James, Joyce(ジェイムズ・ジョイス)研究論文 2010-2014年
「意識の流れ」(The Stream of Consciousness)の小説家。アイルランド生まれだが、1904年に故郷をはなれて2度と戻らなかった。『ユリシーズ』で有名。
James, Joyce(ジェイムズ・ジョイス)研究の2010年から2014年に刊行された論文を紹介しています。
ここで紹介する論文・書評は企画商品CD「イギリス文学研究論文撰」の「20世紀前半」の項 James, Joyce 第4集 2010-2014年刊行論文集に収録しています。
- Abbasi, Pyeaam; Salimian, Hussein.;
Binary Oppositions and the Meaning of Joyce's Dubliners.In: Studies in Literature and Language, vol. 5(2012), no. 2, pp. 63-69(7) - Akoi, Mohammed.;
Stephen and the Technique of Symbol-switching in Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses.In: Language in India. Vol. 13, Issue 10, Oct2013, pp. 294-307(14) - Alevato do Amaral, Vitor.;
Dubliners in Brazilian and European Portuguese: The Question of Title Translation in "The Dead".In: ABEI Journal: The Brazilian Journal of Irish Studies, no. 14 (November 2012): pp. 43-54(12) - Alexander, Sam.;
Joyce's Census: Character, Demography, and the Problem of Population in "Ulysses".In: Novel: A Forum on Fiction, Vol. 45, No. 3 (Fall 2012), pp. 433-454(22) - Aljohani, Aouda.;
James Joyce's Ulysses: The Search for Value.In: Epiphany: Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies, vol. 6(2013), no. 2, pp. 1-27(27) - Alvarez Perez, Iciar.;
The Linden Tree in 'The Dead' by James Joyce.In: Odisea, no 12, ISSN 1578-3820, 2011, pp. 29-37(9) - Ambrosini, Richard.;
Reconceptualizing Conrad as a Transnational Novelist: a Research Programme.In: Studia Neophilologica: A Journal of Germanic and Romance Languages and Literature, vol. 85:[Supplement]), 2013, pp. 5-16(12) - Anghel, Florentina.;
Ways of teaching James Joyce works.In: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 70 ( 2013 ), pp. 1614-1620(7) - Argaiz, Pilar Villar.;
The Irish Rural community en Edna O'Brien's Short Fiction: nationalism, religion and the family as androcentric tropes.In: Into Another's Skin: selected essays in honour of Maria Luisa Danobeitia / coord. por Mauricio D. Aguilera Linde; Maria Jose de la Torre Moreno (ed. lit.), Laura Torres Zuniga (ed. lit.), 2012, ISBN 978-84-338-5367-7; pp. 85-96(12) - Assemi, Arezoo, Maryam Ebadi Asayesh, and Siamak Saadat Dehghan.;
Application of Althusser's Ideology on 'CLAY.In: World Applied Sciences Journal, vol. 19(2012), no. 4, pp. 588-594(7) - Ayuk, Athanasius A.;
"I Will Not Serve": Stephen Dedalus' Anguished Selfconciousness.In: International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, vol. 3(2014), no. 2: pp. 142-154(13) - Azar, Ali Sorayaie and Yazdch, Nasrin Samad.;
A Stylistic Analysis of "Maria" in "Clay": The Character in James Joyce's Short Story.In: Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, vol. 2(2012), no. 2, pp. 1050-1055(6) - Azcarate, Asuncion Lopez-Varela.;
Antiabecedarian Desires: Odd Narratology and Digital Textuality.In: Icono14, ISSN-e 1697-8293, Vol. 12, No 2, 2014 (Issue dedicated to: Media Art: Arte, Ciencia y Tecnologia), pp. 29-55(27)
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- Babaee, Ruzbeh ; Montashery, Iraj.;
Stephan's Brave New World: A Deconstructive Reading on James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.In: Studies in Literature and Language. Vol. 3 Issue 3, Sept 1, 2011, pp. 127-132(6) - Bachman, Erik M.;
How to misbehave as a behaviourist (if you're Wyndham Lewis),In: Textual Practice, 2013, 25 pp. - Bakhtiari, Behrooz Mahmoodi & Sajadi, Negin.;
The Reflection of Urban Identity in Novel: A Case Study of Dublin in James Joyce's Dubliners.In: Open Journal of Social Science Research, vol. 2(2014), no. 1, pp. 17-22(6) - Balasopoulos, Antonis.;
Factories, Utopias, Decoration and Upholstery: On Utopia, Modernism, and Everyday Life.In: Utopian Studies; Vol. 25(2014), Issue 2, pp. 268-298(31) - Balkaya, Mehmet Akif.;
Reading A Little Cloud Again: A Psychoanalytic Perspective.In: Uluslararas? Sosyal Arast?rmalar Dergisi / The Journal of International Social Research, Vol. 7(2014), Issue: 30, pp. 55-60(6) - Barlow, Richard.;
'Hume Sweet Hume': Skepticism, Idealism, and Burial in Finnegans Wake.In: Philosophy and Literature, vol. 38(2014), no. 1, pp. 266-275(10) - Baron, Scarlett.;
"The place where Bloom is in the restaurant": French translations of the "Sandwich" passage of Ulysses'.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 8, 2010, pp. 134-146(13) - Barska, Joanna.;
"New Story from Old Words": Word and Music Studies and the Poetics of Experience.In: Ideology in Words and Music Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Word and Music Association Forum Stockholm, November 8-10, 2012. Edited by Beate Schirrmacher, Heidi Hart, Katy Heady, and Hannah Hinz. Stockholm University 2014. ISBN: 978-91-981947-1-5; pp. 31-47(17) - Bataillard, Pascal.;
Musing in and out of the Museum with James Joyce's Ulysses.In: Word & Image, 30, i (January-March 2014): pp. 39-45(7) - Beaumont, Matthew.;
The Mystery of Master Humphrey: Dickens, Nightwalking and The Old Curiosity Shop.In: Review of English Studies; Vol. 65, Issue 268, Feb. 2014, pp. 118-136(19) - Bela, Rozana.;
The Character Of Leopold Bloom As A Modern Hero, In Ulysses, By James Joyce.In: International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 4.14 (2011): pp. 235-246(12) - Belluc, Sylvain.;
Science, Etymology and Poetry in the 'Proteus' Episode of Ulysses.In: Ruggieri, Franca (ed.), Fogarty, Anne (ed.), Polymorphic Joyce, Rome, Italy: Edizioni Q, 2012. 179 pp. (Joyce Studies in Italy12). pp. 11-25(15) - Benjamin, Roy.;
Anarchy at the Wake.In: Irish Studies Review. Vol. 21 Issue 2, May 2013, pp. 203-216(14) - Benjamin, Roy.;
Connoisseur of chiasmus: inversion and subversion in Finnegans Wake.In: Irish Studies Review. Vol. 19 Issue 4, Nov. 2011, pp. 373-386(14) - Bindervoet, Erik & Henkes, Robbert- Jan.;
Why we needed a third Dutch translation of Ulysses.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 12 (2012), James Joyce & Traducao II. pp. 72-87(16) - Bollettieri, Rosa Maria.;
