Herman, Melville(メルヴィル)研究 2011-2015年研究論文 New
「白鯨」(Moby-Dick/The Whale)で有名な作家ハーマン・メルヴィル(Herman, Melville)研究論文を紹介しています。
ここで紹介する論文・書評は企画商品CD「アメリカ文学」の「19世紀前半:ロマン主義の作家たち」の Melville 第5集2011-2015年刊行論文集に収録しています。
2006-2011論文リストへ ;2001-2005論文リストへ ;1991-2000年論文リストへ ; 1981-1990年論文リストへ ;1970-1980年論文リストへ ; Moby-Dick研究1991-2010年論文リストへ; Moby-Dick研究(2):1951-1990年論文リストへ
- Alsop, Elizabeth.;
'The Mercurial Quality of Being': Sudden Moves in Beau Travail and Billy Budd. In: Adaptation: The Journal of Literature on Screen Studies, (7:1), 2014, pp. 14-24(11) - Alworth, David J.:
Melville in the Asylum: Literature, Sociology, Reading. In: American Literary History, (26:2) 2014, pp. 234-261(28) - Anderson, Mark.;
Melville in the Shallows. In: Philosophy and Literature, (36:2), 2012, pp. 496-503(8) - Antonucci, Anthony.;
The Beauty of the Place, in Connection with its Perilousness": Melville in the Time of Bomba's Naples. In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 41-54(14) [ Contents] - Armes, Brett.;
Mobilitas-Dick; Or, Herman Melville's Whale as Mobility. In: The Explicator, Vol. 72, Issue 3, July 2014, pp. 192-195(4) - Aronoff, Eric.;
Cultures, Canons, and Cetology: Modernist Anthropology and the Form of Culture in Lewis Mumford's Herman Melville. In: ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance, (58:2 [227]), 2012, pp. 185-217(33) - Asher, Charles.;
How Becoming Is the Divine Self. In: Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, 8(2014): 2, pp. 8-19(12) - Attell, Kevin.;
Language and Labour, Silence and Stasis: Bartleby among the Philosophers. In: Frank, Jason (ed. and introd.), Deneen, Patrick J. (foreword), A Political Companion to Herman Melville, Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2013. ix, 444 pp.(Political Companions to Great American Authors). pp. 194-228(35) [ Contents ]
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- Baker, Jennifer J.;
Dead Bones and Honest Wonders: The Aesthetics of Natural Science in Moby- Dick. In: Melville and aesthetics / edited by Samuel Otter and Geoffrey Sanborn. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-230-11379-4; pp. 85-101(17) [ Contents ] - Balée, Susan.;
Caves, Masks, and Code Switching: The Inventive Narratives of Junot Díaz. In: Hudson Review (66:2) [Summer 2013], pp. 337-352(16) - Balfour, Lawrie.;
What Babo Saw: Benito Cereno and 'the World We Live In'. In: Frank, Jason (ed. and introd.), Deneen, Patrick J. (foreword), A Political Companion to Herman Melville, Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2013. ix, 444 pp.(Political Companions to Great American Authors). pp. 259-280(22) [ Contents ] - Banisalamah, Ahmed Muhammad Faleh.;
Melville's Codes and Ambiguities in Pierre: Critical Dimensions Re-Examined. In: Canadian Social Science, vol. 11, no. 6, 07/2015, pp. 43-47(5) - Beauchamp, Gorman.;
Art and the Ambiguity of Terrorism: "Benito Cereno" to The Death of Klinghoffer. In: Southwest Review (100:3) [2015], pp. 371-403(33) - Beegel, Susan F.;
The Monster of Cojimar: A Meditation on Hemingway, Sharks, and War. In: Hemingway Review (34:2) [Spring 2015] , pp. 9-35(27) - Bellis, Peter J.;
Reconciliation as Sequel and Supplement: Drum-Taps and Battle-Pieces. In: Mickle Street Review, vol. 21, Spring 2016, pp. 1-25(25) - Benack, Carolin.;
Subtraction from Supply and Demand: Challenges to Economic Theory, Representational Power, and Systems of Reference in Melville's "Bartleby, the Scrivener". In: as peers, 8 (2015), pp. 27-47(21) - Bennett, Stephen J.;
'A Wisdom That Is Woe': Allusions to Ecclesiastes in Moby-Dick. In: Literature & Theology: An International Journal of Religion, Theory, and Culture , (27:1), 2012, pp. 48-64(17) - Bercaw Edwards, Mary K.;
"Sing in Me, Muse": Speech and Power in Typee and Melville's Other Early Writings. In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 11-24(14) [ Contents ] - Berkowitz, Roger.;
Melville's War Poetry and the Human Form. In: Frank, Jason (ed. and introd.), Deneen, Patrick J. (foreword), A Political Companion to Herman Melville, Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2013. ix, 444 pp.(Political Companions to Great American Authors). pp. 333-357(25) - Berrezoug, Hanaà.;
The Will and the Whale: Glory and the Horizon of Defiance in Herman Melville's Moby Dick. In: Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 38 (1), 2014, pp. 77-89(13) - Berthold, Dennis.;
Exceptional Rome. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (14:1), 2012, pp. 67-80(14) - Birns, Nicholas.;
'Thickly Studded Oriental Archipelagoes': Figuring the Indian and Pacific Oceans in Moby-Dick. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (14:2), 2012, pp. 4-24(21) - Blum, Hester.;
Melville and Oceanic Studies. In: Levine, Robert S. (ed. and introd.), The New Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2014. xix, 255 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 22-36(15) [ Contents ] - Blum, Hester:;
Melville and Protest; Melville Occupies Wall Street. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies (15:1) [Mar 2013] , pp. 109-115(7) - Blum, Hester:;
Melville and Whitman, Digitally Mediated. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies (16:1) [Mar 2014] , pp. 154-156(3) (TSF-E) Q - Bogue, Ronald.;
On the Superiority of Anglo-American Literature. In: Deleuze Studies, (7:3), 2013, pp. 302-318(17) - Borchert, Scott.;
Lincolniana. In: Southwest Review, vol. 100, no. 1, 2015, pp. 12-21(10) - Bosworth, David.;
Sunny Jim: The Genial Demagoguery of Ronald Reagan. In: Salmagundi , (184:), 2014, pp. 103-128(26) - Boyden, Michael.:
Allegories of War: Paul de Man's Moby-Dick Translation. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (16:3), 2014, pp. 21-38(18) - Boyden, Michael.;
A Silent Spout: Paul de Man's Moby-Dick. In: The Translator, Vol. 19, Issue 1, April 2013, pp. 25-49(25) - Boyden, Michael.;
Voiceless Ends: Melville's Benito Cereno and the Translator in Narrative Discourse. In: Language and Literature: Journal of the Poetics and Linguistics Association , vol. 23(2014), no. 4, pp. 255-269(15) - Brander Rasmussen, Birgit.;
Indigenous Literacies, Moby-Dick, and the Promise of Queequeg's Coffin. In: Journal of Transnational American Studies, (4:1), 2012, pp. 111-120, 177-178 (12) - Brennan, Kathleen P.J.;
Heterotopias in Medieval Welsh tales, Herman Melville, and China Mieville. In: The ISA Annual Meeting, 2014. 19 pp. - Broderick, Warren F.;
Deceased but Not Forgotten: Obituaries for Herman Melville in the Upstate Press. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (16:2), 2014, pp. 58-68(11) - Bryant, John.;
How Billy Budd Grew Black and Beautiful: Versions of Melville in the Digital Age. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (16:1), 2014, pp. 60-86(27) - Bryant, John.;
Wound, Beast, Revision: Versions of the Melville Meme. In: Levine, Robert S. (ed. and introd.), The New Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2014. xix, 255 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 202-218(17) - Bryant John, Mariani Giorgio, and Poole Gordon.;
Introduction: "Roman Arches Over Indian Rivers. In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 1-10(10) - Buehlmaier, Nicole.;
Constructing the American Identity: Native Americans as Mythological Past. In: Argus-a, Vol. III Edicion No 13, July 2014, 20 pp.
