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James, Joyce(ジェイムズ・ジョイス)研究論文 戦後編(3)

  「意識の流れ」(The Stream of Consciousness)の小説家。アイルランド生まれだが、1904年に故郷をはなれて2度と戻らなかった。『ユリシーズ』で有名。

 James, Joyce(ジェイムズ・ジョイス)研究の1981年から1990年に刊行された論文を紹介しています。
 ここで紹介する論文・書評は企画商品CD「イギリス文学研究論文撰」の「20世紀前半」の項 James, Joyce 第3集 1981-1990年刊行論文集に収録しています。





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  1. Adams, Hazard.;
    Critical constitution of the literary text: the example of "Ulysses".  In: New literary history, vol. 17(1986), no. 3, p. 595-616(22)

  2. Amiran, Eyal.;
    Bloom and Disraeli: On the Side of the Angels?  In: English Language Notes 27.3 (1990): pp. 53-57(5)

  3. Amiran, Eyal.;
    Rhetoric of Simulation and the 1984 Ulysses.  In: Studies in the Novel 22.2 (Summer 1990): pp. 142-147(6)

  4. Atteidge, Derek.;
    The Wake's Confounded Language.  In: Coping with Joyce : Essays from the Copenhagen Symposium. Ed. Morris Beja and Shari Benstock. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1989. pp. 262-268(7)

  5. Attridge, Derek.;
    Molly's Flow: The Writing of "Penelope" and the Question of Women's Language.  In: MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 35, no. 3, Fall 1989, pp. 543-565(23)

  6. Austin, Timothy R.;
    'Sadness and stoicism': stylistic reflections on "Ulysses", Tennyson's elusive elegy.  In: Language and style, vol. 22(1989), no. 4, p. 459-474(16)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H] [I/J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O/P] [Q/R] [S] [T/V] [W/Z]

  7. Bair, Deirdre.;
    A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.  In: Augustine Martin, ed., James Joyce : The Artist in the Labyrinth (London: Ryan Publ. 1990), 354pp. ISBN : 1870805062/1870805267; pp. 83-100(18)

  8. Baker, William.;
    Joyce and Jewishness.  In: Essays in Criticism, 1990; XL: pp. 256 - 263(8)

  9. Banville, John.;
    Survivors of Joyce.  In: Augustine Martin, ed., James Joyce : The Artist in the Labyrinth (London: Ryan Publ. 1990), 354pp. ISBN : 1870805062/1870805267; pp. 73-82(10)

  10. Bassoff, Bruce.;
    Impotency and Artistic Omnipotency in Ulysses.  In: Etudes Anglaises: Grande Bretagne, Etats Unis 38.4 (1985): pp. 442-446(5)

  11. Bates, Robin.;
    Reflections on the Kidd Era.  In: Studies in the Novel 22.2 (Summer 1990): pp. 119-141(23)

  12. Bawer, Bruce.;
    The Last Three Words of Ulysses.  In: English Language Notes 21.1 (1983): pp. 55-57(3)

  13. Beja, Morris.;
    Farrington the Scrivener: A Story of Dame Street.  In: Coping with Joyce : Essays from the Copenhagen Symposium. Ed. Morris Beja and Shari Benstock. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1989. pp. 111-122(12)

  14. Benstock, Bernard.;
    Bedeviling the Typographer's Ass: Ulysses and Finnegans Wake.  In: Journal of Modern Literature 12.1 (1985): pp. 3-33(31)

  15. Benstock, Bernard.;
    Inscribing James Joyce 's Tombstone.  In: Coping with Joyce : Essays from the Copenhagen Symposium. Ed. Morris Beja and Shari Benstock. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1989. pp. 73-90(18)

  16. Benstock, Bernard.;
    On the Nature of Evidence in Ulysses.  In: Suheil Badi Bushrui & Bernard Benstock, eds., James Joyce : An International Perspective: Centenary Essays in Honour of the late Sir Desmond Cochrane (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe [16 June] 1982), [Irish literary studies, 10.] 301pp. ISBN : 0389202908; pp. 46-64(19)

  17. Benstock, Shari.;
    Apostrophizing the Feminine in "Finnegans Wake ".  In: MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 35, no. 3, Fall 1989, pp. 587-614(28)

  18. Benstock, Shari.;
    The Dynamics of Narrative Performance: Stephen Dedalus as Storyteller.  In: ELH: English Literary History 49.3 (1982): pp. 707-738(32)

