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Herman, Melville(メルヴィル)研究 1991-2000年研究論文

 「白鯨」(Moby-Dick/The Whale)で有名な作家ハーマン・メルヴィル(Herman, Melville)の1991から2000年に刊行された研究論文を紹介しています。
 ここで紹介する論文・書評は企画商品CD「アメリカ文学」の「19世紀前半:ロマン主義の作家たち」の Melville 第2集 1991-2000年刊行論文集に収録しています。

  2006-2011年論文リストへ ;2001-2005年論文リストへ ;1981-1990年論文リストへ ;1970-1980年論文リストへ ;2011-2015年論文リストへ ; Moby-Dick研究(1):1991-2010年論文リストへ; Moby-Dick研究(2):1951-1990年論文リストへ]



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  1. Abbott, Collamer M.;
    Melville and the Panoramas.  In: Melville Society Extracts, 1995 June; 101: pp. 1-14 (14)

  2. Abbott, Collamer M.;
    Melville's Hawthorne and His Mosses.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Summer 1991. Vol. 49, no. 4; p. 214-215 (2)

  3. Allison, John.;
    Conservative Architecture: Hawthorne in Melville's 'I and My Chimmey'.  In: South Central Review, 1996 Spring; 13(1): pp. 17-25 (9)

  4. Alvis, John.;
    Moby-Dick and Melville's Quarrel with America.  In: Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy, vol. 23, no. 2, Winter 1996, pp. 223-247 (25)

  5. Andiano, Joseph.;
    Brother to Dragons: Race and Evolution in Moby-Dick.  In: American Transcendental Quarterly, 1996 June; 10 (2): pp. 141-154(14)

  6. Anonymous.;
    Herman Melville's: Moby Dick.  In: Literary Cavalcade. New York: Mar 1998. Vol. 50, no. 6; pp. 4-15(12)

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  7. Baayen, R. Harald.;
    The Effects of Lexical Specialization on the Growth Curve of the Vocabulary.  In: Computational Linguistics, vol. 22, no. 4, 1996 Dec; pp. 455-480 (26)

  8. Babin, James.;
    Eric Voegelin's Recovery of the Remembering Story.  In: The Southern Review. Baton Rouge: Spring 1998. Vol. 34, no. 2; pp. 341-366(26)

  9. Barker-Nunn, Jeanne.;
    The Vortex of Creation: Literary Politics and the Demise of Herman Melville's Reputation.  In: Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts, 1998 Nov; 26 (2): pp. 81-98 (18)

  10. Barnard, Rita.;
    The Smell of Apples, Moby-Dick, and Apartheid Ideology.  In: MFS: Modern Fiction Studies, 2000 Spring; 46 (1): pp. 207-226(20)

  11. Bartley, William.;
    'The Creature of His Own Tasteful Hands': Herman Melville's Benito Cereno and the 'Empire of Might'.  In: Modern Philology: A Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern Literature, 1996 May; 93 (4): pp. 445-467 (23)

  12. Bayer, Ellen M.;
    Straight from the Whale's Mouth: A Student's Experiences with Moby-Dick.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 2(2000), no. 2, pp. 47-54(8)

  13. Benito Sanchez, Jesus.;
    Discursive Conflict in Benito Cereno: Noble Savage vs. Wild Man.  In: Miscelanea, 15 (1994): pp. 37-52. (11 pp.).

  14. Bercaw, Mary K.;
    Unpainted to the Last. [Review].  In: The New England Quarterly. Brunswick: Dec 1996. Vol. 69, no. 4; p. 651-655(5)

  15. Bergmann, Hans.:
    'Turkey on his back': Bartleby and New York words.  In: Melville Society Extracts (90) 1992, pp. 16-19(4)

  16. Berthold, Dennis.;
    Class Acts: The Astor Place Riots and Melville's 'The Two Temples'.  In: American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography, 1999 Sept; 71 (3): pp. 429-461(33)

  17. Berthold, Dennis.;
    Melville, Garibaldi, and the Medusa of Revolution.  In: American Literary History, 9(1997), no. 3, p. 425-459(35)

  18. Berthold, Michael C.;
    Moby-dick and American slave narrative.  In: The Massachusetts Review. Amherst: Spring 1994. Vol. 35, no. 1; pp. 135-148(14)