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- Caddell, Jillian Spivey.;
Melville's Epitaphs: On Time, Place, and War. In: New England Quarterly: A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters , (87:2), 2014, pp. 292-318(27) - Calder, Alex.;
Blubber: Melville's Bad Writing. In: Melville and aesthetics / edited by Samuel Otter and Geoffrey Sanborn. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-230-11379-4; pp. 11-31(21) [ Contents ] - Calvin, Aaron.;
New York City Moby-Dick Marathon. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (15:1), 2013, pp. 104-107(4) - Cappello, Mary.;
My Secret, Private Errand (An Essay/Memoir on Love and Theft). In: Salmagundi: a quarterly of the humanities & social sciences (180/181) [Fall 2013], pp. 135-183(49) (TSF-E) Q - Caserio, Robert L.;
To Terminus build fanes!": Faith and Democracy in Clarel, Disraeli, and Henry Adams. In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 133-146(14) [ Contents ] - Castiglia, Christopher.;
Cold War Allegories and the Politics of Criticism. In: Levine, Robert S. (ed. and introd.), The New Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2014. xix, 255 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 219-232(14) [ Contents ] - Castronovo, Russ.;
Occupy Bartleby. In: J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists , (2:2), 2014, pp. 253-272 (20) - Christodoulou, Athanasius C.;
A Double Prelude on Melville's Moby-Dick: 'Etymology' & 'Extracts'. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (16:1), 2014, pp. 5-21(17) (TSF-E) Q - Chura, Patrick.;
Demon est deus inversus: Literary Cartography in Melville's "The Encantadas". In: 49th Parallel, Issue 35 (2015), 29 pp. - Coleman, Dawn.;
Senecan Self-Command and the Rhetoric of the Fugitive Slave. In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 69-81(13) - Collins, Michael James.;
'The Master-Key of Our Theme': Master Betty and the Politics of Theatricality in Herman Melville's 'The Fiddler'. In: Journal of American Studies , (47:3), 2013, pp. 759-776(18) - Cook, Jonathan A.;
"Are Ye Gods?": Interrogating the Divine in Melville's Timoleon Etc. In: EAPSU Online: A Journal of Critical and Creative Work, vol. 8(2011), pp. 6-53(48) - Coviello, Peter.;
Battle Music: Melville and the Forms of War. In: Melville and aesthetics / edited by Samuel Otter and Geoffrey Sanborn. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-230-11379-4; pp. 193-212(20) - Crain, Caleb.;
Melville's Secrets. In: Leviathan, (14:3), 2012, pp. 6-24(19) - Crane, Gregg.;
Judgment in Billy Budd. In: Levine, Robert S. (ed. and introd.), The New Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2014. xix, 255 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 142-154(13) - Culbert, Jennifer L.;
Melville's Law. In: Frank, Jason (ed. and introd.), Deneen, Patrick J. (foreword), A Political Companion to Herman Melville, Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2013. ix, 444 pp.(Political Companions to Great American Authors). pp. 386-412(27) [ Contents ]
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- Davis, Theo.;
Melville's Ornamentation: On Irrelevant Beauty. In: Melville and aesthetics / edited by Samuel Otter and Geoffrey Sanborn. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-230-11379-4; pp. 33-47(15) [ Contents ] - Dayan, Colin.;
Bartleby's Screen. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melvilles Studies, Vol. 17(2015), no. 2, pp. 1-17(17) - De Villiers, Dawid W.;
Being at Sea: Ontologising the Sea Narrative. In: English Studies in Africa: A Journal of the Humanities , (55:1), 2012, pp. 35-49 (15) - Delombard, Jeannine Marie.;
White-Jacket: Telling Who Is-and Aint-a Slave. In: Levine, Robert S. (ed. and introd.), The New Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2014. xix, 255 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 51-67(17) [ Contents ] - Diken, Bulent.;
Fire as a Metaphor of (Im)Mobility. In: Mobilities, Vol. 6, Issue 1, February 2011, pp. 95-102(8) - Dimock, Wai Chee.;
Epic Relays: C. L. R. James, Herman Melville, Frank Stella. In: Comparatist: Journal of the Southern Comparative Literature Association , (38:), 2014, pp. 148-157(10) - Dingledine, Don.;
"In Landlessness Alone Resides the Highest Truth"; or, At Sea with Honors. In: Honors in Practice, vol. 9(2013), pp. 15-26(12) - Dowling, David.;
Reporting the Revolution: Margaret Fuller, Herman Melville, and the Italian Risorgimento. In: American Journalism, Vol. 31, Issue 1, January 2014, pp. 26-48(23) - Dryden, Edgar A.;
Poet as Editor: Melville's Ironic Muse in the Burgundy Club Materials. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (14:1), 2012, pp. 24-35(12) - Drysdale, David J.;
Melville's Motley Crew: History and Constituent Power in Billy Budd. In: Nineteenth-Century Literature, (67:3), 2012, pp. 312-336(25) - DuBois, Andrew.;
Melvillean Provocation and the Critical Art of Devotion. In: Melville and aesthetics / edited by Samuel Otter and Geoffrey Sanborn. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-230-11379-4; pp. 49-63(15) - Dubsky, Irina.;
Patterns of Initiation in Herman Melville's Bartleby the Scrivener. A Story of Wall Street. In: Language and Literature : European Landmarks of Identity, vol. 1, no. 10, 01/2012, pp. 86-92(7) - Ducharme, Edward R.;
A Response to Peter and Corrine's Essay New Criticism. In: Style (48:1) [Spring 2014] , pp. 48-53(6) - Dumm, Thomas.;
The Metaphysics of Indian-Hating Revisited. In: Frank, Jason (ed. and introd.), Deneen, Patrick J. (foreword), A Political Companion to Herman Melville, Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2013. ix, 444 pp.(Political Companions to Great American Authors). pp. 310-332(23) [ Contents ] - Dunlap-Smith, Aimery de France.;
Raymond Weaver, Melville Revival Pioneer: An Annotated Checklist. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (15:1), 2013, pp. 63-80(18) - Duquette, Elizabeth.;
Pierre's Nominal Conversions. In: Melville and aesthetics / edited by Samuel Otter and Geoffrey Sanborn. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-230-11379-4; pp. 117-135(19) - Duquette, Elizabeth.;
Prophecies of Leviathan: Reading Past Melville. [ Review Essay]. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies (14:3) Oct 2012, pp. 65-69(5)
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- Eagle, Christopher.;
Organic Hesitancies: Stuttering and Sexuality in Melville, Kesey, and Mishima. In: comparative literature studies, vol. 48, no. 2, 2011, pp. 200-218(19) - Eckel, Leslie Elizabeth.;
Oceanic Mirrors: Atlantic Literature and the Global Chaosmos. In: Atlantic Studies: Literary, Cultural, and Historical Perspectives , (11:1), 2014, pp. 128-144(17) - Edelman, Charles.;
