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Margaret, Atwood(アトウッド)研究 2000-2010年研究論文

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  1. Andrews, B A St.;
    Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing. [Review].  In: World Literature Today. Norman: Oct-Dec 2003. Vol. 77, no. 3/4; p. 99-100(2)

  2. Andrews, Jennifer.;
    Humouring the border at the end of the millennium: Constructing an English Canadian humour tradition for the twentieth century and beyond.  In: Essays on Canadian Writing. Toronto: Fall 2000. p. 140-149 (10)

  3. Andrews, Jennifer.;
    Native Canadian gothic refigured: Reading Eden Robinson's Monkey Beach.  In: Essays on Canadian Writing. Toronto: Spring 2001. p. 1-25 (25)

  4. Aurylaite, Kristina.;
    Margaret Atwood's Alternative Spaces: "Wilderness Tips" and "Death by Landscape".  In: 3rd Congress of Polish Association for Canadian Studies & 3rd International Conference of Central European Canadianists. Ppaers "Place and Memory in Canada: Global Perspectives". 2004. p. 39-47(9)

  5. Anonymous.;
    Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing. [Review].  In: Contemporary Review. Cheam: Jun 2002. Vol. 280, no. 1637; p. 383-384 (2)

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  6. Bacchilega, Cristina.;
    Margaret Atwood's Textual Assassinations: Recent Poetry and Fiction. [Review]  In: Modern Fiction Studies. West Lafayette: Fall 2004. Vol. 50, no. 3; p. 771-772(2)

  7. Banita, Georgiana.;
    QUATTROCENTO: On an Eclectic Poem by Margaret Atwood.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Winter 2009. Vol. 67, no. 2; p. 99-103(4)

  8. Barzilai, Shuli.;
    The Bluebeard Syndrome in Atwood's Lady Oracle: Fear and Femininity.  In: Marvels & Tales. Detroit: 2005. Vol. 19, no. 2; p. 249-273 (25)

  9. Barzilai, Shuli.;
    "Say That I Had a Lovely Face": The Grimms' Rapunzel, Tennyson's Lady of Shalott, and Atwood's Lady Oracle'.  In: Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 19(2000): p. 231-254(24)

  10. Barzilai, Shuli.;
    "Tell My Story": Remembrance and Revenge in Atwood's Oryx and Crake and Shakespeare's Hamlet.  In: Critique. Washington: Fall 2008. Vol. 50, no. 1; p. 87-111 (25)

  11. Barzilai, Shuli.;
    Who Is He? The Missing Person Behind the Pronoun in Atwood's Surfacing.  In: Canadian Literature ,164 (2000 Spring): p. 57-79(23)

  12. Bautch, Richard,;
    Novels for Spring: Cat's Eye. [Review].  In: America. New York: May 6, 1989. Vol. 160, no. 17; p. 435-437(3)

  13. Beck, Ervin.;
    Postcolonial Complexity in the Writings of Rudy Wiebe.  In: MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 47, no. 4, Winter 2001, p. 855-886(32)

  14. Becker, Susanne.;
    The Cambridge Companion to Margaret Atwood. [Review]   In: The Review of English Studies. Oxford: 2007. Vol. 58, no. 237; p. 761-763 (3)

  15. Bennett, Donna.;
    'As the Last Morning Breaks in Red': Frye's Apocalypse and the Visionary Tradition in Canadian Writing.  In: University of Toronto Quarterly 70.4 (2001): p. 813-824(12)

  16. Beran, Carol L.;
    Strangers within the Gates: Margaret Atwood's Widerness Tips.  In: Wilson, Sharon Rose, ed. and introd., Margaret Atwood's Textual Assassinations: Recent Poetry and Fiction. Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP; 2003. p. 74-87(14)

  17. Bethune, Brian.;
    Atwood Apocalyptic.  In: Maclean's, 28 April 2003, Vol. 116, no. 17, p.44-48(5)

  18. Beyer, Charlotte.;
    Feminist Revisionist Mythology and Female Identity in Margaret Atwood's Recent Poetry.  In: Literature and Theology, 2000; vol. 14: p. 276-298(23)

  19. Blackford, Holly.;
    The Psychology of the Handmaid: Margaret Atwood's Novel Parables of the Possessed Canadian Character.  In: AmeriQuests, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2006), 20 pp.