Transcreative Joyce.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 8 (2010). James Joyce & Traduca, pp 190-193(4) - Bollettieri, Rosa Maria & Torresi, Ira.;
Reforegnising the Foreign: The Italian Retranslation of James Joyce's Ulysses.In: Scientia Traductionis, n. 12 (2012), James Joyce & Traducao II. pp. 36-44(9) - Bollettieri, Rosa Maria & Zanotti, Serenella.;
Re Ulysses: A View from the Burgess Archives.In: Outside Influences: Essays in Honour of Franca Ruggieri, ed. Richard Ambrosini, John McCourt, Enrico Terrinoni, Serenella Zanotti, Mantova: Universitas Studiorum, 2014, pp. 37-50(14) - Bond, Steven.;
"R.C.": Rosicrucianism and Cartesianism in Joyce and Beckett.In: Miranda, vol. 4(2011), 11 pp. - Booryazadeh, Seyed Ali.;
Barthes' Irreversible Codes: An Intertextual Reading of James Joyce's "Araby".In: International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, vol. 3, no. 1, 12/2013, pp. 137-142(6) - Brocquy, Louis le.;
The Human Head: Notes on Painting & Awareness.In: Hyperion, vol. 8, no. 1, Spring 2014), pp. 68-87(20) - Bruna, Giulia.;
'In the Heart of the Roman Metropolis': an Italian Prologue to Synge's Investigative Journalism.In: Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies, vol. 1, n. 1 (2011), pp. 147-156(10) - Bulson, Eric.;
Ulysses by Numbers.In: Representations; Vol. 127, Issue 1, Summer2014, pp. 1-32(32) - Byrnes, Robert.;
The Stylometry of Cliche´ Density and Character in James Joyce's Ulysses.In: Actes des 11es Journees internationales d'Analyse statistique des Donnees Textuelles / Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Textual Data Statistical Analysis, 2012. pp. 239-246(8)
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- Califf, David.;
Vlixes Versutus: Toward a Latin Translation of Ulysses.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 12 (2012), James Joyce & Traducao II. pp. 127-132(6) - Cardin, James D.;
Minding the Body: An Ecofeminist Reading of James Joyce's 'A Painful Case'.In: Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism, vol. 18(2014), no. 2, pp. 118-131(14) - Casal, Teresa.;
His heart against his ribs": Embodied Tension in "The Dead".In: ABEI Journal: The Brazilian Journal of Irish Studies, no. 14 (November 2012):pp. 55-68(14) - Casten, J.D.;
Joyce Engineering Mythological Dialectics.In: Cybernetic Revelation, Post Egoism Media Eugene, Oregon, USA, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-9854802-0-2; pp. 347-363(17) - Catherine Flynn.;
"Circe" and Surrealism: Joyce and the Avant-Garde.In: Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 34, No. 2 (Winter 2011), pp. 121-138(18) - Chamberlin, London.;
Creating a Lexical Universe: Redefining Burke's Dramatic Pentad through the Language of Finnegans Wake.In: Papers and Publications: Interdisciplinary Journal of Undergraduate Research: Vol. 3 (2014), 7 pp. - Chapman, Wayne K.;
Notes Chirruping Answer: Language as Music in James Joyce and Virginia Woolf .In: South Carolina Review, Vol. 43(2010), no. 1, pp..213-220(8) - Charles, Ko.;
A Critical Essay to the Selected Text-'Araby' What Makes the Protagonist in 'Araby' a Lonely Person? Has He Gained Anything from His Journey?In: Reviews of Literature, Vol. 1, Issue 6 / Jan 2014, pp. 1-5(5) - Chatterjee, Tanmay.;
Desires and Exiles in James Joyce's Exiles.In: Criterion: An International Journal in English, vol. 4, no. 2, April 2013, pp. 1-5(5) - Chatterjee, Tanmay.;
Poetical Noises of a Novelist's Heart: A Study of James Joyce as a Poet.In: Pratidhwani the Echo, Volume-I, Issue-IV, April 2013, pp. 163-167(5) - Chou, Hsing-chun.;
'The Harp That Once Did Starve Us All': Famine Representations in 'Lestrygonians'.In: NTU Studies in Language and Literature, vol. 28(2012), pp. 1-31(31) - Chou, Hsing-chun.;
"I Eat; Therefore I Am" - Molly and Food.In: Euramerica, Vol. 42, no. 3 (September 2012), pp. 459-496(38) - Ciribuco, Andrea.;
''I've Got the Stephen Dedalus Blues': Joycean Allusions, Quotes and Characters in Don DeLillo's Americana.In: Ruggieri, Franca (ed.), Fogarty, Anne (ed.), Polymorphic Joyce, Rome, Italy: Edizioni Q, 2012. 179 pp. (Joyce Studies in Italy12). pp. 27-40(14) - Conde-Parrilla, Maria Angeles.;
Joyce's Voices In Translation: A Portrait In Spanish.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 8 (2010). James Joyce & Traduca, pp 267-280(14) - Corcoran, Mark.;
Identity Crisis in James Joyce's Dubliners.In: Journal of Franco-Irish Studies, Vol. 2, no. 1, Winter 2011, pp. 55-68(14) - Crowley, Ronan.;
The Queen Is Not a Subject: Victoria's Leaves from the Journal in Ulysses.In: Nash, John (ed. and introd.), James Joyce in the Nineteenth Century, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2013. xv, 259 pp. pp. 200-214(15) - Conley, Tim.;
"Avec Hésitance": Lavergne's Footnotes and Translations of Finnegans Wake.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 12 (2012), James Joyce & Traducao II. pp. 20-35(16) - Cristiana, Cornea.;
Narrative Strategies and Changes In To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf and A Portrait of the Artist As A Young Man by James Joyce.In: The Criterion: An International Journal in English, Vol. III. Issue. I, March 2012, pp. 1-4(4)
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- D'Arcy, Anne Marie.;
Joyce and the Twoheaded Octopus of judéo-maçonnerie.In: Review of English Studies; Vol. 64 Issue 267, Nov2013, pp. 857-877(21) - d'Erme, Elisabetta.;
Tit-Bits of Yesterday's News: Joyce, Memory and the Popular Press.In: mediAzioni 16(2014), 23 pp. - da Silva, Carlos Augusto Viana.;
Modern narratives and film adaptation as translation.In: Acta Scientiarum. Language and Culture Maringa, vol. 35, no. 3, July-Sept. 2013, pp. 269-274(6) - Darankolaee, Esmaeel Najar.;
James Joyce's Usage of Diction in Representation of Irish Society in Dubliners: The Analysis of 'The Sisters' and 'The Dead" in Historical Context.In: Journal of International Social Research; Vol. 5 Issue 23, Fall 2012, pp. 169-174(6) - Dinsman, Melissa.;