  19. Bierman, Robert.;
    Joyce 's the Sisters.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Summer 1990. Vol. 48, no. 4; p. 274-275 (2)

  20. Boheemen, Christine van.;
    'The language of flow': Joyce 's Dispossession of the Feminine in Ulysses.  In: Joyce , Modernity, and Its Mediation. Ed. Christine van Boheemen. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1989. pp. 63-77(15)

  21. Booker, M. Keith.;
    The Baby in the Bathwater: Joyce , Gilbert, and Feminist Criticism.  In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language 32.3 (1990): pp. 446-467(22)

  22. Botheroyd, Sylvia.;
    Joyce in Germany and Switzerland.  In: Suheil Badi Bushrui & Bernard Benstock, eds., James Joyce : An International Perspective: Centenary Essays in Honour of the late Sir Desmond Cochrane (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe [16 June] 1982), [Irish literary studies, 10.] 301pp. ISBN : 0389202908; pp. 222-231(10)

  23. Bowen, Zack.;
    And the Music Goes Round and Round: A Couple of New Approaches to Joyce 's Use of Music in Ulysses.  In: Coping with Joyce : Essays from the Copenhagen Symposium. Ed. Morris Beja and Shari Benstock. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1989. pp. 137-144(8)

  24. Brennan, Timothy.;
    Joyce and the Common People.  In: Boundary 14.1-2 (1985): pp. 147-159(13)

  25. Briggs, Austin.;
    'Roll Away the Reel World, the Reel World': 'Circe' and Cinema.  In: Coping with Joyce : Essays from the Copenhagen Symposium. Ed. Morris Beja and Shari Benstock. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1989. pp. 145-156(12)

  26. Brivic, Sheldon.:
    Images of a Lacanian Gaze in Ulysses.  In: Coping with Joyce : Essays from the Copenhagen Symposium. Ed. Morris Beja and Shari Benstock. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1989. pp. 157-167(11)

  27. Brivic, Sheldon.;
    The Veil of Signs: Perception as Language in Joyce 's Ulysses.  In: ELH. Baltimore: Fall 1990. Vol. 57, no. 3; pp. 737-755(19)

  28. Brown, Carole.;
    Omar Khayyam in Monto: A Reading of a Passage from James Joyce 's Ulysses.  In: Neophilologus 68.4 (1984): pp. 623-636(14)

  29. Brown, Richard.;
    Perhaps she had not told him all the story : observations on the topic of adultery in some modern literature.  In: Joyce, Modernity, and Its Mediation. Ed. Christine van Boheemen. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1989. pp. 99-112(14)

  30. Brown, Terence.;
    Dublin of Dubliners .  In: Suheil Badi Bushrui & Bernard Benstock, eds., James Joyce : An International Perspective: Centenary Essays in Honour of the late Sir Desmond Cochrane (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe [16 June] 1982), [Irish literary studies, 10.] 301pp. ISBN : 0389202908; pp. 11-18(8)

  31. Brownstein, Marilyn L.;
    Against mediation : the role of the postmodern in the Phaedrus and Finnegans Wake .  In: Joyce , Modernity, and Its Mediation. Ed. Christine van Boheemen. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1989. pp. 79-96(18)

  32. Brownstein, Marilyn L.;
    Postmodern Language and the Perpetuation of Desire.  In: Twentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal 31.1 (1985): pp. 73-88(16)

  33. Buning, Marius.;
    History and Modernity in Joyce 's Ulysses.  In: Joyce , Modernity, and Its Mediation. Ed. Christine van Boheemen. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1989. pp. 127-137(11)

  34. Buning, Marius.;
    Ulysses's Textual Homecoming.  In: Dutch Quarterly Review of Anglo American Letters 16.2 (1986): pp. 145-152(8)

  35. Burgan, Mary.;
    Androgynous Fatherhood in Ulysses and Women in Love.  In: Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History 44.2 (1983): pp. 178-197(20)

  36. Burnham, Michelle.;
    'Dark Lady and Fair Man': The Love Triangle in Shakespeare's Sonnets and Ulysses.  In: Studies in the Novel 22.1 (Spring 1990): pp. 43-56(14)

  37. Bushrui, Suheil.;
    Joyce in the Arab World.  In: Suheil Badi Bushrui & Bernard Benstock, eds., James Joyce : An International Perspective: Centenary Essays in Honour of the late Sir Desmond Cochrane (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe [16 June] 1982), [Irish literary studies, 10.] 301pp. ISBN : 0389202908; pp. 232-249(18)

