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James, Joyce(ジェイムズ・ジョイス)研究論文 戦後編(2)

  「意識の流れ」(The Stream of Consciousness)の小説家。アイルランド生まれだが、1904年に故郷をはなれて2度と戻らなかった。『ユリシーズ』で有名。

 James, Joyce(ジェイムズ・ジョイス)研究の1991年から2000年に刊行された論文を紹介しています。
 ここで紹介する論文・書評は企画商品CD「イギリス文学研究論文撰」の「20世紀前半」の項 James, Joyce 第2集 1991-2000年刊行論文集に収録しています。





    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H/J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T/V] [W/Y]

  1. Adams Day, Robert.;
    Joyce's AquaCities.  In: Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 3-20(18)

  2. Adamsday, Robert.;
    The Villanelle Perplex: Reading Joyce.  In Philip Brady and James F. Carens (eds) Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, New York: G. K. Hall, 1998. ISBN:0-7838-0035-5 , pp. 52-65(14)

  3. Alter, Robert.;
    Joyce's Ulysses and the Common Reader.  In Modernism/modernity, Vol. 5, no. 3, September 1998, pp. 19-31(13)

  4. Alvarez, Amoros & Jose Antonio.;
    Intertextuality and the suspension of narrative coherence in "Ulysses".  In Language forum, vol. 1(1993), no. 1, p. 1-17(17)

  5. Anspaugh, Kelly.;
    Blasting the Bombardier: Another Look at Lewis, Joyce, and Woolf.  In Twentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal 40.3 (1994): p. 365-378(14)

  6. Anspaugh, Kelly.;
    'Three Mortal Hour(i)s'; Female Gothic in Joyce's 'The Dead'.  In Studies in Short Fiction 31.1 (1994): pp. 1-12(12)

  7. Aschkenasy, Nehama.;
    Davin's "Strange Woman" and Her Biblical Prototypes,  In Philip Brady and James F. Carens (eds) Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, New York: G. K. Hall, 1998. pp. 155-166(12)

  8. Attridge, Derek.;
    Countlessness of Livestories: Narrativity in Finnegans Wake.  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 290-296(7)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H/J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T/V] [W/Y]

  9. Baron, Jeremy Hugh.;
    Illnesses and Creativity: Byron's Appetites, James Joyce's Gut, and Melba's Meals and Mésalliances.  In BMJ: British Medical Journal, Vol. 315, No. 7123 (Dec. 20 - 27, 1997), pp. 1697-1703(7)

  10. Bauerle, Ruth.;
    Dancing a Pas de Deux in Exiles's Ménage à Quatre; or, How Many Triangles Can You Make Out of Four Characters If You Take Them Two at a Time?  In: Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 150-163(14)

  11. Beckman, Richard.;
    Jove's Word: Finnegans Wake, 80.20-81.13.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 22, Number 2, Winter 1998/1999, pp. 373-384(12)

  12. Beckman, Richard.;
    Panangelic voices in Finnegans Wake.  In Journal of Modern Literature. Philadelphia: Spring 1991. Vol. 17, no. 4; p. 491-508 (18)

  13. Beebe, Maurice.;
    The Portrait as Portrait: Joyce and Impressionism.  In Philip Brady and James F. Carens (eds) Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, New York: G. K. Hall, 1998. pp. 142-153(12)

  14. Beja, Morris.;
    Approaching Joyce with an Attitude. [Hostile Responses to Joyce].  In: Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 71-75(5)

  15. Beja, Morris.;
    Citizen Joyce, or My Quest for Rosebud.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 22, Number 2, Winter 1998/1999, pp. 205-214(10)

  16. Benstock, Bernard.;
    James Joyce. The Olfactory Factor.  In Joycean occasions : essays from the Milwaukee James Joyce Conference. Edited by Janet E. Dunleavy, Melvin J. Friedman, and Michael Patrick Gillespie Newark : University of Delaware Press, c1991. pp. 138-156(19)

  17. Benstock, Shari.;
    Apostrophes. Framing Finnegans Wake.  In Joycean occasions : essays from the Milwaukee James Joyce Conference. Edited by Janet E. Dunleavy, Melvin J. Friedman, and Michael Patrick Gillespie Newark : University of Delaware Press, c1991. pp. 95-124(20)

  18. Bizot, Richard.;
    Mastering the colonizer's tongue: Yeats, Joyce, and their successors in the Irish schoolroom.  In Studies in the Literary Imagination. Atlanta: Fall 1997. Vol. 30, no. 2; p. 63-75 (13)

  19. Booker, M. Keith.;
    Finnegans Wake and The Satanic Verses: Two Modern Myths of the Fall.  In Critique, 32.3 (1991): pp. 190-207(18)

  20. Booker, M Keith.;
    Western Culture in the Wake of Joyce: From Egypt to Derrida (By Way of Nietzsche).  In College English, Vol. 53, No. 1 (Jan., 1991), pp. 19-33(15)

  21. Bowen, Zack.;
    All Things Come in Threes: Ménage à Trois in Young Man.  In: Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 137-143(7)

  22. Bowen, Zack.;
    Barth and Joyce.  In Critique. Washington: Summer 1996. Vol. 37, no. 4; p. 261-269 (9)

  23. Bowen, Zack.;
    Comic Narration.  In Joycean occasions : essays from the Milwaukee James Joyce Conference. Edited by Janet E. Dunleavy, Melvin J. Friedman, and Michael Patrick Gillespie Newark : University of Delaware Press, c1991. pp. 59-79(21)

  24. Brady, Philip and Carens, James F.;
    Introduction.  In Philip Brady and James F. Carens (eds) Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, New York: G. K. Hall, 1998. ISBN:0-7838-0035-5 , pp. 1-16(16)