'A River Is Not a Woman': Re-Visioning Finnegans Wake in Eavan Boland's 'Anna Liffey'.In: Contemporary Women's Writing, vol. 7(2013), no. 2, pp. 172-189(18) - Dobbin, Beci.;
'An Elf Wearing a Hat That Makes Him Invisible': Modernism's Shy Irony.In: Textual Practice, vol. 28(2014), no. 3, pp. 453-471(19) - Dudley, Jack.;
What the Thunder Said: A Portrait of the Artist as a Trans-Secular Event.In: Literature and Theology, vol. 28, no. 4, December 2014; pp. 457 - 475(19)
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- Eagle, Christopher.;
Stuttistics: On Speech Disorders in Finnegans Wake.In: Christopher Eagle., Literature, Speech Disorders, and Disability: Talking Normal. Routledge, 2013. ISBN 9781135041939; pp. 82-99(18) - Eburne, Jonathan P.;
A Work Whose Importance Still Escapes Us: Joyce After Surrealism.In: Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 34, No. 2 (Winter 2011) , pp. 139-153(15) - Emami, Ehsan.;
Capitalism the Inhumane Form: A Lukacsian Comparative Reading of Capitalism in The Mill on the Floss and Ulysses.In: Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 2, No. 4, April 2012, pp. 759-766(8) - Eide, Marian.;
James Joyce's Magdalenes.In: College Literature. Fall2011, Vol. 38 Issue 4, pp. 57-75(19) - Esfandiari, Mohammad Reza & Jamshid, Mohammad.;
Relevance, Processing Effort, and Contextual Effect in Farsi Translation of Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.In: Studies in Literature and Language, Vol. 3(2011), no. 3, pp. 86-91(6) - Eysteinsson, Astrour.;
Concocting Ulysses in the North.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 8 (2010). James Joyce & Traduca, pp 183-189(7) - Fairhall, James.;
Ecocriticism, Joyce, and the politics of trees in the 'Cyclops' episode of Ulysses.In: Irish Studies Review. Vol. 20 Issue 4, Nov2012, pp. 367-387(21) - Fallon, Ann.;
Stephen's Ovidian Echoes in Ulysses.In: Ruggieri, Franca (ed.), Fogarty, Anne (ed.), Polymorphic Joyce, Rome, Italy: Edizioni Q, 2012. 179 pp. (Joyce Studies in Italy12). pp. 41-52(12) - Faridpour, A.; Ouliaeinia, H.;
The Ordering Process of Narrative in James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.In: Journal of Teaching Language Skills, vol. 4, no. 2 (Summer 2012): pp. 119-133(15) - Farsi, Roghayeh.;
James Joyce's Ulysses: A Post-Colonial Text.In: The Criterion: An International Journal in English, Vol. 4, Issue-IV, August 2013, pp. 1-8(8) - Farrell, Joseph.;
Joyce and modernist Latinity.In: Reception and the classics / edited by William Brockliss... [et al.]. - New York ; Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, cop. 2012. - pp. 57-71(15) - Fhaolain, Aoife Ui.;
Language revival and conflicting identities in the Irish Independent.In: Irish Studies Review, vol. 22 (2014): no. 1, pp. 63-79(17) - Fishelov, David.;
Poetry and Poeticity in Joyce's "The Dead," Baudelaire's Le Spleen de Paris, and Yehuda Amichai.In: Connotations, Vol. 23.2 (2013/2014), pp. 261-282(22) - Fluet, Lisa.;
Stupidity Tries: Objects, Things, and James Joyce's "Clay".In: Eire-Ireland; Spring/Summer 2011, Vol. 46 Issue 1/2, pp. 194-223(30) - Fomenko, Elena.;
Slavonic conceptualizations in the epiwo of Finnegans Wake by J. Joyce.In: Jazyk a kultúra 3, no. 11 (2012). 8 pp. - Fordham, Finn.;
Nabokov on the Road to Money.In: Textual Practice, vol. 26(2012), no. 1, pp. 43-62(20) - Fuchs, Dieter.;
James Joyce's Trojan Hobby-Horse: The Iliad and the Collective Unconscious Ulysses.In: Annals of "Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava. Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines Series. Vol. 2, Eds. Bogdan Popoveniuc; Sorin-Tudor Maxim; Marius Cucu; Suceava : "Ştefan cel Mare" University Press, 2013. ISSN 2069 - 4008; pp. 11-18(8)
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- Gerry Smyth.;
The Representation of Dublin in Story and Song.In: Prospero. Rivista di Letterature e Culture straniere, XVII (2012), pp. 203-218(16) - Ghahreman, Omid.;
The Reinterpretation of Cezanne's the Large Bathers through James Joyce's Aesthetic Theory.In: Global Journal of Human Social Science. Arts & Humanities, Vol. 13, Issue 8(2013), 6 pp. - Ghahreman, Omid & Pourgiv, Farideh.;
James Joyce's 'An Encounter': From the Perversion of an Escape to the Perversion of the Fatherhood.In: International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, vol. 2, no. 2, (March 2013): pp. 158-164(7) - Ghahreman, Omid & Pourgiv, Farideh.;
No Sisters, No Brother, No Man: "The Sisters" and Joyce's Gnomonics.In: K@ta,vol. 14. no. 2 (Dec 2012): pp. 75-80(6) - Gillespie, Gerald.;
"Paradox lust": the fortunate fall according to Joyce in finnegans wake.In: Neohelicon, vol. 38, no. 1 (Jun 2011): pp. 161-175(15) - Gjurgjan, Ljiljana Ina.;
The Politics of Gender in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse and James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.In: Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia 55 (2010): pp. 3-17(15) - Gladwin, Derek.;
Joyce the Travel Writer: Space, Place and the Environment in James Joyce's Nonfiction.In: Brazeau, Robert (ed. and introd.), Gladwin, Derek (ed. and introd.), Fogarty, Anne (foreword), Eco-Joyce: The Environmental Imagination of James Joyce, Cork, Ireland: Cork UP, 2014. pp. 176-194(19) - Gleed, Kim Allen.;
The Dead.In: Bloom's how to write about James Joyce / Kim Allen Gleed ; introduction by Harold Bloom. Infobase Publishing, 2011. pp. 108-131(24) - Gleed, Kim Allen.;
Dubliners.In: Bloom's how to write about James Joyce / Kim Allen Gleed ; introduction by Harold Bloom. Infobase Publishing, 2011. pp. 78-107(30) - Gleed, Kim Allen.;
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.In: Bloom's how to write about James Joyce / Kim Allen Gleed ; introduction by Harold Bloom. Infobase Publishing, 2011. pp. 132-163(32) - Gleed, Kim Allen.;