  38. Bushrui, Suheil Badi & Benstock, Bernard.;
    Introduction.  In: Suheil Badi Bushrui & Bernard Benstock, eds., James Joyce : An International Perspective: Centenary Essays in Honour of the late Sir Desmond Cochrane (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe [16 June] 1982), [Irish literary studies, 10.] 301pp. ISBN : 0389202908; pp. 1-8(8)

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  39. Callow, Heather Cook.;
    "Marion of the Bountiful Bosoms": Molly Bloom and the Nightmare of History.  In: Twentieth Century Literature. Hempstead: Winter 1990. Vol. 36, no. 4; p. 464-476(13)

  40. Campiano, Marion W.;
    Dolphins and Dolphin's Barn: The Womb of Youth in Ulysses and Finnegans Wake.  In: Dutch Quarterly Review of Anglo American Letters 11.2 (1981): pp. 134-144(11)

  41. Caraher, Brian G.;
    A Question of Genre: Generic Experimentation, Self-Composition, and the Problem of Egoism in Ulysses.  In: ELH: English Literary History 54.1 (1987): pp. 183-214(32)

  42. Centola, Steven R.;
    "The White Peace of the Altar": White Imagery in James Joyce 's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man".  In: South Atlantic Review, Vol. 50, No. 4 (Nov., 1985), pp. 93-106(14)

  43. Cheryl, Herr.,
    Compound words and consubstantiality in "Ulysses".  In: Language and style, Vol. 15(1982), no. 1, p. 33-47(15)

  44. Cowart, David.;
    Faulkner and Joyce in Morrison's Song of Solomon.  In: American Literature. Durham: Mar 1990. Vol. 62, no. 1; pp. 87-100(14)

  45. Crawford, Claudia.;
    James Joyce 's 'The Sisters': A Letter-L-Analysis.  In: American Imago: A Psychoanalytic Journal for Culture, Science, and the Arts 41.2 (1984): pp. 181-199(19)

  46. Cronin, Edward.;
    'Citizen James Joyce ': Some Possible Sources for 'Cyclops'.  In: Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies 15.1 (1985): pp. 20-37(18)

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  47. Dangerfield, George.;
    James Joyce, James Connolly and Irish Nationalism.  In: Irish University Review, Vol. 16, No. 1 (Spring, 1986), pp. 5-21(17)

  48. Daniel, Dominic.;
    Exiles : A Moral Statement.   In: Suheil Badi Bushrui & Bernard Benstock, eds., James Joyce : An International Perspective: Centenary Essays in Honour of the late Sir Desmond Cochrane (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe [16 June] 1982), [Irish literary studies, 10.] 301pp. ISBN : 0389202908; pp. 38-45(8)

  49. Dasenbrock, Reed Way.;
    'Omphalos': Untying Joyce 's Knots.  In: English Language Notes 23.1 (1985): pp. 63-66(4)

  50. de Rachewiltz, Mary.;
    Family Lore and Letters.  In: Journal of Modern Literature 15.1 (1988): pp. 7-15(9)

  51. de Voogd, Peter J.;
    James Joyce , Wyndham Lewis, and the mediatization of word and image.  In: Joyce , Modernity, and Its Mediation. Ed. Christine van Boheemen. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1989. pp. 119-126(8)

  52. Deane, Seamus.;
    Joyce and Beckett.  In: Irish University Review, Vol. 14, No. 1 (Spring, 1984), pp. 57-68(12)

  53. Deane, Seamus.;
    "Masked with Matthew Arnold's Face": Joyce and Liberalism.  In: The Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Jun., 1986), pp. 11-22(12)

  54. Dervin, Daniel.;
    Bloom Again? Questions of Aggression and Psychoanalytic Reconstructions.  In: American Imago: A Psychoanalytic Journal for Culture, Science, and the Arts 47.3-4 (1990): pp. 249-269(21)

  55. Devlin, Kimberly.;
    ALP's Final Monologue in Finnegans Wake : The Dialectical Logic of Joyce 's Dream Text.  In: Coping with Joyce : Essays from the Copenhagen Symposium. Ed. Morris Beja and Shari Benstock. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1989. pp. 232-247(16)

