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Herman, Melville(メルヴィル)研究 2001-2005年研究論文New

 「白鯨」(Moby-Dick/The Whale)で有名な作家ハーマン・メルヴィル(Herman, Melville)研究論文を紹介しています。
 ここで紹介する論文・書評は企画商品CD「アメリカ文学」の「19世紀前半:ロマン主義の作家たち」の Melville 第2集2001-2005年刊行論文集に収録しています。

 2006-2011年論文リストへ ;1991-2000年論文リストへ ; 1981-1990年論文リストへ ;1970-1980年論文リストへ ;2011-2015年論文リストへ ; Moby-Dick研究(1):1991-2010年論文リストへ; Moby-Dick研究(2):1951-1990年論文リストへ]



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  1. Abbott, Collamer M.;
    Tobacco, Melville, and the Times.  In: Melville Society Extracts, 2001 July; 121: pp. 1, 3-6 (5)

  2. Allen, Tom.;
    Melville's "Factory Girls": Feminizing the Futures.  In: Studies in American Fiction. Boston: Spring 2003. Vol. 31, no. 1; pp. 45-71 (27)

  3. Alweiss, Lilian.;
    On moral dilemmas: Winch, Kant and Billy Budd.  In: Philosophy. London: Apr 2003. Vol. 78, no. 304; p. 205-218 (14)

  4. Ancona, Francesco Aristide.;
    Hope Sinks: Pandora, Eve and the Obsession of Ahab.  In: Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 24.1-2 (2003): pp. 15-21(7)

  5. Armstrong, Philip.;
    "Leviathan is a Skein of Networks": Translations of Nature and Culture in Moby-Dick.  In: ELH. Baltimore: Winter 2004. Vol. 71, no. 4; p. 1039-1063 (25)

  6. Armstrong, Philip.;
    Moby-Dick and Compassion.  In: Society & Animals 12:1(2004), pp. 19-37(19)

  7. Armstrong, Philip.;
    What animals mean, in Moby-Dick, for example.  In: Textual Practice, Vol. 19(2005), no. 1, pp. 93-111(19)

  8. Arsić, Branka.:
    Melville's celibatory machines - Bartleby, Pierre, and The Paradise of Bachelors.  In: Diacritics (35:4) 2005, pp. 81-100(20)

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  9. Baker, Jennifer Jordan.;
    Staging Revolution in Melville's Benito Cereno: Babo, Figaro, and the 'Play of the Barber'.  In: Prospects: An Annual Journal of American Cultural Studies, 2001; 26: pp. 91-107(17)

  10. Ball, David M.;
    Toward an Archaeology of American Modernism: Reconsidering Prestige and Popularity in the American Renaissance.  In: ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance, 2003; 49 (1-3 [190-192]): pp. 161-177 (17)

  11. Banerjee, Mita.;
    Civilizational Critique in Herman Melville's Typee, Omoo, and Mardi.  In: Amerikastudien/American Studies, 2003; 48 (2): pp. 207-225 (19)

  12. Barca, Dane.;
    More Apparent than Real: Benito Cereno, Jacksonian Imperialism, and the Ocular Fallacy.  In: AMERICAN@ Vol. II(2005). Issue 1, ISSN:1695-7814, pp. 25-50(26)

  13. Barnum, Jill.;
    Melville, Lorenz Oken, and Biology: Engaging the 'Long Now'.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies 7.2 (2005): pp. 41-46(6)

  14. Beauchamp, Gorman.;
    The Scorpion's Suicide: Claggart's Death in Billy Budd.  In: Melville Society Extracts, 2005 July; 129: pp. 7-10 (4)

  15. Bell, David James.;
    Unfathomable Me: The Privileged View of Nature in Melville's Moby Dick.  In: Bell, David James., Take a Picture: A Novel. Degree PhD, University of Cincinnati, Arts and Sciences : English & Comparative Literature, 2005. Advisor: Brock Clarke. 248p. p.231-247(17)

  16. Bellis, Peter.;
    Discipline and the Lash in Melville's White-Jacket.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 2005 Oct; 7 (2): pp. 25-40(16)

  17. Bernard, Fred V.;
    The Question of Race in Moby-Dick.  In: The Massachusetts Review. Amherst: Autumn 2002. Vol. 43, no. 3; pp. 384-405(22)

  18. Berthold, Dennis.;
    The Italian Turn Of Thought.  In: Nineteenth - Century Literature. Berkeley: Dec 2004. Vol. 59, no. 3; p. 340-371(32)

  19. Berthold, Dennis.;
    Melville.  In: American Literary Scholarship (2005). pp. 55-74(20)

  20. Berthold, Dennis.;
    The Wellington Statue in Horsford's Journals: A Correction.  In: Melville Society Extracts; 125(2003), pp. 1-3(3)