Ulysses, Part 1: The Telemachiad.In: Bloom's how to write about James Joyce / Kim Allen Gleed ; introduction by Harold Bloom. Infobase Publishing, 2011. pp. 164-192(29) - Gleed, Kim Allen.;
Ulysses, Part 2: The Wanderings of Ulysses.In: Bloom's how to write about James Joyce / Kim Allen Gleed ; introduction by Harold Bloom. Infobase Publishing, 2011. pp. 193-223(31) - Gleed, Kim Allen.;
Ulysses, Part 3: The Homecoming.In: Bloom's how to write about James Joyce / Kim Allen Gleed ; introduction by Harold Bloom. Infobase Publishing, 2011. pp. 224-252(29) - Golban, Petru.;
James Joyce and the Condition of Modern Man: Hunger, Food and Eating Revealing Self-Identity and Inter-Human Relationship in Lestrygonians.In: Dumlupinar Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Aralik, 2011, 31, pp. 191-202(12) - Gula, Marianna.;
Lost a Bob but Found a Tanner: From a Translator's Workshop.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 8 (2010). James Joyce & Traduca, pp. 122-133(12)
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- Haas, Robert.;
A James Joyce Bestiary: Animal Symbolism in Ulysses.In: ANQ. Jan-March, Vol. 27(2014), Issue 1, pp. 31-39(9) - Haggart, Kerri.;
Crustcrumbs in the Carriage: A Cognitive Reading of Leopold Bloom in the 'Hades' Episode of Ulysses.In: Irish Studies Review, vol. 22(2014), no.:3, pp. 339-357 (19) - Hegglund, Jon.;
Objects in Bloom.In: Prospero. Rivista di letterature e culture straniere, XVIII (2013), Trieste, EUT Edizioni Universita di Trieste, 2013, pp. 23-40(18) - Herman, David.;
Animal Worlds in Modern Fiction: An Introduction.In: MFS Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 60, no. 3, Fall 2014, pp. 421-443(23) - Herr, Cheryl Temple.;
Joyce and the Everynight.In: Brazeau, Robert (ed. and introd.), Gladwin, Derek (ed. and introd.), Fogarty, Anne (foreword), Eco-Joyce: The Environmental Imagination of James Joyce, Cork, Ireland: Cork UP, 2014. xviii, 329 pp. ISBN 978-1-78205-072-8; pp. 38-58(21) - Hill, John.;
Exile, Hell, and the Becoming of God.In: Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, vol. 5(2011), no. 3, pp. 38-53(16) - Hogan, Patrick Colm.;
Introduction: Ulysses and the Human Mind.In: Ulysses and the poetics of cognition / By Patrick Colm Hogan. Routledge, 2014. ISBN: 978-0-415-70425-0: pp. 1-12(12) - Hsieh, Chih-Hsien.;
Hark the Written Words-The Gramophone Motif in 'Proteus'.In: Ruggieri, Franca (ed.), Fogarty, Anne (ed.), Polymorphic Joyce, Rome, Italy: Edizioni Q, 2012. 179 pp. (Joyce Studies in Italy12). pp. 53-64(12) - Igrutinović, Danica.;
The Snotgreen Sea: Water as Metaphor in Joyce's Ulysses.In: Facta Universitatis Series: Linguistics and Literature, Vol. 11(2013), no. 1, pp. 55- 66(12) - Ionescu, Arleen.;
Romanian Hos(ti)pitality in Translating Joyce.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 12 (2012), James Joyce & Traducao II. pp. 57-71(15) - Ionescu, Arleen.;
Un-sexing Ulysses: The Romanian Translation "under" Communism.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 8 (2010). James Joyce & Traduca, pp 237-252(16) - Ivan da Silva, Francisco.;
The Confluence of James Joyce and Guimarães Rosa.In: ABEI Journal: The Brazilian Journal of Irish Studies, no. 14 (November 2012): pp. 17-27(11) - Jalil, Nabil A. & Termizi, Arbaayah Ali
The Portrait of Stephen as an Existentialist.In: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 11; June 2012, pp. 199-204(6) - Jamili, Leila Baradaran.;
Shahrzad and the Persian Culture in James Joyce's Finnegans Wake: A Chaotic "nightmaze".In: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3, no. 19 (November 2013): pp. 226-232(7) - Jin, Ma.;
James Joyce's Epiphany and Virginia Woolf's 'Moment of Importance'.In: Studies in Literature and Language. Vol. 2, Issue 1, Feb 28, 2011, pp. 114-118(5) - Jousni, Stephane.;
Incest, Lit(t)erally: How Joyce Censored The Wake.In: Revue LISA/LISA, Vol. XI - n°3(2013), 11 pp. - Jukić, Tatjana.;
Between Auschwitz and Siberia: James Joyce, Danilo Kiš and a Zoning of Totalitarianism.In: Ireland, West to East. Irish Cultural Interactions with Central and Eastern Europe (Oxford, Bern and New York: Peter Lang), Aidan O'Malley and Eve Patten (eds.), 2013, pp. 135-158(24)
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- Kappanyos, András.;
The Creativity of Remembrance or the Whetstones' Testimony.In: Whack fol the dah: Irasok Takacs Ferenc 65. szuletesnapjara = Writings for Ferenc Takacs on his 65th Birthday. Ed. Farkas, Akos; Simonkay, Zsuzsanna; Vesztergom, Janina. ELTE Papers in English Studies. Budapest: Department of English Studies, School of English and American Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Lorand Eotvos University, 2013. ISBN 978-963-284-305-6; pp. 119-126(8) - Karshan, Thomas.;
Notes on the image of the undelivered letter.In: Critical Quarterly. Vol. 53 Issue 2, Jul 2011, pp. 12-29(18) - Keatinge, Benjamin.;
'In Dublin's Fair City': Joyce, Bloomsday, Dubliners and the Invention of Tradition.In: Krivokapic-Knezevic, Marija (ed. and introd.), Nikcevic-Batricvic, Aleksandra (ed. and introd.), The Beauty of Convention: Essays in Literature and Culture, Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars, 2014. xvi, 247 pp.. pp. 51-63(13) - Kelvin Knight.;
Same People, Different Places. Foucault's Heterotopia and the Nation in Joyce's UlyssesIn: Prospero. Rivista di letterature e culture straniere, XVII (2012), pp. 219-238(20) - Khorsand, Golbarg.;
Paths to Paralysis: Symbolism and Narratology in James Joyce's 'Araby' and 'Eveline'.In: Epiphany: Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies, vol. 7 (2014), no. 2: pp. 92-104(13) - King, Iason.;
Commemorating Ulysses, the Bloomsday Centenary, and the lrish Citizenship Referendum.In: Memory Ireland, Vol. 4: James Joyce and Cultural Memory. Edited by Oona Frawley, & Katherine O'Callaghan. Syracuse University Press, 2014. Pp. 172-186(15) - King, Krissy.;