George Chapman's ALL FOOLS. In: The Explicator, 72(2014): 1, pp. 49-52(4) - Edwards, Brian.;
Playful Learning: Melville's Artful Art in Moby-Dick. In: Australasian Journal of American Studies, 2015, 13 pp. - Euben, J. Peter.;
What Good Is Innocence? In: In Search of Goodness. edited by Ruth W. Grant. The University of Chicago Press, 2011. isbn-13: 978-0-226-30683-4; pp. 71-89(19) - Fabian, Ann.;
An education on a whale ship. In: Rethinking History, Vol. 15, Issue 1, March 2011, pp. 135-138(4) - Fee, Tara Robbins.;
Irreconcilable Differences: Voice, Trauma, and Melville's Moby-Dick. In: Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature , (45:4), 2012, pp. 137-153(17) - Ferguson, Kennan.;
Who Eats Whom? Melville's Anthropolitics at the Dawn of Pacific Imperialism. In: Frank, Jason (ed. and introd.), Deneen, Patrick J. (foreword), A Political Companion to Herman Melville, Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2013. ix, 444 pp.(Political Companions to Great American Authors). pp. 21-41(21) [ Contents ] - Fisher, Claudine.;
Nicolas Dickner: The Writer's Games. In: American Review of Canadian Studies,Vol. 41, Issue 2, June 2011, pp. 150-164(15) - Flory, Wendy Stallard.;
Melville's 'Statues in Rome,' Billy Budd, and the Death of Delight. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (15:3), 2013, pp. 66-80(15) (TSF-E) Q - Flower, Dean.;
Vengeance on a Dumb Brute, Ahab? An Environmentalist Reading of Moby-Dick. In: Hudson Review (66:1) [Spring 2013] , pp. 135-152(18) (TSF-E) Q - Folsom, Ed.;
'That Towering Bulge of Pure White': Whitman, Melville, the Capitol Dome, and Black America. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (16:1), 2014, pp. 87-120(34) (TSF-E) - Ford, Sean.;
Authors, Speakers, Readers in a Trio of Sea-Pieces in Herman Melville's John and Other Sailors. In: Nineteenth-Century Literature , (67:2), 2012, pp. 234-258(25) (TSF-E) Calforni - Frank, Jason.;
Introduction: American Tragedy: The Political Thought of Herman Melville. In: Frank, Jason (ed. and introd.), Deneen, Patrick J. (foreword), A Political Companion to Herman Melville, Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2013. ix, 444 pp. (Political Companions to Great American Authors). pp. 1-20(20) - Frank, Jason.;
The Lyre of Orpheus: Aesthetics and Authority in Billy Budd. In: Frank, Jason (ed. and introd.), Deneen, Patrick J. (foreword), A Political Companion to Herman Melville, Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2013. ix, 444 pp.(Political Companions to Great American Authors). pp. 358-385(28) - Frank, Michael C.;
"A Mark lndelible": Herman Melville and the Cross-Cultural History of Tattooing in the Nineteenth Century. In: Sebastian Jobs Gesa Mackenthun (eds.)., Embodiments of Cultural Encounters. Waxmann 2011. pp. 41-59(19) - Frank, Søren.;
Melville's Broad Present: Nostalgia, Presentiment, and Prophecy in Moby-Dick. In: Claus Schatz Jakobsen, Peter Simonsen, Tom Petitt( eds)., The Book Out of Bounds: Essays Presented to Lars Ole Sauerberg. Aktuel forskning, 2015. pp. 67-85(19) - Franzoni, Andrea.;
From the Sea to Deep Space: the Leviathan in Herman Melville, Stefano D'Arrigo and Howard P. Lovecraft. In: Disputatio Philosophica, Vol.15, No.1, 2014. pp. 81-90(10) - Freeburg, Christopher.;
Embodying the "Assaults of Time" "The Encantadas". In: Melville and the Idea of Blackness : Race and Imperialism in Nineteenth-Century America. By Christopher Freeburg. cambridge University Press, 2012. iSbn 978-1-107-02206-5; pp. 132-163(32) - Freeburg, Christopher.;
Introduction: Resurrecting Blackness. In: Melville and the Idea of Blackness : Race and Imperialism in Nineteenth-Century America. By Christopher Freeburg. cambridge University Press, 2012. iSbn 978-1-107-02206-5; pp. 1-19(19) - Freeburg, Christopher.;
Knowing the "Bottomless Deep" Moby-Dick. In: Melville and the Idea of Blackness : Race and Imperialism in Nineteenth-Century America. By Christopher Freeburg. cambridge University Press, 2012. iSbn 978-1-107-02206-5; pp. 20-60(41) - Freeburg, Christopher.;
Living "Within the Maelstrom" Pierre. In: Melville and the Idea of Blackness : Race and Imperialism in Nineteenth-Century America. By Christopher Freeburg. cambridge University Press, 2012. iSbn 978-1-107-02206-5; pp. 61-92(32) - Freeburg, Christopher.;
Thwarting the "Regulated Mind" "Benito Cereno". In: Melville and the Idea of Blackness : Race and Imperialism in Nineteenth-Century America. By Christopher Freeburg. cambridge University Press, 2012. iSbn 978-1-107-02206-5; pp. 93-131(39)
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- Gabriele, Alberto.;
Traces and Origins, Signs and Meanings: Analogy and the Pre-cinematic Imagination in Melville's Pierre, or, the Ambiguities. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (15:1), 2013, pp. 46-62(17) (TSF-E) - Goesl, Boris.;
"He told us what it meant." Faulkner, Mann, and Melville: Engendering a Troubled Narration, or. In: Faulkner at West Point: The Writer in Public. 2nd William Faulkner Conference in Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of William Faulkner's Historic Visit to the United States Military Academy at West Point. April 19-21, 2012. 23 pp. - Gollard, Russell Patrick.;
The Lusiad and 'Isle of the Cross'. In: Leviathan, (14:3), 2012, pp. 43-47(5) - Göske, Daniel.;
"Measured forms": Translations and Transformations of Billy Budd, 1935-1942. In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 223-239(17) [ Contents ] - Greiman, Jennifer.;
Democracy and Melville's Aesthetics. In: Levine, Robert S. (ed. and introd.), The New Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2014. xix, 255 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 37-50(14) [ Contents ] - Greiman, Jennifer.;
Theatricality, Strangeness, and the Aesthetics of Plurality in The Confidence- Man. In: Melville and aesthetics / edited by Samuel Otter and Geoffrey Sanborn. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-230-11379-4; pp. 173-192(20) [ Contents ] - Greiman, Jennifer.;
Impossible Adjuncts: Democracy, Exceptionalism, and Pierre. In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 159-171(13) - Greiman, Jennifer:;
Ugly Feelings. [Review Essay]. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies (14:3) [Oct 2012], pp. 70-75(6) - Grgas, Stipe.;
What Does Melville See on the Ocean? In: [sic] - a journal of literature, culture and literary translation, No. 1 - Year 7, 12/2016, pp. 1-24(24) - Gretchko, John M.;
The Florence. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (16:1), 2014, pp. 22-32(11) (TSF-E) - Greven, David.;