  20. Blanc, Marie-Thérèse.;
    Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace and the Construction of a Trial Narrative.  In: English Studies in Canada. Edmonton: Dec 2006. Vol. 32, no. 4; p. 101-127 (27)

  21. Blodgett, Harriet.;
    Mimesis and Metaphor: Food Imagery in International Twentieth-Century Women's Writing.  In: Papers on Language and Literature. Edwardsville: Summer 2004. Vol. 40, no. 3; p. 260-295 (36)

  22. Bouson, J. Brooks.;
    A Commemoration of Wounds Endured and Resented.: Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin as Feminist Memoir.  In: Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 44.3 (2003): p. 251-269(19)

  23. Boynton, Victoria.;
    The Sex-cited Body in Margaret Atwood.  In: Studies in Canadian Literature/Etudes en littérature canadienne, Vol. 27. no. 2, 2002, p 51-70(20)

  24. Braun, Kirsten.;
    Contending With Feminism: Women's Health Issues in Margaret Atwood's Early Fiction. A Dissertation. Griffth University. Aug. 2004. 261 pp.

  25. Braza, Laura.;
    The Other Side of Atwood.  In: Mercer Street, 2005. p. 133-141(9)

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  26. Cavell, Richard.;
    Here is where now.  In: Essays on Canadian Writing. Toronto: Fall 2000. p. 195-202(8)

  27. Coad, David.;
    Hymens, Lips and Masks: The Veil in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale.  In: Literature and Psychology, 47(1,2) (2001): p. 54-67(14)

  28. Coffelt, J. Roberta.;
    She "Too Much of Water Hast": Drownings and Near-Drownings in Twentieth-Century North American Literature by Women. A Dissertation. University of North Texas, December 2001. 170 pp.

  29. Collins, Shannon.;
    Setting the Stories Straight: A Reading of Margaret Atwood's The Penelopiad.  In: Carson-Newman Studies, Fall 2006, XI (1): p. 57-66(10)

  30. Cooke, Grayson,;
    Technics and the Human at Zero-Hour: Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake.  In: Studies in Canadian Literature/Etudes en littérature canadienne, Vol. 31.2, 2006 pp. 105-125(21)

  31. Cooke, Nathalie.;
    Turning the Pages: Rereading Atwood's Novels.  In: English Studies in Canada. Edmonton: Sep 2007. Vol. 33, no. 3; p. 89-93(5)

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  32. da Cunha, Lidiane Luiza.;
    Who Knows What Kind of Art I'm Drawing onto Myself: The Representation of the Artist in Margaret Atwood's Lady Oracle and Cat's Eye. A Thesis. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2007. 150 pp.

  33. Darroch, Heidi.;
    Hysteria and Traumatic Testimony: Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace.  In: Essays on Canadian Writing, 81 (Winter 2004): p. 103-121(19)

  34. Davis, Roger.;
    a white illusion of a man": Snowman, Survival, and Speculation in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake.  In: The Monstrous Identity of Humanity: Proceedings of The Fifth Global Conference Mansfield College. Oxford, United Kingdom. September 2007. edited by Marlin C. Bates, IV. 348pp. Part. 1, p. 83-92(10)

  35. de Molade, Julie.;
    Building Bridges between Brave New Worlds. A Study of Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. A Dissertation. Roskilde University. Autumn 2008. 75 pp.

  36. DeFalco, Amelia.:
    Haunting Physicality: Corpses, Cannibalism, and Carnality in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace.  In: University of Toronto Quarterly, 75:2 (Spring 2006), p. 771-783(13)

  37. DiMarco, Danette.;
    Paradice Lost, Paradise Regained: homo faber and the Makings of a New Beginning in Oryx and Crake.  In: Papers on Language and Literature. Edwardsville: Spring 2005. Vol. 41, no. 2; p. 170-195 (26)

  38. Djwa, Sandra.;
    "Here I am": Atwood, paper houses, and a parodic tradition.  In: Essays on Canadian Writing. Toronto: Fall 2000. p. 169-185 (17)

  39. Domingo, Andreu.;
    Demodystopias: Prospects of Demographic Hell.  In: Population and Development Review, December 2008, vol. 34, no. 4, p. 725-745(21)

  40. Domville, Eric.;
    The Handmaid's Detail: Notes on the Novel and Opera.  In: University of Toronto Quarterly, Vol. 75, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 869-882(14)

  41. Drichel, Simone.;
    Regarding the Other: Postcolonial Violations and Ethical Resistance in Margaret Atwood's Bodily Harm.  In: MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 54, no. 1, Spring 2008, p. 20-49(31)

