Margaret, Atwood(アトウッド)研究 III:2009-2016年刊行論文
Margaret, Atwood(マーガレット・アトウッド)の2009-2016年に刊行された研究論文を紹介します。
ここで紹介する論文・書評はすべて企画商品CD「カナダ文学論文撰」の「Margaret Atwood」第3集に収録しています。
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- Abbasi, Pyeaam and Amani, Omid.;
Atwood's Female Writing: A Reading of'This Is a Photograph of Me. In: Studies in Literature and Language, vol. 4, no. 2 (30 April 2012): pp. 89-93(5) - Abirami, V.;
Intertextuatity in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace. In: The Criterion: An International Journal in English 2.3 (September 2011): pp. 14-17(4) - Abolfotoh, Inas Samy.;
The 'cli-fi' and the ecocritical in Margaret Atwood's ecopoetry. In: European Scientific Journal. Vol. 11, Issue 14, May 15, 2015, pp. 165-176(12) - Abolfotoh, Inas Samy.;
Not an absent order but 'an ordered absence': Life cycle poems in Margaret Atwood's ecopoetry. In: European Scientific Journal. Vol. 11 Issue 26, Sept 15, 2015, pp. 145-159(15) - Afrougheh, Shahram & Kalantari, Mandana.;
A Study of Hélène Cixous' Concepts of Neuter and Other in Margaret Atwood's Life before Man. In: International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, Vol 3(2014), Iss 3, pp 104-111 (8) - Aguila-Way, Tania.;
Beyond the Logic of Solidarity as Sameness: The Critique of Animal Instrumentalization inMargaret Atwood's Surfacing and Marian Engel's Bear. In: ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature & Environment, 2015; pp. 1-25(25) - Akgun, Buket.;
The Penelopiad: Dislodging the Myth of Penelope as the Archetype of Faithful and Patient Wife. In: 4th International IDEA Conference, 15-17 April 2009: Book of Proceedings. Manisa: Celal Bayar University Publications, 2010. pp. 36-42(7) - Akşehir Uygur, Mahinur.;
Utopia and Dystopia Interwined: The Problem of Ecology in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake, The Year of the Flodd and Maddadddam. In: Journal of International Social Research, Vol 7, Iss 31, Pp 41-48 (2014) - Al Omari, Kifah (Moh'd Khair) Ali; Jum'ah, Hala Abdel Razzaq A:
Language Stratification: A Critical Reading of Margaret Atwood's The Penelopiad According to Mikhail Bakhtin's Concept of "Heteroglossia". In: Theory and Practice in Language Studies (4:12) Dec 2014, pp. 2555-2563(9) - Alaei, Sarieh;Barfi, Zahra.;
Margaret Atwood in the Second and Third Waves of Feminism on the Basis of Julia Kristeva's Theories. In: International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences (ILSHS), 2014, vol. 29, pp. 13-21(9) - Alban, Gillian M. E.;
Medusa as Female Eye or Icon in Atwood, Murdoch, Carter, and Plath. In: Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, vol. 46(2013), no. 4, pp. 163-182 (20) - Alonso-Breto, Isabel / Ortega-Saez, Marta.;
Chapter 4: Canadian into Catalan: The Translation of Anglo-Canadian Authors in Catalonia. In: Somacarrera, Pilar (ed.)., Made in Canada, Read in Spain: Essays on the Translation and Circulation of English-Canadian Literature. De Gruyter, 2013. ISBN: 9788376560175; pp. 90-107(18) - Amiel-Houser, Tammy & Mendelson-Maoz, Adia.;
Against Empathy: Levinas and Ethical Criticism in the 21st Century. In: The Journal of Literary Theory, Vol 8, No 1 (2014), pp. 1-15(15) - Anantha, Lakshmi.;
Loss of Self in Margaret Atwood's "The Edible Woman". In: Review Of Research, vol. 3, no. 8, May 2014, pp. 1-5(5) - Appleton, Sarah A.;
Corp(Se)ocracy: Marketing Death in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood. In: Latch: A Journal for the Study of the Literary Artifacts in Theory, Culture or History. 2011, Vol. 4, pp. 63-73(11) - Arias, Rosario.;
Life After Man?: Posthumanity and Genetic Engineering in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crakeand Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go. In: Tinkler-Villani, Valeria (ed. and introd.), Barfoot, C. C. (ed. and introd.), Restoring the Mystery of the Rainbow: Literature's Refraction of Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2011. 1106 pp. (DQR Studies in Literature47). pp. 379-394(16) - Auken, Sune.;
Genre as Fictional Action:On the Use of Rhetorical Genres in Fiction. In: Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og Kulturformidling, vol 2(2014), no. 3, pp. 19-28(10) - Auken, Sune.;
Not Another Adult Movie: Some Platitudes on Genericity and the Use of Literary Studies. In: Why Study Literature, Henrik Skov Nielsen, (2011), pp. 119-134(16) - Azizmohammadi, Fatemeh and Kohzadi, Hamedreza.;
The Impact of Anthropocentrism on Natural Environment from the Perspective of Margaret Atwood. In: Anthropologist, vol. 17(2014), no. 2, pp. 647-653 (7)
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- Babaee, Ruzbeh.;
The Revived Self Through Nature in Atwood's Surfacing. In: International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, Vol. 27(2014), pp. 31-38(8) - Babamiri, Navid Salehi.;
The Technology of Sexual and Language Power resulting in Captivity in Margaret Atwood's Handmaid's Tale: Foucauldian Reading. In: Journal of Academic and Applied Studies, vol. 5, no. 5, May 2015, pp. 1-11(11) - Bahrawi, Nazry.;
Hope of a Hopeless World: Eco-Teleology in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake and The Year Of The Flood. In: Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism, Vol. 17, 2013 - Issue 3, pp. 251-263(13) - Bajwa, Poonam.;
Margaret Atwood's The Edible Woman and the Commercialization of Literary Scholarship. In: Studies in Canadian Literature. 2010, Vol. 35 Issue 2, pp. 145-164(21) - Bakay, Gonul.;
Examining Female Madness in Atwood's Surfacing: Madness or Awakening? In: 2013. 6th Global Conference, Session 4: Women, Madness and Literature: Part Two. 8 pp. - Bandyopadhyay, Debarati.;
An Ecocritical Commentary on the Posthuman Condition in Margaret Atwood's Fiction. In: The Criterion: An International Journal in English. 2.1 (April 2011): pp. 98-110(13) - Banerjee, Suparna.;