  19. Bertolini, Vincent J.;
    Fireside chastity: The erotics of sentimental bachelorhood in the 1850s.  In: American Literature. Durham: Dec 1996. Vol. 68, no. 4; p. 707-737 (31)

  20. Bickman, Martin.;
    Reinventing the Whale: Teaching Moby-Dick as Aethetic Experience.  In: Melville Society Extracts, no. 117(July 1999), pp. 1-7(7)

  21. Blish, Mary.;
    The whiteness of the whale revisited.  In: CLA Journal. Baltimore: Sep 1997. Vol. 41, no. 1; pp. 55-69(15)

  22. Boren, Mark Edelman.;
    What's eating Ahab? The logic of ingestion and the performance of meaning in Moby-Dick.  In: Style. DeKalb: Spring 2000. Vol. 34, no. 1; p. 1-24(24)

  23. Bousquet, P Marc..;
    Reconsiderations--Matthew's Mosses? Fair papers and foul: A note on the Northwestern-Newberry edition of Melville's "Hawthorn and His Mosses".  In: The New England Quarterly. Brunswick: Dec 1994. Vol. 67, no. 4; p. 622-649(28)

  24. Broderick, Warren F.:
    Unmasking the Shadow at the Feast: the identity of Melville's 'widowed bride'.  In: Melville Society Extracts, (109) 1997, pp.19-24(6)

  25. Bryant, John.:
    Democracy, Being, and the Art of Becoming America. [Review Essay].  In: College English (59:6) 1997, 705-11. (1997)

  26. Bryant, John.;
    Melville's Rose Poems: As They Fell.  In: Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory, 52.4 (1996): pp. 49-84(36)

  27. Bryant, John.;
    Nuku-Hiva honors Melville's adventure in paradise; or, Call me Tommo.  In: Melville Society Extracts (90) 1992, pp. 7-11(5)

  28. Bryant, John.;
    Ordering the Rose: Melville's Poetic Revisions.  In: Melville Society Extracts, 1999 July; 117: pp. 17-18 (2)

  29. Bryant, John.;
    Pierre and Pierre: Editing and illustrating Melville.  In: College English. Urbana: Mar 1998. Vol. 60, no. 3; p. 336-341 (6)

  30. Buckley, J. F.;
    Skirting the phallus, circumscribing the community: Steelkilt as transvestic rebel.  In: Melville Society Extracts, (104) 1996, pp. 14-19(6)

  31. Buell, Lawrence.;
    Melville and the Question of American Decolonization.  In: American Literature. Durham: Jun 1992. Vol. 64, no. 2; pp. 215-237(23)

  32. Bulger, Thomas.;
    "Bartleby", Burton, and the Artistic Temperament.  In: Melville Society Extracts, 1995 June; 101: pp. 14-17(4)

  33. Buonomo, Leonardo.;
    Melville's Pierre: Don Quixote with a Vengeance.  In: Prospero: Rivista di culture anglo-germaniche, 1994; 1: pp. 41-53(13) ISSN: 1123-2684

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  34. Cahir, Linda Costanzo.;
    Routinizing the charismatic: Melville and Hollywood's three Moby-Dicks.  In: Melville Society Extracts, (110) 1997, pp. 11-17(7)

  35. Calder, Alex.;
    'The Thrice Mysterious Taboo': Melville's Typee and the Perception of Culture.  In: Representations, 1999 Summer; 67: pp. 27-43 (17)

  36. Caleb, Crain.;
    Lovers of human flesh: Homosexuality and cannibalism in Melville's novels.  In: American Literature. Durham: Mar 1994. Vol. 66, no. 1; p. 25-53(29)

  37. Castronovo, Russ.;
    Radical Configurations of History in the Era of American Slavery.  In: American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography, 1993 Sept; 65 (3): pp. 523-547 (25)

  38. Cervo, Nathan.;
    Melville's Pierre.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Summer 1993. Vol. 51, no. 4; p. 223-224 (2)

  39. Cloy, John D.;
    Fatal underestimation-Sue's Atar-Gull and Melville's "Benito Cereno".  In: Studies in Short Fiction. Newberry: Summer 1998. Vol. 35, no. 3; p. 241-249 (9)