  21. Billy, Ted.;
    'Damned in the Midst of Paradise': The Apprenticeship Novels of Melville and Conrad.  In: Cuadernos de Literatura Inglesa y Norteamericana, 2003 May-Nov; 6 (1-2): pp. 11-23 (13)

  22. Blair, Ruth M.;
    Enchanted Isles: A Response to Robert C. Suggs on Typee.  In: ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance, 2005; 51 (1-3 [198-200]): pp. 87-92 (6)

  23. Blair, Ruth.;
    Logging Melville.  In: Australasian Journal of American Studies, Vol.22, No.2, December 2003, pp. 79-91(13)

  24. Boudreau, Gordon V.;
    In the beginning was the word ..." whale "... the letter H ... (1).('Moby Dick').  In: Melville Society Extracts; Feb 1, 2002; no. 122, pp. 1-6(6)

  25. Boyagoda, Randy.;
    Just Where and What Is 'the (Comparatively Speaking) South'? Caribbean Writers on Melville and Faulkner.  In: Mississippi Quarterly: The Journal of Southern Cultures, 2003-2004 Winter; 57 (1): pp. 65-73 (9)

  26. Brown, Eric C.;
    Shakespeare's Richard III and the masthead in MElville's Moby-Dick.  In: ANQ. Lexington: Winter 2001. Vol. 14, no. 1; pp. 3-5(3)

  27. Browne, Neil.;
    Pivots, Reversals, and Things in the Aesthetic Economy of Howells's The Rise of Silas Lapham.  In: Connotations (15:1-3) [2005/2006] , pp. 1-16(16)

  28. Bryant, John.;
    Moby-Dick: History of a Loose-Fish: Manuscript, Print and Culture.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 3(2001), no. 2, pp. 37-56(20)

  29. Bryant, John.;
    Taipi, Tipii, Typee: Place, Memory, and Text: A Response to Robert C. Suggs.  In: ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance, 2005; 51 (1-3 [198-200]): pp. 137-167 (31)

  30. Bryant, John.;
    Versions of Moby-Dick: Plagiarism, Censorship, and Some Notes toward an Ethics of the Fluid Text.  In: Variants : the Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship (4) 2005, pp. 257-285(29)

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  31. Calder, Alex.;
    Mapping Typee: Space and the Genres of Truth.  In: ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance, 2005; 51 (1-3 [198-200]): pp. 115-120 (8)

  32. Callahan, Aileen.;
    Eye to Eye: Painting White Whale: Moby Dick I.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies 5.1 [Moby-Dick 2001: An Artists' Forum] (2003): pp. 52-57(6)

  33. Cappucci, Paul R.;
    Down from the Crow's Nest: Herman Melville's Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War.  In: War, Literature, and the Arts: An International Journal of the Humanities, 2005; 17 (1-2): pp. 162-169 (8)

  34. Casarino, Cesare.;
    Philopoesis: A Theoretico-Methodological Manifesto.  In: boundary 2, Volume 29, Number 1, Spring 2002, pp. 65-96 (32)

  35. Castiglia, Christopher. / Castronovo, Russ,;
    A "Hive of Subtlety": Aesthetics and the End(s) of Cultural Studies,  In: American Literature, Vol. 76, no. 3, September 2004, pp. 423-435(13)

  36. Charette, Matthew.; Mulligan, Ann.;
    Water Flowing Underground.  In: Oceanus. Cambridge: 2004. Vol. 43, no. 1; p. 29-33 (5)

  37. Christodoulou, A. C.;
    Melville's Painting.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies 5.1 [Moby-Dick 2001: An Artists' Forum] (2003): pp. 50-52(3)

  38. Christodoulou, A. C.;
    The Demigod Taji: Commentary on an Episode from Melville's Mardi.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 2005 Oct; 7 (2): pp. 3-24 (22)

  39. Cluff, Randall.;
    'Thou Man of the Evangelist': Henry Cheever's Review of Typee.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 2001 Mar; 3 (1): pp. 61-72 (12)

  40. Colacurcio, Michael J.;
    'Excessive and Organic Ill': Melville, Evil, and the Question of Politics.  In: Religion and Literature, 2002 Autumn; 34 (3): pp. 1-26 (26)

  41. Cook, Jonathan A.;
    History, Legend, and Poetic Tradition in Melville's "The Scout toward Aldie".  In: American Transcendental Quarterly. Kingston: Jun 2003. Vol. 17, no. 2; p. 61-80(20)

  42. Cook, Jonathan A.;
    Moby-Dick, Myth, and Classical Moralism: Bulkington as Hercules.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies 5.1 (2003): pp. 15-28(14)

  43. Cook, Jonathan A.;
    The Historical and Literary Sources of Redburn's 'Mysterious Night in London'.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 2004 Mar; 6 (1): pp. 9-33 (25)

  44. Cooke, Alexander.;
    Resistance, Potentiality and the Law: Deleuze and Agamben on 'Bartleby'.  In: Angelaki, 2005 Dec; 10 (3): pp. 79-89 (11)