Resistance, Re-creation and the Blocked Return: Narrative Art in Atwood's Dystopian Novels. In: The Criterion: An International Journal in English, Vol. II. Issue. IV, December 2011, pp. 36-46(12) - Banerjee, Suparna.;
Towards 'Feminist Mothering': Oppositional Maternal Practice in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. In: Journal of International Women's Studies, vol. 14(2013), no. 1, pp. 236-247(12) - Banita, Georgiana.;
Quattrocento: On an Eclectic Poem by Margaret Atwood. In: Explicator. Vol. 67, Issue 2, Winter 2009, pp. 99-102(4) - Banupriya, S.;
Canadian feminist consciousness in Margaret Atwood's Bodily Harm and The Handmaid's Tale. In: Language In India. Nov, 2015, Vol. 15 Issue 11, pp. 43-51(9) - Banurekaa, S.;
Atwood's feminism in Surfacing. In: Language In India. Vol. 12 Issue 9, Sept, 2012, pp. 140-149(10) - Barzilai, Shuli.:
'Scrooge Nouveau': Margaret Atwood resites A Christmas Carol. In: Dickens Quarterly: a scholarly journal devoted to the study of the life, times, & works of Charles Dickens (31:4) [Dec 2014], pp. 298-311(14) - Beauchamp, Gorman.;
The Politics of "The Handmaid's Tale." In: Midwest Quarterly. Autumn2009, Vol. 51 Issue 1, pp. 11-25(15) - Bedford, Anna.;
Survival in the Post-Apocalypse: Ecofeminism in MaddAddam. In: Waltonen, Karma (ed. and introd.), Margaret Atwood's Apocalypses, Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars, 2014. pp. 71-92(22) - Beran, Carol L.;
Beautiful Girlhood, a Double Life: Lucy Maud Montgomery, Margaret Laurence, and Alice Munro. In: American Review of Canadian Studies, Vol. 45(2015) - Issue 2, pp. 148-160(13) - Beran, Carol L.;
Strangers within the Gates: Margaret Atwood's Wilderness Tips. In: Margaret Atwood. New ed. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Bloom's Literary Criticism (lnfobase Publishing), 2009. pp. 67-78(12) - Bergthaller, Hannes.;
Housebreaking the Human Animal: Humanism and the Problem of Sustainability in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood. In: English Studies, vol. 91, no.7 (November 2010): pp. 728-743(16) - Bhalla, Ambika.;
Ecofeminism in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing. In: International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Vol. 2, Issue 10, October 2012, pp. 1-6(6) - Bhatt, Vinod.;
Sex, Violence, And Deplorable Insubordination: Incomprehensible Character Of Alias Grace In The Novel By Margaret Atwood. In: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education: vol. 2(2016), no. 2, pp. 151-153(3) - Bone, Jane.;
Environmental dystopias: Margaret Atwood and the monstrous child. In: Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. Vol. 37 Issue 5, Oct 2016, pp. 627-640(14) - Borbely, Carmen-Veronica & Popa Petrar, Petronia.;
"Natural-Born Cyborgs": Becoming Posthuman in Bio- and Cybertech Ustopias. In: Ekphrasis (2067-631X) . 2014, Vol. 12 Issue 2, pp. 142-158(17) - Botta, Giuseppina.;
Camoufl-Ages: Body Assemblages at the Time of the Apocalypse. In: Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses. 2013, 26: pp. 113-127(15) - Botta, Giuseppina.:
The Parable of Nutrition in Margaret Atwood's The Year of the Flood. In: Ostrava Journal of English Philology, vol. 5(2013), no. 2, pp. 21-30(10) - Bottez, Monica.;
Another Penelope: Margaret Atwood's The Penelopiad. In: University of Bucharest Review, Vol. XIV (Vol. II - new series)/ 2012, no. 1, pp. 49-56(8) - Bouson, J. Brooks.;
A "joke-filled romp" through end times: Radical environmentalism, deep ecology, and human extinction in Margaret Atwood's eco-apocalyptic MaddAddam trilogy. In: Journal of Commonwealth Literature; Vol. 51 Issue 3, Sep 2016, pp. 341-357(17) - Bouson, J. Brooks.;
'It's Game Over Forever': Atwood's Satiric Vision of a Bioengineered Posthuman Future in Oryx and Crake. In: Margaret Atwood. New ed. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Bloom's Literary Criticism (lnfobase Publishing), 2009. pp. 93-110(18) - Bouson, J. Brooks.;
'We're Using Up the Earth: It's Almost Gone': A Return to the Post-Apocalyptic Future in Margaret Atwood's The Year of the Flood. In: The Journal of Commonwealth Literature, vol. 46, Mar 2011; pp. 9-26(18) - Bowman, William.;
Women and Women: Use of Women Types as Rhetorical Techniques in Atwood's Handmaid's Tale and Tepper's Gate to Women's Country. In: Fafnir - Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research, vol 1(2014), iss 4, pp. 7-26(20) - Boyd, Shelley.;
Ustopian Breakfasts: Margaret Atwood's MaddAddam. In: Utopian Studies: Journal of the Society for Utopian Studies, Vol. 26, Number 1, 2015, pp. 160-182(23) - Braid, Barbara.;
The Other world under the stairs: the Victorian female servant in the Neo-Victorian novel. In: Gonerko-Frej, Anna et al. Us and Them - Them and Us. Construction of the Other in Cultural Stereotypes. Aachen: Shaker Verlag 2011, 231-246(16) - Braid, Barbara.;
Who's afraid of Grace Marks? A perspective of feminist disability studies on female insanity in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace. In: Ambrogia Cereda and Jon Ross, eds. Masculinity/Femininity: Re-framing a Fragmented Debate. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press 2011, pp. 141-150(10) - Bram, Shahar.;
Postcard Poem, Ekphrastic Delusion: On Margaret Atwood's Poem 'Postcard'. In: University of Toronto Quarterly, Vol. 83, no. 1, Winter 2014, pp. 28-38(11) - Braund, Susanna.;
'We're Here Too, the Ones without Names': A Study of Female Voices As Imagined by Margaret Atwood, Carol Ann Duffy, and Marguerite Yourcenar. In: Classical Receptions Journal, Vol. 4, no. 2, 2012, pp. 190-208(19) - Briggs, Chris.;
"Can't Pay" and "Won't Pay" in the Medieval Village. In: Common Knowledge, Vol. 17, Issue 2, Spring 2011, pp. 363-370(8) - Brown, Sarah Annes.;
Science Fiction and Classical Reception in Contemporary Women's Writing. In: Classical Receptions Journal, (4:2), 2012, pp. 209-223(15) - Brownley, Martine Watson.;