  42. Duncan, Isla J.;
    Travels through This Place: Joan Barfoot's Gaining Ground as Quest Narrative.  In: Critique. Washington: Spring 2007. Vol. 48, no. 3; p. 219-229 (11)

  43. Dunning, Stephen.;
    Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake: The Terror of the Therapeutic.  In: Canadian Literature. Vancouver: Autumn 2005. p. 86 -101(16)

  44. Dvorak, Marta.;
    Margaret Atwood's Cat's Eye: or the trembling canvas.  In: Études Anglaises, ,Tom. 54,nr. 3 (2001), p. 299-309(11)

  45. Dvorak, Marta.;
    Metaphorising memory: reconfiguration in modernist and postmodern writings.  In: Études anglaises, 56(2003), no. 1, pp. 298-309(12)

  46. Dymond, Erica Joan.;
    Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Spring 2003. Vol. 61, no. 3; p. 181-183(3)

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  47. Elliott, Robin.;
    Margaret Atwood and Music.  In: University of Toronto Quarterly, Vol. 75, no. 3, Summer 2006, pp. 821-832(12)

  48. Fand,.Roxanne J.;
    Margaret Atwood's The Robber Bride: The Dialogic Moral of a Nietzschean Fairy Tale.  In: Critique. Washington: Fall 2003. Vol. 45, no. 1; p. 65-81(17)

  49. Feitosa, André Pereira.;
    The Female Body and the Cannibalistixredeption in the Edible Woman: The Oman: The Grotesq in Margaret twood.  In: Belo Horizonte, v. 8, dez. 2004, p. 55-63(9)

  50. Fiamengo, Janice.;
    A Last Time for This Also: Margaret Atwood's Texts of Mourning.  In: Canadian Literature, 166(2000): 145-164(20)

  51. Fleitz, Elizabeth J.;
    Troubling Gender: Bodies, Subversion, and the Mediation of Discourse in Atwood's THE Edible Woman. A Thesis. Green State University, 2005. 66 pp.

  52. Gardiner, Anne Barbeau.;
    The Interrelated Defense of Abortion and Pornography in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale.  In: Life and Learning, XIII. Proceedings of the thirteenth University Faculty for Life conference : 2003 at Georgetown University, Washington D.C. by University Faculty for Life. Conference. edited by Joseph W. Koterski. 2004, University Faculty for Life (Washington, D.C). 242 pp. p. 87-101(15)

  53. Glover, Jayne Ashleigh.;
    A Complex and Delicate Web: A Comparative Study of Selected Speculative Novels By Margaret Atwood, Ursula K. Le Guin, Doric Lessing and Marge Piercy. A Thesis. Rhodes University, 2007. 288 pp.

  54. Goodhart, Sandor. ./ Osborne, Monica.;
    Introduction: Reading Darkness: The Key, The Letter, and The Beginning.  In: MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 54, no. 1, Spring 2008, p. 1-19(19)

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  55. Haag, Stefan.;
    Ecological Aurality and Silence in Margaret Atwood.  In: Canadian Poetry 47 (2000): p. 14-39(26)

  56. Hammill, Faye.;
    'Death by Nature' Margaret Atwood and Wilderness Gothic.  In: Gothic Studies. November 2003, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 47-63(17)

  57. Hampl, W S.;
    Margaret Atwood: Works & Impact. [Review].  In: Studies in the Novel. Denton: Spring 2002. Vol. 34, no. 1; p. 110-113(4)

  58. Harger-Grinling Virginia; Chadwick, Tony.;
    Anne Hébert's Kamouraska and Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace:Individuals in History.  In: Etudes canadiennes / Canadian Studies 49 (2000): p. 51-57(7)

  59. Harold, James.;
    Narrative Engagement with Atonement and The Blind Assassin.  In: Philosophy and Literature, Vol. 29, no. 1, April 2005, p. 130-145(16)

  60. Hengen, Shannon.;
    Strange Visions: Atwood's Interlunar and Technopoetics.  In: Wilson, Sharon Rose, ed. and introd., Margaret Atwood's Textual Assassinations: Recent Poetry and Fiction. Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP; 2003. 200 pp, p. 42-53 (12)

  61. Hepburn, Allan.;
    Fiction high and low.  In: Essays on Canadian Writing. Toronto: Winter 2000. p. 131-137 (7)

  62. Hobgood, Jennifer.;
    Anti-edibles and schizophrenia in Margaret Atwood's The Edible Woman,  In: Style, Vol.36(2002).1, p. 146-168(23)