  25. Brienza, Susan.;
    Muphy, Shem, Morpheus, and Murphies. Eumaeus Meets the Wake.  In Joycean occasions : essays from the Milwaukee James Joyce Conference. Edited by Janet E. Dunleavy, Melvin J. Friedman, and Michael Patrick Gillespie Newark : University of Delaware Press, c1991. pp. 80-94(15)

  26. Briggs, Austin.;
    Chaplin's Charlie and Joyce's Bloom.  In Journal of Modern Literature. Philadelphia: Winter 1996. Vol. 20, no. 2; p. 177-186 (10)

  27. Briggs, Austin.;
    Rebecca West vs. James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, and William Carlos Williams.  In: Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 83-102(20)

  28. Brivic, Sheldon.;
    Stephen Haunted by His Gender: The Uncanny Portrait.  In: Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 205-212(8)

  29. Brockman, William S.;
    Learning to Be James Joyce's Contemporary? Richard Ellmann's Discovery and Transformation of Joyce's Letters and Manuscripts.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 22, No. 2, Joyce and the Joyceans (Winter, 1998-1999), pp. 253-263(11)

  30. Buffery, Helena.; Millán-Varela, Carmen.;
    Translations of Joyce in Spa  In The Location of "Ithaca".  In The Modern Language Review, Vol. 95, No. 2 (Apr., 2000), pp. 399-414(16)

  31. Bulson, Eric.;
    An Italian Tongue in an Irish Mouth: Joyce, Politics, and the Franca Langua.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 24, No. 1 (Autumn, 2000), pp. 63-79(17)

  32. Burkdall, Thomas L.;
    Cinema Fakes: Film and Joycean Fantasy.  In: Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 260-269(10)

  33. Burns, Christy.;
    In the Original Sinse: The Gay Cliché and Verbal Transgression in Finnegans Wake.  In Quare Joyce. edited by Joseph Valente. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c1998. p. 201-222(22)

  34. Burns, Christy L.;
    Parodic Irishness: Joyces's Reconfigurations of the Nation in Finnegans Wake.  In Novel: A Forum on Fiction (Spring 1998): pp. 237-256(20)

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  35. Calahan, James M.;
    'Dear Reader' and 'Dear Writer': Joyce's Direct Address to His Readers in Finnegans Wake.  In Twentieth-Century Literature, 41.3 (Fall 1995): pp. 306-318(13)

  36. Caserio, Robert L.;
    Casement, Joyce, and Pound: Some New Meanings of Treason.  In Quare Joyce. edited by Joseph Valente. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c1998. p. 139-155(17)

  37. Casey, Herrick.;
    Joyce's Ulysses.  In: The Explicator, Vol. 53, no. 1, Fall 1994, pp. 45-47(3)

  38. Casrle, Gregory.;
    Ousted possibilities: Critical histories in James Joyce's Ulysses.  In Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Fall 1993. Vol. 39, no. 3; p. 306-328(23)

  39. Castle, Gregory.;
    Confessing oneself : homoeros and colonial bildung in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.  In Quare Joyce. edited by Joseph Valente. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c1998. p. 157-182(26)

  40. Chaudhry-Fryer, Mamta.;
    Power play: games in Joyce's Young Man.  In: Studies in Short Fiction, Vol. 32, no. 3; Summer, 1995, Special Issue on Young Man. p. 319 -327(9)

  41. Cheng, Vincent J.;
    Catching the Conscience of a Race: Joyce and Celticism.  In: Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 21-42(22)

  42. Cheng, Vincent J.;
    "The bawk of bats" in Joyce's Belfry. The Flitter-mouse in the Feminine.  In Joycean occasions : essays from the Milwaukee James Joyce Conference. Edited by Janet E. Dunleavy, Melvin J. Friedman, and Michael Patrick Gillespie Newark : University of Delaware Press, c1991. pp. 125-137(13)

  43. Christine Froula.;
    Modernity, Drafts, Genetic Criticism: On the Virtual Lives of James Joyce's Villanelle.  In Yale French Studies, No. 89, Drafts (1996), pp. 113-129(17)

  44. Ciancio, Ralph.;
    Vico in Dixie.  In The Southern Literary Journal, XXVIII:1. (1995), pp. 35-57(23)

  45. Cixous, Hélène.; Prenowitz, Eric.;
    "Mamãe, disse ele," or, Joyce's Second Hand.  In Poetics Today, Vol. 17, No. 3, Creativity and Exile: European/American Perspectives I (Autumn, 1996), pp. 339-366(28)

  46. Clarke R.W.;
    Oliver St John Gogarty.  In Journal of Laryngology & Otology [NLM - MEDLINE]. Jan 1997. Vol. 111, no. 1; p. 15-19(5)

  47. Clayton, Jay.;
    Londublin. Dickens's London in Joyce's Dublin.  In Novel: A Forum on Fiction 28 (1995): no. 3, p. 327-342(16)

  48. Conboy, Sheila C.;
    Exhibition and Inhibition: The Body Scene in Young Man.  In Twentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal 37.4 (1991): pp. 405-419(15)

  49. Corballis, Richard.;
    Wilde … Joyce … O'Brien … Stoppard. Modernism and Postmodernism in "Travesties".  In Joycean occasions : essays from the Milwaukee James Joyce Conference. Edited by Janet E. Dunleavy, Melvin J. Friedman, and Michael Patrick Gillespie Newark : University of Delaware Press, c1991. pp. 157-170(14)