Atwood on Women, War, and History. The Loneliness of the Military Historian.'. In: Margaret Atwood. New ed. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Bloom's Literary Criticism (lnfobase Publishing), 2009. pp. 3-19(17) - Burridge, Terry.;
Surfacing by Margaret Atwood: A study in borderlines. In: Psychodynamic Practice, Vol. 21(2015) - Issue 1, pp. 60-67(8)
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- Canavan, Gerry.;
Hope, but Not for Us: Ecological Science Fiction and the End of the World in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood. In: Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory, Vol. 23(2012) - Issue 2. pp. 138-159(22) - Carney, Jo.;
Aimee Bender's Fiction and the Intertextual Ingestion of Fairy Tales. In: Marvels & Tales, Vol. 26, No. 2 (2012), pp. 221-239(19) - Catană, Adela Livia.;
I had certainly found my tradition": Margaret Atwood and the construction of Canadian identity. In: Iulian Boldea (ed)., The Proceedings of the International Conference Literature, Discourse and Multicultural Dialogue. Section: Language and Discourse, 2, ISBN: 978-606-93590-3-7. Arhipelag XXI Press, 2014. pp. 180-187(9) - Catrinela Andreea Lazar.;
Liquid Women in Margaret Atwood's The Edible Woman and Life before Man. In: Canadian Studies in Europe / etudes Canadiennes en Europe, vol. 10(2012), pp. 111-123(13) - Chang, Hui-chuan.;
Critical Dystopia Reconsidered: Octavia Butler's Parable Series and Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake as Post-Apocalyptic Dystopias. In: Tamkang Review: A Quarterly of Literary and Cultural Studies, (41:2), 2011, pp. 3-20(18) - Chauhan, Nishi Bala.;
Delineation of inner turmoil in Female Protagonists of Margaret Atwood and Shashi Deshpande (A special reference to The Handmaid's Tale and That Long Silence) . In: The Criterion: An International Journal in English 2.2 (September 2011): pp. 155-160(6) - Cheong, Pui Yin and Wan Yahya, Wan Roselezam.;
Freedom in Margaret Atwood's novel The Handmaid's Tale. In: Scottish Journal of Arts, Social Sciences and Scientific Studies, 15 (2013), no. 2, pp. 14-26(13) - Christou, Maria.;
A Politics of Auto-Cannibalism: Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. In: Literature & Theology, 2015, pp. 1-16(16) - Ciobanu, Calina.;
Rewriting the Human at the End of the Anthropocene in Margaret Atwood's MaddAddam Trilogy. In: Minnesota Review, Issue 83, 2014 (New Series), pp. 153-162(10) - Constantinescu , Ligia Doina.;
On Some Hypostases of the Self in the English-Speaking (Multicultural) World of the Canadian Short Stories. In: Language and Literature: European Landmarks of Identity, vol. 1. No. 10 (2012): pp. 77-85(9) - Copley, Soraya.:
Rereading Marge Piercy and Margaret Atwood: Eco-Feminist Perspectives on Nature and Technology. In: Critical Survey. Vol. 25, Issue 2, May 2013, pp. 40-56(17) - Cowdy, Cheryl.;
Ravines and the Conscious Electrified Life of Houses: Margaret Atwood's Suburban Künstlerromane. In: Studies in Canadian Literature, 36.1 (Winter 2011): pp. 69-85(17) - Cuk, Maja.;
The Robber Bride: A Dystopian Female World in Margaret Atwood's Mythology. In: SIC: Casopis za Knjizevnost, Kulturu i Knjizevno/A Journal of Literature, Culture and Literary Translation, vol. 5(2015), no. 2, pp. 1-14(14) - Cvetković, Tanja.;
'How Should I Read These?' First Nations Voices in Canadian Literature. In: (Re)connecting through diversity : Canadian perspectives = Les relations dans la diversite : perspectives canadiennes. Editors / Sous la direction de Jelena Novaković, Slobodan Pajović, Vladimir Gvozden. Megatrend University, 2011. ISBN 978-86-7747-429-4; pp. 143-149(7)
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- Darweesh, Abbas Deygan and Ghayadh, Hussein Huwail.;
Investigating Feminist Tendency in Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" in Terms of Sara Mills' Model. A Feminist Stylistic Study. In: British Journal of English Linguistics, Vol.4, No.3, May 2016, pp. 21-34(14) - Dawson, Carrie.;
The "I" in Beaver: Sympathetic Identification and SelfRepresentation in Grey Owl's Pilgrims of the Wild (2007). In: Soper, Ella (ed., introd., and afterword), Bradley, Nicholas (ed., introd., and afterword), Greening the Maple: Canadian Ecocriticism in Context, Calgary, AB: U of Calgary P, 2013. liv, 569 pp.(Energy, Ecology, and the Environment Series7). pp. 387-405(19) - Dean, Misao.;
Political Science: Realism in Roberts's Animal Stories (1996). In: Soper, Ella (ed., introd., and afterword), Bradley, Nicholas (ed., introd., and afterword), Greening the Maple: Canadian Ecocriticism in Context, Calgary, AB: U of Calgary P, 2013. liv, 569 pp. (Energy, Ecology, and the Environment Series7). pp. 369-386(18) - DeFalco, Amelia.;
Moral Obligation, Disordered Care: The Ethics of Caregiving in Margaret Atwood's Moral Disorder. In: Contemporary Literature, Vol. 52, no. 2, Summer 2011, pp. 236-263(28) - Del Villano, Bianca.;
An Ecocritical Retelling of the Bible: Genesis and Apocalypse in Margaret Atwood's The Year of the Flood. In: Textus, no. 3 (settembre-dicembre 2014), pp. 151-170(20) - Dell' Abate-Çelebi, Barbara.;
Penelope's daughters: A feminist perspective of the myth of Penelope in Annie Leclerc's Toi, Penelope, Margaret Atwood's The Penelopiad and Silvana La Spina's Penelope. Zea Books: Lincoln, Nebraska, 2016. ISBN 978-1-60962-084-4; 184 pp. - Devi, C. Nandhini & Swamy, Sumathy K.;
Dystopic vision of Margaret Atwood in The Handmaid's Tale. In: Language In India. Dec, 2015, Vol. 15 Issue 12, pp. 129-134(6) - Dimock, Wai Chee.:
Crowdsourcing Penelope: Margaret Atwood, the Coen Brothers, Richard Linklater. In: Comparative Literature, vol. 67(2015), no. 3, pp. 319-332(14). (In special issue: "Odyssey, Exile, Return".) - Dunlap, Allison.;
Eco-Dystopia: Reproduction and Destruction in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. In: Journal of Ecocriticism, vol. 5(2013), no. 1, pp. 1-15(15) - Durán, Isabel.;
