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Shakespeare's "King Lear" 研究論文(1) : 2001-2011

  シェイクスピアの悲劇「リア王(King Lear)」の2001-2011年に刊行された研究論文を紹介しています。
 ここで紹介する論文・書評は企画商品CD「イギリス文学論文撰」の「シェイクスピアの作品研究論文」の項 King Lear(1): 2001-2011年刊行論文集に収録しています。

  King Lear (2):1991-2000?Hamlet (1):2006-2011Hamlet (2):2001-2005Macbeth (1):2001-2011




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  1. Adamson, Sylvia.;
    Questions of Identity in Renaissance Drama: New Historicism Meets Old Philology.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, vol. 61, no. 1 (2010): pp. 56-77(22)

  2. Alter, Iska.;
    Jacob Gordin's Mirele Efros: King Lear as a Jewish Mother.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: pp. 114-127 (14)

  3. Anderson, David K.;
    The Tragedy of Good Friday: Sacrificial Violence in King Lear.  In: ELH, 2011 Summer; 78 (2): pp. 259-286(28)

  4. Applbaum, Arthur Isak.;
    Legitimacy in a Bastard Kingdom.  In: Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government Center for Public Leadership Working Paper 5(2004), pp. 73-94(22)

  5. Ahsan, Lubna.;
    King Lear: A Religious and Philosophical View.  In: New Horizons. Karachi: Jan 2011. Vol. 5, Iss. 1; pp. 114-121 (8)

  6. Avner, Jane.;
    « Who is it that can tell me who I am? Lear's shadow » (1.4.221-22)1 Shadow play in King Lear.  In: JOURNEE D'ETUDE - IRCL, Fev. 2009. 9 pp.

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  7. Bailey, Irma Ned.;
    'The Time's Plague': Paradox in King Lear and Cymbeline.  In: Cuadernos de Literatura Inglesa y Norteamericana, 2010 May-Nov; 13 (1-2): pp. 11-21 (11)

  8. Basuki, Ribut ;
    Reading from the Margin: Examining Nahum Tate's vs. Shakespeare's King Lear as Cultural Products.  In: K@ta. Surabaya: Dec 2010. Vol. 12, Iss. 2; pp. 192-209 (18)

  9. Beauregard, David N.;
    Human Malevolence and Providence in King Lear.  In: Renascence. Milwaukee: Spring 2008. Vol. 60, no. 3; pp. 199-224 (26)

  10. Bell, Millicent.;
    Introduction: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth.  In: Shakespeare's tragic skepticism / Millicent Bell. Yale University Press New Haven and London, 2002. ISBN: 0-300-09255-5; pp. 1-28(28)

  11. Bell, Millicent.;
    Naked Lear.  In: Raritan: A Quarterly Review, 2004 Spring; 23 (4): pp. 55-70 (16)

  12. Benson, Sean.;
    "If I Do Prove Her Haggard": Shakespeare's Application of Hawking Tropes to Marriage.  In: Studies in Philology, Vol. 103, No. 2 (Spring, 2006), pp. 186-207(22)

  13. Berry, Wendell;
    The Uses of Adversity.  In: Sewanee Review, 2007 Spring; 115 (2): pp. 211-238 (28)

  14. Blank, Paula.;
    Shakespeare's Equalities: Checking the Math of King Lear.  In: Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2003 Fall; 15 (2): pp. 473-508 (35)

  15. Blank, Paula.;
    Shakespeare's Equalities: Checking the Math of King Lear.  In: Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2003 Fall; 15 (2): pp. 473-508 (35)

  16. Bottinelli, Jennifer J.;
    Watching Lear: Resituating the Gaze at the Intersection of Film and Drama in Kristian Levring's The King Is Alive.  In: Literature Film Quarterly, 2005; 33 (2): pp. 101-109 (9)

  17. Bottoms, Janet.;
    'Look on Her, Look': The Apotheosis of Cordelia.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: pp. 106-113 (8)

  18. Bouchard, Larry D.;
    Playing Nothing for Someone: Lear, Bottom, and Kenotic Integrity.  In: Literature and Theology, June 2005; 19: pp. 159-180(22)

  19. Bradley, Lynne.;
    Introduction.  In: Lynne, Bradley., Adapting King Lear for the Stage. Ashgate, 2010. ISBN: 978-1-4094-0597-9; pp. 1-31(31)

  20. Brauner, David.;
    'Speak Again': The Politics of Rewriting in A Thousand Acres.  In: Modern Language Review, 2001 July; 96 (3): pp. 654-666(13)

  21. Brayton, Dan.;
    Angling in the Lake of Darkness: Possession, Dispossession, and the Politics of Discovery in King Lear.  In: ELH, 2003 Summer; 70 (2): pp. 399-426 (28)

  22. Brown, Ted.;
    'And That's True Too': The Importance of Intellectual Flexibility in Othello and King Lear.  In: CEA Critic: An Official Journal of the College English Association, 2008 Spring-Summer; 70 (3): pp. 35-45(11)

  23. Brumm, Ursula.;
    Another View on The Turn of the Screw.  In: Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate, 2001-2002; 11 (1): pp. 91-97 (7)

  24. Burnett, Mark Thornton.;
    King Lear, Service and the Deconstruction of Protestant Idealism.  In: Bradshaw, Graham (general ed.); Bishop, Tom (general ed.); Wells, Robin Headlam (introd.); Neill, Michael (ed.) The Shakespearean International Yearbook, Volume 5: Special Section, Shakespeare and the Bonds of Service. Aldershot, England: Ashgate; 2005. xxx, 373 pp. ISBN: 9780754653707; pp. 66-85(20)

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  25. Cakebread, Caroline.;
    Escaping from Allegories: Cat's Eye and King Lear.  In: Ilha do Desterro: A Journal of Language and Literature, 2005 July-Dec; 49: pp. 99-111(13)

  26. Calvo, Clara.;
    Rewriting Lear's Untender Daughter: Fanny Price as a Regency Cordelia in Jane Austen's Mansfield Park.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2005; 58: pp. 83-94(12)

  27. Carroll, William C.;
    Songs of Madness: The Lyric Afterlife of Shakespeare's Poor Tom.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: pp. 82-95(14)

  28. Cartelli, Thomas.;
    Shakespeare in Pain: Edward Bond's Lear and the Ghosts of History.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: pp. 159-169 (11)

  29. Cartelli, Thomas.;
    Surviving Shakespeare: Kristian Levring's The King Is Alive.  In: Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation, 2005 Fall-Winter; 1 (2): [no pagination]. 28 pp.

