review (31:4) [2010/2011], pp. 31-42(12) - D'Hoker, Elke.;
The Role of the Imagination in Virginia Woolf's Short Fiction. In: Journal of the Short Story in English 50 (2008): 10 pp. - Dalsimer, Katherine.;
Virginia Woolf: Thinking Back Through Our Mothers. In: Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Vol. 24, Issue 5, October 2004, pp. 713-730(18) - Daugherty, Beth.;
Editions in the Classroom: Does it Matter? In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 117-122(6) [ Contents ] - Daugherty, Beth.;
Virginia Stephen, Book Reviewer: Or, The Apprentice and her Editors. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 63-69(7) - Daugherty, Beth Rigel.;
From the Beginning: Virginia Stephen's Reading and Virginia Woolf's Essays. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 55-61(7) [ Contents ] - Daugherty, Beth Rigel.;
In Gratitude: Julia Briggs's Contributions to Woolf Studies. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 1-11(11) - Daugherty, Beth Rigel.;
The Streets of London: Virginia Woolf's Development of a Pedagogical Style. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 190-194(5) [ Contents ] - Davis, Brooke.;
'Relearning the world': Finding a space to grieve with Lewis, Didion and Woolf. In: Margins and Mainstreams: Refereed conference papers of the 14th Annual AAWP Conference, 2009. 8 pp. - Davis, Paul E. H.;
'Talk talk talk …' Virginia Woolf, Ireland and Maria Edgeworth. In: Estudios Irlandeses, Number 1, 2006, pp. 32-38(7) - De Gay, Jane.;
Virginia Woolf, Metamorphoses, and Flights from Nation. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 139-146(8) [ Contents ] - Delgado Garcia, Cristina.;
Decentring Discourse, Self-Centred Politics: Radicalism and the Self in Virginia Woolf's "Mrs Dalloway". In: Atlantis, Vol. 32, No. 1 (Junio 2010), pp. 15-28(14) - Delsandro, Erica.;
Flights of Imagination: Aerial Views, Narrative Perspectives, and Global Perceptions. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 117-124(8) - Delsandro, Erica Gene.;
To make that country our own country': The Years, Novelistic Historiography, and the 1930s. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 120-129(10) - DiBattista, Maria.;
The Sybil of the Drawing Room: Virginia Woolf in Old Bloomsbury. In: Virginia Woolf: Three Centenary Celebrations. Ed. Maria Cândida Zamith and Luísa Flora. Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 2007. pp. 21-36(16) [ Contents ] - DiBattista, Maria.;
Virginia Woolf. In: Poole, Adrian (ed. and introd.), The Cambridge Companion to English Novelists, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2010. xi, 464 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 361-376(16) - DiBattista, Maria.;
Woolf 's Sense of Adventure. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 27-28(2) - Dickinson, Renee.;
Extinguishing the Lady with the Lamp: Florence Nightingale and the Work of Empire in the Interludes of The Waves. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 186-196(11) - DiGregorio Kightlinger, Jennifer-Ann.;
Sex Costumes: Signifying Sex and gender in Woolf's 'The Introduction' and The Years. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in The Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 117-122(6) [ Contents ] - Driscoll, William.;
The Metaphor of Syphilis in Grand's Heavenly Twins. In: Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies, Issue, 5.1 (Spring 2009), 14 pp. - Dojčinović-Nešić, Biljana.;
Translation as Border-Crossing: Virginia Woolf's Case. In: Trans : Revue de Litterature Generale et Comparee, Issue 9(2010), , 8 pp. - Dubino, Jeanne.;
Engendering Voyages in Virginia Woolf's Fiction. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 12-17(6)
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- Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning.:
Swinburne's Tristram of Lyonesse and Woolf's To the Lighthouse. In: Explicator (66:1) 2007, pp. 11-15(5) - Espley, Richard.;
Woolf and the Others at the Zoo. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 86-92(7) [ Contents ] - Esty, Jed.;
Unseasonable Youth, or Woolf 's Alternative Modernity. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 29-30(2) [ Contents ] - Evans, Elizabeth F.;
Woolf 's Exploration of 'The Outer and the Inner': A Spatial Analysis of The Years. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 112-120(9) - Evans, Elizabeth F. and Cornish, Sarah E.;
Introduction. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. vii-xii(6) [ Contents ] - Evans, Pamela Hall.;
Biography, Portraits, and the Fine Spirit: Dorothy Brett, Artist. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 166-173(8) [ Contents ] - Faber, Alyda.;
'The Shock of Love' and the Visibility of 'Indecent' Pain: Reading the Woolf-Raverat Correspondence. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 58-64(7) - Feigel, Lara.;
Buggery and Montage: Birmingham and Bloomsbury in the 1930s. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 51-57(7) - Fernald, Anne E.;
A Feminist Public Sphere? Virginia Woolf's Revisions of the Eighteenth Century. In: Feminist Studies (Univ. of Maryland, College Park) (31:1) Spring 2005, pp.158-182(25) - Fernald, Anne E.;
Semi-Colons and Major Changes: Editing Mrs. Dalloway. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 196-200(5) - Fernald Anne, Lanpher Katherine, Sellers Susan, Gruber Ruth, Lundberg Kris.;
Transcription of "Inspired by Woolf: A Conversation": A Special Panel at the 2009 Virginia Woolf Conference. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 220-232(15) - Ferretter, Luke.;
The Influence of Somebody Upon Something: To the Lighthouse in Sylvia Plath's Work. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 111-116(6) - Flora, Luísa.;
'The Desolate Ruins of My Old Squares': Woolf out of Bloomsbury and into the Future. In: Virginia Woolf: Three Centenary Celebrations. Ed. Maria Cândida Zamith and Luísa Flora. Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 2007. pp. 167-176(10) [ Contents ] - Flora, Luísa Maria Rodrigues.;
Manacled to a rock he was: Exhausted Patriarchy in Between the Acts. In: Ana Luísa Amaral and Gualter Cunha (eds.)., Estudos em Homenagem a Margarida Losa. Porto: Universidade do Porto, (2006), pp. 169-182(14) - Fox, Meghan.;