  50. Crooks, Robert.;
    Triptych Vision: Voyeurism and Screen Memories in Joyce's "Portrait".  In MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 38, no. 2, Summer 1992, pp. 377-401(25)

  51. Csicsila, Joseph.;
    The storm-tossed heart of man: Echoes of "Nausicca" in Quentin's section of The sound and the Fury.  In The Faulkner Journal. Orlando: Fall 1997. Vol. 13, no. 1/2; p. 77-88(12)

  52. Cullingford, Elizabeth Butler.;
    British Romans and Irish Carthaginians: Anticolonial metaphor in Heaney, Friel, and McGuinness.  In PMLA. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. New York: Mar 1996. Vol. 111, no. 2; p. 222-239 (18)

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  53. Davison, Neil R.;
    'Cyclops,' Sinn Fein, and 'the Jew': An Historical Reconsideration.  In Journal of Modern Literature 19.2 (Fall 1995): pp. 245-257(13)

  54. Dean, Tim.;
    Paring His Fingernails: Homosexuality and Joyce's Impersonalist Aesthetic.  In Quare Joyce. edited by Joseph Valente. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c1998. p. 241-272(32)

  55. Delany, Paul.;
    A Would-Be-Dirty Mind':XJ. H. Lawrence as an Enemy of Joyce. [Hostile Responses to Joyce].  In: Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 76-82(7)

  56. Delany, Paul.;
    "Tailors of malt, hot, all round": homosocial consumption in "Young Man." ["Counterparts" and "Two Gallants"].  In: Studies in Short Fiction, Vol. 32, no. 3; Summer, 1995, Special Issue on Young Man. p. 381-393 (13)

  57. Devlin, Kimberly J.;
    Bloom and the police: Regulatory vision and visions in Ulysses.  In Novel. Providence: Fall 1995. Vol. 29, no. 1; p. 45-62(18)

  58. Devlin, Kimberly J.;
    Pretending in 'Penelope': Masquerade, Mimicry, and Molly Bloom.  In NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Autumn, 1991), pp. 71-89(19)

  59. Digou, Mike.;
    Joyce's Ulysses.  In: The Explicator, vol. 58, no. 4, Summer 2000, pp. 208-210(3)

  60. Dilworth, Thomas.;
    Not 'too much noise': Joyce's Sister in Irish Catholic Perspective.  In Twentieth Century Literature 39.1 (1993), pp. 99-112(14)

  61. Donovan, Stephen.;
    Dead Men's News: Joyce's "A Painful Case" and the Modern Press.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 24, No. 1 (Autumn, 2000), pp. 25-45(21)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H/J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T/V] [W/Y]

  62. Eide, Marian.;
    Beyond "Syphilisation" Finnegans Wake, AIDS, and the Discourse of Contagion.  In Quare Joyce. edited by Joseph Valente. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c1998. p. 225-240(16)

  63. Eide, Marian.;
    The Woman of the Ballyhoura Hills: James Joyce and the Politics of Creativity.  In Twentieth Century Literature, Vol. 44, No. 4 (Winter, 1998), pp. 377-393(17)

  64. Ellmann, Maud.;
    'Aeolus': Reading Backward.  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 198-201(4)

  65. Erzgräber, Willi.;
    The Narrative Presentation of Orality in James Joyce's Finnegans Wake.  In: Oral Tradition 7/1 (1992): pp. 150-170(21)

  66. Esty, Joshua D.;
    Excremental Postcolonialism.  In Contemporary Literature 40.1 (1999): pp. 22-59(38)

  67. Ferrer, Daniel.;
    Between lrwentio and Memoria: Locations of 'Aeolus'.  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 190-197(8)

  68. Feshbach, Sidney.;
    A Slow and Dark Birth: A Study of the Organization.  In Philip Brady and James F. Carens (eds) Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, New York: G. K. Hall, 1998. pp. 130-141(12)

  69. Feshbach, Sidney.;
    On Names in James Aloysius Augustine Joyce and Samuel Barclay Beckett.  In The Massachusetts Review, Vol. 34, No. 4 (Winter, 1993), pp. 593-615(23)

  70. Feshbach, Sidney.;
    The Veripatetic Imago.  In Joycean occasions : essays from the Milwaukee James Joyce Conference. Edited by Janet E. Dunleavy, Melvin J. Friedman, and Michael Patrick Gillespie Newark : University of Delaware Press, c1991. pp. 195-217(23)

  71. Finney, Michael.;
    Why Gretta falls asleep: a postmodern sugarplum ["The Dead"].  In Studies in Short Fiction, Vol. 32, no. 3; Summer, 1995, Special Issue on Young Man. p. 475-481(7)

  72. Foran, Jack.;
    The strange sentence in "The Dead".  In MLN. Baltimore: Dec 1998. Vol. 113, no. 5; p. 1151-1159 (9)

  73. Fortuna, Diane.;
    The Art of the Labyrinth.  In Philip Brady and James F. Carens (eds) Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, New York: G. K. Hall, 1998. pp. 187-212(26)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H/J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T/V] [W/Y]

  74. Gabler, Hans Walter.;
    The Genesis of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.  In Philip Brady and James F. Carens (eds) Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, New York: G. K. Hall, 1998. pp. 83-112(30)

  75. Gaipa, Mark.;
    Culture, Anarchy, and the Politics of Modernist Style in Joyce's 'Oxen of the Sun'.  In Modern Fiction Studies 41.2 (Summer 1995): pp. 195-219(25)

  76. Galef, David.;
    The Fashion Show in Ulysses.  In Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Winter 1991. Vol. 37, no. 4; pp. 420-431(12)