  30. Casperson, Kris.;
    Mental Illness in Shakespeare's King Lear as Divine Madness. The Houston Teachers Institute seminar Health Issues of the 21st Century. 2009, pp. 17-29(13)

  31. Castaldo, Annalisa.;
    "No More Yielding than a Dream": The Construction of Shakespeare in "The Sandman".  In: College Literature, Vol. 31, No. 4, Shakespeare and Popular Culture (Fall, 2004), pp. 94-110(17)

  32. Catania, Saviour.;
    'Darkness Rumbling': Kozintsev's Karol Lier and the Visual Acoustics of Nothing.  In: Literature Film Quarterly, 2008; 36(2): pp. 85-93(9)

  33. Catania, Saviour.;
    Wailing Woodwind Wild: The Noh Transcription of Shakespeare's Silent Sounds in Kurosawa's Ran.  In: Literature Film Quarterly, 2006; 34 (2): pp. 85-92(8)

  34. Chaudhuri, Una.;
    Regime change: King Lear in Los Angeles, George Bush in Iraq, Americans in France.  In: TDR. Cambridge: Spring 2004. Vol. 48, no. 1; pp. 86-94(9)

  35. Christie, William.;
    Superflux and Silence in Shakespeare's 'King Lear'.  In: Sydney Studies in English,Vol 33 (2007), pp. 1-19(19)

  36. Cockett, Peter.;
    Performing Natural Folly: the Jests of Lean Leanard and the Touchstones of Robert Armin and David Tennant.  In: New Theatre Quarterly. Cambridge:May 2006. Vol. 22, no. 86, Part 2, pp. 141-154(14)

  37. Cohen, Derek.;
    The Malignant Scapegoats of King Lear.  In: SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900. Vol. 49, no. 2 (2009): pp. 371-389(19)

  38. Collington, Philip D.;
    Self-Discovery in Montaigne's 'Of Solitarinesse' and King Lear.  In: Comparative Drama, 2001-2002; 35 (3-4): pp. 247-269(23)

  39. Conolly, Oliver.;
    Pleasure and Pain in Literature.  In: Philosophy and Literature, 29, no. 2 (2005): pp. 305-320(16)

  40. Cooley, Ronald W.;
    Kent and Primogeniture in King Lear.  In: Studies in English Literature, 1500 - 1900. Baltimore: Spring 2008. Vol. 48, Iss. 2; pp. 327-348 (22)

  41. Craig, Martha J.;
    The Rise of the Mother: Violation and Retribution of the Maternal Body in King Lear.  In: Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 2003 Mar; 24(1-2): pp. 73-91 (19)

  42. Crashford, Jules.;
    "One sees what one can best see oneself": An Exploration of the Theme of Vision in King Lear.  In: Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice, Vol. 5, no. 1, 2003, pp. 7-28(22)

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  43. Daalder, Joost.;
    Shakespeare's King Lear 4.2.47-51.  In: Explicator, 2001 Winter; 59 (2): pp. 63-66(4)

  44. Daniel S P Yang.;
    King Lear in Beijing and Hong Kong.  In: Asian Theatre Journal : ATJ. Honolulu: Spring 2011. Vol. 28, no. 1; pp. 184-198 (15)

  45. Daugherty, Diane.;
    The Pendulum of Intercultural Performance: Kathakali King Lear at Shakespeare's Globe.  In: Asian Theatre Journal, 2005 Spring; 22 (1): pp. 52-72(21)

  46. Davies, Anthony.;
    Exploring the relation of Kurosawa's Ran to Shakespeare's King Lear.  In: Les Cahiers de La Licorne - Shakespeare en devenir - Adaptations cinematographiques | N°1 - 2007 | [no pagination] 17 pp.

  47. Detmer-Goebel, Emily.;
    Crossing Boundaries in Shakespeare.  In: ESC: English Studies in Canada, 33, no. 3 (2007): pp. 171-183(13)

  48. Diehl, Huston.;
    Religion and Shakespearean tragedy.  In: The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Tragedy. Ed. Claire McEachern. Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. 95-102(8)

  49. Dilworth, Thomas.;
    Keats's 'On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again'.  In: Explicator, 2007 Winter; 65 (2): pp. 78-82 (5)

  50. Diniz, Thais Flores Nogueira.;
    Godard: A Contemporary King Lear.  In: Foreign Accents : Brazilian Readings of Shakespeare by Resende, Aimara Da Cunha; Burns, Thomas LA Borie. Associated Univ Pr., 2002. ISBN13: 9780874137538, ISBN10:0874137535; pp. 198-206(9)

  51. Donovan, Kevin J.;
    Lear's Awakening: Texts and Contexts.  In: Renaissance Papers, 2006; pp. 97-110 (14)

  52. Drouet, Pascale.;
    I speak this in hunger for bread: hunger in King Lear and Coriolanus.  In: Hunger on the Stage, Edited by Elisabeth Angel-Perez and Alexandra Poulain, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. ISBN (10): 1-84718-595-9, ISBN (13): 9781847185952; Chapter One. pp. 2-16(15)

  53. Drouin, Jennifer.;
    Daughters of the Carnivalized Nation in Jean-Pierre Ronfard's Shakespearean Adaptations Lear and Vie et mort du Roi Boiteux.  In: Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches theatrales au Canada, Volume 27 Number 1 / Spring 2006. [no pagination] 14 pp.