  63. Hollinger, Veronica.;
    Stories about the Future: From Patterns of Expectation to Pattern Recognition.  In: Science Fiction Studies, 33(2006): p. 452-472(21)

  64. Howells, Coral Ann.;
    Five Ways of Looking at 'The Penelopiad'.  In: Sydney Studies in English, Vol.32(2006), p. 5-18(14)

  65. Howells, Coral Ann.;
    The Robber Bride; or, Who Is a True Canadian?  In: Wilson, Sharon Rose, ed. and introd., Margaret Atwood's Textual Assassinations: Recent Poetry and Fiction. Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP; 2003. 200 pp, p. 88-101(14)

  66. Ingersoll, Earl G.;
    Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing. [Review].  In: Studies in the Novel. Denton: Spring 2004. Vol. 36, no. 1; p. 126-128 (3)

  67. Ingersoll, Earl G.;
    Survival in Margaret Atwood's Novel Oryx and Crake.  In: Extrapolation. Kent: Summer 2004. Vol. 45, no. 2; p. 162-175(14)

  68. Ingersoll, Earl G.;
    Waiting for the End: Closure in Margaret Atwood's 'The Blind Assassin'.  In: Studies in the Novel. Denton: Winter 2003. Vol. 35, no. 4; p. 543-558 (16)

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  69. Jadwin, Lisa.;
    Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale (1985): Cultural and Historical Context.  In: Critical Survey of Long Fiction, 4th Ed. Ed. by Carl Rollyson, Baruch College, City University of New York. 2010. pp. 21-41(21)

  70. Jamieson, Sara.;
    Mourning in the Burned House: Margaret Atwood and the Modern Elegy.  In: Canadian Poetry, 48 (2001): p. 38-68(31)

  71. Johnson, Tara J.;
    The Aunts as an Analysis of Feminine Power in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale.  In: Nebula 1.2, September 2004, p. 68-79(12)

  72. Kapuscinski, Kiley.;
    Dames of Distress: Female Violence and Revised Socio-Cultural Discourses in the Fiction of Margaret Atwood. A Thesis. Queen's University, July, 2008 267pp.

  73. Kapuscinski, Kiley.;
    Negotiating the Nation: The Reproduction and Reconstruction of the National Imaginary in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing.  In: English Studies in Canada. Edmonton: Sep 2007. Vol. 33, no. 3; p. 95-123(29)

  74. Kapuscinski, Kiley.;
    Ways of Sentencing: Female Violence and Narrative Justice in Margaret Atwood's The Penelopiad.  In: Essex Human Rights Review Volume 4 Number 2, September 2007, 15 pp.

  75. Keifer-Boyd, Karen, Smith-Shank, Deborah L.;
    Speculative Fiction's Contribution to Contemporary Understanding: The Handmaid Art Tale.  In: Studies in Art Education, Winter 2006. Vol. 47, no. 2; p. 139-154(16)

  76. Keith, W J.;
    Blight in the Bush Garden: Twenty years of "CanLit".  In: Essays on Canadian Writing. Toronto: Fall 2000. p. 71-79(9)

  77. Kerskens, Christel.;
    Escaping the Labyrinth of Deception: A Postcolonial Approach to Margaret Atwood's Novels, Volume I. Thèse présentée en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en Philosophie et Lettres par Christel Kerskens. Annee Academique, 2006/2007. 524 pp.

  78. Kirschner, Luz Angélica.;
    His/tory and Its Vicissitudes in Álvarez's In the Time of the Butterflies and Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale.  In: CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 8.4 (2006), Article 4, p. 1-10(10)

  79. Kirtz, Mary K.;
    (Dis) Unified Foeld Theories : The Clarendon Lectures Seen through (a) Cat's Eye.  In: Wilson, Sharon Rose, ed. and introd., Margaret Atwood's Textual Assassinations: Recent Poetry and Fiction. Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP; 2003. 200 pp, p. 54-73(20)

  80. Klaudia, Papp.;
    Detection and Palimpsest in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing.  In: Gender Studies, Vol. 1, no. 3/2004, p. 157-163(7)

  81. Kroll, Jeri.;
    "I am a Desert Island": Postmodern Landscapes in Margaret Atwood's "Ciece/Mud Poems".  In: Aumla : Journal of the Australasian Universities Modern Language Association. Sydney: Nov 2001. p. 114-134 (21)

  82. Ku, Chung-hao.;
    Eating, Cleaning, and Writing: Female Abjection and Subjectivity in Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin.  In: Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, 30.1 (January 2004): 93-129(37)