  45. Cosgrove, Brian.;
    Herman Melville's Pierre: How Radical is the Critique of Christianity?   In: Irish Theological Quarterly, 70(2005), pp. 123-131(9)

  46. Coviello, Peter.;
    The American in Charity: 'Benito Cereno' and Gothic Anti-Sentimentality.  In: Studies in American Fiction 30 (2002): pp. 155-180(26)

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  47. DeAngelis, Michael.;
    Inverting French Heritage Cinema: Melville, Carax, and Pola X.  In: Film Criticism. Meadville: Fall 2002. Vol. 27, no. 1; pp. 20-36 (17)

  48. Del Tredici, Robert.;
    Inner Caveman.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies 5.1 [Moby-Dick 2001: An Artists' Forum] (2003): pp. 58-61(4)

  49. Derail-Imbert, Agnès.;
    Melville and His Mosses.  In: Letterature d'America: Rivista Trimestrale, 2002; 22 (91): pp. 147-175 (29)

  50. Desmarais, Jane.;
    Preferring Not To: The Paradox of Passive Resistance in Herman Melville's 'Bartleby'.Melville and His Mosses.  In: Journal of the Short Story in English 36 (2001): print ed. pp. 25-39 in 8 pp.

  51. Di Loreto, Sonia.:
    Retail philanthropy: trust and responsibility in Melville's The Confidence-Man.  In: Annali anglistica (ns 6:1) 2002, pp. 87-101(15)

  52. Dilworth, Thomas.;
    Narrator of 'Bartleby': The Christian-Humanist Acquaintance of John Jacob Astor.  In: Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature, 38.1 (2002): pp. 49-75(7)

  53. Djelal, Juana Celia.;
    The Shape of the Whale: Flukes and Other Tales.("Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville) (Critical essay).  In: Leviathan; Oct 1, 2005; Vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 47-53(7)

  54. Doctorow, E L.;
    Composing Moby-Dick: What Might Have Happened.  In: The Kenyon Review. Gambier: Summer 2004. Vol. 26, no. 3; pp. 55-66(12)

  55. Donoghue, Denis.;
    Moby-Dick After September 11th.  In: Law and Literature. Berkeley: 2003. Vol. 15, no. 2; p. 161-188(28)

  56. Dowling, Gregory.;
    "Rainbow o'er the Wreck": The Two Sides of Melville's Clarel  In: America and the Mediterranean. Edited by Massimo Bacigalupo and Pierangelo Castagneto. OTTO editore, 2003. ISBN 88-87503-56-7; pp. 75-83(9)

  57. Dowling, Paul M.;
    Robert E. Lee and Melville's Politics in Battle-Pieces and Aspects of War.  In: Melville Society Extracts, 2005 Feb; 128: 1-2, 18-23 (5)

  58. Downes, Paul.;
    Melville's Benito Cereno and the Politics of Humanitarian Intervention.  In: South Atlantic Quarterly 103 (2004): pp. 465-488(24)

  59. Dumm, Thomas L.;
    Who Is Ishmael?   In: The Massachusetts Review. Amherst: Fall 2005. Vol. 46, no. 3; p. 398-415(18)

  60. Dunphy, Mark.;
    "Call Me Sal, Jack": Visions of Ishmael in Kerouac's 'On the Road'.  In: Melville Society Extracts, no. 123(July 2002), pp. 1-4(4)

  61. Dunphy, Mark.;
    Viewing Melville through Bifocals: An Interdisciplinary Look at Moby-Dick.  In: Melville Society Extracts 121 (2001): pp. 8-9(2)

  62. Duquette, Elizabeth.;
    Speculative Cetology: Figuring Philosophy in Moby-Dick.  In: ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance, 2001; 47 (1 [182]): pp. 33-57 (25)

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  63. Edelman, Lee.;
    Unknowing Barbara.  In: Diacritics, Vol. 34, no. 1, Spring 2004, pp. 89-93(5)

  64. Elliott, Emory.;
    Melville's Redburn: Lessons in Alterity and Textual Limits.  In: Letterature d'America: Rivista Trimestrale, 2001; 21 (86): pp. 15-43 (29)

  65. Eperjesi,John R.;
    The "Superlative and Poetry of Commerce": Scattered Origins of an American Pacific Frontier.  In: The imperialist imaginary :visions of Asia and the Pacific in American culture. By John R.Eperjesi. University Press of New England, 2005. pp. 25-57(33)

  66. Erney, Hans-Georg.;
    Colonialism and Language in Herman Melville's Typee.  In: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik: A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture, 2001; 49 (2): pp. 144-158 (15)

  67. Esplin, G.T.;
    Ambiguity and Visual Representation in Pierre and Pola X.  In: Cercles 14 (2005), pp. 117-128(12)

  68. Evans, David H.;
    'That Great Leviathan...Which Is but an Artificial Man': Moby-Dick and the Lowell Factory System.  In: ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 50.4 [197] (2004): pp. 315-350(36)