  40. Cluff, Randall.;
    Andrew Jackson and Gansevoort Melville: Did the Old hero Hear the Young Orator, or Did Gansevoort Melville Lie?  In: Melville Society Extracts, 1999 Feb; 116: pp. 15-18 (4)

  41. Cohen, Hennig.;
    Melville's Masonic Secrets.  In: Melville Society Extracts, 1997 Mar; 108: pp. 3-17 (15)

  42. Colacurcio, Michael J.;
    Puritans in Spite.  In: Religion & Literature, 26.2 (Summer 1994), pp. 27-54(28)

  43. Colatrella, Carol.;
    The Archival Pursuit of Reading and Melville.  In: Melville Society Extracts, 1998 Mar; 112: pp. 1-10 (10)

  44. Colatrella, Carol.;
    The significant silence of race: La Cousine Bette and "Benito Cereno".  In: Comparative Literature. Eugene: Summer 1994. Vol. 46, no. 3; p. 240-266 (27)

  45. Cook, Eleanor.;
    Herman Melville and Christian Grabbe: A Source for 'The Godhead Is Broken'.  In: Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate, 1994-1995; 4 (3): pp. 225-227 (3)

  46. Cook, Jonathan A.;
    From "Myth" to "Mystery": An Emendation of The Confidence-Man.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, Mar 1999, pp. 73-78(6)

  47. Couser, G Thomas.;
    The Hunt for "Big Red": The Bedford Incident, Melville, and the Cold War.  In: Literature/Film Quarterly. Salisbury: 1996. Vol. 24, no. 1; p. 32-38(7)

  48. Cowan, Bainard.;
    Melville's soul's code.  In: The Southern Review. Baton Rouge: Summer 1997. Vol. 33, no. 3; p. 637-641(5)

  49. Cox, James H.;
    'All this water imagery must mean something': Thomas King's revisions of narratives of domination and conquest in Green Grass, Running Water.  In: American Indian Quarterly (24:2) 2000, pp. 219-246 (28)

  50. Cox, Richard H; and Dowling, Paul M.;
    Herman Melville's civil war: Lincolnian prudence in poetry.  In: Political Science Reviewer, 2000, pp. 192-295(104)

  51. Crain, Caleb.;
    Lovers of Human Flesh: Homosexuality and Cannibalism in Melville's Novels.  In: American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography, 1994 Mar; 66 (1): pp. 25-53 (29)

  52. Crawford, Michael J.;
    White Jacket and the Navy in Which Melville Served.  In: Melville Society Extracts, 1993 Sept; 94: pp. 1-5 (5)

  53. Crawford, T. Hugh (Thomas Hugh).;
    Networking the (Non) Human: Moby-Dick, Matthew Fontaine Maury, and Bruno Latour.  In: Configurations, 5, no. 1(Winter 1997), pp. 1-21(21)

  54. Cunningham, Frank R.;
    The sham of "measured forms" in Billy Budd.  In: The Journal of Aesthetic Education. Spring 2000. Vol. 34, no. 1; pp. 49-56(8)

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  55. Dameron, J. Lasley.;
    Melville and Scoresby on Whiteness.  In: English Studies 74/1(February 1993): pp. 96-104(9)

  56. Davis, Clark.;
    The Divided Body: Topographical Dualism in Moby-Dick.  In: American Transcendental Quarterly, 1991 Mar; 5 (1): pp. 31-40(10)

  57. Davis, Clark.;
    Hawthorne's Shyness: Romance and the Forms of Truth.  In: ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance, 1999; 45 (1 [174]): pp. 33-65 (33)

  58. Davis, Todd F.;
    The Narrator's Dilemma in 'Bartleby, the Scrivner': The Excellently Illustrated Re-Statement of a Problem.  In: Studies in Short Fiction 34:2 (Spring 1997): pp. 183-192(10)

  59. Degenhardt, Ruth T.;
    The Melville Morewood Collection, gift of Paul and Nancy Metcalf: a detailed inventory.  In: Melville Society Extracts (116) 1999, pp.1, 7-14(9)

  60. Delbanco, Andrew.;
    Melville in the '80s.  In: American Literary History, 4(1992): pp. 709-725(17)

  61. Deleuze. Gilles.;
    Bartleby; Or, The Formula.  In: Essays Critical and Clinical. Trans. Daniel W. Smith and Michael A. Greco. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota Press 1997. pp. 68-90(23)