The Personal Essay as Autobiography: A Gender and Genre Approach. In: Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 58 (2009): pp. 41-65(25)
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- Ehsan, Muhammad.;
Pantheism, Status of Religion and the Picture of Nature in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing. In: The Criterion: An International Journal In English, Vol. 7, Issue IV August 2016, pp. 307-314(8) - Elizabeth, Erin.;
Timeless Feminist Resistance Defying Dominant Discourses in Sor Juana's"Hombres necios" And Margaret Atwood's "A Women's Issue". In: The Oswald Review: An International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Criticism in the Discipline of English: Vol. 12: Iss. 1, pp. 71-92(22) - Evnine, Simon J.;
"But Is It Science Fiction?": Science Fiction and a Theory of Genre. In: Midwest Studies in Philosophy, XXXIX (2015), pp. 1-28(28) - Farahbakhsh, Alireza & Zohari, Banafsheh.;
Gender Performances in Margaret Atwood's The Edible Woman. In: BEST: International Journal of Humanities, Arts, Medicine and Sciences (BEST: IJHAMS), Vol. 4, Issue 2, Feb 2016, pp. 147-156(10) - Farroq, Yasmin.;
Resuscitating Pre-Colonial Space and Feminity inMargaret Atwood's 'Surfacing'. In: Research Spectrum, vol. 3, Issue 1, Febrary 2012, pp. 39-43(5) - Farshid, Sima.0;
Capitalism and Fabrication of Hyper-reality: A Baudrillardian Reading of Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. In: The International Journal of Literary Humanities, Vol. 11(2014), pp. 1-8(8) - Farshid, Sima.;
Elimination of Inflexible Binaries in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. In: Proceedings of the First National Conference on Language and Linguistics, At Iran, Volume: 3, 2013, pp. 23-35(13) - Fazli, Roshanak and Hafezikermani, Ehsan.;
Power and Truth in Atwood's The Blind Assassin. In: Khapar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 15.4 (2012): pp. 56-63(8) - Feldman-Kołodziejuk, Ewelina.;
Margaret Atwood's "The Blind Assassin" as a Social Chronicle of 20th Century Canada. In: Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies 7 (4/2014), pp. 4-12(9) - Ferreira, Aline.;
The Posthumanist and Biopolitical Turn in Post-Postmodernism. In: The European English Messenger, Vol. 24. No. 2, Winter 2015, pp. 42-48(7) - Ferreira, Marie Aline.;
'Toward a Science of Perfect Reproduction'? Visions of Eugenics in Contemporary Fiction. In: Tinkler-Villani, Valeria (ed. and introd.), Barfoot, C. C. (ed. and introd.), Restoring the Mystery of the Rainbow: Literature's Refraction of Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2011. 1106 pp. (DQR Studies in Literature47). pp. 395-415(21) - Fiamengo, Janice.;
Truths of Storytelling: A Response to Burkhard Niederhoff. In: Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate. 19.1-3 (2009-2010): pp. 53-67(15) - Filtness, Emma.;
'The end or The End': Ageing, Memory and Reliability in Margaret Atwood's Fictional Autobiography, The Blind Assassin. In: EnterText: An Interactive Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Cultural and Historical Studies and Creative Work, (11:), 2014, pp. 42-57(16) - Fonfárová, Vladimira.;
Nature the Monster or Did Atwood Get It All Wrong: Representation of Nature in Alistair MacLeod's Short Stories. In: Silesian Studies in English 2012. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of English and American Studies, 13th - 14th September 2012/ Edited by Marketa Johnova and Michaela Weiss. Silesian University. Opava. 2013. ISBN 978-80-7248-887-2: pp. 166-176(11)
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- Gabora, Liane and Holmes, Nancy.;
Dangling from a Tassel on the Fabric of Socially Constructed Reality: Reflections on the Creative Writing Process. In: A. Cropley, D. Cropley, J. Kaufman, & M. Runco, Eds., The Dark Side of Creativity. Cambridge University Press. (2010). pp. 279-300(22) - Gad-Cykman, Avital.;
The Body of Hurt in Margaret Atwood's Novel Bodily Harm. In: Ilha do Desterro. Aug 2015 68(2): pp. 57-66(10) - Gadpaille, Michelle.;
Thematics and its Aftermath: A Meditation on Atwood's Survival. In: Primerjalna književnost (Ljubljana), vol. 37. no. 3, december 2014, pp. 165-176(12) - Gautam, Vijeta. & Sinha, Jyotsna.;
Female Self-Enslavement in Margaret Atwood's The Edible Woman. In: Academic Research International 2.1 (January 2012): pp. 705-709(5) - Gautam, Vijeta & Sinha, Jyotsna.;
Role of Nature in Self-Exploration in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing. In: International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Vol. 2, Issue 4, April 2012. pp. 1-3(3) - Gautam, Vijeta & Sinha, Jyotsna.;
Transformation of the Protagonist in Margaret Atwood's Lady Oracle. In: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 3; February 2012, pp. 233-236(4) - Gibert, Teresa.;
Margaret Atwood's Art of Brevity: Metaphorical Conceptualization and Short Story Writing. In: Patea, Viorica (ed. and introd.), Short Story Theories: A Twenty-First-Century Perspective, Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2012. vii, 346 pp. (DQR Studies in Literature49). pp. 205-223(19) - Gibert, Teresa.;
Metaphors of Health, Illness and Disease in Margaret Atwood's Fiction. In: Illness, Bodies and Contexts. Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Edited by Isabelle Lange & Zoe Norridge. Inter-Disciplinary Press. Oxford, 2010. ISBN: 978-1-904710-29-5; pp. 123-133(11) - Glover, Jane.;
Human/Nature: Ecological Philosophy in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. In: English Studies in Africa: A Journal of the Humanities 52.2 (October 2009): pp. 50-62(13) - Gökçen, Nilsen.;
Homo Ludens in Gilead: The Handmaid's Tale Revisited. In: Journal of Graduate School of Social Sciences. 2014, Vol. 18 Issue 2, pp. 139-155(17) - Gökçen, Nilsen.;