  77. Garvey, Johanna X. K.;
    City limits: Reading gender and urban spaces in Ulysses.  In Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Spring 1995. Vol. 41, no. 1; p. 108-121(16)

  78. Gillespie, Michael Patrick..;
    Reading on the Edge of Chaos: Finnegans Wake and the Burden of Linearity.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 22, Number 2, Winter 1998/1999, pp. 359-371(13)

  79. Gooch, Michael.;
    Saintsbury's Anglo-Saxon in Joyce's "Oxen of the Sun".  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 22, Number 2, Winter 1998/1999, pp. 401-404(4)

  80. Goodwin, James.;
    Eisenstein, ecstasy, Joyce and Hebraism.  In Critical Inquiry. Chicago: Spring 2000. Vol. 26, no. 3; p. 529-557(29)

  81. Gordon, John.;
    Young Man" and the art of losing.  In Studies in Short Fiction, Vol. 32, no. 3; Summer, 1995, Special Issue on Young Man. p. 343-352 (10)

  82. Gordon, John.;
    The M'Intosh Mystery: II.  In: Twentieth Century Literature, vol. 38, no. 2, Summer 1992, pp. 214-225(12)

  83. Gordon, John.;
    Tracking the Oxen.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 22, Number 2, Winter 1998/1999, pp. 349-357(9)

  84. Groden, Michael.;
    Perplex in the pen--and in the pixels: Reflections on The James Joyce Archive, Hans Walter Gabler's Ulysses, and "James Joyce's Ulysses in hypermedia".  In Journal of Modern Literature. Bloomington: Winter 1998/1999. Vol. 22, no. 2; p. 225-244(20)

  85. Gunn, Daniel P..;
    Beware of imitations: Advertisement as reflexive commentary in Ulysses.  In Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Winter 1996. Vol. 42, no. 4; p. 481-493(13)

  86. Gunn, Daniel P.;
    The Name of Bloom.  In Joycean occasions : essays from the Milwaukee James Joyce Conference. Edited by Janet E. Dunleavy, Melvin J. Friedman, and Michael Patrick Gillespie Newark : University of Delaware Press, c1991. pp. 33-45(13)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H/J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T/V] [W/Y]

  87. Habermalz, Sabine.;
    "Signs on a white field": Look at Orality in Literacy and James Joyce's Ulysses.  In: Oral Tradition, 13/2 (1998): pp. 285-305(21)

  88. Harris, Charles B.;
    "The stereo view": Politics and the role of the reader in Gain.  In Review of Contemporary Fiction. Normal: Fall 1998. Vol. 18, no. 3; p. 97-108(12)

  89. Haughey, Jim.;
    Joyce and Trevor's Young Man: the legacy of colonialism [William Trevor, "Two Gallants"].  In Studies in Short Fiction, Vol. 32, no. 3; Summer, 1995, Special Issue on Young Man. p. 355-365 (10)

  90. Hayman, David.;
    Attitudinal dynamics in narrative: Flaubert, Lawrence, Joyce.  In Journal of Modern Literature. Philadelphia: Fall 1995. Vol. 19, no. 2; p. 201-214 (14)

  91. Hayman, David.;
    Joyce's Portrait and Flaubert's L'Education Sentimentale.  In Philip Brady and James F. Carens (eds) Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, New York: G. K. Hall, 1998. pp. 115-129(15)

  92. Henke, Suzette.;
    Joyce's New Womanly Man. Sexual Signatures of Androgynous Transformation in Ulysses.  In Joycean occasions : essays from the Milwaukee James Joyce Conference. Edited by Janet E. Dunleavy, Melvin J. Friedman, and Michael Patrick Gillespie Newark : University of Delaware Press, c1991. pp. 46-58(13)

  93. Hill, Marylu.;
    'Amor matris': Mother and self in the Telemachiad episode o.  In Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Fall 1993. Vol. 39, no. 3; p. 329-343(15)

  94. Hodgekins, Hope Howell.;
    "Just a little...spiritual matter": Joyce's "Grace" and the modern Protestant gentleman.  In: Studies in Short Fiction, Vol. 32, no. 3; Summer, 1995, Special Issue on Young Man. p. 423-434 (12)

  95. Hoff, Molly.;
    The pseudo-Homeric world of Mrs. Dalloway.  In Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Summer 1999. Vol. 45, no. 2; p. 186-209(24)

  96. Jacobs, Joshua.;
    Joyce's Epiphanic Mode: Material Language and the Representation of Sexuality in Stephen Hero and Portrait.  InTwentieth Century Literature, Vol. 46, No. 1 (Spring, 2000), pp. 20-33(14)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H/J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T/V] [W/Y]

  97. Kanthak, John F.;
    Judgement Approaches in Ulysses' "Wandering Rocks".  In: Notes and Queries, vol. 46, no. 4, Dec. 1999, pp. 484-487(4)

  98. Kantola, Janna.;
    The Joyce of influence.  In: Scandinavian Studies. Lawrence: Fall 1999. Vol. 71, no. 3; p. 325-340 (16)

  99. Kelly, Joseph.;
    Joyce's marriage cycle.  In: Studies in Short Fiction, Vol. 32, no. 3; Summer, 1995, Special Issue on Young Man. p. 367-378(12)

  100. Kershner, R. B.;
    The Artist as Text: Dialogism and Incremental Repetition in Portrait.  In Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. ed. Philip Brady and James F. Carens. New York: G.K. Hall, 1998. pp. 231-242(12)

  101. Kershner, R. B.;
    Framing Rudy and Photography.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 22, Number 2, Winter 1998/1999, pp. 265-290(26)