  56. Devlin, Kimberly J.;
    "See Ourselves as Others See Us": Joyce 's Look at the Eye of the Other.  In: PMLA, Vol. 104, No. 5 (Oct., 1989), pp. 882-893(12)

  57. Dipasquale, Theresa M.;
    Seraphic Seduction in Portrait of the Artist and Ulysses.  In: Studies in the Novel 19.4 (1987): pp. 475-485(11)

  58. Dolan, T. P.;
    The Language of Dubliners.  In: Augustine Martin, ed., James Joyce : The Artist in the Labyrinth (London: Ryan Publ. 1990), 354pp. ISBN : 1870805062/1870805267; pp. 25-40(16)

  59. Donoghue, Denis.;
    Pound's Joyce, Eliot's Joyce.  In: Augustine Martin, ed., James Joyce : The Artist in the Labyrinth (London: Ryan Publ. 1990), 354pp. ISBN : 1870805062/1870805267; pp. 293-312(20)

  60. Doody, Terrence, and Wesley Morris.;
    Language and Value, Freedom and the Family in Ulysses.  In: Novel: A Forum on Fiction 15.3 (1982): pp. 224-239(16)

  61. Dowling, Vincent.;
    Directing "Exiles ".  In: Augustine Martin, ed., James Joyce : The Artist in the Labyrinth (London: Ryan Publ. 1990), 354 pp. ISBN : 1870805062/1870805267; pp.147-152(6)

  62. Dudek, Louis.;
    Ulysses Comes Home: A New Interpretation & Joyce in Canada.  In: Canadian Fiction Magazine 40 (1981): pp. 134-140(7)

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  63. Eckley, Grace.;
    Beef to the Heel: Harlotry with Josephine Butler, William T. Stead, and James oyce.  In: Studies in the Novel, 20.1 (1988): pp. 64-77(14)

  64. Eddins, Dwight.;
    Paradise Reclaimed: Idyllic Vision in Joyce 's Ulysses.  In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 29.4 (1987): pp. 397-411(15)

  65. Ellmann, Maud.;
    The Ghosts of Ulysses.  In: Augustine Martin, ed., James Joyce : The Artist in the Labyrinth (London: Ryan Publ. 1990), 354pp. ISBN : 1870805062/1870805267; pp. 193-228(36)

  66. Flynn, Dennis; Salzman, Jack; Farrell, James T.;
    An Interview with James T. Farrell.  In: Twentieth Century Literature, Vol. 22, No. 1, James T. Farrell Issue (Feb., 1976), pp. 1-10(10)

  67. Fuzier, Jean.;
    Cope Horn Revisited: An Exploration of Joyce 's Use of Some Limericks.  In: Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens 14 (1981): pp. 111-121(11)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H] [I/J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O/P] [Q/R] [S] [T/V] [W/Z]

  68. Gatti Taylor, Marisa.;
    It Loses Something in Translation: Italian and French Profanity in Joyce 's Ulysses.  In: Joyce , Modernity, and Its Mediation. Ed. Christine van Boheemen. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1989. pp. 141-149(9)

  69. Georgi, Helen.;
    Covert Riddles in Ulysses: Squaring the Circle.  In: Journal of Modern Literature 13.2 (1986): pp. 329-339(11)

  70. Georgi, Helen.;
    The Significance of the Date in Ulysses.  In: Journal of Modern Literature 9.2 (1982): pp. 311-312(2)

  71. Gibson, Andrew.;
    Henry Green as Experimental Novelist.  In: Studies in the Novel 16.2 (1984): pp. 197-214(18)

  72. Gillespie, Michael Patrick.;
    A Swift Reading of Ulysses.  In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 27.2 (1985): pp. 178-190(13)

  73. Gillespie, Michael Patrick, and Charles Rossman.;
    Certitude and Circularity: The Search for Ulysses.  In: Studies in the Novel 22.2 (Summer 1990): pp. 216-236(21)

  74. Gittes, Katharine S.;
    Ulysses in Gower's "Confessio Amantis".: the christian soul as silent rhetorician.  In: English language notes, vol. 24(1988), no. 6, p. 7-14(8)

  75. Golden, Sean.;
    Familiars in a Ruinstrewn Land: Endgame as Political Allegory.  In: Contemporary Literature, 22.4 (1981): pp. 425-455(31)

  76. Goldman, Arnold.;
    Joyce 's Ulysses as Work in Progress: The Controversy and Its Implications.  In: Journal of Modern Literature 15.4 (1989): pp. 579-588(10)