A Key to His Consciousness: Smell in A Portrait of the Artist as Young Man.In: WR: Journal of the CAS Writing Program, Issue 3(2010-2011), pp. 14-25(13) - Knight, Kelvin.;
Same People, Different Places: Foucault's Heterotopia and the Nation in Joyce's Ulysses.In: Prospero: Rivista di Letterature e Culture Straniere, vol. 17(2012), pp. 219-238(20) - Kratz, Maren.;
"The Canto of Ulysses": Dante and Contemporary Irish Poetry.In: The Politics of Irish Writing. Edited by Kateřina Jenčová, Michaela Markova, Radvan Markus and Hana Pavelkova.-1st ed. Prague Centre for Irish Studies, Charles University, 2010. ISBN 978-80-254-6151-8; pp. 198 -206(19) - Ku, Ping-ta.;
'Mutoscope Pictures in Capel Street': The Voyeuristic Micro-Spectacle in 'Nausicaa'.In: NTU Studies in Language and Literature, vol. 30(2013), pp. 107-126(20) - Kurdi, Maria.;
"The Giant of Irish Literature": Joycean Echoes in Irish Drama from Tom Murphy's "A Whistle in the Dark" to Enda Walsh's Penelope.In: Whack fol the dah: Irasok Takacs Ferenc 65. szuletesnapjara = Writings for Ferenc Takacs on his 65th Birthday. Ed. Farkas, Akos; Simonkay, Zsuzsanna; Vesztergom, Janina. ELTE Papers in English Studies. Budapest: Department of English Studies, School of English and American Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Lorand Eotvos University, 2013. ISBN 978-963-284-305-6; pp. 127-140(14)
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Ecocriticism and Finnegans Wake.In: Ruggieri, Franca (ed.), Fogarty, Anne (ed.), Polymorphic Joyce, Rome, Italy: Edizioni Q, 2012. 179 pp. (Joyce Studies in Italy12). pp. 65-72(8) - Lai, Yi-peng.;
'Bloom of Flowerville': An Agri-National Consumer.In: Ruggieri, Franca (ed.), Fogarty, Anne (ed.), Polymorphic Joyce, Rome, Italy: Edizioni Q, 2012. 179 pp. (Joyce Studies in Italy12). pp. 73-83(11) - Lai, Yi-Peng.;
The Tree Wedding and the (Eco)Politics of Irish Forestry in 'Cyclops': History, Language and the Viconian Politics of the Forest.In: Brazeau, Robert (ed. and introd.), Gladwin, Derek (ed. and introd.), Fogarty, Anne (foreword), Eco-Joyce: The Environmental Imagination of James Joyce, Cork, Ireland: Cork UP, 2014. xviii, 329 pp. ISBN 978-1-78205-072-8; pp. 91-110(20) - Lanigan, Liam.;
'The Citizens of Dublin Will Benefit By It': Reimagining the City in Dubliners.In: mediAzioni 16 (2014), 25 pp. ISSN 1974-4382 - Laughter, Yes.;
Ulysses Gramophone: Hear Say Yes in Joyce.In: Andrew J. Mitchell & Sam Slote (Eds)., Derrida and Joyce : texts and contexts. SUNY Press, 2013. ISBN13: 978-1-4384-4639-4 ; pp. 41-86(46) - Lavan, Eleanor.;
The irreparable and the imprevidible: fathers and failures at Joyce's family circus.In: Irish Studies Review. Vol. 22 Issue 4, Nov. 2014, pp. 512-528(17) - Lee, Jerry Won.;
Rudy and the Hallucination of "Culture" in James Joyce's ULYSSES.In: The Explicator, Vol. 71(2013), Issue 4, pp, 292-297(6) - Lee-Six, Edward.;
Growing Up and Growing Down in Finnegans Wake.In: Cambridge Quarterly, vol. 41(2012), no. 4, pp. 444-462(19) - Livak, Leonid.;
'A Thankless Occupation': James Joyce and His Translator Ludmila Savitzky.In: Toronto Slavic Quarterly, no. 41 (Summer 2012): pp. 138-168(31) - Longacre, Jeffrey.;
The Word Known to All Men; Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love James Joyce.In: College Literature. Wntr, 2012, Vol. 39 Issue 1, pp. 131-139(9) - Luppi, Fabio.;
Women and Race in the Last Two Chapters of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.In: Ruggieri, Franca (ed.), Fogarty, Anne (ed.), Polymorphic Joyce, Rome, Italy: Edizioni Q, 2012. 179 pp. (Joyce Studies in Italy12). pp. 85-98(14)
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Benjamin, Joyce and the Disappearance of the Dead.In: Boscagli, Maurizia (ed. and introd.), Duffy, Enda (ed. and introd.), Joyce, Benjamin and Magical Urbanism, Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2011. pp. 150-168(19) - Maitra, Dipanjan.;
"Victims of Hospitality": Joyce, Colonialism and the Question of Strangers in Dubliners.In: Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, vol. 3(2011), no. 4, pp. 586-599(14) - Mallafre, Joaquim.;
Translating Ulysses / Traduzindo Ulysses.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 12 (2012), James Joyce & Traducao II. In: Scientia Traductionis, pp. 321-341(21) - Massiha, Laleh & Noritah, Omar.;
James Joyce's Father Foreclosure: The Symbolic Order of Language and Social Existence.In: Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities; Vol. 21 Issue 1, Mar 2013, pp. 203-215(13) - McClung, Jeff.;
The Physical Fitness of Leopold Bloom.In: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 2 No. 2 [Special Issue - January 2012], pp. 16-22(7) - McCourt, John.;
After Ellmann, The Current State of Joyce Biography.In: Ruggieri, Franca (ed.), Fogarty, Anne (ed.), Polymorphic Joyce, Rome, Italy: Edizioni Q, 2012. 179 pp. (Joyce Studies in Italy12). pp. 99-112(14) - McCourt, John.;
Trieste.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 12 (2012), James Joyce & Traducao II. pp. 299-320(22) - McCreedy, Jonathan.;
An Argument for Characterology in the Wake's 'Old I.2': HCE's 'Centrality' and the 'Everyman' Archetype.In: Ruggieri, Franca (ed.), Fogarty, Anne (ed.), Polymorphic Joyce, Rome, Italy: Edizioni Q, 2012. 179 pp. (Joyce Studies in Italy12). pp. 113-124(12) - McDermott, John A.;
American Epicleti: Using James Joyce to Read Raymond Carver.In: Raymond Carver Review, vol. 3(2011), vol. 37-52(16) - McKay, Kim.;
Modernism and Contemporary Arab Fiction: James Joyce and Somaya Ramadan.In: EAPSU Online: A Journal of Critical and Creative Work, vol. 8(2011), pp. 81-98(18) - McEwen, Cameron.;
Marshall McLuhan, John Pick, and Gerard Manley Hopkins.In: Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature, vol. 64(2011), no. 1, pp. 55-76(22) - Mecsnóber, Tekla.;