American Shudders: Race, Representation, and Sodomy in Redburn. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (16:2), 2014, pp. 1-22(22) - Grieve-Carlson, Gary.;
'The House-Top': Melville's Poem of Force. In: War, Literature, and the Arts: An International Journal of the Humanities, (24:), 2012, 10 pp. - Gross, Jeff.;
Sustaining Refusal and Imagining New Societies: The Scarlet Letter, "Bartleby," and the Production of "Somewhere Else". In: Recipient of the James R. (Dick) Bennett Award for Literature and Peace. CEA Critic, Nov 2013. pp. 212-223(12) (TSF-E) Q - Gullestad, Anders M.Y.;
Man or animal? ≪Benevolent≫ dehumanization in Melville's Benito Cereno In:Hagen, Margareth; Koppen, Randi; Skagen, Margery Vibe.?The Human and its Limits: Explorations in Science, Literature and the Visual Arts. Scandinavian Academic Press, 2011.ISBN: 978-82-304-0067-8: pp. 97-118(22) - Gustafson, Sandra M.;
Orality and Literacy in Transatlantic Perspective. In: 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, (18:), 2014, 30 paragraphs. 19 pp. - Gutkin, Len.;
The Feral Sublime: Caspar Hauser and Melville's Pierre. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (15:2), 2013, pp. 20-36(17) - Gutkin, Len.;
Len Gutkin Responds to Ralph James Savarese. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (15:2), 2013, pp. 41-42(2)
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- Hageman, Andrew.;
Dead Whale Watching. In: Evental Aesthetics, vol. 2(2013), no. 2, pp. 98-110(13) - Han, Kwangtaek.;
'Benito Cereno' and Antebellum Epistemological Ideology. In: British and American Fiction , (21:1), 2014, pp. 103-127(25) - Hardack, Richard.;
'From Whaling to Armaments to Food': Melville's, Pynchon's and Wedde's Economies of the Pacific. In: Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction , (54:2), 2013, pp. 161-180 (20) - Hardack, Richard.;
'Thou Shalt Not Be Cozened': Incest, Self-Reliance, and the Portioning of Gendered Bodies in the Works of Herman Melville. In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language, (55:3), 2013, pp. 253-306(54) - Harris, Trish. et al.;
Remaking Moby-Dick. Permuted Press, 2013, 260 pp. - Harison, Casey.;
Redemptive violence and stuttering across the Atlantic: The Who's "My Generation" and Herman Melville's Billy Budd in historical perspective. In: Atlantic Studies, Vol. 8, Issue 1, March 2011, pp. 49-68(20) - Havard, John C.;
Ironizing Identity: Cosmopolitanism and Herman Melville's 'Benito Cereno' as Critique of Hispanicist Exceptionalism. In: Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory , (25:2), 2014, pp. 128-150(23) (In special issue: "Literary Counterhistories of US Exceptionalism".) - Hecht, Roger W.;
'Mighty Lordships in the Heart of the Republic': The Anti-Rent Subtext to Pierre. In: Frank, Jason (ed. and introd.), Deneen, Patrick J. (foreword), A Political Companion to Herman Melville, Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2013. ix, 444 pp. (Political Companions to Great American Authors). pp. 141-161(21) [ Contents ] - Heddendorf, David.;
Reading at whim: beyond Moby-Dick. In: Sewanee Review (120:4) [Fall 2012] , pp. 584-589(6) (TSF) - Herbert, T. Walter.;
Stronger than the Sword: Billy Budd and the Contagion of Democracy. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (16:3), 2014, pp. 57-73(17) (TSF-E) Q - Hess, Andreas.;
Radical Protestantism and doux commerce: the trials and tribulations of Nantucket's Quaker whaling community. In: Economy and Society, Vol. 41, Issue 2, May 2012, pp. 227-257(31) - Hines, Andy.;
Herman Melville's navigational aesthetic. In: English Language Notes, (52:1) 2014, pp. 165-174(10) - Hole, Jeffrey.;
Enforcement on a Grand Scale: Fugitive Intelligence and the Literary Tactics of Douglass and Melville. In: American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography, (85:2), 2013, pp. 217-246(30) - Hughes, Jennifer A. & Nel, Philip.;
Re-imagining America: Jeff Smith, Herman Melville, and national dreamscapes. In: Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics, Vol. 4, Issue 1, June 2013, pp. 117-133(17) - Hunter, Samuel D.;
The Whale. In: American Theatre (30:2) Feb 2013, 61,64-79(17) - Hutchins, Zach.;
Miscegenetic Melville: Race and Reconstruction in Clarel. In: ELH , (80:4), 2013, pp. 1173-1203(31) - Ikoku, Alvan A.;
Images of Healing and Learning: Refusal in "Bartleby, the Scrivener": Narrative Ethics and Conscientious Objection. In: Virtual Mentor: American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, Vol. 15, no. 3 March 2013, pp. 249-256(8) - Illouz, Claire.;
The Whiteness, an Unreadable Book. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (15:3), 2013, pp. 6-15(10) - Isbell, Mary.;
P(l)aying off Old Ironsides and the Old Wagon: Melville's Depiction of Shipboard Theatricals in White-Jacket. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (15:1), 2013, pp. 6-30(25)
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- Jędrzejko, Paweł.;
The Tranquility of the Ocean. On Melville's Philosophy of Participation. In:Secret Sharers: Melville, Conrad and Narratives of the Real, red. Paweł Jędrzejko, Milton M. Reigelman, Zuzanna Szatanik. Zabrze: M-Studio, 2011, pp. 371-385(15) - Jonik, Michael.;
Melville's 'Permanent Riotocracy'. Frank, Jason (ed. and introd.), Deneen, Patrick J. (foreword), A Political Companion to Herman Melville, Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2013. ix, 444 pp.(Political Companions to Great American Authors). pp. 229-258(30) [ Contents ] - Kaiser, Dani.;
The Literary Significance of Herman Melville's Benito Cereno: An Analytical Reflection on Benito Cereno as a Fictional Narrative. Marquette University. 4997 English Capstone. Fall 2015. 17 pp. - Kastner, Tal.;
"Bartleby": A Story of Boilerplate. In: Law & Literature, Vol. 23, Issue 3, September 2011, pp. 365-404(40) - Kelley, Wyn.;
Melville's Carnival Neighborhood. In: Lectora, 20 (2014), pp. 47-60(14) - Kelley, Wyn.;
Pierre, Life History, and the Obscure. In: Levine, Robert S. (ed. and introd.), The New Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2014. xix, 255 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 85-98(14) [ Contents ] - Ketterer, David.;
'Loomings' in Redburn: Melville's 'Prince of W[H/I]ales' and the Point Lynas Lighthouse. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (15:1), 2013, pp. 31-45(15) - King, Richard J:;
Stitching the Sublime: An Interview with Tristin Lowe, Sculptor of Mocha Dick. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies (14:3) [Oct 2012] , pp. 49-59(11) - Knoll, Amy.;
Authoritarian and Authorial Power in Herman Melville's Moby-Dick. In: Oshkosh Scholar, vol. VIII(2013), pp. 40-55(16) - Kollin, Susan.;