The Past to Remember and the Past to Forget: Rewriting, Memory and Nostalgia in The Penelopiad. In: Memory & Afostatgin. Editcd Atilla Silku, Murat Erdem, Patrick Folk. Ege University Press, 2009. ISBN 978-975-483-802-2; pp. 241-250(15) - Goldman, Marlene.;
Canadian Female Gothic on the Foreign Border: Margaret Atwood's Bodily Harm and Karen Connelly's Burmese Lessons. In: University of Toronto Quarterly, Vol. 82, no. 2, Spring 2013, pp. 225-241(17) - Goncalves, Davi Silva.;
Snowball Vs. Snowman: A Dystopian Bridge Between George Orwell's Animal Farm And Margaret Atwood's Oryx & Crake. In: Pensares em Revista, Sao Goncalo-RJ, n.2, jan./jun. 2013, pp. 150-165(15) - Goodchild, Philip.;
The Shadow Side of Debt. In: Common Knowledge, Vol. 17, Issue 2, Spring 2011, pp. 375-382(8) - Grace, Sherrill E.;
Quest for the Peaceable Kingdom: Urban/Rural Codes in Roy, Laurence, and Atwood (1984). In: Soper, Ella (ed., introd., and afterword), Bradley, Nicholas (ed., introd., and afterword), Greening the Maple: Canadian Ecocriticism in Context, Calgary, AB: U of Calgary P, 2013. liv, 569 pp.(Energy, Ecology, and the Environment Series7). pp. 43-60(18) - Gurung, Rashmi Bala.;
Anita Desai and M argaret Atwood: Potrayal of Women Characters in Their Novels. In: International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies, vol. 3, no. 4, April, 2014, pp. 521-534(14)
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- Hacking, Ian.;
The Abolition of Man. In: Behemoth - A Journal on Civilisation, Vol. 2(2009), No. 3, pp. 5-23(19) - Hall, S.L.;
The Last Laugh: A Critique of the Object Economy in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. In: Contemporary Womens Writing, Vol. 4, no. 3, 2010, pp. 179-196(18) - Hambuch, Doris.;
Speculative Writing and Environmentalist Politics: Ecocritical Readings of 'Oryx and Crake' and 'Der Schwarm'. In: Arab World English Journal, No.1, 2013 pp. 42-54(13) - Heckman-McKenna, Heather.;
Redefining Love in Margaret Atwood's Variation on The World Sleep. In: Explicator. Vol. 74 Issue 2, Apr-Jun2016, pp. 92-98(7) - Heubener, Paul.;
Dark Stories: Poet-Audience Relations and the Journey Underground in Margaret Atwood's The Door and Other Works. In: Studies in Canadian Literature, vol. 34, no. 2, Summer 2009, pp. 106-133(28) - Holmes, Martha Stoddard.;
After Sontag: Reclaiming Metaphor. In: Genre, vol. 44, no. 3, Jan 2011; pp. 263 - 276(14) - Houser, Tammy Amiel.;
Margaret Atwood's Feminist Ethics of Gracious Housewifery. In: Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas, vol. 11(2013), no. 1, pp. 109-132 (24) - Huebner, Karin L.;
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The Trope of Doors in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. In: Latch: A Journal for the Study of the Literary Artifacts in Theory, Culture or History. 2009, Vol. 2, pp. 1-16(16) - Irshad, Shaista.;
Construction of Sex, Gender and Class in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace. In: International Journal of Englishand Literature (IJEL), Vol. 3, Issue 2, Jun 2013, pp. 117-126(10) - Irshad, Shaista.;
Subversion of Identity in Margaret Atwood's The Robber Bride. In: Language in India, Vol. 13:6 June 2013, pp. 743-764(22) - Irshad, Shaista & Banerji, Niroj.;
Deconstructing Gender and Myth in Margaret Atwood's "The Penelopiad". In: Anglisticum Journal (IJLLIS), Vol. 2, Issue: 3, July 2013, pp. 35-41(7) - Irshad, Shaista & Banerji, Niroj.;
Gender as a Social Construct in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. In: Academic Research International 2.2 (March 2012): pp. 585-594(10) - Irwin, Beth.;
Global Capitalism in Oryx and Crake. In: Oshkosh Scholar. Vol. IV, November 2009, pp. 44-51(8) - Isabella, S. Joy and Singh, J. Sundar.;
Association of Self Fashioning and Circumstances in Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin. In: Language in India 10 (March 2010): pp. 59-71(13) - Isabella, S. Joy;Sundarsingh, J.;
Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin - A Study of the Impact of War on Historical and Economic Aspects of the Society. In: Language in India. Vol. 10 Issue 10, Oct 2010, pp. 495-501(7) - Ivanovici, Cristina.;
"A Courageous Project": Publishing Margaret Atwood's Work in Romania between 1978 and 1995. In: Canadian Studies in Europe / études Canadiennes en Europe, 9(2010), pp. 79-91(13)
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Canadian Identity through Literature: On the "Canadianness" of Margaret Atwood's Fiction. In: (Re)connecting through diversity : Canadian perspectives = Les relations dans la diversite : perspectives canadiennes. Editors / Sous la direction de Jelena Novakovićdan Pajović, Vladimir Gvozden. Megatrend University, 2011. ISBN 978-86-7747-429-4; pp. 53-62(10) - Jennings, Hope.;
The Comic Apocalypse of The Year of the Flood. In: Margaret Atwood Studies, vol. 3. no. 2 (August 2010): pp. 11-18(8) - Johns-Putra, Adeline.;
Ecocriticism, Genre, and Climate Change: Reading the Utopian Vision of Kim Stanley Robinson's Science in the Capital Trilogy. In: English Studies 91(7): November 2010, pp. 744-760(17) - Jones, Andy.;
A Few Comments on the Epigraphs to Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace and Their Relation to the Novel as a Whole. In: The Explicator, Vol. 72(2014) - Issue 4 , pp. 253-256(4) - Joodaki, Abdol Hossein & Jafari, Yaser.;
Anamorphosis: Symbolic Orders in The Handmaid's Tale. In: International Journal of Zizek Studies. Vol. 9(2015), Issue 2, pp. 1-18(18) - Jung, Susanne.;
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Liberalities of Feeling: Free Market Subjectivities in Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin. In: Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction ,Vol. 56(2015) - Issue 4, pp. 369-382(14) - Keating, Christine C.;