Joyce, the Universe and Everything: A Reading of Finnegans Wake 123.30-124.12.In: In: Whack fol the dah: Irasok Takacs Ferenc 65. szuletesnapjara = Writings for Ferenc Takacs on his 65th Birthday. Ed. Farkas, Akos; Simonkay, Zsuzsanna; Vesztergom, Janina. ELTE Papers in English Studies. Budapest: Department of English Studies, School of English and American Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Lorand Eotvos University, 2013. ISBN 978-963-284-305-6; pp. 141-158(18) - Mecsnober, Tekla.;
A Notion of Joyce's Time: Interpreting the diacritics of Finnegans Wake 124.8-12.In: Genetic Joyce Studies, Issue 14 (Spring 2014), pp. 1-17(17) - Meifang, Zhang.;
Annotation and Adaptation: A Case Study of a Chinese Translation of Joyce's Ulysses.In: Translation Quarterly, Issue 64(2012), pp. 32-54(23) - Menéndez-Otero, Carlos.;
Making James Joyce's Life into a Graphic Novel. An Interview with Alfonso Zapico.In: Estudios Irlandeses, Issue 9(2014), pp. 121-127(7) - Mierlo, Wim Van.;
I have met you too late: James Joyce, W. B. Yeats, and the Making of Chamber Music.In: South Carolina Review, Vol. 43.1. (2010), pp. 50-73(24) - Mihálycsa, Erika.;
Four-handed Chirping of Birds or, The Adventure of two Hungarian Translators with Flann O'Brien's Book-web.In: Estudios Irlandeses, Number 8, 2013, pp. 65-78(14) - Mihálycsa, Erika.;
From mess to message: on transposing the "Oxen" Coda into Hungarian.In: mediAzioni, 14(2013), 32 pp. - Mihálycsa, Erika.;
Horsey Women & Arse-temises: Wake-ing Ulysses in Translation.In: Hyperion, vol. 8, no. 1, Spring 2014, pp. 158-186(29) - Mihálycsa, Erika.;
Making both ends meet: "Eumaeus" meta-Murphied in translation.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 12 (2012), James Joyce & Traducao II. pp. 88-126(39) - Mihálycsa, Erika.;
Rabid Realism Out of the Confession-Box: Szentkuthy Reading Joyce.In: Hyperion, vol. 8, no. 1, Spring 2014, pp. 112-118(7) - Mihálycsa, Erika.;
"Too full for words": On transluding Joyce's "impure, dark languages" into Hungarian.In: Whack fol the dah: Irasok Takacs Ferenc 65. szuletesnapjara = Writings for Ferenc Takacs on his 65th Birthday. Ed. Farkas, Akos; Simonkay, Zsuzsanna; Vesztergom, Janina. ELTE Papers in English Studies. Budapest: Department of English Studies, School of English and American Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Lorand Eotvos University, 2013. ISBN 978-963-284-305-6; pp. 159-170(12) - Mihálycsa, Erika.;
Translators up a (plum)tree: (food)Notes to the Translation of the 'Sandwich Passage' into Hungarian and Romanian Scarlett Baron.In: Scientia Traductionis, n. 8 (2010). James Joyce & Traduca, pp 147-174(28) - Mihálycsa Erika, Wawrzycka Jolanta, Senn Fritz.;
"I am a far-fetcher by constitution:" Conversation with Fritz Senn.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 12 (2012), James Joyce & Traducao II. pp. 205-248(44) - Mihálycsa Erika, Wawrzycka Jolanta, Senn Fritz, et al.;
The Polylogue Project. Part 1: Shortmind.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 12 (2012), James Joyce & Traducao II. pp. 133-164(32) - Mihálycsa Erika, Wawrzycka Jolanta, Senn Fritz, et al.;
The Polylogue Project. Part 2: Errors: Lots in Translation.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 12 (2012), James Joyce & Traducao II. pp. 165-204(40) - Milesi, Laurent.;
FUTURUS/FUTUTUS: Future Perfect and Preterition in Finnegans Wake.In: James Joyce and After: Writer and Time, Edited by Katarzyna Bazarnik and Bozena Kucala. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-2072-1; pp. 7-15(9) - Mitchell, Andrew J. and Slote, Sam.;
Introduction: Derrida and Joyce: On Totality and Equivocation.In: Andrew J. Mitchell & Sam Slote (Eds)., Derrida and Joyce : texts and contexts. SUNY Press, 2013. ISBN13: 978-1-4384-4639-4 ; pp. 1-16(16) - Monterrey, Tomas.;
Framed Images as Counterpoints in James Joyce's 'The Dead'.In: Atlantis, revista de la Asociacion Espanola de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, Vol. 33, Issue 2(Dec. 2011), pp. 61-74(14) - Moore, Daniel.;
Mourners and "Murthers": Stephen Dedalus's Riddle in NESTOR.In: Explicator. Vol. 70(2012), Issue 1, pp. 27-30(4) - Mukherjee, Piyas.;
The Role of the Feminine in the Making of the Artist in James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.In: European Academic Research, Vol. I, Issue 7/ October 2013, pp. 1653-1664(12) - Murphy, Elliot.;
'You talk to me of nationality, language, religion. I shall try to fly by those nets.' Consider how James Joyce contrives to 'fly by' one or more of these 'nets' in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and/or Ulysses.In: Innervate: Leading Undergraduate Work in English Studies, Vol. 5 (2012-2013), pp. 39-45(7) - Murphy, Katharine.;
Experiments in Genre: Baroja's Vidas sombrias and the Short Story in English.In: Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal, and Latin America, vol. 88(2011): no. 7-8, pp. 121-141(21) - Mutran, Munira H.;
Notes on Mário de Andrade's Marginalia to Ulysses.In: ABEI Journal: The Brazilian Journal of Irish Studies, no. 14 (November 2012): pp. 11-15(5)
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The Epiphany as the Evanescent Moment: Flashes of Unintellectual Light in James Joyce's Dubliners.In: WR: Journal of the CAS Writing Program, Issue 5, 2012-2013, pp. 27-32(6) - Nash, John.;
Talk & talk & talk: Virginia Woolf's responses to Ireland.In: Irish Studies Review. Vol. 21, Issue 3, Aug2013, pp. 255-273(19) - Natali, Ilaria.;
Joyce l'italiano and the Hans Jahnke Collection at the Zurich James Joyce Foundation.In: Studi irlandesi, 1 (2011): pp. 157-174(18) - Natali, Ilaria.;
A Portrait of James Joyce's Epiphanies as a Source Text.In: Humanicus, issue 6, 2011, pp. 1-25(25) - Neimneh, Shadi.;
The Anti-Hero in Modernist Fiction: From Irony to Cultural Renewal.In: Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, vol. 46(2013), no. 4, pp. 75-90(16) - Nestrovski, Arthur & Paganine, Carolina Geaquinto.;