The vision must be perpetually remade: An Examination of Ethical and Aesthetic Revisions in To the Lighthouse. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 18-24(7) - Frattarola, Angela.;
Developing an Ear for the Modernist Novel: Virginia Woolf, Dorothy Richardson and James Joyce. In: Journal of Modern Literature, 33.1 (2009): pp. 132-153(22) - Frattarola, Angela.:
The phonograph and the Modernist novel. In: Mosaic: a journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature, (43:1) [Mar 2010] pp. 143-159(17) - Freeman, Jan.;
The Paris Press Publication of On Being Ill. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 141-146(6) [ Contents ] - Froula, Christine.;
On French and British Freedoms: Early Bloomsbury and the Brothels of Modernism. In: Virginia Woolf: Three Centenary Celebrations. Ed. Maria Cândida Zamith and Luísa Flora. Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 2007. pp. 87-107(21)
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- Gaipa, Mark.;
Accessorizing Clarissa: How Virginia Woolf changes the clothes and the character of her lady of fashion. In: Modernist Cultures, 4 (2009. pp. 24-47(24) - Gan, Wendy.;
Solitude and Community: Virginia Woolf, Spatial Privacy and A Room of One's Own. In: Literature & History, 18.1 (2009): pp. 68-80(13) - Garrington, Abbie.;
Reflections on a Cinematic Story. In: Journal of the Short Story in English 50 (2008): 6 pp. - Gemmill, Katie.;
Time and the Sacred in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse. In: Inquiry@Queen's: An Undergraduate Journal, vol. 1(2007), pp. 1-6(6) - Gerend, Sara.;
Ghosts of Empire in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse and Elizabeth Bowen's The Last September. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 51-56(6) [ Contents ] - Gerrard, Deborah.;
Brown-Ness, Trees, Rose Petals, and Chrysalises: The Influence of Edward Carpenter's Mystical Evolutionary Socialism on the Writing of Virginia Woolf, with Particular Reference to The Years. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp.15-21(7) [ Contents ] - Gillespie, Diane F.;
A City in the Archives: Virginia Woolf and the Statues of London. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 55-62(8) [ Contents ] - Gillespie, Diane F.;
"Godiva Still Rides: Virginia Woolf, Divestiture, and Three Guineas. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 2-26(25) [ Contents ] - Gillespie, Diane F.;
Into the Underworld: Virginia Woolf, the Hogarth Press, and the Detective Novel. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 70-76(7) [ Contents ] - Gillespie, Diane.;
The Hogarth Press and "Religion": Logan Pearsall Smith's Stories from the Old Testament. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 50-56(7) [ Contents ] - Gillespie, Diane F.;
Virginia Woolf's 'Ghosts': Books, Martyrs, and Metaphors. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 70-81(12) - Gjurgjan, Ljiljana Ina.;
The Politics of Gender in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse and James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. In: Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia 55 (2010): pp. 3-17(15) - Godfrey, Mollie.;
Discovering the Readerly Mind: Woolf's Modernist Reinvention of the National Poet. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 177-186(10) - Goldman, Jane.;
'Ce Chien Est À Moi': Virginia Woolf and the Signifying Dog. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 100-107(8) - Goldman, Jane.;
From Mrs. Dalloway to The Waves: New Elegy and Lyric Experimentalism. In: Sellers, Susan (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2010. xxi, 272 pp.. isbn 978-0-521-89694-8; pp. 49-69(21) [ Contents ] - Goldman, Jane.;
Idiotic admonitions and unwanted counsels: Virginia Woolf's spat with Life and Letters. In: Modernist Magazines Conference July 12-14th 2007, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. 20 pp. - Goldman, Jane.;
"When dogs will become men": Melancholia, Canine Allegories, and Theriocephalous Figures in Woolf's Urban Contact Zones. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 180-188(9) - Goldman, Jane.;
Who is Mr. Ramsay? Where is the Lighthouse?: The Politics and Pragmatics of Scholarly Annotation. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 189-195(7) - Gordon, Lyndall.;
'This Loose, Drifting Material of Life': Virginia Woolf and Biography. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 11-18(8) [ Contents ] - Gorsky, Susan Rubinow.;
The Mask/Masque of Food: Illness and Art. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 50-55(6) - Grant, Joanna.;
They Came to Baghdad: Woolf and Sackville-West's Levant. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 150-158(9)
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- Haffey, Kate
Exquisite Moments and the Temporality of the Kiss in Mrs. Dalloway and The Hours. In: Narrative, vol. 18(2010), no. 2, pp. 137-162(26) - Hagen, Benjamin D.;
A Car, a Plane, and a Tower: Interrogating Public Images in Mrs. Dalloway. In: Modernism / Modernity, vol. 16(2009), no. 3, pp 537-551(15) - Haller, Evelyn.;
The Botanical Works of Marianne North (Painter, Writer, Traveler) Edited by Absorption into Virginia Woolf's Writing. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 174-181(8) [ Contents ] - Hankins, Leslie.;
An Archive in the City: "True Pictures" and Animated News Films of Suffragettes in the Holographs of Virginia Woolf's "The Movies" in the Berg Collection. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 173-179(7) [ Contents ] - Hankins, Leslie Kathleen.;
Complicating Adaptation: Virginia Woolf's 1925 novel, Mrs. Dalloway, and Abel Gance?s 1918-1919 film, J'accuse. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 129-137(9) - Hankins, Leslie.;
Reel Publishing: Virginia Woolf & the Hogarth Press' Film Publications. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 77-83(7) [ Contents ] - Harris, Alexandra.;
Virginia Woolf Underground. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 40-46(7) - Harvey, Ben.;
Borderline Personalities: Woolf Reviews Kapp. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 127-137(11) [ Contents ] - Harvey, Benjamin.;
The Twentieth Part: Word and Image in Woolf 's Reading Room. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 103-111(9) [ Contents ] - Harvey, Kathryn.;