  102. Kimball, Jean.;
    Jung's "Dual Mother" in Joyce's "Ulysses": An Illustrated Psychoanalytic Intertext.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 17, No. 4 (Spring, 1991), pp. 477-490(14)

  103. King, John.;
    Trapping the Fox you are(n't) with a riddle: The autobiographical crisis of Stephen Dedalus in Ulysses.  In Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Fall 1999. Vol. 45, no. 3; p. 299-316(18)

  104. Klein, Scott W.;
    National Histories, National Fictions: Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" and Scott's "The Bride of Lammermoor".  In ELH, Vol. 65, no. 4, Winter 1998, pp. 1017-1038(22)

  105. Knapp, James A.;
    Joyce and Matisse bound: Modernist aesthetics in the limited editions club Ulysses.  In ELH. Baltimore: Winter 2000. Vol. 67, no. 4; p. 1055-1081(27)

  106. Knowles, Sebastian D. G.;
    That Form Endearing: A Performance of Siren Songs; or, 'I was only vamping, man'.  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 213-235(23)

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  108. Lamos, Colleen.;
    James Joyce and the English Vice.  In NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction, Vol. 29, No. 1, Joyce and the Police (Autumn, 1995), pp. 19-31(13)

  109. Lane, Christopher.;
    Afterword: "The Vehicle of a Vague Speech".  In Quare Joyce. edited by Joseph Valente. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c1998. p. 273-290(18)

  110. Lawrence, Karen R.;
    "Beggaring Description": Politics and Style in Joyce's "Eumaeus".  In MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 38, no. 2, Summer 1992, pp. 355-376(22)

  111. LeBlanc, James D.;
    Duffy's Adventure: A Painful Case' as Existential Text.  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 144-149(6)

  112. Ledden, Patrick J.;
    Education and Social Class in Joyce's Dublin.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 22, Number 2, Winter 1998/1999, pp. 329-336(8)

  113. Lentin, Louis.;
    I Don't Understand. I Fail To Say. I Dearsee You Too.  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 61-70(10)

  114. Leonard, Garry.;
    The City, Modernism, and Aesthetic Theory in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.  In Novel. A Forum on Fiction, vol. 29, no. 1(Fall 1995): 79-99(21)

  115. Leonard, Garry.;
    The Nothing Place" : Secrets and Sexual Orientation in Joyce.  In Quare Joyce. edited by Joseph Valente. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c1998. p. 77-97(21)

  116. Levenson, Michael.;
    Stephen's Diary: The Shape of Life.  In Philip Brady and James F. Carens (eds) Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, New York: G. K. Hall, 1998. ISBN:0-7838-0035-5 , pp. 36-51(16)

  117. Levine, Jennifer.;
    A Brief Allegory of Readings: 1972-1992. ["Aeolus" without Wind].  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 181-189(9)

  118. Levine, Jennifer.;
    James Joyce, tattoo artist : tracing the outlines of homosocial desire.  In Quare Joyce. edited by Joseph Valente. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c1998. p. 101-120(20)

  119. Levine, Jennifer.;
    'Nausicaa': For [Wo]men Only?  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 128-134(7)

  120. Levine, Jennifer.;
    Rounding up the usual suspects.  In Novel. Providence: Fall 1995. Vol. 29, no. 1; p. 100-113(14)

  121. Levitt, Morton P.;
    Beyond Dublin: Joyce and Modernism.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 22, No. 2, Joyce and the Joyceans (Winter, 1998-1999), pp. 385-394(10)

  122. Lobner, Corinna del Greco.;
    D'Annunzian Reverberations in a Rejection Slip: Joyce and "Daniele Defoe".  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 22, Number 2, Winter 1998/1999, pp. 395-399(5)

  123. Lowe-Evans, Mary.;
    Who killed Mrs. Sinico? ["A Painful Case"].  In: Studies in Short Fiction, Vol. 32, no. 3; Summer, 1995, Special Issue on Young Man. p. 395-402(8)

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  124. Mackey, Therea M.;
    The lingering nationalism of James Joyce.  In The Midwest Quarterly. Pittsburg: Spring 1994. Vol. 35, no. 3; p. 245-260 (16)

  125. Maguire, Peter A.;
    Finnegans Wake and Irish Historical Memory.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 22, Number 2, Winter 1998/1999, pp. 293-327(35)

  126. Mahaffey, Vicki.;
    Framing, Being Framed, and the Janus Faces of Authority.  In Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. ed. Philip Brady and James F. Carens. New York: G.K. Hall, 1998. pp. 290-315(26)

  127. Mahaffey, Vicki.;
    Père-version and im-mère-sion : idealized corruption in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and The Picture of Dorian Gray.  In Quare Joyce. edited by Joseph Valente. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c1998. p. 121-136(16)

  128. Mahaffey, Vicki.;
    The Case against Art: Wunderlich on Joyce.  In Critical Inquiry, Vol. 17, No. 4 (Summer, 1991), pp. 667-692(26)

  129. Mays, Michael.;
    Finnegans Wake, colonial nonsense, and postcolonial history.  In College Literature. West Chester: Fall 1998. Vol. 25, no. 3; p. 20-34 (15)

  130. McCarthy, Patrick A.;
    Reading Young Man in The Lost Weekend.  In Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Fall 1997. Vol. 34, no. 4; p. 441-448 (8)

  131. McCarthy, Patrick A.;
    Reading in Ulysses.  In Joycean occasions : essays from the Milwaukee James Joyce Conference. Edited by Janet E. Dunleavy, Melvin J. Friedman, and Michael Patrick Gillespie Newark : University of Delaware Press, c1991. pp. 15-32(18)

  132. McCarthy, Patrick A.;
    Something out of the common groove: Joyce and originality.  In Philological Quarterly. Iowa City: Fall 1998. Vol. 77, no. 4; p. 397-415(19)

  133. McDonald, Michael Bruce.;
    The Strength and Sorrow of Young Stephen: Toward a Reading of the Dialectic of Harmony and Dissonance in Joyce's Portrait.  In Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. ed. Philip Brady and James F. Carens. New York: G.K. Hall, 1998. pp. 265-287(13) [ Formerly: Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Winter 1991. Vol. 37, no. 4; pp. 361-389.]