  54. Dutton, Richard.;
    Jonson, Shakespeare and the Exorcists.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2005; 58: pp. 15-22 (8)

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  55. Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning.;
    Shakespeare's King Lear and Dickens's The Pickwick Papers.  In: Explicator, 2001 Fall; 60 (1): pp. 5-6 (2)

  56. Elisa, Oh.;
    Refusing to Speak: Silent, Chaste, and Disobedient Female Subjects in King Lear and The Tragedy of Mariam.  In: Explorations in Renaissance Culture, 2008 Winter; 34 (2): pp. 185-216 (32)

  57. Ellrodt, Robert;
    Self-Consistency in the Characters in Shakespeare's King Lear.  In: Ben Jonson Journal: Literary Contexts in the Age of Elizabeth, James and Charles, 2006; 13: pp. 139-147 (9)

  58. Engle, Lars.;
    Sovereign Cruelty in Montaigne and King Lear.  In: Bradshaw, Graham (ed.); Bishop, Tom (ed.); Holbrook, Peter (Guest ed. and introd.) The Shakespearean International Yearbook 6: Special Section, Shakespeare and Montaigne Revisited. Aldershot, England: Ashgate; 2006. x, 405 pp. ISBN: 9780754655893; pp. 119-139(21)

  59. Eskew, Doug.;
    Soldiers, Prisoners, Patrimony: King Lear and the Place of the Sovereign.  In: Cahiers Elisabethains 78 (2010): pp. 29-38(10)

  60. Estok, Simon C.;
    Shakespeare and Ecocriticism: An Analysis of 'Home' and 'Power' in King Lear.  In: AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association, 2005 May; 103: pp. 15-41(27)

  61. Fabian, Annamaria.;
    The « Unfinished Business ». The Avoidance of King Lear by the Prequel Lear's Daughters.  In: Trans- No 10, jeudi 8 juillet 2010. [no pagination]. 9pp.

  62. Foakes, R. A.;
    King Lear and Endgame.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: pp. 153-158 (6)

  63. Foakes, R. A.;
    Performance and Text: King Lear.  In: Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England: An Annual Gathering of Research, Criticism and Reviews, 2005; 17: pp. 86-98(13)

  64. Ford, Susan Allen.;
    'Intimate by Instinct': Mansfield Park and the Comedy of King Lear.  In: Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America, 2002; 24: pp. 177-197(21)

  65. Ford, Susan Allen.;
    'The Eye of Anguish': Images of Cordelia in the Long Eighteenth Century.  In: Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation, 2011 Spring-Summer; 6 (1): [no pagination]. 27 pp.

  66. Foulkes, Richard.;
    'How Fine a Play Was Mrs. Lear': The Case for Gordon Bottomley's King Lear's Wife.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: pp. 128-138 (11)

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  67. Galgut, Elisa.;
    The Poetry and the Pity: Hume's Account of Tragic Pleasure.  In: British Journal of Aesthetics 41 (2001): pp. 411-424(14)
    [Elaborates David Hume's account of tragic pleasure with her personal experience with King Lear, asserting that the "experience of the tragic aesthetic ... chimes with much of what we know about emotional responses in both the aesthetic and non-aesthetic realms."]

  68. Glaap, Albert-Reiner (Dusseldorf).;
    Lear, Hamlet and Othello: Canadianized.  In: Norbert Schaffeld (ed.)., Shakespeare's legacy. the appropriation of the plays in post-colonial drama. WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2005, pp. 69-87(19)

  69. Gleyzon, Francois-Xavier.;
    Under the Eye of Gorgo: Apotropaic Acts in Macbeth and King Lear.  In: Journal of the Wooden O Symposium, 2007; 7: pp. 22-41 (20)

  70. Goldman, Michael.;
    'Look up a Height': King Lear, Titus, and the Scandal of Tragedy.  In: Bradshaw, Graham (general ed.); Bishop, Tom (general ed.); Wells, Robin Headlam (introd.); Neill, Michael (ed.) The Shakespearean International Yearbook, Volume 5: Special Section, Shakespeare and the Bonds of Service. Aldershot, England: Ashgate; 2005. xxx, 373 pp. ISBN: 9780754653707; pp. 211-228(18)

  71. Gordon, Scott Paul.;
    Reading Patriot Art: James Barry's King Lear.  In: Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2003 Summer; 36 (4): pp. 491-509(19)

  72. Greenhouse, Carol J.;
    Lear and Law's Doubles: Identity and Meaning in a Time of Crisis.  In: Law, Culture and the Humanities. London:Jun 2006. Vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 239-258(20)

  73. Grier, Francis.;
    Thoughts on Rigoletto.  In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis. London:Dec 2011. Vol. 92, no. 6, pp. 1541-1559(19)

  74. Griggs, Yvonne.;
    "All our lives we'd looked out for each other the way that motherless children tend to do"1: King Lear as Melodrama.  In: Literature/Film Quarterly. Salisbury: 2007. Vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 101-107(7)

  75. Griggs, Yvonne;
    King Lear as Western Elegy.  In: Literature Film Quarterly, 2007; 35 (2): pp. 92-100 (9)

  76. Griggs, Yvonne.;
    On the Road: Reclaiming Korol Lir.  In: Literature/Film Quarterly. Salisbury:2009. Vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 97-108(12)

  77. Groves, Beatrice.;
    'Now Wole I a Newe Game Begynne': Staging Suffering in King Lear, the Mystery Plays and Grotius's Christus Patiens.  In: Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England: An Annual Gathering of Research, Criticism and Reviews, 2007; 20: pp. 136-150 (15)

  78. Gurr, Andrew.;
    Headgear as a Paralinguistic Signifier in King Lear.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: pp. 43-52 (10)

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  79. Hadfield, Andrew.;
    The Power and Rights of the Crown in Hamlet and King Lear: 'The King-the King's to Blame'.  In: Review of English Studies: The Leading Journal of English Literature and the English Language, 2003 Nov; 54 (217): pp. 566-586(21)

  80. Harmon , A.G.;
    "Slender Knowledge": Sovereignty, Madness, and the Self in Shakespeare's King Lear.  In: Law, Culture and the Humanities. London:Oct 2008. Vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 403-423(21)

  81. Harp, Richard.;
    Proverbs, Philosophy and Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice and King Lear.  In: Ben Jonson Journal: Literary Contexts in the Age of Elizabeth, James and Charles, 2009 May; 16 (1-2): pp. 197-215(19)

  82. Hecq, Dominique.;
    Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing: The Name-of-the-Father in King Lear.  In: COLLOQUY text theory critique 13 (2007). pp. 20-33(14)

  83. Hedrick, Donald.;
    King Lear or Bolt: The Entertainment Unconscious from CalArts to Disney.  In: Shakespeare Studies, 2010; 38: pp. 37-47(11)