  69. Evans, Kim Leilani.;
    Pacific Poetics: Melville's South Seas Laugh.  In: The Midwest Quarterly. Pittsburg: Winter 2003. Vol. 44, no. 2; pp. 195-210(18)

  70. Evelev, John.;
    "Every One to His Trade": Mardi, Literary Form, and Professional Ideology.  In: American Literature. Durham: Jun 2003. Vol. 75, no. 2; p. 305-333(29)

  71. Fishkin, Shelley Fisher.;
    Interrogating "Whiteness" .  In: Literary theory, an anthology / edited by Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. - 2nd ed. Blackwell, 2004. ISBN 1-4051-0696-4, pp. 975-986(12)

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  72. Gair, Christopher.;
    Beyond Boundaries: Cricket, Herman Melville, and C. L. R. James's Cold War.  In: Symbiosis: A Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations 6.2 (2002): pp. 159-177(19)

  73. Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie.;
    The cultural logic of euthanasia: "Sad fancyings" in Herman Melville's "Bartleby".  In: American Literature. Durham: Dec 2004. Vol. 76, no. 4; p. 777-806(30)

  74. Gehlawat, Monika.;
    The Aesthetics of Whiteness: Melville's Moby Dick and the Paintings of Robert Rynab.  In: Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal 88.3-4 (2005): p. 371-391(21)

  75. Gesler, Wil.;
    Using Herman Melville's "Moby-Dick" to Explore Geographic Themes.  In: Journal of Geography Jan/Feb 2004. Vol. 103, no. 1; p. 28-37(10)

  76. Giesenkirchen, Michaela.;
    'Still Half Blending with the Blue of the Sea': Goethe's Theory of Colors in Moby-Dick.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies 7.1 (2005): pp. 3-18(16)

  77. Giordano, Matthew.;
    Melville's Public Privacy.  In: Giordano, Matthew., Dramatic Poetics and American Poetic Culture, 1865-1904. Dissertation. The Ohio State University, 2004. pp. 127-171(45)

  78. Goddard, Kevin.;
    Hanging Utopia: Billy Budd and the Death of Sacred History.  In: Arizona Quarterly 61.4 (2005): pp. 101-126(26)

  79. Goldman, Eric.;
    Bringing out the Beast in Melville's Billy Budd: The Dialogue of Darwinian and "Holy" Lexicons on Board the Bellipotent.  In: Studies in the Novel, 37(2005), no. 4, pp. 430-442(13)

  80. Goldner, Loren.;
    Herman Melville: Between Charlemagne and the Antemosaic Cosmic Man: Race, Class and the Crisis of Bourgeois Ideology in An American Renaissance Writer. Queequeg Publications, New York, 2005. ISBN 0-9700-308-2-7; 363 pp.

  81. Gottlieb, Jason P.;
    Power Politics and International Public Law: Lessons from Benito Cereno.  In: Ariel: A Review of International English Literature, 2004 Jan-Apr; 35 (1-2): pp. 189-214 (26)

  82. Grant, Catherine.;
    Recognizing Billy Budd in Beau Travail: Epistemology and Hermeneutics of an Auteurist 'Free' Adaptation.  In: Screen, 2002 Spring; 43 (1): pp. 57-73 (17)

  83. Greenberg, Martin.;
    The Difficult Justice of Melville & Kleist.  In: New Criterion, 2005 Mar; 23 (7): pp. 24-32 (9)

  84. Grey, Robin.;
    Annotations on Civil War: Melville's Battle-Pieces and Milton's War in Heaven.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 2002 Mar-Oct; 4 (1-2): pp. 51-70 (20)

  85. Grey, Robin.;
    Melville's Milton : A Transcription of Melville's Marginalia in His Copy of The Poetical Works of John Milton.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 2002 Mar-Oct; 4 (1-2): pp. 117-204 (88)

  86. Grigsby, Darcy Grimaldo.;
    Patina, Painting, and Portentous Somethings.  In: Representations, 78 (2002): pp. 140-144(5)

  87. Guillen, Matthew.;
    Bartleby's Preference: Res Ipsa Loquitur.  In: Journal of the Short Story in English 37 (2001): Number of pages in print edition : p. 31-48 in 11

  88. Guillen, Matthew.;
    Melville's Wall Street: It Speaks for Itself.  In: Journal of the Short Story in English 36(2001): Number of pages in print edition : p. 9-24 in 9

  89. Gupta, R.K.;
    Moby-Dick and Schopenhauer.  In: International Fiction Review. 31(2004), no. 1-2. pp. 1-12(12)

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  90. Hamilton, Carol Vanderveer.;
    The Evil of Banality: Moby Dick vs. the Extreme Machine.  In: Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies. Iowa City: Spring 2004. pp. 7-18(12)