Freeing the Feminine Identity: The Egg as Transformative Image in the Magical Realism of Angela Carter and Margaret Atwood. In: Making Connections: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Cultural Diversity. Vol. 14 Issue 2, Fall 2013, pp. 19-26(8) - Keating, Christine C.:
Unearthing the goddess within: feminist revisionist mythology in the poetry of Margaret Atwood. In: Women's Studies, Vol. 43, 2014 - Issue 4, pp. 483-501(19) - Keck, Michaela.;
Murder in the Dark': Lying Games, or Margaret Atwood's Ioci. In: Margaret Atwood Studies, vol. 2. No. 2 (May 2009): pp. 3-14(12) - Keefe, Anne.;
An Organism of Words: Ekphrastic Poetry and the Pedagogy of Perception. In: Art's Teachings, Teaching's Art: Philosophical, Critical and Educational Musings. Editors: Tyson Lewis, Megan Laverty. Springer, 2015. ISBN: 978-94-017-7190-0; pp. 63-78(16) - Keller, Wolfram R.;
Canadian Popular Classics: Recycling Homer's Odyssey in Novels by Frederick Philip Grove, Robert Kroetsch and Margaret Atwood. In: Ranam: Recherches Anglaises et Nord-Americaines, (45:), 2012, pp. 37-50(14) - Keller, Wolfram R.;
Penelopean Transatlanticism: Margaret Atwood's Penelopiad and the Translation of Empire. In: Kuester, Martin (ed. and introd.), Le Jeune, Françoise (ed. and introd.), Radu, Anca-Raluca (ed. and introd.), Sturgess, Charlotte (ed. and introd.), Narratives of Crisis-Crisis of Narrative, Augsburg, Germany: Wißner, 2012. 232 pp.(Studies in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures3). pp. 22-41(20) - Khalid, Saman.;
Margaret Atwood's Penelopiad as Postmodern Fiction. In: Explorations, Vol. 21 (2010), pp. 41-54(14) - Kouhestani, Maryam.;
Disciplining the Body: Power and Language in Margaret Atwood's Dystopian Novel The Handmaid's Tale. In: Journal of Educational and Social Research; Vol 3, No 7 (2013): pp. 610-613(4) - Kouhestani, Maryam.;
Exploring Technology and Surveillance in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. In: International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Society, 29-30 June 2012, Jeju, Korea. pp. 171-175(5) - Kouhestani, Maryam.;
Sexual Oppression and Religious Extremism in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. In: International Proceedings of Economics Development & Research;2013, Vol. 56, pp. 129-133(5) - Koukhaei, Zeinab & Afrougheh, Shahram.;
New Perspective in Women and Nature: Dualism in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing. In: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, vol. 4(2013), no. 11, pp. 3501-3507(7) - Kriebernegg, Ulla.;
"Neatly Severing the Body from the Head:" Female Abjection in Margaret Atwood's The Edible Eoman. In: Linguaculture, 1(2012), pp. 53-64(12) - Kuester, Martin.;
Genetic Games of a Retiring God: Atwood's 'Divine Solution' in Oryx and Crake. In: Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien, vol. 30(2010), no. 2, pp. 76-86(11) - Kuester, Martin.;
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(Fat) Lady Oracle. In: GRAAT On-Line issue #5.2 October 2009, pp. 208-222(15) - Labudova, Katarina.;
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Power, Pain, and Manipulation in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood. In: Brno Studies in English, vol. 36(2010), no. 1, pp. 135-146(12) - Lacombe, Michèle.;
On Critical Frameworks for Analyzing Indigenous Literature: The Case of Monkey Beach. In: International Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue internationale d'etudes canadiennes, n° 41, 2010, p. 253-276(24) - Laflen, Angela.;
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Supplementing the Supplement: Looking at the Function of Afterwords and Acknowledgements in Some Canadian Historical Novels. In: English Studies in Canada, (40:2-3), 2014, pp. 155-172(18) - Latimer, Heather.;
Popular Culture and Reproductive Politics: 'Juno,' 'Knocked Up' and the Enduring Legacy of The Handmaid's Tale. In: Feminist Theory 10.2 (2009): pp. 211-226(16) - Leporini, Nicola.;
The Transculturation of Mythic Archetypes: Margaret Atwood's Circe ; La transculturacion de los arquetidos miticos: la "Circe" de Margaret Atwood. In: Amaltea. Revista de mitocritica; Vol 7 (2015): Mito y emociones / Myth and Emotions; pp. 37-55(19) - Lima, Luiz Fernando Martins de.;
"This is a Photograph of Me", de Margaret Atwood. In: Cadernos de Literatura em Traducao; n. 13 (2012) ; pp. 85-87(3) - Lloyd, Joanne Reardon.;
Talking to the Dead - the Voice of the Victim in Crime Fiction. In: New Writing. Vol. 11, 2014 - Issue 1, pp. 100-108(9) - Lopez, Maria J.;
'You Are One of Us': Communities of Marginality, Vulnerability, and Secrecy in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace. In: English Studies in Canada, (38:2), 2012, pp. 157-177(21) - Lukes, Daniel.;
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The Cambridge Introduction to Margaret Atwood. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 143 pp. - Malarvizhi, K.;
Desire for Autonomy in Atwood's Lady Oracle. In: Devanga Arts College Manas: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. 3, no. 1(2012), 8 pp. - Mannon, Bethany Ober.;
Fictive Memoir and Girlhood Resistance in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace. In: Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, Vol. 55, 2014 - Issue 5, pp. 551-566(16) - Marks de Marques, Eduardo.;
"God is a cluster of neurons": Neo-posthumanism, theocide, theogony and anti-myths of origin in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. In: Niteroi, n. 35, sem. 2013, pp. 155-169(15) - Marks de Marques, Eduardo.;
Children of Oryx, Children of Crake, Children of Men: Redefining the Post/Transhuman in Margaret Atwood's "ustopian" Madd Addam Trilogy. In: Aletria: Revista de Estudos de Literatura. Vol. 25(2016), no. 3, pp. 133-146(14) - Martin Párraga, Javier.;
Translating Science Fiction: a Dystopian Task? In: Skopos. Revista Internacional de Traduccion e Interpretacion; Vol. 5 (2014); pp. 87-102(16) - Maver, Igor.;