  84. Helms, N.R.;
    "Where She Comes From": Mindreading in Levring's The King is Alive.  In: Symploke, 9, no. 1(2011): pp. 289-304(16)

  85. Henke, Robert.;
    Comparing Poverty: Fictions of a 'Poor Theater' in Ruzante and Shakespeare.  In: Comparative Drama, 2007 Summer; 41 (2): pp. 193-217(25)

  86. Hirschfeld, Heather.;
    'Am I in France?': King Lear and Source.  In: Notes and Queries, 2009 Dec; 56 (254) (4): pp. 588-591(4)

  87. Hirsh, James.;
    Covert Appropriations of Shakespeare: Three Case Studies.  In: Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature, 2007 Winter; 43 (1): pp. 45-67(23)

  88. Hogan, Patrick Colm.;
    Narrative Universals, Heroic Tragi-Comedy, and Shakespeare's Political Ambivalence.  In: College Literature, 33, no. 1 (2006): pp. 34-66(33)

  89. Holland, Peter.;
    Mapping Shakespeare's Britain.  In: Spectacle and public performance in the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance / edited by Robert Stillman. (Studies in medieval and Reformation traditions, ISSN 1573-4188 ; v. 113) Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2006. ISBN 90-04-14928-7 (alk. paper); pp. 157-181(25)

  90. Hopkins, Lisa.;
    Lear's Castle.  In: Cahiers Elisabethains: Late Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2002 Oct; 62: xi, pp. 25-32(8)

  91. Hornback, Robert B.;
    The Fool in Quarto and Folio King Lear.  In: English Literary Renaissance, 2004 Autumn; 34 (3): pp. 306-338 (33)

  92. Hornby, Richard.;
    An American Lear.  In: The Hudson Review. New York: Summer 2007. Vol. 60, no. 2; pp. 286-292 (7)

  93. Houlahan, Mark.;
    'Think about Shakespeare': King Lear on Pacific Cliffs.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: pp. 170-180 (11)

  94. Huang, Alexander.;
    Shakespeare, Performance, and Autobiographical Interventions.  In: Shakespeare Bullet  In: A Journal of Performance Criticism and Scholarship, 2006 Summer; 24 (2): pp. 31-47(17)

  95. Hughes, John.;
    The Politics of Forgiveness: A Theological Exploration of King Lear.  In: Modern Theology, 17 (2001): pp. 261-287(27)

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  96. Javed, Sohaila.;
    A Hermeneutic Ex-change with Lear in that Shakespearean Inn: King Lear.  In: Language in India. Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow. Vol. 12 : no. 2, February 2012, pp. 730-758(29)

  97. Jeffrey, E. & Jeffrey, D.;
    Vex not his ghost: King Lear and end-of-life care.  In: The Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (JRCPE), 2009; 39: pp. 15-19(5)

  98. Jess, Carolyn.;
    'The Barbarous Cronos': (Post)Colonialism, Sequelization, and Regenerative Authority in Kristian Levring's The King Is Alive (2000).  In: Shakespeare in Southern Africa: Journal of the Shakespeare Society of Southern Africa, 2003; 15: pp. 11-20 (10)

  99. Johnson, Eric M.;
    An Uncertain Text: Reliving Shakespeare's Creative Milieu inthe Modern World.  In: gnovis journal, Spring 2008, Vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 109-116(8)

  100. Joughin, John J.;
    Lear's Afterlife.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: pp. 67-81(15)

  101. Jovanovic, Nenad.;
    Brook, Lear, and the Modified Verfremdung.  In: Literature Film Quarterly, 2011; 39 (1): pp. 39-53(15)

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  102. Kachuck, Rhoda Silver.;
    The First Two Yiddish Lears.  In: Kujawińska Courtney, Krystyna (ed. and introd.); Mercer, John M. (ed. and introd.); Holland, Peter (foreword) The Globalization of Shakespeare in the Nineteenth Century. Lewiston, NY: Mellen; 2003. xvi, 248 pp. ISBN: 9780773466791; pp. 55-67(13)

  103. Kallay, Geza.;
    'What Wilt Thou Do, Old Man?'-Being Sick unto Death: Scrooge, King Lear, and Kierkegaard.  In: Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas, 2011 June; 9 (2): pp. 267-283(17)

  104. Kastan, David Scott.;
    "A rarity most beloved": Shakespeare and the Idea of Tragedy.  In: A Companion to Shakespeare's Works, Volume 1: The Tragedies, 2003, Chapter 1, pp. 4-22(19)

  105. Keeping, J.;
    "Strike Flat the Thick Rotundity O' the World ": A Phenomenology of Amger in Shakespeare's King Lear.  In: Philosophy Today. Celina: Winter 2006. Vol. 50, no. 4; pp. 477-485 (9)

  106. Keller, Stefan D.;
    Rhetorical Figures of Repetition in Shakespeare's King Lear: Theory and Practice.  In: Variations: Literaturzeitschrift der Universitoit Zurich 1 (2001): pp. 27-39(13)

  107. Kelly, Phillipa.;
    "King Lear: Kinder Casts for Goneril and Regan.  In: Sydney Studies in English, 27 (2001): pp. 3-18(16)

  108. Kelly, Philippa.;
    Performing Australian Identity: Gendering King Lear.  In: Theatre Journal, 2005 May; 57 (2): pp. 205-228(24)

  109. Kelly, Philippa.;
    See What Breeds about Her Heart: King Lear, Feminism, and Performance.  In: Renaissance Drama, 2004; 33: pp. 137-157(21)

  110. Kennedy, Joy.;
    Shakespeare's King Lear.  In: Explicator, 2002 Winter; 60 (2): pp. 60-62(2)

  111. Kerdeman, Deborah.;
    Pulled Up Short: ChallengingSelf-Understanding as a Focus ofTeaching and Learning.  In: Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol. 37, No. 2, 2003, pp. 293-308(16)

  112. Kerr, Douglas.;
    'King Lear' as an Experimental Musical: The Japanese Production of 'Ria O'.  In: New Theatre Quarterly, 2002 May; 18 (2 [70]): pp. 161-175 (15)

  113. Kincaid, Arthur.;
    Show the Heavens More Just: Ordering Society in Utopia, King Lear, and The Tempest.  In: Moreana, vol. 45, (Oct. 2008), pp. 193-210(18)