  83. Ku, Chung-hao.;
    Of Monster and Man: Transgenics and Transgression in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake.  In: Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, 32.1, January 2006: pp. 107-133(27)

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  84. Labudova, Katarina.;
    Houses, Clothes, and Pregnant Women. Re-Construction of Memory and Identity in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace.  In: 3rd Congress of Polish Association for Canadian Studies & 3rd International Conference of Central European Canadianists. Ppaers "Place and Memory in Canada: Global Perspectives". 2004. p. 259-267(9)

  85. Laflen, Angela.;
    "From a Distance it Looks Like Peace": Reading Beneath the Fascist Style of Gilead in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale.  In: Studies in Canadian Literature/Etudes en littérature canadienne, Vol. 32,.no.1, 2007, p. 82-105(24)

  86. Lahikainen, Johanna,;
    "Images of Food and Eating in Margaret Atwood's Novels". Presented at Gender and Power in the New Europe, the 5th European Feminist Research Conference August 20-24, 2003 Lund University, Sweden. 11 pp.

  87. Laskowska, Malgorzata.;
    Reinterpretations of Susanna Moodie by Margaret Atwood as an Example of Creative Recycling of the Past.  In: 3rd Congress of Polish Association for Canadian Studies & 3rd International Conference of Central European Canadianists. Papers "Place and Memory in Canada: Global Perspectives". 2004. p. 289-297(9)

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  88. MacDonald, Tanis Louise.;
    Chap. 3. Alterity and Inheritance: Margaret Atwood's Morning in the Burned House and Lola Lemire Tostevin's Cartouches.   In: Dears., The Daughter's Consolation: Melancholia and Subjectivity in Canadian Women's Paternal Elegies. A Dissertation. Tanis Louise MacDonald, University of Victoria, 2005. 249 pp. p. 118-157(40)

  89. Mackowski, Joanie.;
    Responsibilities.  In: Poetry. Chicago: Jan 2008. Vol. 191, no. 4; p. 348-356 (9)

  90. Matheson, Laura Jean.;
    The Dystopian Future: The Influence of Christian Fundamentalisms in Representative Feminist Dystopian Speculative Fiction, 1970-2000.  A Thesis. University of Saskatchewan, 2007. 101 pp.

  91. McCay, Mary A.;
    Images and Mirages. [Review].  In: America. New York: Nov 5, 2007. Vol. 197, no. 14; p. 34-37(4)

  92. Messer, Melissa.;
    Writing the World: Ursula K. Le Guin and Margaret Atwood's Literary Contributions to Ecofeminism. Western Kentucky University Year 2007. 75 pp.

  93. Michael, Magali Cornier.;
    Rethinking History as Patchwork: The Case of Atwood's Alias Grace.  In: MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 47, no. 2, Summer 2001, p. 421-447(27)

  94. Miller, Ryan Edward.;
    The Gospel According to Grace: Gnostic Heresy as Narrative Strategy in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace. A Thesis. Simon Fraser University, October 2000. 108 pp.

  95. Miller, Ryan Edward.;
    The Gospel According to Grace: Gnostic Heresy as Narrative Strategy in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace.  In: Literature and Theology, Jun 2002; vol. 16: p. 172-187(16)

  96. Moore, Susan.;
    Mourning, Melancholia, and Death Drive Pedagogy: Atwood, Klein, Woolf.  In: Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, Vol. 3, no. 2, Fall 2005, p. 87-102(16)

  97. Morey, Ann-Janine.;
    The Blind Assassin. [Review].  In: The Christian Century. Chicago: Feb 28, 2001. Vol. 118, no. 7; p. 28-29(2)

  98. Mujica, Barbara.;
    The Blind Assassin. [Review].  In: Americas (English edition). Washington: Jan/Feb 2001. Vol. 53, no. 1; p. 61-62(2)

  99. Mujica, Barbara.;
    Oryx and Crake. [Review].  In: Americas (English edition). Washington: Sep/Oct 2003. Vol. 55, no. 5; p. 55-56(2)

  100. Murray, Jennifer.;
    Historical Figures and Paradoxical Patterns: The Quilting Metaphor in Margaret Atwood's. Alias Grace.  In: Studies in Canadian Literature/Etudes en littérature canadienne, 26(1) (2001): p. 65-83(19)

  101. Murray, Jennifer.;
    History as Poetic Interdetermination: The Murder Scene in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace.  In: Études Anglaises: Grande-Bretagne, Etats-Unis, 56:3 (July-Sept 2003): p. 310-322(13)