Margaret Atwood's Non-Fiction about Fiction: Payback. In: Logos et Littera: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Text. No. 2(2015), pp. 1-9(9) - McHugh, Susan.;
Real Artificial: Tissue-Cultured Meat, Genetically Modified Farm Animals, and Fictions. In: Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology, Vol. 18, no. 1-2, Winter 2010, pp. 181-197(17) - Miller, T. S.;
Apocalypse in the Mainstream 101. In: The Science Fiction Research Association Review 301 (2012): pp. 30-38(9) - Moradi, Maryam & AzizMohammadi, Fatemeh.;
Althusserian Reading of The Handmaid's Tale. In: International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, Vol. 49, pp. 83-91(9) - Moreton, Bethany.;
A Matter of Some Interest: Payback and the Sterility of Capital. In: Common Knowledge, Vol. 17, Issue 2, Spring 2011, pp. 356-362(7) - Mosca, Valeria.;
Crossing Human Boundaries: Apocalypse and Posthumanism in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood. In: Altre Modernità, Iss. 9(2013, pp. 38-52(15). (In special issue: "Apocalisse 2012.") . - Moss, Maria.;
"Their deaths are not elegant" - Portrayals of Animals in Margaret Atwood's Writings. In: Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien, 35 (2015), pp. 120-135(16) - Mouda, Asra Sultana.;
Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale - A Feminist Postmodernist Dystopia - An Overview. In: IRWLE, vol. 8, no. II July, 2012, pp. 1-10(10) - Mouda, Asra Sultana.;
The Woman's Body and Consumer Society- A Feminist Reading of Margaret Atwood's Edible Woman. In: IRWLE VOL. 7 No. I January 2011, pp. 1-8(8) - Mount, Nicholas J.;
Interview: Elephants Are Not Giraffes: A Conversation with Margaret Atwood, More or Less about Northrop Frye. In: University of Toronto Quarterly. Vol. 81, Issue 1(2012), pp. 60-70(11) - Muinos, Alba De Bejar.:
Engineering Bodies: Cyborg Takeovers in Canadian Speculative Fictions. In: Canadian Studies in Europe / études Canadiennes en Europe, vol. 10(2012), pp. 63-75(13) - Murphy, Patrick D.;
The Procession of Identity and Ecology in Contemporary Literature. In: SubStance, Vol. 41, no. 1, January 1, 2012, pp. 77-91(15) - Murray, Heather.;
Women in the Wilderness (1986). In: Soper, Ella (ed., introd., and afterword), Bradley, Nicholas (ed., introd., and afterword), Greening the Maple: Canadian Ecocriticism in Context, Calgary, AB: U of Calgary P, 2013. liv, 569 pp.(Energy, Ecology, and the Environment Series7). pp. 61-81(21) - Murray, Jennifer.;
For the Love of a Fish: A Lacanian Reading of Margaret Atwood's Surfacing. In: LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory, Vol. 26, no. 1, 2 January 2015, pp. 1-21(21) - Murray, Patrick.;
'These Vistas of Desolation': Image and Poetry in Margaret Atwood and Charles Pachter'sThe Journals of Susanna Moodie. In: British Journal of Canadian Studies , (24:1), 2011, pp. 69-84(16) - Murray, Sean.;
Food for Critical Thought: Teaching the Science Fiction of Margaret Atwood. In: Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture, Vol. 14, Issue 3, Fall 2014, pp. 475-498(24) - Murray, Sean.;
The Pedagogical Potential of Margaret Atwood's Speculative Fiction: Exploring Ecofeminism in the Classroom. In: Environmentalism in the Realm of Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature, Volume 1(2012), pp. 111-125(15) - Mushtaq, Aneesa.;
Metaphorical Cannibalism in Margaret Atwood's Novel Oryx and Crake. In: Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol 3, No 7, July, 2015, pp. 148-150(3)
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Theorising Canadian Literature: A Reading of Margaret Atwood's Survival. In: Language in India. Vol. 12 Issue 8, Aug 2012, pp. 131-144(14) - Neverow, Vara.;
Documenting Fascism in Three Guineas and The Handmaid's Tale: An Examination of Woolf's Textual Notes and Scrapbooks and Atwood's 'Historical Notes'. In: Wussow, Helen (ed. and introd.), Gillies, Mary Ann (ed. and introd.), Virginia Woolf and the Common(wealth) Reader, Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital, 2014. xiv, 250 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9890826-7-9; pp. 183-189(7) - Nicolaescu, Cristina.;
Myth and Stereotypes in the Novel Surfacing by Margaret Atwood. In: Annals of "Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University Linguistics, Literature and Methodology of Teaching, vol. XI, No. 2/2012, pp. 111-126(16) - Niederhoff, Burkhard.;
Ghosts, Knowledge and Truth in Atwood: A Reader's Guide to Six Responses. In: Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate 19.1-3 (2009/2010): pp. 126-135(10) - Nikandam, Roya.;
Eating, Starving and the Body: The Presentation of Self. In: Asian Culture and History, Vol 5, Iss 2 (2013), pp. 115-127(13) - Nikandam, Roya.;
Undetermined Subjectivity through Unusual Performance. In: Advances in Asian Social Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2012, pp. 99-105(7) - Niranjani, S. Ramya.;
Self-discovery through nature in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing. In: Language In India. August, 2012, Vol. 12 Issue 8, pp. 195-203(9) - Northover, Richard Alan.;
Ecological Apocalypse in Margaret Atwood's MaddAddam Trilogy. In: Studia Neophilologica, Vol. 88, Supplement 1, 31 March 2016, pp. 81-95(15) - Nunes, Ruan.;
Looking into Margaret Atwood's The Penelopiad: Appropriation, Parody and Class Issues. In: Palimpsesto, No 18, Ano 13, 2014, pp. 228-240(13) - O'Neill, John.:
Dying in a State of Grace: Memory, Duality, and Uncertainty in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace. In: Textual Practice, vol. 27(2013), no. 4, pp. 651-670(20) - Otrísalová, Lucia.;
"Holes that Open Inward": Landscape Paintings in Margaret Atwood's Death by Landscape. In: Ars Aeterna, Vol.5, no.1 / 2013, pp. 34-43(10) - Ovens, Katherine.;
She's Such a Tease: The Feminine as Burlesque Performance in Margaret Atwood's The Edible Woman. In: Pivot: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. Vol. 2(2013), Issue 1, pp. 85-106(22)