Reading Typee in Cairo: Cosmopolitanism, Cultural Exchange, and "The Gift that Keeps on Taking". In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 209-221(13) [ Contents ] - Kudlata, Madeline.;
Interpretations of Herman Melville's Moby-Dick in the Field of Visual Arts. Marquette University. 4997 English Capstone. Fall 2015. 22 pp.
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- Lamm, Zachary.;
'That Darker, Though Truer Aspect of Things': Melville's Failed Romances. In: Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, (47:2), 2014, pp. 1-16(16) - Largeaud-Ortega, Sylvie,;
Stevenson's The Ebb-Tide, or Virgil's Aeneid Revisited: How Literature May Make or Mar Empires. In: Victorian Literature and Culture (41:3) [Sep 2013] , pp. 561-593(33) - Lee, Maurice S.;
Skepticism and The Confidence-Man. In: Levine, Robert S. (ed. and introd.), The New Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2014. xix, 255 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 113-126(14) [ Contents ] - Lee, Yonghwa.;
Saying Yes to Life, Even to Death: A Nietzschean Reading of Billy Budd's Acceptance of Death. In: Explicator, (72:1), 2014, pp. 61-66(6) - Lemos, Márcia.;
Pequod or "the black tragedy of the melancholy ship": A Reading of Herman Melville's Moby-Dick. In: Panoramica: Revista Electronica de Estudos Anglo-Americanos / An Anglo-American Studies Journal. 3rd series. 2 (2013): pp. 58-73(16) - Levine, Robert S.;
Introduction. In: Levine, Robert S. (ed. and introd.), The New Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2014. xix, 255 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 1-9(9) - Levine, Robert S.;
Melville and Americanness: A Problem. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (16:3), 2014, pp. 5-20(16) - Levine, Robert S.;
The Revolutionary Aesthetics of Israel Potter. In: Melville and aesthetics / edited by Samuel Otter and Geoffrey Sanborn. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-230-11379-4; pp. 157-171(15) [ Contents ] - Liang Ying.;
Facts or Quests: The Controversy Around the Facts of Melville's Stay in Marquesas. In: Journal of Literature and Art Studies, November 2015, Vol. 5, No. 11, pp. 997-1002(6) - Long, James Weldon.;
Plunging into the Atlantic: The oceanic order of Herman Melville's Moby-Dick. In: Atlantic Studies, Vol. 8, Issue 1, March 2011, pp. 69-91(23) - Looby, Christopher.;
Strange Sensations: Sex and Aesthetics in "The Counterpane". In: Melville and aesthetics / edited by Samuel Otter and Geoffrey Sanborn. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-230-11379-4; pp. 65-84(20) - Louis Lo.;
Justice and "Divine Violence" in Melville's Billy Budd. In: Philosophy Study, April 2015, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 187-196(10)
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- Magnet, Alec.;
The Queer, Statistical Kinship of Tennyson and Melville. In: Queer Victorian Families: Curious Relations in Literature. Edited by Duc Dau and Shale Preston. Routledge, 2015. pp. 176-194(19) - Mahmoudi, Nasser and Azizmohammadi, Fatemeh.;
Traces of Religion and Science in Herman Melville's Moby Dick. In: 2011 International Conference on Languages, Literature and Linguistics IPEDR vol.26 (2011), pp. 154-158(5) - Marasco, Anthony Louis.;
Impending Doom: Melville's Historical Subtext in "The Bell-Tower". In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 109-120(12) [ Contents ] - Mariani, Giorgio.;
Ahab, Ulysses, and the White Whale: Vittorio Gassman's Adaptatin of Moby-Dick. In: Iperstoria, Issue 5 - Spring 2015, pp. 168-176(9) - Mariani, Giorgio.;
Pulp(y) Fiction: A Dylan Dog Adaptation of Moby-Dick. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, vol. 15(2013), no. 3, pp. 90-103(14) - Mariotti, Shannon L.;
Melville and the Cadaverous Triumphs of Transcendentalism. In: Frank, Jason (ed. and introd.), Deneen, Patrick J. (foreword), A Political Companion to Herman Melville, Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2013. ix, 444 pp.(Political Companions to Great American Authors). pp. 162-193(32) [ Contents ] - Marr, Timothy.;
Melville's Planetary Compass. In: Levine, Robert S. (ed. and introd.), The New Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2014. xix, 255 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 187-201(15) [ Contents ] - Matteson, John.;
Melville Biography: An Inside Narrative. [Review Essay]. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies (16:3) [Oct 2014], pp. 83-89(7) - McAdams, James.;
Melville's Pierre and the "Church of the Bohemians". In: Connotations, Vol. 25, no. 1 (2015/2016), pp. 74-90(17) - McGuire, John Thoma.;
A Mentor-Protégé Relationship?: Orson Welles, Patrick McGoohan, and The Prisoner Television Series. In: Quarterly Review of Film and Video, Vol. 31, Issue 7, October 2014, pp. 647-655(9) - McWilliams, Susan.;
Ahab, American. In: Frank, Jason (ed. and introd.), Deneen, Patrick J. (foreword), A Political Companion to Herman Melville, Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2013. ix, 444 pp.(Political Companions to Great American Authors). pp. 109-140(32) - Meehan, Adam.;
"All the World's a Stage": Performance in Herman Melville's THE CONFIDENCE-MAN: HIS MASQUERADE, In: The Explicator, 69(2011): 4, pp. 167-170(4) - Metzger, James A.;
Reclaiming "a dark and malefic sacred" for a Theology of Disability. In: Journal of Religion, Disability & Health, Vol. 15, Issue 3, July 2011, pp. 296-316(21) - Mihic, Sophia.;
'The End Was in the Beginning': Melville, Ellison, and the Democratic Death of Progress in Typee and Omoo. In: Frank, Jason (ed. and introd.), Deneen, Patrick J. (foreword), A Political Companion to Herman Melville, Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2013. ix, 444 pp.(Political Companions to Great American Authors). pp. 42-69(28) - Miller, Andrew.;
Favoring Nature: Herman Melville's 'On the Photograph of a Corps Commander'. In: Journal of American Studies, (46:3), 2012, pp. 663-679(17) - Miskolcze, Robin.;
The Lawyer's Trouble with Cicero in Herman Melville's 'Bartleby, the Scrivener'. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (15:2), 2013, pp. 43-53(21) - Monfort, Bruno.;
Proserpine upon the Coin: Melville's Quest for Greek Beauty in "Syra". In: Transatlantica, 2(2015), 19 pp. - Moore, Scott E.;
Democracy in the Darbies: Martial Law and the State of Exception in Melville's Billy Budd. In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 173-183(11) - Mori, Giuliano.;
Toward an Anti-Fascist Interpretation of Pavese's Translation of "Benito Cereno". In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 255-268(14)
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- Nediger, Will.;