  62. Dennis, Berthold.;
    Class Acts: The Astor Place Riots and Melville's "The Two Temples".  In: American Literature, Vol. 71, no. 3, September 1999, pp. 429-461(33)

  63. Derail, Agnès and Imbert, Michel.;
    The alchemical marriage in Moby-Dick; or, The Whale.  In: Social Science Information, Mar 1991; 30: pp. 133-155(23)

  64. Djelal, Juana Celia.:
    Melville's Bridal Apostrophe: Rhetorical Conventions of Connubium.  In: Melville Society Extracts, (110) 1997, pp. 1-5(5)

  65. Doble, Frank D., Jr.;
    Melville and Mariner's Tonga: New Evidence from 'Polynusia'.  In: Melville Society Extracts, 2000 Feb; 118: pp. 1-5 (5)

  66. Doloff, Steven.;
    The Prudent Samaritan: Melville's 'Bartleby, the Scrivener' as a Parody of Christ's Parable to the Lawyer.  In: Studies in Short Fiction, 34:3 (Summer 1997): pp. 357-361(5)

  67. Dove-Rumé, Janine.;
    Ishmael's Africana in Herman Melville's Moby Dick; or, The Whale.  In: Letterature d'America: Rivista Trimestrale, 1996; 16 (65): pp. 39-55 (17)

  68. Dreisinger, Batsheva.;
    "Behold the Hope Of Him is in Vain": A Hebraic Reading of Moby-Dick.  In: Melville Society Extracts, no. 114, Septmber 1998, pp. 1-4(4)

  69. Dryden, Edgar A.;
    John Marr and Other Sailors: Poetry as private utterance.  In: Nineteenth - Century Literature. Berkeley: Dec 1997. Vol. 52, no. 3; p. 326-349 (24)

  70. Dryden, Edgar A.;
    Melville as Poet.  In: Melville Society Extracts, 1999 July; 117: pp. 15-18 (4)

  71. Duban, James.;
    The Craft of Faith: A Shakespearean Echo in Clarel.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, Mar 1999, pp. 79-82(4)

  72. Duban, James.;
    Transatlantic counterparts: The diptych and social inquiry in Melville's "Poor Man's Pudding and Rich Man's Crumbs".  In: The New England Quarterly. Brunswick: Jun 1993. Vol. 66, no. 2; p. 274-286(13)

  73. Duncan, Charles S.;
    Melville's Billy Budd, Sailor.  In: The Explicator. Washington: Winter 1991. Vol. 49, no. 2; p. 89-91 (3)

  74. Dyer, Susan K.;
    Narcissism in the novels of Herman Melville.  In: Psychiatric Quarterly, Vol. 65(1994), no. 1, pp. 15-30(16)

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  75. Eldredge, Charles C.;
    Wet Paint: Herman Melville, Elihu Vedder, and Artists Undersea.  In: American Art, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Summer, 1997), pp. 106-135(30)

  76. Elisa New.;
    Bible Leaves! Bible Leaves! Hellenism Hebraism in Melville's Moby-Dick.  In: Poetics Today. Durham: Summer 1998. Vol. 19, no. 2; p. 281-303(23)

  77. Ellis, Juniper.;
    Melville's literary cartographies of the South Seas.  In: The Massachusetts Review. Amherst: Spring 1997. Vol. 38, no. 1; pp. 9-29 (21)

  78. Engel, William E.;
    Patterns of Recollections in Montaigne and Melville.  In: Connotations 7.3 (1997-1998): pp. 332-354(23)

  79. Fargnoli, Joseph.;
    Archetype and History in Melville's "The Scouttoward Aldie ".  In: Forum for Modern Language Studies, 27(1991); no. 4: pp. 333-347(15)

  80. Firestone, Evan R.;
    The Death of Moby Dick: Vincent Desiderio's "The Progress of Self Love".  In: American Art, Vol. 10, No. 2 (Summer, 1996), pp. 8-27(20)

  81. Flory, Wendy Stallard.;
    'The Diving and Ducking Moralities': Sendak's Pierre, Blake, and the Vulnerabilities of the Artist.  In: Melville Society Extracts, 1997 Dec; 111: pp. 7-17 (11)