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On the Border: Margaret Atwood's Novels. In: Margaret Atwood. New ed. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Bloom's Literary Criticism (lnfobase Publishing), 2009. pp. 21-34(14) - Parry, Jovian.;
Oryx and Crake and the New Nostalgia for Meat. In: Society & Animals 17.3 (June 2009): pp. 241-256(16) - Pedler, Mike & Attwood, Margaret.;
How can action learning contribute to social capital? In: Action Learning: Research and Practice, Vol. 8, 2011 - Issue 1, pp. 27-39(13) - Péneau, Emilie.;
Margaret Atwood's Multiple Subversions: The Question of Genre in Her Short Fiction. In: Canadian Studies in Europe / etudes Canadiennes en Europe, vol. 10(2012), pp. 137-152(16) - Percec, Dana.;
Margaret Atwood and the Politics of Ecofeminism. In: Colloquium politicum, Vol. 3, Nr. 1 (5), January-June 2012, pp. 45-56(12) - Pirnajmuddin, Hossein & Amani, Omid.;
Margaret Atwood's Surfacing as a Critique of the Enlightenment Reason. In: Studies in Literature and Language, Vol. 3(2011), Iss 2, pp 6-10 (5) - Pordzik, Ralph.;
The Posthuman Future of Man: Anthropocentrism and the Other of Technology in Anglo-American Science Fiction. In: Utopian Studies, Vol. 23, no. 1, 2012, pp. 142-161(20) - Pourgharib, Behzad.;
Margaret Atwood: Twenty-Five years of Gothic Tales. In: Criterion: An InternationalJournal in English 2.1 (April 2011): 13 pp. - Pundir, Leena.;
From being an Unreliable Narrator to becoming a Reliable one: A Study of Margaret Atwood's Surfacing. In: Lapis Lazuli - An International Literary Journal (LLILJ), Vol.2/ NO.2/Autumn 2012, pp. 1-6(6) - Pundir, Leena.;
Marian's Search for Self in Margaret Atwood' s The Edible Woman. In: The Criterion: An International Journal in English, Vol. III. Issue. IV, December 2012, 3 pp. - Pundir, Leena.;
Rennie's 'Massive Dis-involvement' in Margaret Atwood's Bodily Harm. In: New Academia: An International Journal of English Language Literature and Literary Theory, (2:4), 2013, pp. 1-9 (9) - Pundir, Leena.;
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Dystopia In Oryx And Crake Vis-a-vis The Utopia Of Walden: An Ecocritical Approach. In: Golden Research Thoughts, Vol 3(2013), Iss 2, pp. 01-3 (3) - Rao, Eleonora.;
A Response to The Return of the Dead in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing and Alias Grace. In: Connotations, vol. 1-3 (2009/2010): pp. 68-78(11) - Raspini, Ana.;
Goddess or Countertop Dancer: Mythological Female Figures in Margaret Atwood's Morning In The Burned House. In: Revista Artemis; v. 17, n. 1 (2014) ; pp. 96-104(9) - Reddy, P. Madhurima.;
The Handmaid's Tale:. The Carving out of Feminist Space in Margaret Atwood's Novel. In: The Criterion: An International Journal in English 2.4 (December 2011): 9 pp. - Renaux, Sigrid.;
Margaret Atwood and the re-invention of myth in The Penelopiad. In: Interfaces Brasil/Canada, vol. 11(2011), no. 1, pp. 97-119(23) - Ridout, Alice.;
Margaret Atwood's Straddling Environmentalism. In: Comparative American Studies: An International Journal, Vol. 13(2015) - Issue 1-2, pp. 31-41(11) - Ridout, Alice.;
Temporality and Margaret Atwood. In: Margaret Atwood. New ed. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Bloom's Literary Criticism (lnfobase Publishing), 2009. pp. 35-58(24) - Rigney, Barbara Hill.;
Alias Atwood: Narrative Games and Gender Politics. In: Margaret Atwood. New ed. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Bloom's Literary Criticism (lnfobase Publishing), 2009. pp. 59-66(8) - Roberts, Dorothy E.;
Race, Gender, and Genetic Technologies: A New Reproductive Dystopia? In: Signs, Vol. 34, No. 4 (Summer 2009), pp. 783-804(22) - Roddis, Melissa.;
'Someone Else's Utopia': The Eco-Posthuman 'Utopia' of Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. In: Writing Technologies, vol. 5 (2013), pp. 19-35(17) - Rodi-Risberg, Marinella.;
Ex-Centric Narratives: Other Contemporary Female-Authored Lears. In: Rodi-Risberg, Marinella., Writing Trauma, Writing Time and Space: Jane Smiley's A Thousand Acres and the Lear Group of Father-Daughter Incest Narratives / Acta Wasaensia, 229 / Literary and Cultural Studies, 5. Universitas Wasaensis, 2010. ISBN 978-952-476-320-2; pp. 133-166(34) - Rodriguez Salas, Gerardo.;
'Close as a kiss': Gyn/Affection in Margaret Atwood's The Penelopiad ; 'Cercanas como un beso': el desafio de la afectividad femenina de las doncellas en "The Penelopiad" de Margater Atwood. In: Amaltea. Revista de mitocritica, Vol. 7 (2015), pp. 19-34(15) - Rogerson, Margaret.;
Should We Believe Her? Margaret Atwood and Uncertainty: A Response to Burkhard Niederhoff. In: Connotations, vol. 19. no 1-3(2009/2010): pp. 79-91(13) - Roman, Stephanie.;
Feminism and the Force of Institutions in Twenty-First Century Dystopian Novels. In: The Oswald Review: An International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Criticism in the Discipline of English: Vol. 17 (2015): Iss. 1, pp. 134-175(42) - Rosen, Jeremy.;
An Insatiable Market for Minor Characters: Genre in the Contemporary Literary Marketplace. In: New Literary History: a journal of theory and interpretation (46:1) [Winter 2015] , pp. 143-163(21) - Rosenfeld, Erica.;
Narrative Contradictions in Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace. In: The Sigma Tau Delta Review, Volume 6, 2009, pp. 64-70(7) - Rousselot, Elodie.;
A Christmas Carol and global economy: the neo-Victorian debt to the nineteenth century. In: Neo-Victorian Studies, vol. 5(2012), no. 2, pp. 59-83(25) - Royanian, Shamsoddin and Yazdani, Zeinab.;
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Political Engagement in the Writings by Margaret Atwood and Dionne Brand. In: Revista critica cultural, vol. 6, no.1 (January-June 2011): pp. 105-113(9) - Sankar, G.;
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