Whorfianism in Colonial Encounters from Melville to Miéville. In: Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, (47:3), 2014, pp. 19-34(16) - Nori, Giuseppe.;
Democracy in America: Melville, "The Encantadas," and the History of the Vanquished. In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 95-108(14) [ Contents ] - Nurmi, Tom.;
Shadows in the Shenandoah: Melville, Slavery, and the Elegiac Landscape. In: Mickle Street Review, 21, Spring 2016, pp. 1-28(28) - Nwankwo, Ifeoma Kiddoe.;
Excerpt from Black Cosmopolitanism: Racial Consciousness and Transnational Identity in the Nineteenth-Century Americas. In: Journal of Transnational American Studies, 6(1) (2015), 29 pp. - Otter, Samuel.;
Reading Moby-Dick. In: Levine, Robert S. (ed. and introd.), The New Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2014. xix, 255 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 68-84(17) [ Contents ] - Otter, Samuel and Sanborn, Geoffrey.;
Introduction: Aesthetics and Melville. In: Melville and aesthetics / edited by Samuel Otter and Geoffrey Sanborn. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-230-11379-4; pp. 1-10(10) [ Contents ] - Pardes, Ilana.;
Melville's Song of Songs: Clarel as Aesthetic Pilgrimage. In: Melville and aesthetics / edited by Samuel Otter and Geoffrey Sanborn. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-230-11379-4; pp. 213-233(20) - Parker, Hershel:
Walter E. Bezanson: A Memorial. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (14:1) [Mar 2012], pp. 37-42(6) - Pavel, Laura.;
On Diving into Artistic Potentiality - The Infra-Gaze of Interpretation. In: Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies, 1.1 (2015), pp. 36-49(14) - Peña, Laura López.;
"And what is stable?": The Fate of Democracy in Clarel and the Creation of a Democratic Poem. In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 147-158(12) - Pfeiler, Martina.;
Hunting Moby Dick: Melville in the Global Context of the American Studies Classroom. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (15:3), 2013, pp. 81-89(9) - Poole, Gordon M.;
American Risorgimento: Herman Melville and the Cultural Politics of Italy. [ Review Essay]. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (14:1) [Mar 2012] , pp. 50-56(7) - Poole, Gordon M.;
'Chafing against the Metric Bound': Melville the Poet. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (14:1), 2012, pp. 81-93(13) - Pratt, Casey.:;
'These things took the shape of mystery': Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl as American romance. In: African American Review, (47:1) [Spring 2014], pp. 69-81(13) - Price, Kenneth M.;
Walt Whitman and Civil War Washington. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (16:1), 2014, pp. 121-134(14) - Proietti, Salvatore.;
In the Shadow of No Whales: Rewriting Moby-Dick in Samuel R. Delany's Nova. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (15:3), 2013, pp. 104-116(13) - Puxan-Oliva, Marta.;
"Shaving the Tale": Barbers and the Narration of Racial Relations in Melville's "Benito Cereno" and Chesnutt's "The Doll". In: Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies, 38.2 (December 2016): pp. 27-44(18)
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- Quigley, Katelyn.;
Biography and Broken Barriers: Melville's Use of Personal Experience and Social Groups to Achieve Commentary in Typee and Redburn. Marquette University. 4997 English Capstone. Fall 2015. 21 pp. - Radoulska, Svetlana Stefanova.;
The poetry of loneliness Herman Melville's "The paradise of bachelors and the tartarus of maids", Saul Bellow's "Something to remember me by", Bharati Mukherjee's "The management of grief". In: Grove: Working papers on English studies, ISSN 1137-005X, No 20, 2013, pags. 134-152(19) - Ralph, Iris.;
Tall-fins and tale-ends in Taiwan: cetacean exploitation, oil refineries and Moby-Dick. In: Journal of Ecocriticism (6:1), 2014. pp. 1-12(12) [2014-Ralph] - Renker, Elizabeth.;
Melville and the Worlds of Civil War Poetry. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (16:1), 2014, pp. 135-152(18) - Renker, Elizabeth.;
Melville the Poet in the Postbellum World. In: Levine, Robert S. (ed. and introd.), The New Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2014. xix, 255 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 127-141(15) [ Contents ] - Reyes, Tony de los.;
A Closer Reading. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (15:3), 2013, pp. 16-26(11) - Ricciardi, Cnterina.;
The Whale and Ovid's Metamorphoses. In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 83-93(11) [ Contents ] - Richards, Phillip M.;
American Romantic, Post-Romantic, and Symbolist. In: American Poetry Review (Philadelphia, PA) (44:4) Jul/Aug 2015, pp. 29-32(4) - Rigal, Laura.;
Pulled by the Line: Speed and Photography in Moby- Dick. In: Melville and aesthetics / edited by Samuel Otter and Geoffrey Sanborn. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-230-11379-4; pp. 103-115(13) [ Contents ] - Rochlitz, Hanna.;
An affinity of literary imagination: some aspects of Forster's and Melville's narrative strategies. In: Hanna Rochlitz., Sea-changes: Melville - Forster - Britten: The story of Billy Budd and its Operatic Adaptation. Universitatsverlag Gottingen 2012. ISBN: 978-3-86395-045-3; pp. 191-198(8) - Rochlitz, Hanna.;
Billy Budd: a man "in the precise meaning of the word". In: Hanna Rochlitz., Sea-changes: Melville - Forster - Britten: The story of Billy Budd and its Operatic Adaptation. Universitatsverlag Gottingen 2012. ISBN: 978-3-86395-045-3; pp. 392-417(26) - Rochlitz, Hanna.;
Billy Budd : novella and opera. In: Hanna Rochlitz., Sea-changes: Melville - Forster - Britten: The story of Billy Budd and its Operatic Adaptation. Universitatsverlag Gottingen 2012. ISBN: 978-3-86395-045-3; pp. 29-143(115) - Rochlitz, Hanna.;
Forster reads Melville: the first encounter. In: Hanna Rochlitz., Sea-changes: Melville - Forster - Britten: The story of Billy Budd and its Operatic Adaptation. Universitatsverlag Gottingen 2012. ISBN: 978-3-86395-045-3; pp. 147-162(16) - Rochlitz, Hanna.;
Forster's "little phrases": pan-Forsterian textual leitmotifs. In: Hanna Rochlitz., Sea-changes: Melville - Forster - Britten: The story of Billy Budd and its Operatic Adaptation. Universitatsverlag Gottingen 2012. ISBN: 978-3-86395-045-3; pp. 199-256(58) - Rochlitz, Hanna.;
Let's make an opera (I): the genesis of Billy Budd. In: Hanna Rochlitz., Sea-changes: Melville - Forster - Britten: The story of Billy Budd and its Operatic Adaptation. Universitatsverlag Gottingen 2012. ISBN: 978-3-86395-045-3; pp. 453-480(28) - Rochlitz, Hanna.;
Mutiny and homosexuality in Billy Budd: queer reading(s). In: Hanna Rochlitz., Sea-changes: Melville - Forster - Britten: The story of Billy Budd and its Operatic Adaptation. Universitatsverlag Gottingen 2012. ISBN: 978-3-86395-045-3; pp. 419-450(32) - Ronan, John.;