  91. Hecht, Roger.;
    Rents in the Landscape: The Anti-Rent War in Melville's Pierre.  In: American Transcendental Quarterly. Kingston: Mar 2005. Vol. 19, no. 1; p. 37-50 (14)

  92. Hellen, Anna.;
    The Romantic Architecture of Melville's Moby-Dick: The Shelleyan Sub-Text of Moby-Dick.  In: Melville Society Extracts, no. 122(February 2002), pp. 26-28(3)

  93. Helmreich, Stefan.;
    Cetology Now: A Sketch for the Twenty-First Century.  In: Melville Society Extracts 129 (2005): pp. 10-12(3)

  94. Herbert, T. Walter.;
    Facts, Fictions, and Wisdom in Melville's Typee.  In: ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance, 2005; 51 (1-3 [198-200]): pp. 93-103(11)

  95. Hove, Thomas.;
    Naturalist Psychology in Billy Budd.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 2003 Oct; 5 (2): pp. 51-65(15)

  96. Hsu, Hsuan.;
    War, Ekphrasis, and Elliptical Form in Melville's Battle-Pieces.  In: Nineteenth Century Studies 16 (2002): p. 51-71(21)

  97. Hughes, Henry.;
    Fish, sex and cannibalism: appetites for conversion in Melville's Typee.(Critical Essay).  In: Leviathan; Oct 1, 2004; Vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 3-16(14)

  98. Hunt, Lester H.;
    Billy Budd: Melville's dilemma.  In: Philosophy and Literature. Dearborn: Oct 2002. Vol. 26, no. 2; p. 273-295 (23)

  99. Imbert, Michel.;
    Melville's Galapagos: Darwinism Revisited.  In: Letterature d'America, 22 (2002): pp. 71-92(22)

  100. Ivison, Douglas.;
    'I Saw Everything but Could Comprehend Nothing': Melville's Typee, Travel Narrative, and Colonial Discourse.  In: American Transcendental Quarterly, 2002 June; 16 (2): pp. 115-130 (16)

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  101. Jalal, Mustafa.;
    "Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War": The novelist as poet: A study in the dramatic poetry of Herman Melville.  In: American Studies International. Washington: Jun 2001. Vol. 39, no. 2; pp. 71-85 (15)

  102. Jay, Gregory.;
    Whiteness Studies and the Multicultural Literature Classroom.  In: MELUS. Los Angeles: Summer 2005. Vol. 30, no. 2; pp. 99-123(25)

  103. Jẹdrzejko, Paweł.;
    White-Jacket's White Jacket, or Humanity In a Trans(e).  In: The (Trans)-Human: Bodies, Spaces, Virtualities, red. Wojciech Kalaga, Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, 2005, ss. 126-151(26)

  104. Johnson, Barbara, and Jonathan Culler.;
    Melville's Fist: The Execution of Billy Budd.  In: Deconstruction: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies, Vol. II. London, England: Routledge, 2003. pp. 213-243(31)

  105. Johnson, Bradley A.;
    Mind in the Main-Top, Body in the Bilge: Space and the Human Form in Melville's White-Jacket.  In: ATQ(The American Transcendental Quarterly), Vol. 17(2003), pp. 243-257(15)

  106. Jones, Gavin Roger.;
    Poverty and the Limits of Literary Criticism.  In: American Literary History, Vol. 15, no. 4, Winter 2003, pp. 765-792(28)

  107. Kallay, Katalin G.;
    Homeward Bound on a Circular Path to Nowhere (Herman Melville: "Bartleby the Scrivener") .  In: Katalin G. Kallay., Going Home Through Seven Paths to Nowhere: Reading Short Stories by Hawthorne, Poe, Mellville and James. Akademiai Kiado, 2003. pp. 124-152(29)

  108. Kallay, Katalin G.;
    Turning Towards the Experience of Encounter.  In: Katalin G. Kallay., Going Home Through Seven Paths to Nowhere: Reading Short Stories by Hawthorne, Poe, Mellville and James. Akademiai Kiado, 2003. pp. 33-79(47)

  109. Kalter, Susan.;
    A Student of Savage Thought: The Ecological Ethic in Moby-Dick and Its Grounding in Native American Ideologies.  In: ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 48.1-2 [186-187] (2002): pp. 1-40(40)

  110. Kemp, Scott A.;
    They but reflect the things: Style and rhetorical purposes in Melville's "The Piazza Tale".  In: Style. DeKalb: Spring 2001. Vol. 35, no. 1; p. 50-78 (29)

  111. King, Richard.;
    'The Line' between Lath and Plaster.  In: Melville Society Extracts 121 (2001): pp. 10-11(2)

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  112. Lamb, Robert Paul.;
    Fast-Fish and Loose-Fish: Teaching Melville's Moby-Dick in the College Classroom.  In: College Literature, 32.1, Winter 2005, pp. 42-62(21)