  114. Kinney, Clare R.;
    King Lear I-II.  In: Shakespeare's Tragedies Part I. By Clare R. Kinney. The Teaching Company, 2007. ISBN 978-1-59803-309-0; Lecture Eleven, pp. 77-90(14)

  115. Klett, Elizabeth.;
    'O How This Mother Swells Up toward My Heart': Performing Mother and Father in Helena Kaut-Howson's Cross-Gender King Lear.  In: Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism and Scholarship, 2005 Fall; 23 (3): pp. 53-73(21)

  116. Knowles, Richard.;
    How Shakespeare Knew King Lear.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: pp. 12-35(24)

  117. Kolosov, Jacqueline.;
    'Is This the Promised End?' Witness in King Lear and Apocalyptic Poetry of the Twentieth Century.  In: Intertexts, 2004 Fall; 8 (2): pp. 189-199 (11)

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  118. Lawrence, Sean.;
    "Gods That We Adore": The Divine in King Lear.  In: Renascence. Milwaukee: Spring 2004. Vol. 56, Iss. 3; pp. 142-159 (18)

  119. Lawrence, Sean.;
    The Difficulty of Dying in King Lear.  In: ESC: English Studies in Canada, 31, no. 3 (2005): pp. 35-52(8)

  120. Lees-Jeffries, Hester.;
    No Country for Old Men? Ciceronian Friendship and Old Age in Shakespeare's Second Tetralogy and Beyond.  In: Review of English Studies: The Leading Journal of English Literature and the English Language, 2011 Nov; 62 (257): pp. 716-737(22)

  121. Lefler, Nathan.;
    The Tragedy of King Lear: Redeeming Christ?  In: Literature and Theology, September 2010; 24: pp. 211- 226(16)

  122. Lehmann, Courtney.;
    The Passion of the W: Localizing Shakespeare, Globalizing Manifest Density from King Lear to Kingdom Come.  In: Upstart Crow, 2005; 25: pp. 16-32(17)

  123. Lei, Bi-qi Beatrice.;
    Vision and Revision of Filial Piety: Analogues and Adaptations of King Lear in Chinese Opera.  In: Journal of Theater Studies, 2008 Jan; 1: pp. 253-282(30)

  124. Li, Ruru.;
    'Who Is It That Can Tell Me Who I Am?'/'Lear's Shadow': A Taiwanese Actor's Personal Response to King Lear.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2006 Summer; 57 (2): pp. 195-215 (21)

  125. Li Lan, Yong.;
    Ong Keng Sen's "Desdemona", Ugliness, and the Intercultural Performative.  In: Theatre Journal, Vol. 56, No. 2 (May, 2004), pp. 251-273(23)

  126. Liang, Lia Wen-Ching.;
    Negotiating New Terrains: Yellow Earth Theatre's Lear's Daughters and King Lear.  In: Contemporary Theatre Review, 2009 Aug; 19 (3): pp. 289-297(9)

  127. Liebler, Naomi Conn.;
    Pelican Daughters: The Violence of Filial Ingratitude in King Lear.  In: Shakespeare Jahrbuch, 2007; 143: pp. 36-51(16)

  128. Lin, Ying-chiao.;
    Father's Farmland, Daughter's Innerland: Retelling and Recovery in Jane Smiley's A Thousand Acres.  In: Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, 2003 Jan; 29 (1): pp. 95-118(24)

  129. Lindhe, Anna.;
    Interpersonal Complications and Intertextual Relations: A Thousand Acres and King Lear.  In: NJES: Nordic Journal of English Studies, 2005; 4 (1): pp. 55-77 (23)

  130. Lionnet, Francoise.;
    Creole Vernacular Theatre: Transcolonial Translations in Mauritius.  In: MLN, 2003 Sept; 118 (4): pp. 911-932 (22)

  131. Liu, Yujun.;
    Sin, Punishment and Redemption in King Lear.  In: Asian Social Science, Vol. 5(2009), no. 9, pp. 119-123(5)

  132. Lobb, Edward.;
    Tragedy in The Turn of the Screw: An Answer to Ursula Brumm.  In: Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate, 2002-2003; 12 (1): pp. 67-71 (5)

  133. Longenbach, James.;
    Line and Syntax.  In: New England Review. Middlebury:2007. Vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 85-103(19)

  134. Loomis, Catherine.;
    "Not what we ought to say": Katrina, King Lear, and Academic Identity.  In: Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation, 2010 Spring-Summer; 5 (2): [no pagination]. 16 pp.

  135. Lynch, Jack.;
    King Lear and 'the Taste of the Age,' 1681-1838.  In: 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era, 2004; 10: pp. 285-303 (19)

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  136. Mack, Peter.;
    Rhetoric, Ethics and Reading in the Renaissance.  In: Renaissance Studies: Journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies, 2005 Feb; 19 (1): pp. 1-21 (21)

  137. Macura, Sergej.;
    "The Thing Itself" Ironic Hermeneutics of the Subject in King Lear.  In: Trans- No 8: Atu et a toi . ETE 2009 (ISSN 1778-3887) [no pagination]. 11 pp.

  138. Madelaine, Richard.;
    As Unstable as the King but Never Daft (?): Texts and Variant Readings of King Lear.  In: Sydney Studies in English, 2002; 28: pp. 3-20 (18)

  139. Maerz, Jessica M.;
    Godard's King Lear: Referents Provided upon Request.  In: Literature Film Quarterly, 2004; 32 (2): pp. 108-114(6)

  140. Maguire, Laurie E.;
    Private Life: Shakespeare and Selfhood.  In: Studying Shakespeare. A Guide to the Plays. 2004, Chap. 1, pp. 12-49(38) [The National Self : Othello, King Lear. pp. 34-44 ]

  141. Maguire, Laurie E.;
    Real Life: Shakespeare and Suffering.  In: Studying Shakespeare. A Guide to the Plays. 2004, pp. 180-221(42) [King Lear: pp. 184-185, 199-203]

  142. McCarthy, Christopher.;
    Teaching King Lear: Metatheatre and the Absurd.  In: Minnesota English Journal, Vol. 47(2012), pp. 82-89(8)

  143. McCoy, Richard C.;
    'Look upon Me, Sir': Relationships in King Lear.  In: Representations, 2003 Winter; 81: pp. 46-60(15)