  102. Murray,.Jennifer.;
    Questioning the Triple Goddess: Myth and meaning in Margaret Atwood's The Robber Bride.  In: Canadian Literature. Vancouver: 173(Summer 2002). p. 72-90 (19)

  103. Neuman, S. C. (Shirley C.)
    'Just a Backlash': Margaret Atwood, Feminism, and The Handmaid's Tale.  In: University of Toronto Quarterly, Vol. 75, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 857-868(12)

  104. Niederhoff, Burkhard.;
    How to Do Things with History: Researching Lives in Carol Shields' Swann and Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace."  In: Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 35:2 (2000): pp. 71-85(15)

  105. Nischik, Reingard M.;
    Murder in the Dark: Margaret Atwood's Inverse Poetics of Intertextual Minuteness.  In: Margaret Atwood's Textual Assassinations: Recent Poetry and Fiction. Edited by Sharron Rose Wilson. The Ohio State University, 2003. P. 1-17(17)

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  106. Osborne, Carol.;
    Family Matters: Fiction's Contribution to the Memory Wars.  In: Signs, Vol. 28, No. 4 (Summer, 2003), pp. 1121-1149(29)

  107. Ozdemir, Erinc.;
    Power, madness, and gender identity in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing: A feminist reading.  In: English Studies. Amsterdam: Feb 2003. Vol. 84, no. 1; p. 57-79(23)

  108. Paillot, Patricia.;
    To bind or not to bind: Irony in The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood.  In: Études canadiennes, 2002 , vol. 28 , no. 53 , pp. 117 - 126( 10)

  109. Parkin-Gounelas, Ruth.;
    Margaret Atwood: Feminism and Fiction. [Review].  In: Modern Fiction Studies. West Lafayette: Winter 2008. Vol. 54, Iss. 4; p. 935-938(4)

  110. Parkin-Gounelas, Ruth.;
    "What isn't there" in Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin: The Psychoanalysis of Duplicity.  In: MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 50, no. 3, Fall 2004, p. 681-700(20)

  111. Percy, Martyn.;
    Toronto' in Perspective: Papers on the New Charismatic Wave of the Mid-1990s. [Review].  In: Literature and Theology, Jun 2003; 17: p. 201-203(3)

  112. Potvin, Liza.;
    Voodooism and female quest patterns in Margaret Atwood's Cat's Eye.  In: Journal of Popular Culture. Bowling Green: Winter 2003. Vol. 36, no. 3; p. 636-650 (15)

  113. Purdy Anthony.;
    Unearthing the past: the archaeology of bog bodies in Glob, Atwood, Hébert and Drabble.  In: Textual Practice. (1 December 2002), vol. 16, no. 3, p. 443-458(16)

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  114. Rajewicz, Magdalena.;
    Anorexia in Margaret Atwood's 'The Edible Woman as a Renunciation of the Patriarchal Model of Femininity and as a Rejection of Capitalism.  In: Rajewicz, Magdalena., The Body's Response to Social Pressure: Eating Disorders in Margaret Atwood's The Edible Woman and Lady Oracle. 2006. Chap. 1. p.. 7-29(23)

  115. Reese, James D.;
    Learning for understanding: The role of world literature.  In: English Journal (High school edition). Urbana: May 2002. Vol. 91, no. 5; p. 63-69 (7)

  116. Reese, Kelly S.;
    Surviving Women: A Study of Margaret Atwood's Protagonists.  A Thesis. Central Connecticut State University, 2003. 137 pp.

  117. Reichenbächer, Helmut[h].;
    Offred Reframed: The Adaptation from Novel to Opera.  In: University of Toronto Quarterly, Vol. 75, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 835-849(15)

  118. Reilly, Charlie. / McDermott, Alice..;
    An Interview with Alice McDermott.  In: Contemporary Literature, Vol. 46, no. 4, Winter 2005, p. vi, 557-578(12)

  119. Ritchie, Jessica.;
    Chapter Four: Returning to the Victorian Murderess: Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace.  In: Jessica, Ritchie., Revisting the Murderess Representations of Victorian Women's Violence in Midninenteeth- and Late Twentieth-Century Fiction. A Thesis. University of Canterbury, 2006. 151 pp. Chapter 4. p. 95-125(31)

  120. Ridout, Alice.;
    Temporality and Margaret Atwood.  In: University of Toronto Quarterly 69(4) (2000 Fall):p. 849- 870(22) (reviews Dancing Girls)