  113. Laroche, Rebecca.:
    Elizabeth Melville and Her Friends: Seeing Ane Godlie Dreame through Political Lenses.  In: CLIO (34:3) 2005, pp. 277-295(19)

  114. Laufer, Matt.;
    'You Cannot Run and Read It': Melville's Search for the Right Reader.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies 6.2 (2004): pp. 17-38(22)

  115. Lawrence,Thomas B; Phillips, Nelson.;
    From Moby Dick to Free Willy: Macro-Cultural Discourse and Institutional Entrepreneurship in Emerging Institutional Fields.  In: Organization. London: Sep 2004. Vol. 11, no. 5; p. 689-711(23)

  116. Leroux, Jean-Francois.;
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  117. Li, Changyin.;
    Herman Melville in China.  In: US-China Foreign Language, Feb. 2004, pp. 1-11(11)

  118. Limón, José Eduardo.;
    Translating Empire: The Border Homeland of Rio Grande City, Texas.  In: American Quarterly, 2004 Mar; 56 (1): pp. 25-32(8)

  119. Lock, Helen.;
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  120. Logan, Judy.;
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  121. Long, Kim Martin.;
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  122. Luber, Steve.;
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  123. Luciano, Dana.;
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  124. Lyons, Bernard J., and Thomas J. Heffernan.;
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  126. Mackenthun, Gesa.;
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  127. Mackenthun, Gesa.;
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  128. Mackenthun, Gesa.;
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  129. Madison, Robert D.;
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  130. Manheim, Dan.;
    Melville's BENITO CERENO.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Spring 2005. Vol. 63, no. 3; p. 151-154 (4)

  131. Mann, Alastair J.:
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  132. Marovitz, Sanford E.;
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  133. Marr, Timothy.;
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  134. Martinich, A. P.;
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  135. Massie, Virginia Zirkel.;
    Solitary Blessings: Solitude in the Fiction of Hawthorne, Melville, and Kate Chopin. A Dissertation. Louisiana State University, December 2005 176 pp.

  136. Matchie, Tom.;
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  137. Matteson, John T.;
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  138. Maud, Ralph.;
    Charles Olson and the Northwestern-Newberry Moby-Dick.  In: Melville Society Extracts, no. 127(July 2004), pp. 1-5(5)

  139. Mcclendon, Aaron.;
    "For Not in Words Can It Be Spoken": John Sullivan Dwight's Transcendental Music Theory and Herman Melville's Pierre; or, the Ambiguities.  In: ATQ (The American Transcendental Quarterly), Vol. 19, 2005. pp. 23-36(14)

  140. McGuire, Ian.;
    "Who ain't a slave?": Moby Dick and the ideology of free labor.  In: Journal of American Studies. Cambridge: Aug 2003. Vol. 37, no. 2; p. 287-305(19)

  141. McLaughlin, Kevin.;
    Images de papier: Deleuze, Benjamin, Melville.  In: Tropismes (12) 2004, pp. 245-264(20)

  142. McLoughlin, Michael.;
    Correspondent Colorings: Emerson and Melville.  In: Dead letters to the new world: Melville, Emerson, and American transcendentalism/by Michael McLoughlin. Routledge, 2003. ISBN 0-415-96784-8; pp. 3-14(12)

  143. McLoughlin, Michael.;
    Deeper Shadows to Come: The Transcendental Underpinnings of Melville's Early Works.  In: Dead letters to the new world: Melville, Emerson, and American transcendentalism/by Michael McLoughlin. Routledge, 2003. ISBN 0-415-96784-8; pp. 31-40(10)

  144. McLoughlin, Michael.;
    Defying Nature: Moby-Dick and the Limits of Emersonian Individualism.  In: Dead letters to the new world: Melville, Emerson, and American transcendentalism/by Michael McLoughlin. Routledge, 2003. ISBN 0-415-96784-8; pp. 42-73(32)

  145. McLoughlin, Michael.;
    A Hell-Fired Rural Bowl of Milk: Melville's Pierre and Transcendental Rebellion.  In: Dead letters to the new world: Melville, Emerson, and American transcendentalism/by Michael McLoughlin. Routledge, 2003. ISBN 0-415-96784-8; pp. 75-115(41)

  146. McLoughlin, Michael.;
    Naked Nature aboard the San Dominick: "Benito Cereno," Emerson, and the Gothic.  In: Dead letters to the new world: Melville, Emerson, and American transcendentalism/by Michael McLoughlin. Routledge, 2003. ISBN 0-415-96784-8; pp. 117-126(10)

  147. McLaughlin, Robert L.;
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  148. Metz, Walter C.;
    The Cold War's "undigested apple-dumpling": Imaging Moby-Dick in 1956 and 2001.  In: Literature/Film Quarterly. Salisbury: 2004. Vol. 32, no. 3; p. 222-228(7)

  149. Meyer, Joseph Matthew.;
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  150. Mogenson, Greg.;
    Whaling with Giegerich, the Ahab of the Notion.  In: Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice. Voll. 6 no. 1, 2004. pp. 67-83(17)