Tradition and Individual Talents: Rebecca West's and Virginia Woolf's Reviews and Essays. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 112-118(7) - Haule, James.;
Reading Dante, Misreading Woolf: New Evidence of Virginia Woolf's Revision of The Years. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 232-244(13) - Helt, Brenda.;
Bright Young Editor: John Lehmann at the Hogarth Press. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 57-62(6) - Helt, Brenda S.;
Passionate Debates on "Odious Subjects": Bisexuality and Woolf's Opposition to Theories of Androgyny and Sexual Identity. In: Twentieth Century Literature, Vol. 56, No. 2 (spring 2010), pp. 131-167(37) - Henderson, Kate Krueger.;
Fashioning Anti-Semitism: Virginia Woolf's ?The Duchess and the Jeweller' and the Readers of Harper's Bazaar. In: Journal of the Short Story in English, 50 (2008): 11 pp. - Hindrichs, Cheryl.:
Feminist Optics and Avant-Garde Cinema: Germaine Dulac's The Smiling Madame Beudet and Virginia Woolf's Street Haunting. In: Feminist Studies, (35:2) 2009, pp. 294-322(29) - Hindrichs, Cheryl.;
Find Our Own Way for Ourselves': Orlando as an Uncommon Reader in the Critical Theory Classroom. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 195-203(9) - Hindrichs, Cheryl.;
Reading the Other, Editing the Self: Mentoring in Woolf and Welty. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 96-103(8) - Hirsh, Elizabeth.;
Mrs. Dalloway's Menopause: Encrypting the Female Life Course. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 76-81(6) [ Contents ] - Hite, Molly.;
How Strange': Affective and Evaluative Uncertainty in Mrs. Dalloway. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 95-103(9) - Hite, Molly.;
The Public Woman and the Modernist Turn: Virginia Woolf's The Voyage Out and Elizabeth Robins's My Little Sister. In: Modernism/modernity, vol. 17(2010), no. 3, pp. 523-548(26) - Hite, Molly.;
Tonal Cues and Uncertain Values: Affect and Ethics in "Mrs. Dalloway". In: Narrative, Vol. 18, No. 3 (October 2010), pp. 249-275(27) - Hoeveler, Diane Long.;
More gothic gold: the Sadleir-Black chapbook collection at the University of Virginia Library. In: Papers on Language & Literature (46:2) 2010, pp. 164-193(30) - Hollis, Catherine W.;
Virginia Woolf's Double Signature. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 19-23(5) - Hsieh, Lili.;
The Other Side of the Picture: The Politics of Affect in Virginia Woolf's Three Guineas. In: Journal of Narrative Theory, 36 (2006): pp. 20-52(33) - Huebner, Seth.;
Virginia Woolf: O Thy Splendid Identity! In: Janus Head, 8(2005). No. 2, pp. 455-471(17) - Humm, Maggie.;
Editing Virginia Woolf and the Arts: Woolf and the Royal Academy. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 154-159(6) - Humm, Maggie.;
'Memory Holes' or 'Heterotopias'?: The Bloomsbury Photographs. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 150-156(7) - Humm, Maggie.;
The 1930s, Photography, and Virginia Woolf's Flush. In: Photography and Culture, 3.1(2010): pp. 7-17(11) - Humm, Maggie.;
Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell as Photographers: 'the Same Pair of Eyes, Only Different Spectacles.' In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 24-30(7) - Humm, Maggie.;
Virginia Woolf and Visual Culture. In: Sellers, Susan (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2010. xxi, 272 pp.. isbn 978-0-521-89694-8; pp. 214-230(17) [ Contents ] - Hunter, Dianne.;
Objects Dissolving in Time. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 94-99(6) - Hussey, Mark.;
Woolf and the Falling Man. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 88-94(7)
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- Jacobsen, Sally A.;
Between the Acts: Ottoline Morrell and Mrs. Manresa, D. H. Lawrence and Giles Oliver. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 50-57(8) [ Contents ] - Johnson, Erica.;
Adjacencies: Virginia Woolf, Cora Sandel, and the Künstlerroman. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 90-95(6) [ Contents ] - Johnson, Erica L.;
Writing the Land: The Geography of National Identity in Orlando. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 105-109(5) [ Contents ] - Jones, Susan.;
Virginia Woolf and the Dance. In: Dance Chronicle, Vol. 28, Issue 2, May 2005, pp. 169-200(32) - Karl. Alissa G,;
Consumerism and the Imperial Nation in Virginia Woolf's The Voyage Out and Mrs. Dalloway. In: Modcmism and rhc marketplace : literary culture and consumer capitalism m Rhys, Woolf, Stein, and Nclla Larsen / Alissa G. Karl. pp. 43-79(37) - Katz, Tamar.;
Pausing, Waiting, Repeating: Urban Temporality in Mrs. Dalloway and The Years. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 2-16(15) [ Contents ] - Kelley, Joyce.;
"Corrected in Red Ink": Septimus Warren Smith, the First World War, and the Culture of Erasure. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 11-17(7) - Kelley, Joyce.;
'Nooks and Corners Which I Enjoy Exploring': Investigating the Relationship Between Vita Sackville-West's Travel Narratives and Woolf's Writing. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 140-149(10) - Kelley, Joyce.;
Rachel Vinrace's and Anna Morgan's Parallel Voyages: Exploring the Relationship between Illness and Modernism. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 104-111(8) [ Contents ] - Ki, Magdelen Wing-chi.;
Structure and Anti-Structure: Virginia Woolf's Feminist Politics and The Mark on the Wall. In: English Studies: A Journal of English Language and Literature, vol. 91, no. 4, pp. 425-442(18) - Killian-O'Callaghan, Danaë.;
Wave to the Depths: A Performance of The Waves' Hidden Music. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 151-153(3) - Kitsi-Mitakou, Katerina.;
'The Kingfisher Comes; The Kingfisher Comes Not': The Maternal Impasse in Virginia Woolf's Orlando and A Room of One's Own. In: Studies in the Maternal, vol. 1(2009), no. 2, pp. 1-18(18) - Knowles, Nancy.;
The Voyage Home: Peter Walsh and the Trauma of Empire in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 43-48(6) - Kohn, Robert E.;
Erotic Daydreams in Virginia Woolf's ORLANDO. In: Explicator (Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation, Washington, DC) (68:3) Jul-Sep 2010, pp. 185-188(4) - Kopley, Emily.;