Hawthorne, Melville, and Emersonian Character. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (16:2), 2014, pp. 38-56(19) - Roselezam Wan Yahya and Taha, Susan.;
Interpreting Melville's Typee: A Victorian Age Journey to Understanding Savage and Civilized Societies. In: Pertanika; Journal of Soccial Science & Humanities, 21 (S): 2013, pp. 201 - 212 (12) - Rosenthal, Debra J.;
The Sentimental Appeal to Salvific Paternity in Uncle Tom's Cabin and Moby-Dick. In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language, (56:2), 2014, pp. 135-147(13) - Ruttenburg, Nancy.;
"The Silhouette of a Content": "Bartleby" and American Literary Specificity. In: Melville and aesthetics / edited by Samuel Otter and Geoffrey Sanborn. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-230-11379-4; pp. 137-155(19)
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- Salter, Sarah.;
Pure Language and Linguistic Purity: Translation, Fascism, Moby-Dick. In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 241-254(14) [ Contents] - Sami, G.;
The Power of Fiction: How Literature Educated and Reformed American Society. In: The Journal of Teaching Language Skills (JTLS), 3(2), Summer 2011, Ser. 63/4, pp. 135-154(20) - Sanborn, Geoffrey.;
Melville and the Nonhuman World. In: Levine, Robert S. (ed. and introd.), The New Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2014. xix, 255 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 10-21(12) [ Contents] - Savarese, Ralph James.;
Neurocosmopolitan Melville. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (15:2), 2013, pp. 7-19(13) - Savarese, Ralph James.;
"Organic Hesitancy": On Speechlessness in Billy Budd. In:Secret Sharers: Melville, Conrad and Narratives of the Real, red. Paweł Jędrzejko, Milton M. Reigelman, Zuzanna Szatanik. Zabrze: M-Studio, 2011, pp. 307-317(11) - Schapira, Benjamin Isaac & Somos, Mark.;
"Bonapartes and Sharks": The Political Philosophy of Herman Melville. In: Storia del pensiero politico, 2(Sept 2012), pp. 57-92(36) - Schneider, Erika.;
Melville and the Trope of the Starving American Artist in Rome. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (15:3), 2013, pp. 55-65(11) - Schultz, Elizabeth.;
The Exceptional Eighth International Melville Conference. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies (14:1) [Mar 2012] , pp. 101-104(4) - Schultz, Elizabeth A.;
Franco Fortunato's Mythic and Mystical Moby-Dick. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (15:3), 2013, pp. 27-40(14) - Schultz, Elizabeth.;
"From "Sea of Grass" to "Wire and Rail": Melville's Evolving Perspective on the Prairies. In: American Studies (Lawrence, KS) (52:1) 2012, pp. 31-47(17) - Semrau, Janusz.;
Betweem Habits of the Heart and Copulation of Cliches: Some Popular American Stories, Mores and Shibboleths. In: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia (47:2/3) Jun 2012, pp. 93-114(22) - Sepahvand, Hajiali.;
Decolonization in Herman Melville's Moby Dick. In: Theory and Practice in Language Studies (2:4) [Apr 2012], pp. 831-837(7) - Sepahvand, Hajiali:
Hybridity as Instrument of Decolonization in Herman Melville's Moby Dick. In: Theory and Practice in Language Studies (2:5) [May 2012], pp. 895-901(7) - Shannon, Gail.;
Melville in Montreal: The Archives of the Montreal Mercantile Library Association. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (14:2), 2012, pp. 44-53(10) - Shreve, Grant.;
The Shadows of Reconstruction: Marriage and Reunion in Melville's 'The Scout toward Aldie'. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (14:1), 2012, pp. 9-23(15) - Shukin, Nicole.;
Security Bonds: On Feeling Power and the Fiction of an Animal Governmentality. In: ESC 39.1 (March 2013), pp. 177-198(22) - Shulman, George.;
Chasing the Whale: Moby-Dick as Political Theory. In: Frank, Jason (ed. and introd.), Deneen, Patrick J. (foreword), A Political Companion to Herman Melville, Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2013. ix, 444 pp.(Political Companions to Great American Authors). pp. 70-108(39) [ Contents] - Shulman, George.;
A flight from the real? American literature and political theory. In: New Literary History: a journal of theory and interpretation (45:4) [Autumn 2014], pp. 549-573(25) - Silko, Leslie Marmon.;
Indian Hater, Indian Fighter, Indian Killer: Melville's Indictment of the 'New Nation' and the 'New World'. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (14:1), 2012, pp. 94-99(6) - Simonetti, Paolo.;
'Schooled by the Inhuman Sea': Maritime Imagination and the Discourses of Emancipation in Herman Melville's Clarel. In: Leonardo Buonomo and Elisabetta Vezzosi (edited by) "Discourses of Emancipation and the Boundaries of Freedom. Selected Papers from the 22nd AISNA Biennial International Conference", EUT Edizioni Universita di Trieste, 2015, ISBN: 978-88-8303-689-7; pp. 195-202(8) - Simonetti, Paolo.;
'Something Further May Follow': Melville's Legacy and Contemporary Adaptations of The Confidence-Man. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (15:3), 2013, pp. 117-130(14) - Snediker, Michael D.;
Melville and Queerness without Character. In: Levine, Robert S. (ed. and introd.), The New Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2014. xix, 255 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 155-168(14) - Spanos, William V.:
Herman Melville's Pierre; or, The Ambiguities and Jane Austen's Mansfield Park: the imperial violence of the novel of manners. In: Symploke (19:1/2) 2012, pp. 191-230(40) - Spanos, William V.;
Redeemer Nation and Apocalypse: Thinking the Exceptionalism of American Exceptionalism. In: Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory, (25:2), 2014, pp. 174-200(27) (In special issue: "Literary Counterhistories of US Exceptionalism".) . - Stritmatter, Roger; Anderson, Mark K; Stone, Elliott.;
Melville's Billy Budd and the Disguises of Authorship. In: New England Review (Middlebury College, VT) (36:1) 2015, pp. 100-131(32) - Strong, Tracy B.;
'Follow Your Leader': Benito Cereno and the Case of Two Ships. In: Frank, Jason (ed. and introd.), Deneen, Patrick J. (foreword), A Political Companion to Herman Melville, Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2013. ix, 444 pp.(Political Companions to Great American Authors). pp. 281-309(29) - Sugden, Edward.;
An Oceanic Modernity: Matthew Fontaine Maury, Ahab, and the White Whale. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (16:2), 2014, pp. 23-37 (16) - Sweet, Timothy.;
Battle-Pieces and Vernacular Poetics. In: Mickle Street Review, 21, Spring 2016, 29 pp.