  151. Monfort, Bruno.;
    Melville's 'The Piazza': Architecture into Vanishing Form.  In: Letterature d'America: Rivista Trimestrale, 2002; 22 (91): pp. 93-121(29)

  152. Morra, Irene, and Michael J. Meyer.;
    'A Song Not without Words': Singing Billy Budd.  In: Literature and Musical Adaptation. Rodopi Perspectives on Modern Literature (Rpml): 26. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2002. p. 7-27(21)

  153. Murphy, Gretchen.;
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  154. Nabers, Deak.;
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  155. Neff, D S.;
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  156. Norberg, Peter.;
    Finding an Audience for Clarel in Matthew Arnold's Essays in Criticism.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 2004 Mar; 6 (1): pp. 35-54 (20)

  157. Nori, Giuseppe.;
    The Impotence of Grief: On Melville's Wretched Women and Lonesome Girld.  In: Letterature d'America: Rivista Trimestrale, 25(2005), no. 106, pp. 29-67(39)

  158. Nori, Giuseppe.;
    The Trials of Humanity at the Margins of History: On Herman Melville's Enchanted Isles.  In: Anglistica. Volume, 6(2002), no. 1, pp. 63-85(23)

  159. Normington, Katie.;
    Meyerhold and the New Millenium.  In: New Theatre Quarterly, 2005 May; 21 (2 [82]): pp. 118-126 (9)

  160. Norsworthy, Scott.;
    Cook(e)'s Toe in Typee.  In: Melville Society Extracts, 2004 Feb; 126: pp. 1-4 (4)

  161. Novak, Frank G.;
    The Kraken in the Computer.  In: Studies in the Novel, 2005 Spring; 37 (1): pp. 82-96 (15)

  162. O'Neilla, Keith Michael.;
    Dedicated to the Victims of Auto -DA-Fé: Melville, Heresy, and The Canon. A Dissertation. The University of Georgia. Athens, Georgia. 2002; 235 pp.

  163. Olsen-Smith, Steven.;
    The Hymn in Moby-Dick: Meville's Adaptation of 'Psalm 18'.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies 5.1 (2003): pp. 29-47(19)

  164. Olsen-Smith, Steven, and Dennis C. Marnon.;
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  165. Olsen-Smith, Steven, and Merton M. Sealts, Jr.;
    A Cumulative Supplement to Melville's Reading (1988).  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies 6.1 (2004): pp. 55-77(23)

  166. Otter, Samuel.;
    Typee: 'An Almost Incredible Book'.  In: ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance, 2005; 51 (1-3 [198-200]): pp. 169-185(17)

  167. Ozick, Cynthia.;
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  168. Pardes, Ilana.;
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  169. Pease, Donald E.;
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  170. Petrulionis, Sandra Harbert.;
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  171. Pettey, Homer B.;
    Cannibalism, Slavery, and Self-Consumption in Moby Dick.  In: Arizona Quarterly 59.1 (2003): pp. 31-58(28)

  172. Pigeard de Gurbert, Guillaume.;
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  173. Poole, Gordon.;
    Agrippina, 'the Truest Woman That Ever Wed'.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 2003 Oct; 5 (2): pp. 67-72(6)

  174. Preston, Todd.;
    Moby-Dick and John Singleton Copley's Watson and the Shark.  In: Melville Society Extracts, no. 129(July 2005), pp. 1-7(7)

  175. Pritchard, Gregory R.;
    Introduction: An Ecocritical Examination of Whale Texts.  In: Econstruction: The Nature/Culture Opposition in Texts about Whales and Whaling. Gregory R. Pritchard B.A. (Deakin) B.A. Honours (Deakin) Thesis Submitted in Total Fuldilment of the Requirement of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Faculty of Arts Deakin University, March 2004. pp. 8-24(17)

  176. Pritchard, Gregory R.;
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  177. Pritchard, Greg.;
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  178. Procházka, Martin.;
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  180. Reed, Naomi C.;
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  181. Robillard, Douglas.;
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  182. Robillard, Douglas.;
    Melville's Marginalia: Milton's Poems.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 2002 Mar-Oct; 4 (1-2): pp. 113-116(4)

  183. Rogers, Ben.;
    The name "Mardi" and seventeenth-century maps.  In: ANQ. Lexington: Winter 2001. Vol. 14, no. 1; p. 23-24 (2)

  184. Rossouw, L. A.;
    Billy Budd, Sailor and Lord Jim.  In: Deconstruction: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies, Vol. I. London, England: Routledge, 2003. Chapter Three - pp. 67-134(68)

  185. Rossouw, L. A.;
    Moby-Dick and Heart of Darkness.  In: Deconstruction: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies, Vol. I. London, England: Routledge, 2003. Chapter Two - pp. 15-65(51)