Woolf's Transformation of Providential Form in Mrs. Dalloway. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 116-120(5) [ Contents ] - Koppen, Randi Synnove.;
Real Bodies and the Psychology of Clothes: Three Guineas and the Limits of Sartorial Reasoning. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 72-79(8) - Koppen, Randi.;
Sartorial Adventures: Woolf and the (Other-) Worldliness of Dress. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 212-220(9) - Kostkowska, Justyna.;
Cinematic Editing of Virginia Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway and Stephen Daldry's The Hours as Reflective Ecosystems. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 138-143(6) - Koutsantoni, Katernia.;
The Impersonal Strategy: Re-visiting Virginia Woolf's Position in The Common Reader Essays. In: Women: A Cultural Review 20.2 (2009): pp. 157-171(15) - Kovacevic, Natasa.;
Beyond the Politics of Emancipation: Utopianism and Radical (Im)possibilities in Virginia Woolf. In: Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory, Vol. 16, Issue 3, July 2005, pp. 333-357(25) - Kreutziger, Joseph.;
Darwin's Temporal Aesthetics: A Brief Stretch in Time from Pater to Woolf. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 64-69(6) - Kuo, Chia-chen.;
A Cinematic Reading of Virginia Woolf's "Kew Gardens". In: Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, 35.1 (2009): pp. 181-201(21) - Kurt, Sevinc.;
Recreating Woolf's Public and Private Spaces in Architectural Design Education. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 204-211(8)
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Modernist Anti-Philosophicalism and Virginia Woolf's Critique of Philosophy. In: Journal of Modern Literature, vol. 29 (2006): pp. 76-98(23) - Laniel, Marie.;
Revisiting A Great Man's House: Virginia Woolf's Carlylean Pilgrimages. In: Carlyle Studies Annual, 24 (2008): pp. 117-131(15) - Laurence, Patricia.;
Hours in a Chinese Library: Re-Reading Virginia Woolf, Bloomsbury, and Modernism. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 8-15(5) [ Contents ] - Lee, Hermione.;
Virginia Woolf's Essays. In: Sellers, Susan (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2010. xxi, 272 pp.. isbn 978-0-521-89694-8; pp. 89-106(18) [ Contents ] - Levenback, Karen L.;
Wielding One's Own Pen: Virginia Woolf's Holographs in the Classroom. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 123-128(6) [ Contents ] - Levy, Eric.;
The Specious Present and Bi-Directional Time in Woolf's To the Lighthouse. In: Literature and Aesthetics, vol. 16, no. 2(2006): pp. 45-74(30) - Lewis, Pericles.;
Proust, Woolf, and Modern Fiction. In: The Romanic Review, Vol. 99, no. 1, January-March 2008, pp. 77-86(10) - Lilienfeld, Jane.;
'To Have the Reader Work with the Author': The Circulation of Knowledge in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse and Toni Morrison's Jazz. In: MFS: Modern Fiction Studies, 52 (2006): pp. 42-65(24) - Lima, José Luís Araújo.;
'For There They Were': Mrs. Dalloway, Clarissa and Mrs. Dalloway. In: Virginia Woolf: Three Centenary Celebrations. Ed. Maria Cândida Zamith and Luísa Flora. Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 2007. pp. 109-116(8) [ Contents ] - Louvel, Liliane.;
Telling by' Inches: Virginia Woolf's Shorter Fiction. In: Journal of the Short Story in English, 50 (2008): pp. 185-200(16) - Lowe, Alice.;
Editing A Writer's Diary: Leonard Woolf as Censor or "Keeper of the Flame." In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 37-42(6) [ Contents ] - Lowe, Gill.;
Hyde Park Gate News. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 38-43(6) [ Contents ] - Lowe, P.;
Cultural Community in a Time of War: Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts and T.S. Eliot's East Coker. In: Yeats Eliot Review 24 (2007): pp. 2-19)18)
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- Mackin, Timothy.;
Private Worlds, Public Minds: Woolf, Russell, and Photographic Vision. In: Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 33, No. 3 (Spring 2010), pp. 112-130(19) - Macnamara, Katie.;
Mapping Woolf 's Montaignian Modernism. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 22-29(8) [ Contents ] - Macnamara, Katie.;
Reflections on a Solitary Potato: The New Collective Essay and the Exploring Modern 'I.' In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 78-84(7) [ Contents ] - Madden, Mary C.;
Woolf's Interrogation of Class in Night and Day. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 56-63(8) [ Contents ] - Maggio, Paula.;
Virginia Woolf in the Cyber City: Connecting in the Virtual Public Square. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 212-216(5) [ Contents ] - Manson, Janet M.;
Leonard Woolf as an Architect of the League of Nations. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 49-54(5) [ Contents ] - Mao, Douglas.;
'Strange Necessities.'. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 31-32(2) - Marcus, Laura.;
In the Circle of the Lens': Woolf's Telescope' Story, Scene-Making and Memory. In: Journal of the Short Story in English, 50 (2008): 11 pp. - Marcus, Laura.;
Woolf's Feminism and Feminism's of Woolf. In: Sellers, Susan (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2010. xxi, 272 pp.. isbn 978-0-521-89694-8; pp. 142-179(38) [ Contents ] - Mares, Cheryl.;
The Making of Virginia Woolf's America. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 131-139(9) - Mares, Cheryl.;
The Strangled Difficult Music of the Prelude': Woolf on Identity and Difference. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 27-31(5) - Mares, Cheryl.;
Woolf and the American Imaginary. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 42-48(7) - Maxwell, Anne.;
Encountering the cultural Other: Virginia Woolf in Constantinople and Katherine Mansfield in the Ureweras. In: Ariel, (38:2/3) 2007, pp. 19-40(22) - McClellan, Ann K.;
Adeline's (Bankrupt) Education Fund: Woolf, Women, and Education in the Short Fiction. In: Journal of the Short Story in English, 50 (2008): 11 pp. - McGregor, Jamie.;
'The sea, music and death': the shadow of Wagner in Woolf's Mrs Dalloway. In: English Studies in Africa, (49:2) 2006, pp. 83-108(26) - McNees, Eleanor.;
Public Transport in Woolf's City Novels: The London Omnibus. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 31-39(9) - McNees, Eleanor.;