Mercius (de seu mesmo): Notes on a Brazilian Translation of 'Finnegans Wake / Mercius (de seu mesmo): Notas sobre uma traducao brasileira de Finnegans Wake.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 8, 2010, pp. 93-101(9) - Niraimathi, S.;
An Artist in the Making - James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Akilan's Paavai ViLakku -- An Analogical Note.In: Language in India. Vol. 11 Issue 12, Dec2011, pp. 375-384(10) - Nohrnberg, Peter C. L.;
Political Economy, Tourism, and the Future of Ireland in Joyce's "Ulysses.".In: Twentieth Century Literature, Vol. 57, Issue 2, Summer 2011, pp. 224-254(31) - O'Brien, E.;
'A 'Third' Reading: James Joyce and Paul Howard and the Monstrous Aporia'.In: Beville, M, Tynan M and Ryan, M., (eds)., Passages: Moments and Movements in Text and Theory, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010. pp. 131-147(17) - O'Farrell, Kevin.;
In search of lost selves: Aidan Higgins' Scenes from a Receding Past.In: Irish Studies Review, Vol. 21(2013), No. 4, pp. 461-469(9) - O'Neill, Ciaran.;
Pearse, Parnell or the Priests? The Politics of Identity in the Irish Schoolboy Novel.In: The Politics of Irish Writing. Edited by Kateřina Jenčová, Michaela Markova, Radvan Markus and Hana Pavelkova.-1st ed. Prague Centre for Irish Studies, Charles University, 2010. ISBN 978-80-254-6151-8; pp. 69-77(9) - O'Rourke, Fran.;
Joyce's Early Aesthetic.In: Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 34 Issue 2, Winter2011, pp. 97-120(24) - O'Sullivan, Michael.;
Loneliness and the Submerged Population: Frank O'Connor's The Lonely Voice and Joyce's "The Dead".In: The Irish Short Story. Traditions and Trends (Reimagining Ireland). Edited by Elke D'hoker & Stephanie Eggermont. Peter Lang, December 2014. ISBN 3034317530; pp. 105-119(15) - O'Sullivan, Michael.;
The Sentimental Kindness of Criticism and Joyce's 'Cup Of Kindness Yet'.In: Textual Practice, vol. 27(2013), no. 2, pp. 295-314(20) - Olson, David S.;
First Amendment Based Copyright Misuse.In: William and Mary Law Review, vol. 52, no. 2 (November 2010): pp. 537-606(70)
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Travelling Discourse - The Mobility of Vision in James Joyce's Ulysses.In: Studies on Literature, Discourse and Multicultural Dialogue. Ed. by Iulian Boldea. - Târgu Mureş : Arhipelag XXI, 2013. ISBN 978-606-93590-3-7; pp. 753-762(10) - Paltin, Judith.;
'An Infected Carrier of the Past': Modernist Nature as the Ground of Anti-Realism.In: Isle: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, vol. 20(2013), no. 4, pp. 778-794(17) - Pappalardo, Salvatore.;
Waking Europa: Joyce, Ferrero and the Metamorphosis of Irish History.In: Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 34, No. 2 (Winter 2011), pp. 154-177(24) - Pearson, Nels C.;
'May I Trespass on Your Valuable Space?': Ulysses on the Coast.In: MFS: Modern Fiction Studies, vol. 57(2011), no. 4, pp. 627-649(23) - Pirnajmuddin, Hussein ; Niknasab, Leila.;
Translating Political Allusions: A Survey of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce.In: Theory & Practice in Language Studies; Vol. 1 Issue 7, Jul 2011, pp. 851-860(10) - Pirnajmuddin, Hossein; Teymoortash, Shirin Sharar.;
On James Joyce's 'Eveline'.In: Explicator , vol. 70(2012), no. 1, pp. 36-38(3) - Piquero, Alex R.;
Invited Address: James Joyce, Alice in Wonderland, the Rolling Stones, and Criminal Careers.In: Journal of Youth and Adolescence. Vol. 40, Issue 7, July 2011, pp. 761-775(15) - Pomakis, Niko.;
Lean Unlovely English Turned Backward: Reading 'Scylla & Charybdis' Hermetically.In: Ruggieri, Franca (ed.), Fogarty, Anne (ed.), Polymorphic Joyce, Rome, Italy: Edizioni Q, 2012. 179 pp. (Joyce Studies in Italy12). pp. 125-138(14) - Poore, Benjamin.;
"An Irish emigrant the wrong way out": Masud Khan Reads James Joyce.In: Postcolonial Text; 2014, Vol. 9 Issue 4, pp. 1-21(21) - Prescott, Tara.;
Creating 'Reflection and Refraction'.In: The STEAM Journal: Vol. 1: Iss. 2, Article 19 (2014), 7 pp. - Price, Brian L.;
"Non serviam": James Joyce and Mexico.In: Comparative Literature, Vol. 64, No. 2 (Spring 2012), pp. 192-206(15) - Prudente, Teresa.;
'The Daily Bread of Experience': The Transfiguration of Materiality in Joyce's and Woolf's Writing.In: English: The Journal of the English Association, Vol. 60 Issue 229, Summer2011, pp. 142-158(17) - Putz, Adam.;
Continental Thinking, Continental Living: W.B. Yeats, James Joyce and Cultural Politics of Appropriating Shakespeare In: The Politics of Irish Writing. Edited by Kateřina Jenčová, Michaela Markova, Radvan Markus and Hana Pavelkova.-1st ed. Prague Centre for Irish Studies, Charles University, 2010. ISBN 978-80-254-6151-8; pp. 14 -26(13)
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- Quin, James.;
"I need not anthrapologise…" - Anthropological Encounters with James Joyce.In: Irish Journal of Anthropology, Vol. 16(2013), no. 2, pp. 7-12(6) - Quinn, Adam.;
Hysteria and the Performance of Masculinity: A Feminist Reading of James Joyce's 'A Painful Case'.In: The Oswald Review: An International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Criticism in the Discipline of English: Vol. 16(2014), no. 1, pp. 29-42(14) - Rabate, Jean Michel.;
Joyce, Husserl, Derrida: Calculating the literary infinite.In: Scientia Traductionis, n. 12 (2012), James Joyce & Traducao II. pp. 249-298(50) - Raghinaru, Camelia.;
Molly Bloom and the Comedy of Remarriage.In: Forum: University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture and the Arts. no. 15 (Autumn 2012): pp. 1-11(11) - Ramey, James.;
Joycean Lice and the Life of Art.In: College Literature, Vol. 39, Issue 1, Winter 2012, pp. 27-50(24) - Rebora, Simone.;
Finnegans Wake & embodied cognition: Una lettura joyciana.In: Between, vol. IV, n. 7 (Maggio/ May 2014), pp. 1-18(18) - Record Jehl, Roby Evan.;