  186. Rowe, John Carlos.;
    Edward Said and American Studies.  In: American Quarterly, 2004 Mar; 56 (1): pp. 33-47 (15)

  187. Rudden, Patrica Spence.;
    Melville's Post Office: A Possible Model for the Church of the Apostles.  In: Melville Society Extracts, 2001 Feb; 120: pp. 1-5(5)

  188. Ruggiero, Vincenzo.;
    Moby Dick and the Crimes of the Economy.  In: The British Journal of Criminology. Vol. 42, no. 1. Dec 1, 2002. pp. 96-108(13)

  189. Rumrill, Clark.;
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  190. Sachs, Viola.;
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  191. Salazar, James.;
    Philanthropic Taste: Race and Character in The Confidence Man.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 2005 Mar; 7 (1): pp. 55-74 (20)

  192. Sallfors, Solomon, and James Duban.;
    Chaucerian Humor in Moby-Dick: Queequeg's 'Ramadan'.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies 5.2 (2003): pp. 73-77(5)

  193. Samson, John.;
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  194. Sanborn, Geoffrey.;
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  195. Sanborn, Geoffrey.;
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  196. Sattelmeyer, Robert.;
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  197. Savarese, Ralph James.;
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  198. Scheel, Eugene.;
    Melville Poem Recalls an Elusive Target.  In: Melville Society Extracts, 2005 Feb; 128: pp. 3-5(3)

  199. Schiavini, Cinzia.;
    From the Edges of Revolution to the Shores of Modernity: Melville and the Mediterranean.  In: America and the Mediterranean. Edited by Massimo Bacigalupo and Pierangelo Castagneto. OTTO editore, 2003. ISBN 88-87503-56-7; pp. 541-549(9)

  200. Schlachter, Abby E.;
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  201. Schultz, Elizabeth.;
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  202. Schultz, Elizabeth.;
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  203. Seabra Amaral, A. Joao.;
    "Pausilippo" : a City Down a Hill.  In: Via panoramica : revista de estudos anglo-americanos. Porto: Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Letras. Departamento de Estudos Anglo-Americanos. Vol. 2 (2005), pp. 55-69(15)

  204. Sesnic, Jelena.;
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  205. Sfariac, Iustin.;
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  206. Shawcross, John T.;
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  207. Sheldon, Leslie E.;
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  208. Short, Bryan C.;
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  209. Silverman, Gillian.;
    Sympathy and its Vicissitudes.  In: American Studies, 43:3 (Fall 2002): pp. 5-28(24)

  210. Silverman, Gillian.;
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  211. Singer,Alan.;
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  212. Skeel, David A.;
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  213. Smith, Vanessa.;
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  214. Solove, Daniel J.;
    Melville's Billy Budd and Security in Times of Crisis.  In: Cardozo Law Review Vol. 26(2005), No. 6, pp. 2443-2470(28)

  215. Spanos, William V.;
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  216. Spanos, William V.;
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  217. Spiro, Lisa.;
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  219. Stuckey, Sterling.;
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  220. Stuckey, Sterling.;
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  221. Stuckey, Sterling.;
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  222. Suggs, Robert C.;
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  223. Suggs, Robert C.;
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  224. Sullivan, Bruce M. and Hall,Patricia Wong.;
    The Whale Avatar of the Hindoos in Melville's Moby-Dick.  In: Literature and Theology, 2001; 15: pp. 358-372(15)

  225. Sundquist, Eric J.;
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  226. Thompson, Corey Evan.;
    Did Melville Write "The Death Craft"?  In: ANQ. Lexington: Spring 2005. Vol. 18, no. 2; p. 41-45 (5)

  227. Thompson, Corey Evan.;
    Melville, Ishmael, Teaching, and Whaling.  In: ANQ. Lexington: Fall 2005. Vol. 18, no. 4; p. 36-39(4)

  228. Thompson, Corey Evan.;
    Melville's "Cock-A-Doodle-Doo!": A Case Study in Bipolar Disorder.  In: ATQ(The American Transcendental Quarterly), 17(2003), pp. 43-53(11)

  229. Thompson, Corey Evan.;
    Melville's COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!  In: The Explicator. Washington: Summer 2004. Vol. 62, no. 4; p. 201-204(4)

  230. Thompson, Corey Evan.;
    Melville's THE APPLE-TREE TABLE.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Fall 2005. Vol. 64, no. 1; p. 38-41(4)

  231. Thompson, G. R.;
    Being There: Melville and the Romance of Real Life Adventure.  In: ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance, 2005; 51 (1-3 [198-200]): pp. 1-46 (46)

  232. Thompson, Terry W.;
    Melville's Moby-Dick.  In: Explicator 59.3 (2001): 130-132(3)

  233. Tichi, Cecelia.;
    Exposé and Excess.  In: American Literary History 15.4 (2003): pp. 822-829(8)

  234. Townsend, James A.;
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  235. Urban, David.;
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