The English Tourist In/On America: Leslie Stephen vs. Virginia Woolf. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 122-130(10) - McNees, Eleanor.;
Ther Guidebook and the Guide Dog: Virginia Woolf and Italy. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 110-116(7) - McNeillie, Andrew.;
Bloomsbury. In: Sellers, Susan (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2010. xxi, 272 pp.. isbn 978-0-521-89694-8; pp. 1-28(28) [ Contents ] - Meyers, Helene.;
The Death and Life of a Jewish Judith Shakespeare: Rebecca Goldstein's Mazel. In: Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, Vol. 25(2007), No. 3, pp. 61-71(11) - Mondi, Megan.;
"You Find Us Much Changed": The Great War in To the Lighthouse. In: The Delta: Vol. 1: Iss. 1, (2006), pp. 13-31(19) - Monnickendam, Andrew.;
Goodbye to Isherwood: the Rise and Fall of a Literary Reputation. In: ATLANTIS. Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies. 30.2 (December 2008): pp. 125-137(13) - Monk, Ray.;
This Fictitious Life: Virginia Woolf on Biography and Reality. In: Philosophy and Literature, vol. 31(2007), no. 1, pp. 1-40(40) - Munca, Daniela.;
Virginia Woolf's Answer to "Women Can't Paint, Women Can't Write" inTo the Lighthouse. In: Journal of International Women's Studies, 10 (2009), no. 4, pp. 276-289(14)
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- Neel, Alexandra.;
The Photography of Antarctica: Virginia Woolf's Letters of Discovery. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 203-211(9) [ Contents ] - Neverow, Vara.;
Contrasting Urban and Rural Transgressive Sexualities in Jacob's Room. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 154-160(7) [ Contents ] - O'Dell, Ben.;
The Function of Filth: Waste Imagery and Cultural Identity in Between the Acts. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 46-50(5) [ Contents ] - Park,, Sowon S.;
Suffrage and Virginia Woolf: 'The Mass Behind the Single Voice.' In: Review of English Studies, 56. 223 (Feb. 2005): pp. 119-134(16) - Parkins, Wendy.;
'Whose Face Was It?': Nicole Kidman, Virginia Woolf, and the Boundaries of Feminine Celebrity. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 144-149(6) [ Contents ] - Parsons, Deborah L.;
Gender and the Novel. In: Theorists of the modernist novel : James Joyce, Dorothy Richardson, and Virginia Woolf. By Deborah Parsons. Routledge, 2007. pp. 81-108(28) - Parsons, Deborah L.;
Why Joyce, Woolf and Richardson? In: Theorists of the modernist novel : James Joyce, Dorothy Richardson, and Virginia Woolf. By Deborah Parsons. Routledge, 2007. pp. 1-17(17) - Pawlowski, Merry.:
Virginia Woolf's veil: the feminist intellectual and the organization of public space. In: Modern Fiction Studies (Dept of English, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN) (53:4) 2007, pp. 722-751(30) - Peach, Linden.;
Editing Flush and Woolf's Editing in Flush. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 201-205(5) [ Contents ] - Pender, Anne.;
'Modernist Madonnas': Dorothy Todd, Madge Garland and Virginia Woolf. In: Women's History Review, Vol. 16, Issue 4, September 2007, pp. 519-533(15) - Pinkerton, Steve.;
Linguistic and Erotic Innocence in Virginia Woolf's The Waves. In: The Explicator, Vol. 67, Issue 2, January 2009, pp. 75-77(3) - Plate, Liedeke.;
Walking in Virginia Woolf's Footsteps: Performing Cultural Memory. In: European Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 9 (2006), no. 1, pp. 101-120(20) - Pollentier, Caroline.;
Imagining Flânerie Beyond Anthropocentrism: Virginia Woolf, the London Archipelago, and City Tortoises.? Evans and Cornish. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 20-30(11) - Poresky, Louise A.;
Cather and Woolf in Dialogue: The Professor's House and To the Lighthouse. In: Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature, 44.1 (2008): pp. 67-86(20) - Prudente, Teresa.;
To Slip Easily from One Thing to Another': Experimentalism and Perception in Woolf's Short Stories. In: Journal of the Short Story in English, 50 (2008): 9 pp. - Pryor, William.;
The Living Memes and Jeans of Bloomsbury of Bloomsbury and Neo-Paganism. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 147-152(6) [ Contents ] - Purifoy, Christie.;
Melancholic Patriotism and "The Waves". In: Twentieth Century Literature, Vol. 56, No. 1 (spring 2010), pp. 25-46(22)
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Behind the Cotton Wool: The Social Unconscious in Mrs. Dalloway. In: The Sigma Tau Delta Review, Vol. 6, 2009, pp. 6-14(9) - Radeva, Milena.;
Re-visioning Philanthropy and Women's Roles: Virginia Woolf, Professionalization, and the Philanthropy Debates. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 206-214(9) [ Contents ] - Raitt, Suzanne.;
Virginia Woolf's Early Novels: Finding a Voice. In: Sellers, Susan (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2010. xxi, 272 pp.. isbn 978-0-521-89694-8; pp. 29-48(20). [ Contents ] - Raterman, Jennifer.;
Reading from the outside: The uses of translation for Virginia Woolf's "common reader". In: Translation Studies, Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2010, pp. 78-93(16) - Reginio, Robert.;
Virginia Woolf and the Technologies of Exploration: Jacob's Room as Counter-Monument. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 86-94(9) [ Contents ] - Regis, Amber K.;
'From All This Diversity…Not a Riot of Confusion but a Richer Unity': The Limits of Self-Representation in Virginia Woolf's Orlando: A Biography. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007.pp. 8-14(7) [ Contents ] - Reid, Su.;
Walking Down Whitehall. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 32-38(7) [ Contents ] - Reid, Susan.;
Killing the Angel in the House: Virginia Woolf, D. H. Lawrence, and the Boundaries of Sex and Gender. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 65-71(7). - Reinhold, Natalya.;
'A Wonderful Compass of Voices': From a Passionate Apprenticeship Towards Full-Scale Writing. In: Virginia Woolf: Three Centenary Celebrations. Ed. Maria Cândida Zamith and Luísa Flora. Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 2007. pp. 39-60(22) [ Contents ] - Reviron-Piégay, Floriane.:
Translating Generic Liberties: Orlando on Page and Screen. In: Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly 32.2 (2009): pp. 316-339(24) - Reyes. Andrea.;