  134. McGarry, Jean.;
    Civility in Dublin.  In MLN, Vol. 113, no. 5, December 1998 (Comparative Literature Issue), pp. 1160-1173(14)

  135. McGee, Patrick.;
    When Is a Man Not a Man? or, The Male Feminist Approaches 'Nausicaa'.  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz :Essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 122-127(6)

  136. Mezey, Jason Howard.;
    Ireland, Europe, The World, The Universe: Political Geography in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Volume 22, Number 2, Winter 1998/1999, PAGES: pp. 337-348(12)

  137. Milesi, Laurent.;
    Finnegans Wake: The Obliquity of Trans-lations.  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 279-289(11)

  138. Morrisson, Mark.;
    Stephen Dedalus and the Ghost of the Mother.  In MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 39, no. 2, 1993, pp. 345-368(24)

  139. Murphy, Michael.;
    "The Dead": Gabebashing in Joyce country.  In English Studies. Amsterdam: Feb 2000. Vol. 81, no. 1; pp. 41-55(15)

  140. Murphy, Michael.;
    Gabebashing in Joyce Country: Some MsReadings of The Dead. 25pp. originally published in English Studies 81 (2000), 41-55

  141. Murphy, Sean P.;
    Passing boldly into that other world of holes: narrativity and subjectivity in James Joyce's "The Dead."  In Studies in Short Fiction, Vol. 32, no. 3; Summer, 1995, Special "Young Man" Number, p. 463-474 (12)

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  142. Nadel, Ira Bruce.;
    Joyce and Blackmail.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 22, No. 2, Joyce and the Joyceans (Winter, 1998-1999), pp. 215-223(9)

  143. Nestrovski, Arthur.;
    Joyce's Critique of Music.  In Perspectives of New Music. Seattle: Winter 1991. Vol. 29, no. 1; pp. 6-47(42)

  144. Newton, John.;
    What are we doing enjoying fiction? or, "are you sitting comfortably?".  In New England Review. Middlebury: Fall 1999. Vol. 20, no. 4; p. 79-88 (10)

  145. Norris, David.;
    OndtHarriet, Poldy Leon and Shem the Conman.  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 44-51(8)

  146. Norris, Margot.;
    A Walk on the Wild(e) Side: The Doubled Reading of "An Encounter".  In Quare Joyce. edited by Joseph Valente. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c1998. p. 19-33(15)

  147. Norris, Margot.;
    Blind streets and seeing houses: Araby's dim glass revisited.  In Studies in Short Fiction, Vol. 32, no. 3; Summer, 1995, Special Issue on Young Man. p. 309-318(10)

  148. Norris, Margot.;
    Gambling with Gambles in 'Two Gallants'.  In Novel. A Forum on Fiction, vol. 29, no.1 (Fall 1995): pp. 32-44(13)

  149. Nunes, Mark.;
    Beyond the "Holy See": Parody and narrative assemblage in "Cyclops".  In Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Summer 1999. Vol. 45, no. 2; p. 174-185(12)

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  150. O'Brien, Alyssa J.;
    The Molly Blooms of "Penelope": Reading Joyce Archivally.  In Journal of Modern Literature. Bloomington: Fall 2000. Vol. 24, no. 1; p. 7-24(18)

  151. O'Neill, William.;
    Myth and Identity in Joyce's Fiction: Disentangling the Image.  In Twentieth Century Literature, 40,iii(Fall 1994): pp. 379-391(13)

  152. Osteen, Mark.;
    "A splendid bazaar": The shopper's guide to the new Young Man.  In Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Summer 1995. Vol. 32, no. 3; p. 483-496 (14)

  153. Osteen, Mark.;
    Cribs in the Countinghouse: Plagiarism, Proliferation, and Labor in 'Oxen of the Sun'.  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 237-249(13)

  154. Osteen, Mark.;
    The Money Question at the Back of Everything: Clichés, Counterfeits and Forgeries in Joyce's "Eumaeus".  In MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Volume 38, Number 4, Winter 1992, pp. 821-843(23)

  155. Osteen, Mark.;
    Serving Two Masters: Economics and Figures of Power in Joyce's "Grace".  In Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Spring 1991. Vol. 37, no. 1; p. 76-92(17)

  156. Osteen, Mark.;
    The treasure-house of language: Managing symbolic economies in Joyce's Portrait.  In Studies in the Novel. Denton: Summer 1995. Vol. 27, Iss. 2; pg. 154-168(15)

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  157. Paige, Linda Rohrer.;
    James Joyce's darkly colored portraits of "mother" in Young Man.  In - Special "Young Man" Number, Studies in Short Fiction, Vol. 32, no. 3; Summer, 1995, p. 329-340 (12)

  158. Paul, Vanderham.;
    Lifting the ban on Ulysses: The well-intentioned lies of the Woolsey decision.  In Mosaic : a Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature. Winnipeg: Dec 1994. Vol. 27, no. 4; p. 179-198(20)

  159. Pearce, Richard.;
    'Nausicaa': Monologue as Monologic. [Male Feminisms: Approaching "Nausicaa"].  In: Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 106-114(9)