  144. McLuskie, Kathleen.;
    The Patriarchal Bard: Feminist Criticism and Shakespeare: King Lear and Measure for Measure.  In: Chedgzoy, Kate (ed. and introd.) Shakespeare, Feminism and Gender. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave; 2001. ix, 269 pp. ISBN: 9780333716519; (hbk.); 9780333716526; pp. 24-48(25)

  145. McMahon, Christina S.;
    From Adaptation to Transformation: Shakespeare Creolized on Cape Verde's Feastival Stage.  In: Theatre Survey. Washington: May 2009. Vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 35-66(32)

  146. McManus, Clare.;
    Early Modern Women's Performance: Toward a New History of Early Modern Theater?.  In: Shakespeare Studies. Columbia: 2009. Vol. 37; pp. 161-177 (17)

  147. McMillan, Gloria.;
    Keeping the Conversation Going: Jane Addams' Rhetorical Strategies in "A Modern Lear".  In: Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Summer, 2002), pp. 61-75(15)

  148. McShane, Michael.;
    Kent's "Obscured Course": A Covert CoupAttempt in 2.2-4 of Shakespeare's King Lear.  In: Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy, Vol. 38 Issue 3, Fall 2011, pp. 205-242(38)

  149. Meek, Richard.;
    'Nothing Like the Image and Horror of It': King Lear and Heart of Darkness.  In: Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation, 2010 Spring-Summer; 5 (1): [no pagination]. 18 pp. ISSN: 1554-6985

  150. Melchior, Bonnie.;
    King Lear and Ran: Identity Translated and Transformed.  In: East-West Connections: Review of Asian Studies, Vol. 5, no. 1, 2005, pp. 41-52(12)

  151. Mentz, Steve.;
    Strange weather in King Lear.  In: Shakespeare, Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2010, pp. 139-152(14)

  152. Menzer, Paul.;
    Dislocating Shakespeare:Scene Locators and the Place of the Page.  In: Shakespeare Bulletin, 2006 Summer; 24.2: pp. 1-19(19)

  153. Milne, Drew.;
    What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted: King Lear and the Dissociation of Sensibility.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: pp. 53-66(14)

  154. Moller, Peter Ulf.;
    A New King Lear: Danish Responses to the Demise of Tolstoj.  In: Revue des Etudes Slaves, 2010; 81 (1): pp. 85-98(14)

  155. Moore, Andrew.;
    Goats and Monkeys!: Shakespeare, Hobbes, and the State of Mature.  In: Animus 15 (2011), pp. 86-120(55)

  156. Moore, Peter R.;
    The Nature of King Lear.  In: English Studies: A Journal of English Language and Literature, 2006 Apr; 87 (2): pp. 169-190(22)

  157. Mullin, Emily.;
    Macready's Triumph: The Restoration of King Lear to the British Stage.  In: Penn History Review, Vol. 18, Issue 1 Fall 2010 Article 3. 19 pp.

  158. Munson, Rebecca.;
    'The Marks of Sovereignty': The Division of the Kingdom and the Division of the Mind in King Lear.  In: Pacific Coast Philology, 2011; 46: pp. 13-27 (15)

  159. Murphy, Francesca.;
    The Metaphysical Basis of the Difference between Men and Women.  In: The Saint Anselm Journal 4.1 (Fall 2006), pp. 1-14(14)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N-P] [R] [S] [T/V] [W/Y]

  160. Nardo, Anna K.;
    Dialogue in Shakespearean Offshoots.  In: Literature Film Quarterly, 2006; 34 (2): pp. 104-112(9)

  161. Newman, Neville F.;
    Shakespeare's King Lear.  In: Explicator, 2002 Summer; 60 (4): pp. 191-193(3)

  162. Nochimson, Martha P.;
    The King Is Alive.  In: Film Quarterly, 2001-2002 Winter; 55 (2): pp. 48-54(7)

  163. Oncins Martinez, Jose Luis.;
    Shakespeare and Chess Again: A Proposal for an Alternative Reading of Pawn(s) in King Lear, King John and The Winter's Tale.  In: SEDERI: Yearbook of the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance, 2011; 21: pp. 29-47(19)

  164. Orten, Jon D.;
    "That perilous stuff": crime in Shakespeare's tragedies, Hogskolen i Ostfold, 2003. ISBN: 82-7825-123-1; 16 pp.

  165. Paula M. Rodriguez Gomez.;
    Cordella's Portrait in the Context of King Lear's Indiviauation.  In: Odisea, no 6, 2005, pp. 181-200(20)

  166. Peterson, Kaara L.;
    Historica Passio: Early Modern Medicine, King Lear, and Editorial Practice.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2006 Spring; 57 (1): pp. 1-22(22)

  167. Petřiková, Linda.;
    Against Adaptation: Jean-Luc Godard's King Lear.  In: Litteraria Pragensia: Studies in Literature and Culture, 2010 July; 20 (39): pp. 41-54(14)

  168. Pettitt, Thomas.;
    Marlowe's Texts and Oral Transmission: Towards the Zielform.  In: Comparative Drama. Kalamazoo: Summer 2005. Vol. 39, no. 2; pp. 213-242 (30)

  169. Pierce, Robert B.;
    Mapping King Lear.  In: Shakespeare Survey. Cambridge: 2009. Vol. 62, pp. 308ff

  170. Planinc, Zdravko.;
    '… This Scattered Kingdom': A Study of King Lear.  In: Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy, 2001-2002 Winter; 29 (2): pp. 171-185(15)

  171. Ploeg, Scott Vander.;
    A Thousand Acres of King Lear: Reading Shakespeare through Smiley.  In: CEA Critic: An Official Journal of the College English Association, 2005-2006 Fall-Winter; 68 (1-2): pp. 36-42 (7)

  172. Proudfoot, Richard.;
    Some Lears.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: pp. 139-152(14)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N-P] [R] [S] [T/V] [W/Y]

  173. Rayner, Francesca Clare.;
    A Bastard Art: Theatrical and Sexual Transgression in King Lear.  In: -Ditto -., The representation of sexual transgression in three portuguese productions of Shakespeare. Doctoral Thesis. 2004. Chapter VII: pp. 305-354(50)

  174. Rayner, Francesca.;
    Nationalizing the Bard: Contemporary Performances of Shakespeare at Portuguese National Theatres.  In: Luso-Brazilian Review, 2007; 44 (1): pp. 142-157 (16)

  175. Rayner, Francesca Clare.;
    Taking the Woman's Part: The Problem of Misogyny in King Lear.  In: -Ditto -., The representation of sexual transgression in three portuguese productions of Shakespeare. Doctoral Thesis. 2004. Chapter III: pp. 107-156(50)

  176. Reisner, Noam.;
    The Poetics of Suffering in Shakespeare's King Lear.  In: Probing the Boundaries. Making Sense Of: Suffering. 1st Global Conference. 2010: Session 8a: Fairy Tales, Fate and Poetic Suffering. 8 pp.