  77. Good, Jan.;
    Behind Taittering Lips: Molly Bloom's Losses and Sexual Guilt.  In: Literature and Psychology, 33.1 (1987): p. 1-11(11)

  78. Gordon, John.;
    The Orphic Ulysses.  In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 27.2 (1985): p. 191-208(18)

  79. Grennan, Eamon.;
    The Poet Joyce.  In: Augustine Martin, ed., James Joyce : The Artist in the Labyrinth (London: Ryan Publ. 1990), 354pp. ISBN : 1870805062/1870805267; pp. 121-146(26)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H] [I/J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O/P] [Q/R] [S] [T/V] [W/Z]

  80. Hall, Gail.;
    'Plots and Plans': Molly Bloom's Fiction.  In: Massachusetts Review 31.4 (1990): pp. 582-597(16)

  81. Hannay, John.;
    Coincidence and Converging Characters in Ulysses.  In: ELH: English Literary History 51.2 (1984): pp. 385-404(20)

  82. Hans Walter Gabler.;
    The Synchrony and Diachrony of Texts: Practice and Theory of the Critical Edition of James Joyce 's Ulysses.  In: Text: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship 1, 1984, for year 1981, pp. 305-326(22)

  83. Hardy, Barbara.;
    Joyce and Homer: Seeing Double.  In: Augustine Martin, ed., James Joyce : The Artist in the Labyrinth (London: Ryan Publ. 1990), 354pp. ISBN : 1870805062/1870805267; pp. 169-192(24)

  84. Hart, Clive.;
    The Language of Exiles.  In: Coping with Joyce : Essays from the Copenhagen Symposium. Ed. Morris Beja and Shari Benstock. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1989. pp. 123-136(14)

  85. Hart, Clive.;
    The Rhythm of Ulysses.  In: Augustine Martin, ed., James Joyce : The Artist in the Labyrinth (London: Ryan Publ. 1990), 354pp. ISBN : 1870805062/1870805267; pp. 153-168(16)

  86. Hay, Louis, J. M.; Luccioni, and Hans Walter Gabler.;
    Genetic Editing, Past and Future: A Few Reflections by a User.  In: Text: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship, 3 (1987): pp. 117-133(17)

  87. Hayman, David.;
    I Think Her Pretty: Reflections on the Familiar in Joyce 's Notebook VI.B.5.  In: Joyce Studies Annual 1 (1990): pp. 43-60(18)

  88. Hayman, David.;
    James Joyce, Paratactician.  In: Contemporary Literature, 26.2 (1985): pp. 155-178(24)

  89. Helmling, Steven.;
    Joyce the Irresponsible.  In: Sewanee Review, 94.3 (1986): pp. 450-470(21)

  90. Henderson, Diana E.;
    Joyce 's Modernist Woman: Whose Last Word?   In: MFS: Modern Fiction Studies 35.3 (1989): pp. 517-528(12)

  91. Henke, Suzette.;
    James Joyce East and Middle East: Literary Resonances of Judaism, Egyptology, and Indian Myth.  In: Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Jul., 1986), pp. 307-319(13)

  92. Henke, Suzette.;
    Speculum of the Other Molly: A Feminist/Psychoanalytic Inquiry into James Joyce 's Politics of Desire.  In: Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, 21.2-3 (1988): pp. 149-164(16)

  93. Herr, Cheryl.;
    Nature and Culture in the 'Sirens' Episode of Joyce 's Ulysses.  In: Essays in Literature 11.1 (1984): pp. 49-58(10)

  94. Herr, Cheryl.;
    'One Good Turn Deserves Another': Theatrical Cross-Dressing in Joyce 's 'Circe' Episode.  In: Journal of Modern Literature 11.2 (1984): pp. 263-276(14)

  95. Herr, Cheryl.;
    'Penelope' as Period Piece.  In: Novel: A Forum on Fiction, 22.2 (1989): pp. 130-142(13)

  96. Herring, Phillip.;
    Joyce and Rimbaud: An Introductory Essay.  In: Suheil Badi Bushrui & Bernard Benstock, eds., James Joyce : An International Perspective: Centenary Essays in Honour of the late Sir Desmond Cochrane (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe [16 June] 1982), [Irish literary studies, 10.] 301pp. ISBN : 0389202908; pp. 170-189(29)