  121. Rimstead, Roxanne.;
    Working-Class Intruders: Female Domestics in Kamouraska and Alias Grace.  In: Canadian Literature, 175 (Winter 2002): p. 44-65(22)

  122. Robinson, Laura M.;
    Acts of self-exposure: closeted desire in Margaret Atwood's Cat's Eye.  In: English Studies in Canada. Edmonton: Jun 2002. Vol. 28, no. 2; p. 223-246(24)

  123. Robinson, Alan.;
    Alias Laura: representations of the past in Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin.  In: The Modern Language Review, Vol. 101, no. 2, 1 April 2006 , p. 347-359(13)

  124. Rogers, Janine.;
    Secret Allies: Reconsidering Science and Gender in Cat's Eye.  In: English Studies in Canada. Edmonton: Sep 2007. Vol. 33, no. 3; p. 1-26(26)

  125. Rule, Lauren A.;
    Not Fading into Another Landscape: Specters of American Empire in Margaret Atwood's Fiction.  In: Modern Fiction Studies. West Lafayette: Winter 2008. Vol. 54, no. 4; p. 627-653(27)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/G] [H/I] [J/K] [L] [M/N] [O/P] [R] [S/T] [V/Z]

  126. Sanchez-Grant, Sofia.;
    The Female Body in Margaret Atwood's The Edible Woman and Lady Oracle.  In: Journal of International Women's Studies, Vol. 9, no. 2 March 2008, p. 77-92(16)

  127. Savitt, Sarah.;
    Review: A Question of Place o Margaret Atwood: Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing.  In: Cambridge Quarterly, 2004; 33: p. 184 - 187(4)

  128. Scott, Jamie S.;
    Religion, Literature and Canadian Cultural Identities.  In: Literature and Theology, Jun 2002; vol. 16: p. 113 - 126(14)

  129. Şerban, Andreea.;
    Cannibalised Bodies. Margaret Atwood's Metaphors of Troubled Identities.  In: BAS: British and American Studies, v. 14(2008), p. 79-88(10)

  130. Siddall, Gillian.;
    "That Is What I Told Dr. Jordan ... ": Public Constructions and Private Disruptions in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace.  In: Essays on Canadian Writing, 81 (2004 Winter): p. 84-102(19)

  131. Šlapkauskaitė, Rūta.;
    Postmodern Voices from Beyond: Negotiating with the Dead in Margaret Atwood's The Penelopiad.  In: LITERATŪRA, 2007, 49(5), p. 138-146(9)

  132. Somacarrera, Pilar.;
    How Can You Use Two Languages and Mean What You Say in Both?: On Translating Margaret Atwood's Poetry into Spanish.  In: TTR : traduction, terminologie, redaction, vol. 18, n° 1, 2005, p. 157-181(25)

  133. Spanckeren, Kathryn Van.;
    Humanizing th Fox: Atwood's Poetic Tricksters and Morning in the Burned House. Wilson, Sharon Rose, ed. and introd., Margaret Atwood's Textual Assassinations: Recent Poetry and Fiction. Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP; 2003. 200 pp, p. 102-120 (19)

  134. Staels, Hilde.;
    Atwood's specular narrative: The Blind Assassin.  In: English Studies. Amsterdam: Apr 2004. Vol. 85,no. 2; p. 147-160(14)

  135. Staels, Hilde.;
    Intertexts of Atwood's Alias Grace.  In: MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 46, no. 2, Summer 2000, p. 427-450(24)

  136. Stanley, Sandra Kumamoto.;
    The Eroticism of Class and the Enigma of Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace.  In: Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, 22: 2 (Fall 2003): p. 371-86(16)

  137. Stein, Karen. F.;
    A Left-Handed Story: The Blind Assassin.  In: Wilson, Sharon Rose, ed. and introd., Margaret Atwood's Textual Assassinations: Recent Poetry and Fiction. Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP; 2003. 200 pp, p. 135-153 (19)

  138. Stein, Karen. F.;
    Talking Back to Bluebeard: Atwood's Fictional Storytellers.  In: Wilson, Sharon Rose, ed. and introd., Margaret Atwood's Textual Assassinations: Recent Poetry and Fiction. Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP; 2003. 200 pp, p. 154-171(18)

  139. Strehle, Susan.;
    Margaret Atwood: Bringing back the treasure.  In: Contemporary Literature. Madison: Winter 2003. Vol. 44, no. 4; p. 737-742(6)