  177. Restivo, Giuseppina.;
    Law, Constitution and Ethics in Shakespeare's King Lear.  In: Textus: English Studies in Italy, 2008 Sept-Dec; 21 (3): pp. 409-438(30)

  178. Ribes, Purificacion.;
    Competency-based Teaching of Shakespeare: How to Master King Lear.  In: International Education Studies. Toronto: Dec 2011. Vol. 4, Iss. 5; pp. 18-24 (7)

  179. Richardson, Malcolm.;
    Culture and Anarchy on the Coast of Bohemia.  In: Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation, 2010 Fall-Winter; 5 (2): [no pagination]. 13 pp.

  180. Ritter, Julia.;
    "Know'st Thou This Paper?": King Lear's Tragic Letters.  In: The Upstart Crow. Clemson: 2001. Vol. 21; pp. 48-64 (17)

  181. Rodenas Tolosa, Beatriz.;
    Cognitive Analysis Applied to the Literary Genre: The Concepts of 'Body' and 'Nature' in the Shakespearean Tragedy of King Lear.  In: Actas del V Congreso Internacional AELFE (Asociacion Europea de Lenguas para Fines Especificos) / Proceedings of the 5th International AELFE Conference). Ed. Ma Carmen Perez-Llantada Auria, Ramon Plo Alastrue and Claus Peter Neumann. Zaragoza: AELFE / Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2005. pp. 709-714(6)

  182. Rodenas Tolosa, Beatriz.;
    A cognitive experientialist approach to a dramatic text: King Lear's conceptual universe. Doctoral Thesis. Universidad de Alicante, 2004, 696 pp.

  183. Roder, Carolin.;
    Invading the Body: Sound and (Non-)Sense in King Lear.  In: Wissenschaftliches Seminar Online, 2007; 5: (no pagination). ISSN: 1612-8362 pp. 3-10 (8)

  184. Rollins, Stephen.;
    The Good Years in King Lear V.iii.24.  In: Notes and Queries, 2009 Dec; 56 (254) (4): pp. 585-588 (4)

  185. Rubinstein, Frankie.;
    Speculating on Mysteries: Religion and Politics in King Lear.  In: Renaissance Studies: Journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies, 2002 June; 16 (2): pp. 234-262(29)

  186. Ruttkay, Veronika.;
    Passion's Rhetoric: Coleridge on King Lear and the New Rhetorical Tradition.  In: Coleridge Bullet  In: The Journal of the Friends of Coleridge, 2006 Winter; 28: pp. 83-91(9)

  187. Ryan, Kiernan.;
    King Lear.  In: A Companion to Shakespeare's Works, Volume 1: The Tragedies, 2003, Chapter 20, pp. 375-392(18)

  188. Ryan, Kiernan.;
    King Lear: A Retrospect, 1980-2000.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: 1-11 (11)

  189. Ryle, Simon J.;
    Filming Non-Space: The Vanishing Point and the Face in Brook's King Lear.  In: Literature Film Quarterly, 2007; 35 (2): pp. 140-147(8)

  190. Rytting, Jenny Rebecca.;
    Cognition and Recognition in King Lear, ACT IV. SCENE vii.  In: Quidditas: The Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, vol. 31(2010), pp. 233-238(6)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N-P] [R] [S] [T/V] [W/Y]

  191. Sangkook, Lee.;
    King Lear in Person.  In: Shakespeare Review (Seoul) 37 (2001): pp. 611-625(15)

  192. Saunders, Graham.;
    'Out Vile Jelly': Sarah Kane's Blasted and Shakespeare's King Lear.  In: New Theatre Quarterly, 2004 Feb; 20 (1 [77]): pp. 69-78 (10)

  193. Schafer, Roy.;
    Curse and consequence: King Lear's destructive narcissism.  In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis. London:Dec 2010. Vol. 91, no. 6, pp. 1503-1521(19)

  194. Scolnicov, Hanna.;
    'Who Is It That Can Tell Me Who I Am?': Individual, Subject and Self in King Lear.  In: Shakespeare Jahrbuch, 2006; 142: pp. 142-156(15)

  195. Scott, William O.;
    Contracts of Love and Affection: Lear, Old Age, and Kingship.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: pp. 36-42(7)

  196. Shannon, Laurie.;
    Poor, Bare, Forked: Animal Sovereignty, Human Negative Exceptionalism and the Natural History of King Lear.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, 2009 Summer; 60 (2): 168-196 (29)

  197. Sherman, Anita Gilman.;
    Shakespearean Vertigo: W. G. Sebald's Lear.  In: Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts, 2010 Winter; 52 (1): pp. 1-24 (24)

  198. Shevtsova, Maria.;
    Lev Dodin and the Maly Drama Theatre: Uncle Vanya to King Lear.  In: New Theatre Quarterly, 2006 Aug; 22 (3 [87]): pp. 249-256 (8)

  199. Singh, Prabhat K.;
    Expanding Moments: Siddhartha's Renunciation and Lear's Reconciliation.  In: Literary Criterion 36, nos. 1-2 (2001): pp. 84-91(8)
    [Discusses Lear's reconciliation with Cordelia as a moment that is "perennially illuminating for mankind."]