  97. Heusel, Barbara Stevens.;
    Parallax as a Metaphor for the Structure of Ulysses.  In: Studies in the Novel 15.2 (1983): pp. 135-146(12)

  98. Hunt, John S.;
    Sundering and Reconciliation: The Aesthetic Theory of Joyce 's 'Scylla and Charybdis'.  In: Modern Language Quarterly 47.3 (1986): pp. 291-315(25)

  99. Hutcheon, Linda, and Sharon A. Butler.;
    The Literary Semiotics of Verbal Irony: The Example of Joyce 's 'The Boarding House'.  In: Semiotic Inquiry Recherches Semiotiques 1.3 (1981): pp. 244-260(17)

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  100. Ingersoll, Earl G.;
    Images of the Family in Modernist Fiction.  In: English Language Notes, 26.2 (1988): pp. 60-64(5)

  101. Ingersoll, Earl G.;
    Irish Jokes: A Lacanian Reading of Short Stories by James Joyce, Flann O'Brien, and Bryan MacMahon.  In: Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Spring 1990. Vol. 27, no. 2; p. 237-245(9)

  102. Ingersoll, Earl G.;
    Metaphor and Metonymy in James Joyce 's "A Little Cloud" and Bryan MacMahon's "Exile's Return".  In: The Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, Vol. 16, No. 2 (Dec., 1990), pp. 27-35(9)

  103. Jackson, Dennis.;
    Lady Chatterley's Lover: Lawrence's Response to Ulysses.  In: Philological Quarterly 66.3 (1987): pp. 410-416(6)

  104. Janusko, Robert.;
    Yet Another Anthology for the 'Oxen': Murison's Selections.  In: Joyce Studies Annual (1990): pp. 117-131(15)

  105. Jeffares, A. N.;
    Joyce 's Precursors.  In: Augustine Martin, ed., James Joyce : The Artist in the Labyrinth (London: Ryan Publ. 1990), 354pp. ISBN : 1870805062/1870805267; pp. 261-292(32)

  106. Johnson, Jeri.;
    'Beyond the Veil': Ulysses, Feminism, and the Figure of Woman.  In: Joyce , Modernity, and Its Mediation. Ed. Christin van Boheemen. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1989. pp. 201-228(28)

  107. Jones, Ellen Carol.;
    A Letter Selfpenned to One's Other: Joyce 's Writing, Deconstruction, Feminism.  In: Coping with Joyce : Essays from the Copenhagen Symposium. Ed. Morris Beja and Shari Benstock. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1989. pp. 180-194(15)

  108. Jones, Ellen Carol, ed.;
    Feminist Readings of Joyce.  In: MFS: Modern Fiction Studies 35:3 (1989). pp. 407-416(10)

  109. Joseph, John Earl.;
    Poldygeist, or linguistic prophecies of Bloom in "Ulysses".  In: Language and style, vol. 23(1990), no. 1, p. 93-103(11)

  110. Josipovici, Gabriel.;
    Georges Perec's Homage to Joyce (and Tradition).   In: Yearbook of English Studies 15 (1985): pp. 179-200(28)

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  111. Kearney, Colbert.;
    Stephen's Green: The Image of Ireland in Joyce.  In: Augustine Martin, ed., James Joyce : The Artist in the Labyrinth (London: Ryan Publ. 1990), 354pp. ISBN : 1870805062/1870805267; pp. 101-120(20)

  112. Kearney, Colbert.;
    The Joyce ad.  In: Coping with Joyce : Essays from the Copenhagen Symposium. Ed. Morris Beja and Shari Benstock. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1989. pp. 55-72(18)

  113. Kelly, Dermot.;
    Ulysses: The Scope of the Initial Style.  In: Dutch Quarterly Review of Anglo American Letters 17.1 (1987): pp. 1-14(14)

  114. Kennelly, Brendan.;
    Joyce 's Humanism.  In: Augustine Martin, ed., James Joyce : The Artist in the Labyrinth (London: Ryan Publ. 1990), 354pp. ISBN : 1870805062/1870805267; pp. 313-332(20)

  115. Kenner, Hugh.;
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  137. Martin, Augustine.;
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  144. McGee, Patrick.;
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  148. Mercier, Vivian.;
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  151. Murphy, Maureen.;
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  152. Nadel, Ira B.;
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  157. Norris, David.;
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  158. Norris, Margot.;
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  184. Rossman, Charles.;
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