  160. Pearce, Sandra Manoogian.;
    Edna O'Brien's "Lantern Slides" and Joyce's "The Dead": shadows of a bygone era.  In: Studies in Short Fiction, Vol. 32, no. 3; Summer, 1995, Special Issue on Young Man. p. 437-446 (10)

  161. Perrin, Noel.;
    Rereading: Kipling, now and then.  In The American Scholar. Washington: Summer 1998. Vol. 67, no. 3; p. 136-139(4)

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  162. Rabaté, Jean-Michel.;
    Joyce and Jolas: Late Modernism and Early.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 22, Number 2, Winter 1998/1999, pp. 245-252(8)

  163. Rabaté, Jean-Michel.;
    Joyce the Egoist.  In Modernism/modernity, Vol. 4, no. 3, September 1997, pp. 45-65(21)

  164. Rabaté, Jean-Michel.;
    On Joycean and Wildean Sodomy.  In Quare Joyce. edited by Joseph Valente. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c1998. p. 35-44(10)

  165. Rabaté, Jean-Michel.;
    Pound, Joyce and Eco: Modernism and the 'Ideal Genetic Reader.  In The Romanic Review 86 (1995): pp. 485-500(16)

  166. Rader, Ralph W.;
    Mulligan and Molly: The Beginning and the End.  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 270-278(9)

  167. Radford, F. L.;
    Daedalus and the Bird Girl: Classical Text and Celtic Subtext.  In Philip Brady and James F. Carens (eds) Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, New York: G. K. Hall, 1998. pp. 168-186(19)

  168. Rangarajan, Sudarsan.;
    Joyce's Ulysses.  In The Explicator. Washington: Summer 1999. Vol. 57, no. 4; p. 223-224(2)

  169. Reynold, Mary.;
    Davin's Boots. Joyce, Yeats, and Irish History.  In Joycean occasions : essays from the Milwaukee James Joyce Conference. Edited by Janet E. Dunleavy, Melvin J. Friedman, and Michael Patrick Gillespie Newark : University of Delaware Press, c1991. pp. 218-234(17)

  170. Rice, Thomas Jackson.;
    Paradigm lost: "Grace" and the arrangement of Young Man. ["Grace" and "The Sisters"].  In: Studies in Short Fiction, Vol. 32, no. 3; Summer, 1995, Special Issue on Young Man. p. 405-421(17)

  171. Rice, Thomas Jackson.;
    Subtle reflections of/upon Joyce in/by Borges.  In Journal of Modern Literature. Bloomington: Fall 2000. Vol. 24, no. 1; p. 47-62(16)

  172. Rickard, John S.;
    The Irish Undergrounds of Joyce and Heaney.  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 250-259(10)

  173. Richardson, Brian.;
    The genealogies of Ulysses, the invention of postmodernism, and the narratives of literary history.  In ELH. Baltimore: Winter 2000. Vol. 67, no. 4; p. 1035-1054(20)

  174. Rickard, John.;
    Stephen Dedalus among school children: The schoolroom and the riddle of authority in Ulysses.  In Studies in the Literary Imagination. Atlanta: Fall 1997. Vol. 30, no. 2; p. 17-36(20)

  175. Robbins, Dorothy Dodge.;
    'Coming down along the road': The journey motif in A Portra.  In The Midwest Quarterly. Pittsburg: Spring 1994. Vol. 35, no. 3; p. 261-276 (16)

  176. Robinson, Richard.;
    The European Border: Joyce's Triestine Ulysses.  In Yearbook of European Studies, "Beyond Boundaries: Textual Representations of European Identity", edited by Andy Hollis, vol. 15(2000), p. 147-164(18)

  177. Rumold, Rainer. ; Jolas, Eugene.; Kramer, Andreas.;
    Remembering James Joyce.  In Modernism/modernity, Vol. 5, no. 2, April 1998, pp. 2-29(28)

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  178. Scholes, Robert.;
    Joyce and the Epiphany: The Key to the Labyrinth?  In Philip Brady and James F. Carens (eds) Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, New York: G. K. Hall, 1998. ISBN:0-7838-0035-5 , pp. 27-34(8)

  179. Schwarze, Tracey Teets.;
    Silencing Stephen: Colonial pathologies in Victorian Dublin.  In Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Fall 1997. Vol. 43, no. 3; p. 243-263(21)

  180. Seed, David.;
    The Voices of the Church: A Dialogical Approach to the Retreat Section of Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist.   In Literature and Theology, 1995; 9: pp. 153-164(12)

  181. Segall, Jeffrey.;
    Czech Ulysses: Joyce and Political Correctness, East and West.  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 52-60(8)

  182. Senn, Fritz.;
    Joycean Provections.  In Joycean occasions : essays from the Milwaukee James Joyce Conference. Edited by Janet E. Dunleavy, Melvin J. Friedman, and Michael Patrick Gillespie Newark : University of Delaware Press, c1991. pp. 171-194(24)

  183. Senn, Fritz.;
    The Joyce Industrial Evolution According to one European Amateur.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 22, Number 2, Winter 1998/1999, pp. 191-197(7)

  184. Shaffer, Brian W.;
    James Joyce and the problem of otherness.  In Modern Philology. Chicago: Nov 1997. Vol. 95, no. 2; p. 218-230 (13)

  185. Sheldon Brivic.;
    Residual and emergent cultures in Joyce studies.  In Journal of Modern Literature. Bloomington: Summer 2000. Vol. 23, no. 3/4; p. 575-585(8)

  186. Shelton, Jen.;
    Issy's Footnote: Disruptive Narrative and the Discursive Structure of Incest in "Finnegans Wake".  In ELH, Vol. 66, no. 1, Spring 1999, pp. 203-221(19)