  82. Foley, Barbara.;
    From Wall Street to Astor Place: Historicizing Melville's 'Bartleby'.  In: American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography, 2000 Mar; 72 (1): pp. 87-116 (30)

  83. Frank, Stuart M.:
    The Somers: a newly-discovered ballad text of 1842 from a contemporaneous whaleman's journal.  In: Melville Society Extracts (115) 1998, 1-7. (1998)

  84. Franklin, Benjamin, V.;
    Noli me tangere: the structure of Anaïs Nin's Under a Glass Bell.  In: Studies in Short Fiction (34:4) 1997, pp. 459-479(21)

  85. Franklin, H. Bruce.;
    Billy Budd and Capital Punishment: A Tale of Three Centuries.  In: American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography, 1997 June; 69 (2): pp. 337-359 (23)

  86. Frye, Steven.;
    Bakhtin, Dialogics, and the Aesthetics of Ambiguity in The Piazza Tales.  In: Leviathan, 1.2(1999): pp. 39-51(13)

  87. Furman, Laura.;
    Melville's house,  In: Southwest Review (85:2) Spring 2000, pp. 290-312(23)

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  88. Garner, Stanton.;
    Naples and HMS Bellipotent: Melville on the Police State.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 1999 Oct; 1 (2): pp. 53-61 (9)

  89. Gerety, Shawn F.;
    The Play's the Thing: Melville's Art of Punning in Moby-Dick.  In: Thalia: Studies in Literary Humor, 1996; 16 (1-2): pp. 53-63(11)

  90. Gloria, Horsley-Meacham.;
    Bull of the Nile: Symbol, History, and Racial Myth in "Benito Cereno".  In: The New England Quarterly. Brunswick: Jun 1991. Vol. 64, no. 2; p. 225-242(18)

  91. Goldman, Stan.;
    A source for Clarel and 'Fruit of Travel Long Ago': Bellows' The Old World in Its New Face.  In: Melville Society Extracts (90) 1992, 1, 14-16(14)

  92. Goldner, Ellen J.;
    Other(ed) ghosts: Gothicism and the bonds of reason in Melville, Chesnutt, and Morrison.  In: MELUS. Los Angeles: Spring 1999. Vol. 24, no. 1; p. 59-85 (27)

  93. Göske, Daniel.;
    Dark Satyrs, White Enthusiasts: Hawthorne's and Melville's Variations on 'St. Michael and the Dragon'.  In: Princeton University Library Chronicle, 1993 Winter-Spring; 54 (2-3): pp. 207-224 (18)

  94. Göske, Daniel.;
    Melville's Milton.  In: Princeton University Library Chronicle, 1993 Winter-Spring; 54 (2-3): pp. 296-302(7)

  95. Goudie, S.X. ;
    Fabricating ideology: Clothing, culture, and colonialism in Melville's Typee.  In: Criticism. Detroit: Spring 1998. Vol. 40, no. 2; p. 217-235 (18)

  96. Gretchko, John M. J.;
    Bower of the assassins with traces from Mardi: Melville and hashish.  In: Melville Society Extracts (113) 1998, pp. 1-6(6)

  97. Gross, Seymour L.;
    Hawthorne Versus Melville.  In: Bucknell Review, 14(1966), p. 89-109(21)

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  98. Hamilton, Christopher T.;
    Melville's Moby Dick.  In: Explicator, 1991 Spring; 49 (3): pp. 152-153 (2)

  99. Hardin, Mel A.;
    The Almstadt Melville.  In: Melville Society Extracts, 1999 Feb; 116: pp. 1-6 (6)

  100. Harrison, Colin.;
    Billy Budd.  In: Heretical necessity: Herman Melville and the fictions of charity.Thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, October 1997 . pp. 273-280(8)

  101. Harrison, Colin.;
    Contricks and Contracts: The Confidence-Man.  In: Heretical necessity: Herman Melville and the fictions of charity.Thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, October 1997 . pp. 231-272(42)

  102. Harrison, Colin.;
    I and My Chimney.  In: Heretical necessity: Herman Melville and the fictions of charity.Thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, October 1997 . pp. 212-230(19)