On Patriotism and Angels: Virginia Woolf and Rosario Castellanos. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 85-91(7) [ Contents ] - Reynier, Christine.;
The Obstinate Resistance' of Woolf's Short Story. In: Journal of the Short Story in English 50 (2008): 4 pp. - Reynier, C.;
Virginia Woolf's Ethics of the Short Story. In: Etudes Anglaises, 60 (2007): pp. 55-65(11) - Rich, Jennifer A.;
Blindness and Insight: Considering Ethos in Virginia Woolf's Three Guineas. In: Rhetoric Review, Vol. 30, Issue 1, December 2010, pp. 72-88(17) - Roberta, White.;
Journey to the Silent Kingdom: Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse. In: A studio of one's own : fictional women painters and the art of fiction. By Roberta White. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005. ISBN 0-8386-4072-9; pp. 85-108(24) - Robinson, Richard.;
The Modernism of Jan McEwan's Atonement. In: Modern Fiction Studies, (56:3) [Fall 2010], pp. 473-495(23) - Robson, Ruthann.;
A Servant of One's Own: The Continuing Class Struggle in Feminist Legal Theories and Practices. In: Berkley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice, vol. 23(2008), no. 2, pp. 392-423(32) - Rojas, Yuko.:
Proustian reminiscence in To the Lighthouse. In: Studies in the Novel (41:4) 2009, pp. 451-467(17) - Rubenstein, Roberta.;
I Meant Nothing by The Lighthouse': Virginia Woolf's Poetics of Negation. In: Journal of Modern Literature 31.4 (2008): pp. 36-53(18) - Rubenstein, Roberta.;
Reading over her Shoulder: Virginia Woolf Reads Anna Karenina. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 76-83(8) - Rubini, Luísa.;
Virginia Woolf and the Flounder. In: Fabula (47:3/4) 2006, pp. 289-307(19) - Rupp, Gabriel V.;
Self Enlightenment in Woolf, Joyce, and Nietzsche. In: CLCWeb: Comparative Literature & Culture: A WWWeb Journal; Vol. 12 Issue 3, Sep2010, Special section pp. 1-8, 7 pp.
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- Sabatini, Federico.;
Dark pours over the outlines of houses and towers': Virginia Woolf's Prismatic Poetics of Space. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 77-86(10) [ Contents ] - Saloman, Randi.;
[D]irectly a box was unpacked the rooms became very different': Hotel Life and The Voyage Out. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 167-172(6) - Saloman, Randi.;
"Here Against is the Usual Door": The Modernity of Virginia Woolf's Street Haunting. In: Genre, XXXVIII - Spring/Summer 2005, pp. 71-94(24) - Saloman, Randi.;
Everybody Needs Some Passion: The Passions of Modernism: Eliot, Yeats, Woolf, and Mann Modernism, Memory, and Desire: T. S. Eliot and Virginia Woolf. [Reiew Essays]. In: Twentieth Century Literature. Vol. 56, Issue 3, Fall, 2010, pp. 405-414(10) - Samson, Carol.;
After Tea: Adapting Virginia Woolf's A Writer's Diary for Stage Performance. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 144-150(7) [ Contents ] - Sang, Yanxia.;
An Analysis of Stream-of-Consciousness Technique in To the Lighthouse. In: Asian Social Science Vol. 6, No. 9; September 2010, pp. 173-179(7) - Sanger, Catherine.;
Out of the Dark: Exploring Female Friendships in Woolf and Morrison. In: Deliberations. Fall 2006. pp. 36-41(6) - Savoie, Tracy.;
Caged Tiger: Louis as Colonial Subject in Virginia Woolf's The Waves. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 16-20(5) [ Contents ] - Schroder, Leena Kore.;
Who's Afraid of Rosamond Merridew? Reading Medieval History in The Journal of Mistress Joan Martyn. In: Journal of the Short Story in English 50 (2008): 11 pp. - Scott, Bonnie Kime.;
Virginia Woolf, Ecofeminism, and Breaking Boundaries in Nature. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 108-115(8) [ Contents ] - Scott, Bonnie Kime, Brenda Silver, Georgia Johnston, and Vara Neverow.;
Modernist Archives and Issues of Intellectual Property. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 221-226(6) - See, Sam.;
The Comedy of Nature: Darwinian Feminism in Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts. In: Modernism/modernity, Vol. 17(2010), no. 3, pp. 639-667(29) - Shank, Adele Edling.;
To the Lighthouse: Based on the Novel by Virginia Woolf. In: TheatreForum, (33) Summer/Fall 2008, pp. 40-66(27) - Shannon, Drew Patrick.;
The Lightly Attached Web: The Fictional Virginia Woolf. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 153-158(6) [ Contents ] - Shepley, Nicholas S.;
The One-day Novel, the City and the Everyday: Ulysses, Mrs Dalloway and Party Going. In: Henry Green: An Oblique Approach to the Everyday. By Nicholas S, Shepley. University College London, 2010, pp. 139-178(40) - Shih, Elizabeth A. and Susan M.. Kenney.;
Editing the Palimpsestic Text: The Case of Virginia Woolf's 'A Sketch of the Past.' In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 132-140(9) - Silva, Ligia.;
Virginia Woolf and Gabriela Llansol - 'Sweeping the Thick Leaves of Habit.' In: Virginia Woolf: Three Centenary Celebrations. Ed. Maria Cândida Zamith and Luísa Flora. Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 2007. pp. 155-164(10) [ Contents ] - Silver, Brenda.;
Editing Mrs. Ramsay: or, "8 Qualities of Mrs. Ramsay That Could Be Annoying to Others." In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 1-10(10) - Sim, Lorraine.;
Ailing Dualisms: Woolf's Revolt Against Rationalism in the 'Real World' of Influenza. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 88-93(6) - Simpson, Kathryn.;
Short Change: Economies Explored in Woolf 's Short Fiction. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 58-64(7) [ Contents ] - Simpson, Kathryn.;
"Street Haunting",'Commodity Culture, and the Woman Artist. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 47-54(8) - Simpson, Kathryn.;
The Paradox of the Gift: Gift Giving as a Disruptive Force in Woolf's Writing. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 82-87(6) - Sizemore, Christine W.;
Cosmopolitanism From Below in Mrs. Dalloway and Street Haunting. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 104-110(7) - Sizemore, Christine W.;
Voyaging through 'Contested Cultural Territories' in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway and Anita Desai's Clear Light of Day. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 119-124(6) [ Contents ] - Smart, Nick.;