  187. Shloss, Carol Loeb.;
    Joyce's will.  In Novel. Providence: Fall 1995. Vol. 29, no. 1; p. 114-127(14)

  188. Sicari, Stephen.;
    Rereading Ulysses: "Ithaca" and modernist allegory.  In Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Fall 1997. Vol. 43, no. 3; p. 264-290(27)

  189. Silvana Caporaletti.;
    The thematization of time in E.M. Forster's "The Eternal Moment" and Joyce's "The Dead".  In Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Winter 1997. Vol. 43, no. 4; p. 406-419(14)

  190. Singer, Thomas C.;
    Riddles, Silence, and Wonder: Joyce and Wittgenstein Encountering the Limits of Language.  In Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. ed. Philip Brady and James F. Carens. New York: G.K. Hall, 1998. pp. 243-264(22)

  191. Sosnoski, James J.;
    Reading Acts, Reading Warrants, and Reading Responses.  In Philip Brady and James F. Carens (eds) Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, New York: G. K. Hall, 1998. pp. 215-230(16)

  192. Spencer, Theodore.;
    Introduction to Stephen Hero.  In Philip Brady and James F. Carens (eds) Critical Essays on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, New York: G. K. Hall, 1998. ISBN:0-7838-0035-5 , pp.19-26(8)

  193. Sperber, Michael.;
    Shame and James Joyce's "The Dead".  In Literature and Psychology. Providence: 1991. Vol. 37, no. 1/2; pp. 62-71(10)

  194. Spoo, Robert.;
    Copyright Protectionism and Its Discontents: The Case of James Joyce's Ulysses in America.  In Yale Law Journal, vol. 108, no. 3, Dec. 1998, pp. 633-667(35)

  195. Spurr, David.;
    Myths of Anthropology: Eliot, Joyce, Lévy-Bruhl.  In PMLA, Vol. 109, No. 2 (Mar., 1994), pp. 266-280(15)

  196. Spurr, David.;
    Writing in the Wake of Empire.  In MLN, Vol. 111, no. 5, December 1996 (Comparative Literature Issue), pp. 872-888(17)

  197. Staley, Thomas F.;
    The Winds of Aeolus: In the Heart of the Joyce Metropolis.  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 22, Number 2, Winter 1998/1999, pp. 199-203(5)

  198. Stanier, Michael.;
    "The void awaits surely all them that weave the wind": "Penelope" and "Sirens" in Ulysses.  In Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Fall 1995. Vol. 41, no. 3; p. 319-331(13)

  199. Staten, Henry.;
    The decomposing form of Joyce's Ulysses.  In PMLA. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. New York: May 1997. Vol. 112, no. 3; p. 380-392(13)

  200. Swartzlander, Susan.;
    James Joyce's "The Sisters": chalices and umbrellas, ptolemaic Memphis and Victorian Dublin.  In Studies in Short Fiction, Vol. 32, no. 3; Summer, 1995, - Special "Young Man" Number, p. 295-306 (12)

  201. Sword, Helen.;
    Modernist hauntology: James Joyce, Hester Dowden, and Shakespeare's ghost.  In Texas Studies in Literature and Language. Aust  In Summer 1999. Vol. 41, no. 2; p. 180-201(22)

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  202. Teal, Laurie.;
    Batlike Souls and Penile Temptresses: Gender Inversions in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.  In Novel. A Forum on Fiction (Fall 1995): pp. 63-78(16)

  203. Valente, Joseph.;
    Joyce's (Sexual) Choices: A Historical Overview.  In Quare Joyce. edited by Joseph Valente. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c1998. p. 1-16(16)

  204. Valente, Joseph.;
    The novel and the Police (Gazette).  In Novel. Providence: Fall 1995. Vol. 29, no. 1; p. 8-18(11)

  205. Valente, Joseph.;
    Thrilled by His Touch: The Aestheticizing of Homosexual Panic in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.  In Quare Joyce. edited by Joseph Valente. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c1998. p. 47-75(29)

  206. van der Weel, Adriaan and Hisgen, Ruud.;
    The Wandering Gentile: Joyce's Emotional Odyssey in Pomes Penyeach.  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 164-177(14)

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  207. Wagner, C. Roland.;
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  208. Wainwright, Michael.;
    Female Suffrage in Ireland: James Joyce's Realization of Unrealized Potential.  In Criticism, Vol. 51, no. 4, Fall 2010, pp. 651-682(32)

  209. Wang, Jennie.;
    To Wielderfight His Penisolate War: The Lover's Discourse in Postmodernist Fiction.  In Critique. Washington: Fall 1992. Vol. 34, no. 1; p. 63-79 (17)

  210. Webb, Caroline.;
    Listing to the right: Authority and inheritance in Orlando.  In Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Summer 1994. Vol. 40, no. 2; p. 190-204(15)

  211. Weinstein, Philip.;
    For Gerty Had Her Dreams that No-one Knew Of. [Male Feminisms: Approaching "Nausicaa"].  In Joyce in the Hibernian metropolis Zusatz zum Titel:essays ; [Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium, held in Dublin in June 1992]. Ed. by Morris Beja and David Norris ISBN:0-8142-0685-9, p. 115-121(7)

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    Joyce's Ulysses.  In The Explicator. Washington: Spring 1992. Vol. 50, no. 3; p. 164-166(3)

  213. Whitley, Catherine.;
    Nations and the Night: Excremental History in James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake" and Djuna Barnes' "Nightwood".  In Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 24, No. 1 (Autumn, 2000), pp. 81-98(18)

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