  103. Harrison, Colin.;
    "The Two Temples"; "Jimmy Rose".  In: Heretical necessity: Herman Melville and the fictions of charity.Thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, October 1997 . pp. 196-211(16)

  104. Harvey, Bruce A..;
    "Precepts graven on every breast": Melville's Typee and the forms of law.  In: American Quarterly. College Park: Sep 1993. Vol. 45, no. 3; pp. 394-424(30)

  105. Hattenhauer, Darryl.;
    'Follow Your Leader': Knowing One's Place in 'Benito Cereno.'  In: Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 45.1/2 (1991): pp. 7-17(11)

  106. Haydock, John.;
    Melville and Balzac: Pierre's French Model.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 2000 Mar; 2 (1): pp. 67-81 (15)

  107. Haydock, John S.;
    Melville's Seraphita: Billy Budd, Sailor.  In: Melville Society Extracts, (104) 1996, pp. 2-13(12)

  108. Hecht, Jamey.;
    Scarcity and Compensation in Moby-Dick.  In: The Massachusetts Review. Amherst: Spring 1999. Vol. 40, no. 1; pp. 111-130(20)

  109. Hewitt, Elizabeth.;
    Scarlet letters, dead letters: Correspondence and the poetics of democracy in Melville and Hawthorne.  In: The Yale Journal of Criticism. New Haven: Fall 1999. Vol. 12, no. 2; p. 295-319(25)

  110. Hinds, Elizabeth Jane Wall.;
    The Wrath of Ahab; or, Herman Melville meets Gene Roddenberry.  In: Journal of American Culture. Spring 1997. Vol. 20, no. 1; p. 43-46 (4)

  111. Howarth, William.;
    Earth Islands: Darwin and Melville in the Galapagos.  In: Iowa Review 30.3 (2000): pp. 95-113(19)

  112. Howarth, William.;
    Homage to Melville: Project Moby-Dick.  In: Princeton University Library Chronicle, 1993 Winter-Spring; 54 (2-3): pp. 225-239 (15)

  113. Howe, Lawrence.;
    The AIDS quilt and its traditions.  In: College Literature. West Chester: Jun 1997. Vol. 24, no. 2; p. 109-124(16)

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  114. John, Richard R.;
    The lost world of Bartleby, the ex-officeholder: Variations on a venerable literary form.  In: The New England Quarterly. Brunswick: Dec 1997. Vol. 70, no. 4; p. 631-641 (11)

  115. Jones, James F., Jr.;
    Camus on Kafka and Melville: An Unpublished Letter.  In: French Review, 1998 Mar; 71 (4): pp. 645-650(6)

  116. Kanoza, Theresa M.;
    The Golden Carp and Moby Dick: Rudolfo Anaya's multi-culturalism.  In: MELUS. Los Angeles: Summer 1999. Vol. 24, no. 2; p. 159-171(13)

  117. Kaplan, Carter.;
    Jules Verne, Herman Melville, and the "questions of the monster".  In: Extrapolation. Kent: Summer 1998. Vol. 39, no. 2; pp. 139-147(9)

  118. Kanoza, Theresa M.;
    The Golden Carp and Moby Dick: Rudolfo Anaya's multi-culturalism.  In: MELUS. Los Angeles: Summer 1999. Vol. 24, no. 2; pp. 159-171(13)

  119. Kazi, Alfred.;
    William James: To Be Born Again.  In: Princeton University Library Chronicle, 1993 Winter-Spring; 54 (2-3): pp. 244-258 (15)

  120. Kearns, Michael.;
    Melville's chaotic style and the use of generative models: an essay in method. (Herman Melville).  In: Style; 30(1996), no. 2, pp. 50-68(19)

  121. Keating, AnnLouise.;
    The Implications of Edwards' Theory of the Will on Ahab's Pursuit of Moby Dick.  In: English Language Notes, 28/3(March 1991): pp. 28-36(9)

  122. Kelley, Wyn.;
    Melville in the Fluid Medium: Teaching Billy Budd at MIT.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 2000 Oct; 2 (2): pp. 75-85 (11)

  123. Kelley, Wyn;
    William Kienbusch's Ahab: A Nonobjective' Aesthetic.  In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, 1999 Mar; 1 (1): pp. 57-70 (14)

  124. Kennedy, Frederick James;
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