Never See Rachel Again': Virginia Woolf and the End of Domestic Fiction. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 62-69(8) - Smith, Marilyn Schwinn.;
Bears in Bloomsbury: Jane Ellen Harrison and the Russians. In: Virginia Woolf: Three Centenary Celebrations. Ed. Maria Candida Zamith and Luísa Flora. Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 2007. pp. 119-144(26) - Smith, Marilyn Schwinn.;
A Woolfian Reversal: The Dalloway Mystique in Monica Ali's Brick Lane. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 104-109(6) - Smith-Hubbard, Julie L.;
Falling Into the Stream: From Virginia Woolf's The Waves to Clarice Lispector's Living Waters. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 92-98(7) - Solomon, Susan.;
Editorial Deletion: Presenting Absence in To the Lighthouse. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 25-28(4) - Sorum, Eve.;
Masochistic Modernisms: A Reading of Eliot and Woolf. In: Journal of Modern Literature, 28.3 (Spring 2005): pp. 25-43(19) - Sorum, Eve.;
Taking Note: Text and Context in Virginia Woolf's 'Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown.'. In: Woolf Studies Annual 13 (2007): pp. 137-158(22) - Southworth, Helen.;
'Outside the Magic (and Tyrannical) Triangle of London-Oxford-Cambridge': John Hampson, the Woolfs, and the Hogarth Press. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 43-50(8) - Southworth, Helen.:
Virginia Woolf's 'wild England': George Borrow, autoethnography, and Between the Acts. In: Studies in the Novel, (39:2), 2007, pp. 196-215(20) - Spalding, Frances.;
Vanessa Bell's Portrait of Virginia Woolf at Smith College. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 130-131(2) - Sparks, Elisa Kay.;
Bloomsbury in Bloom: Virginia Woolf and the History of British Gardens. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 125-130(6) - Sparks, Elisa Kay.;
Bloomsbury West: London Bohemians Find a New World in the American Southwest. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 160-165(6) - Sparks, Elisa Kay.;
Metropolis Unbound: Virginia Woolf's Heterotopian Utopian Impulse. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 136-142(7) - Sparks, Elisa Kay.;
'The Evening under Lamplight…with the Photograph Album': To the Lighthouse as Family Scrapbook. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 164-171(8) - Spiro, Mia.;
Between Public and Private Acts: Woolf's Anti-Fascist Strategies. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 130-135(6) - Spiropoulou, Angeliki.;
A 'Common History': Anonymous Artists, Communal Collectivities. In: Virginia Woolf, modernity and history : constellations with Walter Benjamin / Angeliki Spiropoulou. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. ISBN: 0-230-53758-8; pp. 162-176(15) - Spiropoulou, Angeliki.;
Dreaming, History and the Visions of the Obscure in The Years. In: Virginia Woolf, modernity and history : constellations with Walter Benjamin / Angeliki Spiropoulou. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. ISBN: 0-230-53758-8; pp. 114-137(24) - Spiropoulou, Angeliki.;
Introduction: Reading Virginia Woolf in Constellation with Walter Benjamin. In: Virginia Woolf, modernity and history : constellations with Walter Benjamin / Angeliki Spiropoulou. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. ISBN: 0-230-53758-8; pp. 1-17(17) - Spiropoulou, Angeliki.;
Modernity, Modernism and the Past. In: Virginia Woolf, modernity and history : constellations with Walter Benjamin / Angeliki Spiropoulou. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. ISBN: 0-230-53758-8; pp. 18-36(19) - Spiropoulou, Angeliki.;
Theories of History, Models of Historiography. In: Virginia Woolf, modernity and history : constellations with Walter Benjamin / Angeliki Spiropoulou. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. ISBN: 0-230-53758-8; pp. 37-59(23) - Spohrer, Erika.;
Seeing stars: commodity stardom in Michael Cunningham's The Hours and Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway. In: Arizona Quarterly (61:2) 2005, pp. 113-132(20) - Spoo, Robert.;
"For God?s sake, publish; only be sure of your rights": Virginia Woolf, Copyright, and Scholarship. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 227-231(5) - St. Clair, Pamela.;
In Search of the Self: Virginia Woolf's Shadow Across Sylvia Plath's Page. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 171-176(6) - Stearns, Thaine.;
Pilfering Modernism's Image: Woolf and Those Other Londoners. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 121-126(6) - Stec, Loretta.;
Virginia Woolf and Time and Tide: Forays into Feminist Journalism. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 84-91(8) - Stein, Robert E.;
Fear's Anger: Virginia Woolf's Psychology and Deliberative Democracy. In: New Political Science, Vol. 31, Issue 3, September 2009, pp. 319-335(17) - Stevenson, Frank.;
Enclosing the Whole: Woolf's Kew Gardens' as Autopoietic Narrative. In: Journal of the Short Story in English 50 (2008): 10 pp. - Stewart, Jim.;
Woolf and Andrew Marvell: The Gendering of Modernism. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 30-35(6) - Storl, Heidi.;
Heidegger in Woolf's Clothing. In: Philosophy and Literature 32.2 (2008): pp. 303-314(12) - Sullivan, Melissa.;
The Bestseller and the City: Flush, The Barretts of Wimpole Street, and Cultural Hierarchies. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 112-119(8) - Sultzbach, Kelly.;
The Fertile Potential of Virginia Woolf 's Environmental Ethic. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 71-77(7) - Sumner, Charles.;
Beauty and Damaged Life in Virginia Woolf's Short Fiction. In: Journal of the Short Story in English, 50 (2008): 10 pp. - Surry, Tara.;
Angel Above the Houses: Virginia Woolf's Aerial Voyages. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 18-26(9) - Surry, Tara.;
'Over the Boundary': Virginia Woolf as Common Seer. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 157-163(7) - Sutton, Emma.;
'Putting Words on the Backs of Rhythm': Woolf, 'Street Music', and The Voyage Out. In: Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical Theory, vol. 33, no. 2, Jul 2010, pp. 176-196(21) (In special issue: "Rhythm in Literature after the Crisis in Verse." .) . - Swanson, Diana L.;
Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism: Leonard Woolf, M. W. Swanson, and the Role of Civil Bureaucracy. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 1-7(7) - Swanson, Diana L.;