  140. Struckel, Katie.;
    The human nature of Margaret Atwood.  In: Writer's Digest. Cincinnati: Oct 2000. Vol. 80, no. 10; p. 34-35(2)

  141. Sturgess, Charlotte.;
    Body, Text, and Subjectivity in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and Nicole Brossard's Mauve Desert.  In: Études canadiennes/Canadian Studies 49 (2000 Dec): p. 59-66(8)

  142. Sullivan, Rosemary.;
    What If? Writing The Handmaid's Tale.  In: University of Toronto Quarterly, Vol. 75, no. 3, Summer 2006, p. 850-856(7)

  143. Suzuki, Mihoko.;
    Rewriting the "Odyssey" in the Twenty-First Century: Mary Zimmerman's "Odyssey" and Margaret Atwood's "Penelopiad".  In: College Literature. Spring 2007. Vol. 34, no. 2; p. 263-278(16)

  144. Szalay, Edina.;
    The Gothic as Maternal Legacy in Margaret Atwood's Lady Oracle.  In: Neohelicon, (January 2001), vol. 28, no. 1, p. 215-233(19)

  145. Tolan, Fiona.;
    Sucking the Blood Out of Second Wave Feminism: Postfeminist Vampirism in Margaret Atwood's The Robber Bride.  In: Gothic Studies, Vol. 9, no. 2( November 2007), p 45-57(13)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/G] [H/I] [J/K] [L] [M/N] [O/P] [R] [S/T] [V/Z]

  146. Ventura, Héliane.;
    Image et magie dans la nouvelle canadienne anglophone 1980-2000.  In: Études anglaises, 54-2 (2001) : pp. 181-192(12)

  147. Vickroy, Laurie.;
    Seeking Symbolic Immortality: Visualizing Trauma in Cat's Eye.  In: Mosaic : a Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature. Winnipeg: Jun 2005. Vol. 38, no. 2; p. 129-143 (15)

  148. Wagner-Lawlor, Jennifer A.;
    From Irony to Affiliation in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale.  In: Critique. Washington: Fall 2003. Vol. 45, no. 1; p. 83-96(14)

  149. Ware, Tracy.;
    Where was here?  In: Essays on Canadian Writing. Toronto: Fall 2000. p. 203-214 (12)

  150. Weese, Katherine L.;
    Feminist Uses of the Fantastic in Iris Murdoch's The Sea, the Sea.  In: MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 47, no. 3, Fall 2001, p. 630-656(27)

  151. Wilhelmus, Tom.;
    Next.  In: The Hudson Review. New York: Spring 2004. Vol. 57, no. 1; p. 133-140 (8)

  152. Wilson, Sharon Rose.;
    Fiction Flashes: Genre and Intertexts in Good Bones.  In: Wilson, Sharon Rose, ed. and introd., Margaret Atwood's Textual Assassinations: Recent Poetry and Fiction. Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP; 2003. 200 pp, p. 18-41(24)

  153. Wilson, Sharon Rose.;
    Introduction.  In: Wilson, Sharon Rose, ed. and introd., Margaret Atwood's Textual Assassinations: Recent Poetry and Fiction. Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP; 2003. 200 pp, p. XI-XV(5)

  154. Wilson, Sharon Rose.;
    Margaret Atwood and Popular Culture: The Blind Assassin and Other Novels.  In: Journal of American & Comparative Cultures, vol. 25. no. 3-4 (Fall 2002): p. 270-275(5)

  155. Wilson, Sharon Rose.;
    Quilting as Narrative Art: Metafictional Construction in Alias Grace.  In: Wilson, Sharon Rose, ed. and introd., Margaret Atwood's Textual Assassinations: Recent Poetry and Fiction. Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP; 2003. 200 pp, p. 121-134(14)

  156. Workman, Nancy.;
    Vulnerability in Margaret Atwood's 'Rape Fantasies': A Game of Cards about Life.  In: Studies in Canadian Literature, 25.2 (2000): p. 131-144(14)

  157. Wright, Laura.;
    National Photographic: Images of Sensibility and the Nation in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing and Nadine Gordimer's July's People.  In: Mosaic, 38.1 (2005): p. 75-92(18)

  158. York, Lorraine.;
    "He should do well on the American talk shows": Celebrity, publishing, and the future of Canadian literature.  In: Essays on Canadian Writing. Toronto: Fall 2000. p. 96-106 (11)

  159. Zinn, Emily R.;
    Rediscovery of the Magical: On Fairy Tales, Feminism, and the New South Africa.  In: MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 46, no. 1, Spring 2000, p. 246-269(24)

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