  200. Skura, Meredith Anne.;
    Dragon Fathers and Unnatural Children: Warring Generations in King Lear and Its Sources.  In: Comparative Drama, 2008 Summer; 42 (2): pp. 121-148 (28)

  201. Spates, William Henry.;
    Proverbs, Pox, and the Early Modern Femme Fatele.  In: Notes and Queries, 2006 Mar; 53 (250) (1): pp. 47-51(5)

  202. Stephenson, Jenn.;
    Spatial Ambiguity and the Early Modern Postmodern in King Lear.  In: Drama and the Postmodern: Assessing the Limits of Metatheatre. ed. Daniel Keith Jernigan (Youngstown, NY: Cambria P, 2008), pp. 23-44(22)

  203. Stern, Tiffany.;
    The 'Part' for Greene's Orlando Furioso: A Source for the 'Mock Trial' in Shakespeare's Lear?  In: Notes and Queries, 2002 June; 49 (247) (2): pp. 228-231 (4)

  204. Stymeist, David.;
    'Fortune, That Arrant Whore, Ne'er Turns the Key to th' Poor': Vagrancy, Old Age and the Theatre in Shakespeare's King Lear.  In: Cahiers Elisabethains: A Biannual Journal of English Renaissance Studies, 2007 Spring; 71: pp. 37-47(11)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N-P] [R] [S] [T/V] [W/Y]

  205. Taunton, Nina.;
    King Lear, King James and the Gunpowder Treason of 1605.  In: Renaissance Studies: Journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies, 2003 Dec; 17 (4): pp. 695-715 (21)

  206. Taylor, Mark.;
    Birth Order of Children in King Lear.  In: The Upstart Crow. Clemson: 2003. Vol. 23; pp. 31-38(8)

  207. Taylor, Sally T.;
    The Fellowship of Christ's Sufferings as Reflected in Lear and Life.  In: Brigham Young University Studies, 2004; 43 (2): pp. 47-62 (16)

  208. Teixeira, Antonio Joao.;
    The Construction of National Identity in Shakespeare's King Lear and Its Filmic Adaptation by Peter Brook.  In: Ilha do Desterro: A Journal of Language and Literature, 2006 July-Dec; 51: pp. 283-299 (17)

  209. Teller, Joseph R.;
    The (Dis)possession of Lear's Two Bodies: Madness, Demystification, and Domestic Space in Peter Brook's King Lear.  In: Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation, 2010 Spring-Summer; 5 (1): [no pagination]. 27 pp.

  210. Tibor Fabiny.;
    The "Strange Acts of God:"The Hermeneutics of Concealment and Revelation in Luther and Shakespeare.  In: Dialog. Gettysburg: Mar 2006. Vol. 45, no. 1; pp. 44-54(11)

  211. Tobin, J. J. M.;
    Lear's Howling, Again.  In: Notes and Queries, 2004 Sept; 51 (249) (3): pp. 287-291(5)

  212. Traub, Valerie.;
    The Nature of Norms in Early Modern England: Anatomy, Cartography, King Lear.  In: South Central Review: The Journal of the South Central Modern Language Association, 2009 Spring-Summer; 26 (1-2): pp. 42-81(40)

  213. Trivedi, Poonam.;
    Multi-Shakespeare: Performing King Lear in India.  In: Bradshaw, Graham (general ed.); Bishop, Tom (general ed.); Wells, Robin Headlam (introd.); Neill, Michael (ed.) The Shakespearean International Yearbook, Volume 5: Special Section, Shakespeare and the Bonds of Service. Aldershot, England: Ashgate; 2005. xxx, 373 pp. ISBN: 9780754653707; pp. 282-302(21)

  214. Vickers, Brian.;
    Shakespeare and Authorship Studies in the Twenty-First Century.  In: Shakespeare Quarterly, vol. 62, no. 1 (2011): pp. 106-142(37)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N-P] [R] [S] [T/V] [W/Y]

  215. Watson, Elizabeth S.;
    Old King, New King, Eclipsed Sons, and Abandoned Altars in "Hamlet".  In: The Sixteenth Century Journal, Vol. 35, No. 2 (Summer, 2004), pp. 475-491(17)

  216. Wheatley, Edward.;
    Voices of Violence: Medieval French Farce and the Dover Cliff Scene in King Lear.  In: Comparative Drama, 2009 Winter; 43 (4): pp. 455-471 (17)

  217. Weitzman, Ronald.;
    Helsinki: Sallinen's 'King Lear'.  In: Tempo New Series, No. 215, British Issue (Jan., 2001), pp. 41-44(4)

  218. Welsh, Alexander.;
    A King Lear of the Debtors' Prison: Dickens and Shakespeare on Mortal Shame.  In: Social Research: An International Quarterly of the Social Sciences, 2003 Winter; 70 (4): pp. 1231-1258 (28)

  219. Wember, Hanno.;
    Illuminating Eclipses: Astronomy and Chronology in King Lear.  In: Brief Chronicles: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Authorship Studies, Vol 2 (2011), pp. 33-44(12)

  220. Wilcox,Helen.;
    "Who is That Can Tell Me Who I am?" Shakespeare and the Representation of Individual Identity.  In: AUMLA : Journal of the Australasian Universities Modern Language Association. Sydney:Nov 2006. No. 106, pp. 61-70 (10)

  221. Wiley, Chris.;
    Fooling Around:The Court Jesters of Shakespeare.  In: Citations, vol. 3(2012?) , pp. 1-17(17)

  222. Wilkinson, Heward.;
    Cordelia's Silence, Edgar's Secrecy: Emblems of the Authorship Question in King Lear.  In: Brief Chronicles: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Authorship Studies, Vol 2 (2011), pp. 141-168(28)

  223. Womack, Peter.;
    Nobody, Somebody, and King Lear.  In: New Theatre Quarterly, 2007 Aug; 23 (3 [91]): pp. 195-207(13)

  224. Womack, Peter.;
    Secularizing King Lear: Shakespeare, Tate, and the Sacred.  In: Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: pp. 96-105(10)

  225. Wyman, Charles Allen.;
    Nero Is an Angler in the Lake of Darkness.  In: Mississippi Review 29, no. 3 (2001): pp. 75-93(9) [Fiction involving a King Lear-figure teaching Hamlet.]

  226. Yeang Chuia, Jane Wong.;
    Unstaging King Lear.  In: Theatre Research International. Oxford:Oct 2009. Vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 294-306(13)

    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E/F] [G] [H] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N-P] [R] [S] [T/V] [W/Y]

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