Woolf and the Unsayable: The Roar on the Other Side of Silence. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 92-96(5)
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Kristevan Themes in Virginia Woolf's the Waves. In: Journal of Modern Literature, 29.3 (2006): pp. 57-77(21) - Taylor, Oliver.;
What's It'-What Do You Mean by It'?: Lost Readings and Getting Lost in Kew Gardens. In: Journal of the Short Story in English, 50 (2008): 10 pp. - Terentowicz-Fotyga, Urszula.;
The Politics of the Borderline: the Private, the Public and Between. In: de Gay, Jane, and Marion Dell, eds. Voyages Out, Voyages Home: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9842598-1-6; pp. 97-103(7) [ Contents ] - Tidwell, Joanne Campbell.;
"But My Diary Has Ever Been Scornful of Stated Rules!": The Diary as Self in Virginia Woolf's Diary. In: Auto/Biography Studies, Vol. 21, Issue 1, January 2006, pp. 104-121(18) - Tidwell, Joanne Campbell.;
Straightening the Scraps and Scratches: Editing the Diaries of Virginia Woolf, Vera Brittain, and Katherine Mansfield. In: Woolf Editing/Editing Woolf : Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Eleanor McNees and Sara Veglahn. Clemson University, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9796066-9-4; pp. 84-89(6) [ Contents ] - Tinkler-Villani, Valeria.;
Thoughts Towards the Nature of Creativity in Literary and Cultural Communities: The Germ and Its Fruition. In: DQR Studies in Literature (46) 2010, pp. 171-187(17) - Trubowitz, Lara.;
Concealing Leonard's Nose: Virginia Woolf, Modernist Antisemitism, and "The Duchess and the Jeweller. In: Twentieth Century Literature: a scholarly and critical journal (Hofstra Univ., Hempstead, NY) (54:3) Fall 2008, pp. 273-306(34) - Tseng, Ching-fang.;
The Flaneur, the Flaneuse, and the Hostess: Virginia Woolf's (Un)Domesticating Flanerie in Mrs. Dalloway. In: Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, vol. 32. no.1, January 2006: pp. 219-258(40) - Utell, Janine.;
Meals and Mourning in Woolf's The Waves. In: College Literature, 35.2 (2008): pp. 1- 19(19)
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'The Works of Women Are Symbolical'. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 123-128(6) [ Contents ] - Walsh, Kelly S.:
The unbearable openness of death: elegies of Rilke and Woolf. In: Journal of Modern Literature, (32:4) 2009, pp. 1-21(21) - Weille, Karin de.;
Terra Incognita of the Soul: Woolf 's Challenge to the Imperialist's Concept of Space. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 95-102(8) [ Contents ] - Westman, Karin E.;
'For Her Generation the Newspaper Was a Book': Media, Mediation, and Oscillation in Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts. In: Journal of Modern Literature, 29 (2006): pp. 1-18(18) - Whitworth, Michael H.;
Virginia Woolf, modernism and modernity. In: Sellers, Susan (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2010. xxi, 272 pp.. isbn 978-0-521-89694-8; pp. 107-123(17) [ Contents ] - Wisor, Rebecca.;
Versioning Virginia Woolf: Notes toward a Post-eclectic Edition of Three Guineas. In: Modernism/modernity XVI. 3 (September 2009): pp. 497-535(39) - Wittman Emily O.;
The Decline and Fall of Rachel Vinrace: Reading Gibbon in Virginia Woolf's The Voyage Out. In: Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Helen Southworth and Elisa Kay Sparks (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), xiv, 254 pp. ISBN 0-9771263-8-2; pp. 160-169(10) - Wood, Alice.;
Made to Measure: Virginia Woolf in Good Housekeeping Magazine. In: Prose Studies: History, Theory, Criticism, (32:1), 2010, pp. 12-24(13) - Wright, Beth.;
At Home with Virginia Woolf. In: Women: A Cultural Review, Vol. 18, Issue 2, August 2007, pp. 219-222(4) - Wright, Elizabeth.;
Performing the Self: Woolf as Actress and Audience. In: Woolfian Boundaries Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Anna Burrells, Steve Ellis, Deborah Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. pp. 138-143(6) [ Contents ]
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'Happily I'm Bloomsbury': Virginia's Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury's Virginia. In: Virginia Woolf: Three Centenary Celebrations. Ed. Maria Cândida Zamith and Luísa Flora. Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto 2007. pp. 73-83(11) [ Contents ] - Zeiss, Mackenzie L.;
The Political Legacy of the Garden: (Anti)Pastoral Images and National Identity in Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West. In: Karen V. Kukil, ed. Woolf in the Real World: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson SC: Clemson Digital Press, 2005: pp. 100-104(5) [ Contents ] - Zimring, Rishona.;
'No Room for More': Woolf's Journey from London to Scotland, 1938. In: Evans, Elizabeth F. & Cornish, Sarah E. (eds.)., Woolf and the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virgina Woolf, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2010. xiv, 249 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9842598-3-0; pp. 161-166(6) [ Contents ] - Zucker, Marilyn Slutzky.;
Woolf's Revisionist Poetics and the Materiality of Language. In: Virginia Woolf: Three Centenary Celebrations. Ed. Maria andida Zamith and Luísa Flora. Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 2007. pp. 145-153(9) - Zumkhawala-Cook, Richard.;
Tae the Lichthoose: Woolf's Scotland and the Problem of the Local. In: Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Edited by Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9796066-4-9; pp. 57-63(6) [ Contents ] - Zunshine, Lisa.;
Can Cognitive Science Tell Us Why We Are Afraid of Mrs. Dalloway? In: Why we read fiction : theory of mind and the novel / Lisa Zunshine. The Ohio State University. 2006, pp. 27-36(10) - Zunshine, Lisa.;
The Relationship between a "Cognitive" Analysis of Mrs. Dalloway and the Larger Field of Literary Studies. In: Why we read fiction : theory of mind and the novel / Lisa Zunshine. The Ohio State University. 2006, pp. 36-40(5) - Zunshine, Lisa.;
Woolf, Pinker, and the Project of Interdisciplinarity. In: Why we read fiction : theory of mind and the novel / Lisa Zunshine. The Ohio State University. 2006, pp. 40-44(5)
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