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"Some men ride on such space": Olson's Call Me Ishmael, the Melville Revival, and the American Baroque. In: 49th Parallel, Vol. 31 (Spring 2013), 31 pp. - Tally, Robert T. Jr.;
Spatiality's Mirrors: Reflections on Literary Cartography. In: English Language and Literature, Vol. 61 No. 4 (2015), pp. 557-576(20) - Tamarkin, Elisa.;
Melville with Pictures. In: Levine, Robert S. (ed. and introd.), The New Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2014. xix, 255 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 169-186(18) [ Contents] - Taylor, Christopher.;
The Limbs of Empire: Ahab, Santa Anna, and Moby-Dick. In: American literature: A journal of literary history, criticism and bibliography, ISSN 0002-9831, Vol. 83, No 1, 2011, pags. 29-57(29) - Thomas, Leah.;
Cartographic and Literary Intersections: Digital Literary Cartographies, Digital Humanities, and Libraries and Archives. In: Journal of Map & Geography Libraries: Advances in Geospatial Information, Collections & Archives, 9(2013): 3, pp. 335-349(15) - Thompson, Corey Evan.;
Herman Melville's THE APPLE-TREE TABLE as Temperance Fiction. In: The Explicator, 71(2013): 2, pp. 135-139(5) - Thompson, Corey Evan.;
The Prodromal Phase of Alcoholism in Herman Melville's BARTLEBY, THE SCRIVENER and COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!, In: The Explicator, 71(2013): 4, pp. 275-280(6) - Thompson, Graham.;
'Bartleby' and the Magazine Fiction. In: Levine, Robert S. (ed. and introd.), The New Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville, Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2014. xix, 255 pp.(Cambridge Companions to Literature). pp. 99-112(14) - Thompson, Graham.;
'Through Consumptive Pallors of This Blank, Raggy Life': Melville's Not Quite White Working Bodies. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (14:2), 2012, pp. 25-43(19) - Toth, Josh.;
"What Miserable Friendlessness and Loneliness are Here Revealed": Touching Democracy in Melville's "Bartleby, the Scrivener". In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 121-132(12) [ Contents] - Unseth, Peter.;
Melville's Iroquois proverb: Where did it come from? In: GIALens Volume 8, No. 3, 2015, pp. 1-4(4)
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Using Illustrations from American Novels to Teach about Labor Markets. In: The Journal of Economic Education, Vol. 43, Issue 1, January 2012, pp. 72-82(11) - Vafa, Amirhossein.;
Call Me Fedallah: Reading a Proleptic Narrative in Moby-Dick. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (16:3), 2014, pp. 39-56(18) - Vanhoutte, Kristof K.P.;
Bartleby the Example and Eros the Idea of the Work: Some considerations on Giorgio Agamben's 'The idea of study. In: Educational Philosophy and Theory: Incorporating ACCESS, 46(2014): 4, pp. 393-405(13) - Vernon, Zackary.;
'Being Myriad, One': Melville and the Ecological Sublime in Faulkner's Go Down, Moses. In: Studies in the Novel, (46:1), 2014, pp. 63-82(20) - Vöö, Gabriell.;
Of waters and deserts : the metamorphosis of a symbol in Herman Melville's Clarel. In: Annales, Series Historia et Sociologia, vol. 21(2011), no. 1, pp. 1-10(10) - Wallace, Robert K.;
From Ancient Rome to Modern Italy: Italian Art in Melville's Print Collection. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (15:3), 2013, pp. 41-54(14) - Welten, Ruud.;
Paul Gauguin and the complexity of the primitivist gaze, In: Journal of Art Historiography Number 12 June 2015, pp. 1-13(13) - Werner, Marta L.;
Three American Poets: Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and Herman Melville [Review Essay]. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies (14:2) [Jun 2012], p.81-87(7) - Woods, Derek John.;
Knowing When You're in Terra Incognita: Mapping, Vision, and Orientation in Ishmael's Anatomies. In: Leviathan, (14:3), 2012, pp. 25-41(17) - Wright, Paul M.;
Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the Conference on Melville and Whitman in Washington. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, (16:1) [Mar 2014], pp.160-163(4) - Yang, Jincai.;
The Critical Reception of Herman Melville in China. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies , (14:2), 2012, pp. 54-67(14) - Yothers, Brian.;
Melville and Americanness: A Special Issue. In: Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies (16:3) [Oct 2014], pp. 1-4(4) - Yothers, Brian.:
Speaking of Religion in Nineteenth Century American Literature. [Review Essays]. In: Studies in the Novel (47:1) 2015, pp 116-120(5) - Zangari, Sostene M.;
Melville's Typee: Toward the Poetics of Hybridity. In: Polish Journal for American Studies, vol. 8(2014), pp. 33-49(17) - Zlatic, Thamos D.;
Melville's "Pale Glory": Versions of Heroism in "Naples in the Time of Bomba.". In: Facing Melville, Facing Italy: Democracy, Politics, Translation, ed. by J. Bryant, G. Mariani, G. Poole. Editrice Sapienza. 2014. pp. 55-68(14) [ Contents]
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