The "Nightmare of History" in James Joyce's Ulysses.In: Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Journal; 2013, Vol. 9, pp. 1-9(9) - Rogers, Gayle.;
Joyce and the Spanish Ulysses.In: Modernism/Modernity, vol. 19(2012), no. 2, pp. 255-275(21) - Ruggieri, Franca.;
James Joyce: Tradition, and Individual Talent.In: Ruggieri, Franca (ed.), Fogarty, Anne (ed.), Polymorphic Joyce, Rome, Italy: Edizioni Q, 2012. 179 pp. (Joyce Studies in Italy12). pp. 139-152(14) - Runtić, Sanja; Aleksa Varga, Melita.;
New Perspectives on James Joyce's Ulysses: A Literary-Linguistic Approach.In: Jezikoslovlje, vol. 14(2013), no. 2-3, pp. 417-429(13) - Ryan, Barry.;
'I'm Sick of My Own Country': Ethics and Aesthetics in James Joyce's The Dead.In: NJES: Nordic Journal of English Studies, vol. 11(2012), no. 2, pp. 166-188(23) - Ryan, Bartholomew.;
Mythologising the Exiled Self in James Joyce and Fernando Pessoa.In: Pessoa Plural: 4 (O./Fall 2013), pp. 75-103(29) - Ryan, Dermot.;
Fair Game? James Joyce, Sean O'Casey, and the Contesting of Irish Sport.In: Études Irlandaises, vol. 37(2012), no. 1, pp. 105-124(20)
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- Sabatini, Federico.;
'In the Flash of an Eye a Multiplicity of Things': The Poetics of the (In)Finite in James Joyce and Giacomo Leopardi.In: Comparative Literature Studies, Vol. 49(2012), Issue 1, pp. 1-22(22) - Sabatini, Federico.;
'Ruemember': Place, Displacement and Memory in James Joyce and William Trevor.In: The Capricious Thread: Memory and the Modernist Text. Ed. Prudente, Teresa. Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 2012. ISBN 978-88-6274-289-4. pp. 103-129(27) - Sadowski, Piotr.;
Androgyny and (near) Perfect Marriage: A Systems View of the Genders of Leopold and Molly Bloom.In: Style: Vol. 44, Nos. 1 & 2, Spring/Summer 2010 pp. 139-161(23) - Saha, Sukanya.;
James Joyce's Experiments with Language - A Study.In: IRWLE, vol. 8, no. II, July, 2012, pp. 1-6(6) - Sanz Gallego, Guillermo.;
Translating Taboo Language in Joyce's Ulysses: A Special Edition in Spanish for Franco and Peron.In: Atlantis, revista de la Asociacion Espanola de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, vol. 35. No. 2 (Dec. 2013): pp. 137-154(18) - Sarbu, Aladár.;
Kincsem in Ulysses? A Paratextual Inquiry.In: Whack fol the dah: Irasok Takacs Ferenc 65. szuletesnapjara = Writings for Ferenc Takacs on his 65th Birthday. Ed. Farkas, Akos; Simonkay, Zsuzsanna; Vesztergom, Janina. ELTE Papers in English Studies. Budapest: Department of English Studies, School of English and American Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Lorand Eotvos University, 2013. ISBN 978-963-284-305-6; pp. 171-177(7) - Sciarrino, Chiara.;
Influences, Translations, Settings: An Evaluation of the Literary Relations between Ireland and Italy.In: Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies, vol. 1, n. 1 (2011), pp. 221-268(48) - Senn, Fritz.;
The Lure of Grammatical Rectification.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 12 (2012), James Joyce & Traducao II. pp. 7-19(13) - Senn, Fritz & Freitas, Luana.;
Translation as Approach / Traducao como Abordagem.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 8 (2010). James Joyce & Traducao, pp. 4-62(59) - Shuang, Wei & Qi, Su.;
A Study on Cognitive Identity Crisis in Dubliners from the Perspective of Lexical Iconicity.In: International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing, Vol. 5(2014), no. 2, pp. 12-19(8) - Simion, Minodora Otilia.;
Modernist Techniques in A Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce.In: Annals of the "Constantin Brẵncuşi" University of Targu Jiu, Letter and Social Science Series, Issue 4/2013, pp. 57-61(5) - Smith, Eoghan.;
After Joyce and Beckett: Art and Authenticity and Politics in the Fiction of John Banville.In: The Politics of Irish Writing. Edited by Kateřina Jenčová, Michaela Markova, Radvan Markus and Hana Pavelkova.-1st ed. Prague Centre for Irish Studies, Charles University, 2010. ISBN 978-80-254-6151-8; pp. 36-45(10) - Spence, Sarah.;
'I Have Had My Vision': the Tension between Change and Eternity in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse and James Joyce's Ulysses.In: Groundings Ancients, Vol. 3, April 2015, pp. 146-156(11) - Spoo, Robert.;
Three Myths for Aging Copyrights: Tithonus, Dorian Gray, Ulysses.In: Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal; 2012, Vol. 31 Issue 1, pp. 77-112(36) - Spurr, David.;
Paranoid Modernism in Joyce and Kafka.In: Journal of Modern Literature, Vol. 34, No. 2 (Winter 2011), pp. 178-191(14) - Staiger, Jeff.;
Bare, Unaccommodated Odysseus.In: Southwest Review, vol. 98(2013), no. 1, pp. 51-67(17) - Standlee, Whitney.;
George Egerton, James Joyce and the Irish Künstlerroman.In: Irish Studies Review, vol. 18, no. 4 (November 2010), pp. 439-452(14) - Stewart, Bruce.;
James Joyce: The Daedalus Connections.In: ABEI Journal: The Brazilian Journal of Irish Studies, no. 14 (November 2012):pp. 29-42(14) - Stone, Harry.;
"Araby" and the Writings of James Joyce.In: Antioch Review, vol. 71, no. 2, Spr, 2013, pp. 348-380(33) - Switaj, Elizabeth.;
Joyce, Berlitz, and the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language.In: Ruggieri, Franca (ed.), Fogarty, Anne (ed.), Polymorphic Joyce, Rome, Italy: Edizioni Q, 2012. 179 pp. (Joyce Studies in Italy12). pp. 153-165(13) - Szczeszak-Brewer, Agata.;
Joyce's Vagina Dentata: Irish Nationalism and the Colonial Dilemma of Manhood.In: Frontiers - A Journal of Women's Studies. Vol. 34 Issue 2, May, 2013, pp. 1-24(24) - Szentkuthy, Miklós.;
James Joyce: Summa Atheologiae.In: Hyperion, vol. 8, no. 1, Spring 2014, pp. 119-145(27) - Szentkuthy, Miklós.;
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Beyond Mutability and Change. Translating Joyce's Ulysses: A Study in Ambiguity.In: Scientia Traductionis, no. 12 (2012), James Joyce & Traducao II. pp. 45-56(12) - Thompson, John J.;
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